When to install interior doors during renovation: step-by-step procedures and expert advice

When carrying out home renovation work, people are often faced with the need to install doors. Some people don’t think about this issue and immediately turn to professionals for help. Others try to cope with the task on their own. They often ask when to install interior doors during renovations. To answer this question, you need to understand what stages of repair work exist. It is important to know the order of priority for carrying out the installation of doors in a timely manner. All the nuances are discussed further in our article.

Why is it so important to install doors in a timely and correct manner?

Many people do not know at what stage of renovation they install interior doors. They do not understand the importance of this issue and violate the procedure for carrying out repair work. With such actions, people complicate their lives and increase the time it takes to complete repairs, since they have to redo the walls and remove the gaps between the door and the floor.

The overall appearance of the house and the confidentiality of residents’ conversations depend on how well and in a timely manner the doors are installed in the apartment.

Installing a bathtub in a tiled bathroom

All the methods described above imply that the tiles will be laid after the installation of the bathrooms. But what if you need to install an iron bathtub or shower cabin in a tiled room?

We will be of the opinion that the tiles are at a certain level and do not need to be re-laid. Then the installation process is greatly simplified; You need to level the floor and check it with the rules. You can install the bath on legs, frame or bricks

Regardless of the method chosen, it is best to ensure a minimum gap between the wall and the bathtub; After connecting the plumbing connections of the toilet, bathtub and other consumers, it is important to close the gap between the wall and the side of the bathtub. To do this, use a flexible plinth (made of aluminum or plastic), sealant or pieces of tile; Silicone for joints First of all, the gap is covered with a layer of sealant

A plinth is installed on top of it. If the option with tile cladding is chosen, then sealant is first applied to the gap, and after it dries, the tile is installed. For its installation, you can use waterproof plaster; All that remains is to install the fan in the hood, mount the column or boiler, remove the remaining construction debris and check the correct connection.

What are the stages of repair work?

The following stages of repair are distinguished:

  1. Repairs always begin with the process of laying tiles. This stage of work is considered the “dirtiest”, so it is done first. If you install the door first, it will be very difficult to install the tiles. And the door frame will be subject to various damages.
  2. The next step is laying the floor. People select flooring in advance. When the floors are ready, it is easy for a person to remove construction debris and accumulated dust.
  3. The third stage is the ceiling work. It is important to finish finishing the ceiling before painting the walls begins. If you disturb the order of work, you can easily ruin the paint or wallpaper on the walls.
  4. The last stage of repair work is finishing the walls.

After all types of finishing work are completed, it is time to install interior doors during renovation. But first you need to do the preparation.

Type of repair

Suppose you decide to renovate your bathroom, and just how large-scale it will be will also contribute to the selection of the algorithm and will tell you to install bathroom doors before or after the tiles. There are at least three options to consider here:

  1. When the bathroom was previously renovated, but you just wanted to change the tiles, then no one will dismantle the door frame, and in this case the tiles are laid with the door already installed and subsequently adjusted to fit it.
  2. In the second case, when a large-scale renovation is planned, taking into account the replacement of the door frame and door. Here the installation must be carefully thought out, and only in this case the tiles are laid first and then the door is installed.
  3. And the third situation is a complete renovation from scratch. The condition is also applicable here, as in the second case, but note that when installing a door frame, the laid tile may fall off and be damaged, which is why the door frame is installed first, the doors are tried on, and only then the leaf itself is removed, and the installation is carried out with the installed box. Subsequently, the tiles are either adjusted to the door or the imperfections are hidden by platbands.

What preparatory work is being carried out?

When people hire specialists to decorate an apartment or house, they wonder at what point during the renovation they install interior doors. Professional installers say that a number of preparatory works need to be done beforehand. They are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to plaster the walls, after which they should be puttied, if time and money allow.
  2. It is necessary to lay a subfloor. This is done temporarily.
  3. To prevent doors from being damaged by dampness, it is necessary to complete all work related to moisture in advance. Otherwise, the canvas may swell from dampness.
  4. To optimize door costs, it is necessary to carry out measurements correctly. If mistakes are made in this process, then a person will spend more money and time on the operation being performed.
  5. In order for the doors to be accurately installed, it is necessary to first vertically align the opening. If the doors are not installed according to the instructions, they may not fit into the interior of the home.
  6. The preparatory stage can be carried out in winter as well as in summer. The apartment should be warm. There should not be high humidity in the house.

Do I need to lay tiles behind the bathtub and under the bathtub?

Whether it is necessary to lay tiles behind the bathtub and under the bathtub is a question not only of interior aesthetics, but also of cost-effectiveness due to increased safety in emergency situations. A bathroom requires a special approach to organizing renovations. High humidity, the presence of utilities, sanitary equipment and household appliances are the reasons why the choice of facing materials and the reliability of decorative coatings should be taken seriously.

When deciding whether to tile behind a bathtub, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Laying tiles in places hidden from view is not considered mandatory, and for many apartment owners in modern high-rise buildings, the decision not to lay tiles under the bathtub seems economically beneficial due to the reduction in finishing costs.

In practice, everything does not look so clear. By saving on the purchase of facing materials, you can incur much more significant losses in the future.

Do I need to lay tiles on the floor under the bathtub?

The rough finishing of a bathroom implies mandatory waterproofing, but with severe leaks, the tightness is often broken.

Proper laying of tiles on the floor using special glue and high-quality grout will provide an additional insulating layer that prevents the penetration of water.

Flooding your neighbors is always unpleasant, and ruining recently completed expensive finishing will also be very costly. Thus, the cost of repair may be too high.

When thinking about whether to lay tiles under the bathtub, we must not forget about the electrical wiring, the slightest damage to which when in contact with water will create a truly dangerous situation.

If ceiling lights and functioning household appliances on the floor below leak, they can not only fail, but also harm people’s health or lives.

A sealed layer of tiles on the entire surface of the bathroom floor will be an additional insurance against serious troubles and will make it easier to maintain cleanliness.

Should I tile the wall behind the bathroom?

It is believed that the presence of tiles below only complicates the sealing of the joints between the bathtub and the wall. In fact, when using modern materials and professional skills, high-quality seam sealing is not a problem. If you have a question about whether it is necessary to lay tiles behind the bathtub, it is better to answer it positively. Tile covering is a practical and hygienic solution that protects concrete and brick walls from destruction even if the tightness of the joints is broken.

When to lay tiles behind the bathtub and under the bathtub

Tiles are not needed when installing a podium-shaped bathtub. When you plan to install equipment on legs with a screen, it is recommended to make a decorative coating underneath it over the entire surface.

If the walls and floor are already tiled, and the bathtub is installed, it is sometimes impractical to dismantle the tiles behind it. However, in most cases it turns out to be impossible to remove the old coating, leaving individual areas intact.

In such situations, it is better to change the entire tile.

Professional bathroom tiling

A high-quality turnkey bathtub repair performed by professionals will resolve all issues, preventing problems with neighbors and unnecessary costs. Specialists interested in regular customers will not only conscientiously fulfill their obligations, but will also give competent recommendations on how to spend the budget wisely. “Azbuka Remonta” is a well-known company in Ufa, using whose services for laying tiles in the bathroom, you can significantly save on finishing.

Only by calling a surveyor can you find out for sure whether it is necessary to lay tiles behind the bathroom in each specific case. A turnkey service involves calculating the consumption of materials, selecting and delivering the tiles selected for finishing at competitive prices. We work directly with wholesale suppliers who offer proven quality products at the lowest cost. Cooperation with ABC Remonta is a guarantee of savings, allowing you to completely cover the floor and walls with tiles without exceeding your budget.

On site, we can easily determine whether additional waterproofing of the floor is required and whether it is necessary to lay tiles under the bathtub to reduce the risk of leaks. Even if this does not turn out to be mandatory, at the request of the customer, in order to simplify cleaning the room and protect the underlying base from moisture, it is possible to tiled the entire floor and walls. ABC of Repair will take on tasks of any complexity and guarantee their successful solution. Call us to get your bathroom finished to perfection!

Is it possible to put up wallpaper?

When interior doors are installed during renovation, it is not always possible to follow the order of the work. Some install the canvas before wallpapering. After this, people complain about all sorts of difficulties that inevitably arise when fitting wallpaper to the door frame. Before starting work, you should study the advice of professionals and follow the order of work. Renovating an apartment and installing interior doors is a labor-intensive process. It requires special attention to such nuances as compliance with finishing stages.

Non-standard doorways: to fit standard dimensions or not?

What comes first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper: expert opinion
Apartments in old buildings, houses in the private sector often have doorways of non-standard height or width. When carrying out renovations in such housing, their owners are faced with a choice: adapt the openings to standard designs or order non-standard canvases.

When deciding this issue, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • products of non-standard sizes are made to order, their delivery may take several weeks or even months;
  • canvases of non-standard dimensions are more expensive by at least 30%, and in some cases by 50% or even more;
  • When manufacturing and installing door structures of unique sizes, the requirements of ergonomics and operational safety must be taken into account.

During repairs, it is much easier and cheaper to adjust non-standard openings to the dimensions of standard door blocks. In this case, you will be able to order and install door leaves of any design and color from those on the market, without wasting effort, time and money on ordering non-standard door products.

What are the stages of installation of interior doors?

It is important for an apartment owner to know not only when to install interior doors during renovation, but also what the stages of installation of door panels are. This work follows a certain pattern. The following stages are distinguished:

  1. Selection of interior doors and necessary tools. If a person hires specialists for installation, then they bring everything necessary to install the doors with them. The customer only has to remove the remaining garbage. There are people who try to install doors themselves. In this case, you should prepare a hammer, drill, protractor, level and other tools.
  2. The next stage of work will be to determine the mounting pattern for the frame in the doorway. The scheme most often does not go beyond the standard framework. The structure is secured with screws. If you tighten the fasteners correctly, the door frame will remain in place for decades. Experienced specialists assemble the box on the floor and then transfer it to the doorway. Hinges are often included and are installed first.
  3. Installation of the box in the opening is a separate stage of work. It is important to assemble the box correctly, then it will quickly be installed in place. It is easy to level. The box is hung on hinges. After this, all that remains is to secure it with self-tapping screws. After completing this stage of work, you need to check with a level whether the box is level.
  4. The seams are filled with polyurethane foam. This process is carried out only after the door is put in place.
  5. The last stage of installation is finishing the openings.

Option number 1. The beginning of all beginnings

The builders' proposal to change the door at the beginning of the renovation may seem absurd. After all, there is dismantling, screeding, and other rough work ahead. However, there is a logical explanation for this.

Let us imagine the beginning of the creative process. To begin work, you need to bring a lot of valuables to your apartment. Naturally, we are talking about normal repairs and smart craftsmen, and not about gop brigades, who have the coolest boiler, shovel and socks in their arsenal.


Beautiful and comfortable housing requires the purchase of appropriate materials and equipment, the costs of which are estimated at impressive amounts. For example, components for assembling just one plumbing niche or a complex electrical panel can cost more than 100 thousand rubles. But this is only a small part of what is purchased for repairs.


To ensure high quality work, a good craftsman invests substantial amounts of money in a professional tool, for example:

• Bosch assembly hammer – 10 thousand rubles;

• Hilti laser level – 50 thousand rubles;

• DeWALT tile cutter – 80 thousand rubles, etc.

TOTAL: The cost of the kit used on site can easily exceed 500 thousand rubles. For example, this is what one of the sets of our masters looks like:

Now let's imagine a new building. There are still few permanent residents there, but there are plenty of unfamiliar people carrying out repairs throughout the house. It is difficult to keep track of who came to whom and what they took where. At the same time, do not forget that often in apartments from the developer, the entrance doors are either wooden or made according to the top recipes of Chinese consumer goods. If anyone else thinks that this props is an obstacle for outsiders, they are deeply mistaken. A piece of wood can be opened with a screwdriver or a foot, and a tin door can be opened with an ordinary can opener in 15-20 minutes. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

Do you agree that such a barrier will not protect against hacking? That is why replacement of such doors at the beginning of repairs is necessary to ensure the safety of the customer’s materials and builders’ tools.

How to preserve the door itself?

A logical question, because it can be “killed” even at the stage of dismantling, removing garbage or delivering materials.

  • Firstly, the human factor plays a huge role in this matter. Therefore, a lot will depend on the responsibility of the people working for you. In particular, our craftsmen show maximum attention and care in relation to the customer’s property, which helps save your money and nerves.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to protect the elements of the door structure using dense materials. For this we use dense polystyrene foam 2 cm thick and hardboard sheets (fibreboard), as well as, as auxiliary means, adhesive tape and film. Such packaging reliably protects finishing surfaces that are at risk of being hit. And this is what it looks like in practice:

Here's a snippet from the video. Title: “How to cover a door” https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=796&v=2u91BUeadcM

TIP: Protecting a door with just plastic film or tape is extremely ineffective. These materials protect from dust, but not from impacts or scratches.

Nuances when choosing interior doors

It is necessary to choose high-quality canvases, and only after that ask when to install interior doors during renovation.

This issue should be taken with great responsibility. There are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Purchases should only be made in trusted stores that display products from reputable manufacturers.
  2. It must be remembered that high-quality doors are sold complete with a frame. Platbands come with them.
  3. Companies that have long been known on the market supply doors along with fasteners. A person separately purchases only door hinges, locks, and handles.

It is worth considering that in winter the heating is always on. As the room temperature rises, the gap between the canvas and the box parts increases.

You should take a fresh look at the opening and order doors of the appropriate size. In this case, you won’t have to hammer into the walls to install the canvas. There will be no need to saw off a piece of the door in order to put it in place.

Installation after laying tiles

That is, first we lay tiles on the floors, then on the walls, and after all this the bathroom itself is installed. Well, this method may well be true, but only if your renovation is done by super professionals, or the bathroom has a round or some kind of asymmetrical shape that cannot be placed close to the wall. The disadvantages of this method are obvious - if you have laid the tiles poorly, then a large gap may form between the wall and the plane of the bathtub, which will then be difficult to hide. Of course, you can buy corners or adhesive tape and close this crack, but it will not look as beautiful as you would like!

So I made the same mistake, and installed the bathroom after installation (it took a very long time, and the tiler was in a hurry), so the exact size was not guessed, and I got cracks, which I’m wondering how to close. For now I foamed it so that the bath would not move and water would not get on the floor. I don’t really want to glue the corner, it doesn’t look so nice.

Why do some craftsmen install doors before finishing work, and others after?

When asked when to install interior doors during renovation, each master answers in his own way:

  1. Some are engaged in installing canvases before finishing the walls and ceiling. At the same time, craftsmen do not install platbands at this stage.
  2. Others undertake the installation of doors only after finishing work has been completed. They believe that when cladding is carried out, the door leaf can be broken.

Some people compromise. They install the box before starting repair work. Its surface is covered with door tape. It protects the box during finishing work. When this type of work ends, you can install the canvas, as well as platbands. In the toilet and bathroom, doors are installed last.

Each installation option has its own characteristics. If the door was installed before finishing the walls, then dust will not get on the wall covering. It is recommended to carry out installation before starting repair work only if it is necessary to increase the doorway or reduce it.

The disadvantage of this method is that a person spends a lot of time cutting the wallpaper and takes a long time to install the trim. He can mistakenly cut the wallpaper and spoil the overall appearance of the room, and the “gaps” will be impossible to cover with platbands.

How to restore a wooden door leaf?

Sequence of apartment renovation in a new building: plan, order, stages

Carrying out the restoration of wooden doors with your own hands consists of three stages:

  • Preparation. The sash is removed from its hinges, all fittings are dismantled, and the soft upholstery or paint layer is removed.
  • Restoration. The product is puttied in places where the gaps form. The holes are sealed with putty. After hardening, the putty is sanded through. Remaining dust is wiped off with a rag. The prepared surface is painted.
  • The final. The sash is hung with hinges on the door frame. Install the handle, lock, latch. If the boat is loose, strengthen it with anchor bolts. The gaps between the wall and the frame are filled with foam.

There are several options for restoring a wooden door:

  1. To restore a varnished product, remove the old layer of varnish down to the wood. Sand with fine sandpaper in the direction of the wood grain. The new varnish is applied with foam rubber or using a flute brush. The first two layers are applied at intervals of 3 hours. The third and fourth staining is performed every other day. A total of 4 layers are applied. After drying, the product is polished with felt.
  2. Restoration with veneer involves complete cleaning of the product. The surface of the sash and veneer are lubricated with contact glue. The pieces are left to dry for at least 1 hour. For reliable gluing you will need a press, but there is no such equipment at home. The veneer sheets are laid on the sash and quickly, with strong pressure, they begin to rub down with a wooden block. For reliable gluing, go centimeter by centimeter. You can use an iron heated to 50°C instead of a block, but after this method, swelling of the veneer often appears.
  3. The old wooden door is covered with laminate or MDF panels. An iron or rubbing with a block will not help here. The product is placed under a homemade press.
  4. When restoring a hollow sheet, it is insulated. After removing the panel, the pockets between the frame elements are filled with sawdust, mineral wool or other insulation.
  5. The wooden entrance door is restored on the inside using artificial leather. The material is nailed down with furniture nails, forming a pattern on the surface. To obtain bulges and additional insulation, a thin sheet of foam rubber is placed under the skin.
  6. A heavily cracked solid wood door is restored with clapboard cladding. The work requires precise fitting of the workpieces. Finally, the surface is sanded and varnished.

The most common restoration method is simple staining.

Removing paintwork

Restoration of the door leaf cannot begin until the old paint is completely removed. There are three ways:

Mechanical removal. The method involves erasing the paint with a grinder, grinder or drill with special grinding attachments.

Chemical cleaning. Removal of old paint with reagents is carried out in a well-ventilated room or outside. Use goggles and gloves while working. Chemical solutions soften the paint, which is then scraped off with a spatula and wiped off with a rag.

Of all the methods, mechanical removal is most often practiced. A chemical solution and a hair dryer will ruin the wood if the cleaning technology is violated.

Sanding, putty and primer

After getting rid of the dried paint layer, the surface is sanded. First, I use coarse sandpaper to remove paint residues, burrs, and bulges. The door is wiped with a rag to remove dust. The second pass of sanding is done with fine sandpaper. Dust is wiped off the treated canvas, and the surface is degreased with a solvent. White spirit will do.

If sanding does not get rid of the cracks, putty made from a mixture of sawdust and PVA glue is stuffed into the deep holes of the door leaf. You can use store-bought formulations. The dried putty is rubbed with sandpaper.

Before painting, the surface of the sash is primed. The process cannot be neglected, otherwise the coating will be unevenly absorbed into the wood. When using stains, no primer is used.


There is a large selection of paints and varnishes that allow you to obtain a glossy, matte or semi-gloss surface. Water-based varnishes and paints are used for interior door blocks. The front door is painted with alkyd enamel or nitro paint. Stain allows you to preserve the naturalness of wood.

The paint is applied in two layers to a horizontally laid canvas. It is easier to roll a flat surface with a roller. The sash with convex patterns is painted with a brush.

Useful tips

Several other factors may influence your final decision about whether you need your bathtub installed before or after tiling. It happens that the apartment is still being renovated, but the bathroom needs to be used. Here it would be preferable to place it before laying the tiles, so that you can simply wash yourself.

If you have a limited budget that you are willing to allocate for renovations, the best option would be to tile an already installed bathtub, since this way you can save on the number of tiles. After all, it is not necessary to put it behind the bathtub itself. If you decide to use fitting and marking before starting work, be sure to take into account the characteristics of the material from which your bathtub is made. If a cast iron model does not react in any way to the amount of water in it, then acrylic and steel products can change shape. Therefore, when trying on a bathtub and marking the wall, fill an acrylic or steel container with water. Water should remain in the bath even when sealing cracks with sealant.


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