How to find out where north south west east is in an apartment without a compass. Online compass - determine the cardinal directions in the apartment

We are all accustomed to modern conveniences and technical tips for finding our way around. Many people do not know how to determine the cardinal directions without a navigator or smartphone. Such devices are moving humanity further and further away from nature. But if you are hiking or if you get lost in the forest, they will not help. In such a situation, school knowledge from a geography course will come to the rescue, and even better if you have a compass at hand. But what if they are not there? In this article we will tell you how to find out where north, east, west and south are, without having any aids at hand.

How to determine cardinal directions

The directions along the sides of the horizon line are interconnected. Therefore, if you know at least one of them, finding the rest will not be difficult. For example, you know where north is - then the opposite of it will be south, to the left is west and to the right is east.

The conventional north-south straight line is called the noon line and serves as the main guide for most travelers.

Figure 1. Options for determining the cardinal direction

How to determine the four cardinal directions (Figure 1):

  1. You can navigate using a compass or map;
  2. Find out where to go for local items;
  3. Observe the heavenly bodies;
  4. Take advantage of modern gadgets;
  5. Use a wristwatch.

Let's refresh our knowledge of geography:

  • North and south coordinates are determined by the earth's poles;
  • Western and eastern are associated with the rotation of the planet around its axis;
  • Therefore, the latter can be determined by the apparent sunrise and sunset.

There are many different ways to determine the four cardinal directions that work, even in cases where you have nothing at hand, they are all connected with natural objects, although they are not always reliable.

Figure 2. Determining the cardinal direction without a compass is possible using natural objects

You can determine the cardinal directions (Figure 2):

  • By the sun, moon and stars;
  • By the length of the shadow and the polar star;
  • By anthills and trees, the presence of moss.

Determining cardinal directions using a compass

If this item (Figure 3) is available, no one has any questions about the route.

Let's figure out how to find out the location of the cardinal directions from it:

  1. It is necessary to stand in one place, preferably far from power lines, highways and railways;
  2. Unlock the arrow and position the device horizontally, carefully turn it;
  3. Until the swinging arrow stops with its long (blue) end at the N mark, i.e. north or North, and small (red) on S, i.e. south or South;
  4. If you look towards the north, then the west, also known as W (West), is on your left, and the east, also known as E (East), is on your right;
  5. All that remains is to choose a route and any major landmark in one of the found directions and move towards the goal.

    Figure 3. The easiest way to determine the cardinal directions is a compass

Orientation on the map

Geographic maps contain special meridian lines that are oriented “south-north”. Therefore, before using the map, place it horizontally on a flat surface, on one of the meridian lines. Or the second option - next to the right (or left) edge of the map we place a ready-to-use compass and orient the map so that the “south-north” lines on the map and the direction of the compass arrow coincide. The card is ready to use.

When going on a trip, try to understand how to navigate the terrain without such useful devices.

How to determine cardinal directions without a compass

The primary task of any person who finds himself in a place unknown to him is to find his way around where he is.

To do this, he needs to know how to determine the cardinal directions without a compass:

  1. You can find the North Star in the sky, which will indicate where North is;
  2. In the southern hemisphere, the reference point for where the South is is the Southern Cross;
  3. The southern direction will also be shown by the Sun and any clock;
  4. The moon can also become a wayfinder if it is clearly visible in the sky;
  5. Natural clues include lichens and mosses, resin from coniferous trees, growing mushrooms and anthills.

Figure 4. Determining the cardinal directions by the clock
Let's consider a simple algorithm for determining the cardinal directions by the clock:

  1. It should be remembered that in the northern hemisphere at 7 am the Sun is in the east, at one o'clock in the afternoon - in the south and at 7 o'clock in the evening - in the west;
  2. By analogy with a compass, the clock is placed in a horizontal position and rotated so that the hour hand is directed towards the sun;
  3. The resulting angle between the hour hand and the number one is divided in half, the result is a line that faces the South, the opposite of which will be North (Figure 4);
  4. Please note that before noon the arc that the arrow must pass before 13.00 is divided in half, and after that - the one that it passed after this mark.

At sunrise and sunset

Figure 5. Determining the cardinal directions by the sun
The method of determining the cardinal directions by the sun is based on the fact that:

  1. The celestial body rises in the east and sets in the west (Figure 5);
  2. Next, you need to face yourself as if you were in front of a geographical map;
  3. So that the right hand points to the sunrise, where the East is located;
  4. The left one was directed towards the sunset, to where we have the West;
  5. Then the North will be in front of you, and the South will be behind you, respectively.

By shadow length

Figure 6. Determining the cardinal directions by shadow
This method of how to find out the location of the cardinal directions is based on observations of the sun:

  1. When it is at its highest point, zenith, it points due south;
  2. This means that at the opposite end there will be north, on the sides - east and west (Figure 6);
  3. You can find out when the sun is at its zenith by the shadows cast by objects;
  4. If it is at its peak, then those will be as short as possible;
  5. To do this, you will need to measure them throughout the day using a tree or stick;
  6. Identify the smallest shadow and its end will show you where the north direction is.

With a needle

If you know what a compass is and it is not available, a magnetized needle will come to the rescue. It’s very easy to make one - just quickly click on it with ordinary metal scissors. You will also need auxiliary items - a container of water and a piece of foam or cork. If there are none, lubricate the needle with vegetable oil so that it can stay on the water surface.

Determining the cardinal directions using this method has one significant drawback - with its help you can only find out the noon line.

Figure 7. Determining cardinal directions with a needle

Determine the cardinal direction using a needle:

  1. Place a needle inserted into the cork or greased onto the water (Figure 7);
  2. It will almost immediately take the desired position in the north-south direction;
  3. To understand exactly where the South is and where the North is, additional measures will be needed.

According to the location of the North Star

When the Earth rotates, Polarissima is always motionless in the sky, therefore it is one of the best landmarks. It is almost always located at the North Pole.

Let's look at how to determine the location of the cardinal points using it:

  1. First, find the Big Dipper in the sky;
  2. Mentally draw a line through the two stars that form the side of the bucket farthest from you;
  3. If you carry it further, it will clearly rest on the alpha of Ursa Minor;
  4. This is the North Star, which means the north direction is there;
  5. Stand facing it, behind your back will be the south, on the right - the east and the west - on the left (Figure 8).

    Figure 8. Cardinal directions according to the polar star

Using natural objects

This determination of cardinal directions is considered the most unreliable, but when there are no other options, you will have to use the one that is available.

Cardinal directions by natural objects:

  1. Even at school, we were told that on the northern part of lonely stones and trees more moss and lichen grow, the slope of the anthill from this position is steeper (Figure 9);
  2. In practice, these external signs can be influenced by various factors - wind, the presence of water sources, darkness and terrain features;
  3. As for the forest objects - redder barrels of lingonberries and strawberries in the southern part, the corollas of the row turned towards the sun - this is only true statically;
  4. It is better to use orientation based on these objects in combination with some other methods.

    Figure 9. An example of determining cardinal directions using natural objects

What is needed to define zones?

Firstly, in order to properly organize your space indoors (in an apartment, in a house, in an office, etc.), you need to decide for yourself what area of ​​life you would like to change. For example, move up the career ladder, meet love, etc.

Secondly, when you have decided on the sphere of life, you need to find out where in the house the direction responsible for this sphere is located. Most often in Feng Shui such directions are called sectors or zones.

What feng shui zones exist in an apartment (house)?

Bagua Zone grid
, according to Feng Shui, there are only 9. Each of them is responsible for one or another aspect of a person’s life and is located in the corresponding side of the world.

  • In the north there is a quarry zone
  • In the northwest is the zone of helpers and patrons
  • In the west there is a zone of children and creativity
  • In the southwest there is a zone of love and marriage
  • In the south there is a zone of glory
  • In the southeast there is a zone of wealth
  • In the east is the family zone
  • In the northeast there is a zone of wisdom and knowledge
  • In the center is a health zone

Loshu square
In order not to upset the balance of energies in the house, it is best to activate not one zone, but several. I’m not saying that it’s all 9 at once. Of course not! This will be a clear overkill. Somewhere around 3 zones will be enough (or a little more, it’s up to you). The main thing is to observe the basic principle of Feng Shui - harmony in everything. So that everything fits perfectly, looks beautiful and natural.

According to Feng Shui, all nine aspects of life are interconnected with each other and are combined into the Bagua grid (or there is also the Loshu square).

The Bagua grid is an octagon, each side of which corresponds to a trigram (Bagua is literally translated as “ba” - eight, “gua” - trigram, “ba-gua” - eight trigrams), a cardinal direction, a certain color and one of the five Elements ( Tree, Earth, etc.).

How to determine the feng shui zones in an apartment correctly?

determination of feng shui zones
In order to determine where the zones are in an apartment (house) according to feng shui, “arm yourself” with a compass, a floor plan and a Bagua grid (or a Loshu square).

As for the compass, I’ll make a reservation right away. In general, Feng Shui masters use the Lopan compass to determine zones in an apartment. This is a professional compass for a Feng Shui consultant, and not cheap.

It consists of a square base, a rotating disk and a magnetized pointer. Lopan has rings on it, inside of which are drawn hieroglyphs and numbers that make up various Feng Shui formulas.

Of course, this is a good thing, but for a novice fengshuist or a simple layman, it will be enough to use an ordinary engineering compass.

You can draw the floor plan yourself, or take it from the BTI documents. Only if you do it yourself, draw a plan of the apartment with all the actually existing premises. Don't forget about the bathroom, toilet and storage room.

You can take a Bagua grid or square from the Internet or directly from this article. Just click on the image, it will enlarge, then right click - save as. And print it out.

Now that we have all the tools for determining the Feng Shui zones in the apartment ready, let’s begin the task.

Feng Shui compass – Lopan

Using a compass we determine where north is. Its arrow always points in this direction. When you have found the north, mark it on the apartment plan. Then take the Bagua grid (or the Loshu square) and attach it to the apartment diagram so that north coincides with north. And then, following the markings on Bagua, you can easily find the remaining sectors. As you can see, this is not at all difficult.

A little advice for those who don't have a compass: you can orient yourself to the east. As you know, in the east it rises in the east and sets in the west.

Therefore, remember from which side of your apartment or house the sun rises, through which window at dawn the first rays fall - that’s where the east will be.

Accordingly, in this direction, attach the Bagua grid to the apartment plan with the same eastern trigram. Next, using the markings, you will determine the remaining Feng Shui zones in your apartment.

  1. So, friends, let's summarize.
  2. Today we talked about:
  3. * what feng shui zones exist?
  4. * in what compass directions are they located?
  5. * what is needed to determine feng shui zones
  6. * how to correctly determine the feng shui zones in an apartment

I hope that the information given will be useful to you, and you will be able to correctly adjust some aspects of your life. Read more about each zone and how to activate them correctly in the following articles.

How to determine the cardinal directions using modern technical means

We all know well that computer programs and mobile applications can easily cope with this task. And it’s even easier to determine the cardinal directions online.

Let's pay attention to some of them:

  1. Modern smartphones often have a built-in compass, but you can also install an additional program - java applet Compass, which determines directions based on the position of the sun;
  2. Most other applications work on this principle - they request information about the hemispheres in which you are located, use the current time and build a north-south, west-east intersection on the screen, then the mobile device simply turns to where the sun is at that moment and the drawn crosshair coincides with the real one;
  3. Most models perfectly support the GPS navigation option - you just need to upload a GPS map to them and you will always be sure of the correct route of your trip (Figure 10);
  4. A separate item is a pocket GPS navigator, which will save you from searching for north, south, west and east, an indispensable thing on hikes, found not only in the form of a device, but also as a built-in program in mobile phones and cars.

    Figure 10. Determining cardinal directions using a gadget

Orientation by the sun and clock

To determine the direction of the cardinal points, you don’t have to use a watch; you can do it roughly “by eye.” But the result with a watch will be much more accurate. Orientation by the sun and the clock is based on the fact that the location of the sun changes along a certain trajectory during the day, and, knowing at what time where it should be, we can determine the cardinal directions.

How to determine cardinal directions on a map online

If you have access to the Internet, then you won't need to do anything at all.

This is the simplest universal option.

How to determine cardinal directions on a map (Figure 11):

  1. Use regular Google Maps, which allows you to view all the details in high resolution;
  2. If you want to use it to find out from which point in the world a building is located from you, then find it and your location on the map;
  3. It will already be oriented in the usual directions - above - north, below - south, on the left - west, on the right - east;
  4. The same principle works with 2GIS, Yandex Maps and similar programs.

    Figure 11. Cardinal directions according to the online map

Use your wristwatch to determine cardinal directions

Telling time using analog watches (wrist watches with hands) is becoming less and less relevant, but if you need a compass and wear a watch with hands, consider yourself lucky. In fact, even if you have a fancy digital watch on your wrist, all you need to do is visualize the hands on the dial, and if you have a smart watch like the Samsung Galaxy Watch or Apple Watch, then you won’t even need to use your imagination – just change the virtual dial to a pointer one.

Take off your watch and align the hour hand with the Sun (point it towards the sun). Imagine a line that divides the space between the number "1" (hour) and the hour hand (it still points towards the sun). This line will point south. For example, if the clock shows 16:00, then the line halfway between 13:00 will indicate 14:30.*

The line dividing this angle indicates the approximate direction in which the Sun is at noon, that is, the direction south.

Before noon, we divide the sector of the dial that the hour hand must pass before the “hour”; after noon, the sector that it passes after the “hour”:

A simple but visual drawing was taken from the site

*Important! Since winter time has been in effect throughout Russia since October 26, 2014, the sector must be counted from “1”.

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