How I made removable frames for old windows so that it would be warm in winter and not stuffy in summer

Today, more and more often you can find Finnish wooden windows in houses.
The increase in popularity can be explained by the fact that these window designs combine several factors: prestige, environmental friendliness, functionality, comfort.

In the article we will discuss all the features of Finnish windows, design, characteristics, requirements for blocks. What criteria should be used to choose, how to install correctly, as well as the average price in Russia.

What it is?

In their design, Finnish wooden windows resemble old classic models with two sashes . The Finnish version is made using a similar method, but using new mechanisms and materials, and consists of a frame with two doors, fastened together by a special mechanism that, if necessary, allows them to open simultaneously.

There is also an option with two frames that are attached to one another. All types of Finnish windows have a swing mechanism for opening the sashes.

When is it advisable to install them?

Finnish basic models were created for installation in wooden houses, in which they look very harmonious, regardless of what material was used to build the house: timber or rounded logs.
Similar structures can be installed in high-rise buildings, offices, various institutions, as well as at production facilities.

However, due to the high cost and maintenance features, windows using Finnish technology today can be seen mainly in private cottages .

Overall satisfied with the result

There were no difficulties with fitting the outer binding. But I was in a hurry with the installation of the glass frame.

When securing the lintels and glazing bead to the base frame, the binding deviated from the given shape. That is, it turned out to be impossible to insert a finished window.

As a result, I had to remove the interfering protrusions with a grinder and sandpaper. To avoid a similar situation with the next frame, I decided to glaze directly in the opening.

It turned out great, now easily removing/installing the window does not cause me any difficulties.

What would you do based on the surrounding conditions, a meager financial balance and short deadlines?

Construction of window blocks

Today you can find models very similar to Finnish ones, but the original Finnish window can be easily distinguished from a copy. The peculiarity of such a window is 2 rows of sashes, which are connected to each other and swing open in the same plane into the room.

The original Finnish design has two types of glazing :

  1. external - single
  2. internally – double.

This model operates in one mode – rotary. The classic design of these windows does not include a tilt-and-turn mechanism.

For ventilation, the Finnish window has ventilation holes with filters . Air from the street first enters the space between the frames, and then into the room. Also, vents or transoms can be provided to ventilate the window. The windows have opening limiters that hold the sash in the open position.

Another distinctive feature of the original Finnish model is the visor located in the upper part of the window and the holders under it. But today models with visors are rare.

Standard, summer and winter modes of plastic windows

The standard mode assumes the middle position of pressing the sash.
This means that the eccentric will be located in the middle. A window structure installed in this mode is, in most cases, capable of operating effectively both in winter and summer.

This ensures an optimal level of compression of the sealing material.

In winter mode, windows are characterized by a tighter fit of the sash to the frame. Thanks to this, during the cold season, metal-plastic structures effectively retain heat, keeping it indoors.

Summer mode is characterized by less tight fixation of the sash. In this position, air flows freely circulate between the environment and the room. In other words, a micro-ventilation effect is ensured, due to which optimal microclimatic conditions are maintained in hot weather.

Note! Using the summer mode allows you to weaken the sashes as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the condition of metal-plastic windows that have survived a long winter. At the same time, it remains possible to protect the room from dirt, dust and heat.

Types of frames with double-glazed windows

This Finnish model is made of wood.
It was the wooden structure that became the basis for various modern modifications. The wood that is traditionally used for the production of Finnish window frames is oak, larch and pine. But there are samples made of ash and mahogany.

To extend the service life and preserve the aesthetic appearance of the window frame, water-based paint and premium varnish are used.

only wood is used to make windows . This material “breathes”, is environmentally friendly and retains heat perfectly. Indoors, wooden windows maintain a comfortable microclimate; condensation does not form on the windows.

In addition to wooden window frames, combined and plastic models began to be produced using Finnish methods. Combined models are coated with aluminum on the outside to make the outside of the window frame more resistant to external weather conditions, while maintaining the appearance and attractiveness of the original model.

This combination involves the use of two materials in manufacturing - wood and aluminum.

Combined samples can be made in 3 options:

  1. Only the outer doors are made of aluminum, while the frame and the rest are made of wood.
  2. Only the frame is made of aluminum profile, and both doors are made of wood. The outer side has metal lining.
  3. The frame and both doors are closed from the outside with an aluminum profile

The metal profile is firmly fixed to the wood base and forms a single whole with it, thanks to the fact that the manufacturer uses special locking connections for fastening wood and aluminum profiles.

Plastic structures made using Finnish technology are produced in 2 types:

  • one common frame and 2 doors;
  • design of 2 frames, which are fastened to one another with a special profile.

The opening method for Finnish windows is the same - 2 hinged sashes, which have the following features :

  • the internal doors are equipped with double-glazed windows, which increases heat and sound insulation compared to double-leaf structures with one glass;
  • external and internal sashes are interconnected, which simplifies the operations of opening and closing the window, since both rows of sashes can be opened simultaneously;
  • for ventilation, the structure can be equipped with a window or transom.

The OknaBau company offers double windows of European and domestic production.

Reliable sound insulation

The double frame is a double obstacle to noise from the street. Therefore, double wooden windows become a real salvation for houses located on busy streets and avenues, especially on their lower floors.

Barrier to the cold

The space between the frames creates an additional air gap, which helps to significantly increase the thermal insulation value of a wooden window. High-quality fittings, modern seals and sealants will also become a barrier to wind and frost.


Double glazing is indispensable for cases where it is necessary to install windows with historical authenticity, for example, for the restoration of ancient buildings. But also suitable for retro style interiors. To create a finished look, bronze-colored fittings are used.

Wide functionality

Despite the unusual design of the double window, it fully complies with all the functionality standards of the most modern windows. You can choose a product with a set of standard functions, as well as some additional features - mosquito nets, built-in blinds, etc.

Large selection of materials

You can order wooden windows with double frames from any type of wood presented on our website. But it is preferable to use harder varieties, such as oak, beech, eucalyptus, mahogany, etc.


The technical characteristics of Finnish wooden windows with two frames are also suitable for any home: they are beautiful and practical. Thanks to the presence of two independent doors, an air space is formed between them, which helps retain heat and improves sound insulation.

The double-frame design consists of two frames fastened together and two doors that swing inward.

Thanks to special fittings, the two sashes operate independently of each other and are conveniently combined when closing the window. The two halves of the doors can open together or separately.

Finnish wooden windows with two frames retain heat perfectly. This is achieved thanks to the wood material, special design, cross-section of the frame, type of glazing, and seals.

The depth of the window frame ranges from 110 to 230 mm. The frame can be made of solid wood, but modern models are made of three-layer laminated timber with a thickness of 130-210 mm. For the manufacture of sashes, two-layer timber with a thickness of 46 mm is used.

The moisture content of the wood used should not be more than 11-14% . The outer sash is thinner than the inner one; glass 4-6 mm thick is used for its glazing. The internal one is thicker and equipped with double-glazed windows (single-chamber or double-chamber). Between them there is an air space, the presence of which contributes to good sound and heat insulation.

The peculiarity of Finnish double-frame windows is that they are ideal for installation in old buildings.

Double frame windows.

Hello. I discussed the topic of double-frame glazing at the forumhouse, including with some participants in this forum. There is an understanding on many parameters, but on many issues opinions are divided. Maybe there are those here who already have experience working with double-frame windows, so perhaps some things have already been tried and there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

There is a built box of a one-story energy-efficient house with a flat roof and 65 cm walls, a heated area of ​​125 m2. Heat loss at -20C is calculated to be a little more than 4 kW. without recuperator. The house has 6 window openings 170*190 cm and one opening 100*125 cm. The orientation of the windows is in the picture. In all rooms, the ratio of glass area to room area is more than 1 to 10 (in the kitchen it is 1 to 11). The heating is planned to be water wall heating (warm floors on the walls), heating the coolant with electricity using a night tariff and a heat accumulator. According to my estimates, none of the designs of my house are particularly profitable at the moment. That is, having made the design simpler and cheaper with weaker insulation, I would probably have been paying for heating for a long time with the money saved. But I initially decided to reduce heat loss to the maximum where I would not have to spend a lot of money on reduction, because I want to reduce my dependence on future increases in prices for heating sources. Therefore, ALL decisions in my home in the field of energy saving have a certain motivation: the lowest possible heat loss, but not at any cost, but for the most comfortable amount for me. According to the windows, my guidelines are 1.5 m2°C/W. If I can find a technologically simple option for reasonable money, then I would consider it. I suggest the following:

1. Two separate products in one window opening and both open inward. Those. the internal window should have dimensions of approximately 166 * 186 cm, and the external window should open inside the internal one and its dimensions should be approximately 162 * 182 cm. Below is a picture of the principle diagram of a double-frame window and my internal window with dimensions (the large sash will open once a year to wash).

2. On the external window there is a single-chamber double-glazed window without spraying in a profile of 60-70 mm. The internal window has a double-chamber double-glazed window 44-52 mm. with spraying and 80 mm profile. and more.

3. Because in this way gain 1.5 m2°C/W. If it doesn’t work, then in the space between the windows, make inter-frame blinds from 120 micron lavsan, with an applied layer of aluminum applied on both sides, raised and lowered by a drum mechanism. If you can’t find these, then some kind of analogue. This option seems to be more profitable than roller shutters, which can add 0.2-0.25 m2°C/W. , because There is no wind load on the inter-window screen with all that it entails.

4. Because I plan to use wall heating with 10 mm pipes, then I can make an inter-window space of 150 mm, drive a water heating loop into it and fill it with cement-sand screed. Those. There will be a mini heated floor in the space between the windows, which will need to be cut off from the outer frame with insulation. According to my estimates, one hinge on my window will give 35 W. heat input. This is not free heat, but heating it at night will be inexpensive. But the economics here are unclear: will there be any benefit due to heating the space between the windows or not?

5. The link to the files contains Pilkington double-glazed windows, but whether they are available in Russia and how much products with such double-glazed windows cost is unclear.

That's all. We discussed other options, including passing warm room air between the windows and then removing it to the street, but there are disadvantages. Firstly, I already have a brick oven, which means forced exhaust is not the best option. And secondly, the inflow should be into the living quarters, and the exhaust from the kitchen, bathroom, boiler room. And in this option, the hood will come from the living quarters, which is not good.

I am attaching a link to several files that we discussed (they don’t fit here, so I uploaded them to Yandex disk).

I would be grateful for ideas and advice. With all respect, Andrew.

Modified on December 9, 2022 by a991ru

Requirements for a two-frame system

Since wood is a natural material, it needs protection to increase its service life. In order for the product not to deteriorate for as long as possible and to have an attractive appearance, it must be properly processed and covered with 2 layers of acrylic paint and varnish. This will protect the wood from temperature changes, frost, and sunlight, extending the service life of the window.

Finnish wooden windows must be processed according to all rules, processing is carried out in the following order :

  • the wooden frame is coated with a primer;

  • the surface of the frame is polished;
  • apply the 2nd layer of primer;
  • re-grind the surface;
  • the window frame is covered with 2 layers of waterproof enamel;
  • final coating with varnish.

Installation of a finished double glazed window

After the window is completely ready, it must be inserted into the block and secured in the grooves. Use self-tapping screws for fastening. Their length should be such that they enter the wall through the box. It is most convenient to use a mounting gun to perform this task. It is enough to “load” it with metal dowels and simply shoot the product against the wall.

All seams and cracks must be sealed. For this, polyurethane foam is used. Sold in cylinders, it is more convenient if you have a special gun for working with this material. Finally, the window sill and ebb are installed. After this, slopes are made. You can simply plaster the surface, or you can install plastic or plasterboard products; here, focus on your own preferences and budget. Good luck!

Rules and tips for choosing

When choosing, it is very important to consider the following points:

  1. When choosing a Finnish wooden window, the first thing you should do is find a trusted manufacturer.
  2. Next, pay attention to the material from which the window is made. The best choice would be a window made of oak, larch or pine.
  3. Recently, solid wood is rarely used for the manufacture of windows; the most popular and practical material is three-layer laminated veneer lumber. When choosing timber, you should pay attention to the thickness of the profile; it should not be thinner than 79 mm. There should be no unevenness or cracks on the wooden frame.
  4. The surface of a wooden window structure must be carefully sanded and painted.
  5. The glass unit of the internal frame can be either single-chamber or double-chamber.

Preparing tools for work

In order to make double glazing, you will need a whole list of tools and materials. A wooden window frame can be assembled from glued or completely dried wood. You can also use ordinary plywood for this purpose.

To make double glazing you will need: a hammer, a chisel, an electric planer, etc.

The tools for the job are the most basic. They can be found in the pantry of almost any apartment or house. Prepare the following:

  1. Hammer.
  2. Chisel.
  3. Electric planer.
  4. Milling cutter.
  5. Saw.

If desired, you can even do without a milling cutter and plane. Even when these tools simply didn't exist yet, people were able to do double glazing successfully.

For materials, prepare the following:

  1. Plywood, timber or wood.
  2. Glass.
  3. Metal corners.
  4. Wood glue.
  5. Sealant.

If the frame will be assembled from boards, experts recommend using material measuring 5x15 cm. In the case of timber, the most optimal section is 5x5 cm.

Installation features

A distinctive feature of installing such windows is that the window sill is installed first. The basis for the window sill is a cement pad. The thickness of the window sill is 50 mm, so it can be easily secured with dowels.

In a brick house, a Finnish window is installed on mounting blocks . First, the support blocks are installed, and then the spacer blocks. The window frame is installed in such a way that the pads are not too tight to the frame.

After leveling the position of the frame and securing it in the window opening, the pads are removed - first the spacer pads, and then the support pads. Construction silicone is applied along the entire perimeter of the frame and in the recesses to secure the structure more firmly. After the silicone hardens, all cracks are filled with polyurethane foam. The final stage is hanging the sashes.

When installing windows in a wooden house, you should take into account that a new house will certainly shrink over time, which can warp the window frame. To prevent frame deformation when installing windows, a technology called casing is used.

The principle of the frame is that the window block is fixed into the log structure using a tongue-and-groove connection and ensures that even when the house subsides, the window frame does not change its position.

Thanks to this method, the structure is located inside a rigid window opening, no external forces act on the frame, and it retains its geometric shape.

Wooden window frames are heavy, so their installation requires professionalism and care. The success of the installation depends on how accurately the measurements of the window opening were taken. It is better not to install such window structures yourself.

Installing glass into the frame

Scheme of installing a double-glazed window into a frame.

Before you begin installing the glass, you need to place a small amount of sealant and a gasket on the corner of the frame. Enough sealant is needed so that excess does not protrude during glass installation. Direct installation of glass is carried out one by one. Try not to smear them, because in the future you will no longer be able to get inside the glass unit to remove dirt.

Assemble the box according to one of the instructions given earlier. The simplest and therefore most frequently used method is assembly from planed boards 5x15 cm.

It is enough to give it an L-shape, cut it into 4 parts according to the size of the box and connect it using tenons and grooves. To avoid future violations of shapes and sizes, make all angles strictly equal to 90 degrees.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Excellent heat and sound insulation.

  2. Resistant to various precipitation and temperature changes.
  3. Presence of natural ventilation of the room.
  4. Possibility of installing blinds between the frame sashes.
  5. Wide window frame.
  6. Long service life in harsh climates.

Among the minuses:

  • require regular maintenance in the form of updating the paintwork;
  • high price of products.

Old and modern windows

New double frame solid oak window. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Previously, in order to transmit less heat to the street, windows were made of several frames. Nowadays it is customary to make windows in one frame, and double-glazed windows are used to protect against the cold.

“Old” double-frame windows actually have several advantages: they provide constant ventilation of the room due to the cracks (this was actually intended), have a low price (if made from ordinary pine), and can easily last for decades. Cons: poor sound insulation and too much ventilation in winter (if there are no seals), two frames “lose” in the interior against single-frame windows.

All other windows are more modern, because... use double glazed windows and seals. The advantages that manufacturers’ advertising texts boast of - noise insulation, thermal insulation - are actually the merit of double-glazed windows and seals; these advantages practically do not depend on the profile material. The materials (wood, PVC, warm aluminum) are more or less similar in insulation characteristics, and the percentage of their area in the total window area is insignificant!

By the way, if you insert a double-glazed window into one of the frames of a double-frame window and glue the seals, then the entire window unit will have excellent heat-insulating properties.

How to determine which mode of plastic windows is set: winter or summer

Before adjusting plastic windows for the winter, you should determine in what position the fittings are installed. There are several ways to help you find out how the sash is placed. In each case, the technique depends on the shape of the trunnion.

How to determine the winter mode of plastic windows before adjusting the fittings:

  • Take a sheet of paper.
  • It is placed between the sash and the window frame so that one of the ends remains on the side of the room.
  • The window closes.
  • Then you should pull the sheet towards you.
  • If the paper passes easily, it means that the structure is set for operation in summer mode. Otherwise it will break.

Helpful advice! Manufacturers of metal-plastic structures advise using windows in summer mode all year round. If there is no reason to switch to the winter position of the sash, this procedure is not necessary.

In addition, there is a way to visually determine whether winter mode is installed on plastic windows; photo examples with markings can be easily found on the Internet. According to this method, it is necessary to find a marking in the form of a dash, asterisk or dot on the round pin.

Next, you need to determine the direction of this mark. If the marking points towards the room, it means that the windows are set to summer operation. If the mark faces the street, then the design is set to winter mode.

Trunnions are not only round, but also oval. The operating mode in this case is determined by the nature of the eccentric placement.

If it is turned vertically, then the windows are set for summer weather. In a horizontal position, the trunnion presses the sash as tightly as possible to the frame, which indicates winter mode.

Having determined the position of the sash, you can move on to solving the question of how to switch the windows to winter mode; video instructions describing this procedure are presented in large quantities on the Internet.


Why is it necessary to adjust plastic windows for summer and winter modes?

Switching from one mode to another allows you to keep the window structure in a functional state and extend its service life. Adjustment involves changing the degree of fit of the sash to the window frame.

In the winter season, the insulation material contracts, and in the summer it expands. It, like all fasteners, can be protected from wear by adjusting plastic windows, there are plenty of videos and photographs with instructions describing how this can be done on the Internet.

Sometimes during operation the sash shifts. When it is warm outside, this does not cause any inconvenience, but in winter this can cause the room temperature to drop significantly.

If this happens, you should check the condition of the frame. When installing metal-plastic windows, craftsmen check the position of the sashes in each mode, as well as the absence of gaps between the parts. However, a perfectly executed installation does not guarantee that the sashes will not come apart over time.

If window installation is carried out in early spring or winter, the structures are exposed to external influences:

  • The temperature outside is rising.
  • Under the influence of climate change, plastic begins to expand.
  • The temperature outside is dropping.
  • Under the influence of temperature changes, plastic decreases in volume, but it is not always able to take its original shape.

Similar processes occur if windows are installed in the summer. But first the material contracts as temperatures drop, and then expands. At the same time, it is impossible to avoid changes in the technical characteristics of the product, so gaps often appear in the windows.

The need to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode may be due not only to the seasonal transition, but also to a number of other reasons:

  • Drafts from the window, carrying frosty air in winter and dust in summer.
  • Sagging of the sashes due to wear on the hinges.
  • Sash jamming in ventilation mode.

Please note! During operation of windows, the sealing material is subject to severe wear. Therefore, it is very important to promptly adjust plastic windows with your own hands when switching to winter/summer modes.

How to switch the fittings of BEKA plastic windows to winter mode?

Operating practice shows that it is better not to convert Veko windows to winter mode at all for the first two years of operation.
This sharply reduces their service life - the density of the mating and the elastic bands will have to be replaced more quickly. And the installers advise the same.

At the beginning of operation, the compaction is quite good, and switching to winter mode is not required.

Well, to seal windows for the winter that have already served for many years, you will need to arm yourself with a hexagonal screwdriver attachment and, opening the frame, find the trunnion adjusting handwheel.

There is a mark on the handwheel, usually it is either a slightly drilled recess or a “bump”. By inserting the key and turning it counterclockwise (in relation to the picture), we will turn the mark towards the street, this will mean “winter mode” If you move the mark towards the room , this will be “summer mode”

I would like to note right away that despite the ongoing debate, it is still necessary to switch the windows to winter mode.

Especially for residents of regions with harsh winters, if only because of the usual law of physics, which states that at negative temperatures the body contracts, at positive temperatures it expands, I’m now talking about seals on windows.

Moving the window to the “winter” position increases the pressure of the sash against the window frame, and why the pressure is needed, see above.

Open the sash and find the eccentrics (trunnion) on it, or a hex bolt (less often an asterisk), if that makes sense.

  • We insert the hexagon into the eccentric head.
  • Clockwise is the “winter” position, counterclockwise is the “summer” position.
  • There is also a middle position in these windows.
  • There is a risk (line) on the trunnion if it is in the “outdoor” position, this is winter mode, in the “indoor” position, summer mode.

If you are still worried, then you can conduct an experiment: insert a sheet of thick paper between the sash and the frame, close the window, if the sheet breaks when pulled out, then we did everything correctly, if it is pulled out, then your window is still in summer mode.


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