Advantages and disadvantages of two entrance doors in one frame and methods of their installation

The second entrance door is no longer as in demand as before, but nevertheless, in some houses this design is still found. The drop in demand for two doors to an apartment is primarily due to the fact that at present there is simply no such need for them; the protective functions of entrance doors are now at their best. Attackers are unlikely to be able to break it, even using special tools. Today we will talk about why an internal entrance door is needed. You will also learn how to install two entry doors in one frame.

Why do you need a second entrance door to the apartment?

If you still haven’t decided whether you need a second entrance door to your apartment, you should think about its advantages

  • If you still haven’t decided whether you need a second entrance door to your apartment, you should think about its advantages. Perhaps installing such a door will help solve such typical problems as extraneous noise and lack of heat.


  • If someone tries to break into the house, it will create another barrier for burglars;
  • Installing a second door will create a hallway interior that is in harmony with the rest of the living space;
  • The second entrance doors do an excellent job of blocking extraneous noise from the entrance.

Do I need double doors?

Sometimes even at the stage of building a house, builders choose the wrong door thickness. As a result, the thermal insulation is compromised, and due to the temperature difference between the house and the street, condensation appears, settling inside the door leaf.

The lower the temperature, the faster condensation from streams of water becomes ice. This can lead to both heavy corrosion and banal blocking of the door with a piece of ice. To solve a possible problem, it is necessary to take immediate action.

The simplest, but not the fastest option would be to organize a vestibule without heating, followed by installing an internal door about 1.5 m from the entrance (more suitable for private houses). In most cases, this method will be inconvenient, because success will require free space, which will be removed from the living area.

The metal sheet, located at the entrance from the street, serves well as protection against thieves, but the material gives up before low temperatures. The door begins to let the cold in, and the temperature near the air masses becomes lower, gradually becoming a dew point.

Thus, condensation forms on the door, against which a double door at the entrance is a great help.

In apartments of multi-storey buildings such situations are rare, because the entrance itself is a large heated vestibule.

But an entrance door is still needed; very often apartment doors cannot contain sounds from the entrance and do not have high airtightness ratings.

Purpose of the second entrance door and its advantages

Above we briefly described the purpose of another entrance door, but now we will look at this in more detail.

Thermal insulation. The first door is not always able to keep heat from the inside and cold from the outside. To make sure of this, sometimes it’s enough just to look at your front door, for example, in frosty weather. Then it will immediately become clear that two doors are very worthy, because they can provide thermal insulation as well as possible.

It is worth understanding that the cold enters an apartment or house not only through one keyhole, as many are accustomed to thinking. Metal, which is almost always used to create entrance doors, simply conducts cold perfectly.

And to avoid loss of valuable heat, you need to think in advance about installing two copies of doors. And yes, the second one should not be metal either! Only wood is suitable in this case, because only it can additionally preserve the heat that is rapidly leaving the house.

Soundproofing. Another important parameter that needs to be taken into account. In addition to insulation, second doors can increase the sound insulation of the apartment, because not all sounds can “break through” the double door leaf. This parameter is primarily worth paying attention to those who do not want to listen to their neighbors’ conversations and noise in the stairwell, and also do not want to be listened to themselves.

Thefts and home invasions are not such rare occurrences in our country. The second door provides you with protection

Odor protection. As a rule, one door easily allows pleasant and not so pleasant odors to pass through. Most often, of course, there are unpleasant odors that originate in the basement or other apartments. Few people will like this. I want to live in my own home and realize that there are boundaries that no one and nothing can pass through. The second door leaf will act in tandem with the first, and together they will be able to prevent all these aromas from entering the premises.

Additional protection from intruders. Thefts and home invasions are not such rare occurrences in our country. And if the second door is equipped with a pair of locks, then it will be very difficult for unscrupulous citizens to get inside the apartment. In addition, while the thief is opening all the doors, security officers will have time to arrive and will quickly locate him in the right place.

As for private houses, they must have several doors. Very often in the summer, residents suffer from insects, creeping reptiles and other misfortunes. Second doors will help protect you from all this. To make it more effective, a special mesh is hung on the second canvas, which does not allow annoying flies and mosquitoes to break through.

As you can see, there are many reasons to install 2 doors. And it’s better to spend a little more money buying and installing good doors than to suffer all your life from various troubles. In addition, the installation process is as simple as in the case of an interior door.

Entrance doors two in one frame

Two entrance doors in one frame in St. Petersburg

Our company RB-Doors provides such a rare service in St. Petersburg as two entrance doors in one frame, including custom-made ones.

In addition to the increased sound and heat insulation from such a structural solution, this type of installation is one of the easiest and at the same time effective methods of installing an entrance door in a new building.

Now in many new or recently completed houses, as well as in panel houses, the door thickness is approximately 120 mm, maximum 200 mm. Therefore, two doors in one frame, the width of which is no more than 170 mm, is an ideal installation option, since the width of the opening will not allow installing two separate frames.

Our products can be installed in a “two doors on one frame” combination, which will provide increased security. In addition, you can use canvases with different finishes, which will allow you to select, or vice versa, create other doors in the room in the same stylistic option, for example, by ordering all doors with the same pattern of MDF panels or vinurite.

Two doors on one frame - advantages

Also, two entrance doors in one frame are advantageous because:

  • the frame is made to cover the entire width of the opening, which means dust and dirt do not accumulate;
  • there is no need to finish the slopes between the frames, since there is only one frame;
  • the presence of a double entrance door fully satisfies the requirement of private security to set an alarm system for the apartment;
  • the structure is made of metal with a thickness of at least 2 mm, this guarantees strict dimensional geometry for the entire depth of the opening;
  • two doors in one frame provides complete protection of the interior;
  • the design is compact;
  • the room is protected from the penetration of foreign odors;
  • provides better heat and sound insulation;
  • a wide variety of finishes is possible - color coating can be matched to any room design, to the finishing of interior doors.

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If you doubt the need to install two doors in one frame, then a frame made to fit the width of your wall will allow you to hang a second door in the future, which means saving money on finishing and a new frame.

Later, you can choose any interior doors, and the second entrance door will fit perfectly into the style of the room’s decoration.

The cost of installing two doors on one frame depends on the cost of the doors, components and additional finishing, if required. To calculate the cost, you can leave a request for a surveyor to visit you. which will make calculations for the doors you choose based on the doorway. Rav-Bariah is a profitable opportunity to install two entrance doors in one frame in St. Petersburg at an affordable price.

Installing doors in an apartment: 10 installation recommendations

Installing doors in an apartment is a very important undertaking. Doors are the main architectural element that protects the apartment from unwanted intrusions and allows you to reduce the penetration of noise, cold, heat and unpleasant odors from the landing into the apartment. The installation of entrance doors has certain nuances related to the material of the door, the size of the opening, and the number of doors in one frame. What the door installation procedure includes and what features should be taken into account when installing different types of door panels - read below.

Second entrance door: what is it for and how to choose

Often, residents of apartment buildings equip their apartments with two entrance doors. The first door, in such cases, performs a protective function (protects the apartment from break-ins), is made of durable metal and is equipped with a complex locking system. Often such doors are also made fireproof.

The second entrance door is installed in order to increase the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the first. In addition, metal doors often do not fit into the overall design of the apartment. While non-metallic doors are presented in a wider range.

The second entrance door is installed in order to increase the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the first

Which door to choose as the second depends on the interior design of the apartment, the functions that the structure should perform.

The most common option is a wooden door. This door looks attractive, is strong and durable, has good sound insulation and heat retention. In addition, a door made of natural wood is absolutely safe for human health.

A more affordable option would be a door made of MDF and plastic, but these materials are significantly inferior to wood in terms of service life and environmental friendliness.

A massive lock on the second door will only be needed if the structure will serve as burglary protection. Otherwise, the lock should be as inconspicuous as possible and simply hold the blade in the closed position. A good option would be a design with a magnetic lock or a push handle with a latch.

Installing an entrance door to an apartment: procedure

Installation of entrance doors in the apartment is carried out taking into account GOSTs and SNiP. Work begins with dismantling the old canvas and preparing the doorway (if necessary, the opening is expanded and leveled). In addition, you should carefully check the complete set of the door, its compliance with the dimensions of the opening: the door frame of the new door should be 4 cm less than the width of the opening.

The process of installing an entrance door to an apartment

Installation of the entrance door is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Trying on a door frame. Before securing the box, it should be placed in the opening and aligned strictly vertically. You need to control the alignment using a building level. When leveling, the box should be secured with wooden plates.
  • Installation of the door frame. There must be at least three mounting points on each long side of the box. The box should be secured to an anchor bolt or a pre-prepared pin.
  • Installing the canvas on the hinges and checking its functionality. The door should not move spontaneously when opening at 45 and 90 degrees, and should not form a backlash when closing.
  • Filling the distance between the box and the walls with polyurethane foam.
  • Finishing of door slopes on the outside and installation of trim on the inside.
  • The double door is installed in the same sequence. The installation of such a structure depends on whether the leaves will be in one door frame or the doors will have to be placed in their own separate frame.

    Two entrance doors in one frame: installation features

    If you decide to install two entrance doors, then the best option would be to install a structure of two leaves in one door block.

    Installing two canvases in one box has fewer nuances and eliminates the need for additional finishing of the slopes: the walls between the canvases are covered with a box or extensions that come with the canvases.

    But this option is not always possible: often, in order to save money, apartment owners first purchase an external door, and only then an internal one. In addition, doors made of different materials have their own installation features.

    Installing two canvases in one box eliminates the need for additional finishing of slopes

    To correctly install two different canvases in one box, you must follow these recommendations:

  • The second interior door should be mounted to the same side of the jamb as the first.
  • The fittings of the two doors should not touch after installation: the distance between the doors can be calculated by the depth of the door handle. However, installation with a distance between structures of more than 30 cm may lead to heat loss.
  • When installing, a threshold should be made between the doors. It will prevent drafts and act as an additional sound insulator. In addition, the finished threshold looks attractive.
  • If, for some reason, you cannot make a threshold, then you can attach a sealing brush to the lower ends of the doors (as on the doors of sliding wardrobes). An interesting option would be to install a retractable threshold.

    Wooden second entrance door to a private house: installation features

    As mentioned earlier, the most popular models of second entrance doors are wooden. The installation of wooden second entrance doors has some nuances associated with the reaction of the wood to changes in humidity and temperature, and the weight of the tree.

    The most popular models of second entrance doors are wooden

    So, in order for wooden doors to please their owners for decades, during their installation it is necessary:

  • Install the posts and top crossbar with a gap of 20 mm. This distance, in case of wood expansion, will prevent the canvas from deforming or cracking.
  • To install doors made of heavy solid wood, three hinges should be used. It is better if the hinges are card hinges that cut flush into the tree.
  • The frame for a wooden door to a private house should be assembled from rebated timber and fixed in the opening with spacer dowels or steel plates.
  • To fasten a box of heavy canvases to the wall, you can lay anchor bolts. At the same time, the anchors must have a diameter of at least 1 cm, and the distance between them must be at least 70 cm.
  • When using self-tapping screws or nails for installation, their heads should be buried 2-3 mm into the material. Upon completion of installation work, the caps should be covered with putty or covered with plastic covers.
  • To fix the box in an opening with a width of more than 125 cm, you should install a horizontal crossbar using screws.
  • If you plan to install a threshold between two doors, then to install it you should install two embedded elements on the floor.

    Professional installation of doors in an apartment (video)

    Installing an entrance door is a necessity that, sooner or later, any owner of an apartment or private house faces. You can install one or two entrance doors yourself. To do this, you should take into account the sequence of actions during installation, and the installation features of a particular canvas. Only then will the installation be completed efficiently and not take much time!

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Two doors on one frame (frame)

    Two doors on one frame is the only unique solution for installing 2 doors in a new apartment.

    Single box installation diagram

    What are the benefits of such an installation?

  • This is the only way you can install 2 doors in thin walls
  • Save money! No need to buy a box for the second door
  • Improved odor resistance. No gaps between two doors
  • The opening is beautifully finished. No need to finish slopes
  • Two doors on one frame

    Repair is quite a troublesome task

    . which requires a lot of time and money. Very often, during renovations, doors are also replaced or installed. There are different ways to install doors.

    First of all, in order to install the door, you need a special frame or frame, as it is also called. A door frame is a special frame made of wood or its substitutes, which is installed in the doorway. The door is attached to the door frame using hinges.

    Two doors on one frame

    One of the most convenient techniques used when installing a door is a technique that involves installing two doors on one frame. Two doors on one frame is a very cost-effective way to install doors. It is very often used when the walls are very thin and it is not possible to install a separate frame for each door. Plus it costs much less. Two doors on one frame provide better sound insulation and protection from foreign odors. Due to the fact that two doors on one frame have a continuous frame, there are no gaps between the doors.

    Two doors on one frame

    If you are interested in technology that involves two doors on one frame, our company is ready to offer you its services in this area. We offer you a unique offer that will help significantly improve the results of your renovation. Two doors on one frame is one of the most cost-effective door installation techniques, and its popularity is constantly growing.

    Our company offers you the most favorable and convenient prices for installing frames for two doors. We bring to your attention exclusively high-quality and durable door frames that have a long service life. Our door frames are reliable and convenient, their installation will not take much time, and the result will delight you for many years.

    It is possible to purchase a standard size frame, which will be absolutely free, and to manufacture a custom frame, the prices of which vary depending on the complexity of the work.

    There are several different types of door frames, which include corner, profile and bent-welded models. Each of them has its pros and cons, and the choice of one or another type of door frame depends on the nature of the doorway and the requirements that the door frame must have in a particular case.

    The door frame can be made from either solid wood or materials such as MDF, chipboard or mixed materials. Each of the materials will be most advantageous in certain cases, however, it is believed that chipboard is more convenient to use. The most commonly used shape is a rectangular or rounded door frame. To improve sound insulation, you can use a seal that is installed in the gap between the opening and the door frame.

    Our company offers you the best door frames for two doors at the most affordable prices in the city.

    For more detailed information, call us or leave a request for a call back.

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To bet or not

The installation of an additional entrance door is most often dictated by the need to provide it with additional functionality. It is important that she:

  • Kept warm;
  • Absorbed noises and smells;
  • Protected against penetration;
  • It had an aesthetic appearance.

All these arguments in favor of a second door are important both in an apartment building and for detached cottages. The second door, of course, creates conditions for additional comfort, making the home more protected and safe. However, before buying a second interior door, you need to consider all the nuances that you may encounter during its installation. She:

  • Not ergonomic. Takes up part of the space;
  • Requires a revision of the furniture arrangement in the hallway, as it opens inward;
  • Incurs additional costs for purchase and installation;
  • If the decision is made, then you need to be prepared for the next important stage - the choice of door leaf material.

Second entrance door to the house

A second metal entrance door for a private home is an essential security attribute. After all, the door is not protected by an additional room, as is the case with a landing. This way, the front door faces different weather conditions and also becomes more accessible to outsiders.

By installing another entrance door, the owners leave a harmonious interior inside the room, while creating additional protection outside. In addition, due to the air gap, drafts from the entrance can be avoided.

Soundproofing and thermal insulation

One of the reasons for installing another door is the desire to provide the apartment with additional sound insulation and thermal insulation. The second wooden entrance door to the apartment can easily cope with such tasks, because when installing the structure, a layer of air is created, sandwiched between the two doors.

Thus, the sound wave is damped, and noise penetrates into the room to a lesser extent.

If we talk about thermal insulation, here the first entrance door perfectly accumulates cold air, while not allowing foreign odors to escape from the entrance.

The second entrance door to the apartment will protect from strangers

Even the most durable entrance door material may not withstand persistent hacking, but a second entrance door may well thwart the plans of unwanted “guests.” And to significantly increase the level of security, we recommend installing strong and reliable locks on the doors.

Why are double doors made of metal installed?

During the cold season, problems often arise in rooms related to poor thermal insulation of the entrance door or incorrect selection of the material from which it is made. Due to such errors and the large temperature difference affecting the structure from the inside and outside, the sashes become covered with condensation, which, when frozen, transforms into ice.

In its liquid state, condensation is dangerous due to the appearance of rust on the metal, and the resulting ice can block the door, preventing it from opening/closing. Both situations are quite unpleasant and require costs to resolve (physical or financial), but over the course of a long winter they can arise more than once.

The ideal way to get rid of the problem is to create an inter-door vestibule without heating and place a second entrance door inside it, one and a half meters from the outside one. However, there is not always room for such a luxurious option and you have to look for other ways.

The main task of external entrance doors made of metal is considered to be to protect the premises from intruders, so their isolating functions are not always well thought out. If a metal product does not have internal insulation, then it quickly cools in the cold. Since metal is a good heat conductor, the air temperature near the inside of the sheet also decreases and reaches the “dew point” value. The moisture contained in the warm air settles on the door, forming condensation, which then freezes. Doors of double construction help to get rid of this process .

The main task of a double door is the following: to ensure the presence of air space between the two panels, which will not let cold air and extraneous noise into the room.

Condensation and ice rarely occur on apartment doors in the entrances of residential buildings, because there is not a big temperature difference between the air inside and outside the apartment. Entrances always have vestibule doors, and the entire enclosed space serves as an additional air buffer. In apartment buildings, double doors are needed for other purposes - they protect against noise on the landing and possible changes in humidity.

Create a single, harmonious interior throughout the entire apartment

When it comes to choosing your first front door, all thoughts are focused on strength, security and quality

When it comes to choosing your first front door, all thoughts are focused on strength, security and quality. Such a door should serve as protection for an apartment or house, so its appearance is not the main characteristic. If we talk about the second door, then here you can focus on its design.

Interior design experts advise installing interior doors of the same style to create the impression of a harmonious environment. Therefore, when choosing a second door, you can freely focus on the color palette and material of the remaining interior doors.

Also, it is worth paying attention to the style of door structures. It would be appropriate to add a second entrance door in the same style as the interior doors. For example: if all the doors in an apartment are in modern style, the second internal door should match them.

In this case, the door can be wooden, veneered or laminated, and also vary in color. It all depends on the imagination and ideas of the owners of the apartment or house. We also advise you to pay attention to the tips here, then you will not have any problems with choosing the appearance of the door.

However, you should not install second doors that are made of plastic or plexiglass. The functionality of such a door will be small, and installing it for the sake of preserving the image will be a waste of money.

Installation of double doors

When you order from us, you receive a free visit from a specialist for measurement, delivery and installation throughout Moscow and the Moscow region as a gift! To schedule a convenient time for the technician to arrive, please call.

At the appointed time, a master will arrive with finishing samples and catalogs of all available models. You can consult with him on any questions related to your future door. When the master calculates the final cost, you sign the contract and make a 20% prepayment so that we can put the door into production. If you are not satisfied with the price, you do not pay anything!

Door production takes from 1 to 3 days, and installers work seven days a week.

Which material to choose

Both wooden and metal doors can meet their purpose, be functional and meet the requirements of the interior:

  • Wooden. They are made from both valuable wood and more budget materials - MDF, laminated veneer. All specimens retain heat perfectly and prevent the penetration of noise and odors. In addition, they are easy to care for, which significantly extends their service life;
  • Metal. These doors are durable and reliable. They protect against uninvited guests and become a barrier to anything that can penetrate from the outside. Design solutions allow metal structures to look beautiful and modern. For a limited small space, they are still bulky and can create difficulties with opening;
  • Plastic and glass. Materials that are rarely used for residential entrance doors. However, they are sometimes used for offices, offices, and utility buildings. Doors made of this material also retain heat and have insulating properties against noise and odors.

Are there any disadvantages to installing a second entrance door?

Equally important is the selection of doors in the same style. This will show the good taste of the owners of the house

Yes, there is, but only one drawback. It consists in the fact that both doors will not open in the same direction. This is simply impossible. This means that you will need to sacrifice some part of your space to make your home warm, cozy, not noisy and safe.

To summarize, I would like to give some recommendations for choosing an additional entrance door. In fact, everything is very simple. First you need to pay attention to the door, and if it seems reliable and of high quality, then it is worthy of being bought.

Equally important is the selection of doors in the same style. This will show the good taste of the owners of the house, and in general it will look much nicer. Otherwise, each person relies on his own opinion regarding what the second entrance door should be.

Recommendations for selection

Double designs usually cause few problems during operation. In private homes, double doors often have enough space to comfortably position the structure. In smaller apartments, you can save a little space by placing the doors closer together, and the problem of handles touching can be easily solved by placing the levers at different heights. To improve the appearance of the door, you can use decorative panels from:

  • MDF;
  • Trees;
  • Plastic.

The absence and problematic use of a door peephole is solved with the help of technological advances. It is enough to install an expensive but useful video surveillance system that will broadcast the image from the stairwell near the door to a screen installed in the hallway.

An unusual effect can be achieved by making glass inserts into the inner panel and adding lighting there. This will create the illusion that the passage does not lead to the entrance, but directly to a bright street.

An addition in the form of a mirror in the hallway will visually expand the corridor, and the lowering threshold and high-quality seals will make the double entrance doors a real barrier that does not allow unpleasant odors and sharp sounds into the apartment from the entrance.

How to choose a second door

Today the market is able to provide you with a lot of options for choosing high-quality and aesthetically pleasing canvas. Thanks to this, you can easily choose for yourself not only a beautiful, but also the most practical entrance door. But first, we recommend that you look at a few tips for choosing a door design.

  • Choose the material carefully; the quality, strength and reliability of the door depend on it;
  • Keep an eye on the possibility of installing an additional pair of locks in order to protect your home from unwanted entry;
  • Remember that even an inexpensive metal structure stylized as wood can be given decorative functions;
  • Take your time. Consultation with experts will allow you to save money and get a quality product;
  • This way you can not only save your money, but also get a truly high-quality product;
  • The second door must be equipped with a high-quality seal that guarantees tight closure and blocking of noise and odors.

How to install a second entrance door

Installing a second entrance door is a key factor in the reliability of the structure, so it is better to entrust it to professionals.

  • Both doors must be installed on a single block. This is a guarantee that during installation there will be no errors in the form of distortions. A wide jamb will prevent the formation of cracks, which will open access to the apartment for drafts and other unpleasant nuances. Moreover, this type of installation will allow you to easily hide the slopes without additional finishing - they can immediately be covered with additional panels or a frame.
  • A true specialist will never allow both doors to open in the same direction.
    Unfortunately, such a mistake is sometimes made, so it is worth monitoring it carefully. In addition to the fact that this will lead to discomfort when opening, due to frequent impacts against each other, the overall structure can be disrupted and the material deformed. The hinges of both doors should be on the same side, but the inner door must open inward. Also, do not place door handles at the same level.
  • The most correct gap between two canvases is the standard 12 centimeters. Undoubtedly, at the request of the customer it can be different, but you should remember that this is exactly the distance that creates the optimal air barrier. And, nevertheless, niches should not be made very large - heat exchange will be disrupted, which means that one of the main functions of the additional door will be neutralized.
  • One important aspect to pay attention to is the design of the sill. Thanks to it, the second entrance doors to the house do not allow street dust and dirt to penetrate inside. But if it is too high, it will create inconvenience when stepping over. Modern designs will easily allow you to get rid of them if you choose the so-called guillotine. The meaning of such a threshold is that when the door is opened, the spring, which is equipped with a seal, will hide inside the profile.

What is special about a double entrance door?

Ideally, a double door should be installed in openings with thick walls, because the greater the layer of air between the outer and inner doors, the better the insulating properties of the structure. In addition, door handles must be freely placed in the space between the doors and move freely along a given path. Unfortunately, most modern rooms are quite thin-walled, and therefore the space for a double door is increased in a special way.

The doors of the structure must open in different directions, and the outer door must be placed so that it does not interfere with the opening of adjacent doors. In an apartment building, a door installed incorrectly will interfere with other residents, and in private houses it can block the entrance to utility rooms.

The outer door leaf of a double structure is usually not particularly decorated - the modest appearance of the outer door makes thieves less willing to check what is behind it. The canvas inside is designed more carefully - it must match the interior and make a pleasant impression on the owners and guests.

Like single entrance doors, double models can have one, two or one and a half leaves, but only one leaf of the structure is functional. The second sash is permanently fixed, attached to the box using special latches, and is opened in exceptional cases.

How to install it correctly

Today there are 2 technologies that can be used to correctly install a second entrance door

To properly install an additional door, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • Both entrance doors should swing open in different directions;
  • There should be enough distance between the leaves for the door handles; they should not cling to each other and interfere with the functioning of the doors;
  • During installation, the door must be hermetically sealed and, if necessary, additionally equipped with insulating and insulating accessories;
  • The design is suitable for installing protective locking mechanisms and a peephole.

Buying a second entrance door for your home will not be difficult, as the market offers a wide selection of products that meet all requirements.

What to consider when installing a double entry door

In private residential buildings, double doors are easier to install than in standard apartments, since they rarely have the problem of lack of space. In small apartments, every meter is valuable, and therefore you have to save by reducing the distance between the door leaves. The minimum distance can correspond to the width of the door handle - it must fit freely and move inside. The handle of another door is mounted higher or lower than the first - this way, the fittings will not interfere with each other even at a short distance.

Installation methods

Today there are 2 technologies that can be used to correctly install a second entrance door. The first is used when there is already one door, and no one is going to change it. The second (monoblock) - in the event that the first door is being replaced. Technology No. 1 is also used in situations where the internal and external doors consist of materials that are different from each other.

Although both options are similar, they have their differences. Let's take a closer look at them.

Monoblock installation. It is an excellent option in situations where both door leaves are made of the same material. That is, both consist of wood or metal. During the installation process, both doors are installed on one wide frame, which gives many advantages:

  1. The cladding and insulation of the doorway is greatly simplified.
  2. Reliability increases noticeably (especially when it comes to metal doors).
  3. Installation is quite quick compared to the second option - separate. Time is saved by using only one door frame.

Separate installation. As we already described above, this option is great for situations where the door materials are completely different and when there is already one door, but you need to add another one. In this case, the second door can be anything - wooden or metal.

Installing the second door is almost the same as installing just a door block. Namely, the box is assembled, the canvas is hung on it, and then the entire structure is placed in the doorway, leveled, fastened and sealed with polyurethane foam.

It is worth considering one important point: the dimensions of the 2nd door must be exactly the same as the dimensions of the first. Otherwise, problems may arise with the appearance of the doorway.

Installing a second door

, are faced with the problem of installing the threshold. On the one hand, it is needed as additional protection from extraneous noise. On the other hand, you will have to step over it at least twice during the day. A good solution to this problem would be to install a moving threshold. The guillotine threshold is an aluminum profile with a spring seal.

When the door is opened, it retracts inside. Movable threshold

Easy to install almost anywhere. If necessary, the rubber seal is easy to replace. You can do it simpler: buy sealing brushes for the cabinet; they will be a cheap alternative to a movable threshold if the gap between the door and the leaf is small.

Designs and Applications

Double metal entrance doors are made from corner (corner) and metal profiles (profile). Structurally, they are made of 2 sheets of metal mounted on a frame. It is made from a corner or profile pipe. Stiffening ribs are welded inside the canvas. The empty space between them is filled with insulation and soundproofing material. The box is made from a corner or profile and is attached to building structures.

Metal sheets can be covered with decorative finishes, such as milled chipboard or solid natural wood. A rubber seal is mounted on the protruding parts of the outer sheet. The hinges are welded to the material of the canvas and the box. The side ends are equipped with anti-removal pins.

Double blocks are equipped with locks: the upper one is level, the lower one is cylinder. Recodeable locks can be installed upon request.

Installation technology

Installation of a double metal door is practically no different from the installation of any other and consists of 3 stages:

  1. Preparatory. The old structure is being dismantled and the opening is being prepared.
  2. Installation and fastening of the box to building structures.
  3. Checking the correctness of the installation, hanging the panels and foaming the technological gaps.

The size of the prepared doorway should be 1-2 cm larger than the double block being installed on each side. The box is put into place and secured with wedges. Using a building level, the correct installation is checked. In this case, the box should not go out of the plane of the wall.

After all the measurements, holes are drilled through the holes in the mounting plates in the wall for anchor bolts or other fasteners. Having installed and secured the box, hang both panels and check for ease of movement. If there are no defects, the technological gaps are filled with foam. If all design features are taken into account and preparation for installation is carried out efficiently, then the work should proceed without disturbances.

How to install it yourself?

Having experience in installing any door, the work is completed without any particular difficulties. Difficulties arise when installing a double structure separately. It is necessary that the internal product fully matches the dimensions of the external one. With any deviation in dimensions, problems arise with processing the doorway. Whatever finishing options are used, it will turn out crooked and oblique and will spoil the appearance of the finished product.

During operation of the double structure, you can adjust the position of the canvases with special screws installed on the canopies.

The second door is convenient

The benefits that a second entrance door provides are obvious, and the costs of installing it are relatively low. Thanks to the additional door, you will not only protect your individual space, but will also be able to avoid contact with foreign odors, noise and dirt.

If you want to keep heat in your home and remove unwanted influence from the outside, the best option would be to install an additional door.


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