How to barbecue on the balcony without harming neighbors or authorities?

Living in an urban environment provides people with many advantages. You cannot compare rural comfort and coziness with city amenities. However, to the many advantages there are some disadvantages. Urban residents have significantly limited opportunities to communicate with nature. Only some people have a house or dacha outside the city where they can relax on a day off, barbecue, or sit in the fresh air at the table. It’s difficult to imagine such a picnic in the city, so the majority of people only get a bench in the yard or a loggia. The article answers whether it is possible to grill kebab on your own balcony legally.

Legal reasons

Russian laws do not provide for direct liability for a barbecue on a balcony. Among the punishable administrative violations, we are talking only about open fire lit in or near a residential building. It is also prohibited to light a fire near playgrounds or permanent garages. These laws were written quite a long time ago and do not take into account all modern realities. In those years, portable barbecues and pressed coal for them were not yet so widespread. Modern barbecues technically do not produce an open flame, so legislative acts can be interpreted in two ways in relation to them.

Law enforcement agencies, together with the fire inspectorate, usually interpret the laws in their favor, so it is quite possible to legally challenge their fine in court. If you are caught at the “scene of the crime” while barbecuing on the balcony, then legal disputes are possible. For starting a fire in a residential building, the owner can be punished in the amount of 100-420 thousand rubles. There are cases when unauthorized lighting of a fire led to fires, and the fire could spread to neighboring apartments and damage neighbors’ property. If this happens, then a regular fine will not do. As a punishment, they can be imprisoned for 3 years or arrested for six months.

A more serious reason for punishment is the death of a person as a result of a fire after lighting a fire. The culprit will face imprisonment for up to 7 years.

Smoking hookah

Speaking about the regulatory regulation of hookah smoking, you need to pay attention to the fact that they use different mixtures, including mixtures made on the basis of tobacco leaf, and mixtures without it. Federal Law prohibitions do not apply to smoking mixtures without tobacco and nothing prevents you from smoking such a hookah

But... nothing but neighbors' complaints! If you make them feel uncomfortable, they have the right to fight for their right to breathe clean air. The fight can also take place in court!

Federal Law prohibitions do not apply to smoking mixtures without tobacco and nothing prevents you from smoking such a hookah. But... nothing but neighbors' complaints! If you make them feel uncomfortable, they have the right to fight for their right to breathe clean air. The fight can also take place in court!

Doctors' opinion

Medicine also looks negatively at barbecue on the balcony, because as a result of burning wood or coal, combustion products are released into the surrounding space, which can cause significant harm to the respiratory system and the human body as a whole. If there is poor ventilation on the loggia, then carbon monoxide can accumulate in a confined space in a concentration that can cause poisoning to people.

Another aspect of frying is the harmful substances created during frying of meat. They appear when using not only open wood-burning grills, but also barbecues. If the cooking process takes place in an open area, then carcinogens are quickly spread by air and do not collect in one place. Air circulation in the loggia may be weak, so combustion products can concentrate in a limited space, accumulate and cause poisoning of the body. A significant part of the carcinogens settles on the meat itself, which does not add any health benefits to the dish.

Legal ways to cook barbecue on the balcony

Now, for every demand, there are a lot of tempting offers. It is not surprising that network marketing is actively involved in the game of circumventing the prohibitions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is proposed to solve the issue by installing barbecues on the balcony with an exhaust hood to catch smoke.

There is no need to fall for these tricks: they do not cancel the ban on the use of open fire on the balcony. In addition, the majority of all inventors of such designs do not give any safety guarantees to the user (except for verbal assurances). Therefore, in case of any negative outcome, only the buyer will be responsible.

Attitude of others

If you decide to light an open fire and have a barbecue on the balcony, then expect calls from your neighbors to the police or fire department. The wind can carry smoke and emissions in any direction.

It is difficult to accuse neighbors of bias, because caustic fumes entering their apartments can be absorbed into the fabric upholstery of furniture, wallpaper, curtains and other things. Not everyone is ready to agree to extra wet cleaning or washing for the sake of the pleasure of others.

The strong odor makes it difficult for some people, especially older people or those with lung conditions, to breathe.

If, of course, you can invite the affected neighbors to your place for a picnic and treat them to a delicious dish, then the issue will be resolved amicably and there will be no fine. However, it is impossible to feed everyone, so the result of such a vacation can cost those preparing barbecue on their balcony a tidy sum. In this case, you have to choose: arrange a vacation with cooking barbecue on your personal loggia, or postpone this activity until your next trip out of town with family or friends. For wealthy people, there is the opportunity to visit a restaurant where you will be served properly grilled meat over charcoal. This option is suitable if you are not interested in the cooking process itself, but only the result is important.

Possible consequences of a balcony picnic

The availability of home comforts and delicious meat that can be prepared without leaving the city largely outweigh the likely risks of such events. To eliminate possible consequences, you need to carefully consider safety measures and purchase the best option for a brazier that is suitable specifically for your balcony. It is the design of the brazier that determines the attitude of others, that is, the very possibility of continuing to enjoy picnics on the balcony.

Possible alternatives

Stationary devices

The worst option for frying meat in terms of convenience and financial costs is a stationary grill for the balcony. It looks incredibly cool and reliable, but it takes up a lot of space and cannot be quickly removed in case of problems with the police or neighbors.

Portable devices

The best substitute for a stationary hearth would be a small collapsible version. You can assemble it at any time, quickly fry the meat and put it away. Various types are made by craftsmen and in production conditions. An interesting option is a small hanging structure, fixed to the balcony parapet during the barbecue. Just don’t forget about the possible consequences. After all, there will be smoke, which the neighbors will not like and may arouse the interest of regulatory authorities.

Gas grill

An interesting and modern fireproof option is a gas grill. For barbecues, you can purchase small tabletop models. They don't take up much space and cook quickly and economically. In addition, they are always convenient to take with you on the road and use outdoors. Small propane cylinders are used as a power source, which are quite easy to refill.

Electric grill

If you don’t want to bother with gas cylinders, then the stores have a sufficient selection of electric grills. These devices have all degrees of protection and will never cause a fire or fines from the police. An electric barbecue is the most legal and convenient way to prepare a barbecue in a residential building. There is no open fire used here, which means there will be no strong acrid smoke, which could become a possible cause of conflicts with neighbors.

By design, electric barbecue devices can be made in classic horizontal and vertical versions. The latter look like an elongated cylinder, inside of which skewers and a heating element are placed. The devices are usually equipped with an electric motor, which rotates skewers with threaded meat for even frying.

Horizontal grills have a heating element at the bottom and the skewers located on top have to be rotated by hand. The cooking process is almost identical to real kebabs on the balcony. Which option to choose depends on the buyer. But safety will not depend on the choice, because these electrical appliances can be used even in an apartment, and not just on a loggia or in the open air.

They do not use open flames, so firefighters or police will not have any complaints and will not issue a fine.

Air fryer

In addition to regular grills, an air fryer is also a safe alternative. It is enough to simply fry meat, sausages or even potatoes. It is easy to use, absolutely safe and powered by an eclectic network. Such devices are often bought for frying in the kitchen, but they are also quite suitable for organizing a picnic on the loggia. No one will object to such an application. There will be no fine. The air fryer fits comfortably on a small table, which also accommodates dishes and cooked meat.

Advantages and disadvantages of exhaust devices

It is also worth remembering that each exhaust design has its own strengths and weaknesses. In particular, metal exhaust systems are easier to work with - they can easily be purchased ready-made, they are easy to install and easy to clean.

However, they have a very significant drawback: no matter what metal the structure is coated with, it always lends itself to corrosion. Therefore, a metal hood requires regular maintenance, because if it rusts, it can serve as a source of various particles and microorganisms getting into the food being grilled.

On the contrary, there are no complaints about a brick hood in terms of the fact that it can serve as a source of pollution. Although, of course, it should also be cleaned regularly. Brick structures are actually ordinary chimneys, and therefore they can be used for a long time without any problems.

The disadvantage of brick chimneys for barbecues is the need for a relatively large area for their installation, as well as the need for the help of specialists. After all, brickwork is not so simple: even if you read a lot of instructions, you may not take into account certain subtleties during the work.

Fire safety

Before starting the frying process, it is worth thinking about the worst-case scenarios for further developments. If you decide to take a risk and use an open fire, then place the grill so that it is well blown with air and the smoke does not collect in one place. If the loggia is glazed, then all window sashes must be open. If it is not possible to provide good ventilation, then it is better to immediately abandon the open flame.

Do not use special liquids or gasoline to start a fire. Careless handling will result in fire or other problems. It is better to use only matches, paper and charcoal. There is no need to use too much paper, because it produces a light and volatile ash that can scatter throughout the yard, increasing dissatisfaction with neighbors and leading to a fine. Before you start cooking, make sure you have a container of water on hand so you don’t have to run to the kitchen to get it.

New fire regulations, effective January 1, 2021

On January 1, 2022, the fire safety rules came into force (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1479 of September 16, 2022).

The innovations regulate, in particular, the rules for organizing a barbecue area. The tightening of requirements is due to a large number of fires. According to statistics, most of the reasons are domestic: incorrect use of heating and lighting devices, lighting fires, smoking. However, not everything is sad, and the opportunity to eat delicious kebabs remains.

In addition to the Rules, two more documents are relevant:

  • Technical regulations on fire safety requirements.
  • Federal Law “On Fire Safety”.

Brazier and what is included in it

In regulatory documents, mention of barbecues directly is extremely rare. Fire safety standards and SNiP under an open source of fire mean:

  • barbecue;
  • B-B-Q;
  • grill.

Barbecue in the yard
From the point of view of danger, they are equivalent to a fire. Open fire, sparks and smoke fly in all directions. You should maintain the distance from the fence to the barbecue and not violate the ban on making fires during fire hazardous periods.

The differences between these cooking devices are insignificant. The grill has the simplest design. This is an oblong iron box with holes at the bottom for air access. There are different options: they make the bottom from a mesh or with slots, drill ventilation holes in the lower part of the side walls.

Location on

Skewers are placed on top. The distance to the fire is not adjustable. The barbecue itself can be made simply on legs or decorated decoratively. Small burning coals fall down and require adequate protection.

At the same time you can put meat and fish, toast bread. The stationary barbecue has a back wall and a pipe. This is a safer option for furnace equipment.

The grill looks like a barbecue with a lid. The food laid out on the grill and the fire under it are covered, reducing the likelihood of creating a fire hazard.

Barbecue next to neighbors' fence

Possible risks

Before talking about the arrangement, you should know all the possible consequences that may arise from improper use of the device for frying meat. Let's try to figure out the possible problems.

Advice: before grilling kebabs, try to find a place outside the apartment. It’s much safer to barbecue even at the entrance.

So let's start with the firefighters. As you know, there is very little space on balconies; space is completely limited. There are a lot of residential premises nearby, and if the circumstances go wrong, you and your neighbors risk getting hurt. Therefore, the Ministry of Emergency Situations insists that braziers should be installed far from residential areas, and it is better to avoid balconies. The rationale for this is as follows: open fire in residential areas or nearby is strictly contraindicated! Combustion products will penetrate to neighbors. The likelihood of a fire increases if neighbors' balconies are filled with paper, rags, flammable products, etc. An absolute violation of safety rules has been proven when caustic smoke mixes with grease and settles on the ceilings. Of course, the main reason against cooking meat on balconies is the high likelihood of fires. Roofs are especially likely to catch fire. Most of the roofs of high-rise buildings are covered with roofing felt, a flammable material. There are also many antennas, dishes, and communications coated with chemically active components.

Do not forget that an open fire is dangerous, not only for you, but also for your neighbors

Now the medical point of view. Doctors are definitely against people experimenting with barbecues at home. First of all, due to the fact that accumulating combustion products negatively affect health, there is a risk of even carbon monoxide poisoning. Food prepared using a barbecue at home (meaning an enclosed space) contains harmful substances, which are less in food prepared in the fresh air. Eating these foods too often can lead to serious health problems.

We must not lose sight of the position of our neighbors. Well, no matter who, they definitely won’t be delighted with your idea. The smoke will certainly rise upward and enter the apartments of the people living above you. If the device is used frequently, walls, windows, and neighbors' belongings will become covered in soot. Who will like this?

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