Design, engineering and installation of dormer windows in the attic

Operated attic spaces in private homes are an area of ​​high concentration of thermal energy, which leads to the need for constant ventilation.
Not every pediment of a pitched roof allows the installation of a full-fledged opening sash with a translucent element.

In such cases, property owners often resort to installing dormer windows directly in the roof pie.

Design of dormer roof windows

The structural features of a window roof opening depend on its frame.
This is also important to know: Roof acceptance certificate: inspection and acceptance of the roof for operation

Design of the frame of the dormer window opening

Main characteristics of the dormer window frame design:

  • the width of the window roof opening must be greater than 1/2 the width of the immediate attic room;
  • the frame of this element is installed simultaneously with the supporting structure of the roof, because it also has its own supporting system and sheathing (with gable-type openings and a ridge unit);
  • installation of reliable rafters, the total load of the structure is distributed on them;
  • parts of the window structure can be cut according to a template, which will greatly facilitate the installation process;
  • all components of the dormer roof window structure are secured with steel fasteners;
  • the side walls of such an opening in the under-roof space are sewn up with moisture-resistant building materials, and the same is done with the joints (this will help prevent the formation of leaks).

It is recommended to use the following as moisture-proofing building materials:

  1. Membrane films.
  2. Silicone sealants.
  3. Pressure strips.

In an already constructed roof, you can also install dormer windows of almost any type. For these purposes, it is necessary to follow the following rules for its arrangement:

  • the roof window opening is located in the center of the roof slope/attic wall - between the load-bearing rafters;
  • after cutting out the opening, load-bearing rafters are installed, and the window frame is mounted on them (fastened tightly with self-tapping screws);
  • The final stage is sealing the constructed dormer window.

In this case, sealing is performed with a sealant with an acrylic/silicone base or a waterproof film.

Important: in typical projects for dormer windows on the roof, the design (drawing) almost completely repeats the general shape of the roof, but in a very reduced form

Accommodation options

Roof options are divided into 2 types.


The simplest solution is a flat roof with a slight slope and a slightly larger canopy.

Regarding the requirements for the device, the following can be noted: since its angle of inclination is small, the smaller the degree, the more slippery the coating should be.


This is a hybrid of a single slope and a triangle, i.e. triangular cap and the presence of side walls. Such options are erected mainly for the sake of creating a certain architectural style, since they are more complex than triangles in execution, and are less functional than single slopes.

Construction stages

  • cutting into the roof rafters is unacceptable;
  • the foundation must be strengthened;
  • the frame is assembled after preparing the elements according to the template;
  • the bottom of the window should be at an appropriate distance from the “clean” floor.

Finished frame After construction, the frame is sheathed and the roof is laid.

What it is

Parameters needed to determine:

There is no need to confuse dormer and dormer windows. The latter are solidly glazed window openings in living quarters located in the attic of the house. Auditoriums are special convection structures that are needed for proper air circulation throughout the building.

  • A lucarne is a window made to ventilate and maintain a balance of temperature inside and outside the attic. The difference in indicators should be no more than 10 °C. The design is made in the form of a convection grille with or without double-glazed windows. A large temperature difference contributes to the formation of condensation, and this entails the appearance of dampness and mold throughout the building. At the same time, wooden roofing structures begin to rot and require replacement.
  • The window is not intended for ventilation; this function is performed by ventilation ducts. It is necessary to ensure that there is natural light in the attic, which prevents the development of fungus. Its level should be sufficient, so up to several windows can be formed over large areas. For example, on the roofs of typical four-story buildings you can count from 6 pieces. and more. They are located along the entire perimeter of the roof. In private houses, where such a quantity is not required, but one or two such devices are enough, architects and designers advise placing them on the sunny side of the house.
  • Technical - the need for free access to the roof of the house, this is especially true in multi-storey buildings, to which it is not always convenient to attach a high ladder.
  • As a decorative element. Even in the Middle Ages, palaces and houses of noble persons were equipped with dormer windows of various designs. Fashion in construction is constantly changing: today massive options are popular, and tomorrow inconspicuous ones, made only from lamella strips, will be in demand.


Hatchworks are decorative convection elements of a roof structure that create favorable conditions for the operation and maintenance of the roof.

Application area

Such a necessary part of the building as a dormer window is considered to be an innovation. However, this opinion is considered to be erroneous; it was heard about several thousand years ago, but many architects claim that they have an even longer history of existence.

Despite such a long period of existence, they became widely used only a few decades ago, in several areas.

  1. First of all, it is a design object. The dormer window perfectly complements the Gothic style. This part of construction can be seen on objects created under the ancient era;
  2. The device is most widely used among owners of small residential buildings, where it serves as the main ventilation;
  3. In addition to all the properties necessary for life, the structure also acts as building gables and roof overhangs;
  4. In some private sectors it is also presented in the form of a chimney;
  5. Less widely used are dormer windows as decorative details for retail establishments, fences and street partitions.

Stages of installation of a dormer window

Like any construction, installation of a window structure begins with the development of a project that takes into account important factors:

— choosing the type of window structure;

— determination of the number of windows and their parameters;

— calculation of the load-bearing capacity of the roof and the structure as a whole;

— mounting options and materials used.

Drawing up drawings will facilitate subsequent installation.

After completing the design and preparatory work, installation begins. The frame of the dormer window is assembled first, on which the sheathing is subsequently made in increments of 50-55 cm. Next, the ridge part is installed and the rafter system is mounted. If the installation is carried out during the construction of the roof, then the finished frame is fixed to the rafters of the main roof structure. When equipping an existing roof with windows, first a space for the auditory object is cut out in the roofing pie without damaging the load-bearing beams. Then the frame is installed and secured to the rafters.

The final stage consists of covering the gables with moisture-resistant plywood, securing the waterproofing film and covering the window structure with roofing material

Particular attention is paid to the junctions, since it is through them that a leak can form

The inside of the dormer window is covered with finishing boards or clapboard. It is not advisable to use plaster and other mixtures.


• Cutting out a fragment of the roofing pie must be done carefully so as not to damage the waterproofing layer of the main roof.

• It is better to cover the walls of a dormer structure using steel siding. It will provide not only a presentable appearance, but also create strong protection from winds and precipitation.

• Treat all joints and connections of dormer window parts with sealant.

• For the construction of the frame, only materials with the parameters specified in the design documentation are used. Saving on size can be fatal for a finished structure that cannot withstand gusty winds or snow drifts.

• Window openings can be arranged in several rows, if the roof area allows.

When creating dormer windows, it is important to harmoniously fit them into the overall concept of the house. Identical roof slopes, repeating decorative elements, and the same type of roofing change the appearance of the building, giving it sophistication and presentability.

Structural solution of dormer windows

As SNiP says about dormer windows:

  • their installation is permitted if the roof slope is at least 35 degrees;
  • the entire area of ​​the dormer windows should be equal to 1/300 of the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the roof of the building;
  • ceiling beams, which are the support and frame for the roof, must be placed directly above the windows that are mounted on the roof.

Dormers have their own roof, which can have a wide variety of shapes. In recent years, a triangular dormer window with steep roof slopes has become increasingly popular. This design is preferred by owners of country estates and private households.

This style is distinguished by the absence of a recess in the gable wall with a dormer window into the roof. It is located on the same level as the outer wall of the building.

Due to the significant height of the room under the peaked roof, it becomes possible to place large frames on the pediment of the dormer window, and in the decoration of the attic to use elements that resemble the vaults of cathedrals.

In addition, the triangular dormer window, as can be seen in the photo, is installed on the same axis with the window of the house, which is located below it - so it does not look redundant, but is perceived as a single whole with the facade. Due to the large steepness of the slopes (64 degrees), this arrangement of a dormer window on the roof, unfortunately, does not increase the usable area of ​​the attic.

Since the roof of the dormer triangular window descends to the main roof of the building before the valley is formed, there is no problem with waterproofing the junction of the side walls with the roof. This circumstance makes it easier to finish and seal not only the windows located on the roof, but also the roofing covering of the house. In order for the installation to be carried out correctly, you will need to take measurements during the work and calculate the dormer windows on the roof. or rather their structural elements.

What are they?

There are different solutions. The window structure can be built into the roof plane or it can be vertical glazing.

The use of small triangular, arched and trapezoidal openings with a fully glazed vertical plane is common.

Dormer windows on the roof, the structures of which have side walls, vary depending on the type of roof:

  • flat;
  • quadrangular single-pitched;
  • quadrangular gable;
  • triangular;
  • semicircular;
  • panoramic trapezoidal;
  • light lanterns;
  • round.
  1. Single-pitch

This is the simplest type, characterized by the presence of a flat roof, the slope of which is less than the slope of the roof.

It is characterized by the presence of sufficient space under the ceiling compared to the gable option. When installing it, attention should be paid to providing high-quality drainage for rainwater and other precipitation. The downside of a slight slope is the reduction in the number of options for roofing materials that can be used.

  1. The traditional solution is a window located in the wall plane on a gable roof.

The design of the gable roof itself is characterized by a small space above the head. The window can have a pointed or rounded shape. A complex structure will require greater financial costs than a lean-to structure. The downside is that the space under the roof will actually decrease.

  1. The external design of a hip window evokes an association with a measured and comfortable life. The angle of inclination of the structure and the roof repeat each other.
  2. The arched design gives the appearance of the house the atmosphere of a mansion. In addition to the horizontal placement of dormer windows, vertical placement is possible.
  3. A window called “skylight” will add visual lightness and airiness to the exterior of the building.
  1. Panoramic windows on the roof provide high visibility and maximum natural light.
  2. The enclosing side surfaces of the trapezoidal window are covered with roofing material.
  3. A window called a “bat window” is better suited for window designs with a slight slope.
  4. Dormer windows do not serve to decorate the facade. They perform the practical task of providing the attic living space with sufficient natural light and fresh air. Installation of these windows will not require the construction of auxiliary structures. In terms of waterproofing qualities, modern window systems are reliable and durable.

Building code requirements

Codes of building regulations impose their own requirements on dormer windows. Thus, according to SNiP, the gables of a window installed in a pitched roof must be supported by side walls. The height of these side walls should not be less than one and a half meters. The side walls should rest on the attic floor beams, and the window pediment should additionally rest on the outer wall of the building. Therefore, in accordance with the standards, when constructing a roof frame, a rafter system is initially installed, and only after that the racks are tied to the rafters.

Next, the arrangement of the dormer window is carried out according to the scheme prescribed in GOST No. 12-506-81. The rafters adjacent to the side walls of the dormer are made double, and their ends are cut flush with the outer wall of the building. Then beams are installed between them with rafters, serving as jumpers. These beams must be secured to the rafter legs using overhead brackets. Cutting or cutting into rafters is not allowed, as this weakens the roof frame structure.

Gable frames are made strictly vertically, flush with the external load-bearing wall of the building. After installing the dormer ridge, the pediment is checked again for verticality. All connections are carefully secured using overhead brackets and screws, or through bolted connections. It is recommended to use moisture-resistant plywood for cladding the gable of a dormer window.

All provisions of GOST in relation to private construction are rather advisory in nature. Therefore, a home craftsman who independently builds a house can allow deviations from building standards, but not to the detriment of the technical characteristics of the structure. Thus, it is necessary to provide effective waterproofing of the roof and walls of the dormer, especially in the places where it interfaces with the roof of the house.

If the attic is residential, then the required level of thermal insulation should be ensured by covering the walls and roof of the dormer window with insulation and vapor barrier.

As additional recommendations, you can consider the following:

  • If you plan to install several windows in the roof, it is recommended to maintain a distance between them of 0.8-1 m. This distance is optimal for installing rafter structures and further installation of roofing material.
  • The height of the upper part of the opening is kept within 1.8-2 m, so that it is convenient for an average person to approach the window without hitting their head.

How to make a dormer window with your own hands, see the following video:

A short excursion into history

For the first time, dormer windows began to be used in the architecture of medieval Europe, becoming especially widespread during the Renaissance (XV-XVI centuries). In Gothic buildings they were traditionally decorated with rich stucco or carvings, turrets, side pilasters and false columns. Structurally, they were a continuation of the wall of the building’s facade, and were located parallel to it. Visible from afar, such structures in an exquisite decorative frame became a real calling card of the entire building.

The construction term “dormer window” is used only in Russian, having no analogues in other countries. Thus, in Europe, windows in the roofs of buildings, since the Middle Ages, have traditionally been called “lucarnes” in the French manner.

Dormer windows - lucarnes

In England and the USA, the name dormer or skylight is more common - attic, skylight. Where did this rather strange name come from in our language? There are two versions of the origin of this name. One is given in V. Dahl’s Russian language dictionary, and the other is associated with the legend about the construction of the Moscow Manege.

The great Russian ethnographer Dal in his dictionary gives the following interpretation of this architectural term. “A hearing window made in the roof.” The word “rumor” previously in colloquial Russian also had the meaning of “vent”, “ventilation hole”. Dahl is inclined towards this interpretation, because “there is nothing to listen to in the attic through this window.” The legendary version associated with the construction of an arena in Moscow is also widespread. This building, now located on Manezhnaya Square of the same name, was erected in honor of the five-year anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleonic hordes from Russia.

As you can see, the playpen has many dormers

Initially, the Manege was called Exertsirgauz, and was intended for drill training of troops, as well as for reviews and parades during bad weather. The construction was initiated by the victorious Emperor Alexander I personally. The construction of the building was completed in a year, and the autocrat had to personally accept the building. But by the time Alexander visited the Manege, a big problem had occurred: the suspended ceilings, richly decorated with plaster stucco, were noticeably deformed for some reason. This did not escape the meticulous gaze of the emperor, who ordered the cause of the defect to be identified and eliminated.

The reason turned out to be simple: deformation of the rafters made of larch. The metal roof of the Manege heated up in the summer sun, and after it, the attic space, made without vents, also heated up. The civil engineer Slukhov was entrusted with correcting the situation, who found a way out in the device along the entire roof of two rows of ventilation windows. Since then, roof windows have become an integral part of the structures of all large buildings, especially those roofed with metal. And in Russian architecture, they are named after the engineer Slukhov, and the name “auditory” is supposedly assigned to them.

More information about the history of dormer windows:

Manufacturing process

At the site where the dormer window is installed, the load-bearing beams are cut out and removed. It is better if the load-bearing rafters are also the edges of the opening being constructed.

Since it is better to install dormers without disturbing the rafter system, several roofing superstructures are often built in the spaces between the beams. Then reinforced vertical posts, a window frame and a top covering of rafters are installed. As a rule, the frame of a “birdhouse” is made of beams, although, if the foundation and load-bearing walls of the house allow, the pediment and side walls of the “gnome house” are laid out with bricks.

Vertical racks are installed on the lower horizontal frontal board. Their tops are connected by another horizontal beam - a lintel above the window. The vertical posts are connected at the top by a purlin, and inclined rafters are mounted on the purlin - the basis of a mini-roof over the auditory opening. At the top point where the rafters meet, a ridge beam is laid.

Assembly diagram of a standard dormer window

The outside of the structure is sheathed with boards, plywood, and other facade and roofing materials. Since the auditory opening is part of the roofing system, it must have reliable moisture and thermal insulation

Therefore, special attention is paid to sealing joints and using suitable insulating material: bitumen, insulation, silicone and acrylic sealants, vapor-proof film. All parts are fastened with metal corners and strips using self-tapping screws or construction nails. Dormer design with a square pediment and a gable roof

After installing all the elements and completing the exterior finishing, they move on to the interior design of the attic or attic exit. Here the owner has unlimited freedom for creativity. The wooden parts are coated with protective primers or paints, and the areas below and above the dormer window are designed to match the overall interior of the roof space. Curtains or blinds are used as curtains from excess sun. If the attic is heated, then under the window, as is customary in standard city apartments, you can hang a radiator.

Features of choice

When choosing the type of dormer window, you need to rely on a number of factors. If the attic is not residential, and the window is needed only as a ventilation hole, then it is better to opt for the pediment option. This is the simplest and most low-budget type of dormer windows, which can be easily cut even in a ready-made roof.

When a home owner wants to decorate the roof with a decorative structure that gives the building an original and sophisticated look, you can choose one of the types of dormer windows. Thanks to their design, they are clearly visible from the outside, and can be made in various design options. They will also solve the problem of insufficient internal space in the attic.

For residential attics, sloping windows installed flush with the roof slope are most suitable. They provide excellent natural lighting to the interior space. At the same time, a dormer window is the simplest option for installation directly in the roof, which does not require the construction of additional frame structures in the form of walls and pediments. For good thermal insulation, it is recommended to install double-glazed windows in roof windows.

Dormer windows are not only an architectural and aesthetic element of the house design, but also perform important technical functions. Therefore, their selection and arrangement should be approached as responsibly as possible, taking into account all the factors influencing their operational characteristics.


What is the difference between a dormer window and a dormer window?

A variant of a glazed opening on the roof is a dormer window. Only it is not installed vertically, but at an angle, and lies in the same plane with the roof slope. Due to its structural location, such a window must withstand the same loads as the material covering the roof: rain, hail, the weight of snow cover. A significant advantage of dormer windows is that they allow more light into the roof space than vertical window openings closed at the top and sides with a “birdhouse” box.

Aesthetic skylights made from the latest materials perfectly decorate the interior of a modern attic

If it is possible to make the opening of the attic window large enough, then you can turn it into a balcony door and organize an attic balcony, as in the photo below.

Since roof windows should not allow external moisture to pass through, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a waterproof casing for them yourself. It is recommended to purchase ready-made plastic and wooden double-glazed windows from an official manufacturer. Such window blocks are manufactured in compliance with production technology and, as part of the roofing, meet all the necessary requirements.


To clearly show what a dormer window is and what it looks like, below is a drawing of its most common form.

From the picture you can see that it occupies a central position in the attic. This suggests that the object will have a harmonious appearance in appearance, and radiation and ventilation will penetrate and dissipate into the room in equal proportions. You can also see that the insulation itself does not reach the level of the ridge, therefore, accumulated moisture, steam and chemical fumes will not be able to penetrate under the attic; they will be discharged through the auditory opening.

The design has become widely used due to the minimal dimensions of the supporting structure. You can notice that there are no pipes, beams and other construction elements on the roof. This acts as a major advantage in winter, as it will prevent snow from accumulating on the roof.

This design is also attractive due to the presence of a grille with large gaps. First of all, this is responsible for good ventilation. Also, this quality prevents snow and rain from directly entering the room, which prevents important structural objects, such as insulation, from getting wet.

How dormers are installed on the roof

The roof structure consists of many elements that give it an attractive and finished appearance. Although more than 90% of its area is occupied by the surface of the slope, auxiliary components that affect functionality and service life are no less important. For example, dormer windows on the roof play not just a decorative role, they serve to ventilate the rafter frame and help organize vertical lighting in the attic. Despite this, their design seems complicated at first glance; you can do the installation of windows yourself, following the video and our instructions.

Dormer windows are glazed openings located on the roof of a building. They are equipped with gable, hip, hip and half-hip roofs. The installation of roof windows is carried out during the assembly of the rafter frame. Installing a “cuckoo” with your own hands, as they are otherwise called, solves the following problems:

  1. Organization of attic ventilation. The main task of dormer windows is to open air access to the roof space. Their device allows you to constantly ventilate the rafter frame, preventing wood rotting.
  2. Organization of vertical lighting. The construction of an attic involves the organization of natural light, which comes through dormer windows.
  3. Providing access to the roof. Another function of dormer windows is to provide access to the roof surface in order to do repairs, installation or maintenance yourself.
  4. Completion of the architectural appearance of the roof. The hip, hip and half-hip construction without roof windows looks unfinished. Installation of these additional elements makes the appearance of the roof richer and more attractive.

Please note that “cuckoos” primarily serve practical purposes, and only then decorate the roof structure. Therefore, the size, shape and finish of this architectural structure are chosen to provide maximum light, air and easy access to the roof.

Dormer window device

Roof structure with dormer windows

The classic design of dormer windows is a superstructure protruding above the roof surface, which visually resembles a small house. You can install this architectural element yourself if you make the calculations correctly, create a drawing, and then assemble the frame. Installation of dormer windows is allowed at an angle of inclination of the slopes of no more than 35 degrees. The structure of the dormer window may look like this:

  • With a pediment in the plane of the structure without side walls.
  • With a pediment in the plane of the structure with side walls.
  • With a pediment outside the plane of the building and with side walls.

Types of dormer windows

Note! The installation of a dormer window must comply with building codes; its dimensions must be at least 10% of the area of ​​the attic space, but not more than 0.5 of the width of the wall on which the installation is carried out. The design and location of the “cuckoo” is selected in accordance with the appearance of the roof and the architectural style of the structure

In addition, the finish of this element must match the roofing material used to cover the roof. Installation of dormer windows is carried out in accordance with SNiP II-26, SNiP 21-01. Compliance with these standards guarantees the reliability and strength of the structure. The attic dormer window can be triangular or rectangular in accordance with the configuration of the opening. Typically you will install one of the following types:

The design and location of the “cuckoo” is selected in accordance with the appearance of the roof and the architectural style of the structure. In addition, the finish of this element must match the roofing material used to cover the roof. Installation of dormer windows is carried out in accordance with SNiP II-26, SNiP 21-01. Compliance with these standards guarantees the reliability and strength of the structure. The attic dormer window can be triangular or rectangular in accordance with the configuration of the opening. Typically you will install one of the following types:

Please note that the installation of a hip dormer window structure is much more difficult than a single- or double-slope one. Proceed with the installation of a highly complex architectural element, having in front of you a detailed drawing, as well as the necessary tools. To study the installation process in detail, you can watch the video instructions.

Dormer window frame

Functional purpose

Houses with a roof with a dormer window always stand out from the general development with their original, unique appearance.

What is a dormer window for? Its main function is to provide ventilation and lighting of the under-roof space. When choosing the location of the source of natural light in the attic or attic, it is important to take into account the orientation of the future dormer window to the cardinal points. It should face south, then all the requirements for natural insolation of the room will be achieved.

The attic window can be replaced with a ventilation grille. The absence of even a small ventilation duct in the roof structure will entail significant troubles:

  1. Heat loss will inevitably occur into the attic space, where when the air cools, condensation forms, which, due to the lack of ventilation, will accumulate in a closed room.
  2. Due to the lack of lighting, mildew and mold will spread very quickly in the attic.

The grille can be installed on the facade of the house from any material. These can be brick, wooden, block houses.

Also, a dormer window on the roof can provide access to the roof for repair or installation work.

If we talk about the architectural appearance of the building, then a hip, hip or half-hip roof by its very design suggests the installation of dormer windows.

How to properly install a dormer window technology

To install a gable-type dormer on the roof, you need to assemble a truss structure, for this:

Installation of a dormer window

  • The ridge beam of the window is removed from the base of the roof, resting it on a temporary support;
  • From the same point in the roof plane, support beams under the dormer rafters are attached to the roof rafters;
  • In the place where the support beams diverge between adjacent rafters of the base, a wooden jumper is installed;
  • Rafters are lowered from the ridge beam to the plane of the main roof, securing the edges to the support beams;
  • A window frame is attached to the outer rafters of the dormer, the lower part of which is fixed to the lintel between adjacent rafters of the main roof;
  • At the point where the slopes of the window and roof meet, a valley is attached;
  • Organize thorough waterproofing;
  • For greater reliability, props are placed under the dormer, resting them on the floor of the attic.

Arrangement of a triangular object

The introduction of such an object in the shape of a triangle requires a different approach. Its creation is similar to the work on a multi-gable roof. The difference in the approach is the angle of inclination of the triangular edges is 60-70 degrees, and it is different for the multi-pincer surface.

The inclined slopes of the window roof are connected by forming unusual gutters (valleys).

To create such an object, mowed and sawn rafters are used. To mount the parts, you need to calculate the length and cross-section of the valley rafter beam, the ridge and the angle of its interface with the window walls. For all triangular openings, a supporting pair of beams located symmetrically is required.

Assembling the dormer window frame.

Particular attention should be paid to the rafters under the dormer windows. They are often made of the same cross-section as the rest of the rafters, but they often carry a load 1.5 times greater than the intermediate rafters

In addition to the increased load

, they also ignore the fact that
cutting their ends for a tenon
and fastening holes for the dormer window posts significantly
weaken the cross-section of the rafters
under these windows. A weakened rafter leg bends more, resulting in an uneven roof.

Dormer windows are installed

into a wooden frame protruding above the roof slope. The frames are raised into a vertical position in the form of a finished whole wall or most of the wall, then fastened to one another and strengthened in place.

On the table of a circular saw they are assembled in finished form.

a sufficient number
of frame posts
(Fig. 6, item 20) of the wall parts of the dormer window.
The racks are always transferred to the working base in the quantity necessary to assemble one wall

There are three types of frames in wall frames, including the dormer window:

  • lower and upper trim
    (Fig. 6 pos. 22),
  • as well as the strapping that connects the walls
    (Fig. 6, item 2) and strengthens the structure.

Boards or trim strips

(Fig. 6, pos. 2 and pos. 22) are always made from long wood, since the joint weakens the structure.

When joining frame parts

use almost exclusively end nail connections. This must be kept in mind when determining the order of assembly.

Assembling the dormer window frame

begin by installing
the bottom trim
(Fig. 6, pos. 2) on the main
line of the rafters
(Fig. 6, pos. 1) of the roof, indicating the inner edges and the edge of the far wall in such a way that the future
lower edge of the main frame
(Fig. 6, pos. 22 ) goes along the same line.

Options for constructing frames for dormer windows

with a pitched and gable roof are shown in Fig. 6.

Options for dormer window frames with a pitched and gable roof.

1- rafters of the roof of the house with rafter spacing according to the project; 2- support crossbar; 3- rafters of the dormer window; 4- dormer window sheathing; 19- support post; 20- intermediate rack; 21- pillars of the window opening; 22 - upper and lower trim of the side frame.

When the wall of the dormer window

(Fig. 6 pos. 20 and pos. 22) rises to a vertical position around this line, it falls into the correct place.
The lower trim
(Fig. 6, pos. 22) is attached exactly to this place
of the rafters
(Fig. 6, pos. 1) with auxiliary nails obliquely.

After the upper and lower straps

(Fig. 6 pos. 22) are ready, the installation locations of the racks (Fig. 6 pos. 20) and openings are simultaneously transferred to them.

SPECIAL ATTENTION should be given to careful manufacturing of the straps (Fig. 6, pos. 22) and careful transfer of the dimensions of the racks (Fig. 6, pos. 20), since the successful completion of the next stages of work depends on this. Stages of work during the construction of wooden wall frames of a dormer window:

Stages of work

when constructing wooden
wall frames of a dormer window

  1. marking walls
    in place;
  2. production of wall frames
  3. production of ventilation and window frames
  4. assembly of the wall frame
  5. cladding
  6. lifting wall frames into a vertical position and fastening walls
    of different heights;
  7. fastening roof beams
    joining the walls;
  8. fitting and fastening of ventilation grilles and window frames

In place of a window or doorway

the boards
of the lower trim
(Fig. 6, item 22) continue
without breaking
They are sawed off only after the walls
are already in a vertical position and
are secured

Window frame

dormer window and
louvered ventilation grilles
are installed in window and louvre frames, secured to the posts to the rafters and sheathing of the wooden frame,
after the frame has been sheathed
with boards and sheet steel.

Assemblies and assembly of a dormer window

see the website section “Assembly units for walls and coverings, window and dormer window ventilation openings”.

Step-by-step instruction

Stages of work

  1. According to the drawing, the roof rafters are reinforced at the installation sites.
  2. The structure is built between two rafters, to which two transverse supports of the canopy are attached.
  3. The window frame is formed.
  4. The resulting workpiece is attached to the beam with crossbars.
  5. The frame is reinforced with metal brackets, anchors and bolts.
  6. When fastening, leveling is carried out.
  7. The sheathing is being done.
  8. The gables are covered with boards or plywood.
  9. The roof covering is laid.

Roofing materials: basic requirements

Soft roof

If a roof with complex geometry is being built, then a soft roof is the most suitable and easy-to-install option. Work on the construction of such a roof can be done at any time of the year.

Such roofs can be installed in two ways:

  • welded;
  • attached (fixation is done using glue or mastic).

Guided slabs can have a full or partial direction. When using the first method, installation is carried out in a more complex manner, but the roof is more durable, and the coating holds much stronger. The coating will not slip.

When using the second installation method, it is much faster; the panel is glued without bubbles and quite quickly. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that if a leak occurs, it is difficult to find it on the coating.

If guided coverings are used, then polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, or any materials that are easily flammable, cannot be used to insulate the roof.

There is a large list of soft-coated building materials on the construction market that have an adhesive layer that simplifies their installation. The soft roof is laid on a continuous sheathing; this does not change depending on the type of fastening.

There are some requirements for thermal insulation that must be observed when fastening with glue or mastic: thermal insulation must be resistant to dyes and acetone, which can react with organic compounds.

In addition to glue and mastic, there is a technology in which fastening is carried out using heat welding and mechanical fastening. Fastening using this method can only be done by specialists in this field, otherwise the material may begin to peel off.

Metal tiles

Metal tiles imitate natural tiles and are a rectangular steel sheet of metal, which is given a profile pattern using a press.

To complete the creation of metal tiles, the sheet is coated with a layer of zinc and then painted in the intended color.

After applying the paint, the sheet is polymerized; for this, it is placed in a special oven. A sealed monolithic protective layer is formed in the oven.

The metal tile set comes with a set of self-tapping screws, as well as ridge and cornice parts. For such a set you can use any type of insulation. But do not forget that it is necessary to carry out the procedure of waterproofing and protection from the wind.

Slate and corrugated board

For Russia, the most common and suitable material is slate. This is explained by its price, as well as ease of installation. Its installation does not require a continuous sheathing, and fastening is done using nails.

There are a large variety of materials for roofing on the construction market, but for proper installation it is worth remembering the following:

  • the roof must be designed as a single system;
  • the choice of roofing material must be deliberate, and you can also involve specialists for this;
  • it is necessary to make accurate calculations of the entire structure.

Upon completion of all preparatory stages, the type of roof, the material with which it will be covered and the method of thermal insulation are selected.

When constructing a roof, you should not save money so that you do not have to make repairs, because it has long been known that the stingy pays twice.

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