Window handles with a key: effective protection of plastic windows

Probably, today few people will dispute all the advantages of modern plastic windows. These durable, reliable and functional structures are significantly superior to their wooden counterparts in all respects, and therefore it is not surprising that they are the leaders of the modern window market. However, as practice has shown, plastic windows have one significant drawback - unsafe for children. The simple rotary mechanism for opening the window is easy for even a small child to operate, and this is sometimes fraught with very dangerous consequences. But, fortunately, there is an easy way to solve this problem using special locks.

Purpose of window handles with key and lock

Window handles with a key and lock serve a dual function. Firstly, it provides reliable window protection from children falling out. Secondly, they provide burglary protection to the home from outside penetration.

Protecting the window from falling out - the safety of your children and grandchildren

In this case, pens with keys are purchased to ensure the safety of the child in the house. Thanks to this handle, your baby will not be able to open the window and climb out of the window on his own. Install window handles with a lock and rest assured of safety.

Also, such pens are in increasing demand in public institutions.

Anti-burglary window protection

Handles with keys are used as an additional solution to protect a plastic window from burglary. This is relevant for cottage owners, people who live on the lower floors of city houses.


With prolonged use, a certain deformation of the frame structure occurs and some positions of the plastic window handle begin to function poorly. In such cases, adjustment is necessary. You can also do it yourself using just a screwdriver and a hexagon.

If a window or door is installed by a professional and a misalignment and malfunction of the handle lock are detected, then the adjustment should be made by specialists completely free of charge.

Adjustment of the mechanism driven by the handle

Adjusting the blocker

Typically, adjusting the handle of a plastic window or door involves correctly installing the lock. However, if this element has been in use for a long time, its position can be slightly adjusted as follows:

  • First you need to loosen the screw that secures the bottom of the blocker. This is done using a shaped screwdriver, without allowing the thread to be completely unscrewed.
  • At the next stage, the location of the latch is adjusted. To do this, it is shifted a certain distance up or down, after which it is secured with a screw.
  • Check the position without clamping the fastener to determine the correct offset.
  • When the required distance is selected, the screw is clamped with a screwdriver.

    Adjusting the handle lock

Advantages of our window handles

All handles with locks presented in our online store are reliable and of high quality. Even those made in China. These are not electronics, they simply do not have complex mechanisms and elements that can fail.

Window handles - locks of the same type have identical keys, i.e. You can buy several pens and you will not need to sign each key.

By purchasing handles with a key or window locks from us in small wholesale, you can count on a significant discount.

Assortment of window handles with lock and key

In our online store we have various types of handles with keys and locks. Incl. double-sided door handles. The price range is the most optimal on the Russian market for a wide range of consumers. We do not work with low quality goods priced at a bargain price. But we also don’t put a crazy markup on window handles.

We offer you excellent window handles with excellent quality locks. During the entire operation of our online store, there has not been a single case of return of window handles with a key and lock. There are significant discounts for wholesale buyers.

The choice of pen is yours

Which option is best? As you know, there is no friend for taste and color. If you need to leave the house for a long time, but want the premises to be ventilated, it is better to give preference to the first and third options. If reliability comes first, the second and fifth options will help out best.

Well, when it is important to combine maximum efficiency with aesthetic appeal, there is nothing better than the fourth and seventh options. Fortunately, almost all of the listed methods for protecting windows can be easily implemented on your own. You just need to buy the necessary parts and read the installation manuals, which are found in large quantities on the World Wide Web.

Delivery of window handles

Window handles with a lock can be purchased in our online store both for pickup and delivery.

In Moscow, delivery is carried out by courier service. In Russia - we send parcels and parcels cash on delivery to any city. Either by Russian Post or logistics company SDEK. Types of handles with lock and key

One way window handles with lock

This type is installed instead of the existing conventional window handle. When installing a handle with a lock on a plastic window, there is no need to drill additional holes, which makes this process quite quick and uncomplicated.

The main function of such a handle is to lock the window, which will not allow it to be opened without a key; moreover, such a lock can also block the window in ventilation mode. In locked mode, the leaf cannot be closed or switched to opening mode.

Door handles with lock

When installing an entrance or interior door, push handles are usually used. This type of mechanism unlocks the lock when you press the door handle. The handle returns to its original state on its own, thereby making the push mechanism extremely easy to use. Door handles with a lock are used if it is necessary to restrict access to a room, or, for example, to a balcony. A lock like this locks a door that cannot be opened without a key.

Handle with push-button lock

This option has two additional versions: with a key and without a key. The lock with a key is closed by pressing a button located on the handle, and opened only with the key, and the button automatically returns to its original position. A keyless lock operates in a simpler mode. Pressing the button locks the handle mechanism, and pressing it again unlocks it. This option is much more dangerous if the lock is installed to prevent a child from opening the window.

Window handle with twist lock

A classic option, familiar to all users of PVC windows. The window sash is locked by turning the handle to a position parallel to the window frame, and unlocking by turning the handle 90 degrees. This option is deservedly popular, but it is not able to protect the child, because does not have a window lock mode. The mechanism for opening it from the outside is also very simple.

Single-sided and double-sided handles

A one-way handle with a lock is a familiar design option in which a door or window is locked on only one side. A double-sided handle with a lock is used to prevent access to certain rooms or block access to the balcony. These types of locks are locked and unlocked on both sides with a special key. It is worth noting that double-sided handles, which are installed on balconies and loggias, have a thinner and curved shape. This option allows you to use the door from the outside with greater convenience.

Attaching a handle to a plastic window - what needs to be taken into account?

In addition to controlling the window, the handle also serves as its decoration; manufacturers offer many colors and stylish handle designs.

If you need to buy a pen, decide on its parameters in advance.

Photo: modern pens consist of 4 main parts: neck (handle), socket, pin, mounting screws

  • The neck or handle is the part that we grab when we want to open a window. Handles are made of plastic, metal and ceramics.

Photo: plastic pens are the cheapest, they cost about 30 rubles, but they are also the most unreliable. Their service life can be as short as one opening

Photo: metal handles are reliable and durable, so they are more expensive - from 150 rubles per handle. They are covered with a special colored metal coating or a thin layer of plastic.

Photo: Cremona pens are a premium segment. But, despite the price starting from 2,500 rubles, they are in demand in designer windows

  • The socket is the base of the handle; a mechanism is hidden in it that allows you to turn the handle. It also contains holes for attaching the handle, which are closed with a special plug.

Photo: most often I make the rosette the same color as the entire handle, but there are exceptions. For example, designer Roto Swing Combo handles with a rosette in a contrasting color

  • A pin is a square metal rod that connects the handle and the fitting mechanism. One side of it is fixed in the neck of the handle, and the other is inserted into the rotary mechanism of the window lock. The cross section of the pin is always 7mm, and the length varies and depends on the profile system.

Photo: externally identical handles differ in the length of the pin. It is important to take this into account when purchasing a pen yourself. For a profile 60mm thick - a 37mm pin, for a thicker profile - a longer pin. In order not to make a mistake when buying, it is better to take an old pen with you.

  • Mounting screws – they secure the handle to the profile and fittings. The length of the screws, as well as the length of the pin, varies, but the diameter is always 5mm.

Photo: when buying a pen, make sure that the screws come with it - this is not always the case, even very expensive pens can be sold without mounting screws

Replacing a broken pen with the same one, but intact, is a short-sighted decision.

Photo: inexpensive plastic handles are unreliable and will soon require replacement again

How to choose a handle with a lock

To choose the optimal type of handle with a lock, you need to clearly define what tasks it should cope with. It is also important to focus on who will use it, or vice versa, who will not have to cope with the handle-lock mechanism.

If you are installing a handle with a lock to ensure the safety of your child, you should take into account his age and the curiosity characteristic of children. At a more or less active age, the most reliable option will be a lock with a key; at earlier stages, you can get by with a lock with a button or with a rotary mechanism.

If you are installing a lock that will be used by older people, explain to them the process of locking/unlocking the window or door mechanism and choose the option that is most convenient and understandable for them.

When choosing a handle with a lock, it is advisable not to combine several types of mechanism operation in one room. This will inevitably create confusion when checking the condition of either lock, since they will be quite similar in appearance.

Window handle - analogue of a child's lock

With the arrival of a child in the family, the question of his safety becomes an important issue. A child's curiosity and restlessness can be a real challenge for both young and experienced parents. An important aspect of child safety at home is the presence of a child lock on the windows. A window handle with a lock is an excellent option for a child's lock in terms of efficiency and cost. This handle does not differ in size from its regular counterparts and does not affect the design of the window. Moreover, it is not only capable of blocking the window when closed, but also in ventilation mode, which is very important in the summer.

For this purpose, it is worth considering two main options for handles with a lock: a lock with a key and a lock with a button. The push-button option is justified in the first stages of your child’s exploration of the world. The child will not physically be able to press the button and open the window, but it is important to carefully check whether it is closed, since after pressing the button it returns to its previous position and it is impossible to visually determine what state it is in.

A lock with a key is a more reliable option in terms of security, but also has its own characteristics. First, you need to make sure that the child does not know the place where you keep the key. Secondly, there is a possibility of losing the key, which will entail certain inconvenience and financial costs. Thirdly, the mechanism of any such lock must be protected from foreign objects getting into the keyhole, and in the case when the lock is the object of your child’s attention, then this option is very likely. Most often in this situation the lock will need to be completely replaced.

In any case, a keyed window handle lock is the safest option among its competitors.

How to replace a window handle yourself - step-by-step instructions

A woman can easily handle replacing the handle on a window; this operation does not require any skill in using tools. All you need is a Phillips screwdriver.

Photo: 1. Turn the handle to a horizontal position and turn the decorative cover on the socket - the mounting screws will become visible. 2. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the screws and pull them out. 3. Remove the handle from the profile

Photo: 4. Insert the new handle - pin into the central hole. 5. Turn the handle to the horizontal position. Also turn the decorative cover on the socket. 6. Tighten the screws

Photo: 7. Close the decorative cover on the socket. 8. Check how the handle works by moving it to different positions. 9. Close the handle

The process of replacing the handle takes no more than 5 minutes. The main thing is to choose a worthy replacement option.

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