How to correctly calculate the consumption of polyurethane foam per 1 m of seam: online calculator


Any professional installer will tell you right away how many foam cylinders you need to buy to install all room doors, for example. But at the state level, rules have been developed for determining construction work, building mixtures and materials. The consumption rate of polyurethane foam can be calculated using the GESN tables (State elemental estimate standards).

What to consider when calculating the consumption of polyurethane foam?

1. Areas of processed building structures.

If you need to install a window, for example, then take the area of ​​the window opening. It is calculated by the outer dimensions of the box.

2. Material of the building structure (stone, wood, panel part, PVC, etc.).

3. Thickness of the building structure.

What do the GESN tables say?

You can read about the consumption rates of polyurethane foam in the tables GESN 10-01-035 “Installation of PVC window sill boards”, 10-01-045 “Installation of PVC blocks in external and internal doorways”.

Treatment of empty cavities with polyurethane foam when installing PVC window sill boards

To obtain the data, we took into account a standard 750 ml cylinder of polyurethane foam, and one hundred linear meters as a meter.

Filling cavities between door frames and building walls with foam

To obtain the data, we took into account a standard 750 ml container of polyurethane foam and a meter of one hundred meters of square openings.

These are averages. In practice, the numbers may be slightly different.

Basic requirements for installation seams for windows

  1. What happens if the installation of windows is not carried out in accordance with GOST
  2. What is an assembly seam?
  3. What polyurethane foam should be used when installing windows?

The vast majority of customers perceive the installation seam only as a gap filled with foam around the perimeter of the window, which is subsequently sealed with putty or other building materials. Therefore, when checking the quality of installation, many do not pay due attention to this important element due to its apparent insignificance, which in the very near future may lead to not the most pleasant consequences. In order for the windows to be guaranteed to last a long time, and no alterations are required, it is recommended to treat this structural element as seriously as the profile, double-glazed windows and fittings.

What happens if the installation of windows is not carried out in accordance with GOST

If all GOST standards are met when installing windows, the installation seams can provide a high level of protection from precipitation, sunlight and wind loads. In addition, they allow the opening to “breathe” - they release excess moisture out and prevent it from getting inside. In cases where the requirements are not met, window owners are faced with the following set of unpleasant consequences during the operation of their windows:

  • blowing the structure around the perimeter of the frame;
  • freezing of slopes and windows themselves;
  • regular formation of condensation in the autumn-winter period;
  • the appearance of mold and mildew;
  • noticeable heat loss.

All of these problems are most often eliminated by reinstalling the window. That is, the structure is first dismantled, after which the product is reinstalled taking into account all standards. To avoid this, it is recommended to take a responsible approach to choosing a team of installers, and also do not hesitate to control the actions of workers. Read the special review on OknaTrade for what you need to pay attention to when installing windows.

The minimum service life of assembly joints must be at least 20 years. It is with these requirements in mind that building materials are selected. If attempts were made to save money when purchasing them, this will negatively affect the durability of the seam.

What is an assembly seam?

Assembly joints that comply with technical standards have a multi-layer structure, due to which they are able to perform all the functions assigned to them. Each of the layers performs a specific task, which together provides the window structure with the required level of protection along the perimeter of the frame. According to GOST, the window installation seam must include in its structure:

    External morning vapor barrier layer
    - is a special tape, which is located on the side of the interior. It is applied directly to the main central layer so that there are no folds. The length of the tape, which comes in 2 types - with internal or external protection, is determined taking into account the corners of the window unit. In most cases, when installing windows, a material with an internal coating is used; tape with an external vapor-proof layer is used mainly only in the presence of plastered surfaces.

What determines the consumption of polyurethane foam?

1. From the brand of the foam itself.

More precisely, from such a technical parameter as “primary expansion”. One foam needs to fill a third of the gap volume, the other – half.

There are highly expanding, moderately expanding and weakly expanding foams. All household options are highly expanding. They have to fill quite large gaps. Therefore, they cannot damage the building structure. In addition, spacers are installed that maintain the position of the structure.

Medium-expanding and low-expanding foams are needed for more delicate work, “clogging” small cracks.

2. From the ambient temperature.

This is relevant if external installation work is being carried out. The colder it is, the more foam you will have to spend. This is why winter specimens disappear too quickly. After all, air humidity at sub-zero temperatures is low, so the foam increases in volume less.

Stages of work when foaming a window

Moisturizing the surface of walls and openings

Air humidity is of great importance in the foam polymerization process. This affects the correct reaction between its components, improves adhesion, and eliminates foam subsidence. In addition, moisturizing promotes the formation of a finely porous foam base without voids.

Before foaming, the walls of the opening must be moistened with a simple water spray. The spray reaches the required area, leaving dry the slope areas to which the vapor barrier tape will be glued. The main thing is not to overdo it with hydration. The thin walls of fine-pored foam are not able to withstand the pressure of the expelling gas. It quickly evaporates, the foam settles, and eventually voids appear.

It should be borne in mind that due to low absolute humidity, it is much more important to moisten the slope in the cold season than in the warm season.

External seam waterproofing

Despite the fact that foam is an excellent thermal insulator, it allows moisture to pass through and is destroyed in direct sunlight. Thus, it needs additional protection - external waterproofing and internal vapor barrier of window seams. This will allow the windows to be sealed with foam for the winter.

For external waterproofing, use pre-compressed sealing tape (PSUL) or vapor-permeable waterproofing tape.

PSUL is glued to the front side of the frame without tension or overlap, tightly butted on the sides and at the top until the frame is installed in the opening. The glued plastic window is carefully inserted into the opening so that the tape does not move. It is important to ensure that the PSUL fully expands before foaming the seam with polyurethane foam.

Vapor-permeable waterproofing tape is glued under low tide. It is cut to the length of the window with a margin for installation under external slopes. If the width is not enough to cover the installation seam, a tape of the same length is cut and glued to the first piece with an overlap of 20-30 mm.

Internal vapor barrier of seams

The surface of the frame and slopes must be cleaned of construction saws. The crumbling surface should be treated with a primer.

Vapor barrier tape is made of aluminum foil and butyl rubber with one or two layers of adhesive applied, covered with paper strips. This gives it elasticity. One side of the tape may have a non-woven backing for better adhesion to the plaster. The variety of tape widths makes it possible to provide reliable vapor barrier for seams of any size.

The tape is glued tightly with a narrow adhesive layer along the entire length of the window frame, without tears or peeling. The second edge of the vapor barrier tape remains unattached.

Video text

Let’s take a can of professional polyurethane foam with a volume of product in the can of 875 ml.

The weight of a full cylinder with a spray foam gun was 1318.3 grams.

We will foam into a structure that imitates the space between the base and the door frame.

The height of the outer perimeter is: 201.5 centimeters; width: 102.5 centimeters; depth: boxes: 9.5 centimeters; width of the foamed seam: 3.5 centimeters.

For our experiment, we will invite two people with different levels of training and frequency of use of polyurethane foam, conditionally dividing them into: beginner and experienced.

The first thing we do is remove the dust using existing rags.

Next, we moisten the surface on which the polyurethane foam will be applied. The surface must be damp, not wet.

Related article: Silicone grease for plastic windows

The beginner begins to foam first; it is necessary to foam 2/3 of the depth of the door or window opening. The mistake is immediately visible here - foaming the polyurethane foam exactly along the seam, which after polymerization will lead to significant excesses and losses. After 24 hours, I cut off the excess and you can clearly see how large the overspending is.

After the first foaming, the weight of the cylinder with the gun was 828.8 grams.

After measuring the ratio of cut and filled volume, the losses were: 21.8%.

When filling the doorway with a beginner, the mass of the product in the cylinder decreased by 489.5 grams, i.e. To fill the doorway with polyurethane foam, more than half of the cylinder was required, the filling of which is 875 ml.

Next, we hand over the cylinder to a person with experience working with professional polyurethane foam. The seam is filled to 2/3 of the depth of the door or window seam. To reduce losses from cut foam after polymerization.

After 24 hours, I cut off the excess - which is actually not there - this excess, weighing 0.5 grams, can be considered a mathematical error. The mass of the cylinder with the pistol was 623.6 grams; let me remind you that the mass of the cylinder with the pistol before foaming was 828.8 grams. It turns out that to install the door frame, the master needed 205.2 grams of the product from the cylinder.

And this is more than two times less than for a person without experience working with professional polyurethane foam.

The weight of an empty cylinder with a spray foam gun was 466.5 grams. This means that the mass of the product poured into the cylinder was 851.8 grams.

It turns out that for a bottle with professional polyurethane foam, with a filling volume of 875 ml. – the master is able to supply at least 4 interior doors with a threshold of the standard size specified by us. For a beginner, the cylinder may not be enough for two boxes.

How to cover foam on plastic windows from the street

To close the hardened protection from the street, it is recommended to use a waterproofing agent. A multifunctional sealant or waterproofing tape with a vapor permeability effect is suitable. Using this material will allow you to neatly close the seams on the front side without overlapping.

After installing the ebb, a vapor-permeable material is installed under it. It is important to measure correctly, then cut along the length of the window frame, taking into account the margin for installation under the external slope. If the existing width is not enough, then an additional piece of tape is cut off.

Polyurethane foam is produced in several types, each of which has its own consumption

[Click on photo to enlarge]

Polyurethane foam is a popular, inexpensive and economical sealant that is actively used in construction, installation and repair work.

Mounting foam consumption per 1 sq. m.

The consumption of sealant primarily depends on the brand and is indicated on each cylinder. But these are average values ​​given for ideal conditions when applied to theoretical surfaces. As a rule, the actual consumption of sealant and the theoretical one diverge.

Polyurethane foam is produced in several types, each of which has its own consumption. Normally, the average consumption is taken for optimal work conditions. Professional foam is designed for use with a mounting gun, has a lower coefficient of secondary expansion, and forms a more complete, durable seam.

All consumption rates are given in accordance with the prescribed and regulated standards for the use of polyurethane foam at TEP prices for sealing joints with polyurethane foam: the assembly joint should be moistened using a spray gun, the container should be shaken before use, the foam should be applied from bottom to top to a joint depth along the entire perimeter with a thickness of 35-40 mm in an even layer. In this case, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for temperature and humidity conditions. Consumption rates are calculated for the use of professional foam. According to TER10-01-047-1 standards, the consumption of foam for 100 m2 of opening up to 3 sq. m = 123.5 cylinders with a capacity of 0.75 liters. If the opening area is more than 3 sq m, the norm is reduced to 70.3 cylinders. The apparent contradiction arises due to a decrease in the ratio of perimeter to area (for example, 1x1 - perimeter 4 m and area 1m2 ratio - 4:1; 2x2 - perimeter 8m, and area 4m2 ratio - 2:1).

Related article: Thermal conductivity coefficient of PVC windows

According to the same estimates, the consumption of polyurethane foam per 1 sq. m when laying walls from heat-efficient blocks is 10 liters. Each construction enterprise approves its own consumption standards per 1 sq. m - for example, maybe 11.7 liters.

Mounting foam consumption per 1 m

In the Federal unit prices for repair and construction work, FERr 53-21-19, the norms for foam consumption when repairing balconies are given per 100 m2, 4 cylinders of 0.85 liters each are given.

With a standard foam capacity of 65 liters, the actual consumption is 70%-80%. With an installation seam depth of 50 to 125 mm and an installation seam width of 20 to 70 mm with a quarter space of 15-25 mm, the foam consumption per 1 m of seam is obtained (50*20+15*20) = 13 cubic cm to ( 125*70+25*70)=105 cc. That is, depending on the size of the installation seam, it takes from 0.2 to 1.6 cylinders per 1 m, provided that no seam filler is used.

The consumption rate depends not only on weather conditions, but also on the quality of the foam, on the presence of a dispenser on the mounting gun, and on the professionalism of the performer.

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Window installation - our prices

Window installation, prices, quality, reliability - these issues concern buyers first of all, but how can a customer understand whether the price of window installation is adequate, overpriced or extremely low. False economy can result in double costs of nerves, time and money. The price of installing a window upon purchase is determined separately and individually depending on the type of house (panel, brick or old foundation) and on the consumables used in the process. This is understandable, because for the same type of work you can use professional, imported foam with silicone or cheap analogues. You can also talk about the technology for installing windows, because the price also depends on this. As a rule, more labor-intensive technologies are more expensive, but they also last much longer and are more reliable, ultimately turning out to be more practical.

Best prices for installation of plastic windows

It is necessary that the correct window installation technology be followed; the price for the work of a specialist is of course higher than the cost of amateur work by non-professionals. But this is your home, your fortress, is it really worth it? The services of a specialist from the street are priced cheaper, but poor quality of work will negate the benefits of expensive, high-quality windows.

The desire to save a lot on installation often arises among consumers due to the fact that the price for installing windows is a sufficient part of the cost of the entire order. Our experience shows that this is completely wrong; the best installation is carried out by representatives of our manufacturing plant, who are well trained and have an excellent understanding of the features of window construction and installation details.

When working with us, potential clients are provided with an adequate cost estimate, without underwater, hidden payments or without taking into account any work and materials that installers will remember at the most crucial moment. The cost of all equipment and installation work, as well as the timing of their completion, are reflected in the contract. We care about our clients, giving each one an individual approach and maximum attention!

Dismantling the old product, dismantling the window sill and drainage systemThe work requires care so as not to damage the walls and floor of the room.from 200 to 1,000 rubles
Installing a new plastic window or balcony block in a window openingRequires high qualifications and extensive practical experiencefrom 300 to 500 rubles
Leveling and fixing the frame in the opening using mounting plates or anchor dowelsKnowledge of the design features of products and premises is requiredfrom 600 to 1,350 rubles
Foaming the installation gap with professional foamPractical experience working with polyurethane foam is required.from 800 to 1,250 rubles
Screwing the drainage system, leveling and fixing the window sillExperience with building level and foam requiredfrom 800 to 1,100 rubles
Measuring, preparing, marking and cutting internal slopesAccuracy, skills and experience in interior finishing operationsfrom 800 to 1,800 rubles
Working with slopes, foaming and temporary fixing, until dry, with masking tapeRequires skill and practicefrom 800 to 1,300 rubles
Fixing drainage and window sill, foaming, sealingGeneral construction skills, working with construction foam, equipmentfrom 400 to 1,500 rubles
Sealing the external seam on the outside of the windowSkills in working with plaster mixturesFrom 200 to 1,000 rubles
Sealing frames with double-glazed windows and hanging sashesKnowledge of technology and special tools requiredFrom 100 to 500 rubles
Adjusting the fittings of a plastic window so that the sash does not sag and the frame does not cling when closingRequires knowledge of fittings and skills in working with componentsfrom 50 to 300 rub.

Window installation cost

Buyers often ask the question: how much does it cost to install a plastic window? The cost, as we have already said, is influenced by many factors, including the size of the window, its configuration and the type of house. For example, the depth of slopes in the old foundation can reach a meter in depth, but in panel houses it is only 15 centimeters, hence the different consumption of time and consumables. The cost of installation depends on the configuration of the plastic window with mosquito nets, combs, drains and window sills. An additional discount applies to orders consisting of several products. There are also seasonal price fluctuations and promotions, which also make a significant adjustment to the cost of installation.

Contact our company and you will receive high-quality, high-quality products from the manufacturer with professional installation, which is covered by a 5-year factory warranty. We will pay attention to all your wishes, taking into account the design features of your premises, there is a system of discounts, and benefits apply to certain categories of citizens.

Features of application

The following recommendations will help to make the foam output close to ideal:

  • Before use, shake the container well to mix the components. If this is not done, not the required foam will come out of the cylinder, but a thick mass and air. After mixing, a homogeneous consistency is obtained, which comes out at the same speed.
  • Before applying polyurethane foam, you need to wet the surface for better adhesion and hardening. This is a mandatory measure when using one-component mixtures.
  • When applying, the container must be held vertically at all times. You need to start insulating from the bottom. The first layer can be up to 3 cm, then the composition can be applied again, but only after complete hardening, after about 8 hours.
  • Only after hardening can you cut off the remaining material, touch it with your hands, paint, load, plaster. If you do this earlier, the polyurethane foam will lose its properties.

Calculation formula

The calculation formula includes data on dimensions and seam configuration. If the seam is rectangular, then the formula is used for calculation: P = W * D, where P is the flow rate, ml/1m.p of the seam; W – its width, mm; G – its depth, mm.

For example, for a seam with the same depth and width of 10 mm, the consumption will be 100 ml per 1 m.p. seam

But there are triangular seams, so the formula changes: P = 0.5 * W * D

To apply this, you need to cut the tip at 45 degrees.

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