Wide selection of double-glazed windows 4 16 4 for apartments, country houses, cottages, offices -

What is a double glazed window?

This product is a glass rectangle of specified dimensions depending on the size of the window. For its production, glass measuring 4-8 mm is used, the distance between them is set by a dividing frame 4-36 mm wide. This value is specified by international standards.

In practice, the most common formula is “4-16-4”, which means the presence of a pair of glasses with a thickness of 4 mm and a separating frame 16 mm wide.

A layer of sealant is applied to the 4 end surfaces. The separating frame is made of aluminum alloys or plastic. Glass can be used with various properties: armored, light-protective, heat-resistant, etc. The thickness and characteristics of the glass are specified in the order.

Key indicators considered when purchasing these products:

  1. Heat transfer resistance – R, m2*оС/W.
  2. Thermal insulation coefficient – ​​RW, Db.
  3. Glass unit weight – m, kg/m2.

Standard bags are produced in the following sizes:

  1. 16 mm thick (“4 – 8 – 4”), R=0.28; RW=21; m=21.7.
  2. 18 mm (“4 – 10 – 4”), R=0.29; RW=22; m=22.13.
  3. 20 mm (“4 – 12 – 4”), R=0.30; RW=23; m=22.56.
  4. 24 mm (“4 – 16 – 4”), R=0.32; RW=24; m=23.45.
  5. 32 mm (“4 – 24 – 4”), R=0.34 – extended.

The data is given for products that use standard glass of category M1. The chambers are filled with air, the dividing frame is made of aluminum alloy.

The coefficients of light transmission and heat resistance for all single-chamber bags are the same and amount to 0.80 and 0.78.

The weight of the product directly depends on the design of the window. The size of the camera has little effect on this indicator, since it changes due to the width of the dividing frame. Every millimeter increase in the width of the chamber leads to an increase in weight by 0.2 kg.

When the size of the glass thickness changes by 1 mm, its weight increases by 2.5 kg, that is, if the thickness of two glasses in a package changes, the total weight increase will be 5 kg.


An example of a symbol for a double-glazed window:

SPO 3M1 – 16Ar – 3M1 1600x850x24 GOST 24866-99

Single-chamber double-glazed window, first glass 3 mm thick. sheet, chamber thickness 16 mm. the chamber is filled with Argon, the second glass is 3 mm thick. sheet, height 1600 mm. width 850 mm. thickness 24 mm. general construction purposes.

SPD 4M1 – 18 – 4M1 – 18Ar – 5I 1350x900x49 ME GOST 24866-99

Double-glazed window, first and second glass 4 mm thick. sheet, the first chamber is filled with an air mixture, chamber thickness 18 mm. the second chamber is filled with Argon; the thickness of the chamber is 18 mm. the third glass is 5 mm thick. energy-saving with soft coating, height 1350 mm. width 900 mm. thickness 49 mm. frost-resistant, energy-saving.

Classification of double-glazed windows by the number of chambers and their designations (abbreviations)

A formulaic entry may begin with an abbreviation indicating the number of cameras.
If SPO appears at the beginning, this means that the double-glazed window has one chamber. Formulas for double-glazed windows begin with the abbreviation SPD. Here SP is an abbreviation for “double-glazed window,” and O and D are, respectively, “single-chamber” or “double-chamber.” A single-chamber glass unit is a glass unit consisting of two glasses arranged in parallel and hermetically connected by one spacer frame. A double-glazed window is a design consisting of three glasses connected by two frames.

For example, this is what the formula for a single-chamber double-glazed window with a width of 24 mm will look like:

4M1-16-4M1 (4 mm – glass thickness, 16 mm – spacer frame width, M1 – glass type).

If, instead of regular float glass, energy-saving glass is used, then the formula will look different:

4M1-16-4i (here the internal glass ensures heat retention inside the room and protects the space from drafts, resistance to heat loss reaches 0.59 m2 C/W, compared to the previous formula - 0.32 m2 C/W).

But the calculation of the formula for a double-glazed window with a width of 32 mm looks different:

4M1-10-4M1-10-4M1 (the formula already takes into account three glasses and two spacer frames, 10 mm wide, thermal insulation is 0.47 m2 C/W).

If we replace regular glass with energy-saving glass, we get the following formula:

4M1-10-4M1-10-4i (the principle is the same, the inner glass is indicated by a different marking inherent in energy-saving glass, the thermal insulation increases to 0.64 m2 C/W).

The total thickness of the structure may be indicated in parentheses after the chamber designation. For example, the formula for a 32-mm double-glazed window is SPD(32) 4M1-10-4M1-10-4M1. Here you can see that the product is made up of three 4 mm glasses and two 10 mm frames, totaling 32 millimeters.

GOST R 54175-2010 “Glued double-glazed windows. Technical Specifications” also describes double-glazed windows with special properties, which are then displayed in the formula.

Their properties can also be included in the abbreviation in the form of letters:

UD - shock resistant; E - energy saving; C - sun protection; Ш - protected from noise; M - frost-resistant.

There are also multifunctional products that combine several properties, for example, energy-saving and noise-proof. These characteristics can be determined by the properties of the glass.

What is the thickness of double-glazed windows for plastic windows?

How to correctly decipher the formula, the characteristics of a double-glazed window, find out the meaning of the abbreviations used, and consider an example:

The value in brackets is the total thickness of the glass unit. The formula always starts with the street (exterior) glass.

The first number is the thickness of the glass used, then a dash indicates the width of the spacer frame, then the thickness of the inner glass, a hyphen indicates the width of the frame spacer again, and the last value again indicates the thickness of the glass.

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Disadvantages and advantages of single devices

Speaking about the advantages, you should pay attention to the low weight compared to two-chamber products. Accordingly, the price of single-chamber units is lower.

Among the disadvantages, the main one is that single bags retain heat less well.

In the standard version, a “4-16-4” double-glazed window retains heat 20–28% worse than a two-chamber “4–14–4–12–4” formula. Accordingly, its noise insulation properties are 20% lower.

Based on this, the use of single-chamber bags is advisable in places where thermal and noise protection factors are not critical. For example, glazing of windows facing a glazed balcony or loggia.

The main thing is that when choosing packages, you need to focus not on the price of the window, but on its consumer properties. The price of a two-chamber device differs slightly from the price of a single-chamber device, and the main characteristics are higher.

Features of manufacturing double-glazed windows without frames

To manufacture frameless double-glazed windows, you must first call a measurer. The master will study the design and determine the actual size of the glass included in it. In some cases (for example, if you have triangular, round or other non-standard windows installed), partial disassembly of the structure may be required to determine the dimensions.

After the measurements, the master will listen to your wishes regarding the composition of the new double-glazed window and provide the information to the production department. Specialists will determine the exact prices for the manufacture and installation of products. If the price suits you, a contract is concluded. After this, the production team gets to work.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

  • Consists of two glasses forming a heat-insulating chamber.
  • When using KBE58 Etalon/Engine profiles, the thickness of the glass unit is 24 mm (4M1-16-4M1)
  • When using KBE70 Expert/Energy profiles, the glass thickness is 32 mm (4M1-24-4M1)
  • This double-glazed window has a reduced heat transfer resistance coefficient of 0.34 (as part of a window block 0.4-0.44) m2 oC/W, that is, water vapor can concentrate on the surface of the glass unit already at an outside temperature of 8 oC, and reduces the level of external noise approximately 34 dB.
  • Such a double-glazed window can only be used in administrative buildings (SNiP II-3-79) and, based on many years of experience in our work, in those windows that overlook already glazed loggias/balconies.
  • According to the Moscow State Construction Norms and Rules (MGSN), the reduced heat transfer resistance coefficient of a window structure should be 0.54 m2 oC/W. Such thermal protection is provided by a window unit with double-glazed windows or single-chamber double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass. For additional thermal insulation and to reduce the likelihood of ice formation in the edge zone of a double-glazed window, it is possible to use a thermal frame.

What is the difference between single-chamber and three-chamber

The first difference between a two-chamber design and a single-chamber design is the price. Double-glazed windows with two chambers are more expensive, and their installation process is much more complicated.

The photo shows the difference between a double-chamber and a single-chamber double-glazed window:

Installation of structures is carried out in houses with thick walls. But besides the price, two-chamber samples also have higher heat and sound insulation properties. So you can more than recoup all costs. The average price of a double-glazed window can be 1000-1200 rubles per m2.

It may also be useful for you to know what standard sizes of double-glazed windows exist.

Single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window

Windows with such devices appeared relatively recently. Structurally, they differ little from conventional products.

Its peculiarity is as follows:

  1. The chamber is filled with an inert gas, the thermal conductivity of which is almost two times lower than the thermal conductivity of air.
  2. One of the glasses is coated with a special composition that reduces the thermal conductivity of the glass.

Such features significantly reduce heat exchange from the room to the external environment.

The service life of the energy-saving package is 6-10 years, after which it gradually turns into a regular single-chamber package and continues to serve as such.

Double-glazed window

  • Consists of three glasses forming heat-insulating chambers.
  • When using KBE58 Etalon/Engine profiles, the thickness of the glass unit is 32 mm (4M1-10-4M1-10-4M1)*
  • When using KBE70 Expert/Energy profiles, the glass thickness is 40 mm (4M1-16-4M1-12-4M1)*
  • When using MONTBLANC QUADRO profiles, the thickness of the glass unit is 42 mm (4M1-16-4M1-14-4M1)*
  • When using TROCAL profiles, the thickness of the glass unit is 40 mm (4M1-16-4M1-12-4M1)*
  • When using GEALAN S8000 profiles, the thickness of the glass unit is 44 mm (4M1-16-4M1-16-4M1)*
  • When using GEALAN S9000 profiles, the thickness of the glass unit is 52 mm (4M1-20-4M1-20-4M1)*
  • This type of double-glazed window has a reduced heat transfer resistance coefficient of 0.47-0.52 (as part of a window block 0.55-0.6) m2 oC/W. and reduces the external noise level by approximately 34 dB. In this case (provided that the indoor air humidity is normal - up to 50%), condensation can form only at an outside temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.
  • In order to get an even “warmer” double-glazed window, you can replace one or two glasses in a double-chamber double-glazed window with “energy-saving” ones and replace the frame with a composite one.

Single chamber or double chamber?

Designs can be single-chamber (two glasses) and double-chamber (three). The width ranges from 24 to 40 millimeters, depending on the number of cameras in it and the width of the glass. Single-chamber structures are not recommended for installation in central Russia, where winter temperatures drop below minus 20 degrees Celsius. In Moscow and the region it is prohibited to install such windows in new buildings, but no one will forbid you to install them in a private house or apartment. But, if ice appears on your window at minus 18 degrees, you should not call the window company and complain about low-quality products. But they can also be placed, for example, on a balcony or loggia, in a summer house or garage. A very detailed article about single-chamber windows and their application.

The generally accepted practice is to install two-chamber structures. Even inexpensive products provide a sufficient level of comfort and warmth in a normally heated room.

Delivery of double-glazed windows


Residents of the cities of Barnaul , Izhevsk , N Novgorod , Orel , Tolyatti can pick up double-glazed windows themselves at the factory. Factory addresses for pickup.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region can pick up double-glazed windows themselves from the warehouse at Podolsky district, Rogovskoye settlement, Kresty village, building 1

Delivery to the address

The cost of delivery to the address is calculated in your Personal Account when placing an order.

Is wider the better or not?

The same two-chamber product can have a width from 28 to 42 mm. And a reasonable question arises, which one is better, or is this just an advertising gimmick by the manufacturers. In fact, everything is simple - a wider plastic profile has a wider glass unit. Profiles with a width of 60 mm (the so-called economy) have a package size of 28-32 mm, profiles with a width of 70 mm (standard or premium) - from 36 to 42 mm, that is, depending on which profile you choose, you will receive the appropriate package. By and large, this figure affects not so much the heat as the sound insulation of the room, that is, the wider it is, the quieter the room will be. Although company consultants usually focus specifically on the thermal properties of wider products, this is not true.

Decoding the glass unit formula

Deciphering the formulas of double-glazed windows requires knowledge of their general design, as well as the designations used by manufacturers. First, let's look at the labeling structure.

It includes two blocks.

  • Block of letter designations. It indicates the number of cameras and key features of the double-glazed window. Example - “SPD Ud E”.
  • Block format x1–y1–x2–y2–x3. It indicates the thickness of the glass and the width of the spacer frames. Various qualifying notations are added to the numbers. Example - 4ESG–16–4M1–14Ar–4i.

As a result, the formula of this double-glazed window looks like this: SPD Ud E 4ESG–16–4M1–14Ar–4i. As you can see, the result was something incomprehensible to an unprepared customer. Next we will tell you how to read such markings.

Formulas for standard single and double glazing

Standard glass units include double-glazed windows that do not have special additional properties. These are increased impact resistance, frost resistance, sound insulation, energy saving, protection from ultraviolet rays, etc.

The structures look like this.

Image No. 1: single-chamber and double-chamber double-glazed windows as standard

Formula of single-chamber double-glazed windows in the standard version

The formula of a single-chamber double-glazed window contains “SPO” (Single Glass Packet). Let's look at an example.

SPO 4M-10-4M

The marking indicates that the package includes two glasses 4 mm thick. The width of the spacer frame is 10 mm. The letter M denotes the quality of glass obtained by drawing. The range of values ​​is from M1 (highest quality) to M8 (low quality). If the marking simply contains the letter “M”, then this means “M1”, i.e. the highest quality.

The main characteristics of standard single-chamber double-glazed windows with various formulas are presented in the table below. As you can see, with the highest quality glass, the letter “M” is not indicated in the formulas at all.

Image No. 2: main characteristics of standard single-chamber double-glazed windows

Formula of double-chamber double-glazed window in standard version

The formula of a double-chamber double-glazed window contains “SPD” (Double-Chamber Glass Packet). Let's look at an example.

SPD 4M-10-4M-10-4M

In this case, we have a double-chamber double-glazed window made of 4 mm glass of the highest quality. The width of the spacer frames is 10 mm.

The main characteristics of standard single-chamber double-glazed windows with various formulas are presented in the table below.

Image No. 3: main characteristics of standard double-glazed windows

Formulas of special and improved double-glazed windows, markings of their parts

The formulas of special and improved double-glazed windows are distinguished by expanded structural blocks. Various letter designations are added to the first, and clarifying information is added to the numbers of the second.

Formulas for double-glazed windows with special glasses

When using special glasses, the second blocks of formulas are expanded. The following designations are assigned to the numbers indicating the thickness of the sheets.

  • F or float. The marking indicates the use of float glass, manufactured by the method of continuous casting of a silicate mixture onto a layer of tin with cooling. Example - SPO 4F-10-4F.
  • Fjumbo. These are large architectural float glasses. Maximum size - 6*3.21 m. Example - SPO 4Fjumbo-10-4Fjumbo.
  • A. It says that the glass is reinforced. During their production, low-carbon steel wire meshes are installed in silicate mixtures. SPO 4A-10-4A.

Photo No. 1: reinforced glass

Formulas for double-glazed windows with tinted glass

If the glass unit contains tinted glass, the following designations are added to their thickness.

  • Ton, T, Tone, ton.mass. These are generalized abbreviations for tinted glass. Example SPO 4T-10-4T.
  • Bronze, Green, Gray etc. n. Indicate a specific tint color. Example - SPO 4Green-10-4Green.

Tinted float glass is made by adding metal oxides to liquid raw materials.

Photo No. 2: tinted windows

Triplex formula

The triplex formula looks different. Multilayer glass is produced by gluing several sheets together using special polymer films or compounds. This ensures maximum impact resistance and increases operational safety.

Image No. 4: triplex

Triplex is indicated in markings in two ways.

  1. 3-3-1 (3(1)3, 3.1.3). Triplex is glued together from two 3 mm glasses. Film thickness - 1 mm.
  2. MC1. "MS" stands for Laminated Glass. In this case, it is glued together from two 4 mm sheets. Film thickness - 1 mm.

Characteristics of double-glazed windows 4 16 4

  • heat transfer resistance – 0.35 (m2 - C)/W;
  • sound insulation – 26 dB;
  • light transmission – 84%.

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When using sprayed glass, the heat transfer resistance increases to 0.51. The sound insulation parameter also increases to 27, but at the same time light transmission decreases to 70%.

For glazing of country cottages and apartments in big cities, we recommend choosing a double-chamber 24 mm 4 16 4 instead of a single-chamber double-glazed unit. It protects rooms much more effectively from noise from the street and saves up to 40% of heat.

Why is it worth buying double-glazed windows without frames in Moscow from us?

It is profitable to buy double-glazed windows without frames in Moscow from us for a number of reasons.

  1. Prices from the manufacturer. We keep the cost of materials and products at the lowest possible level. Manufacturing and installation of structures is inexpensive for customers.
  2. Full range of services. Our competence includes the production of double-glazed windows of any complexity and their professional installation. We offer various options for additional processing of products.
  3. Top quality. We provide long-term guarantees on all work performed.
  4. Reliability. We comply with the terms of concluded contracts. We produce, deliver and install frameless double-glazed windows on time.
  5. Favorable conditions for regular customers. We offer serious discounts on the entire range of products and services provided.

You can order the installation of double-glazed windows without frames, made to individual sizes, by phone in Moscow or online. The manager will accept the application and contact you to agree on the most convenient date and time for the surveyor to arrive.

What does a plastic double-glazed window look like?

Actually, a blind PVC double-glazed window, not yet inserted into the profile, is a glass block usually in the shape of a parallelepiped, the width and height of which significantly exceed the thickness.
There are also double-glazed windows of more complex shapes. Visually, the third glass, located in the middle of the glass unit, is practically indistinguishable. Therefore, from a distance, a double-glazed window gives the impression of an all-glass monolith inserted into a window block.

Up close you can see that this design has glass at the front and back, spacers around the entire perimeter inside, and sealant along the entire contour outside (at the ends, top, bottom).

If the glass unit is already installed in the sash, the sealant and the main part of the spacer frame are hidden from view, only the glass and the side of the spacer (dividing frame) facing the inside of the glass unit are visible, which is visually perceived as a metal (less often polymer) strip with small perforations - diffusion holes.

Without a profile, in the edge zone of the glass unit, the sides of the spacer frame are visible, glued to the glass with a thin layer of sealant.

The easiest way to visually distinguish a double-glazed window from a single-chamber one is to turn off the overhead light in the evening and go to the window with a lighter or flashlight.

Double-glazed glass design

Some elements of the glass unit are hidden from view. The composition of a two-chamber double-glazed window includes:

  • glass – 3;
  • chambers (interglass spaces) with air or gas filling – 2;
  • distance (dividing) frames – 2;
  • desiccant;
  • internal (primary) sealant;
  • external (secondary) sealant.

Glass can differ in production and processing technology, PVC profile, composition, coating, color, thickness, and it is on their characteristics that the properties of a double-glazed window largely depend.
It is also important to fill the chamber between the glasses; regular moist air must be pumped out of it; the inside of the glass unit must contain a minimum of moisture, otherwise condensation will negate its heat-protective properties.

The spacer frame is a hollow tube with a cross-section close to rectangular, lightweight but durable. Initially, spacer frames were made of aluminum, less often of steel; later, a technology for producing frames from polymers with lower thermal conductivity than metal was developed.

The frame can consist of four straight segments connected by corners, or bend at the corners. In the second case, the structure has only one joint and the likelihood of depressurization through the joints is significantly reduced.

The spacer is filled with a desiccant (absorbent, desiccant - a substance with a large number of pores), and there are small diffusion holes along the top of the frame. Through them, moisture molecules penetrate from the air in the chamber into the frame and are absorbed by the absorbent. The following are used as a desiccant:

  • molecular sieve;
  • silica gel;
  • a mixture of them.

Primary sealant - butyl mastic or tape, which retains elasticity after hardening, is used to firmly connect glass and frames into a single structure and to protect against water vapor contained outside.

After gluing the glass and frames, a secondary, external sealing is carried out to give the structure additional strength and moisture-vapor resistance. For external sealing, plastic masses based on:

  • polysulfide;
  • silicone;
  • polyurethane.

Application of double-glazed windows without frames

Double-glazed windows without a frame are usually ordered in two cases:

  • it is necessary to replace a damaged or broken element;
  • it is desirable to improve the design characteristics.

For example, if you have low-quality budget double-glazed windows installed, you can:

  • increase heat-shielding properties and improve energy efficiency;
  • make the window impact resistant;
  • provide comfortable lighting;
  • increase the level of noise protection, etc.

Double-glazed window: formula, thickness and advantages

Compared to a single-chamber double-glazed window, the formula for a double-chamber double-glazed window is more complicated, it consists of 5 elements, 1, 3 and 5 - glass characteristics (thickness, category), 2 and 4 - chambers (width, filling).

You can calculate the thickness of a two-chamber double-glazed window using this formula by adding all the numbers - the thickness of three glasses and the width of two chambers. A double-chamber double-glazed window can be symmetrical or asymmetrical; different design options for glazing are possible:

  • all glass is the same thickness, and the chambers are of equal width;
  • the width between the glasses is the same, but the thickness of one of the glasses differs from the thickness of the other two, or all three have different thicknesses;
  • different glass thicknesses and different chamber widths.

Thicker glass not only absorbs noise better, but if the thickness of the glass in a double-glazed unit does not match, the resonance that occurs between them is dampened, so that the sound insulation characteristics of the double-glazed window are increased.

The different widths of the chambers also contribute to noise absorption; the best performance will be with an asymmetrical double-glazed window with different thicknesses of all three glasses. The width of the chambers and the thickness of the glass also affect the thermal insulation characteristics, but it is more effective to increase them by replacing standard glass with low-emissivity glass in combination with filling with argon.

The standard thickness of the glass used in double-glazed windows is 4 mm; to improve heat conservation and noise protection, 1-2 glasses are replaced with thicker ones - 5 or 6 mm; glasses of smaller and larger thickness (3 or 7-8 mm) are used much less frequently, on order.

The width of the chambers in double-glazed windows often varies in the range of 6-16 mm. Double-glazed windows with a width (mm) available on the Russian market are:

  • 24, with 6 mm chambers between 4 mm glasses;
  • 32, along with the formula (4-10-4-10-4), the options (6-8-4-8-6), (4-10-4-8-6) are used;
  • 36, 12 mm chambers, 4 glasses;
  • 40, 14 mm cameras.

Double-chamber windows of greater width - 42, 44 mm - are still a new product, the standard formula of the latter (4-16-4-16-4), its sound insulation and heat transfer resistance are the maximum among all of the above, but the weight is also the heaviest.

In terms of performance characteristics, taking into account the price, the thickness of the double-glazed window is considered to be 40 mm; another popular solution is a double-glazed window of 32 mm.

Theoretically, the thickness of a double-glazed window can reach 72 mm if the interglazing spaces are widened to 24 mm and thickened glass of 8 mm is used. And the minimum width, based on technical conditions, is 24 mm.

Plastic windows prices

Prices for plastic windows from - the best offer on the Moscow window market.

Do you have any questions? Call the following numbers:

8; 8 (495) 657-97-15 or send an online application.

Do you know what? Every third buyer personally learns what it means to receive a low-quality order and unprofessional installation as a gift? Only 20% of clients actually manage to order high-quality window installation and buy high-quality products at an affordable price and remain 100% satisfied with the chosen window company. Do you want to be among the 20% of satisfied customers? Then call, write, come!!!

Options for independently calculating the cost of PVC plastic windows, standard shapes and sizes

Window calculatorPrices for windows in standard housesBalcony calculator

Cost of plastic windows in standard houses.

Dimensions and prices of products in the house of series II-49
Double sash windowThree-hung windowWindow+balcony door
Window price 7,846 RUR - * Turnkey 13,082 RUR -Window price 11,881 RUR - * Turnkey 17,874 RUR -Window price 14,782 RUR - * Turnkey 22,233 RUR -
Our ready-made solutions
One-room apartment Set of windows: 15,687 RUR Turnkey price: 26,163 RUR.Two-room apartment Set of windows: 30,472 RUR Turnkey price: 47,396 RUR.Three-room apartment Set of windows: 42,101 RUR Turnkey price: 64,208 RUR.
* Turnkey price for windows: Plastic windows, window sills, sills, slopes, delivery and installation of products.
Windows in the house of the P-30 series
Double sash windowThree-hung windowWindow+balcony door
Window price 7,766 RUR - * Turnkey 13,601 RUR -Window price 11,358 R.- * Turnkey 17,450 R.-Window price 13,780 R.- * Turnkey 19,905 R.-
Cost of glazing an apartment
One-room apartment Set of windows: 19,123 RUR Turnkey: 30,502 RUR.Two-room apartment Set of windows: 28,903 RUR Turnkey: 45,356 RUR.Three-room apartment Set of windows: 36,668 RUR Turnkey: 57,358 RUR .
call a surveyorcall a surveyorcall a surveyor
* Turnkey: Cost of plastic PVC windows, window sills, ebbs, slopes, delivery and installation.

Find your house in the photographs and start an online calculation, or follow the link to the page “Window prices by type and series of house”.

KhrushchevkaP-44II-68Other series of houses

Colored, laminated PVC windows (price comparison)

Single-leaf window size: (1400 x 700)Double-leaf window size: (1400 x 1350)Three-leaf window size: (1400 x 1700)
Single-sided lamination
5 692 R.-6 579 R.-9 384 R.-
Double-sided lamination
8 418 R.-9 683 R.-13 500 R.-
Double-sided lamination on a dark base
10 290 R.-11 843 R.-16 413 R.-

Comparison of prices and characteristics of PVC profiles.

PVC profile nameCountry of originProfile classMont. width Max. glass package thickness Col. air cameras Reduced resistance heat furnace Ropr - s/W Seal colorCol. cont. upl. Price /m Rubles
KBE Gutwerk 58RussiaEconomy58 mm32 mm30.64 m2s/Wblack22 150
KBE Gutwerk 70RussiaEconomy70 mm44 mm50.75 m2s/Wblack22 500
KBE StandardRussiaEconomy58 mm32 mm30.7 m2s/Wblack22 300
KBE ExpertRussiaClassic70 mm40 mm50.83 m2s/Wblack22 800
Rehau BlitzRussiaEconomy58 mm32 mm30.64 m2s/Wblack22 240
Rehau SibRussiaClassic70 mm40 mm30.71 m2s/Wblack/white22 600
Rehau DelightRussiaClassic70 mm40 mm50.8 m2s/Wblack/white22 850
Rehau BrilliantRussiaPremium70 mm40 mm50.79 m2s/Wblack/white23 350
Gealan S 8000GermanyPremium74 mm46 mm60.9 m2s/Wblack/white23 500
Gealan S 9000GermanyPremium83 mm54 mm61.2 m2s/Wblack33 900
Gealan KUBUS (NEW)GermanyPremium+100 mm54 mm61.2 m2s/Wblack34 200
Dear customers! The Warm Windows company has been producing plastic windows for over 14 years. We do not offer false promotions or exorbitant discounts. We do not increase prices for windows after measurements. The managers of our company will make a professional calculation of the order at the first contact, even before the specialist leaves for the site!

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