Choosing an apartment by cardinal directions - north, south, west, east

January 6, 2022 GetHom expert 9,997

Many people buy an apartment once and for the rest of their lives. This is a rather expensive purchase and that is why you need to pay maximum attention to choosing an apartment. Absolutely everything plays a role. Including the orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points. Where will the windows face north, south, west or east?

Naturally, almost everyone wants their apartment windows to face 2 sides, but this option is quite difficult to find. That is why we suggest you figure out which side of the world to choose an apartment: in the north, south, west or east, so that it meets all your requirements.

The choice depends on many factors. We will talk about each of them below.

Before choosing the side of the world on which the windows of your apartment will face, you need to understand your personal preferences, as well as your lifestyle.

Some people like to wake up with the first rays of the sun and go to bed as early as possible. Others are nocturnal and prefer to watch the sunset. This all matters when choosing an apartment.

Apartment layout according to cardinal directions

If you are lucky and your apartment faces several cardinal directions, it is important to properly plan the rooms in it. This is necessary for maximum efficiency and your convenience. Let's figure out which side of the world is better to place certain rooms.


This is the most important place in any apartment. Here you spend at least half of your day, resting from the past and recharging your energy for the new day. That is why the location of the bedroom must be approached with special responsibility.

When choosing the location of your bedroom, you need to pay special attention to your biological clock. If you wake up early, choose rooms with windows facing east. So the sun's rays will provide you with a good and cheerful mood from the very morning.

In the case when you need to sleep longer for good health, the best option would be windows facing west. The sun's rays will enter your bedroom around lunchtime.

A bedroom located in the south may be too bright and hot, especially in the summer. In the northern bedroom you may not have enough light, and in winter it will be cool.

Alternatively, place your bedroom in the northeast or southeast for those who like to wake up with the sun, and in the southwest or northwest if you wake up late.

Children's room

This is the place where the child should feel as comfortable as possible. It should be taken into account that children most of all need vitamin D, which means sun exposure.

In addition, the child must develop the correct biological rhythm. Those. The child should be full of energy in the morning and fall asleep peacefully in the evening.

An excellent option for the location of a children's room would be the east side. This way, your baby will wake up in the morning in a cheerful mood and full of energy, and in the evening the sunset rays will not disturb him from falling asleep.

If it is not possible to place the nursery in the east, the south-east or north-east side is suitable as an alternative.


This is another important element of each apartment. This is where you start and end every day. That is why it should also create a pleasant and cozy atmosphere.

To make the kitchen as comfortable as possible for early risers, it is better to place it in the east, southeast or northeast. Thus, it will be light here even in the morning.

If you wake up around lunchtime, the sun will be able to please you in the kitchen with windows facing west, southwest or northwest. And in the evening, such windows will offer a wonderful view of the sunset.

Please note that it is not advisable to choose the south side for the kitchen. In the summer it will be very hot here, and when you cook something, the heat from the stove will also be added, and then it will be impossible to stay in the kitchen.

A good option would be the north side, which itself retains coolness. But here you will need to take care of good lighting.


The workplace should be charged with positive energy so that you have the desire and strength to spend your day productively. If you have the opportunity to place an office in your apartment, you need to think carefully about which side its windows will face.

If you need a lot of light for work, the south side is suitable for you, and if the light only interferes, the north side is suitable.

There are many features to consider here. If you work with a computer, excess light will disturb you. Then consider the time of day when you need to do things.

For those who work until noon, it is better to locate the office on the west, southwest or northwest side. If you plan to work at the computer after lunch, it is better to place your office in the east, northeast or southeast.

Living room

This is a place for a family holiday or spending time with friends. Undoubtedly, it should be comfortable and light enough. It is very good if the living room is located on the south side, but you should take care of the presence of air conditioning, because in the summer it will be quite hot here.

An alternative would be the east - if you prefer a cool and slightly darkened environment after lunch. If you install a panoramic window in the living room, it will be great if it is in the west, because you can admire the sunset, and the temperature here will be quite pleasant even in summer.

Apartments with east windows

The most versatile window arrangement. The rising sun puts you in a good mood in the morning. In the evening the sun no longer bothers you. An ideal indoor climate is created - not hot in summer, not cold in winter.

With eastern windows, there may be a lack of sunlight in the afternoon, but for a bedroom where people relax after work, solar lighting is not relevant.

An apartment with eastern windows will be appreciated by flower growers - the plants will grow well, because... There will be enough sunlight for them.

Orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points - how to achieve the desired results

The layout of an apartment is not always exactly what we need in order to correctly distribute the rooms in it. In this case, you can hide the disadvantages of one or another side of the world and, at the same time, use all its advantages. This can be done using various design ideas.

Color spectrum

Everyone knows that some shades are warm and others are cool. With their help, you can visually change your apartment. If, for example, your room has a very cold and restrained atmosphere - the north side, then you can smooth out its shortcomings with warm colors and bright accents.

The main thing is not to overdo it. You can bring bright colors into the interior only if they look appropriate with the overall design of the room.

The rooms located on the south side are the brightest and warmest. In order to at least visually “cool them down,” you can use, for example, dark wallpaper or furniture. Just make sure they don't burn out. Blinds or blackout curtains are suitable for this.


Imagine glossy surfaces - they are undoubtedly associated with cold. At a time when soft decorative elements are warm and cozy. With their help, you can also profitably beat a particular room. For example, if the windows face south, you can try to make a glossy floor in the room. Visually, it will “cool” the room a little and will look appropriate there.

And vice versa, if the room is located, for example, on the north side, soft and even fluffy textures are suitable for it. The same fleecy and “naughty” rug will make a northern room warmer and more comfortable. Try experimenting and you will be surprised by the results.


Oddly enough, but the shape also has an impact on the overall perception of the room. For example, strict, clear forms can visually “cool” a room. Unexpected and dynamic, in turn, “warm” the room.

In order to turn a cold room into a warm and cozy one, it is enough to add chairs and beds with high backs or even unusually shaped elements.

If you have a southern room, it is better to give preference to furniture with clear geometric shapes. It will cool the room a little, add contrast to it and help create a comfortable environment.


Of course, artificial lighting also plays a role in the overall perception of the room. With its help, you can adapt absolutely any room to your needs.

Look, for example, natural lighting is suitable for absolutely any room. It can be safely used in the bedroom, living room, or kitchen.

For a visually cold room, “warm light” sources are an excellent option. Even small floor lamps or floor lamps are suitable for this.

But please note that in warm rooms you should not use “cold light”, as it will look repulsive. The best option for a bright room is natural lighting.

Smart lamps are a great option for any apartment, which is gaining more and more popularity. Such lamps can produce light of any temperature and can be adjusted depending on your own mood, time of year and even weather conditions.

In addition, they are even capable of creating colored lighting, which is why they are increasingly used in interior design.

Which rooms do not steal light?

And yet it is worth noting that insolation and illumination are different concepts, says Vyacheslav Kazunin (“MONE Residence”) . Insolation relates directly to direct sunlight and depends on the orientation of the apartment, while lighting requirements relate specifically to the proportions of the rooms and the size of the windows. Thus, a number of other factors influence how bright your apartment will be.

First of all, we are talking about the floor. The lower the apartment, the less light it gets. The shape of the rooms is also important, experts say: the most illuminated ones are square ones, while “pencil cases” rooms are most often dark, especially if they also have a balcony or loggia. And, of course, the number of windows has a big impact. “For example, in the Fili Grad multifunctional complex they sell two-room apartments, where the room has three windows at once. This not only increases illumination, but also allows you to install a partition and divide the space, says Maria Litinetskaya (Metrium Group) .

Developers often increase the illumination of apartments in their complexes using solutions such as panoramic windows. Bay windows - parts of the room that protrude beyond the plane of the facade - also help make your home brighter.

Finding the best side of the world for an apartment

Each side of the world has its pros and cons. The south is suitable for those who love a lot of light and warmth, the north is for those who like to spend time in cool rooms.

The East is an excellent option for early risers who like to wake up with the first rays and fall asleep at a not very late hour. The West is undoubtedly suitable for night owls, who wake up around lunchtime and love to watch the sunset in the evening.

If you choose an apartment oriented towards the cardinal directions, you need to start from your personal preferences and lifestyle. Be sure to decide on your needs and desires, because each of the cardinal directions is special in its own way and is suitable for different people.

Layout and design

In apartments that face several cardinal directions, redevelopment can be done. This is how you can properly arrange the rooms depending on your daily activities.

Some problems associated with the layout of an apartment relative to the cardinal directions can be solved using various design ideas. Play with colors, textures, shapes and lighting, and you will see with your own eyes the transformation of rooms.

Alternative lighting sources

Even if all the walls are light, this will not help fill the “northern” room with light.

Therefore, in this case, you should pay special attention to the presence in the bedroom of additional sources of artificial lighting located at different levels.

This could be original ceiling lighting, which is especially relevant for interiors in a modern style, sconces above the head of the bed, floor lamps, night lamps. You can install hidden lighting near the window. This technique will allow you to create a visual illusion of the presence of natural light in the dark.

Who can benefit from a bedroom in the north according to Feng Shui?

  1. Element Strong Metal
  2. Element Strong Earth
  3. Weak Water Element
  4. Element Weak Tree

First you need to know your element, its strength or weakness. This is the very beginning. Learned? Now, using specific examples, I will analyze the favorable colors in the bedroom in the north according to Feng Shui for these elements.

Let's start with the element strong metal.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Strong Metal Element?

The Strong Metal element needs the colors of the Water element in the bedroom - black, blue, light blue, turquoise. The color black in the bedroom is perceived as difficult, I would even say depressing. I have never advised my clients to use this color in their bedroom interior. Blue and turquoise always look stylish and elegant.

Just don’t overdo it with these colors, otherwise relationships will begin to blur, you will start to reason a lot, start delving into life situations, delving into yourself or your partner, and you may come to disappointing conclusions.

According to Feng Shui, water cannot be placed in the bedroom - fountains or aquariums. Even if the North is favorable for you and you want to strengthen it, never place water in a bedroom located in the North.

For the Strong Metal Element, a bedroom in the North in blue or turquoise tones will help you reduce your excessive inner rigidity. Will help you become more flexible. It will improve your communication skills: it will be easier for you to find compromises and negotiate with partners.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Strong Earth Element according to Feng Shui?

We need the colors of the Water element. This way your actions will be more aimed at making money and gaining financial freedom.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Weak Water Element according to Feng Shui?

You need the colors of the element Metal, these are gold, silver, gray colors - read the article “Bedroom according to Feng Shui in the West” and use these tips. You can also introduce the colors of the Water element into your bedroom interior by combining them with metallic shades. By using this combination of colors, you will not break the rules: for the Weak Water element, these colors are the best.

The Weak Water element needs to train the will, the desire to win and achieve success. The colors of the Metal element can help you with this.

What color does a bedroom in the north need for the Weak Wood Element according to Feng Shui?

These are the colors of the element Water. Your Weak Tree, saturated with water, will become stronger - you will be able to express yourself more clearly in society. You will be able to convey your thoughts or projects to managers. You will be able to find a higher circle of friends.

When placing your bedroom in the North according to Feng Shui, you need to be sure that this direction supports you.

In 2022, the North is ruled by a favorable Star, the Star of Power. This is one of the few areas of this year where it is favorable to place a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui. You just need to do this on the day and hour individually calculated by the Master.

If you want to do everything according to the rules, use the advice of a Feng Shui Master: A bedroom in the North according to Feng Shui has its own characteristics that you need to know how to play correctly. A Feng Shui Master will help you do this.

Let's now talk in more detail about permaculture.

For me, Mikhail Troshichev acted as a guide to this topic.

Creative person. Entrepreneur. Head of a landscaping and landscaping company. Studies permaculture and the organic use of space and human interaction with the ecosystem. Knows how to build a house so that it becomes a natural part of the environment, without disturbing the harmony of nature. He studies and applies in his work landscape design based on complementarity, and not separation of the systems of nature and man in it. He is interested in the influence of technologies, ideologies, religions, politics and culture on people.

Misha comes to Ladoga with his family every summer and spends signature walks there, which everyone, without exception, is delighted with. Only he can talk so captivatingly about mosses, lichens, ecosystems, etc.

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