BED-CHEST WITH YOUR OWN HANDS, this craftswoman has golden hands..

For many centuries, chests were important elements of the interior; they could be found in almost every home, regardless of the wealth of the owners. Chests, having various sizes and shapes, were used during travel to store valuables and household items; They were also passed on as inheritance, often with a dowry collected for the bride.

Recently, the fashion for chests has been revived; now they can be increasingly found in houses and apartments . They are sold in many interior stores. But if you wish, you can make a wooden chest with your own hands, since there are a huge variety of different options.

DIY wooden chest


On the balcony, a box with a seat will not take up much space and will become a cozy decoration of the space, as well as an interesting option for its proper layout. The purpose of the box under the bench can be very different . For example, it can completely replace a small cellar and protect vegetables from drying out and premature spoilage during the warm period. During the cold season, it will protect supplies from frost. But if you plan to store vegetable products in a box, you need to line the inside with insulation with a reflector.

Instead of provisions, it is convenient to keep used cans, spare blankets, pots and everything that will certainly come in handy one day in a box on the balcony. In addition, the box can be turned into a comfortable sofa, which is especially beneficial on a spacious balcony. An extra bed with ample storage will be useful in any apartment.

On top of the box there can be a hard bench or a soft seat made of foam rubber or pillows. A single piece of foam rubber is a budget solution, and pillows are a practical option since they can be used elsewhere.

It is most popular to design a bench-box with a top loading and a hinged lid. It is also used as a seat. Such boxes are equally advantageous when built into the corner and at the end of the balcony. The tall version of the chest-box is built up to the window sill, increasing the usable area of ​​the structure.

Of course, you won’t be able to sit on such a box, but it is suitable for placing some design elements.

The second type of box, more popular, is a compact daybed with a drawer and doors. It is usually located at the end of the balcony for storing small-sized items. It will be convenient to equip the box with several shelves. This cabinet can be designed as an open shelving unit with baskets.

Another option is a banquette with a drawer. Comfortable seat on a sturdy base with internal storage. You won’t be able to take a full nap on it, but lying down with a book or sitting down with a cup of coffee is quite comfortable.

The most convenient, but the most dimensional type of balcony structure is a box-bed. This is a complete place for a relaxing holiday. If the balcony is glazed and insulated, you can use the bed all year round. And inside store food supplies and everything that takes up useful space in the apartment.

Types of benches

Modern stores offer a catalog with a huge selection of different models. On sale you can find products with different purposes and levels of comfort.

The most common design options:

  1. A straight bench with a hard back and seat (inexpensive, fits perfectly into Scandinavian and country style).
  2. A straight-shaped bench made of wood with soft upholstery (a variety of upholstery materials and colors allows it to harmonize with any interior).
  3. Design with a drawer (an advantageous option for small-sized kitchens and studio apartments, where the sleeping and dining areas are combined, and the presence of a drawer allows you to store food and small items).
  4. Corner model (saves space, often the model is multi-modular, for example, by moving the corner module, you can get a linear bench design).
  5. Semicircular bench (legs are adjustable in height, have soft upholstery and chrome elements as decor).
  6. Transformable bench (the model is equipped with a folding design and can easily be transformed into a bed).


A bench with a drawer for the balcony can be made from various materials.

But if a seat is supposed to be installed on the frame, stronger material is needed.

Next you will also need:

It is worth considering the presence of a backrest for the design . If it is planned, then a larger supply of materials is needed. If the bench is stationary, it is advantageous to mount the backrest on the wall, regardless of the base. This bench option looks good and is easy to finish once the main frame is assembled.

Values[edit | edit code]

Data numberingedit | edit code

Main article: Data numbering

0x10x20x30x4 A three-byte field containing values ​​from 2 to 5:
  • 2: Chest facing north
  • 3: Chest facing south
  • 4: Chest facing west
  • 5: Chest facing east

Invalid default value: 2.

0x8Not used.

Main article: Block states

facingDirection of the front of the chest.

NBT dataedit | edit code

  • NBT block-entity data id:
  • x: X coordinates of the block entity.
  • y: Coordinates of the block entity along the Y axis.
  • id: Coordinates of the entity block along the Z axis.
  • CustomName: Optional. Changes the name of the chest.
  • Lock: Optional. Blocks the chest.
  • Items
    : Item in chest, including slot number. The slots in the chest are numbered from 0 to 26. 0 indicates the slot in the upper left corner.

    : List of items in the chest.

What will you need?

To cut materials you will need a power tool or a simple hacksaw. It is more convenient to use a jigsaw, which allows you to make cuts quickly and accurately. In this case, it will be possible to round the edges or make shaped elements. It is also effective to use circular saws, and as an option, so-called parquet floors, which are very easy to use. But they can only cut straight.

To screw in the screws you will need a screwdriver. The main thing is to prepare the bits of a suitable configuration. To prevent the board from cracking, you need to drill holes with a drill with a diameter of 2 mm.

To sand untreated boards, it is more convenient to use a sanding machine. Absolutely any model is suitable for this purpose. If it is not possible to acquire a power tool, you can use a block with sandpaper. It will take more time, but the result will be no worse.

It is best to take measurements with a tape measure, and for accurate markings take a carpenter's square, a strong ruler and a pencil.

Preparing the tools

Before you start work, take care of the tools that should always be at hand. You also need to allocate at least a small space for a workshop in order to assemble a chest bed with your own hands.

Important! It is advisable that where you will work there is not too much humidity. When working with wood, sudden temperature changes should also be avoided. The chest, of course, is not a musical instrument, for which high humidity can be simply catastrophic. But suitable conditions can avoid many problems.

The tools you will need are the following:

  • jigsaw or wood saw;
  • drill;
  • Sander;
  • screwdriver (you can use a drill at low speeds);
  • hammer;
  • pencil;
  • long ruler;
  • square

In addition, you need fasteners, as well as wood glue. The following are used as fastening elements:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners;
  • wooden scarves.

How to do it?

It is not at all necessary to have professional carpentry skills to create a storage box on your balcony with your own efforts. All you need is inspiration, desire and the ability to use basic tools. All work is divided into two stages: preparation and assembly.

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to outline an exact action plan and subsequently follow its points exactly.

The dimensions and shape of the balcony box are determined according to its area.


Making calculations

It will be much easier to make a rectangular box with a lid if you properly calculate the dimensions and make a scan:

  1. Determine the place where the chest-bed will stand - it is best to mark its future position on the wall and floor with chalk.
  2. Draw two more horizontal lines on the wall, thus marking the height of the legs and the bottom of the lid.
  3. Measure the length and width of the floor.
  4. Along the wall, measure the height of the box (from the legs to the bottom of the lid) and the lid.
  5. Subtract twice the thickness of the timber from the height.

Let's do a sweep

First you need to make a drawing to scale. It is best to take graph paper for this purpose. A convenient scale is 1:10, when one centimeter on a sheet corresponds to 10 cm of a board. Then everything is simple:

  1. Draw a rectangle, the length and width of which correspond to the length and width of the future chest on the selected scale - this will be the bottom.
  2. Draw the front and back parts - their lower sides are in contact with the long lines of the existing rectangle, and the short ones are equal to the height of the body.
  3. Draw the sides accordingly - the lower sides of these two parts coincide with the short sides of the bottom, and the sides are equal to the height.
  4. Outline the contours with a thick pencil and the fold lines with a dotted line.
  5. Construct the development of the lid in the same way: first, a large rectangle, which will be exactly the same as the bottom, and then attach the remaining sides to it.
  6. On all sides, write down the dimensions, but not to scale, but as they will be in reality.

Important! If you have good spatial imagination, you don’t need to do a scan.

How to make a chest-bench for the balcony simply and inexpensively with your own hands

The chest is an ancient piece of furniture that has not lost its popularity. The secret of its success lies in the fact that one product combines several useful functions at once. First of all, it is a closed storage box, secondly, the chest can be used as a bench or table, thirdly, a little imagination - and it becomes a decorative object. In the living room or bedroom, such a box can be used as a coffee table or bedside table, but in the hallway, in the children's room, on the balcony or in the kitchen, a bench will be more needed.

Marking the frame

For the frame structure of the chest-bed, we take a 5x5 beam. You need to choose it carefully - knots do not particularly harm the work, but there should be no noticeable chips or glues.


For the body you need 12 parts:

  • 4 pieces equal to the length of the chest;
  • 4 pieces equal to its width;
  • 4 – equal to the height minus double the thickness of the timber.

Important! For a large chest, you will also need side spacers - one on each short side and 2 on each long side. Their length is equal to the height of the box minus twice the thickness of the beam, since they are placed between the upper and lower bases.


For the lid frame you will also need 12 parts. But there is also a half-frame option, if the height of this part is equal to single or double the thickness of the beam. In both situations, you can do without the side ribs. In the first case, only the frame is made, in the second, the frame is doubled, that is, 4 or 8 parts are needed, respectively.

Important! The double frame option may be too heavy.

Making a universal chest

We propose to make a chest that, thanks to its small size and flat lid, can be placed on the balcony, in the nursery, or in the hallway. It is universal, has a reliable design, and everyone can choose the finishing option depending on their own taste and interior requirements.

What do you need for work?

To make a chest for a balcony, you should prepare tools and finishing materials:

We recommend choosing veneered chipboard (16 mm) or thick plywood as the main manufacturing material.

You need to cut it yourself or order cutting of the following blanks:

For supports, use a wooden beam with a section of 15x15 mm:

You need to cut out the following from a 15 mm board:

In the presented version, square-shaped wooden frames made of boards (9x33 mm) are used as decorative elements. You will need:

You will also need 1 mounting rail (in diagram H) - 80 cm.

The diagram below clearly demonstrates all the components to make a chest for a balcony.

You will also need 3 linear meters of wooden slats (16x4 mm) to make overlays - finishing the box lid. If an edge strip or a special profile is used instead of a strip, the parameters of the cover (G) should be reconsidered and the thickness of the strip should be increased.

Work order

Prepare the workpieces for work: sand their surfaces and ends with emery cloth. After that, start assembling:

Options for arranging a soft bench-chest seat

The box will be more comfortable for sitting if you sew a soft mattress with your own hands. To do this, measure the parameters of the cover and cut out a similar rectangular piece of thick foam rubber. Then you should cut out and sew a cover for it from the fabric. Recessing the stitches into the filling, additionally sew the mattress. This will allow it to better retain its shape. Attach the soft seat to the lid of the chest in a way that is convenient for you. We suggest drilling two holes in each corner to thread the laces that secure the product.

Beautiful bright pillows will make the arrangement more comfortable, in addition, they will decorate your balcony.

Soft products, made by yourself and in harmony with the overall style of the space, can be placed not only on top of the seat, but also made part of a wooden or improvised hanging backrest.

Improvise, use your imagination, and the chest-bench will help you organize the storage of necessary things and sit comfortably on the balcony.

Can you make a bench for the balcony with your own hands?

DIY folding bench: 2 in 1

How to make your own bench from chairs for indoors or outdoors


The lid must open

You can, of course, simply install it, but it is difficult and inconvenient. It is much more interesting to make a real chest with a hinged lid. You will need:

  • 3-4 window hinges;
  • mortise lock, latch or latch.

We attach window hinges to the back side. It is better to recess them by cutting out recesses of the appropriate size in the casing - only the axles should protrude. It's all screwed on with the same self-tapping screws.

Place a device in front that will close the chest. Pirate films usually show chests with mortise locks, but they are not as convenient as, say, a latch or latch. You can attach one latch in the center, or you can attach two in the corners, as you like.

Bench for a balcony with a storage box - how to make the structure yourself

If you want to use the balcony as a relaxation area, but you have nowhere to store vegetables and homemade preparations, then the problem can be solved in an interesting way. A bench on the balcony can be a solution - it won’t be difficult to build a structure with your own hands that combines a chest and a place to rest. I will tell you in detail how to organize the workflow and what you will need to implement the project.

In the photo: the design can be made as an ordinary piece of furniture

Assembling the box frame

To connect the parts you need self-tapping screws. Before you start assembling the chest bed with your own hands, sand the elements. This can be done with coarse and fine sandpaper, but a grinding machine is much more convenient:

  1. Start assembly from the base - connect the bottom parts, maintaining right angles.
  2. Assemble the upper part in the same way.
  3. Compare the fragments - the contours must match exactly.
  4. Place the corner ribs, attach them to the bottom, then secure the top frame frame.
  5. Place intermediate supports.
  6. Strengthen the support beams from the inside of the frame, except for the corner ones, with triangular or T-shaped plywood gussets on screws - this will reduce the tendency of the structure to loosen.

What you need for work

A bench with a drawer for a balcony can be made of different materials; I will tell you about the wood options, since it is the most reliable of all. In addition, such designs look very attractive and are easy to assemble on your own.

First, let's figure out what you will need to carry out the work:

Edged boardIt is better to use options with a thickness of 25-30 mm; thinner boards are not very reliable, and thicker ones are too heavy. It is ideal to use polished elements, as they do not require additional processing, which greatly simplifies the work process
Wooden blockThe frame will be made from it, so you need to choose options with a cross-section of at least 40x40 mm so that the structure is strong and reliable. When choosing, I advise you to pay special attention to the geometry of the bars; they often lead during the drying process, which is extremely undesirable - assembling a flat bench from crooked pieces is very problematic
Piano loopA seat will be attached to it, which at the same time serves as a box lid. Such products are sold in furniture stores and are inexpensive, so you can easily purchase them. If the length is long, several loops may be required, it is important that they are located along the entire lid
Self-tapping screwsWith their help we will assemble our bench, the length of the fasteners depends on the thickness of the board used, it should be approximately 25-30 mm longer to ensure reliability

Piano hinges allow you to create a reclining top in the bench without hassle

If you are making a soft seat, then in addition you will need to purchase foam rubber and furniture upholstery or leatherette. Although this work can be done later, the bench can be used either way.

Soft upholstery makes the bench much more comfortable

Another factor that needs to be thought through in advance is whether the design will have a backrest, if so, then you will need more materials. If the bench will stand motionless, then the backrest can be attached separately to the wall; this option looks good, and it can be done after assembling the main structure without any alterations.

Instead of wood, you can use furniture board; it is very durable and well processed, but its price is noticeably higher than that of a simple board.

Furniture panels can be ordered cut into pieces of the required size

Useful tips

When choosing a chest model that you plan to make with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the option that will fit perfectly with the interior of the house.

  1. For a retro style, a restored element that has no cracks or abrasions is perfect.
  2. Vintage style, on the contrary, requires a worn product with chips and scratches.
  3. To prevent the design from being too conspicuous, the room needs to be supplemented with objects that will match the style of the chest (lamp, paintings).
  4. If the room is designed strictly in white colors, and the structure is of some other shade, then it can be repainted in the color you need.

When creating a wooden craft, its final processing is very important. This includes sanding, tinting and varnishing. If there are still cracks on the surface of the product, they must be hidden using putty intended for wood.

Homemade decorative chests are usually placed in the bedroom, living room and children's room.

In the bedroom, the product can be installed near the bed, placing linen, towels, a blanket with pillows or jewelry there.

In the recreation area, the structure can be used as a coffee table, on which you can place a vase of flowers, a book or a newspaper.

In addition, such a decorative element can be placed in the bathroom, and jars of cream, shampoos, cosmetics and much more can be stored in it.

The working process

All work can be divided into two parts - preparatory and assembly. We will analyze each of them separately to make it easier for you to understand all the operations performed.


Work begins with the following activities:

An example of a simple bench with a backrest


The instructions for carrying out the work are not complicated, to make it even clearer, first I will show a diagram with the sequence of work, and below I will describe each of the points in detail:

The workflow consists of such operations

Accurate cutting is a prerequisite for a quality bench

The front board should cover both the block and the end of the side board, remember this

This is what the simplest version of the lid looks like, which will also serve as a bench seat

Fastening must be done carefully and accurately

The finished box can be used, but it is much wiser to pre-coat it with a protective compound. This could be paint, or maybe varnish, which will give the surface the desired shade, without hiding the structure of the wood. If you wish, you can paint the surface with patterns or ornaments; it all depends on your wishes and preferences.

It is better to coat the finished box with a protective compound

If you decide to make upholstery on the seat, then the easiest way to do the job is to use a furniture stapler; with it you can quickly secure the material from the inside of the cover . In order for the surface to be soft, the layer of foam rubber must be at least 5 cm; thinner material is pressed very hard.

You can not attach the upholstery, but sew several pillows; this option is both simpler and looks very stylish. In addition, if necessary, the pillows can be washed or used in another place.

This folding bench for the balcony looks very stylish

And one more tip - if you store potatoes or other vegetables in a box, you can line the inner surface with insulation with a reflective layer. This will ensure better preservation of vegetables.

This bench is great for storing vegetables

General repair and decoration steps

Everyone has a different approach to repairing and decorating antique chests. Some process only the front part, preserving the original ornament, while others completely change the style and design of the product. There are several general rules that will help you carry out work on decorating antique furniture:

The vast majority of antique furniture is made of wood. Over a long period of use, the material begins to dry out. To extend the life of the product, it is necessary to disassemble its components and place them in a bath of warm water.

The moisture will saturate the wood, making it much stronger. Old paint must be removed with care. In the last century, chests were treated with special solutions that were absorbed into the top layer of wood

To work, you will need a plane, with which you can completely remove the top layer. Many chests are decorated with decorative elements made of iron. It is not recommended to remove them. During the removal process, you can damage the coils themselves or the wooden surface of the furniture.

How to save an old painting

Many chests in the old days were decorated with patterns and ornaments for a brighter and more attractive appearance. If the painting is intact, the bright pattern can be renewed and left on the surface of the chest.


  • solvent for removing old coating;
  • brushes for applying the composition;
  • putty knife;
  • protective impregnation;
  • paints;
  • brushes for applying a new pattern;
  • varnish

Using a brush, apply the solvent to the surface of the chest. After application, the product must be left for some time for complete impregnation. In most cases, it takes several hours, depending on the composition. When the old varnish begins to bulge, remove it with a spatula. After removal, the surface should be thoroughly wiped with an unnecessary rag or a clean soft brush. Then we apply protective impregnation and draw in the peeling details of the painting. After drying, cover the chest with a new layer of protective varnish.

Types of sofas for a balcony with a drawer

Today, almost all sofa models are equipped with a built-in drawer for storing various things. Therefore, choosing suitable furniture for a room of any size, in particular for a balcony or loggia, will not be difficult. The most important thing when choosing a sofa is to take into account the size of the room and installation location, as well as the type of sofa structure.

To determine the best option for upholstered furniture in a particular situation, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the sofa, but also the layout methods, as well as simplicity and ease of use.

Today the most common models of sofas can be considered:

When choosing a sofa from the list of proposed upholstered furniture options, you should pay attention that most, but not all, models have additional boxes or niches for storing various things.

If the availability of storage space is a mandatory factor in the purchased furniture, when buying or ordering a sofa from manufacturers, it is worth focusing on this point.

Achievements[edit | edit code]

Main article: Achievement system

IconAchievementDescriptionTaskAvailabilityXbox PointsTrophy type (PS)
Chestful of CobblestoneMine 1728 cobblestone blocks and place them in the chest.The player must mine 1728 cobblestone blocks and place 1728 blocks (or 27 stacks) of cobblestone in the chest. The blocks placed in the chest do not have to be the same ones that were mined. YesYesYesWii U, Switch20GBronze
Freight StationUse the hopper to move items from chest to chest.NoNoYesNew 3DS15G
For remelting! (Smelt Everything!) Attach 3 chests to one furnace using 3 hoppers.NoNoYesNew 3DS15G
Open mining! (Mine!) Open every chest in the Battle mini-game arena in one round.YesYesNoWii U, Switch20GBronze

What you need for work

A bench with a drawer for a balcony can be made of different materials; I will tell you about the wood options, since it is the most reliable of all. In addition, such designs look very attractive and are easy to assemble on your own.

First, let's figure out what you will need to carry out the work:

Piano hinges allow you to create a reclining top in the bench without hassle

If you are making a soft seat, then in addition you will need to purchase foam rubber and furniture upholstery or leatherette. Although this work can be done later, the bench can be used either way.

Soft upholstery makes the bench much more comfortable

Another factor that needs to be thought through in advance is whether the design will have a backrest, if so, then you will need more materials. If the bench will stand motionless, then the backrest can be attached separately to the wall; this option looks good, and it can be done after assembling the main structure without any alterations.

Instead of wood, you can use furniture board; it is very durable and well processed, but its price is noticeably higher than that of a simple board.

Furniture panels can be ordered cut into pieces of the required size

For assembly we will need a set of tools; the list of basic devices is as follows:

The board can be sanded in advance so as not to waste time on this work later.

The square allows you to quickly mark perfectly right angles


They can be of any shape - carved, barrel-shaped, rectangular or square. The simplest option is the last one. You can also use legs from an old sofa if they are strong enough and match the color and style:

  1. Place rubber or felt pads on the underside to prevent your chest from damaging the floor.
  2. Screw the legs, and to be sure, coat the joints with wood glue.
  3. Check how horizontal the bottom is - if it is tilted, stick another gasket under the questionable leg.

Important! The chest can have no legs at all; such a design will be even simpler.

Making a universal chest

We propose to make a chest that, thanks to its small size and flat lid, can be placed on the balcony, in the nursery, or in the hallway. It is universal, has a reliable design, and everyone can choose the finishing option depending on their own taste and interior requirements.

What do you need for work?

To make a chest for a balcony, you should prepare tools and finishing materials:

We recommend choosing veneered chipboard (16 mm) or thick plywood as the main manufacturing material.

You need to cut it yourself or order cutting of the following blanks:

For supports, use a wooden beam with a section of 15x15 mm:

You need to cut out the following from a 15 mm board:

In the presented version, square-shaped wooden frames made of boards (9x33 mm) are used as decorative elements. You will need:

You will also need 1 mounting rail (in diagram H) - 80 cm.

The diagram below clearly demonstrates all the components to make a chest for a balcony.

You will also need 3 linear meters of wooden slats (16x4 mm) to make overlays - finishing the box lid. If an edge strip or a special profile is used instead of a strip, the parameters of the cover (G) should be reconsidered and the thickness of the strip should be increased.

Work order

Prepare the workpieces for work: sand their surfaces and ends with emery cloth. After that, start assembling:

glue drying.

Options for arranging a soft bench-chest seat

The box will be more comfortable for sitting if you sew a soft mattress with your own hands. To do this, measure the parameters of the cover and cut out a similar rectangular piece of thick foam rubber. Then you should cut out and sew a cover for it from the fabric. Recessing the stitches into the filling, additionally sew the mattress. This will allow it to better retain its shape. Attach the soft seat to the lid of the chest in a way that is convenient for you. We suggest drilling two holes in each corner to thread the laces that secure the product.

Beautiful bright pillows will make the arrangement more comfortable, in addition, they will decorate your balcony.

Soft products, made by yourself and in harmony with the overall style of the space, can be placed not only on top of the seat, but also made part of a wooden or improvised hanging backrest.

Improvise, use your imagination, and the chest-bench will help you organize the storage of necessary things and sit comfortably on the balcony.

Final finishing

Your DIY chest bed is almost ready, but you don't really like the way it looks? No problem, you can decorate it. Wooden parts will look much more interesting if they are covered with stain, fortunately, in construction stores you will probably be offered stain in a variety of colors, including walnut or ebony. In addition, the walls can be painted, covered with fabric, burned or cut into patterns.

Important! The joints can be sealed with decorative glazing bead. But nothing prevents you from making forged overlays or their plywood imitation.

Decorating a box on the balcony

A do-it-yourself box for a balcony does not look chic and is not comfortable to sit in, so it needs to be decorated to give it aesthetic functions.

The structure can be covered with varnish, paint or self-adhesive film. A more original look can be given to the product using various ornaments and designs.

While improving your appearance, don’t forget about convenience. In this case, the top seat cover is equipped with a piece of foam rubber cut exactly to size, covered with upholstery fabric and, using an industrial stapler, secured to the inside of the box seat.

Decorating storage space on a balcony or loggia with your own hands involves not only varnish, paint and film.

It all depends only on imagination and available materials:

Another decorative element of the manufactured structure will be the soft back of the seat. It can be made from a chrome pipe that is mounted on the wall behind the seat. Especially for it, pillows with large loops through which a pipe is threaded are sewn from upholstery fabric. In this way, you can give the seating area additional comfort.

Locker made of furniture board

When we arrived at the site, we saw the frame for the locker had already been completed. The customer installed it himself - the job stopped halfway. He asked us to do everything again. Then there would be holes left from the old nails. So People's Windows came up with another plan to convert the old locker into a new one.

We thought of a neat chest for storing camping equipment. Everything should fit here - my pot, grill for meat, skewers, folding table. That's what the customer wanted.

Also, make me a smooth lid. I want to sit, smoke and chat on the phone with friends. Yes, you need a place to put your laptop.

All the owner's wishes were fulfilled.

We made the top cover from solid wood 18 mm thick. This locker lid is smooth. It is convenient to move the fifth point. This chest is very similar to a shop in terms of functionality.

As a result, this furniture can accommodate one person of any weight and build.

We made and installed a folding table close to the seat.

The laptop will be located here. The table was set at a height for a specific person.

All the customer’s wishes were taken into account. He was pleased and undoubtedly spends more time on his favorite balcony.


Flowers are perfect for any style and design. They will perfectly refresh your balcony and will delight not only your eyes, but also passers-by on the street. They can be planted in long pots and attached to the balcony railing or hung on the wall. If you have little free time and are worried that the flowers may dry out, plant succulents. They are very unpretentious in care and watering.

History[edit | edit code]

Indev version of Java Edition
0.31January 24, 2010The chest has been added to the game.
January 29, 2010Chests can now be crafted.
Alpha Java Edition
1.0.14Chests are now used to create a minecart with a chest.
Java Edition Beta
1.5Chests can no longer be tripled.
1.8An animation for opening and closing the chest has been added, and the texture of the double chest has been changed. Additionally, the chest is now a transparent block, allowing chests to be placed directly on top of each other.
Official release of Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 PrereleaseThe sounds of opening and closing a chest have been removed. Previously, the sounds were like at the door.
RC1The sounds of chests have been returned, but different, more realistic.
1.2.4Cats now sit on chests, preventing them from being used.
1.312w16aAdded world generation option - bonus chest.
The chest icon (and other block icons) has been rotated the other way, and now the front side of the icon is on the right, not the left.
12w21aChest destruction particles are now from the boards. This was due to the old chest textures being removed from terrain.png (causing a locked chest to have no texture).
Chests can be found in desert temples.
12w22aChests can be found in jungle temples.
1.4.4The physical model of the chest no longer occupies a full block, but corresponds to its model and is 0.875x0.875 blocks.
1.513w01aThe chest is now used in crafting the funnel and trap chest.
1.6The chest can now be mounted on a donkey or mule.
1.814w02aAdded NBT tag, which allows you to make the chest locked. It can only be opened by a player with a certain item if this value is set.
14w29aChests now have a destruction animation.
1.915w31aChests are now generated in the world of End.
15w43aChests now spawn in the igloo basement.
15w44aChanged the contents of the bonus chest. can now fill or empty chests that are blocked with blocks.
1.1116w39aChests are now generated in forest mansions.
Chests are now used to craft shulker boxes.
1.1317w47aIt is now possible to place chests close to each other, which allows you to create compact storage without the use of trap chests.
By crouching and placing a chest or trap chest next to the previous one, you can create two chests that are not connected to each other.
The numeric block ID became 54.
18w09aChests are generated in underwater ruins.
18w10aChests are generated in structures in the form of treasure.
18w10cWater can now be placed in chests.
18w11aChests can be found in sunken ships.
0.4.0A chest has been added. It is impossible to make a double chest.
0.6.0The chest displays the durability of items as in the inventory.
0.7.3Double chests have been added. The texture has been updated.
0.9.0build 1Chests can now be found in abandoned mines, treasuries and villages.
Added smoothed lighting to chests.
0.12.1build 1Ocelots can now sit on chests, making them impossible to open.
Chests are now generated in hellish fortresses.
0.13.0build 1Added desert temples where chests can be found.
0.14.0build 1Chests can now be mounted on donkeys or mules.
0.15.0build 1Jungle temples have been added where chests can be found.
0.16.0build 1The custom chest name is no longer displayed in the chest interface.
1.0build 1Chests are now generated in the End world and in igloos.
1.1build 1Chests are generated in forest mansions.
Official release of Bedrock Edition
1.2beta chest added to the game.
1.4beta are generated in sunken ships.
Chests are generated in structures in the form of treasure.
beta are generated in underwater ruins.
1.10beta can be found in robber outposts.
Legacy Console Edition
Added chests.
Added animation for opening/closing the chest, updated texture.
Cats can now sit on chests, making them impossible to open.
A "bonus chest" option has been added to the settings menu.
Chest particles are no longer based on terrain.png
Chests can be found in desert temples.
Chests can be found in jungle temples.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Added chest.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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