Quartz vinyl tile reviews are all true. Tips for choosing.

Quartz-vinyl flooring is by no means a new material. However, it is still poorly studied by our compatriots. When visiting stores, offices, medical institutions, schools, etc., many do not even realize that they are walking on quartz vinyl.

Let's take laminate for comparison. He is well known to all of us. We have long studied its characteristics and habits. We are well aware of its advantages and disadvantages. The same can be said about tiles, parquet, linoleum. And quartz vinyl is a mystery to most.

Having seen quartz vinyl in a store and thinking about installing this coating at home, the consumer, of course, will want to know about its pros and cons. Reliable information about the material can be obtained from the manufacturers' websites. They inform both the properties of the coating and how to lay it correctly. There we will also find long lists of the advantages of quartz vinyl. But the manufacturers are modestly silent about the disadvantages.

We went through the forums - construction and maternal - and collected reviews from those who had to lay quartz vinyl, live with this coating and care for it.

As expected, it turned out that quartz vinyl has not only advantages. But we will tell you about them too. Everything is based on reviews.


But first, a few words about what quartz vinyl is. This is a modular coating in the form of tiles or dies. The composition is similar to modern linoleum. It is widely believed that quartz-vinyl tiles are cut linoleum to which quartz has been added for strength. And this, by the way, is not so far from the truth.

But there is a difference. There are more layers in quartz vinyl, especially expensive ones, than in linoleum. The vinyl in this covering is solid, not foam. Thanks to the chamfer, quartz vinyl imitates wood flooring more realistically.

Quartz-vinyl tiles come in adhesive and interlocking types. The first one is thinner and usually costs less. It simply sticks to the base. The second method of installation resembles laminate. It is thicker, more expensive, with locks.

Well, now let's talk about the pros and cons of quartz vinyl compared to other popular floor coverings.

Easy to install

This advantage is one of the first to be announced. Many people report that they installed the flooring themselves. Those who did it on their own claim that even a teenager can handle quartz-vinyl tiles.

What is especially important is that quartz vinyl is easy to cut (it turns out much easier and cleaner than with laminate).

Laying modules is easier than laying a large canvas. A roll of linoleum is heavy. You definitely need an assistant to carry it, move it, lay it out, measure it, pull it up... You can work with quartz-vinyl tiles alone.

If you make a mistake somewhere, it’s not so scary. Well, just change one or two dies. When working with a solid canvas, you need to be much more careful.

From the forums

“When we were buying, the seller told us: “You put it in yourself, it’s easy, I’ll explain everything to you now,” and we saved a lot because we put it in ourselves.”


“But if you do it yourself, then a woman can lay (cut) quartz vinyl, no backing is needed, there is no dust, and you can use it right away. But not everyone can do it on their own with ceramics, and equipment is required (whereas for quartz-vinyl - only a knife and a ruler).”

Quartz-vinyl flooring in the interior

Resistant to moisture

Not a single layer of quartz-vinyl tile is afraid of moisture. Even if water gets deep, nothing will probably happen to the tiles.

Craftsmen from the construction forum described their own tests, carried out out of curiosity. Quartz vinyl was poured, soaked, damaged and soaked again - no change.

Thanks to this quality, quartz vinyl is perfect for the kitchen, bathroom, balcony, and hallway. Ceramic and porcelain tiles look, of course, much more solid and last, as a rule, longer, but quartz-vinyl is not a bad alternative with a lower cost and much easier installation.

From the forums

“We are very happy, considering that we have already been drowned a couple of times. Laminate would swell, but quartz-vinyl tile would not.”

Quartz-vinyl tiles in the kitchen

Floor care

The material in question has another significant advantage that was not mentioned earlier - ease of maintenance. The floor covering can be washed using any “chemicals”, and you can also use a vacuum cleaner, broom, and so on. The product is not afraid of scratches, so caustic stains can be easily removed using a metal sponge. If somehow you managed to damage the surface, then you can easily replace it with a new one.

After reading all the positions in terms of technical parameters and reviews, you will not have a mixed impression. Practice shows that the presented selection is in the same line with other analogues. So you actually get a practical result.

Caring for quartz vinyl tiles is very easy

Doesn't creak

Even interlocking quartz-vinyl tiles do not begin to creak, crunch and click over time the way laminate and parquet boards can do. After all, quartz vinyl is not at all so hard and hard.

From the forums

“We also have quartz vinyl and laminate. Quartz vinyl is softer and warmer than laminate. Moreover, the laminate (after 5 years) began to creak, swelling of the edges appears here and there, but the tiles don’t care. When we do the renovations, I’ll cover everything with it.”

Quartz vinyl in the hallway

Doesn't make noise

Like linoleum, quartz vinyl dampens impact noise due to its multi-layer nature and relative softness. This advantage is especially important for offices and various public institutions where people wear shoes. But this quality is also important for a home, especially if small children live in it.

From the forums

“One of the advantages of the floor is that in the nursery, even though an elephant can jump, there is no sound.”

Quartz-vinyl flooring in the nursery

Doesn't slip

Most owners of this flooring report the “anti-slip” nature of quartz vinyl. However, in rare reviews, the opposite information also slipped through (it was clarified that we were talking about tiles with a smooth surface).

Textured quartz vinyl still does not slip. Therefore, many people choose this tile for the bathroom. The risk of falling with such coverage is reduced.

From the forums

“It doesn’t slip. Even non-slip ceramic tiles are more slippery than this.”

Determining the optimal thickness

As noted earlier, the floor covering can have different thicknesses. In an apartment, it is better to use products that do not exceed 2.5 millimeters. The optimal solution is considered to be an option with wear resistance of 33-43. This is associated with justified savings, because industrial enterprises will not have the same loads as in shopping centers.

Pay attention to such a factor as weight. The greater the thickness, the greater the load on the floor slabs. This is a significant factor that is important to consider. It is recommended not to use consumables of large thickness, which will avoid creating additional load on the floor.

It is better not to choose too thick tiles for laying in an apartment

It is possible to lay tiles correctly provided that the floor is properly prepared. It is important to make it level to ensure efficiency and quality of installation. As for abrasion, there are several classifications in this direction. When selecting products, try to select an option that falls into the “T” category. Similar products are available on the domestic market, and without increasing the thickness, they have higher quality characteristics in terms of resistance to wear, including chemical wear.

Flammability indicators deserve special consideration. In this case, it is advisable to buy products that are marked G2 and D2. This indicates an acceptable level of fire resistance and smoke generation. The presented parameters are perfect for home use. As for the external design, you will have to trust the design only through your sixth sense. It all comes down to individual preferences. You may like multi-colored products or ones that imitate natural stone.

There is a wide range of quartz vinyl tiles on the market, decorated in various designs - you can choose the most suitable option for you


Scratches quickly appear on the surface of quartz-vinyl tiles. In certain lighting they can be very visible. This is reported by many registered forum participants.

It’s hard to say whether any quartz vinyl scratches or whether its resistance depends on the manufacturer. In any case, you should be prepared for such a turn of events so as not to be disappointed later.

From the forums

“My parents did everything throughout the apartment, except for the bathroom. They were told that there were no visible scratches on it, but everything is visible.”


“Well, by the way, our quartz vinyl is already 2 years old, there are still scratches, I don’t know what we used to scratch it.”


“We have less than a year. He gets scratched by anything. But the pros outweigh the benefits, and the scratches are only visible from a certain angle.”


“And they scratched us during the renovation.”

Quartz vinyl in the interior

Expert advice

Some aspects come only with experience, so correct and effective masonry requires the use of the following tips and recommendations.

  1. The ideal drying time for the primer is 1-6 hours, after which it is necessary to carry out direct installation.
  2. If the tile involves drawing a pattern, then the procedure should be performed from the center. In some cases, you can start from the doorway.
  3. Cutting tiles to avoid obstacles is done with a regular knife. It is important to understand that the cutout must be made according to the actual dimensions. As for the shaped holes, for this it is better to use a special pattern, which should be at hand by the master.

    If necessary, quartz vinyl tiles can be cut with a regular stationery knife

  4. It is advisable not to carry out work immediately after purchasing the flooring. It is advisable to wait 48 hours for the material to “adapt.” Products should not be removed from packaging.
  5. It is believed that a concrete base is a poor base for the tiles in question. But this can be easily eliminated by using special substrates.
  6. Before carrying out the work you will need a special tool. This includes a regular pencil, a notched spatula for the adhesive mass, a sharp knife, and a special roller for smoothing.

It is better not to start laying immediately after purchasing the tiles - the material should “rest”

Note! The product practically does not expand in damp areas. This means there is no need to leave gaps between the tiles and the walls. Thus, the products are excellent for the implementation of flooring in all rooms of a modern apartment.

Another tip concerns heated floors. If the latter are installed, it is advisable to carry out installation after 10 days of operation of the system, which will allow the surface to warm up and ensure the necessary conditions for laying. The temperature must be at least 18 degrees. After the tiles are laid, you need to keep the heat at the appropriate level for three days. After this, heating can be used at any convenient time.

warm floor

If the tiles are laid on top of a heated floor, it is necessary that the same temperature (at least 18 degrees Celsius) be maintained for at least three days

Can absorb dyes

One of the most famous manufacturers of quartz vinyl in our country convincingly states: stains are not characteristic of their floor covering. After all, quartz vinyl is supposedly characterized by the highest resistance to staining. This is explained, first of all, by the absence of pores.

In addition, quartz vinyl can easily withstand the effects of special means: if you are unable to wipe off the stain with a wet rag, you can try to remove it with alcohol, alkali solutions, acids, etc.

Everything is fine in words, but what in reality? One of the most frequently mentioned disadvantages is the high risk of permanent stains. They didn’t wipe the juice from the berries in time, the child drew with gouache, they put a wet colored box on the floor - anything can stain the floor. And attempts to eliminate these traces are often unsuccessful.

From the forums

“The only negative is that we took a light one, but it absorbs different dyes like a sponge. That is, the dark carpet, the child’s markers, etc. - this was a problem. Nothing else bothered me."


“I placed a wet bag of construction mixture on class 43 quartz-vinyl (well, what will happen to it?). And he was painted with red inscriptions on the bag. Well, I think: now I’ll get the alcohol and, as usual, wipe it off. Nothing like this! I rubbed it with water, household products, solvents... I solved the problem by rearranging a couple of tiles. This also turned out to be not so easy... It turns out that dyes (probably household dyes - for example, watermelon, beets, etc.) eat into the top layer. If it’s too ingrained, goodbye tiles.”


“Almost two years. They put it in the nursery. The seams are fine, but there are still barely noticeable colored spots from plasticine, felt-tip pens or pencils. They can’t be removed even with a melamine sponge.”

Quartz-vinyl flooring in the nursery

Main varieties

Quartz vinyl tiles are divided into several groups according to a wide variety of characteristics. The first and main gradation is considered according to the type of installation. Based on the presented characteristics, 4 types of fixation are distinguished.

  1. Self-adhesive base. The most common type, which involves applying a special adhesive base to the back of the tile. To prevent the glue from drying out, it is covered with a special film.
  2. With mechanical lock. The presented option is somewhat reminiscent of laminate. The presented product is characterized by quick and simple installation; it is possible to repair without completely deforming the floor covering.
  3. The basis for working with glue. This option is considered basic and is often used when saving money is needed. The specialist himself selects the layer and adjusts the smoothness of the surface using glue and a special tool.

    Quartz vinyl tiles with a mechanical lock resemble laminate

  4. Free-standing tiles. The presented option does not require any coupling element. The products are tightly mounted to each other without glue, locks, etc.

The presented gradation is not the only one. There are other varieties, for example, according to wear resistance class.

21-31 gradeIt falls into the category of the most delicate, requiring meticulous work and careful handling, as it is distinguished by its fragility and aesthetic appearance. Usually the average service life is about 5 years, applicable to living room and bedroom.
31-33 gradeUsed for residential premises with low traffic.
34-43 classThis is a more versatile product that is often used to create flooring in kitchens, bathrooms and office spaces.
44 classThe thickest tile that has an anti-slip coating. Often used for shopping centers, industrial premises or gyms.

There are several classes of quartz vinyl tiles based on wear resistance

May make routine cleanliness difficult

Manufacturers of quartz-vinyl coatings paint a rosy picture here too: their floors are very easy to clean, and dirt does not linger on it. But if something is not washed off, you can use any detergents. However, it later turns out that not just any kind - abrasives are not allowed, chlorine-containing products are prohibited. It is also recommended to periodically treat the floor with mastic, because the top protective layer wears off over time. In general, if you dig deeper, everything is not so ideal.

In fact, users give quartz vinyl a low rating on this very point. Keeping tiles, porcelain tiles and even laminate floors clean is much easier. And dirt sticks to quartz-vinyl - going over it with a wet mop is not enough.

From the forums

"Here! Everyone is silent about cleaning the floors. Of course, I mop, I have a floor like this in my kitchen. But once every 1-3 months I crawl along with a sponge and intensively “brush off” the dirt. For example, if you trampled on a piece of chocolate, you can’t wipe it off with a mop, like you can with laminate/linoleum/tiles—you need to rub it.”


“The tiles are embossed, I wash them only with my hands, not with a mop. Or with a steam generator, it also cleans well.”


“It washes out very poorly. The dirt eats in, and my floor is not mine, the floor always looks dirty.”


“I haven’t seen smooth quartz vinyl. What I came across had a textured surface, into which dirt very readily gets packed. No, dirt, of course, is washed away, but it requires more energy than laminate. Everything is based on personal experience of owning quartz vinyl on the loggia and in the kitchen.”

Quartz-vinyl flooring in a modern interior

Characteristics of collections from presented quartz tile manufacturers

Manufacturer Collection (link - detailed description) Class Plank or tile, mm Thickness, mm Protective layer, mm Packaging, m2 (pcs.) Laying Decors, synchronous embossing Chamfer
Alpine FloorUltra34184x12192 0,3 4,49 (20) On glue Tree No
Easy Line43184x12193 0,5 2,245 (10) Yes
Grand Stone43470x4703 0,5 3,31 (15) Stone No
Sequoia43184x12193,2 0,5 2,245 (10) Lock Wood, synchronous embossing No
Art EastArt Tile Fit43152x9142,5 0,5 3,346 (24) On glue Tree No
Art Tile Hit Wood43180x9202,5 0,5 3,974 (24) Tree
Art Tile Hit Stone43457x4572,5 0,5 3,971 (17) Stone
DecoriaOffice Tile Wood43184x9502,5 0,5 4,02 (23) On glue Tree No
Office Tile Stone43470x4702,5 0,5 3,97 (18) Stone
Mild Tile34184x9502 0,2 4,89 (28) Tree No
Orchid TileWood34186x9403 0,3 3,32 (19) On glue Tree No
Stone34457x4573 0,3 3,34 (16) Stone
Fine FloorFF-1300 Light34190x13143,6 0,3 2,25 (9) Lock Tree Yes
FF-1400 Stone43329x6592,5 0,55 3,9 (17) On glue Stone
FF-1400 Wood43196x13202,5 0,55 3,88 (15) Tree
FF-1500 Stone43324x6554,5 0,55 1,49 (7) Lock Stone
FF-1500 Wood43191x13164,5 0,55 1,76 (7) Tree
FF-1900 Rich43191x13164,5 0,55 1,76 (7) Wood, synchronous embossing
FF-2000 Rich43196x13202,5 0,55 3,62 (14) On glue
Pergo43210x15214,5 0,55 2,22 (7); 2,08 (5) Lock Tree; stone Yes
NOXEcoWood34185x12124,2 0,3 2,24 (10) Lock Tree Yes
EcoStone34305x6104,2 0,3 2,23 (12) Stone
EcoRich34185x12124,2 0,3 2,24 (10) Wood, synchronous embossing
EcoWood43180x12002,3 0,5 3,89 (18) On glue Tree
EcoStone43305x6102,3 0,5 4,08 (23) Stone
ModuleoSelect32191x13164,5 0,4 1,49; 1,76 (7) Lock Tree; stone Yes
Transform42191x13164,5 0,55 1,49; 1,76 (7) Tree; stone
Impress42191x13164,5 0,55 1,76 (7) Wood, synchronous embossing
Select DryBack43196x1320; 329x659 2,35 0,4 3,88 (15); 3,9 (18) On glue Tree; stone
Transform DryBack43196x1320; 329x659 2,5 0,55 3,62 (14); 3,47 (16) Tree; stone
Impress DryBack43196x13202,5 0,55 3,62 (14) Wood, synchronous embossing
Herringbone DryBack43158x6322,5 0,55 2,4 (24) Herringbone parquet
Naturally Bohemian43246x14982,5 0,55 3,69 (10) French herringbone parquet, synchronous embossing, endless pattern
Naturally Shades43493x4932,5 0,55 3,4 (14) Wood, synchronous embossing, endless pattern

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Quartz vinyl (especially adhesive) requires a perfectly flat base

The optimal base for adhesive quartz vinyl is plywood. The screws are recessed, all joints and recesses are puttied.

If you glue quartz vinyl onto a screed, even an almost perfect one, nuances will appear: bumps, dents and other errors. Any speck hiding under the covering can make itself known loudly.

From the forums

“I’m also not very happy with my tiles (quartz-vinyl). I expected more. We have it in the hallway. We laid it directly on the concrete floor, which seemed to be level. But at a certain angle, small bumps and unevenness of the seemingly even floor are still visible. We bought it a year ago at the price of a good class 33 laminate. It would be better if they took him.”

How is installation carried out?

Laying requires compliance with certain rules, which include the following points.

It is necessary to prepare the floor:

  • dismantle the previous coating;
  • repair the entire surface, level it with concrete or plaster mixtures,
  • clean and prime.

Perfect smoothness is an important installation point.
According to the rules, the surface must be dry so that it is convenient to apply markings with a coated cord, the adhesive component works better, and moisture does not accumulate under the product. The marking should divide the floor area into 4 sections to make it easier to apply the products in a certain sequence.

Multi-colored floor Source 7770003.ru

Sinks under furniture and other heavy objects

Still, the top protective layer of the coating is quite soft. Dents from local load remain. True, some write that they gradually disappear on their own.


In fact, quartz vinyl has more pros and cons. We have selected six of the most frequently mentioned ones.

There is no ideal floor covering. Each option has its drawbacks, and quartz vinyl is no exception. We hope our material will help you make the right choice.

Composition and structure of quartz vinyl tiles

Quartz vinyl tiles are positioned by manufacturing companies as premium flooring. Thanks to its multi-layer nature, the material is durable and 100% hygroscopic.

Decors applied through photo printing realistically convey the texture of natural stone or wood. In terms of strength and wear resistance, quartz vinyl is similar to ceramic tiles, and in terms of flexibility and ease of installation it is similar to linoleum.

Performance qualities determine the scope of application of the material: from industrial premises to beauty salons, from children's rooms to the bathroom.

The name “quartz vinyl tile” is accepted in Russia; in the international classification it is designated as LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tile).

What is quartz vinyl tile

Quartz vinyl tiles are a practical floor covering consisting of several layers. The material contains quartz sand (can be from 70 to 80%), which gives it density and strength, and polyvinyl chloride, which provides moisture resistance and stability. The tile also contains fiberglass canvas as a reinforcing component.

During the production process, the front side of the product is covered with a protective layer of polyurethane, which gives the coating wear resistance. Some brands add other materials to polyurethane, such as crushed ceramic chips.

A texture is applied to the protective layer to make it look like natural wood or stone, which also prevents slipping.

Quartz vinyl tile floor.

Layers of quartz vinyl tiles

Layers of different materials are placed on top of each other in a specific sequence and then baked through thermal pressing.

The tiles consist of the following main layers:

  • Lower basic. This is a layer of PVC, it ensures a tight fit of the tiles to the floor surface.
  • Basic. It has the greatest thickness and is formed from PVC and quartz sand. Thanks to the mineral, the tiles have great strength.
  • Stabilizing. To reinforce the main layer, a fiberglass mesh is introduced into it.
  • Decorative. It is a drawing, ornament, imitation of wood or stone, applied by photo printing.
  • Upper protective. Made from polyurethane with the addition of aluminum oxide. Gives the tile strength and abrasion resistance.

Installation of quartz vinyl tiles.

Despite the presence of synthetic substances in the composition, quartzvinyl is considered an environmentally friendly material; it does not emit harmful volatile substances.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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