Athermal glazing: an alternative to air conditioners and split systems

Ordinary glass freezes, sweats or “cries”, transmits ultraviolet radiation, and cannot provide the appropriate level of protection. These disadvantages can be eliminated by introducing silver ions and iron oxide into the composition. The resulting glass acquires increased performance characteristics and heat resistance, a bluish or greenish tint, and a tinting effect. Glazing carried out using this material is called athermal. It provides a high degree of protection from sunlight, resistance to freezing and fogging.

Characteristic features of athermal glazing

The technology involves the use of glass with special additives - silver ions and iron oxide, endowed with a high heat absorption coefficient and having excellent heat-shielding properties. They “absorb” infrared radiation, distribute it evenly into the surrounding external space, and reflect ultraviolet radiation. The glazed space remains protected from absorbed and reflected heat. Some people mistake athermal glazing for tinting, which is absolutely wrong. The technology for introducing additives into a hot glass mass appeared much later, is more high-tech, and requires the creation and maintenance of special conditions. Athermal glass is produced using the latest modern equipment, which entails a much higher cost, but also completely different improved properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of athermal glass for cars

When you see a car with an unusual shade of glass, the question arises - what is it? Greenish or blue shades indicate athermal glazing of the car.

Athermal glass is ordinary glass, to which special impurities are added during manufacturing. Additives to the composition give the glass the ability to reflect the excess heat of the sun from it in summer, which reduces the heating of parts of the interior. And in winter, athermal glass does not allow heat to escape from the car, does not become covered with an icy crust that cannot be scraped off, and does not fog up.

The technology for manufacturing athermal glass is quite labor-intensive and expensive. Only companies of a certain status and capabilities can engage in such a process. But, despite the difficulties, large foreign and well-known Russian car factories have already mastered this procedure and offer consumers to purchase a car with athermal glazing or replace existing ordinary glass with it.

The content of the article

How is athermal glass made?

Automotive athermal glass

During the production process, a composition is added to the glass mass in a certain way and in proportions, which includes silver ions and iron oxides. Due to the use of noble metals, athermal glass acquires a variety of shades from greenish, blue and violet to brown or even chameleon shade.

Adding unusual impurities to the glass composition does not impair the safety of athermal glass. It is also multi-layered in structure and when deformed, all small particles of glass do not fly out of it, but remain in the plane of the glass, which meets safety requirements.

What does athermal glazing on a car mean?

Frontal and front-side glazing can be athermal. By and large, it is from these glasses that the greatest heating of the car interior comes from. Rarely, athermal glass is installed on the rear side doors and on the rear window. The production of such unusual glasses is specific, so the price for athermal glazing of the entire car will be quite significant. Athermal glass has all the properties of ordinary glass, but many useful and pleasant aspects are added to them.

Athermal glazing is:

  • increased protection of glass from heat. Thanks to this, the upholstery, steering wheel and front panel will not overheat excessively;
  • Significant reduction in light glare. This improves the quality of driving, since road visibility becomes better and you don’t have to constantly squint, your eyes get less tired;
  • an unusual type of car with glass of a greenish-blue or purple tint. This is due to the nature of the reagents mixed into the composition. Due to this intervention, during the long operation of athermal glass, it is highly durable and more durable, the surface of the glass does not fade in the sun;
  • clear, contrasting image behind glass with true color rendition;
  • frosting and fogging of glass brought to a minimum in the winter months;
  • saving money. Due to low heat transfer in summer, the air conditioning system does not work at full capacity, and in frosty times the stove requires less power to heat and maintain a warm atmosphere. Fuel consumption is reduced by reducing or completely turning off the stove and air conditioning, and the money saved can be spent on more useful needs. In addition, the engine components will last much longer.

How not to be deceived when choosing athermal glass?

Athermal windshield

Entrepreneurs, whose main goal is to extract material benefits rather than satisfy the buyer's needs, counterfeit athermal glass or simply offer tinted glass instead of real glass.

Methods for checking the quality of athermality on glass:

  • The main feature of real athermal glass is the application of Tined or Overtined stamps in the lower corner. Such marks must be clearly written, not blurred, and easily readable. Tined claims 81% light transmittance and has a light green tint. If the stamp is Overtined, it means the light transmittance is 78.5% and the glass is green.

    Thus, if in front of you is glass with a blurry and unreadable stamp or this mark is missing altogether, this is 100% fake.

  • Due to complex production using high-quality equipment, all edges and sides of athermal glass are clear, smooth, and without nicks. Otherwise, at the slightest defect in the edge, you have a fake;
  • Comparing the shadow of the glass with itself. If you place athermal glass on the ground, its shadow will be darker than the glass itself.

Advantages of athermal car glazing

Thermal glazing of the windshield will highlight your car and increase the comfort of movement. Athermal glass of unusual shades will add expressiveness and complete the image of the car.

In the summer, with such glazing, you won’t have to sit in the car as if it were a “stove”, due to the reflection of UV rays. And in cold weather you won’t have to freeze, scrubbing and sweating the glass, since athermal glass will retain heat in the cabin, reducing the operating time of the stove and air conditioner.

When you decide to purchase a windshield, remember that it really costs money and it is impossible to buy high-quality athermal glass cheaply. In addition to the high cost, you may encounter only one more small problem. Since mixtures of noble metals are added to athermal glass, while it is multi-layered and strong, the glass filter transmits the anti-radar signal very poorly.

Difference from tinting

It is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish between tinted and athermal glass. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should pay attention to the following signs that allow you to identify a material containing elements of noble metals:

  • Hue . The surface always gives off a slight greenish tone. If it does not have the appropriate shade, then the buyer is faced with tinting.
  • Quality . A flawlessly finished edge that can only be achieved through the use of high-tech equipment. In “handicraft” conditions it is simply impossible to achieve this.
  • Presence of divorces . Looking at athermal glass through polarized sunglasses, you can see clear streaks similar to those on the surface of spilled gasoline.

There is another surefire way to make sure that the buyer is looking at real branded glass. It is necessary to place the material in the sun. If the shadow is darker than the glass, then it is athermal.

Athermal window tinting

Currently, many building owners are thinking about improving the appearance of their buildings by transforming the facade. The cheapest and most profitable way to achieve these conditions is to tint the facade. In this case, not only a beautiful structure is obtained, but also a building in the premises of which optimal temperature conditions are maintained all year round. Self-application of the film often leads to short-term and incorrect use of the film, so it is better to seek help from the professional specialists of our company.

athermal film is applied quickly and efficiently, thanks to the use of the latest means of achieving this result. Athermal tinting of buildings is performed by an experienced team of workers who are well versed in this field and will be able to provide any assistance in this work. Heat-reflecting athermal film maintains optimal temperature conditions in the room. Ceramic film prevents harmful solar radiation from entering the premises, which preserves the interior decoration and furniture in its original form for many years.

Athermal film includes 2 layers:

  • multilayer polyester;
  • strong glue.

As a result of joining athermal tinting, a thin layer of coating is obtained, which gives the windows strength and resistance to UV exposure. The rich color range of tinted solutions allows you to adapt the building's windows to the design of any premises, and also allows for the possibility of varying the exterior design of the building. When applying ceramic film to the glass of buildings, it is possible to maintain the microclimate of the premises in proper condition, thanks to the neutralization of ultraviolet exposure.

The use of athermal film allows the building owner to save on the use of ventilation systems due to the natural decrease in temperature in the premises. Often, owners of shopping centers are faced with high costs for air conditioning premises in the summer, however, by applying an athermal film coating, the costs of regulating the temperature regime in the building can be significantly reduced. Based on all of the above, we can judge that the costs of athermal tinting are logically justified and will be compensated after the first year of using the athermal film.

How to order athermal film for building windows

Very simple:

  • Leave a request at [email protected] or by phone +7 .
  • We'll call you back and arrange a visit to you to measure your glass.
  • We will answer all questions regarding the choice of armored film.
  • We will agree with you on the day and time of the work.
  • We will provide a guarantee for the work performed

To order delivery and installation of athermal film on the windows of buildings in Moscow, please call: +7 (962) 929-90-19

Application area

Glazing using athermal technology is used in two directions at once:

  1. Cars . Glass in vehicles becomes the main cause of heating and creating unfavorable conditions in the cabin. In the off-season they often fog up. Athermal glass allows you to avoid spending money on installing additional reflectors and always feel comfortable in your own salon.
  2. Buildings and structures, balconies and loggias . In the hot season, such glass protects rooms from heating, and in winter, on the contrary, prevents cooling. A comfortable microclimate is not the only advantage of such glazing. The technology allows significant savings on heating and cooling of the room.

Thus, athermal glazing is used in the construction of large commercial real estate projects, the construction of private sector houses, and the improvement of balconies in new and already commissioned high-rise buildings.

Options: athermal, heating, etc.

Our company provides its customers with a unique service of individual selection of options when ordering glass: color, painting, heating, thickness, etc. Now you don’t have to choose “from what is available.” You can get glass that best suits your wishes. Check out the available options and, when ordering, indicate those you need.

Here is a list of available options:

Glass color

The option is available for glass manufactured using triplex technology. The color is determined by the polymer film that is placed between the glasses. There are 2 options here:

Colorless glass. The polymer film between the glasses is completely transparent. The light transmission of such glass is about 88%.

Glass with a greenish tint. Light transmission is at least 75%. The polymer film absorbs a significant portion of ultraviolet rays and scatters some of the infrared radiation. This type of glass is also called “determal”


Our clients sometimes ask for athermal glass for a car, meaning glass with a characteristic violet-blue tint. We do not produce such glass.

Glass tinting

Glass tinting with a special film is used for side and rear windows.


Painted with dots. It is carried out using the silk-screen printing method, which is why silk-screen printing is popularly called any painted outline on glass. The dots have no practical meaning - it is simply believed that glass looks more beautiful with dots. This is how we paint the most popular glass.

For glass with small production volumes, it is not economically feasible to produce a silk-screen frame. These glasses are produced with an even paint contour. It should be noted that recently the feasibility and aesthetics of painting “with dots” has been called into question. Land Rover, Mazda, Ford and other manufacturers have already completely or partially abandoned paint contour dots.

For glass with an even paint contour, if appropriate, a special paint is applied in the upper part using silk-screen printing. It does not allow sunlight to penetrate between the lowered sun visors, covers the mirror from sunlight and can mask alarm sensors, antennas and other devices located in the upper part of the glass.

Glass thickness

The standard thickness of a windshield for a passenger car is 4.76 - 4.96 mm. This size consists of the thickness of 2 glasses of 2.0 - 2.1 mm. and a polymer film between them, 0.76 mm thick.

At your request, we can make the glass thicker, for example, assemble it according to the following scheme: glass 3 mm. + film 0.76 mm. + glass 2 mm. = 5.76 mm. However, before ordering glass of non-standard thickness, analyze all possible negative consequences: increased glass weight, protrusion beyond the thickness dimensions, replacement of molding, and others.

Electric glass heating

This option is very popular with our clients. It is possible to produce glass with full heating or heating of certain zones, for example the rest zone of windshield wipers. For large windows, you can heat the viewing area of ​​the exterior rear view mirrors.

You can read more about heated glass in the article “Electrically heated glass.”

Benefits of technology

Athermal glazing of buildings and structures has many positive properties:

  • degree of absorption of IR and UV up to 50%;
  • changes in color intensity at different lighting powers;
  • resistance to freezing and fogging;
  • protection of furniture and decorated surfaces from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • possibility of continuous glazing.

In a car showroom, this technology demonstrates the following advantages over regular and tinted glass:

  • reduces damage from direct sunlight;
  • reduces the heating of the front panel by half;
  • allows you not to use the car air conditioner;
  • increases driving safety on sunny days;
  • makes staying in the cabin and driving as comfortable as possible.

These technology advantages have made this glazing quite popular and in demand.

Manufacturing technology

Many motorists confuse athermal glazing with other technologies, among which it is necessary to highlight tinting or covering the glass with a special film. In fact, the manufacturing method stands out significantly from methods that are better known to a wider audience.

The manufacturing technology of athermal glass is distinguished by its complexity. It requires the use of special high-tech factory equipment, which is not used for the production of conventional products. That is why currently only a small number of companies produce glass of this type.

Do not confuse athermal glazing with glass film coating

The essence of making athermal glass is to add a certain amount of special additives to the molten mass. They contain two main components, which ultimately provide the corresponding properties and positive qualities. Among them, experts distinguish iron oxides and silver ions. This is why the athermal glazing of a car takes on a bluish or, more often, a greenish tint. If you look at it through polarized glasses, you can see the color violet.

Until recently, athermal glass was not produced. Many companies were engaged in the production of only special athermal films. They also have high energy-saving properties, but have a completely different formation technology. This is due to the fact that such products consist of a large number of layers, sometimes reaching 200 units. Each of them blocks a certain percentage of radiation, as a result of which only a small part of it reaches the surface of the glass. That is why athermal films are used primarily not for tinting, but to block thermal energy that can penetrate into the vehicle interior.

Are there any disadvantages?

The technology also has disadvantages. They concern athermal glazing of vehicles. Not all cars are suitable for installing such glass. Some brands of cars, given the demand for this technology, are already produced with athermal glazing.

The main disadvantage of the technology is that the material negatively affects the operation of some devices. Such glass especially has a negative effect on navigators, which may show not entirely correct data. Some gadget functions may become disrupted and require re-setting.

Disadvantages of heat-reflecting products

Even super competent athermal tinting of windows in an apartment, store, or office will not save you in case of violation of building codes: during the season, the defective property will still be like a steam bath or a refrigerator.

The second “minus” is slight specularity, i.e. glare in metallized samples. For some, “sunbeams” jumping on the windows are absolutely unacceptable.

And the metals present in the top layer shield radio signals, which is why phones and receiving electronic equipment “slow down.” Options with carbon (graphite) and ceramic particles do not suffer from such flaws.

Finally, the cost. If you are lucky enough to find an excellent athermal film and a craftsman with “golden hands”, be prepared to pay quite a hefty sum. Yes, it will be cheaper than spraying nanoparticles or buying ready-made low-emissivity glass: our starting price starts at 400 rubles per linear meter, and installation starts at 670 rubles.

Types of athermal glazing

The technology does not always involve the use of glass with the addition of additives. There is another type of athermal glazing - the use of a special film material. It is a special polyester film that has undergone metal processing, covered with a dielectric coating and multi-layer coating of noble metals. Athermal film is essentially a selective mirror.

The main feature of this coating is the self-adhesive base. The film is intended for fixing to ordinary glass. The gluing of athermal coating is carried out exclusively from the inside of the premises and the car interior. The film reflects 100% ultraviolet radiation, “absorbs” and then releases about 92% of infrared rays. The material is available in many different shades.

Athermal films

If additives are added to the glass mass during its production, then athermal films are glued to the finished glass. This is a multilayer polyester film with a dielectric coating and metallized coating (particles of gold and silver), which plays the role of a selective mirror.

Such films are self-adhesive and are intended for gluing to glass from the inside (from the side of the room or car interior).

They transmit a significant part of the visible spectrum radiation (except for tinted ones), while reflecting up to 100% of ultraviolet radiation and absorbing a significant part (41-92%) of infrared radiation. Such films can have different shades.

  • AIR 75 Solartek transmits 75% of visible light, while absorbing 90% of thermal energy and reflecting 99% of ultraviolet radiation.
  • JOHNSON IR 70 is a film with a smoky tint, transmits 73% of visible light, absorbs 47% of IR radiation, reflects 100% of UV radiation.
  • Sun Control ICE COOL 70 is a bluish and greenish film that transmits 72% of visible light, absorbs 92% of IR radiation, and reflects 100% of UV radiation.
  • Sun Control ICE COOL 80 is a bluish and greenish film that transmits 78% of visible light, absorbs 78% of IR radiation, and reflects 100% of UV radiation.
  • Armolan Spectrum 80 is a bluish film that transmits 80% of visible light, absorbs 41% of IR radiation, and reflects 97% of UV radiation.
  • USB Nano Blue 60 is a bluish film that transmits 46% of visible light, absorbs 64% of IR radiation, and reflects 90% of UV radiation.
  • ULTRA VISION “Chameleon” is a film with a base purple color and a wide range of shades to choose from, transmits 73-83% of visible light, absorbs 69% of IR radiation, and reflects 100% of UV radiation.

Athermal glazing - film or double glazing?

The choice between film or double-glazed windows is dictated by possibilities and wishes. If glazing is carried out, it is better to immediately choose athermal technology. When double-glazed windows have already been installed and replacement is not expected, the optimal solution will be to choose a film. Another important point to consider when choosing between double-glazed windows and film is who will carry out the installation.

It is not recommended to install glass yourself. This work should be entrusted to professional companies with a good reputation that sell certified products. Even a high-quality double-glazed window, if the installation technology is violated, will not bring the desired effect, and the potential of this type of glazing will not be fully revealed.

It's easier with film. It is self-adhesive and can be installed by hand. The glass is pre-washed, and then they begin to glue the film from the center, smoothing it towards the edges, removing bubbles with a spatula. Of course, this method is only suitable when there is no need to replace glass. As a rule, constructed buildings already include athermal professional glazing.

Why film and not other methods?

Because athermal films are convenient, functional and relatively inexpensive. Let's compare films with two alternatives:

  • sputtering metal atoms (silver, iron, etc.) onto glass;
  • special components in glass.

Spraying, as well as the production of special heat-insulated glass, is a labor-intensive and stationary process. Both types of work cannot be done at the location of the office or apartment: only in factory conditions.

Unlike athermal film, which is installed without removing the frame, spraying and special glass are more expensive. The difference in price is 2, or even 3 times.

So why waste time and money if you can get the same result using the appropriate film tinting?

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