Why do customers choose KBE Expert 70 mm?

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KBE Expert 70 windows are a design that meets high thermal insulation requirements. The products have excellent technical parameters that allow installation in large cities with high noise levels.

The difference between the Expet 70 profile and other KBE models

There is a wide range of KBE systems on the manufacturer market, so when choosing, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technical and operational parameters.

The KBE Gutwerk 58 model is an affordable option for manufacturing structures due to its low cost. The width of the three-layer material is 58 mm. The German profile KBE Expert 70 is covered with a dark gray film from the manufacturer.

KBE Expert windows differ in their performance parameters due to their manufacturing technology. The four-chamber KBE Master design with a profile width of 70 mm is manufactured in Russia. In 2016, after improving the technical characteristics, a red protective film coating was applied to the material.

The KBE 76, Master, Expert models are equipped with the same protection, but they differ in shape and have different prices.

Therefore, when choosing, it is important to take into account all system parameters. The Russian KBE Expert profile has 5 air chambers.

Differences between the KBE profile: KBE Expert, KBEGut and KBE Master.

This article was written so that the consumer has the opportunity to distinguish between several different profiles with the same KBE name.

KBE Gut (aka KBE Gutwerk 58) is a Russian 3-chamber system. Refers to the most budget option of the KBE varieties. Installation width - 58 mm.

KBE Master (aka KBE Gutwerk 70) is a Russian 4-chamber system, which until mid-summer 2016 had its own protective factory film and the name GutWerk 70. The installation width of this profile, like that of KBE Expert, is -70 mm.

We can say that it was from this period that this profile received a second life, renamed from the little-known GutWerk to the loud KBE 70 and receiving a red factory protective film, under which everyone was already accustomed to seeing KBE Expert.

Everything would be fine, but the more expensive Russian and German 5-chamber KBE Expert was also called by many either simply KBE or KBE 70.

As a result, the consumer began to get confused in these systems. And if the German KBE Expert still has a visual difference in the form of a dark (gray) factory protective film, then the Russian 5-chamber KBE Expert visually began to differ only in the little-known geometry of this profile.

Now let's look at what we have in practice.

I am a client and I decided, on the advice of happy neighbors, to order myself a kitchen window from the KBE profile.

I start calling companies that offer the option I’m interested in.

Almost everyone has standard questions:

“Is your house panel or brick?”

“Will the glass unit be single-chamber or double-glazed?”

“We’ll divide the window into two parts, one sash will be fixed, the other will be a tilt-and-turn one?”

“Are you interested in finishing slopes?” etc…

My answer: “Yes, yes, yes and yes.”

What do we have after 2 hours of studying the window market!?

Today (03/01/2019) my turnkey window in the KBE profile will cost from 320 to 410 rubles.

Yeah. The difference is quite big. Ninety rubles are not lying around on the road in these difficult times.

But why does the same plastic window have such a difference in price!? After all, I compared the same fittings, the same double-glazed windows, ordered the finishing of the slopes from the same material, profile, number of openings, etc. What's the difference? And the point is clearly not only in the different “appetites” of manufacturing companies.

This article was written to help find the answer to this question! And the answer lies in the fact that someone offers you KBE 76 mm for this money, someone KBE Expert, and someone KBE Gut or KBE Master.

All KBE profiles are called the same, but they can be completely different systems!

“Window Industry Plus” recommends not to make premature conclusions and to focus your attention not only on fittings and double-glazed windows, but also on what kind of KBE they are offering you.


German KBE Expert is only a gray factory protective film .

The red factory protective film in the 58th and 70th series is a profile made in Russia. KBE Gut, KBE Master (aka GutWerk 70) and the Russian KBE Expert are currently “hiding” under such film. The protective film is the same, but these are different profiles that cost different money.

German 5 chamber KBE Expert:

The marking of the KBE profile produced at the manufacturing plant in Berlin is the following combination scheme:

392 PRO 1 03 CSTB 519 267 11 B 191 GOST R 21 417 40 13 EN 126 08 SII B 101

392 - Profile article number PRO 1 - Manufacturer (Profine), number 1 - indicates that the plant is located in Berlin 03 - Extruder number CSTB 519 - French certification system 267 11 - Ordinal day and year of production B - Shift number (B-second shift) 191 - CSTB for Ca-Zn (calcium-zinc) stabilizer GOST R - Russian certification system (GOST 30673) 21 - Applied formulation and stabilizer 417 40 13 - RAL (German certification system) and quality certificate number EN 126 08 SII B 101 - European standard EN indicating climate zone, impact resistance class

Attention! The Ukrainian KBE Expert ( KBE 70 ST plus , plant in Zaporozhye) has recently had a gray factory protective film And also with the inscription “Engineered in Germany by. PROFINE". So now it’s impossible to distinguish the German KBE Expert from the Ukrainian one by the protective film.

You can distinguish the German KBE Expert from the Ukrainian KBE 70 ST plus by the characteristic KBE stamp on the end of the sash, which the Ukrainian has, but the German does not. In addition, the German KBE Expert has a gray insert, which the compared profile from Ukraine does not have.

Prices for windows from KBE Expert.

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Technical characteristics of window profile KBE Expert 70 mm

In the KBE Expert 70 window system, the technical characteristics of which meet the requirements for thermal insulation, the width has been increased by 20%. The resulting large installation seam reduces heat loss.

Rehau Delight metal-plastic windows, unlike KBE, have smaller sash widths. They are in demand in regions with short summers and in homes with low light levels.

In combination with a double-chamber double-glazed window, the KBE Expert profile allows you to create comfort in the room and protects from noise. The service life of the products reaches 40 years. High-quality window structures made from the KBE Expert profile are equipped with 2 sealing contours, overlapped by 8 mm, the rebate gap is 3 mm.

The technical characteristics of KBE Expert 70 mm allow the installation of a wider double-glazed window, the thickness of which can reach 58 mm.

Products made from this material can withstand temperatures down to -60°C.

In addition to a wide double-glazed window, the system allows the installation of sashes with a side of up to 1.5 m. The installation width of the sash and frame is 7 cm. The installation height of the sash is 8 cm, the frame is 6.9 cm. For the KBE Expert profile, the total installation height with a wall thickness of 90 .5 mm is 121 mm.

A system with a reinforcing liner is characterized by greater resistance to heat transfer. The sound insulation level is 42 dBA, and the heat loss coefficient is 0.84.

The material is certified, equipped with burglary protection, environmentally friendly, and does not contain toxic substances.

During the production of the profile, lead is replaced with a calcium and zinc compound, which increases the service life. The design parameters allow the installation of tilt-and-turn fittings for windows and balcony doors.

The KBE Energy system is positioned as the optimal solution for glazing objects with special requirements for noise and heat insulation. The profile consists of 3 air chambers. It is created on a base width of 70 mm, which allows the installation of double-glazed windows, and this makes the structure warmer.

The standard version has a black seal. The material can withstand temperatures up to -60°C, is durable, and meets state standards.

The profile can be installed in combination with a wide frame.

A series of profiles is represented by various systems that have their own purpose. For example, KBE Etalon is used for classical products, Balans for object construction.

The Engine profile is an economical option for glazing residential and office buildings, and Exstra is suitable for installation in regions with difficult climatic conditions. The universal Classic system offers an optimal combination of price and quality.

The premium Select profile is distinguished by its appearance, smooth lines and rounded contours. The elite Elita system is characterized by increased thermophysical parameters, and Optima allows you to create maximum comfort. In the field of efficient energy saving, KBE 88 is used.


“KVE windows have been standing for more than three years, and everything is perfect! They never contacted us about repairs!” writes tatius. On the one hand, three years is not such a long time to draw conclusions. After all, manufacturers claim that the profile should last up to 40 years!

A guest of the Okna Media portal writes that the KVE profile is of low quality. And this is a completely opposite opinion to the first. But maybe the problem is not in the profile at all? It’s just that a person installed flimsy fittings, or a crooked installer got caught.


Choose the color yourself!

Svetlana writes on the Okna Media portal: “The windows are scary, gray frames and a tiny window!” Elene thinks differently: “KBE windows have a beautiful appearance. You can choose any color and profile shape.”

There are two options here. Or Svetlana had negative impressions after installing the windows, and they seem scary to her. Or Elene installed windows of a more elegant brand. For example, KBE Select 70 mm, KBE Expert, or KBE Expert +.


Otzovik forum user barsik.07 shares that for him KVE is a good combination of price and quality. We willingly believe! Indeed, these profiles are cheaper than other brands.

“KBE is a well-known brand. And consumers overpay for it,” says Mikhail, a guest of the Okna Media portal. Well, everyone’s concept of high cost is different. Do you want a cheaper, but hemorrhoids-inducing option? Take windows from lesser-known brands.

Advantages of installing the KBE expert 70 profile in our company

To manufacture structures, we use high-quality materials and fittings, which ensure more than 100,000 opening and closing cycles. Thanks to the increased width of the KBE system, the products protect the room from cold and heat and allow you to create a microclimate.

Our profile production company offers several material options that deserve high praise.

To install durable structures, it is recommended to buy plastic windows from the KBE profile. With them in the house it will be warm and cozy.

When ordering products from us, customers are offered free quality measurements.

Delivery of products is free, and dismantling of old structures is included in the price. The duration of operation depends on correct installation, so installation work is carried out by specialists at the Window Factory.

Price for kbe expert 70 profile in Moscow and the region

Using an online calculator, you can calculate the price of KBE Expert 70. The cost of the system in Moscow and the region depends on the parameters of the object. Companies that produce plastic windows at their own factories offer customers special offers.

There is a system of seasonal discounts for buyers. When glazing balconies and loggias, companies offer the installation of heated floors. A special price for volume applies to the manufacture and installation of structures in a cottage.

Feedback from our clients about the profile kbe expert 70

The popular German system is in high demand among customers. They indicate the optimal combination of convenience, functionality, and quality. Thanks to the width of the system and the 5-chamber design, the products ensure heat retention.

Alexander Prokhorov, 51 years old, Balashikha. Among the variety of offers on the window construction market, it is difficult to make a final decision. After studying various materials, I chose the KBE Expert 70 profile. I installed window frames in the house. I ordered products with a wood finish. The windows look stylish and, most importantly, retain heat well.

Elena Vorobyova, 41 years old, Moscow. After reading reviews about Expert 70, I decided in favor of this profile. Replacement of windows was carried out in living rooms. After a call to the structure manufacturing company, a surveyor arrived. The installation was carried out within a few days. The company's work left a positive impression. The windows open and close perfectly, in the folding position you can ventilate the room, and most importantly, the noise level has decreased.

What makes the KVE profile happy?

Consumers found many advantages in the profiles of this brand:

Thermal insulation

Many forum users claim that KBE windows retain heat well. This is what user Lezera writes on the Otzovik forum: “Even in March I had to open the windows - it was hot.” Let's think like this: opening the window once again to ventilate the apartment is not a problem. But we don’t want anyone to overpay for heating with leaky windows.


This parameter also did not disappoint. Here is just one of the reviews from a satisfied client who replaced her mother-in-law's windows. “I can’t hear the noise from the street!” writes zombi on Otzovik. It’s easy to believe, because all KBE profile models cope well with street noise. True, the KBE Select 70 mm in this regard is slightly better than other models of this brand.

What kind of model is this wonderful - KBE Select 70 mm? Read about this and other models in the material: KBE is one of the most reliable profiles. In order for your windows to always be “healthy”, they need to be looked after. Read tips on the rules for using plastic windows from manufacturers.

How to care for the fittings? More precisely, to regulate it? About this in this material.

Don't cry

Real windows from KVE will never cry

One of the visitors to the same forum admits that she was afraid to install plastic windows. After all, many people I know have had condensation form on them. But she still took a risk and installed a KBE window with double glazing. And what do you think? Her windows don't sweat.

We would say that the reason here is the holes that are made in the KBE profiles. And through them all the dampness from the rooms comes out. But self-ventilation is installed by all major manufacturers of plastic windows. So it's a matter of proper installation.

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