How to calculate area - what methods are useful at a construction site

Any repair work in a residential area is a very troublesome task. It requires the contractor to have an accurate approach to calculations and correct measurements of the total area in order to draw up an estimate and purchase the required amount of building materials. One of the main questions that arises at the initial stage of repair is how to correctly calculate the wall area, taking into account window and door openings.

Correct calculations are the key to successful repairs

If the work is carried out by a construction team, then they will do everything on their own, but it is necessary to be able to carry out such calculations. This will help you calculate the exact square footage not only for finishing yourself, but also to check the correctness of the workers’ calculations.

Let’s remember the formula for calculating the area of ​​a room: a square meter is how much and how to measure

When carrying out repair work, the question arises: a square meter is how many materials are needed to cover it.
In order not to spend extra money, it is better to first calculate the square meters of the room and only then go to the store with specific requirements. On packages with paints, plaster, and primer, it is necessary to indicate for what size room this amount of the mixture is designed.

The main question is how many packages or cans are needed to cover the wall or floor area.

Calculation of apartment wall area

Any repair work in a residential area is a very troublesome task. It requires the contractor to have an accurate approach to calculations and correct measurements of the total area in order to draw up an estimate and purchase the required amount of building materials. One of the main questions that arises at the initial stage of repair is how to correctly calculate the wall area, taking into account window and door openings.

If the work is carried out by a construction team, then they will do everything on their own, but it is necessary to be able to carry out such calculations. This will help you calculate the exact square footage not only for finishing yourself, but also to check the correctness of the workers’ calculations.


Calculation of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Calculation of heavy concrete

Calculation of lightweight concrete

Calculation of mortar

Calculation of the amount of laminate

Before starting actual construction, it is necessary to calculate the characteristics and costs of building materials for a particular structure. This stage will allow you to avoid destruction of the building, deformation of its elements and other negative factors. In addition, the speed of construction work also depends on the quality of the calculations made, since a shortage of any material can slow down the process, and slow down for an indefinite period, due to the fact that additional material, at the height of the construction season, is very difficult to find.

For your convenience and prompt preparation of everything you need, a special website of construction calculators has been presented, with the help of which it is easy to avoid problems with the preliminary purchase of materials and, accordingly, the subsequent shortage of the latter.

The online calculator will help you make the following calculations:

The multifunctionality of the online service is an undoubted advantage of the site. The online construction calculator allows you to make a huge number of all kinds of construction calculations without leaving your home. Moreover, calculations can be not only of a technical nature, but also of an economic nature, which plays a positive role at the preparatory stage of construction work.

Getting started with the online calculator

To get started, you need to select the required section from the list located on the left side of the screen. For each calculation, it is necessary to enter the required indicators and data, such as the dimensions of the proposed building, the required strength characteristics, location area, and so on. Most calculations involve several directions, that is, in addition to the main calculation of building materials, it is possible to simultaneously calculate the size of the structure. Each calculation is provided with additional reference materials and is also illustratively supported by a convenient drawing.

Some calculations allow you to calculate the economic component of the proposed work, for example, by indicating the cost of one unit of material, the calculator will calculate the total cost of the entire required quantity. Additional indicators are calculated when the checkbox next to the item of interest is checked. The calculation result instantly appears on the screen after pressing the “Calculate” button. The “Print” button is conveniently located at the bottom of the result.

Construction calculator, or the positive aspects of using it

The calculators presented on the site reduce the task of lengthy calculations to a minimum, which significantly saves time.

Each section and subsection of the site allows you to:

Without exception, such calculators imply a small error. In this regard, preliminary calculations must be coordinated with experts in this field or they must check the calculations already carried out.

The website is currently being finalized. New calculators and calculations are constantly being developed. Please report any errors found via feedback.


What is a square meter

First you need to decide what a square meter is. People who did not study mathematics well at school still sooner or later face the problem of counting the amount of building materials. Therefore, a square meter is the main reference point when determining the area of ​​a room.

If you draw a square (this is a geometric figure with equal sides), and the side is equal to 100 cm, then when multiplied by 100 we get the number 10000 cm. This means that the size of this figure is 10000 cm2. It could be simpler. Calculate in meters: 100 cm is 1 m. We apply the formula for calculating the area - we multiply the two sides, that is, we multiply 1 by 1, we get 1 m. This means that the size of the square is 1 sq.m.

Calculation of the area of ​​light openings when insulating the facade

To calculate the insulation of the facade, it is necessary to know the area of ​​the openings. The area of ​​the facade minus the area of ​​the facade openings, we get the insulation area of ​​the house. In the last article we talked about how to calculate the insulation area of ​​a façade. But without information about all the openings on the facade, it will not be possible to perform the calculation.

Why do you need information about the area of ​​openings when insulating a facade?

I'll start from the very beginning:

– in order to insulate a house, you need to know the cost of insulating the facade, then it will be possible to plan financial resources. – you can determine the cost of insulating the facade of a house by drawing up an estimate, calculating the cost of work and the cost of materials. – to draw up an estimate, the volume of work required for which an estimate can be drawn up. – in order to obtain the scope of work, it is necessary to take measurements of the facade planned for insulation.

After taking measurements of the facade, we make calculations and obtain data for drawing up an estimate. This is why the area of ​​the window and door opening on the facade of the house is needed.

What basic and incidental data do we get when calculating the area of ​​the openings of the façade of a house?

  • 1.The height and width of the opening is necessary for the opening area. The area of ​​the opening is subtracted from the total area of ​​the façade of the house. As a result of simple calculations, we obtain the insulation area of ​​the facade.
  • 2. The height and width of the opening allows you to determine the number of linear slopes in meters. We will need this data to calculate the number of perforated corners.
  • 3. We need the width of the slope to calculate the amount of slope insulation in m2. To calculate the material - polystyrene foam, primer, glue, mesh, dowels, it is better to have a figure in m2.

Why is it necessary to separately calculate the area of ​​slopes in m2?

Because on slopes, as a rule, the thickness of the insulation is less than the main insulation of the facade.

What determines the thickness of insulation on slopes?

The thickness of the insulation on slopes depends on the distance between the slope of the opening itself and the edge of the window or door frame. You can’t put 50 mm thick insulation on a slope if this distance is only 30 mm. If you install 50 mm thick insulation, the foam will extend onto the glass or double-glazed window. Agree, it will not be very nice.

  • 4. The width of the window and the width of the slope are necessary for preliminary calculation of the cost of window sills. Why pre-calculation? Because the most error-free option is to order ebbs when the foam is brought to the window, but before the slopes are installed. It is then that you can measure the exact dimensions. The human factor is always present, so it is better not to order window sills until this moment. Making castings, as a rule, does not take much time, but sometimes it is simply not possible to remake them. And if it is possible, then traces of the previous fold will be visible, which is also not beautiful.
  • 5. The easiest way is to make and fill out a table after measuring the facade - a table of openings.

You should have the following information about each door or window opening: – window height – window width – slope width – thickness of insulation on the slope – ebb width

The easiest way to make this table is in Excel and it will look approximately like this in the photo.

It is very convenient when the openings on the façade are marked with numbers in order. And in the table opposite the number there is all the information on this opening. Because if there are a lot of sizes on a piece of paper, then you can confuse the values ​​and make an error in the calculations.

Having received the total area of ​​the façade openings, the area of ​​the slopes, and the linear meters of the slopes, we use this data to draw up an estimate for insulation. Now you can move on to drawing up the estimate for façade insulation.

Window calculator

Of course, first of all we will be interested in the final price. For this purpose, a program was invented - a window calculator. What is this?

Most performing companies provide their clients with a unique automatic calculation system - a “window calculator”. With its help you can find out the approximate cost of the structure.

I note that the calculator for plastic windows from one company may differ significantly from another. However, in general the programs are very similar. They look something like this:

Example of calculator functionality for plastic windows

Please note:

  1. Selecting a window type. This action is the very first in almost any calculator. You are given a choice of many different types, which include the number of sashes, the type of internal structure, etc.

Main types of windows

  1. Window size. The PVC window calculator is based on the size of the future window. You should use a tape measure and take the necessary measurements. Don't forget to consider slopes as well as compaction.

Measuring the window with a tape measure

  1. Selecting the country of origin. This point is the second key factor that will determine the future price. Before choosing a manufacturer, study information about it, and in particular, consumer reviews.
  2. Selection of double-glazed windows. The type of double-glazed window directly affects the cost, and naturally, the single-chamber option is the cheapest. But this solution will not be successful in all cases.

  1. Window sill and low tide. They are the final steps in the calculator. You have to decide on two ebb options: plastic and galvanized.

The type of installation may also be included in the calculation of a plastic window. But many companies try to take an individual approach to this step, so you just have to find out the details from their representative.

Three-leaf metal-plastic window

As you can see, it is very simple to calculate a plastic window using such a calculator, but it does not always take into account all the parameters. Many questions remain open, and you will learn about them further.

General principles for calculating glazing area

The light opening is perhaps the most vulnerable area of ​​the building envelope. On the one hand, heat escapes through it, so it is desirable that the opening be minimal. On the other hand, for sufficient illumination it must be larger. This contradiction is resolved thanks to specially developed regulatory documents.

The glazing area is calculated according to the methods set out in SNiP. In particular, all the necessary formulas and coefficients are given, as well as a list of lighting standards for rooms of different types. The ratio of the areas of the opening and the floor is taken as the main initial data for simplified calculations of illumination. The data was obtained experimentally and has been tested for many years in various parts of the world. They are summarized in a table quite convenient for use.

For example, in civil buildings located in the middle zone, provided that nearby buildings are slightly darkened, this ratio is equal to:

  • for residential premises – 1/8–1/6;
  • audience or class - 1/4–1/3, etc.

The values ​​of the required area found in this way are only approximate. To clarify natural illumination, a special correction factor is used - KEO. Although in different countries it is calculated using different methods: protractors, grids, beams, etc., they give approximately the same results.

A window is not only a light opening that provides natural light to a room, but also a potential waste of heat energy.

Formula for calculating square meters

To calculate the area, you need to apply the formula per square meter A XB, where number A is the length of one side, and number B is the length of the second side. They can be the same if the shape of the floor or wall is square.

Most often, it is not square, but rectangular, that is, number A will have one value, and number B will have another. They will need to be multiplied in your head, or using a multiplication table, or on a calculator. And the resulting number will be the area that will need to be covered with paint or something else.

It happens that the shape of the floor is not standard, but, for example, trapezoidal. Then it’s more difficult, especially for those people who don’t know what a triangle is (this also exists in nature). To calculate the size of a trapezoid, you must first calculate the area of ​​the rectangle in the middle, then the size of each triangle on the sides, then add these three numbers. Isn't it easier to immediately call a team of workers? Let them think about how to calculate the square meters of the room.

Calculate the area of ​​window and door openings

Before calculating the area of ​​the walls, it is necessary to measure the window and door openings in order to subtract this space and find out the quadrature of only the surface being processed. Readings are taken only along the slopes of openings.

It is important to accurately measure window and door openings

For example, we have a square window whose dimensions are 1.50 in length and 1.60 in width. We carry out similar calculations: 1.50x1.60 = 2.40 m 2. If there are several windows in the room, then each of them is measured separately and the data obtained is added to one sum. A similar operation is carried out with doorways, where readings are taken not along the door itself, but precisely along the opening in the wall.

For example, as a result of measurements, we found out that the window area is 2.40 square meters, and the door, for example, 5.60. Next, we add the dimensions of the openings into one sum and subtract it from the total area of ​​the room 2.40 + 5.60 = 8, 46-8 = 38. As a result, we have an opening area of ​​8 m2, subtract it from the total square footage of the room and get 38 m2 of treated surface.

Video on how to calculate wall area:

Popular questions when calculating windows

How to calculate correctly?

Despite the availability of multifunctional calculators, they are limited in several parameters, especially when calculating windows and window frames. If you order it entirely in non-standard sizes, you must take into account additional problems that may arise during operation.

In other words, non-standard windows require additional parameters, because of this you will have at least one question: “how to calculate the weight?”

Metal-plastic window with two movable sashes

Formula for calculating window weight

An accurate weight is necessary to determine the load that will act on the hinges. If this is missed, the window may bend under its own weight, especially in areas of movable elements and sashes.

These parts should not weigh more than 60 kg, so the average is around 50 kg. In the photo you can see the main point that is affected by the mass of the sash.

Movable sash window hinge

In order to calculate the required weight, it is necessary to take into account 3 standards used by most manufacturers:

  1. Thickness 4 mm;
  2. Weight of 1 m2 of single-chamber glass with frame 25 kg;
  3. Weight of 1 m2 double-glazed window with frame 35 kg.

Based on these data, we can calculate the mass based on the dimensions using a very simple formula: multiply the window area by the standard 1 m2 of the selected glass unit. Don't know how to calculate the window area? You just need to multiply the width by the height.

For example, you chose a single-chamber double-glazed window with a height of 140 cm and a width of 90 cm. Let’s find out the area by converting the indicator into meters: 1.4*0.9= 1.26 m2 – the area of ​​our window. Now we calculate the mass: 1.26 * 25 = 31.5 - we get the required weight.

Basic parameters of a plastic window

For fixed-type windows, you do not need to carry out a weight calculation, since they do not have movable parts.

Accurate area calculations

The larger the structure, the more difficult it will be to accurately measure it. Therefore, the question of how to calculate the window area in square meters on a large scale is very relevant. But everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance:

  1. First, you need to divide the entire structure into the metal-plastic sections of which it will consist.
  2. After this, you need to find out the area of ​​​​each section, including both fixed and movable windows.
  3. Then all you have to do is add up the entire area, and you will get the total area of ​​the entire structure.

Large metal-plastic windows

The final stage

As you can see for yourself, the PVC window calculator does not take into account the total weight of the windows, so you will have to find it out yourself. But if you have only a vague understanding about the installation and design of plastic windows, then it is better to use the services of a specialist.

Moreover, the company often provides this opportunity for free. But now you already know how to calculate a square meter, weight and area of ​​a window, so you can do the calculations yourself or check the quality of a specialist’s work.

Ready-made plastic window layout

With your own hands you can make almost all the measurements necessary to order plastic windows. But no one has yet found exact instructions on window sizes taking into account price, since each company provides individual options.

It is also worth considering the fact that plastic windows can have a complex configuration, which requires additional costs and miscalculations.

Complex window shapes

The online calculator provided by the manufacturer can only give you the approximate cost of a future order. Many issues are discussed only with company representatives. And after studying this article, you will be able to draw the right conclusions, better prepare for ordering a design and calculate the windows yourself.

The video in this article will reinforce what I said with visual information. If you still have questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments.

Floor or ceiling area

The ceilings and floors in an ordinary apartment are the same. How to calculate square meters? Very simple. If the room is an attic, then there is no ceiling - there is only a floor and walls.

  • Stage No. 1. Measure the length of the room and write down the resulting number on paper. If the number is an integer, then we simply write the number. For example, 5 (m). If the number is greater than 5 but less than 6, then you will have to remember decimal fractions and write, for example, 5.5 (m).
  • Stage No. 2. Measure the width of the room and write it down in the same way. For example - 3m.
  • Stage No. 3. Now you need to multiply these two numbers. Example: 5 x 3 = 15m. So, the floor area is 15 square meters. m. Consequently, the size of the ceiling will also be 15 square meters. m. Write this number separately and circle it with a pen.

How to calculate the square footage of a room, walls, ceiling, floor

From time to time we need to know the area and volume of a room. This data may be needed when designing heating and ventilation, when purchasing building materials and in many other situations. It is also periodically required to know the area of ​​the walls. All this data can be easily calculated, but first you will have to work with a tape measure to measure all the required dimensions. How to calculate the area of ​​the room and walls, the volume of the room will be discussed further.

It is often necessary to calculate the cubic capacity of a room, its volume

We measure and change windows

Window opening measurement

Changing windows in an apartment is as easy as shelling pears.

Firms involved in this provide a full range of services in this matter.

The client just has to pay everything.

But before ordering a window, we need to figure out how much it will cost.

At the same time, thoughts about how to calculate the square meter of a window stimulate us to solve this problem.

For the window area, you need:

  • Measure height
  • Measure the width
  • Multiply width by height
  • Measure the balcony door separately, the window separately, then add up

The windows themselves are not measured in square meters, we simply calculate the size of the window opening. And this can only be done approximately in order to know the approximate size of the window and its estimated cost.

Specialists separately calculate the size of the frame and the size of the glass unit, but all these are subtleties. The main thing for us is to know how to measure the height (from the window sill, or including the window sill) and width. And when multiplied, we get the desired square meters.

How to calculate square meters of a wall with a window

It will be more difficult to deal with the wall on which the window is located.

In this case, you need to separately calculate the size of the wall, and separately the size of the window. Then subtract the smaller from the larger area. The result will be the number of square meters that will need to be covered with paint or plaster.

  1. Using the scenario already completed, calculate the size of the wall. Let there be an already known number - 15.4 m2.
  2. Next, measure the height and length of the window. Multiply numbers. For example: length 1.5 m, height 1.2 m. If you multiply, you get 1.8. This means the window area is 1.8 square meters. m.
  3. We take the area of ​​the wall and subtract the window size from it: 15.4 – 1.8 = 13.6. The area that will need to be tidied up is 13.6 square meters. m.

How to calculate square meters of a wall with a door

Similar actions must be performed when you need to calculate the square meters of a wall with a door. If the door, from a mathematical point of view, is a simple rectangle, then we calculate its area using the usual formula A X B. That is, you need to measure the height and length, then multiply the numbers and get the size of the door.

Next, we subtract the size of the door from the area of ​​the wall and get the square footage for which it will be necessary to buy finishing materials. If the previous owner of the apartment made a door with an arch, then there is no way to do without calculating the size of the circle.

How to calculate the square footage of walls

Determining the area of ​​walls is often required when purchasing finishing materials - wallpaper, plaster, etc. This calculation requires additional measurements. In addition to the existing width and length of the room you will need:

  • ceiling height;
  • height and width of doorways;
  • height and width of window openings.

All measurements are in meters, since the square footage of walls is also usually measured in square meters.

It is most convenient to put the dimensions on the plan

Since the walls are rectangular, the area is calculated as for a rectangle: we multiply the length by the width. In the same way, we calculate the sizes of windows and doorways, subtract their dimensions. For example, let's calculate the area of ​​the walls shown in the diagram above.

  1. Wall with door:
      2.5 m * 5.6 m = 14 sq. m. - total area of ​​the long wall
  2. how much does a doorway take up: 2.1 m * 0.9 m = 1.89 sq.m.
  3. wall excluding doorway - 14 sq.m. - 1.89 sq.m. m = 12.11 sq. m
  4. Wall with window: square of small walls: 2.5 m * 3.2 m = 8 sq.m.
  5. how much does a window take: 1.3 m * 1.42 m = 1.846 sq. m, round up, we get 1.75 sq.m.
  6. wall without window opening: 8 sq. m - 1.75 sq.m = 6.25 sq.m.

Finding the total area of ​​the walls is not difficult. Add up all four numbers: 14 sq.m + 12.11 sq.m. + 8 sq.m. + 6.25 sq.m. = 40.36 sq. m.

In what cases is this necessary?

The comfort of living in a room is usually assessed by its dimensions. Then why do we need wall area? This is an auxiliary quantity important for estimating the amount of consumables required during repairs.

Knowing the area of ​​the walls in a room or apartment, you can buy the required amount of consumables, be it wallpaper, paint, whitewash or tiles.

For a roll of wallpaper, its width and length are known, which allows you to calculate the required amount of material based on the area of ​​the walls; cans of paint also indicate the recommended consumption in grams per square meter; tiles at certain sizes also have a known area.

Measuring the area of ​​complex figures

Circle and triangle - complex figures for independent calculations

How to measure square meters of a circle if you have no mathematics or engineering education? Again according to the formula.

How to Measure a Circle Size

There is a formula for calculating the area of ​​a circle. There is such a constant number - the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is the same for all circle sizes. It's called pi and equals 3.14. This is the number used in calculations.

  • Stage No. 1. Measure the diameter (this is the line that passes through the center of the circle from one edge of the circle to the other). Let the diameter be 3 m. Next, we find the radius - this is half the length of the diameter. That is, 1.5 m. We write down the radius on paper.
  • Stage No. 2. We make calculations using the formula S = PR2, where S is the area of ​​the circle, P is a constant number, and R is the radius of the circle. This turns out to be 3.14 x (1.5 x 1.5) = 7.065. The area of ​​this circle is 7.065 square meters. m.

But this is the area of ​​a whole circle. The arch above the door is half a circle. This means that you still need to divide this number by two and then add it to the rectangular area of ​​the door. 7.065: 2 = 3.53 m2.

How to measure the area of ​​a triangle

If the previous owner of the apartment was a mathematician, then he could well have made triangular figures on the ceiling, which had to be restored and highlighted with a different color or plaster. You will have to count so as not to overpay.

How to calculate floor area: formulas for rooms of simple and complex shapes – Floor School

Before starting repairs, you need to decide on the scope of work, costs and calculate the amount of necessary materials for purchase.

Floor plan

There are also other reasons when you need to know the exact dimensions of the floor:

  • checking the accuracy of construction;
  • redevelopment and so on.

In this article we will provide instructions on how to find the floor area of ​​a room of various shapes.

Rectangular premises

To get started, you will need a measuring tape and a calculator.

  • The most common option is a rectangular room; even a schoolchild knows the formula for finding its square:

S = a* b (length times width)

For example, a room with parameters 4*6 m has an area of ​​24 sq. m.

  • It's another matter if you have built-in furniture or a fireplace. If you do not plan to remove them during the renovation and lay the flooring of an apartment or private house around them, then it is also worth calculating their sizes and subtracting them from the total value.

However, this option is only suitable for “cosmetic repairs” of the surface; if you screed the floor of an apartment or your house or install new joists, you will definitely have to dismantle everything.

Irregularly shaped rooms

It will be much more difficult to calculate a polygonal room with your own hands. Often the layout of houses has niches, rounded elements, and triangular corners.

Calculating the floor area in such cases requires first dividing it into simpler elements. For example, you have an L-shaped room - the easiest way is to divide it into 2 rectangles, calculate their sizes separately and add them up.

Calculate the sizes of triangular elements

If the second part of the room is not located at a perpendicular angle with respect to the main part, then between the 2 rectangles there is also a triangle, the sides of which converge at right angles.

  • You need to additionally calculate its quadrature using the formula and add it to the total value:

S = (a*b)/2

For example, if a triangle has legs of 3.5 and 4.5 m: S = (3.5*4.5)/2 = 7.9 m².

Another example is how to calculate the floor area of ​​a room with a sloping corner.

To calculate the quadrature of such a room, you need to first calculate the quadrature of the rectangle, and then for the triangle, and subtract its dimensions from the total value.

Here is an example calculation:

  • Rectangle = 2.5 * 1.75 = 4.4 m2.
  • Beveled triangular corner = (0.57*0.57)/2 = 0.2 m2.
  • Final size = 4.4 – 0.2 = 4.2 m2.

If the triangle is not right-angled, then its calculation is done using Heron’s formula:

The symbol "p" is semi-perimeter. For example: we have a triangular shaped floor whose sides are 5, 6 and 7 meters.

Let's do the calculation for this figure:

  • Find the semi-perimeter: (5+6+7)/2 = 9.
  • We substitute the values ​​into the formula: √(9 * (9-5) * (9-6) * (9-7)) = √(9 * 4 * 3 * 2) = √216 = 14.7 m2.

Calculation of rounded elements

Often, old houses have such a rounded shape near a window, or on a balcony combined with a room.

All formulas for calculating plane figures

To do this, first calculate half of the protruding part of the circle and add it to the main rectangular part.

  • Formula for calculation:

S = πR2/2, where π – 3.14, R2 – radius of the circle squared.

For example, we have a semicircular protruding balcony with a radius of 1.5 m.

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula and find its quadrature:

S = 3.14 * 1.52 / 2 = 3.5 sq. m.

Wall area

Separately, it is worth noting that the area of ​​the walls cannot be found by the area of ​​the floor, as some people try to do. The thing is, to find the square footage of the floor you only need 2 values: width and length, and to calculate the walls you also need to know their height.

Therefore, you will first have to calculate the perimeter of the walls and multiply it by the height of the ceilings.

For example, you considered the floor dimensions to be 5*6 meters, and the room has a height of 2.5 meters.

  • We calculate the perimeter of the walls: (5+6)*2 = 22 m.
  • S = 22*2.5 = 55 sq. m.

Please note! Do not forget to subtract the square footage of door and window openings after calculating the walls.

Although they are sometimes not specifically taken into account in order to preserve the supply of materials.

Window to floor ratio

The size and number of windows in living rooms and kitchens depend on the specific room.

  • The instructions in SNiP 31-01-2003 for multi-apartment residential buildings recommend maintaining the window area to floor area in the range from 1:5.5 to 1:8. On the upper floors it is permissible to make windows with a ratio of at least 1 to 10 to the floor.

Friday, September 17, 2010

We make repairs

Blondes sometimes do renovations too. And here it is impossible to do without the use of mathematics. You need to pay money for repairs. At the same time, the question inevitably arises: how much and for what exactly do they take money from me? Did the builders calculate the cost of repairs correctly? How to calculate the amount of work when renovating an apartment? This is where your knowledge of mathematics comes in handy. And so, if we are doing repairs, then we need to at least approximately know the volume of upcoming work. Calculating the volume of work is a rather tedious task, but necessary. How much wallpaper should I buy? How many tiles do you need to buy? These figures are also taken from the scope of work.

The volume of work is calculated very simply, mainly by the area of ​​the rectangle - the length is multiplied by the width and the area is obtained (in full accordance with the multiplication table). If this is the floor, then the length and width of the room are taken. Measurements are taken with a tape measure between opposite walls above the baseboard. As a measuring tool, you can use a meter, which you use to measure the volume of your hips, waist, and chest. For example, if we have a room measuring 5.0 by 3.0 meters, this room has 15 square meters of flooring.

This is the amount of work involved in laying tiles, laminate, linoleum, screeding, priming the floor, etc. in this room. Additionally, the floor area in the doorway and radiator niche can be taken into account. This area is added to the area we have already obtained. Builders can use work complexity coefficients when calculating estimates, but craftsmen must prove that the work was not performed as standard. For example, in the bathroom, tiles of two colors were cut along a curved line, which, naturally, is more difficult than simply laying tiles. Even choosing a tile pattern may increase the cost of the work.

If the room has a complex shape, then the floor area is calculated from the areas of simple geometric shapes into which you need to mentally divide the room and the formulas for finding the areas for which you know. In my practice, I very often used Heron’s formula to find the area of ​​a triangle based on the lengths of three sides.

If some work is priced in linear meters (for example, installing a baseboard), then this is simply measured with a meter or tape measure around the perimeter of the room. In a room measuring 5 by 3 meters, the perimeter is 16 linear meters.

To calculate the amount of plinth, you need to subtract the width of the doorway, usually 0.8 - 0.9 meters, and add plinth on the door slopes (if the room has one). Let in our case the door be 0.9 meters long, and the door slope be 0.3 meters wide. In total, we will get 15.7 linear meters of plinth installation.

If some work is priced per piece (installation of corners on baseboards, installation of sockets, etc.), this is calculated by poking a finger into the product. The same product twice does not count. You need to keep in mind that installing a socket box and installing a socket are different jobs that are paid at different rates, although they are performed sequentially in one place. By the way, socket boxes are also installed for switches. The check is simple: the number of switches plus the number of sockets is equal to the number of socket boxes. If the numbers do not agree, then we consider the builder’s finger pointing method (now the builder must calculate everything himself in your presence) and listen to his arguments, because there are different situations (telephone socket, television socket, computer socket - they are all placed in socket boxes). The socket box is cheaper than the mounting box and can be used at the junctions of wires - a kind of homeless version of a European-quality renovation.

The ceiling area is calculated in the same way as the floor area - the dimensions are measured from wall to wall. The area of ​​the niches is added, and the area of ​​the columns is subtracted from the area of ​​the ceiling. Typically, the ceiling area is equal to or less than the floor area (remember, the area in doorways and radiator niches can be added to the floor area).

The area of ​​the walls is calculated by multiplying the length of the wall by the height of the room minus the area of ​​door and window openings. Let us have a room height of 2.5 meters, a window measuring 1.4 by 1.5 (height) meters, a door 0.9 by 2.1 (height) meters. Then the area of ​​the walls is equal to the perimeter of the room (we already calculated the baseboard this way) multiplied by the height of the room minus the area of ​​the openings and is 36.0 square meters:

Finishing of slopes is usually calculated in linear meters. The window slope in our case is 4.4 linear meters:

The door slope is equal to 5.1 linear meters:

If the price for slopes is in square meters, then we multiply the resulting linear meters separately: the length of the window slope in linear meters by the width of the window slope, the length of the door slope by the width of the door slope. If the room has an oil panel with a height of 1.8 m, then the area of ​​the panel is calculated separately and is equal to 25.6 square meters:

Here, for a window, 1.0 meters is the distance from the window sill to the top of the oil panel. The area of ​​wall finishing above the oil panel is the remaining 10.4 square meters of the total wall area:

The areas in other rooms are calculated in exactly the same way. No one has yet come up with a simpler method. Write down your calculations in a notebook for each room separately and the summary calculation for the apartment separately: numbers in numbers with all the signs of mathematical operations. An error in calculations can be the most trivial - the wrong key was pressed on the calculator when calculating addition, multiplication, subtraction. You have the right to demand an explanation from the builders regarding the inflated volumes of work. In controversial cases, take the necessary measurements together and make calculations together - here you will quickly find out who and where exactly made a mistake.

You can compare the builders' prices with the prices presented in my construction catalogue. Usually the highest prices for construction work are in Moscow.

Measuring tools

To correctly calculate the total quadrature you will need a tool such as:

  • construction tape of at least 5 meters;
  • pen or pencil;
  • calculator;
  • building level or similar device with a scale;
  • stepladder or stool;
  • a sheet of paper for notes.

Prepare everything you need to measure walls. You can also use special services available on the Internet, however, their accuracy is not always correct, and for maximum accuracy it is better to do everything yourself.
Before calculating the area of ​​the walls of the room, it is necessary to provide free access to them and move furniture away to allow unhindered movement. This is very important, because from the initial data obtained from the measurement, we obtain the total volume of the room, as well as the square footage of the ceiling and floor.

For maximum accuracy, it is recommended that before taking measurements, mark a straight line slightly above the level of the baseboards using a building level or any other long and level strip. Next, the tape measure is applied horizontally to the surface above the baseboard and the data obtained is recorded on paper. The next step is to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, again leaning the tape measure against the wall.

Don't forget to write down all the data you receive.

If the room has the shape of a rectangle, then to obtain the total area of ​​the room it is enough to multiply the resulting width by the length. For example, if a wall is 5 meters long and 3 meters wide, then multiply 5 by 3 to get 15 squares.

Similarly, we measure each wall and add the resulting values ​​into one total. For example, in a rectangular room there are 2 walls of 15 square meters and 2 of 8, we add these values ​​15x2=30, 8x2=16, 30+16=46. In total, the total surface area of ​​the walls of the room was 46 squares.

Living area

Before repairs, careful measurements of everything that exist begin - width, length, height and even diagonals. The fact is that when purchasing building materials, we pay attention to the area for which a particular package, jar, or roll of wallpaper is designed.

Calculate the area of ​​the room

To calculate how much wallpaper is needed for one room, you need to make the following measurements:

  • Ceiling height
  • Width of each wall
  • Window and door sizes
  • Measure niches and protrusions separately (if the room is non-standard)

Ceiling height can be measured in one place. This is provided that the floor is level and the distance from floor to ceiling will be the same everywhere. Then we measure the width of each wall and multiply by the height. This is the area of ​​a particular wall.

To calculate how much wallpaper you need, you need to sum up the areas of all the walls. But that's all. After all, the room has windows and doors that do not need to be covered with wallpaper. Therefore, we first calculate how much space they take up, and then subtract the result from the resulting total area of ​​the room.

Calculating the square footage of the walls is very important, because as a result of this, we will not only select the right wallpaper or other building materials, but also make the correct estimate for various repairs. Because if you hire workers to repair a residential building, then their services will also be assessed based on the number of square meters.

Calculation of floor area

We measure the length and width

Some problems may arise with calculating floor area.

The usual formula for the area of ​​a rectangle S=a×b may not be entirely correct in this case.

It happens when the walls in a house are uneven, as a result of which the width of the floor at the beginning of the room and at the end may be different.

Then they also measure the width in the middle of the room. Having three different results, we calculate the arithmetic mean of these data - all measurements are added up and the sum is divided by the number of these same measurements. The result, although not exact, will be closest to this.

Sometimes there may be a fireplace in the room, or some kind of column, or just a niche. In this case, it becomes more difficult to calculate the required amount of parquet for the floor.

After all, it is not needed under the fireplace, but they also need to cover the ledge from the room. In such cases, you need to subtract from the total area the one that is located under the fireplace or column. Or, on the contrary, add to the total the area of ​​a niche or bay window.

When a room has an incomprehensible shape, we divide the floor into separate sectors, calculate the quadrature of each, and then add everything up.

Tips and tricks

This way you can calculate the area of ​​the entire apartment and describe what to paint and what color. Add up the dimensions of all the walls and ceiling - you get a number that you will need to focus on when purchasing building materials.

All you need to do is go to the store and buy materials. Here you still have to count, since not all packages are designed for large rooms. For example, the size of the ceiling in the kitchen is 3 x 3. How many square meters of plaster will be needed if one package can cover 3 square meters. m? We calculate: the ceiling size is 9 square meters. m. One package covers 3 square meters. m. Therefore, 3 packs are needed for the entire ceiling.

If the package says consumption per 12 square meters, this means how much material is needed to cover a wall measuring 3 x 4 m.

Or another example. The wall in the apartment is 6 by 4. How many square meters need to be painted? Multiply 6 by 4, we get 24 square meters. This is how many 3 liter cans of paint are needed if each can is used for 6 square meters. m? We count: 24 divided by 6. It turns out 4. This means you need to buy 4 three-liter cans of paint to cover the entire wall.

How to calculate the dimensions of walls and ceilings

To do this, you just have to remember your favorite school and geometry lessons. It is known that the area of ​​a rectangle is its length multiplied by its width. The area of ​​window and door openings, as well as places where plastering is not required, is taken from the result obtained.

For example, it is planned to renovate a room 3 meters wide, 4 meters long, let the ceiling height be 2.8 meters. The room has a window measuring one and a half meters by one meter and a door measuring two by one meter. Let's calculate the area (S) of the walls:

  • S long wall 4 m X 2.8 m = 11.2 m 2
  • S short wall 3 m X 2.8 m = 8.4 m 2
  • Total S of all four walls 11.2 m 2 X 2 + 8.4 m 2 X 2 = 39.2 m 2
  • S window opening 1.5 m X 1 m = 1.5 m 2
  • S doorway 2 m X 1 m = 2 m 2
  • Total S openings 1.5 m2 + 2 m2 = 3.5 m2
  • S wall plaster 39.2 m2 - 3.5 m2 = 35.7 m2
  • Ceiling S will be 3 m X 4 m = 12 m 2

In this case, we separately calculate S of the ceiling, which will be 3 m X 4 m = 12 m 2. Why do we count the ceiling area separately? Plastering the ceiling is a rather specific and not as popular service as plastering the walls. Plus, work on ceilings costs more than work on walls.

If you have an unusually shaped room, calculating the area will be a little more difficult. You may need to remember the formulas for the area of ​​a triangle, circumference, etc. To simplify the task, special programs are used - plaster area calculators. This application can be installed on your phone, tablet or computer.

Information on the purpose of the calculator

Online building block calculator

designed to perform calculations of building materials necessary for the construction of walls of houses, garages, utility and other premises. The calculations can take into account the dimensions of the building's gables, door and window openings, as well as related materials, such as mortar and masonry mesh. Be careful when filling out the data, pay special attention to the units of measurement.

Technologies do not stand still, including construction technologies. For the construction of walls, wood has been replaced by brick, and today its place is increasingly being taken by building blocks obtained artificially, and depending on the raw materials used, they can have different characteristics.

C building blocks are popular in the construction of low-rise buildings and walls of monolithic frame buildings. They can not only be used to build external walls, but can also be used for internal partitions and interior walls. Concrete blocks are also suitable for making prefabricated foundations for light buildings.

The advantages of building blocks are obvious. With their help, you can build a building in a short time without the use of special equipment. They have good thermal insulation and the necessary strength. Therefore, the funds spent on insulation will be significantly lower than when building with brick. And if we compare building blocks with wooden log houses, then this means not only less additional funds and work, but also a higher durability of the building.

Used blocks do not need such a strong vapor barrier as, for example, wood. Considering their dimensions and lightness, even the foundation for such a house will cost much less than brick and reinforced concrete. The use of special masonry adhesive increases the thermal insulation of the walls and makes them more attractive in appearance.

Building blocks can be divided into two types:

Artificial building blocks include: aerated concrete, foam concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete, sawdust concrete and many others. Each type is used depending on the required qualities, and has both a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages. One type has good thermal insulation properties, but they are somewhat inferior in strength (if we compare, for example, aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete). In any case, buildings constructed using building blocks require less time to construct turnkey houses, compared to the same wooden log houses, which require a lot of time to finally dry out and settle. And only after this can the final finishing of the room begin.

Based on their design features, building blocks are divided into:

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no ideal material that has high levels of all the necessary characteristics at once, such as low thermal conductivity, high strength, low weight and cost. And in each specific case, it is necessary to choose exactly the material that is most suitable for the planned construction, taking into account the necessary requirements.

Below is a complete list of calculations performed with a brief description of each item. If you have not found the answer to your question, you can contact us using the feedback located in the right block.


How to calculate the area of ​​windows so that the house is not dark

When designing and constructing a residential building, you must be guided by the contents of SanPiN According to this regulatory act, all residential premises are required to have light openings in the external walls of the building. The number of windows in living rooms and kitchens must be such that the coefficient of natural light is not lower than 0.5. Insolation standards are established by regulatory documentation taking into account:

  • geographical latitude of the object's location;
  • calendar period;
  • functionality of the premises;
  • planning zone of the city.

At least one of the rooms of a 1-3 room apartment must have a level of illumination that meets established standards. When the apartment consists of more than 4 rooms, then satisfactory lighting should be in 2 or more rooms.

Based on building rules, you can calculate the square footage of windows for each room in a residential building:

  1. Measure the floor area of ​​each individual room.
  2. Determine the minimum permissible glazing area, calculating 10 - 12.5% ​​of the resulting floor area of ​​the room.

When designing light architectural elements, it is necessary to take into account that the final footage of the glazing will be less than the opening left. This is explained by the presence of a light-proof box at any window, which is used to install the window and fasten the glass inside the window block.

It is generally accepted that the most comfortable for a person’s well-being is the total width of the windows of the room, which is 55% of the width of the room. If there is only one window opening, then it should be located in the center of the longest outer wall.

The level of insolation can be adjusted by placing the structural element vertically: the higher the opening relative to the floor, the greater the illumination. This condition is true when there are no tall buildings or trees in the immediate vicinity that impede the penetration of sunlight.

At the design stage, when calculating the glazing surface, it is necessary to focus on the rules for thermal protection of buildings. According to these rules, the glazing coefficient of the facade in a residential building does not exceed 18%, taking into account the heat transfer resistance of light and ventilation openings.

It is permissible to install skylights in private residential buildings, which are windows of complex and non-standard geometric shapes. The area of ​​such light openings should not exceed 15% of the floor area. In the case where the skylight is mounted in an attic room, the glazing area can be maximum equal to 10% of the room's area.

Heat preservation

As a matter of fact, SNiP controls not so much the glazing area as the level of thermal insulation of the house.

And if the owner of the building is able to maintain the required temperature inside, then, of course, the entire façade can be made glass. However, such cases are extremely rare.

According to SNiP, the temperature of the glass on the inside should be above +3 C. The temperature of the frame and window sill must be no less than the dew point. The latter is calculated in accordance with climatic conditions.

Let's look at the same room again, this time with a real view of the local computer user. His vision is focused on the monitor, but he perceives both the surroundings of the computer and his peripheral vision and surrounding space. The field of vision of the human eye can be divided into three zones: very close, close and peripheral. In the closest zone we are interested in our attention, in which we are concentrated. The proximal zone is defined by a 30° cone. Peripheral vision then takes in everything inside the cone with an upper 90° angle.

  • with a heat transfer resistance of the glass structure of 0.51 square meters. m. C/W, if the heating season lasts 3500 degrees-day;
  • with a resistance of 0.56 square meters. m. C/W, if you have to heat up to 5200;
  • and with a resistance of 0.81 square meters. m. C/W, if the heating season extends to 7000 degrees-day.

Failure to comply with this condition results in cold, chilled rooms in winter or large excess consumption of fuel.

In an unshaded room, this recommendation cannot be implemented, as the image illustrates. The shading function is optimal if the installation of shadow elements is considered from the very beginning of the design. It can then be shaded not only as a technical device of a certain design, but also as an architectural element. Complementary decisions make tradeoffs in one direction rather than another.

An important part of making decisions about using a shading technique is considering how the technique will be monitored and controlled. Efficient use is ensured by motor devices controlled by electronic control systems. Depending on the type and type of devices being controlled and how they are controlled, design documentation for the distribution of heavy and low voltage equipment can be prepared in advance and ensure their design is timely and substantially correct.

What are the rules abroad?

The standards for the size and area of ​​windows in a house abroad are not so categorical, in terms of no more and no less. Actually, it’s not entirely clear why not more and not less. If these limits are set from the point of view of energy saving or protecting residents from heat stroke in the summer, then such measures are not enough. Simply limiting the area will not protect you from troubles.

In developed countries, issues such as the maximum or minimum size of glazing are considered solely from the point of view of architecture and aesthetics. Over the millennia of the formation of various architectural styles, a certain stereotype has developed regarding the relationship between the facade and the size of windows. In this case, not only the size, but also the location of the window on the facade relative to the axis is of great importance. All this, combined with the size of the building, the height of the ceilings, not just the floor area, the external decoration and style of the building, determines the size, number, shape and location of windows. There is no other approach.

Therefore, in Norway there can be houses covered with turf. With small, barely noticeable windows on the shore of the fjord, and frame, half-timbered houses with high narrow windows. Or frame and all-glass cottages. Today, everything depends on the style, aesthetics and architectural solution of the author and owner. But such glazing is always accompanied by appropriate measures to ensure comfort for residents. Chameleon glass (photochromic) or low-emission glass is used in combination with measures to insulate the walls and provide highly efficient heating devices.

Additional energy sources are used, solar energy - all this allows the use of any glazing with any area. You only need to pay attention to the glass skyscrapers of Toronto or Chicago to understand that standards for the size and area of ​​windows in a house for countries with developed construction technologies do not exist. There are questions of expediency and style that guide them.

Insolation requirements

Artificial lighting, even of the highest class, cannot compare with natural lighting. Lack of sunlight can quickly affect your health.

SNiP, regulating this area, imposes quite stringent requirements.

If shielding control systems are grown with or without sufficient subject knowledge, complications are inevitable. It is also important to note that the external solar control elements driven by the motor and system, particularly the irradiation, screens and awnings, are equipped with automatic protection against destruction. In daylight conditions, these devices are parked in a resting position, provide no sun protection, and cannot be controlled by local user controls. It is therefore advisable to consider such eclipse of additional internal shading elements.

  • In multi-apartment residential buildings, the ratio between the area of ​​living quarters and kitchens and the area of ​​window openings should be no more than 1:5.5 and no less than 1:8.
  • For private houses, the floor area of ​​all living rooms and kitchens and the area of ​​window openings should be in a ratio of 1:8.
  • In attic rooms with a sloping roof, a ratio of 1:10 is allowed.

This means that the size of the window opening, based on the proportion, will be equal to: 12/8 = 1.5 square meters. m. These are the minimum window sizes that are acceptable in such a room.

Daylight significantly influences the perception of the interior and affects the psyche and health of the person in it. Pay special attention to the choice of shape and size of windows and other transparent structures and their placement. This should already be linked to the design documentation. Another situation arises when a window design is given and the interior must be adapted to the lighting conditions.

Many body functions, as well as the human psyche, depend on natural daylight. Natural light and the regular daily cycle of changes are closely related to human biorhythm. The lack of light is depressing, whether we want to admit it or not. Well-chosen artificial lighting can alleviate the effects and consequences of a lack of natural light for people, but cannot replace it equally. If a person is to feel comfortable in a room, they must be in good condition, which means that the space where they stay longer must be provided with a reasonable amount of daytime natural light.

Windows are necessary to provide sufficient lighting during the day.

Rice. 1. Types and overall dimensions of windows in residential buildings (USSR and Russia)

Rice. 2. Types and overall dimensions of balcony doors in residential buildings (USSR and Russia)

Visual well-being is mainly related to the intensity of lighting without significant distractions. The quality of lighting also affects the direction of light in space, the color rendering of the interior and the color of light. However, this is a very general solution that does not take into account the orientation from different sides, the shape of the room, external shading elements - balconies, loggias, the proximity and height of surrounding buildings, plants or terrain. However, the owner's subjective feelings must enter into these figures. The shape, size and placement of windows must be decided by the architect because other factors such as the layout, character of the house or proportions and its overall architectural design also come into play in the design.

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