Differences between the KBE profile: KBE Expert, KBEGut and KBE Master.

Among all the manufacturers of window profiles, only a few companies have extremely positive reviews and are especially popular among consumers. These include Rehau and KBE; making a choice in favor of one or the other is quite difficult, and in order not to make a mistake, it is best to analyze the design of their plastic windows and compare the characteristics that matter. It is necessary to compare the indicators of heat, sound, waterproofing, as well as strength, durability and several other important factors.

Rehau and KBE product range

Both competing companies can boast of German quality of their products. Rehau was founded in 1948 in the town of the same name, the first profile was born in 1959, KVE is 32 years younger (1980, Berlin), and this is quite a big difference in terms of experience and development opportunities.

Rehau products

Window profiles from Rehau, which you can purchase here:

  1. Rehau Euro-Design Slide is the most economical three-chamber option with a system depth of 60 mm, ideal for thin-walled buildings, gazebos, and has decent heat retention and noise protection.
  2. Rehau Blitz is a basic three-chamber version (60 mm), characterized by average heat and sound insulation.
  3. RehauSib-Design is an improved three-chamber version with a depth of 70 mm with an additional thermal block, which makes the window noticeably warmer.
  4. Rehau Delight-Design is an interesting five-chamber version (70 mm) with a low frame (109 mm), which increases light transmission by 10%, warm, and burglary-resistant.
  5. Rehau Grazio is an elegant five-chamber design with a system depth of 70 mm, which has excellent thermal insulation properties (0.85 m2°C/W).
  6. Rehau Brillant-Design is a five-chamber premium version (70 mm) with high levels of thermal, hydro, and sound insulation, with an exclusive design and the use of innovative manufacturing technologies.
  7. Rehau Intelio is a premium six-chamber model with a depth of 80 mm, with increased thermal insulation properties (0.95 m2°C/W), as well as excellent other characteristics.
  8. Rehau Geneo is the latest six-chamber model, reinforced in the mass (the manufacturer’s own development, RAU-FIPRO technology), which reduces the weight of the structure by 40%, with the highest heat transfer resistance (1.05 m2°C/W), no restrictions on choice design and colors.

Products of the KBE company

Profiles for windows from the manufacturer KBE:

  1. KBE Engine is the most affordable option of all, having a depth of 58 mm, three cameras, all indicators are at an average level. It is quite suitable for glazing homes and offices, but in areas where it is not very cold.
  2. KBE Energi is a three-chamber standard class product with a system depth of 70 mm, capable of retaining heat in the room at -60 outside.
  3. KBE Expert - the number of cameras has been increased to 5 with the same system depth of 70 mm, they can also withstand temperatures down to -60, but are themselves 20% warmer than the previous model.
  4. KBE 76 Premium is a six-chamber premium version (76mm), aesthetic in shape, with a huge variety of designs, with increased energy efficiency, sound insulation, heat transfer resistance (1.0 m2°C/W), recommended by the manufacturer for medical and children's institutions.

Technical characteristics of window profile KBE Expert 70 mm

Quality window profiles KBE, the description of which includes all the main characteristics, meet high requirements for thermal insulation. In this profile, the width has been increased by 20%. This creates a large assembly seam, which reduces heat transfer.

In combination with double-glazed windows, the profile is a product of maximum comfort. A profile set with a wide frame allows you to insulate the apartment. KBE products with a profile width of 70 mm are characterized by high noise insulation.


  1. The frame width is 70 mm.
  2. It is possible to install a double-glazed window with a width of 42 mm.
  3. The thickness of the glass unit is 32-40 mm. It has 5 cameras.
  4. It is possible to install a wider glass unit.
  5. The design can withstand frost down to -60ºC.
  6. The sashes can be installed with dimensions of 150x150 cm.
  7. Heat loss coefficient - 0.84.
  8. The sealing system is double-circuit.
  9. The service life of the products reaches 40 years, as evidenced by the warranty.
  10. The design is environmentally friendly and does not contain toxic substances.
  11. A 36 mm wide double-glazed window protects the room from street noise of 45 dB.

The product can be equipped with protection against unauthorized entry into the home. It is also permissible to install a device for self-ventilation. Then, even if the windows are closed, fresh air will enter the room. In this case, the room will be protected from drafts, and noise insulation will decrease by only 2%.

Comparison of Rehau and KBE profiles

It is difficult to say offhand which PVC window profile is better - the environmentally friendly one from KBE (does not contain lead) or the innovative one from Rehau. Both of them deserve to take pride of place in any home, since each is good in one way, but slightly inferior to its competitor in something else.

The decision remains with the buyer, who should decide what he primarily expects from the product - increased strength or tightness, maximum heat conservation or reduced noise penetration, exclusivity, originality in design or strict affordable versatility. And analysis of the parameters that matter and identifying the leader for each of them, as well as reviews of those who have already installed windows from both manufacturers, will make it easier to choose a specific model.

Chamber profile

The more separate air spaces (chambers) in the profile, the better heat is retained and noise is filtered. The minimum acceptable configuration of a window profile must have three separate air spaces. In this case, the heat loss resistance will be 0.62 m2°C/W, for four-chamber products – 0.64 m2°C/W, for five-chamber products – 0.68 m2°C/W, for six-chamber products – from 0.72 m2°C /W Profiles from competing manufacturers have both basic three-chamber options and premium six-chamber products. Rehau has the profile of the Intelio and Geneo models, and KBE has the 76 Premium. We can say that, but Rehau has a little more options with 6 cameras.

Thickness of the outer wall of the profile

The thickness of the walls of the window frame (mainly external) largely determines its ability to withstand high loads (the weight of the sashes and others). According to international and Russian standards (GOST 30674-99), products with a wall thickness of 3 mm are classified as the highest class “A”.

In KBE windows this figure is generally 2.8 mm; in Rehau, most models have three-millimeter external walls, and in economy versions - from 2.8 mm. Therefore, we can assume that both manufacturers are at approximately the same level in this matter, but Rehau has a slight advantage. As for budget models, those 0.3 mm differences help reduce the cost of the product by 10-15%.

Maximum possible glass width

The depth and structural features of the profile dictate the parameters of the double-glazed windows that can be installed in them, in particular, the maximum width. The higher the value, the quieter and warmer the room will be. KBE or Rehau - the maximum figure for the first manufacturer is 48 mm (76 Premium), for the second - 54 (Geneo).

Another model from Rehau has a figure higher than that of all KBE products - Intelio (51 mm), for other models the figures are approximately equal - 44 mm for Rehau Brillant and KBE 70 expert, 41 mm for Delight-Design, and 1 for Energi mm more (42), which is not such a significant difference.

Type of reinforcement and seal

When making a profile for plastic windows, it must be reinforced with a steel frame (according to GOST 30671-2013, all structures longer than 50 cm must be reinforced) - both KBE and Rehau fulfill this requirement. The shape of the reinforcing insert determines the strength characteristics. The closed shape (square) is best, the G-shaped frame is slightly inferior to it, and the U-shaped frame is weaker in all respects. Both manufacturers favor a G-shaped design, although some models feature a square frame.

Rehau has recently developed its own innovative mass reinforcement technology, RAU-FIPRO, which has already been implemented in the Geneo model. In such profiles, additional reinforcement by means of a steel insert is no longer required, and the entire structure becomes almost twice as light.

Sound and heat insulation

Comparing the maximum sound insulation values ​​will not help to identify the leader and understand whose windows are quieter - KBE or Rehau, since both competitors have approximately the same value - 46 versus 47 dB. These indicators can be considered excellent, since with such a decrease in the level of noise penetration, the remaining street sounds will be no louder than the quietest whisper.

In terms of thermal insulation properties, Rehau is several steps ahead. Its best profile models have heat transfer resistance ratings of 0.85, 0.95, and a maximum of 1.05 m2°C/W versus 0.73, 0.75, 1.0 m2°C/W for KBE. The basic models of the economy class have approximately the same heat retention rate - for Rehau Blitz - 0.64 m2°C/W, and for KBE Engine - 0.63 m2°C/W.

Waterproofing properties of windows

In rooms with high humidity (bathroom or kitchen), it is especially important that street moisture does not penetrate through the window - this property is called waterproofing, it depends on the quality of the seal in the profile. In the windows of both competing companies - KBE and Rehau - the waterproofing properties are at the highest level, and the following small analysis will help you figure out what is best to install in your apartment:

  1. Seal material. Both manufacturers use high-quality ethylene-propylene rubber, but KBE in some models use their own seal (KBE 227, 228). These seals have good properties, but due to their special structure, the slightest damage leads to moisture collection and freezing throughout the entire sealing circuit.
  2. Form. In terms of shape, Rehau seals are preferable, since they have two or sometimes three lobes, do not have free space inside, do not accumulate condensate, and last 3-4 years longer. KBE mainly has single-lobe seals that resemble a tube, inside of which moisture can collect.
  3. Number of circuits. In terms of the number of sealing circuits, Rehau again wins, as it has more models with three circuits.

Profile strength

The strength of a window profile is one of the decisive characteristics, since the frame must withstand enormous loads - the weight of blind window blocks and sashes, and this is measured in several tens of kilograms. The plastic itself will not be able to withstand such weight, so it is reinforced. The types of reinforcement used by companies are described just above. All that remains is to summarize.

In terms of PVC profile strength, it is unlikely that it will be possible to identify a leader between Rehau and KBE, since the windows of both manufacturers are strong, reliable, and safe. Rehau has a small plus thanks to the use of a new reinforcement method.

Easy to care for and durable appearance

Speaking of durability, it can be noted that Rehau plastic windows are conditionally better - a quality guarantee of 60 years or 40 for KBE. Why is it conditional, because in practice, durability has not yet been tested in real time (all existing windows are younger). The manufacturer's warranty is based on tests carried out in an accelerated time chamber, where various loads are applied to the products.

In terms of ease of maintenance and aesthetic appearance, Rehau is the undoubted leader. Their windows, due to the increased smoothness of the surface, practically do not get dirty, they remain boiling white throughout their entire service life, while those of KBE, due to the absence of lead in their composition, can turn gray after some time. But the KBE profile is environmentally friendly, since it significantly reduces the content of heavy metals (Greenline technology).

Profile service life

At the moment, it is not possible to determine which profile is better in terms of service life - KBE or Rehau, since the oldest PVC windows from these companies in Russia are hardly more than 20 years old. During this period of operation, they showed themselves only from the best side. But in Germany there are windows from both companies that have been in buildings almost since the formation of the companies - Rehau’s is almost 60 years old (the first profile was made in 1959), KBE’s is almost 38 years old (the company was founded in 1980). For such an age, these windows are perfectly preserved, function well and look aesthetically pleasing, so you can safely trust the durability guarantees that both companies provide.

Comparison table of Rehau and RBE profiles

The comparison of windows from competing manufacturers Rehau and KBE should be completed with a short summary.

Specifications Manufacturer and profile model name
Euro-Design Slide Blitz Delight-Design Brillant-Design Geneo Engine Energy Expert
Number of cameras 3 3 5 5 6 3 3 5
Profile system depth (mm) 60 60 70 70 86 58 70 70
Heat transfer resistance (m2°C/W) 0,54 0,64 0,80 0,81 1,05 0,63 0,73 0,75
Double-glazed window (permissible thickness, mm) 20 32 41 44 54 33 42 44
Profile height (sash and frame, mm) 116 120 109 120 116 116 120 120


When installing the profile, the master takes measurements and selects the design taking into account its technical characteristics, dimensions and wishes of the customer. The cost of installation will depend on the scope of work and the price of the double-glazed window:

  1. Double-leaf KBE Expert cost from 6,500 rubles/m².
  2. Three-part glass has a price of 15,750 rubles/m².
  3. A balcony block costs 19,250 rubles/m².
  4. A product measuring 1420x1470 mm costs about 10,580 rubles.
  5. The structure, which has dimensions of 1420x800x700 mm, costs 12,150 rubles.

Comparison of prices for profile systems

To feel the difference in prices, it is worth comparing this parameter on the economy, standard and premium models of each manufacturer. As an example, we used a window measuring 1300 by 1400 mm, having two sashes (prices are approximate):

  1. For Rehau, Euro-Design Slide will cost about 8 thousand rubles, Delight-Design - 10.5 thousand rubles, and Geneo - 24 thousand rubles.
  2. KBE - Engine will cost about 9 thousand rubles, Expert - 11 thousand rubles, and 76 Premium - 16 thousand rubles.
Profile namesPrice in rub. for a double-leaf window 1300 x 1400 mm
Blitz New8 700
Delight13 400
Brillant13 300
Gutwerk7 800
Engine8 000

Average prices are indicated, which may vary depending on the manufacturing company.

Reviews for PVC windows

Based on the statistics of reviews left on the Otzovik website about Rehau and KBE windows for 2022, we can conclude that the popularity and trust in the former is higher - 93% of positive opinions compared to 84% in favor of KBE. Such indicators are primarily justified by the popularity of Rehau in the window glazing market and, as a result, the variety of dealers from which you can choose a reliable manufacturer.

Everyone decides for himself which windows are best suited for his apartment, house, office or production. When choosing KBE or Rehau, you should proceed from the required parameters and size of the budget, but you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of the quality of the products.

Where do they make it?

The German brand KBE (Kunststoffproduktion für Bau- und Elektrotechnik) originated in 1980 in Berlin. Later there was a merger with HT Troplast, a supplier of raw materials. In 2003, through the merger of specialized activities, Profine GmbH - International Profile Group was formed, which brought together the brands KBE, KÖMMERLING and TROCAL. Production sites are located in ten countries:

  • Germany (Berlin, Pirmasens);
  • France (Marmoutier);
  • Italy (Bosaro);
  • Spain Madrid);
  • Russia (Voskresensk, Chita and Khabarovsk);
  • Ukraine, Zaporozhye);
  • UK (Nottinghamshire);
  • USA (Huntsville);
  • China (Tianjin);
  • India (Vadodara).

Choosing between Rehau and KBE

Advantages of KBE products:

  1. Environmental friendliness (Greenline technology) – in plastic, lead is replaced by calcium and zinc, therefore products from this profile are safe for the environment.
  2. The windows are frost-resistant – they can withstand temperatures down to -60 degrees.
  3. Thermal, sound and waterproofing properties are at a decent level.
  4. The guarantee on the profile is 40 years.

Rehau products have the following advantages:

  1. Many models with a wide choice of configurations and prices from economy to premium.
  2. They are very warm (even basic models) and adequately reduce noise levels.
  3. The windows are strong, safe, and with the new reinforcement technology they have become lighter, which guarantees less wear on the fittings.
  4. They have the highest waterproofing rates.
  5. They retain their shiny appearance for a long time and practically do not need to be washed (only occasionally wiped with a damp cloth).
  6. The guarantee on the profile is longer than that of any other company - 60 years.

To place an order for Rehau windows with turnkey delivery and installation in Moscow, Zelenograd and the region, leave a request on our website or contact the managers. We will make an approximate calculation and advise you on prices, lamination options and type of double-glazed windows.

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