How to choose window bars to make it beautiful and safe

05.19.2020 Author: VT-METALL

Issues discussed in the material:

  • Pros and cons of window bars
  • Types of window grilles
  • What materials are window grilles made from?
  • Requirements for window bars
  • Manufacturing technology for window grilles
  • The nuances of installing grilles on windows
  • Common mistakes in installing metal bars on windows
  • Rules for caring for window grilles

Intruders enter a home today in the same way as a hundred years ago - through accessible openings, so window bars and a high-quality door can dramatically increase the quality of protection for a home or apartment. However, many still think that a window grill is a bulky structure in the shape of a rising sun.

Fortunately, this is not the case. Today, these structures are made using various technologies, and they perform not only a protective, but also a decorative function. In our article we will tell you what kind of window grilles there are, how to choose them correctly and what to pay attention to during installation.

Pros and cons of window bars

  • Advantages of window grilles.

Their advantages are undeniable and varied. Firstly, they serve to protect premises. Clinics, kindergartens and other state and municipal organizations install bars on their windows. The small budget of government agencies does not allow us to choose aesthetic models, so we perceive their appearance as terrible. The most common welded structures are “flowers”, “suns” and the like, painted blue. Sometimes you can see very unsightly specimens.

Secondly, modern grilles are beautiful. We recommend looking at examples of them online, even if you don't need to protect your windows. You will get real aesthetic pleasure. For example, it is worth paying attention to modern plastic grilles on windows.

And when you get acquainted with forged products, you will even have a desire to decorate the facade of your house with them. Often they become true works of art. Forged gratings do not have to be monumentally heavy. But you can feel the vitality in them, given to them by the hands of real forging masters.

In other words, grilles should not be intimidating, but rather protect property and fit seamlessly into the style of the house.

  • Disadvantages of window grilles.

Stylish, beautiful grilles will help you easily cope with almost all the disadvantages of these products. However, it is better to point out their weaknesses.

An unpleasant impression can be caused by the least elegant grille options, which lack decorative elements and do not fit into the architecture of the building and the environment. Such dull examples are painted dark green or blue and do not at all correspond to the style of the building.

Grilles are installed mainly on the windows of the first floors. Such structures are used not only by those who live there, but also by the owners of shops, offices and warehouses, because business people must take care in advance about the safe existence of their enterprises. But in this case, for residents of the second floors there is a risk that some clever individuals can easily climb into their apartment, as if on a ladder. Consequently, they are also forced to install gratings (after installing the structures, residents of the third floors are already at risk, etc.). This is another disadvantage of grilles.

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The next disadvantage of bars on windows is an obstacle in case of fire. History remembers many cases when such structures prevented the owners from leaving the premises during a fire, and it all ended very sadly. To avoid such situations, you should take care of installing structures of a different type.

Selection criteria for windows

To choose window designs, it is recommended to pay attention to the following nuances :

  • fastening method;
  • profile type;
  • material;
  • production technology;
  • dyeing method;
  • design.

It is better to choose the mounting method according to the configuration of your window opening, but the most reliable option will be stationary products. The type of profile from which the structure is made directly affects the strength of the product. It can be square, rectangular or rod. There is also a combined type.

The material is chosen based on financial capabilities, as well as for reasons of structural reliability: welded steel or forged metal. Products can be painted in :

  1. nitroenamel, which is safe, but not very resistant to precipitation;
  2. in alkyd paints - can produce toxic fumes;
  3. powder coated – the best option with maximum resistance to various negative influences.

Which ones are better in the middle price segment?

You can consider the average prices for the best options for various types of gratings:

  1. Welded construction . The cost of such a model starts from 850 rubles per meter, and reaches a maximum price of 2000 rubles. At the same time, for 2000 rubles you can purchase a product with 2 shutters, a 25x25 mm profile, and powder coating.

  2. Forged models . The price starts from 1,200 rubles per linear meter and ends at 3,000 rubles. For 1200 rubles you can order a product made from a 20x20 mm profile pipe with a reinforced rod and the possibility of powder coating at a price of 1200 rubles per square.
  3. Swing . The initial cost of such products is 1000 rubles per meter, on average – 2000 rubles. For a minimal price you can get a structure from a 25x25 mm profile, with the possibility of additional coloring.
  4. Inflated . These are models whose canvas has a protrusion along the entire edge. The price starts from 1200 to 1450 rubles per linear meter.

As can be seen from the rating, forged products remain the most expensive, since special technologies and materials are used for their production.

Types of window grilles

Types of grilles are classified depending on their appearance, material of manufacture and installation method. Such structures can be attached to windows both from the outside and from the inside.

Depending on the method of installing grilles on windows, there may be:

  • stationary;
  • swing;
  • removable;
  • sliding;
  • decorative.

Each of the listed types has its own characteristics, as well as pros and cons. Before purchasing and installing gratings, you should definitely consult with specialists.

  • Blind bars on the windows.

They are considered perhaps the most reliable and popular if you want to protect premises on the first floors from intrusion. Such grilles are installed tightly, that is, they cannot be removed without specialists. This design does not have an opening function. On the one hand, this provides complete protection from thieves, and on the other hand, it poses a danger in case of an emergency (fire, gas leak, earthquake, etc.).

If such circumstances arise, it will no longer be possible to use the window as an exit from the room. Therefore, a clause was added to the fire safety rules prohibiting the installation of blind bars on all windows in the room. The modern embodiment of such structures are transparent grilles on windows, which are not removable, are hardly noticeable on the facade, allow light to pass through perfectly, but are almost impossible to hack.

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The high level of safety of such structures, as well as reliable protection of premises, make them the most popular. Such a product can have either one or two doors. They are locked with padlocks or padlocks. There are also locking and swing type models. The grille is attached to the wall of the building, and the opening lever is located inside the room. Such devices are resistant to moisture, scorching sun or frost and make it possible to quickly leave the room through the window in an emergency.

  • Sliding bars on windows.

When opened, such structures move compactly to one side like sliding doors. The connection occurs using hinges. Such gratings do not require much space. However, their widespread use is hampered by the low reliability of the opening (sliding) system, since it can jam at the most inopportune moment. It is not recommended to install such sliding devices indoors, since it is impossible to open them completely. In addition, you cannot decorate them with volumetric elements.

  • Removable grilles.

The convenience of such structures is that they can be removed. Such grilles are installed on the window frame using bolts and can be located inside the building without spoiling the aesthetic appearance of the facade. However, the process of removing them can take a long time, especially without proper skill. This is especially dangerous in the event of any emergency, because it will not be possible to quickly leave the building through the window. It is not recommended to install removable grilles in dachas or in buildings where the owners do not live permanently, since an attacker can remove them and enter the house, and there will be no one to stop him.

  • Decorative grilles.

Quite often there are window designs that evoke associations with prison bars. Various types of design offered by a number of manufacturers can smooth out the impression. This includes decoration with various curls or patterns, and flowers woven into the rods. Grilles, supplemented with such elements, become a stylish decoration of the building and are suitable for installation in country houses and cottages.

The bars of such grilles are curved and decorated with sophisticated elements. Designs can be voluminous, their appearance can make a dull facade memorable. In addition, they are very convenient for outward opening windows. Decorative designs are often found on the windows of offices or shops; in this case, they can be used to draw the attention of passers-by to the individuality of the owners and create a favorable impression.

  • Forged and welded metal window grilles.

Metal window grilles are products made of steel with an admixture of carbon, which has acquired impact-resistant properties. The design consists of the following parts: iron rods with a thickness of 1.2 to 1.6 cm (sometimes up to 2 cm), flat strips to which they are attached, as well as corners. The basis of the grille is its rods. For greater reliability and resistance to hacking, they cannot be made hollow.

Metal gratings can be made in two main ways: forging and welding. At the same time, the designs differ solely in the production technique, since the material does not change.

Parts of welded window grilles are welded together.

Forged grilles are the most popular because, thanks to the abundance of interesting elements, they serve as decoration that fits perfectly into the design of the building. Restaurants, trendy bars and boutiques love them because they combine protection with an eye-catching appearance.

The cost of forged products is high, mainly due to the high labor costs and complexity of execution.

No. 1. Grill attachment method

To a large extent, the level of home protection depends on how the grille is installed. There are several ways to attach the grille:

  • stationary grilles - those that cannot be opened;
  • hinged , in which one or two sashes swing open, as in windows;
  • sliding (grid curtains), which are made like a pantograph;
  • removable , which differ from stationary ones in that they are attached to the wall using screwed bolts.

Stationary gratings are the most reliable designs of all existing ones, because their fittings are mounted directly into the wall. It is recommended that owners of apartments located on the ground floor . Criminals have learned to overcome even such gratings, and they do it very simply: they tie a cable to the grating and attach it to a truck - many structures can be broken without much difficulty, so the grating reinforcement must extend into the depth of the walls at least 8 cm. Reverse The reliability aspect of stationary grilles is their inability to open them during a fire . No one is immune from such unforeseen situations, so swing bars should be installed on at least one window in the apartment.

Hinged grilles can swing open if necessary, leaving the window opening completely free. This is convenient not only from the point of view of fire safety, but also if you want not to block the view from the window with steel bars. One or both sashes can swing open, and the window is protected from unauthorized entry by a padlock or mortise lock.

Lattice curtains are recognized as the most unreliable structures, as they are made from metal strips movably fixed crosswise, which affects its burglar-resistant qualities. Such grilles are installed from the inside of the room , and some products, when opened, only clear 80% of the window opening - be careful when choosing. Sliding grilles are used in country and private homes, where a security alarm is used that is triggered by broken glass, and a grill located inside the window opening will become a barrier that an attacker will not be able to overcome before security arrives.

Removable grilles were supposed to be a compromise solution in terms of strength and fire safety. The structures are quite reliable, but in this parameter they are inferior to stationary ones, but unscrewing the bolts that are used to fasten the grille will be problematic in a state of panic.

What materials are window grilles made from?

The materials used to make window grilles are different and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's get to know them.

The most commonly used metals are:

  • Steel. Despite the lack of strength, the alloy is perfectly forgeable. You should pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the rods of 15 mm is insufficient, since they will be easy to bite with special means. Rods 20 mm thick are much more reliable, although they have a more bulky appearance.
  • Reinforcement bars. With a thickness of 14 mm, they perform the function of 20 mm thick rods and are cut exclusively with hydraulic shears. However, there is also a drawback - the impossibility of manufacturing decorative elements. Consequently, the shape of the structure will be strict and clear.
  • Special steel. This is the most reliable of the metals presented. The strength of the material is no lower than that of reinforcing steel, but it is possible to make the rods thin and elegant. To crack such a grid, a plasma cutter is required.

Irregular structures look very interesting on the facades of houses, deceiving intruders with their openwork pattern. Such “brooms” seem difficult for them to open. It is necessary to order and purchase grilles for windows of this design exclusively from specialized specialists who are able to make correct calculations, create a sketch and produce a reliable grille.

There are several types of profiles used to make gratings:

  • The rod has a round cross-section (diameter from 12 to 20 mm), so the products are strong and reliable.
  • A square is a profile with sides of 12, 14, 16 mm, has a pleasant appearance and fairly high strength.
  • Strip - the cross-section of this profile is rectangular, one side can reach 20 mm, and the thickness is 6 mm. The strength of the material is inferior to square and rod. It is mainly used for the production of simple structural parts. Its obvious advantage is its low cost.

Which profile type to choose

During the production process the following types of profiles are used:

  • A rod is a profile with a round cross-section. It is obtained by pressing or rolling. Structures made from rods are solid, durable and quite pleasant to look at. For protective window elements, rods with a diameter of 12-20 cm are used.

  • A square is a profile with a square cross-section. This type of profile produces products that are beautiful from an aesthetic point of view, and in terms of strength it is almost as strong as a rod. It is better to take a section of 12x12, 14x14, 16x16 mm.

  • The strip is a profile with a flat rectangular section. Its thickness can be up to 6 mm, and its width is about 20 mm. In terms of strength and protection of the home, they cannot be compared with the previous options, but their price is much more attractive.

  • Combined models include different types of profiles.

Requirements for window bars

Window grilles must not only have aesthetic qualities, but also meet all fire safety requirements. In particular, at least one window in the room must be equipped with a lattice structure that can be opened.

Such products are made either hinged, when the window opening opens completely, or when only one of their parts opens.

The lock on a swing structure can be padded or built-in. But the main thing is that everyone knows where the key to it is, and the latter should be easily accessible.

The distance between the vertically located bars of the grill is also important - it should not be less than 15 cm.

This indicator is of great importance when protecting office buildings, industrial and warehouse buildings. Already installed gratings have to be dismantled and new ones installed when the vertical rods are located at a distance of more than 18 cm from each other. This has happened before, more than once.

Installation rules

Typically, the installation of window grilles is carried out by installers from the companies that produce them. There are several principles :

  1. The grille is larger in size than the dimensions of the window opening. It is fixed by welding to pins located in the wall outside.
  2. The second method involves installing elements inside the house or between frames. This method is now outdated, but has certain security bonuses.

Before installation, be sure to remember to clean the opening from dirt and dust, assemble the frame using the chosen method, install the frame, secure the sashes into it, and install the lock shackles, if necessary.

More information here.

Manufacturing technology for window grilles

Welding is the most common method for making window grilles because it is cheaper. However, the most exquisite openwork products are produced by forging. And casting is used less often.

1. Welded grilles for windows.

Quite a long time ago, there was an opinion that gratings made by welding are quite primitive. An example is the “sun” type design. They were popular during the Soviet era and, thanks to their long service life, have survived to this day. Modern welding technologies make it possible to make very interesting window decorations that not only protect the window opening, but also decorate the building.

The technology for manufacturing such structures is simple. At the first stage, blanks of the desired shape and size are cut from a square, rod or strip according to the sketch. Moreover, the shape of the product parts can be either rectilinear or of various geometric configurations or curvature. Axially twisting, or torsion, helps create interesting lattice elements.

At the next stage, the parts are laid out on a non-flammable surface and welded, and the joints are cleaned and smoothed. Sometimes ringing is carried out, that is, the welding places are hidden with clamps. To decorate the structure, forged parts are occasionally used, which are also welded. At the end of the work, the result may be a product that is not at all as primitive in design as many people think.

The variety of grille patterns is amazing, and manufacturers are ready to produce any option at the request of the customer. Design details can be arranged symmetrically, have repeating parts or an abstract pattern. Decoration of connections occurs with peaks, petals, clamps and sheets. Currently, not only the primitive gratings familiar to us from the past are being manufactured. However, excessive saturation of products with decorative elements can reduce their ability to transmit light.

2. Forged bars on the windows.

For the manufacture of forged products, a rod and a square are used, which in the hands of a master turn into lace. The cost of such structures is much higher than welded ones, since the forging process is very labor-intensive, and in terms of reliability they do not lag behind welded ones. It is better to use forged grilles on windows in country houses, and install welded ones in city apartments.

Depending on the manufacturing technology, there are several types of forged gratings:

  • Regular - made symmetrically from a rod with a diameter of at least 2 cm. The cost of such products is cheaper with good resistance to burglary. However, in appearance they look rougher than irregular ones. In addition, their light transmittance is reduced because the rods are too thick.
  • Irregular ones are the most beautiful and airy ones. These are real works of art by forging masters. The main disadvantage of such structures is their lower resistance to burglary. However, an experienced specialist is able to create a sketch that allows you to make the grille as strong and burglar-resistant as possible. That is why such products are more expensive than regular ones.
  • Mixed - have elements of regular and irregular lattices. The most vulnerable places are the areas where their parts connect.

The main advantage of forged grilles is their highly artistic performance and aesthetics. Such products are designed to decorate the building, complementing the designer’s intent. When striving for harmony in the decor, it is recommended to combine a forged lattice with similar railings. The disadvantage is their high cost.

Varieties and features

Most often you can find a simple lattice , which is metal rods welded together. Such protection is effective, but does not look aesthetically pleasing. The gratings are made of carbon steel. This is an impact-resistant material that does not corrode.

Elements used in the design:

  • Corners.
  • Pipe rolling. Products can be round or square and are used as a frame.
  • Flat metal plates used to increase rigidity.
  • The steel rod forms the basis of the product.

Metal bars on windows can have different weights, which depend on how thick the rod was used. Usually materials with a thickness of 10-16 mm are used. Affects the mass and number of rods.

The most common grill

Shprosses and false frames will help to give PVC windows an impressive appearance. Read more about this in our article “False sash for windows.” For information about automatically opening a window, see the link

Find out how to correctly calculate wind loads on windows in our material on the website.

The nuances of installing grilles on windows

Installation of sliding metal structures is possible only inside the window opening. Other types of gratings can be secured differently. The vast majority of owners find it most convenient to install them outside the building. It is necessary to choose such a product taking into account the high reliability of the fastenings, and it itself must meet the strength requirements.

The grille should be installed inside the opening with a security alarm. This installation option meets the highest safety requirements for premises. If the outer glass is damaged, an alarm will sound. And to get inside, taking into account the bars, the attacker will need a long time, but he will not have it. For this reason, almost all types of lattice structures are suitable for installation.

There are two options for installing gratings:

  • at the ends of the window opening;
  • overlay - in this case the structure must be larger than the window opening, and it must be installed from the outside.

Installation of different types of gratings occurs in different ways. Installation has its own characteristics depending on the design of the product, as well as the material from which the walls of the house are made. When it is necessary to install overhead protective structures in wooden buildings, then to secure them it is necessary to install through bolts that are tightened with nuts inside the structure. When installing the product in window openings, eyelets welded to its metal frame are used. The holes made make it possible to fix the grille to the wall with screws up to 100 mm in length.

To install protective structures at the ends of window openings of a brick building at the junction of bricks and cement mortar, it is necessary to make 1-2 holes with a diameter of 16 mm and a depth of 120 mm at the top and bottom and 2-3 on each side. Embedded pins are inserted into them, protruding 20–30 mm above the wall surface, for subsequent welding of the grating to them. This method is also suitable for working with concrete walls.

To reduce the likelihood of break-in, it is recommended to install protective structures deeper in the window opening. Grilles are also divided into overhead and protruding from the outside. The latter are also called inflated, as they completely protrude from the wall. They are installed if the building has deep and narrow window openings, and the sashes must open outward. The big disadvantage of such products is their low reliability. The rods in them can be easily cut with a hand (portable) tool and bent by hand. Therefore, it will not be difficult for an attacker to get inside the premises.

Most often, property owners opt for inexpensive grilles that are installed outside. However, you can also attach them between window frames. However, modern plastic windows are easier to remove entirely, rather than cutting out or breaking the glass unit. Therefore, there is no point in installing this type of protection.

There is another type of installation, suitable for premises where mentally ill people are kept. Thick metal rods are fixed into a deep window opening from inside the building. Basically, this type of installation is used on the top floors of buildings, where the windows are located flush with the outer wall.

To securely attach window grilles, internal anchors and claws are required. Moreover, the former are made from a rod having a thickness of ≥ 1.2 cm. The latter are made from a strip of steel, the size of which is ≥ 4x40 mm. The depth of fastening of anchors is from 15 to 25 cm. Only by fulfilling the specified requirements can you be sure of the reliability of the installation of the structure and the absence of damage to the building.


Technical characteristics of structures include:

  1. The thickness of the material used. In most cases, products are made from iron rods or squares. The thicker they are, the higher the protective function of the grille. The minimum diameter of such rods should be 10-15 mm.
  2. Metal surface treatment. Powder coating made in a factory will delight the owner for a long time. If the grille is not covered with anything, then after the first rainfall you may notice traces of rust on it.
  3. Cell size. The cells of the product must be of medium size. If they are too large, then children will be able to crawl through the window, and if the cell is too small, this will cause inconvenience during operation.
  4. Fastening the product. Even if the grille is of good thickness, it will not perform its intended function properly without secure fastening. It is worth paying attention to this point.

It is also worth mentioning separately the possible sizes of products. In most cases, the dimensions of the grilles are set by the owners who order them, but there are also standards. These include products for windows of the “Stalinka” type with dimensions of 1500x1900 mm, “Khrushchev” with dimensions of 1310x1520 mm and “Brezhnevka” with dimensions of 1450x1515 mm.

Common mistakes when installing metal grilles on windows

Regardless of the method of installing window protective structures, there are several common mistakes that negatively affect the final result. This mainly applies to those who want to install the products themselves:

  • It makes no sense to install bars that cover only half of the window; entry through them is accessible to both thieves and children.
  • The structures must be fastened to the feet at a sufficient number of points. Otherwise, an attacker will be able to break the grille with improvised tools. The attachment points are made from a 4x4 cm corner and are located around the perimeter of the frame. There are a minimum number of them: 3 on each of the short sides and 4 on the long sides. The grille should be 150–250 mm larger than the window opening. In this case, the grille should deviate from the outer wall by no more than 150 mm.
  • Experts do not recommend installing structures with external locks (hinges) made to order. The reason is the ease of cutting the hinges located on the outside, as well as the high probability of losing the key to the lock.

It is important that the distance from the wall to the window grille does not exceed 10–15 mm. If it is impossible to press the product more closely due to the platbands, you should pay attention to structures made of special steel.

How to make simple models with your own hands

Making metal gratings yourself does not involve any difficulties. To carry out the work, it is enough to have a welding machine and be able to operate it.

If we consider all the design options suitable for manufacturing at home, it is recommended to consider swing gratings. This type will provide the proper level of protection with closed shutters. Open sashes will help you easily wash the windows and get out in the event of a fire hazard.

Pattern options

How to make a window grill with your own hands:

  • Cut the metal corner based on the dimensions shown in the drawing. Prepare 8 pieces to assemble the doors.
  • Using a construction square, we assemble the frame of the sash on the ground. After making sure that the angles and diagonal ratio are correct, we weld the joints.
  • We fill the frame with rods or a pre-designed pattern. Placing elements too frequently will reduce curb appeal, while spacing them too far will increase the likelihood of break-ins.
  • We clean all welding joints and treat them with a special agent.
  • We prime and paint the grille.
  • After complete drying, you can put the structure in a permanent place.

Swing grille
Assembly work is recommended to be carried out on a flat surface to avoid distortions of the metal structure. Also, before starting welding work, remove flammable materials away from the workplace.

Rules for caring for window grilles

The first and second floors of houses often have windows with bars installed on them. This is done to protect against intruders entering the premises. To maintain the protective functions of structures and their aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to monitor them. Let's consider what needs to be done to maintain and extend the service life of window grilles.

There are several basic recommendations:

  • Simple dirt and dust should be removed from the grill with a damp cloth, and then wiped with a dry cloth. Do not use abrasive substances for cleaning; they can damage the coating of the structure.
  • Bird droppings that contain aggressive acids should be removed. Dried but fresh stains are soaked, covered with a damp cloth, and then removed with a simple napkin. Household cleaning products have a bad effect on the grate coating, so they should only be used in exceptional cases.
  • It is recommended to periodically renew the paint, which protects the structure from changes in temperature and moisture. It is better to do this once every 1.5-2 years.
  • Once a year, the grille should be inspected to check for rust. The rods should be coated with a special anti-corrosion compound.
  • If there is a folding grille, it is recommended to check the condition of its mechanisms and fittings; if necessary, tighten or lubricate them. It is worth assessing the smoothness of closing and opening the structure.
  • Experts advise treating products with an antistatic agent to prevent dust from settling on the grill bars.

By taking care of the safety of window grilles, you can extend their service life and protect your home, as well as improve the appearance of the building.

Reinforcement thickness and cell size

In order to be completely sure of the high degree of protection of your home, it is better to buy products whose profile thickness is no less than 14 mm. It will take a lot of time to bend or saw a profile of such thickness.

This is the main purpose of a good security grille. When choosing a product, consider the possibility of penetration into the room through its cells. So that even the smallest window thief cannot crawl through the bars, the distance between them should not exceed 15x15 cm.

Features of installation of structures

The grille should completely cover the window. There are two mounting options: inside the opening or with an overlay. A more reliable way is directly into the opening, since it will be almost impossible to pull out the metal structure. The overlay method is less reliable and is therefore rarely used.

Most often, two technologies are used to attach forged grilles to windows:

  1. Fixation by welding to special metal rods. To do this, holes are drilled from the end of a brick or concrete wall of a building into which iron pins of square or round cross-section are fixed. They are installed to a depth of 12 cm, and protrude outward by 5 cm. A frame is welded to them, to which the openwork window protection is attached. This method is considered the most reliable and is used most often.
  2. Bolt-on mounting. Installation is carried out over the window opening on the wall. In this case, hardware or anchor bolts are inserted into the drilled holes. The forged grille is bolted through special holes. For such fastening, the material of the walls does not matter. Only anchor bolts are used for brick, and technical screws are used for wood.

Example of decorative and protective grilles

You can also attach the grille using the through method. This option is best suited for wooden houses. In this case, the hole is drilled through the entire wall. The structure is attached to the lining using bolts that are tightened with nuts from the inside of the building.

Helpful advice! When installing the grille in rainy weather, it is necessary to prevent moisture from entering. You can install a canopy or canopy over the window.

Regardless of the chosen installation method, the product is inserted into the frame. The doors can be sliding or hinged. They are locked with special locks, the key to which should always be at hand. Blind grilles are practically not used, although they were previously popular. It often happened that they were the cause of the death of people who could not get out of a burning house.

By the parameters of the grating you can check its quality


To make a decorative grille out of a simple structure, you can use several options:

  1. Buy ready-made metal leaves and branches and secure them to the main structure.
  2. Make decorative elements yourself by cold or hot welding. For the first option you will need hand tools, for the second a forge with an anvil.
  3. Paint the rods and frame in different colors.

Before painting, the metal must be prepared. It is cleaned of dirt and rust and coated with a primer.

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