How to choose glass for stained glass. Types of glass and manufacturers with whom I worked.

March 13, 2020

If you're just starting to learn the art of Tiffany stained glass, you may be confused by the huge variety of types and manufacturers of glass. I will try to clarify this issue and help you make a choice.

When going to buy glass for stained glass, try to take into account several factors that will influence your choice.

  • color;
  • texture;
  • opacity;
  • ease of use;
  • price.

Will the stained glass window be transparent or should it hide what is inside the room? What the backlit glass will look like. How will you combine colors in your work? All these are variables that can change depending on what kind of product you are going to make with your own hands - a panel on the wall or, for example, a large stained glass window.

Stained glass: what is it

The word vitre comes from France and refers to window glass. Stained glass is a decorative composition used to fill a window opening. It is made from pieces of colored glass and is often painted.

Stained glass includes transparent pictures, patterns on or from glass. They are most often installed in light window openings, as well as in doors and lanterns. Today the concept of stained glass is broader. Now this is any decorative glass filling of openings, arches, walls and a variety of products. But the true purpose of stained glass is windows, which become the highlight of a stylish interior. It looks especially elegant on French balconies.

Variety of textures

There is glass that is completely smooth on both sides, and there is glass that is smooth on one side and with a characteristic texture on the other. If you want to choose a relief material, then it has its own characteristics.

  • not all products involve the use of textured glass - think about this at the stage of drawing up the layout and choosing stained glass equipment;
  • textured glass on interior partitions or doors is a great way to achieve privacy;
  • the material requires more thorough cleaning, since dirt and dust can get caught in the protrusions, especially when it comes to kitchen and bathroom façade elements;
  • Using the original texture of glass decorative elements, you can create an unusual interior design. This decorative technique is very popular among designers;
  • working with textured glass is easy and simple for experienced craftsmen, and for beginner stained glass artists using the Tiffany technique, less textured glass is optimal, because it is more convenient to cut

Different glass textures can also be combined in one work. Some masters create very impressive works using more than 5 different textures in one stained glass window.

History of stained glass windows

It is impossible to establish when the first stained glass samples were made. But it is unlikely that they began to be used immediately after the appearance of glass. Ancient Roman mosaics were also found in temples; they consisted of small plates of colored glass. In early Christian churches, windows were filled with thin transparent stone plates, and ornaments were made from them.

Colored window glazing was first a glass mosaic that was inserted into wood and stone openings and window traceries. Afterwards, mosaics began to be made from colored pieces of glass, which were cut out and assembled into a pattern or ornament in a lead frame. These mosaics were assembled in a metal frame.

The photo shows the design of stained glass windows in ancient buildings:

Positive and negative sides

Stained glass windows in a private house most often have a large width, which can be several times greater than the height. This design is characterized by a high concentration of light indoors. On the outside, it creates a stunning design that attracts the attention of passersby. The advantages of this design:

  • Attractive appearance of the facade.
  • A bright room with a beautiful view.
  • Non-standard solution for the interior.
  • High strength, durable design.
  • Excellent sound insulation ability.

Manufacturers offer glass reinforced with a special film; thanks to this element, the resistance of the surface against mechanical damage is significantly increased, and heat loss is also reduced in the winter season. To protect against criminals, the moving areas of panoramic windows can be equipped with an alarm.

Any design is not without drawbacks:

  • Large windows provide a view not only to you, but also to passers-by who will look into the room. This problem is relevant for residents of the first floors. You can solve this with mirror tinting or large curtains.
  • Heat loss in the winter season. Glass, regardless of the thickness of the glass unit, retains heat worse than walls, so heating a room with panoramic glazing will be more difficult. The heating devices themselves cannot be fixed to a glass wall.
  • The materials themselves and their installation are quite expensive.
  • In summer, the room quickly heats up, furniture upholstery and wallpaper may fade if measures are not taken to protect it from ultraviolet radiation.

When installing panoramic windows, you should think about ventilation and washing in advance. It is much easier to maintain a structure if it has opening elements.

Read more about seamless glazing in our material “Main characteristics of seamless glazing”. How French glazing of a balcony will help to visually expand the space, read our article Design of a balcony with panoramic glazing.

And how to arrange a loggia with panoramic glazing, see the link

Development of stained glass

Over time, colored glazing became a separate branch of decorative art. They began to shade the colored pieces of glass by applying dark paints. Glass painting by firing began in the 9th century. By the end of the tenth century, glass painting gained great momentum, pushing aside glass mosaics.

An active rise in art occurred in the 13th century in France. The main center for the production of painted glass was established in Chartres.

Stained glass technology improved, and different countries began to delve into it, especially Italy, Switzerland, Poland, and England. In our country, stained glass became fashionable in the 1920s with stories of chivalry and the desire to imitate medieval architecture. But, if at that time Russia had no experience in this area, now the gap has been more than filled, including by. We carry out a variety of stained glass projects, such as French balconies and panoramic glazing. How gorgeous it looks:

How to choose colors for work

First of all, I recommend focusing on the color wheel, the laws of combining colors and tones. Learn the basic concepts - cold/warm colors, contrasting or related colors, etc. A very good book on this topic is “The Art of Color” by Johannes Itten.

Try using colored pencils to work out the shades on a black and white sketch of your future work. Or you can choose a stained glass window, a picture similar to what you have in mind and focus on it. Everything will come with experience, train your observation, note for yourself successful options from other masters and take note. Try and experiment.

Knowing the advantages and features of different types of glass, you can not only gain experience working with different materials, but also create your own personal list of preferences. Be sure to make a sample set with individual pieces of glass and a brief description of each type (including brand, color code, and place of purchase). This way you can quickly navigate the tried-and-tested varieties and choose the most suitable material for your next job.

Pavel Soyunen, your personal instructor in the Tiffany technique.

Advantages of stained glass windows

  1. Unique look. An apartment or house with stained glass windows looks not just rich, but goes into the category of exquisite luxury. The non-standard appearance of windows gives individual beauty and helps to realize creative fantasies. Thanks to modern technologies, you can choose stained glass of the desired look and style.
  2. Original black and white effects. Shades of glass change the overall color content of the space. This creates an excellent decorative effect.
  3. Strength. Stained glass windows are not afraid of corrosion. They are resistant to deformation and the influence of UV rays.
  4. Easy to repair. The simple design allows you to quickly dismantle and replace individual stained glass elements.

Stained glass windows bring intimacy and romance to living areas. Look how beautiful the interior looks with stained glass windows in the apartment:

And thanks to stained glass, you can do away with curtains and blinds, which visually make the room smaller and collect dust. They themselves isolate the living area from prying eyes.

We install different windows with stained glass, large and small, wide and narrow. We are proficient in several stained glass techniques and always approach the task individually based on your requirements and preferences.

Many people are attracted by the fact that installing a stained glass system does not involve any difficulties. No lifting equipment required. Installation does not require large expenses. We make affordable prices for all services, including stained glass production.

Glass manufacturers

I will only talk here about those brands that I work with myself and can recommend.

  1. Spectrum Glass is the most widespread and famous manufacturer of stained glass. Initially, production was located in the USA, but has now moved to Mexico. The quality was not affected. Their glasses are divided into categories depending on the degree of transparency (transparent, translucent, opaque and slightly translucent). In each section you can choose glass both by color and texture. There are also glasses with various artistic effects. They are always more expensive. I work mainly with glasses from this brand. I love its quality and it has never let me down. Prices for it are approximately 70 euros per kg. In Russia it is cheaper, especially with the current exchange rate fluctuations.
  2. Bullseye Glass Co. The company from the USA and its glass are distinguished by their unusual and modern design. Many options for both regular sheet glass and options for decorating it. For glass chips, sticks, fragments, etc. you need to go to them.
  3. UROBOROS is an elite manufacturer whose quality you can not doubt. Good assortment, complex shades and effects. Some sheets of glass can be immediately framed and admired. As they themselves say, “precious handmade glass,” which is not far from the truth, considering both the quality and the price.
  4. Youghiogheny - if you are looking for unsurpassed quality, beauty and a wide selection of natural shades, this is the place for you. This glass is not for the mass buyer, it is made by hand, the price is again much higher than average. The company develops the traditions of producing Louis Comfort Tiffany glass and this glass is especially well suited for the production of lamps.

I would also like to say something about Chinese glass. I’m also working with him now, but there are nuances, you need to choose very carefully. Be sure to check for various defects and imperfections when purchasing. It’s interesting that, in theory, the Chinese should know a lot about glassmaking, they invented it, but it just so happens that it is the Americans who are strong in making glass for stained glass.

Stained glass techniques

Many techniques have been developed to create stained glass. Often combined methods are used, in which several techniques are combined. Let's look at several popular stained glass production techniques.


Transparent or colored glass is used, but always very thick. Methods for its processing:

  1. The edge is removed along the perimeter of the glass.
  2. The glass is ground or polished to give the desired volume.

The effect of light refraction and the beauty of stained glass depends on the width of the chamfer. To obtain a wide chamfer, glass with a thickness of 0.5 cm is taken, which determines the heaviness of the structure. Individual glasses are connected using a typesetting method.

We work with faceted stained glass windows. We use six-millimeter glass with a beveled edge. Due to the narrow edge, stained glass windows from the outside can be combined with stained glass tape or film. They are fixed to the glass with ultraviolet glue, which hardens firmly under sunlight in a quarter of a minute and is invisible. All materials for applying bevels are produced by a reliable company from England, RegaLead. We make high-quality beveled stained glass windows with a 5-year guarantee. We will be happy to create a French balcony for you with stained glass windows.


This is the original method. The classic glass paintings that still decorate Gothic cathedrals are stacked. Transparent pieces of colored glass were cut out and fastened with lead partitions, and the joints were soldered.

Modern technology is of higher quality, more attractive and safer, because aluminum and copper are used instead of lead.


Stained glass is also produced using seamless methods, including:

  1. Fusing. The glass pattern is laid out on transparent glass and placed in the oven.
  2. Casting. Metal contours are laid out on a glass substrate, with glass between them.
  3. Etching. Allows you to create complex matte compositions by burning with a special paste.
  4. Sandblasting method. A safer method for producing matte patterns.

Cutting glass and mirrors in Yaroslavl

Phone number for orders: +7 (4852) 200-551

Phone number for orders: +7 (4852) 200-551

Glass is a fairly fragile material that can break if exposed. In general, this is true, but to a large extent, the destruction of glass does not occur due to its fragility. A much more important and complex problem is the incorrect choice of parameters and characteristics of glass products. That is why the thickness of the glass is very important. If this condition does not meet the technical requirements, it is simply impossible to guarantee the integrity of the material and the durability of its service. Therefore, for each direction it is necessary to carefully consider the thickness of the material. Moreover, only a specialist can accurately select the appropriate thickness, but in the standard use of glass products it is worth considering your requirements.

Areas of application for thin glass

There is glass of various thicknesses. As a rule, a thickness of 2 mm or more is considered the minimum. But this is not entirely true. There is a special glass whose thickness reaches 1.8mm or less. It has not gained popularity in the construction industry due to its fragility, which is why it is so widespread. Small thickness of glass is necessary in the production of various products, the front part of which requires the use of a transparent, durable, abrasion-resistant material. Also, especially thin glass is used in the production of various electronic parts and the design of certain interior elements. In the construction industry, it is irrational to use thin glass.

Window glass and its features

The next thickest glass product is called window glass. Moreover, the name itself determines the scope of application of glass. However, there are some peculiarities here too. The thickness of glass for a window can vary within 2mm, 3mm, 4mm. The thinnest glass, 2 mm thick, is used if the window frame is small and the window is located on the east, south side. It is the most fragile of all, so you should be careful when handling such glass.

Glass, 3mm thick, is considered the most common. As you know, when choosing window sizes, there is a certain standard. For example, the standard frame size of a double-leaf window in a panel house is about 1300x1400mm. But it should be taken into account that even in houses of the same building, window sizes can vary significantly (within 10-15 cm, and sometimes more). At the same time, a glass thickness of 3 mm is also capable of withstanding a load twice or even three times greater. Accordingly, when choosing glass for a regular window, you should give preference to a thickness of 3mm.

As you know, there are non-standard large windows, they are also called panoramic. The glass of such a window is subject to a very large load, which includes the weight of the glass itself, wind, and mechanical influences. Therefore, for such windows a thickness of 4 mm is provided. Also, if necessary, the glass thickness can be increased; a special calculation is required to more accurately determine this parameter. Thick window glass is also used in the manufacture of store windows.

Extra thick glass

There is glass whose thickness is 4.5mm, 5.5mm, 6.5mm. The scope of application of such glass is very wide. Most often, glass of increased thickness is used in the manufacture of countertops and other surfaces with increased load. When choosing glass, there are several factors to consider:

  • Selecting the surface on which the glass is installed. Sometimes it is believed that it is worth using a soft spacer to install glass. This is the wrong approach. It is better to provide a hard but smooth surface. Soft gaskets create an uneven load, which makes the glass more likely to burst.
  • Number of supports. Everything is clear here; the glass surface of a coffee table with four supports will withstand a more significant load, in comparison with the glass of a glass shelf with two supports that has the same characteristics.
  • Center point load. The thickness of the glass is largely determined by the types and characteristics of the loads relative to its length. The longer the glass and the further away the support points are, the thicker it should be.

Glass of increased thickness is also used in other areas, for example, in the manufacture of aquariums. To most accurately determine the thickness of the material, it is necessary to take into account the type and characteristics of the loads that will act on it. Therefore, to produce specialized elements of glass products, it is necessary to involve qualified craftsmen.

The correct choice of glass thickness, its application and features will ensure durability and stability of the material under the influence of various natural and mechanical loads. When choosing glass, this factor must be taken into account.

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Imitation of stained glass

One of the best ways to imitate stained glass technology is film stained glass. A special transparent film with a pattern is glued to the glass. A profile is glued along the contours, which is similar to metal partitions.

The peculiarity of film stained glass is that it makes the glass stronger and does not allow fragments to fly apart in a critical situation.

The photo shows film stained glass windows:

We are engaged in film stained glass, which is visually as similar as possible to the soldered stained glass of Tiffany (this is a French artist who improved stained glass technology at the end of the 19th century). We use multilayer stained glass film RegaLead. It is resistant to sunlight. The coating is durable, the average service life is 25 years.

Material transparency

There are three types of stained glass in terms of transparency:

  1. Opaque. You won’t be able to see anything through it even if you place the product opposite a light source. The advantage of the material is the ability to regulate the level of illumination in the room if a window or lighting fixture is decorated with a stained glass composition.
  2. Translucent glass (25% opal additive). Light passes through it well, the outlines of objects are visible, but not details.
  3. Transparent colored or clear glass (sometimes called cathedral). It has a beautiful rich color and fairly high transparency. It was this kind of glass that decorated the windows of cathedrals.

By the way, if you need stained glass glass for a shower partition and want to evaluate the degree of its transparency, place your hand behind the sheet at a distance of about 15 cm - how well can you see it? If it’s good enough, you should continue your search and choose another glass.

Separately, we can note glasses with various artistic effects and features of technical efforts during production, as well as the addition of rare metals to the composition. For example, the now fashionable Iridized glass with pearlescent tints or Baroque glass with patterns of various colors. These glasses are usually much more expensive than regular ones.

Is it possible to combine opaque and transparent glass in one work?

Yes it is possible. A combination of opal (thick) and transparent glass will look beautiful in a stained glass window. Transparent ones will glow during the day, and opal ones will come to the fore at night. With experience, you will learn to understand how glass will behave in certain conditions and then it will be easier to combine different shades, textures and densities of glass.

French balcony with stained glass - style and luxury

You can make ordinary windows with stained glass, or you can have panoramic glazing or a French balcony. Such solutions will emphasize your excellent taste, adding zest to the facade. The photo shows how gorgeous the floor-to-ceiling windows look with stained glass:

Panoramic stained glass windows can contain entire compositions and become real paintings, it all depends on your preferences.

The balcony, glazed from the floor itself, provides more natural light in the adjacent rooms. A stained glass balcony over the entire area with sliding frames will distinguish you from your neighbors from the facade and from the inside, creating the illusion of a larger apartment area than it actually is.

Demonstrate your exclusivity and high level of respectability by ordering windows, glazing or a French balcony with stained glass in.

Types of stained glass glazing by design

  1. Crossbar-post system

This is a classic system, tested by time and by the main manufacturers of double-glazed windows. It is easy to install, cheap, and resembles a regular plastic window in design. It has an aluminum frame consisting of posts and crossbars, inside there is glass or a fiberglass block. Seals ensure tightness. Advantages: thermal insulation, price, ease of installation, ease of integration into an existing facade, choice of glass.

  1. Modular facades

These are factory-finished fiberglass structures, which are initially delivered from the factory to the construction site. The frame system, a ready-made solution, quick installation, and good quality make modular structures dominant when installing stained glass windows in administrative and office buildings.

Modular systems are designed as a single unit ; there is no possibility of combining glass colors. It is also difficult to provide technological holes for air conditioners, which are not a problem to make in the crossbar system. There is no economic sense in installing modular structures for small facades, because the dimensions are standardized, and cutting the frame and glass is too expensive. The modular system is often used in the design of facades of office and residential high-rise buildings.

  1. Structural glazing

This is a specific type of glazing, which has a number of features:

  • No visible fasteners;
  • Fasteners are of the post-transom type, but there is no bulkiness;
  • Combined glass sizes and the ability to visually increase the size of the building;
  • Versatility.

Structural glazing completely eliminates the human factor during subsidence, air pressure, and external water supply. Stained glass is distinguished by good thermal insulation, sound insulation, and durability.

  1. Mosaic glazing (semi-structural complex)

Making such glazing is not just difficult, but very difficult. Therefore, the technical solution is expensive. To implement a project you need to spend a lot of effort, money, energy and human resources. Each element has its own shade, the frame is also matched to the color of the facade. Mosaics can only be found on the facades of elite residential and office centers.

  1. Spider glazing

This is local glazing of specific fragments of the building facade . The installation technology is complex. Technically feasible. The glass is fixed with special fastenings - spiders; there is no resistance of the glass to the supporting frame. This system has become popular due to its low cost, installation of glass of any size, glass has a high throughput, and the frame is resistant to corrosion.

Personal comfort

Panoramic windows, the dimensions of which are significantly larger than standard ones, are primarily necessary to increase the amount of light entering the room. However, a transparent house is not always convenient because passers-by can easily see everything that is happening inside.

This is not the only problem, since in hot weather the room will become very hot, and in rain or cold it will freeze faster. The sun will start to bother you from early morning if you turn the window to the east. The south side will provide a lot of light, but can cause increased temperatures in the summer. For greater comfort, it is better to turn the panorama to the western or northern side.

A frameless balcony can expand the internal space by 30 centimeters if the structure is made external.

If the balcony glazing is cold, it will not be comfortable to use in winter, so it will not be possible to turn the external structure into additional meters of room.

Read about the features of panoramic glazing in construction at

Hacking protection

Glass structures always attract the attention of intruders, who believe that it is much easier to enter the premises through them. There are several ways to protect yourself from criminal attacks:

  • A high-quality, but expensive way is to install armored glass. Such material is not only impossible to break with a stone, but also to shoot from a pistol. Such glasses can be combined with simple ones to create double protection.
  • Installing special fittings will significantly increase the security of the room, since it will be almost impossible to open such a structure from the street.
  • Installation of a security alarm that sends a signal to the private security console. It is a reliable way to protect against criminals; if a window is broken, hacked, or an intruder gets into the house, the system will send a signal and a security detail will arrive immediately.

Installation of armored glass

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