Choosing an apartment by cardinal directions - north, south, west, east

January 6, 2022 GetHom expert 9,997

Many people buy an apartment once and for the rest of their lives. This is a rather expensive purchase and that is why you need to pay maximum attention to choosing an apartment. Absolutely everything plays a role. Including the orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points. Where will the windows face north, south, west or east?

Naturally, almost everyone wants their apartment windows to face 2 sides, but this option is quite difficult to find. That is why we suggest you figure out which side of the world to choose an apartment: in the north, south, west or east, so that it meets all your requirements.

The choice depends on many factors. We will talk about each of them below.

Before choosing the side of the world on which the windows of your apartment will face, you need to understand your personal preferences, as well as your lifestyle.

Some people like to wake up with the first rays of the sun and go to bed as early as possible. Others are nocturnal and prefer to watch the sunset. This all matters when choosing an apartment.

Windows facing northwest when the sun is shining

South - light and warm
In advertisements for the rental and sale of apartments, the south, sunny side is often indicated as an advantage. Indeed, windows facing south will provide high insolation during the day, and for some this is a compelling argument. But in the summer, such an apartment will heat up more, so consider installing an air conditioner in advance or hang thick blackout curtains. Even in winter, southern rooms are filled with light of 3500–4000 K. And in summer, this arrangement of windows provides comfortable warm lighting in the apartment.

North - dark and cool

The north side provides little light, but if the home is located in southern latitudes, then this is sometimes a plus, not a minus. Direct sunlight does not fall into the northern room; light is formed due to their refraction in space. It has a cool blue tint. On average, the insolation level in rooms with northern windows is 5500–6000 K, and twilight comes earlier than in rooms with windows on the other side. The exception is winter evenings with heavy snowfalls, when the light reflects off the snow and becomes slightly warmer. In summer, a little visual warmth can creep into a room at sunset and in the early morning hours.

East - soft light

This side warms up well in the warm season, but cools quickly in winter. The sun begins to shine through the windows at dawn, and if you are used to getting up in accordance with biorhythms, and not according to an alarm clock, then this option will be the most convenient. By lunchtime, the bright light will shift to the southern windows, and the room will become cooler. The temperature of natural light in eastern rooms fluctuates around 4000 K. In summer, this figure can become higher. By the way, eastern windows are appreciated by lovers of indoor flowers: early morning rays accelerate the growth of plants without burning them.

West - magnificent sunsets

When planning an area, architects try to plant trees in front of western windows to reduce overheating of the room. In addition, this is the windiest side. But the compensation is significant: only from the western window you can watch the sunsets. True, this is the only time when the light in the room becomes warm - about 3000 K, in the morning and afternoon it is cold.

Most apartments already have living rooms and a kitchen defined. But if you have the opportunity, do them according to the lighting recommendations. The north side is suitable for the kitchen. While cooking, the temperature in the room rises, so it will be more pleasant to bake pies in a cool place. It is better to organize children's rooms and bedrooms in eastern rooms. There, the sun promotes morning awakening and does not interfere with rest in the evening. South-facing rooms are suitable for the living room, office and workshop: they have a sufficient level of lighting during the day. Western rooms will be appreciated by photographers - only in them you can catch the “golden hour” for ideal portraits. Be guided by your own preferences: the dawn in the eastern windows is unlikely to appeal to those who like to sleep longer.

If you manage to match the room with the recommended side of the world, you can decorate it to your taste. If the bedroom is in the north and the kitchen is in the south, you can resort to design solutions to adjust the light. You need to add warmth to a “cold” bedroom. Bright shades of red, orange, yellow are suitable. Try diluting southern cuisine with blue and green tones. Do not make a dark base in rooms where there is little light: white and beige walls should dominate the decoration. Conversely, compensate for too warm southern and eastern rooms with dark, muted shades. A wooden floor visually adds warmth; it cannot be used to “cool” a room.

Choose the right lighting

Neutral light for rooms that does not require adjustment is 4000 K. Lamps should be selected with high CRI values. In rooms that you want to “warm up”, install dim sources of warm light (about 3500 K): wall lamps and table lamps will create coziness. Artificial cold light is rarely suitable for residential areas, even if they are south facing and you want to reduce the light temperature. In such rooms it is better to use neutral lighting. The best option is an adjustable light level, with it you will adjust the heat depending on the weather, time of day and mood.

Vary the texture and accessories

Design solutions will help add light and warmth without resorting to repairs. Too cold? Requires glossy surfaces. Metal and glass objects will correct excess warm light. The same property is possessed by clear, acute-angled geometric shapes inherent in interiors in the style of minimalism. Natural, asymmetrical and streamlined items, on the contrary, will add cozy warmth. A fluffy carpet, a voluminous blanket or a skin on the floor will also “warm” the room.

Textiles and decor items

In a cold northern room, fluffy and soft textures are appropriate - cashmere, wool, corduroy, velor and fleece products, pile carpets.

Living plants will add coziness and a residential look to the room.

Wallpaper with an interesting floral pattern and the same curtains with pillows will add contrast and comfort to the northern room. Also, the room will become more comfortable with accessories in warm golden, copper and bronze shades, if this is a classic style.

Curtains are allowed to match the color of the wallpaper, but if there is a pattern on the wallpaper, then choose smooth curtains.

Light wallpaper, curtains and furniture benefit from bright accessories. The use of graphic wall decor, but not in black and white, will enliven the impression. The first place in images is the clarity and visibility of boundaries.

A mirror on the wall opposite the window can create additional lighting by reflecting light.

Choosing an apartment according to the cardinal directions - windows to the north, south, west, east

Many people buy an apartment once and for the rest of their lives. This is a rather expensive purchase and that is why you need to pay maximum attention to choosing an apartment. Absolutely everything plays a role. Including the orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points. Where will the windows face north, south, west or east?

Naturally, almost everyone wants their apartment windows to face 2 sides, but this option is quite difficult to find. That is why we suggest you figure out which side of the world to choose an apartment: in the north, south, west or east, so that it meets all your requirements. The choice depends on many factors. We will talk about each of them below.

Before choosing the side of the world on which the windows of your apartment will face, you need to understand your personal preferences, as well as your lifestyle. Some people like to wake up with the first rays of the sun and go to bed as early as possible. Others are nocturnal and prefer to watch the sunset. This all matters when choosing an apartment.

Color combination options

1). Opposite the window is a yellow wall. Dosed contrasting details in milky white, chocolate and black and white shades. The floor is warm in color. Greenery of plants. The accent is cool pink and dark blue decor.

2). The same, but with the addition of blue and green tones and without black details.

3). Sunny option: vanilla walls, brown floors with wooden furniture. Bright yellow curtains and a milky lamp. If desired, add a hint of pumpkin or light olive tone.

4). Option based on neutral shades: walls - light coffee with milk, bronze furniture, beige fabric chosen for curtains. For accessories – deep blue color.

Correct lighting scenario

The main task when arranging the interiors of rooms facing north is to compensate for the lack of natural light with artificial light.

The ideal option is multi-level lighting, which includes ceiling, wall, floor, table and built-in lamps.

It is clear that there are exceptions to any rule, and it is not necessary to use all types of lighting, especially if the room is small, and if it is a bedroom, overhead light and lamps on the bedside tables will be enough. As for the living room, the central chandelier must be complemented with several lighting fixtures - table lamps, a floor lamp or sconce.

Window decoration

Since we are talking about the fact that the room needs to be filled as much as possible with light coming from the windows, then the first thing to do is to provide it with this access.

That is why it is advisable to do without curtains at all, or replace them with light, almost transparent curtains.

Or do it differently if you have a weakness for curtains - hang them so that they frame the window only on the sides.

And to curtain the window at night, you can use roller blinds.

By the way, so that nothing prevents light from entering the room, the window sill must be cleared of indoor plants, if any.

Mirror and glass surfaces

As you know, mirrors reflect light best, so their presence in the northern room is not only necessary, but still desirable.

A good effect of filling the space with light is given by a large mirror placed opposite the window, as well as mirrored window slopes and... a mirrored ceiling, if you are satisfied with this option.

Glass surfaces also reflect light, allowing it to be evenly distributed throughout the room, so they should be included in the interior. This could be a glass coffee table, a cabinet with glass doors, as well as a crystal chandelier and sconces that will perfectly reflect both natural and artificial light.

Apartment layout according to cardinal directions

If you are lucky and your apartment faces several cardinal directions, it is important to properly plan the rooms in it. This is necessary for maximum efficiency and your convenience. Let's figure out which side of the world is better to place certain rooms.


This is the most important place in any apartment. Here you spend at least half of your day, resting from the past and recharging your energy for the new day. That is why the location of the bedroom must be approached with special responsibility.

How to determine cardinal directions without a compass

The primary task of any person who finds himself in a place unknown to him is to find his way around where he is.

To do this, he needs to know how to determine the cardinal directions without a compass:

  1. You can find the North Star in the sky, which will indicate where North is;
  2. In the southern hemisphere, the reference point for where the South is is the Southern Cross;
  3. The southern direction will also be shown by the Sun and any clock;
  4. The moon can also become a wayfinder if it is clearly visible in the sky;
  5. Natural clues include lichens and mosses, resin from coniferous trees, growing mushrooms and anthills.

Let's consider a simple algorithm for determining the cardinal directions by the clock:

  1. It should be remembered that in the northern hemisphere at 7 am the Sun is in the east, at one o'clock in the afternoon - in the south and at 7 o'clock in the evening - in the west;
  2. By analogy with a compass, the clock is placed in a horizontal position and rotated so that the hour hand is directed towards the sun;
  3. The resulting angle between the hour hand and the number one is divided in half, the result is a line that faces the South, the opposite of which will be North (Figure 4);
  4. Please note that before noon the arc that the arrow must pass before 13.00 is divided in half, and after that - the one that it passed after this mark.

At sunrise and sunset

The method for determining the cardinal directions by the sun is based on the fact that:

  1. The celestial body rises in the east and sets in the west (Figure 5);
  2. Next, you need to face yourself as if you were in front of a geographical map;
  3. So that the right hand points to the sunrise, where the East is located;
  4. The left one was directed towards the sunset, to where we have the West;
  5. Then the North will be in front of you, and the South will be behind you, respectively.

By shadow length

This method of how to find out the location of the cardinal directions is based on observations of the sun:

  1. When it is at its highest point, zenith, it points due south;
  2. This means that at the opposite end there will be north, on the sides - east and west (Figure 6);
  3. You can find out when the sun is at its zenith by the shadows cast by objects;
  4. If it is at its peak, then those will be as short as possible;
  5. To do this, you will need to measure them throughout the day using a tree or stick;
  6. Identify the smallest shadow and its end will show you where the north direction is.

With a needle

If you know what a compass is and it is not available, a magnetized needle will come to the rescue. It’s very easy to make one - just quickly click on it with ordinary metal scissors. You will also need auxiliary items - a container of water and a piece of foam or cork. If there are none, lubricate the needle with vegetable oil so that it can stay on the water surface.

Determining the cardinal directions using this method has one significant drawback - with its help you can only find out the noon line.

Determine the cardinal direction using a needle:

  1. Place a needle inserted into the cork or greased onto the water (Figure 7);
  2. It will almost immediately take the desired position in the north-south direction;
  3. To understand exactly where the South is and where the North is, additional measures will be needed.

According to the location of the North Star

When the Earth rotates, Polarissima is always motionless in the sky, therefore it is one of the best landmarks. It is almost always located at the North Pole.

Let's look at how to determine the location of the cardinal points using it:

  1. First, find the Big Dipper in the sky;
  2. Mentally draw a line through the two stars that form the side of the bucket farthest from you;
  3. If you carry it further, it will clearly rest on the alpha of Ursa Minor;
  4. This is the North Star, which means the north direction is there;
  5. Stand facing it, behind your back will be the south, on the right - the east and the west - on the left (Figure 8). Figure 8. Cardinal directions according to the polar star

Using natural objects

This determination of cardinal directions is considered the most unreliable, but when there are no other options, you will have to use the one that is available.

Cardinal directions by natural objects:

  1. Even at school, we were told that on the northern part of lonely stones and trees more moss and lichen grow, the slope of the anthill from this position is steeper (Figure 9);
  2. In practice, these external signs can be influenced by various factors - wind, the presence of water sources, darkness and terrain features;
  3. As for the forest objects - redder barrels of lingonberries and strawberries in the southern part, the corollas of the row turned towards the sun - this is only true statically;
  4. It is better to use orientation based on these objects in combination with some other methods. Figure 9. An example of determining cardinal directions using natural objects

Orientation of the apartment to the cardinal points - how to achieve the desired results

The layout of an apartment is not always exactly what we need in order to correctly distribute the rooms in it. In this case, you can hide the disadvantages of one or another side of the world and, at the same time, use all its advantages. This can be done using various design ideas.

Color spectrum

Everyone knows that some shades are warm and others are cold. With their help, you can visually change your apartment. If, for example, your room has a very cold and restrained atmosphere - the north side, then you can smooth out its shortcomings with warm colors and bright accents. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can bring bright colors into the interior only if they look appropriate with the overall design of the room.

The rooms located on the south side are the brightest and warmest. In order to at least visually “cool them down,” you can use, for example, dark wallpaper or furniture. Just make sure they don't burn out. Blinds or blackout curtains are suitable for this.


Imagine glossy surfaces - they are undoubtedly associated with cold. At a time when soft decorative elements are warm and cozy. With their help, you can also profitably beat a particular room. For example, if the windows face south, you can try to make a glossy floor in the room. Visually, it will “cool” the room a little and will look appropriate there.

And vice versa, if the room is located, for example, on the north side, soft and even fluffy textures are suitable for it. The same fleecy and “naughty” rug will make a northern room warmer and more comfortable. Try experimenting and you will be surprised by the results.


Oddly enough, but the shape also has an impact on the overall perception of the room. For example, strict, clear forms can visually “cool” a room. Unexpected and dynamic, in turn, “warm” the room. In order to turn a cold room into a warm and cozy one, it is enough to add chairs and beds with high backs or even unusually shaped elements.

If you have a southern room, it is better to give preference to furniture with clear geometric shapes. It will cool the room a little, add contrast to it and help create a comfortable environment.


Of course, artificial lighting also plays a role in the overall perception of the room. With its help, you can adapt absolutely any room to your needs. Look, for example, natural lighting is suitable for absolutely any room. It can be safely used in the bedroom, living room, or kitchen.

For a visually cold room, “warm light” sources are an excellent option. Even small floor lamps or floor lamps are suitable for this. But please note that in warm rooms you should not use “cold light”, as it will look repulsive. The best option for a bright room is natural lighting.

Smart lamps are a great option for any apartment, which is gaining more and more popularity. Such lamps can produce light of any temperature and can be adjusted depending on your own mood, time of year and even weather conditions. In addition, they are even capable of creating colored lighting, which is why they are increasingly used in interior design.

General provisions about windows

Located in a wall opening or on the roof, the window plays the role of:

  • communications with external space;
  • natural light;
  • ventilation;
  • protection from atmospheric and noise influences from the outside.

The lack of windows or their small size makes the room dark and gloomy. Overly large windows can sometimes make you feel like you're in an aquarium for everyone to see.

Windows of various sizes and shapes, but the most acceptable option: rectangular with a width equal to 55% of the width of the room. A spacious room with two windows and one terrace, filling its inhabitants with love of life and optimism is the best architectural solution.

Correct placement of windows and rooms in the house

The location of windows significantly affects the level of comfort in the interior, so it is necessary to follow several recommendations that will help create optimal conditions for living, studying and working. Ideally, you need to select an apartment or build a house taking into account the advice, but in practice, most people use real estate that has already been put into operation, in which there is no possibility to change the location of the openings.

In this case, you need to order a set of windows depending on which side of the world they face, and how exactly the room where they will subsequently be installed will be used. This article provides practical recommendations to help you correctly determine the purpose of rooms depending on the location of window openings, and to avoid mistakes when building a house or buying an apartment, as well as ordering windows.

The meaning and influence of turquoise color

He combined the psychology of two colors: blue and green. Like blue, it radiates peace and tranquility. From green he adopted such qualities as constancy and peace. It also has a little vital energy inherited from yellow.

Turquoise is the color of calm and serenity. It has a therapeutic effect on a person’s psychological state, balancing emotions. This alone makes turquoise an excellent solution for a bedroom, the interior of which should be relaxing and peaceful.

But turquoise doesn't just calm. It helps to fully relax, restore energy, and be filled with new strength. This color stimulates thinking and promotes mental work. A turquoise bedroom is useful not only for falling asleep, but also for waking up.

Psychologists say that a long stay in this aura makes a person more kind and caring. Turquoise stimulates the ability to empathize. This trait is expressed in the desire to sympathize and empathize.

Turquoise can be overly sedating for some people. As a result, a person becomes cold and seems detached from the world around him. Therefore, for very phlegmatic and lethargic people, a long stay in turquoise interiors is undesirable.

General architectural standards

Before the construction of any residential building, authorized services carry out calculations of insolation (natural lighting) of the interior premises. According to current standards, regardless of the location of the openings, they must be illuminated by direct sunlight for at least 2 hours a day. At the same time, it is allowed to orient windows to the north only in cases where the apartment or house also has openings facing other sides of the world. As for the time of direct insolation, it does not depend on the region.

The higher the floor, the more happiness

Premises on low floors are more likely to steal light. When the sun sets below the horizon, the shadow creeps up from below. In some apartments, with dense modern buildings, it begins to get dark much earlier than expected, almost from 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The higher you choose a floor to live in, the more natural light you will get; besides, scientists have proven that sunlight promotes the production of the happiness hormone - serotonin. Choose an apartment on the upper floors of the sunny side and be happy!

Ideal location of windows when building a house

The ability to provide the maximum level of comfort and optimal illumination ensures individual design of the house, thanks to which the most suitable arrangement of rooms is selected:

1. South, southwest and southeast

- the lightest and warmest directions, which, however, cannot be considered optimal for many rooms. Due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, overheating is possible, so such premises are not suitable for arranging children's and playrooms, kitchens and work rooms. It is best to designate such rooms as a living room or dining room, but you need to carefully consider the ventilation system and methods for darkening the windows.

2. East and northeast

– these directions are considered optimal for placing a bedroom. However, for those who do not like to get up early, windows facing strictly east are not suitable - in the summer months, direct sunlight begins to disturb sleep too early. At the same time, the bedroom should still face the sunny side so that you can quickly wake up in the morning.

3. West

– the side where the sun will only shine in the afternoon, so it is recommended to allocate these areas to the office and kitchen. Sometimes some property owners prefer to make a living room in such rooms, but in this case it is necessary to take into account that in the summer evening hours it will be extremely hot in such a room.

4. North

- the darkest and coldest zone in the house, so it is reserved for plumbing rooms, hallway, pantry, kitchen and sometimes a work or study room. The lack of natural light and heat today can be easily eliminated with the help of modern building technologies.

At the same time, the correct location of windows in the house in itself does not guarantee absolute comfort, since it is necessary to take a number of additional measures and choose the right ones:

  • double glazed windows;
  • accessories;
  • auxiliary systems.

Read about how to do this correctly in special thematic articles on OknaTrade. The modern construction market today is able to offer models for all occasions, so even a not entirely successful location of windows in the house can be compensated for by the correct selection of components.

Which wallpaper to choose?

The most optimal color solution when choosing wallpaper for the bedroom is to use pastel shades, as in the photo. It can be creamy beige, muted orange, light blue and others.

However, in many respects the choice of color for the walls depends on existing pieces of furniture. You should not neglect this, because otherwise a bad result may come out.

Wallpaper and furniture should not only simply match each other, but also mutually emphasize their advantages. Try not to overload the room with all sorts of unnecessary elements. The main features should be either furniture or walls. After all, wallpaper can serve as both a background and the main element in interior design.

Choosing a room for a children's room

Finding the perfect room for a nursery is not an easy task. On the one hand, the room should be as bright as possible, but on the other, the child must be protected from overheating during the daytime. Children should not be awakened too early by the rays of the rising sun, but at the same time they need to wake up quickly. Most often, when choosing a place for a nursery, parents give preference to rooms with windows facing northeast or southwest. Moreover, in the first case, the room must be well insulated and sources of artificial lighting must be added for comfort in the evening hours, and in the second, care must be taken about ventilation and air conditioning of the room.

If the bedroom is on the north side

The colors of the wallpaper for the bedroom, which is located in the northern part of the house or apartment, deserve special attention. Because in this part of the house there is very little natural sunlight, and, therefore, natural heat.

So, when choosing shades of facing material for northern bedrooms, it is important to follow three basic rules.

  1. Choose predominantly warm shades - especially light ones, which will fill the room with light, visually expand it and add a feeling of warmth.
  2. It is also worth paying attention not just to light colors, but to rich, deep shades - they are perfect if the room itself is dark.
  3. You should not give preference to white, especially if there is little light in the room or there is only one small window.

In some cases, it is possible to wallpaper the bedroom in two colors - this way you can add light in one part of the room, visually expand it, and in another fill the room, albeit artificially, with much-needed warmth.

What you need to pay attention to when buying an apartment

Many buyers, when searching for an apartment, are more concerned with the view from the window than with other equally important characteristics. At the same time, experienced realtors try to show real estate at an “advantageous time.” That is, an apartment with windows facing south will not be shown during the daytime, but will attract buyers in the morning or evening, and, conversely, apartments with windows facing north will be shown during the daylight hours. This factor must be taken into account and when inspecting real estate, attention must be paid to such points as the location of windows in the room and the apartment as a whole. Recommendations for selecting the best option are identical to the advice that relates to the construction of private houses.

What color should furniture be placed on the north side?

To make the northern room look contrasting, furniture items are chosen in warm brown, chocolate, red or burgundy colors. Contours look softer with rich gold or honey-toned cabinets.

Such items will stand out against the wall if it is painted a different color, give off warmth and add coziness. For light-colored furniture, you should make the background dark or choose a furniture set with a contrasting finish.

Furniture painted red, yellow, pistachio or other interesting color looks original among the usual brown furnishings. This option is most often used for upholstered furniture.

On the north side of the apartment there are no tall dark cabinets, only low cabinets and chests of drawers.

Where should windows go according to Feng Shui?

Some real estate buyers take into account not only the recommendations of builders and architects. Feng Shui is taken seriously by many people today, so the following information will be useful for those interested in this teaching:

  • areas on the north side are considered an area of ​​knowledge, so it is recommended to arrange workrooms and study rooms there;
  • rooms with windows facing east are the best option for bedrooms and rooms where the whole family will gather;
  • the western direction is a suitable place for a playroom or children's room.

Despite the popularity of this teaching, when considering all options, it is better to pay attention first of all to recommendations that are based on scientific and practical experience. If all the advice, including the teachings of Feng Shui, coincides with the opinion and desire of the property owner, then this is the ideal housing option.

Healthy Balance

The ratio of primary, secondary colors and accent colors should be 60-30-10. That is, 60% is occupied by the dominant shade, 30% by additional and 10% by bright details. The interior will look more harmonious if dark shades are at the bottom and light shades at the top.

Bright colors are best left for the living room, office or library. As already mentioned, rich red or blue excites the nervous system, makes you be collected and energetic. And soft and relaxing shades - for example, cream - are recommended for the bedroom or nursery. However, any choice is determined solely by the taste of the owner of the room.

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