Nuances of the design and installation of a window handle with a lock and key

Item Description

The handle is an essential part of window fittings. Without it, the functionality of the window is completely disrupted (with the exception of blind windows).

Note. A product with a lock is almost indistinguishable in appearance from an ordinary pen. But it has special details that significantly expand its capabilities.

There is a locking mechanism inside. It is locked with a key. When the lock is open, the window operates in normal mode (swivel and tilt position). When closed, the ability to turn the handle is completely blocked. It is impossible to open the door without a key.

Main product details:

  1. Lever (bracket).
    Its purpose is to control the mechanism. To make it easier to turn the lever, it is made in an L-shape. The length of the bracket is selected in relation to the size of the window sash.

    For a larger sash you will need a longer lever. Only in this case you will not have to make any effort when opening or closing the window.

  2. Body or core. Attached to the window frame with M5 self-tapping screws with a countersunk head.
  3. Tetrahedral pin. Serves as a connecting link between the core and the handle. Its quality directly depends on the material. The width of the part is 7 mm, the length ranges from 35 mm to 45 mm.

The handle with lock is also equipped with additional parts :

  1. Anti-drilling pad. The purpose of the cover is to cover the pin and protect it from damage or deterioration. Equipped with a protective mechanism.
  2. Turn blocker. The product serves to protect against accidental opening of the sash. It is manufactured in several versions - button, latch or locking mechanism.
  3. Anti-burglary mechanism. Built into the body, any pressure on the sash causes it to operate. Once triggered, the mechanism is immediately blocked. Typically this item is disposable. Therefore, a blocked mechanism cannot be repaired and must be replaced.

Important! The performance characteristics of the handle with a lock depend on the performance of each element.

ROTO handles for plastic windows

ROTO handles are combined into design lines, among which there is an option for both windows and sliding doors - you can choose the appropriate option for all windows and doors in the house in the same style.

ROTO handles are entirely made of high-alloy, corrosion-resistant aluminum or brass alloys. It is impossible to break them; they will serve well for many years. External coating is carried out by eloxation (artificial oxidation under the influence of electric current) or powder coating in an electrostatic field. The surface is extremely resistant to air humidity, hand sweat, and light mechanical damage.

Buy windows with handles for plastic windows Roto*

The product range of any line includes handles for turning, turning/tilting window sashes, parallel-sliding, lift-sliding, folding doors, handles with a button, a key, Secustik®, children's handles, Comfort handles, 2-sided sets for entrance and balcony doors.

Based on the results of laboratory tests for durability, the products received a quality certificate in accordance with the requirements of RAL-RG 607/9 standards. Minimum 10 years of trouble-free operation guaranteed.


The product performs all the functions of a regular handle, but also has additional features that provide a high degree of protection.

The windows have one weakness - the sash is easy to open. Even a small child can do this. The part with the lock allows you to set the sash in the desired position, and also serves for :

  • opening or closing the sash;
  • ensuring child safety;
  • fixing the ventilation mode;
  • preventing burglary.

To perform the latter function, additional equipment must be installed. The modern accessory is primarily designed to protect children from falling out of the window. Therefore, the blocking lock is called “anti-child”.

It is built into the handle and a key is included in the delivery to open or close it. It is impossible to open it without a key. To prevent untimely opening of the handle with a lock, the key should be kept out of the reach of children.

Important! In a family with small children, it is also recommended to install a similar mechanism on the balcony door.

When choosing a part, you need to pay attention to the safety margin.

Types of window handles

Depending on their functional purpose, all window handles can be divided into the following types:

What windows can I install it on?

The design of the product allows it to be installed on any plastic window system.
The part is also suitable for wooden structures, not only new, but also old. The locking handle is made of high quality materials and is installed in place of a regular handle.

The modern design does not require fixation with self-tapping screws, like other window locks. Therefore, when changing to a regular handle, there are no traces of holes left on the frame.

Handles for plastic windows to suit any style and color

One of the effective ways to turn an ordinary window into a stylish design element is to install a fashionable handle in a plastic window.

The window industry is paying more and more attention to design. Windows are increasingly kept open and not covered with tulle and curtains. The usual white handles have been replaced by fashionable, ergonomic and reliable window handles from the world's leading manufacturers.

Photo: simple white handles give way to exquisite silver ones


Knowing the design features of the product, you can choose the best quality option. These are the first things you need to pay attention to when purchasing :

  1. Manufacturer . Among the leading countries, Germany, China, and Poland should be noted. For example, Chinese products are of excellent quality and affordable prices. It is not at all necessary that the manufacturer of the handle-lock and other accessories be the same
  2. Material . Products made from zinc and aluminum are of the best quality. In addition, this material can be easily painted in any color, which allows you to match the handle to the style of the window.
  3. Pin length . The best option is 35 mm. This size fits all common window sizes. However, before purchasing the part, it is better to measure the distance between the fastening screws on the sash.
  4. Key or button . A good solution would be a key that fits the locks of all windows in the apartment. The button locks the door much faster and is considered more reliable in terms of protection. Some manufacturers offer a combined option, combining the installation of a button and a lock. In such a handle, you need to lock the mechanism with a button and open it with a key.

Important! After locking the handle with the key, you need to check whether the sash is locked.

How to choose a handle for plastic windows?

  • The handle should be tactilely pleasant and fit comfortably in the hand. Some models have indentations for the fingers, others will be smooth. The choice here is purely individual.
  • The color of the handle should match the color of the hinges. Most often they are the same color.
  • The color and shape of the handle should match the design of the window, highlight it or contrast with it. There is a wide field for design experiments here. Over the last 3-4 years, handles made of stainless steel or silver have become fashionable. They can be combined with windows of any color scheme, with wood or plain decor.
  • The handle must be functionally suitable for the window - for example, a regular handle will not fit on a burglary-resistant window or a window with TiltFirst child fittings. Windows with the wrong handle simply will not perform their function.

Types of protective children's products

The handle-lock is made in two types :

  1. With fixation in one position. This option is considered a budget option.
  2. With fixation in two positions. This type allows you to fix the sash in two modes - closed and ventilation. The second position of the sash is more comfortable, so it is used much more often.

The price for handles with fixation in two positions is higher.

Also, product types can be divided into handles with:

  1. Lock and key.
    This design is completely invisible to the outside eye. The delivery set includes the handle itself, 2 screws and 2 keys. The design may differ in the amount of key rotation. A device that performs a full rotation is considered more reliable. This option has disadvantages - the need to constantly use a key to move the sash to any position. Secondly, the loss of a key requires replacement of the entire mechanism.
  2. By button (without key). This handle is slightly heavier than the standard product. When closing or opening the sash, you must press the button and simultaneously turn the handle.

The choice of option depends on the needs of the owner.

Brief overview of popular manufacturers

Today, there are so many manufacturers of accessories for plastic windows that it is difficult to make a choice on your own. Especially considering that there are offers both from little-known companies at a very low price, and from fairly well-known brands. Many people think that while a product is relatively new, it should have decent quality, even at a low cost, because this is how brands gain market and popularity. However, this is most often not the case. When choosing fittings, we recommend relying not on the opinions of those companies that sell them, but on the opinions of people who install plastic windows and configure these fittings accordingly. So they can, from a professional point of view, evaluate the quality of a product from a particular manufacturer and recommend a certain company.

Judging by the opinions and reviews of professional installers, the following companies are now the sales leaders:

  • The Austrian manufacturer Maco has been presenting its products on the Russian market since 1994. During this time, there were practically no complaints about the quality of their products; the fittings are reliable, easy to set up and have a long service life. High-quality materials are used in the manufacture of various elements;
  • German mark Roto – also recommended its products on the positive side. The products are distinguished by high quality and reliability, durability and strength. All fittings are covered by a 10-year warranty. The handles are characterized by a smooth and easy movement, a tight fit to the window frame;

  • The Turkish company Kale has been producing fittings for windows and doors since 1980. On the Russian market, the products are better known as “Proplex”. The quality of the products in this case has really been confirmed over the years;
  • Another German manufacturer Siegenia – specializes in the production of various types of accessories. A distinctive feature of this company is that production is carried out only in Europe. The quality of the products is appropriate, so if they assure you that there are branches in China and other countries and offer to buy such products, you can say that they are trying to sell you a fake.

The cost of window handles starts from 60 rubles and can reach several thousand if we are talking about designer products with decor. The cost will depend not only on the material of manufacture, but also on the functionality of the product.

The article was written for the site.


How to choose the right one?

To choose a quality product, you need to consider the following parameters :

  1. The material from which the handle is made. The durability of the part depends on this. If the base is not visible due to the PVC layer, then certificates should be required to confirm quality.
  2. Appearance. The lock handle must be free of damage, cracks, and burrs along the edges. The coating is free of stains and yellowing.
  3. Form. Manufacturers offer a huge selection - straight handle, curved, with a protective cap or recesses for fingers.
  4. Number of fixation stages. Products with a locking system are available with the ability to open the window not only in three standard positions, but also in a position of 45° and 60° for micro-ventilation.

The most important characteristic is the length of the pin. There are several standard sizes offered by manufacturers - 35 mm, 40 mm, 45 mm, 60 mm.

Before purchasing a pen, you should know exactly how long the pin is needed. To do this, you will need to remove the old handle and measure the length of the pin on it. When installing a new window, you need to know the distance between the centers of the handle mounting holes.

Important! You cannot purchase a product with an arbitrary pin length. If during installation it turns out to be smaller, then the short pin will not reach the fittings. If the length is longer, then it will not be possible to install the product correctly on the seat.

Which material to choose?

In fact, and perhaps fortunately, the choice is small. It's either plastic or metal.

  • Plastic handles are more affordable and generally reduce the cost of a set of accessories. Basically, they are installed on windows of the budget series. This is where the benefits end. Obvious disadvantages include increased fragility, unreliability and flimsiness of the structure, frequent breakdowns, the appearance of yellowness and loss of color. But you don’t have to bother and think about how to fix such a handle, but immediately replace it with a new one;

  • Metal handles are installed on expensive and high-quality windows or balcony doors. The metal from which the product is made can be coated with a coating of various colors and shades or imitating various textures. Such a handle can become a real window decoration. Metal products are characterized by increased strength and a longer service life. The disadvantages include their higher cost compared to plastic structures.

Despite this, you should not immediately discard the option of purchasing plastic handles, especially since there are models that are made of high-quality plastic and which also inspire a feeling of reliability. You just need to purchase accessories from well-known manufacturers and not try to save money on this point.

Step-by-step installation instructions

Before starting work, you need to prepare your tools. Needed :

  • Phillips screwdriver with tip PH2, PH3;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers.

The fastening of the product with a lock is identical to the fastenings of various types of conventional handles.

The first stage is dismantling the old handle:

  1. Rotate the old part into a horizontal position. If it is broken, use pliers.
  2. Rotate the decorative trim to expose the mounting screws. It is located under the handle. It usually turns very easily. If difficulties arise, just pry it off with a knife or screwdriver.
  3. Unscrew the two mounting screws.

The second step is to remove the handle. To do this, pull slightly towards yourself.

Installation of a new part - the third stage:

  1. Place the locking mechanism in the “open window” position.
  2. Insert the product into the hole in a vertical position, then place it vertically.
  3. Rotate the cover to gain access to the holes.
  4. Screw the part tightly.
  5. Return the cover to its original position.

Important! It is necessary to tighten the screws all the way so that the lock handle is screwed tightly. This is necessary to maintain the declared service life of the product.

Finally, check the operation of the handle in different positions.

More details on how to install a handle with a lock:

Which design should you choose?

Previously, when the first plastic windows began to be installed in rare apartments, all the fittings were standard, and the handles themselves were monotonous and rather restrained in design. But that was a long time ago. Today, handles can have a wide variety of shapes, colors, or even be custom-made and inlaid with decorative metal plates or rhinestones.

In general, if there were funds...

  • A handle matched identically to the color of the window frame will look most harmonious. Fortunately, now you can find products in silver, platinum, gold, ivory and any other color;
  • If the doors have a lamination, which is most often not monochromatic, but has a color that imitates the cut of natural wood, you can select either single-color handles of a darker shade - to match the color of the veins, or with a similar pattern;

  • Sometimes, to highlight this element, you can choose an aluminum product, which looks very interesting against the background of a white frame. Especially if you plan to install aluminum blinds on the window;
  • Pay attention to the shape of the handle. It can be smooth rectangular, arched, tapering towards the bottom or have grooves for fingers. The last option is the most convenient for many;

  • The linings that hide the fastening elements of the core can also be different in shape. They can be strict rectangular, with rounded edges and smooth edges, oval, etc.

Many people don’t even pay attention to any other features except color, but in vain, because this is the most visible part of the fittings, which can give the overall interior the desired shades.

Difficulties and errors

Errors or difficulties may occur during operation:

  1. Incorrect pin size selection. In this case, it is impossible to install a new handle.
  2. Jamming or breaking of an old part. In such a situation, the main rule is not to damage the mounting holes and the sash. Therefore, all actions must be precise and accurate.
  3. Lost key to the lock. The only way out is to replace the lock handle.

Manufacturers must provide the product with instructions and recommendations. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before starting installation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the design solution it should be noted:

  • guarantee of child safety - the lock cannot be opened without a key;
  • high degree of anti-burglary protection - it is impossible to move the mechanism tires from the outside;
  • fits perfectly into the interior;
  • soft movement of the mechanism;
  • ease of installation;
  • ability to use for different types of windows;
  • compactness;
  • installation is carried out without replacing the window.


  • the lock may jam;
  • If you lose the key, it is impossible to open or close the window.

Important. If any of the troubles occur, you will have to change the handle.

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