Work on replacing windows in a house or apartment: what you need to know when dismantling and installing different types of structures

Today, almost all manufacturers, dealers and small firms offer installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST. With the light hand of marketers, this phrase has become an advertising slogan, the meaning of which is unclear to the vast majority of customers. Buyers only intuitively guess that this promise promises some additional benefits. However, the specifics are unknown to clients, so they are forced to take the contractors’ word for it. Full control in such situations is impossible. In this case, the installation of window and door units in compliance with GOST standards should be carried out by default. After all, ignoring the requirements leads to a violation of the thermal characteristics of products made from PVC profiles. This article will tell you about the main differences between installation according to GOST, about the features of all stages of window installation, and why it is necessary to strictly adhere to key standards.

No. 1. Construction of plastic windows

In order to properly navigate the market for a certain product, you need to know what and how it is made. The main structural elements of a plastic window are the frame, sashes, double-glazed windows, fittings, seal and glazing bead. The frame and doors consist of a plastic profile reinforced with a steel profile.

The frame is the basis of the structure and is installed in the window opening. The frame profile consists of several chambers, each of which has its own purpose: for draining condensate, placing a reinforcing strip, securing fittings, etc. The double-glazed window occupies the main part of the plastic window structure and is held in place thanks to hidden glazing beads. To make the structure airtight, seals . Fittings also play an important role, the quality of which largely determines durability and reliability.

Due to the design features, a plastic window receives a number of advantages , among which it is worth noting an increased level of heat conservation compared to conventional wooden windows, a high level of sound insulation and protection against unauthorized entry.

Typical installation mistakes

Some window and door installers do not even partially adhere to building codes. Their actions should be perceived as negligence, since mistakes and ignoring the basic requirements of GOST are different concepts. It is not recommended to accept work if the following situations arise during window installation:

  1. the dimensions of metal-plastic structures are incorrectly determined - this can be detected by the thickness of the installation seam or additional work carried out by installers to expand or reduce the opening;
  2. the number of frame fixing points has been deliberately reduced - if the distance between fasteners is more than 700 mm, the installers did not comply with the standards (for models made of painted and laminated profiles this parameter is 600 mm);
  3. incorrect installation or complete absence of PSUL and vapor barrier tape - this violation can be detected at the stage of formation of the installation seam;
  4. excessive or insufficient consumption of polyurethane foam - both options are unacceptable, since they provoke premature destruction and depressurization of the seam;
  5. improper installation of the ebb - this element of the window structure protrudes far or insufficiently beyond the façade plane, does not have a sound-absorbing substrate and is not protected from moisture entering the internal cavity.

Most of the listed violations can be eliminated. The most serious problem is incorrect sizes of window or door units. When installing PVC doors and windows, GOST allows differences of 10 to 50 mm in the thickness of the installation seam, that is, the manufacturer is not required to match the ideal dimensions millimeter to millimeter. However, significant excess of the norms is unacceptable. It is fraught with high heat loss, distortion of the frame and even damage to the integrity of the double-glazed windows. If there is a significant discrepancy in the sizes of frames and openings, the contractor must replace window and door units.

If the contractor guarantees that installation standards will be met, and this is reflected in the contract, then if problems arise, the buyer is more likely to correctly formulate his claims against the installers. Thanks to this, it is easier to prove the violation of technology by the installer and bring him to justice.

No. 2. What should the profile be?

A profile made from PVC turns out to be harmless, attractive and resistant to various chemicals, but plastic would not withstand serious deformations and temperature changes, so the profile is additionally reinforced with steel . The thickness of the metal should not be less than 1.4 mm : the thicker the metal insert, the heavier the double-glazed window can be installed. The profile must be reinforced only with galvanized steel.

High-quality plastic has a uniform color, a smooth and grain-free surface, and has no odors. Pay attention to the type of surface: matte plastic will literally absorb dirt, which will subsequently be almost impossible to remove from the surface. Glossy plastic , even the most inexpensive one, will be much more convenient to use . A high-quality profile is quite durable and should easily withstand 50-60 years of use.

No. 3. Profile thickness and width

Profile thickness usually refers to the thickness of the profile plastic . The strength and mechanical resistance of the material primarily depends on this parameter. Depending on the thickness of the external and internal walls of the profile, it is divided into three classes:

  • class A assumes an external wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an internal wall thickness of 2.5 mm. The European standard is considered to be those windows in which the thickness of the external walls of the profile exceeds 3 mm. It is precisely these structures that can be installed in residential premises ;
  • class B. _ This profile has external walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm and internal walls with a thickness of 2 mm. Such structures are not as durable, retain heat less well and do not protect against noise well enough, so they can only be installed in non-residential premises;
  • class C. This includes profiles that do not meet the requirements of previous classes. Today, such structures are practically not used.

Another important parameter of the structure profile is width, or installation depth . This parameter cannot be less than 50 mm , and for normal operation of the window it should be 58-70 mm, because then the requirements for heat and sound insulation of the room will be met. For the noisiest and coldest areas, profiles with a greater thickness are suitable, which can even reach 130 mm.

No. 4. Number of profile air chambers

The profile inside consists of several cavities, so-called chambers, which should not be confused with the chambers of a double-glazed window. The profile chamber is a cavity extended to its entire length and filled with air or reinforcing material. Based on the number of such cavities, 2-, 3-, 4 and even 8-chamber profiles are distinguished , but the most popular are 3- and 5-chamber designs . As a rule, manufacturers allow you to look inside the profile, demonstrating their products in cross-section and showing the design features of the cameras.

With an increase in the number of chambers, the thermal insulation characteristics of the profile material increase. If a 3-chamber profile is perfect for windows that face the south side into a quiet courtyard, then a 5-chamber profile will be indispensable for windows that face the north side or onto a noisy highway.

No. 5. Number of double glazing chambers

A double-glazed window, the light-transmitting part of a window, consists of two or more glasses, the space between which is filled with air or inert gas. The chamber is the space between two glasses.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used in quiet areas with a mild climate. The greatest demand is for double-chamber double-glazed windows , which perfectly dampen street noise and allow you to maintain the optimal temperature in the room. For maximum noise protection, it is recommended to choose double-glazed windows in which the space between the glasses has different thicknesses . It’s even better if the inner glass is thinner than the rest, which will provide maximum sound insulation.

On sale you can find double-glazed windows with a large number of cameras - 3 and even 4 . But it is worth keeping in mind that the more double-glazed windows in a structure, the greater its total weight, and the more reliable and durable the fittings should be.


You can often hear from a company about a 25-year warranty, but in the contract it turns out that the warranty period is 1-3 years. Can such cases be considered fraud?

Not really. Each part of the window belongs to a specific manufacturer and has its own service life. Technical testing of the profile can show that the structure will last for several decades, so the product will receive a 15-year guarantee. The warranty for fittings is usually 10 years, for double-glazed windows - 25. In advertising you hear a guarantee for the profile structure, not for all windows as a whole, as is stated in the contract.

Read the contract carefully and check the terms of the guarantee!

No. 6. Type of glass in a double glazing unit

The quality of the glass is no less important than the number of chambers of the glass unit. Today, manufacturers can use the following types of glass :

  • float glass. Its manufacturing technology makes it possible to obtain exceptionally smooth and completely uniform glass with increased transparency;
  • triplex or laminated glass. Such glasses consist of several layers of glass, each of which is laminated with a film or a special liquid. Due to this, the material gains additional strength and burglary resistance, it is difficult to break, and even if damaged, such glass does not leave sharp fragments. Moreover, triplex will more reliably protect the apartment from noise;

  • Selective glass is coated during the manufacturing process or after it in a vacuum with special substances that transmit long-wave radiation but block short-wave radiation, allowing maximum retention of warm air in the apartment in winter and keeping out the heat in summer. Selective glasses can be of two types: i-glasses are coated with silver ions, have high efficiency and excellent translucency, but are susceptible to atmospheric influences, so they can only be used from the inside. In contrast, k-glasses are more resistant to external negative influences, but are somewhat less efficient;
  • colored float glass has the ability to reduce the transmission of solar thermal energy. Such glasses are colored in bulk and can have almost any shade. Of course, the transparency of the material is lower, but along with protection from heat you also get a pleasant, cozy atmosphere;
  • reinforced glass is distinguished by the presence of a reinforced mesh, making it safer and more fire resistant;
  • Tempered glass is similar in properties to triplex, but is produced by special chemical or thermal treatment. When destroyed, such material forms a mass of small, harmless fragments.

No. 7. Which seal is better?

The seal is another important part of a plastic window, which ensures proper tightness, protects the room from external noise, cold, dirt, etc. Today the following materials are used as sealants:

  • rubber. This material is obtained by vulcanizing rubber with sulfur. Among all possible seals, this the cheapest, therefore used in most plastic windows. It perfectly seals all cracks, but has one serious drawback - it “stubs” at low temperatures, and constant temperature changes can lead to cracking;

  • silicone – an excellent safe and durable material that boasts high durability. During its entire service life, silicone does not change its original properties, and temperature changes do not affect it in any way. The material easily tolerates temperatures from -40 to +1500C. Moreover, moisture and sunlight are also not capable of damaging such a seal. Among the disadvantages of the material is the high cost, due to which the seal is not so common;

  • EPDM seal, or ethylene propylene rubber. The material is used quite often, since with good performance it can boast a fairly reasonable price. This seal is not afraid of exposure to precipitation, sunlight, high and low temperatures, and mechanical influences;

  • TPE seal (thermoplastic elastomer). Under normal temperature conditions, the material behaves like rubber, and as the temperature increases, the material softens like a thermoplastic.


If you are replacing windows, installing plastic windows yourself begins with dismantling the old one. Problems usually do not arise: breaking does not build. After dismantling, it is necessary to inspect the opening: remove everything that can fall off. If there are any protruding parts, they must be removed - using a hammer, chisel or power tool. When the plane is leveled, all construction debris must be removed. Ideally, sweep everything away, even the dust, otherwise during installation the foam will not “grab” well on the wall.

Preparing the opening for installation

If there are too large potholes or cavities, it is better to cover them with cement mortar. The smoother the opening, the easier the installation will be. If the wall material is loose, they can be treated with binding compounds: penetrating adhesive primers.

No. 8. Ventilation of plastic windows

Plastic windows, if they are made with high quality and installed correctly, have a highly airtight structure , so external air flows will not penetrate inside the apartment. In principle, the absence of drafts is one of the main advantages of structures, but what to do with ventilation? In houses of old construction, as a rule, there is no provision for fresh air ventilation, since fresh air penetrated through cracks in windows and doors. New owners of plastic windows, after installing them, may notice that the air in the apartment has become stuffy, musty, and condensation collects on the glass. All this is evidence that normal ventilation is not provided.

Manufacturers of plastic windows offer to solve the problem of room ventilation in several ways:

  • micro-slot ventilation mode. When the handle is turned a certain way, a small gap is formed between the frame and the window sash, which is not capable of greatly reducing the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the structure, but provides an influx of fresh air;

  • using a window . Since plastic windows are made to order according to individual parameters, you can get a design not only with any number of double-glazed windows and any profile width, but also with the required number of partitions. The window allows fresh street air to enter right up to the ceiling of the room, where it mixes with room air. As a result, it becomes easier to breathe in the room, and there are no direct flows of cold air onto a person. The disadvantage of this long-standing and proven method of ventilation is that the design of the plastic window becomes more complicated, more expensive and heavier, and less sunlight will penetrate into the apartment;
  • combs on windows - a simple, convenient, cheap and effective method of ventilation. In this case, the window design includes a special regulator that allows you to fix the sash in the required position. As a rule, 4-5 modes are provided, allowing you to leave both a micro-gap between the frame and the sash, and a fairly impressive space;

  • ventilation valves are the most effective and convenient option, providing the required level of ventilation in the room. Since today manufacturers present several types of valves, this issue requires separate consideration.

Reviews from our clients

Customer review #1

Our apartment had a very cold balcony. The house is located in such a way that the wind blows all the time. We decided to install windows, on the advice of the Rehau Grazio master. The drafts have disappeared, the windows don't let anything in at all. 100% satisfied

Customer review #2

I ordered Diamond windows in the shape of arches. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, the windows are made perfectly. Installed quickly and without problems. Thanks for bringing the original design to life!

Customer review #3

When buying an apartment in a new building, we decided to immediately change all the windows, because... developers often save on this. We replaced everything with Rehau Thermo windows and made an insulated balcony. We were satisfied with the work, nothing blows through, very warm.

No. 9. What types of ventilation valves are there?

The following types of ventilation valves are most often used in plastic windows :

  • slot type valves. Can be automatic or mechanical execution. This is a system consisting of an external lower inlet valve and an upper internal exhaust valve, which are profiles with holes. Fresh air enters the lower valve, heats up and exits through the upper valve at room temperature. In this way, it is possible to maintain the optimal temperature in the room and ensure the flow of fresh air;

  • rebated valves provide an influx of fresh air due to the presence of rebated cutouts. Dismantling the window is not required, the cost of digging is small, sound insulation will be maintained at the proper level, but the throughput is not the highest;
  • overhead valves are practically not used in residential premises - they are widespread only in industrial facilities. It is necessary to install such valves during the installation of plastic windows, otherwise the structure will then need to be dismantled. The overhead valve has a high throughput capacity and impairs the heat and sound insulation of the room.

When choosing a ventilation valve, it is worth considering some of its parameters, the most important of which is throughput : you need to start from 30 m3/hour per person. It is important to pay attention to the features of winter operation so that one day it simply does not freeze up. That is why the valve must have high-quality thermal insulation .

It is also worth paying attention to the method of adjusting ventilation , which can be automatic, manual or mixed. Automatic regulation of the ventilation valve is ensured by the presence of a hygroregulation sensor, which is responsible for monitoring the level of humidity in the room. The ventilation control process itself is ensured by changing the cross-section of the flow valve, which in certain cases can even close completely. In this way, you can minimize the heat loss of the room, because air from the street will be let in only when the humidity in the room increases, for example, when there are a large number of people. With manual settings, the user will have to decide for himself when to ventilate and when not to. This setting is rougher.

It is worth noting that sometimes ventilation valves are installed not in the window structure itself, but in the wall near the window. This option will require a much more serious investment of time and effort.

How to install correctly: choosing an installation method

There are two different methods: with and without unpacking (disassembling) the window. When unpacking, holes are drilled through the frame and anchors are driven through them into the wall. This method is more complicated, but the fastening is more reliable.

This is an anchor bolt installation. There are three of them on each side.

When installing without unpacking, metal plates are attached to the outside of the frame, and then they are attached to the walls. This is naturally faster, but the fastening is very unreliable: under significant wind loads, the frame will warp or it will sag.

This is the fastener most often used by installers. In my opinion, they look unconvincing

If you really don’t want to disassemble the window, you can mount it on a plate, but use not narrow and thin ones, but thick and wide ones, which are often used when installing a rafter system.

In principle, small windows installed on mounting plates, provided there are no significant wind loads, can stand normally. If you live in a region with strong winds, and they blow mainly through your windows, if the apartment is located in a high-rise building, in these cases installation with unpacking is necessary.

Below, watch an emotional and intelligible video that explains why it is better to use anchors.

No. 11. Accessories for plastic windows

No matter how high-quality the double-glazed windows or window profiles are, if you use cheap, unreliable fittings, the entire structure will lose its previous characteristics within a few months after use. To withstand the heavy weight of a double-glazed window, window sills must be very strong and reliable.

The handles are another weak point and often become loose. Owners of plastic windows can name a lot of other problems that they encountered when using these structures, many of them related specifically to the fittings. From all this we conclude that even such little things, which at first glance are handles and hinges, need to be given maximum attention.

Today, window manufacturers offer a lot of different options for the design of fittings. Window fittings include handles, locks, latches, and latches . People like to classify even ventilation valves, mosquito nets, window sills and ebbs as fittings, but they are not fittings.


Window handles are used several times a day, so they must be especially durable. Handles differ not only in material and color, but also in function:

  • standard _ Allows you to open and close the window, or leave it in the slightly open position. They do not have any bells and whistles, so they are cheap and have become the most widespread;
  • anti-burglary . Externally identical to standard handles, but they do not allow opening the window from the outside thanks to a special mechanism that blocks the window when exposed to outside influence;
  • handles with a lock will come in handy in apartments where there are small children. It will be impossible to open the window if you do not insert the key, but you can tilt it without a key;
  • removable handles They will also save the nerves of parents of small children who may inadvertently open a window, which can cause catastrophic consequences.


The main thing is that the hinges are made of durable material and can withstand the weight of the glass unit. Depending on the installation method, loops can be of the following types:

  • standard invoices. They consist of two metal cards and can be rotary or tilt-and-turn. After installation, they can be covered with decorative overlays for beauty;
  • Screw-in hinges were previously used only for wooden windows; today they are also beginning to be used for plastic structures. They are attached to the sash and frame with threaded pins, and one hinge can have 2-6 such pins: the more there are, the more reliable the design will be;
  • Mortise hinges are one of the best and most common solutions for plastic windows. They are not visible, they provide a large opening angle for the sash, and there will be no air blowing through these hinges;
  • anti-burglary hinges, the name of which speaks for itself, will provide the user with maximum safety, because they cannot be disassembled with the windows closed.

Locks and blockers

All kinds of locks and blockers are an optional element of window design, but if you live on the ground floor and are afraid of a break-in, or are afraid that a child might open the window and fall out of it, then it is worth installing additional fittings on the window:

  • a lock with one or more locks;
  • bolts;
  • child locks that block the opening of the sash, but do not prevent it from tilting.

Proper budgeting

The estimate contains an estimate of the costs of dismantling and replacing the window structure. It is drawn up before the procedure begins. To correctly draw up a document, it is necessary to take into account all types of work and costs :

  • list of materials and their quantity;
  • purchase of products and components;
  • expenses for purchasing tools and consumables;
  • cost of a new window and delivery;
  • services of craftsmen (if the work is not carried out independently).

When drawing up an estimate, it is important to include additional costs in case of an increase in cost or replacement of component parts of the product.

No. 12. Necessary little things for the window

When installing a plastic window, you should not skimp on little things - this will not bring much benefit. It would be much more reasonable to provide the structure with everything necessary so that its operation is as durable and comfortable as possible.

What necessary elements need to be added to a plastic window? Among the most important:

  • mosquito net. Everyone is convinced of its necessity with the arrival of spring and summer, because this simple detail protects the house from poplar fluff, leaves, insects, and dirt particles, without interfering with the free circulation of air. Usually the mesh is inserted into the frame and can be easily removed from it, but you can provide it with its own hinges - this is an option for large windows;

  • window sills play a decorative and functional role;
  • platbands - overhead strips for decorating a window opening, made of the same material as the window sill;
  • slopes are strips that are inserted between the window profile and the walls. It is important that these elements are made to the highest possible quality, otherwise due to high humidity they will become moldy;
  • low tide installed on the outside and designed for rapid removal of precipitation. It may seem that this detail is not so necessary, but without it the waterproofing of the window is gradually compromised.

Possible difficulties

The main difficulties are related to:

  • Incorrect or inaccurate measurements. In this case, the geometry of the new structure is violated. It may also not fit tightly to the window opening, which will lead to the appearance of cold bridges and moisture penetration.

  • Poor preparation of the window opening for installation. Any unevenness causes a leak in the seal.
  • Violation of stages in the replacement process.
  • High window location, poor condition of the structure.

To ensure that window replacement goes smoothly, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.

No. 13. Plastic window design

We are accustomed to standard plastic windows in white frames, but there are many, many more design options. Here are just the basic techniques that are used to give a window an individual style:

  • frame lamination with film allows you to design a profile for wood of any species;

  • decorative layout - dividing the window into zones, often rectangular, but can be triangular and round. They not only decorate the structure, but also make it stronger;

  • glass tinting will give the room a unique shade, reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays, and it will be difficult for outsiders to see what is happening outside the window;

  • stained glass drawing on glass;

  • Smart glass changes the degree of transparency depending on the light level. This happens under the influence of electric current. While this solution is rarely used, it is an excellent alternative to conventional blinds;
  • Decorative triplex is not only protection and additional safety, but also an opportunity to make the interior unique. By using layers of glass of different transparency and with a specific pattern, you can achieve the most incredible results;
  • mirror glass protect from prying eyes and sunlight.

It is worth noting that plastic windows can be not only rectangular, but also oval, arched, etc.

No. 14. Which manufacturers can you trust?

Today, dozens and even hundreds of companies are engaged in the production of plastic windows, but not all of them do their work conscientiously. Let's focus on the largest manufacturers that have proven themselves in the domestic market with high-quality, durable and durable products.


A German company that has become not just an industry leader, but a synonym for quality. The first production facility opened in Berlin in 1980, and even then the company was a pioneer in the field of high-performance extrusion. In a very short time, the manufacturer gained trust both in Germany and throughout Europe, and in 1995 it entered the domestic market. The demand for the manufacturer's plastic windows was so high that it was decided to open two factories in Russia : one in Khabarovsk, the other in Voskresensk near Moscow. Russian factories fully comply with German technology and quality control, so the windows come out identical in all respects, which is confirmed by various tests.

Moreover, the company’s engineers participated in the preparation of GOST standards for plastic windows, and these documents are accompanied by drawings of KBE windows, which means that the manufacturer’s windows have become a domestic standard. The designs are indeed very high quality, durable and well thought out in all respects, but they are also expensive.


The Swiss company has been faithful to its philosophy of creating solutions for minimal energy consumption since 1948. The production of windows and doors is the basis of the company's activities. They are constantly trying to improve designs in order to achieve ever higher levels of thermal and sound insulation. Today Rehau windows are one of the best in Europe and the world . They are able to withstand even the most severe frosts, winds and heavy rainfall, providing protection no worse than a brick wall. For example, a window with a 6-chamber profile and a depth of 86 mm replaces a brick wall 1.3 m thick. The company’s products are distinguished by a wide range, frost resistance and environmental friendliness. An excellent choice for harsh domestic climatic conditions! True, you will have to pay a lot.


This is a German company that has existed since 1969. Today it is one of the world leaders in the production of plastic windows and doors .
The manufacturer has a huge research center, whose employees are constantly working to improve window designs and manufacturing technology. Today, dozens of company factories operate in different countries on almost all continents, but everywhere activities are carried out under the close supervision of employees of the company’s main office. Veka windows are also produced in Russia , which allows domestic buyers to receive quality products at a better price. The manufacturer's windows can withstand any climatic conditions and loads: from winter in the Far North to high humidity and strong wind loads.


This company was the first in the world to introduce plastic windows , invented multi-chamber profiles, co-extruded acrylic coatings, and offered a lot of unique ways to decorate profiles. It all started in 1895 with the creation of Dynamit Nobel. The concern produced explosives and artificial materials. After numerous transformations, the company Trocal appeared in 1954 , which introduced the world to the first plastic window.
All subsequent years were marked by constant new developments and the introduction of innovative technologies. The result was the popularity of the company's products around the world. Today the company attaches great importance to the production of not just high-quality and durable windows, but also completely safe for health. The range of different designs is huge, production is in Russia , several valuable developments have been made for the production of windows specifically for our market.

LG Chem

The history of the South Korean company LG Chem begins in 1947, but they began producing plastic windows here in the 80s. Today, the company's windows have proven themselves to be laconic in design, high quality, and excellent value for money and performance.

SALAMANDER Industrie-Produkte GmbH

This German company was formed in 2002 as a result of the merger of two well-known PVC profile manufacturers: the companies SALAMANDER and BRÜGMANN. The SALAMANDER company is known as the largest ]footwear[/anchor]. The search for new materials for its production ultimately resulted in the creation of PVC profiles. Since then, many innovative ideas have been born within the company’s walls that have conquered the whole world. Products today are produced in many countries, incl. and in Russia . Domestic factories use modern German equipment and have strict quality control.


The company has been operating since 1951 in Germany . Today, the company's factories and representative offices are located all over the world, and its products have become a symbol of high quality, as they meet the most stringent requirements in terms of design, safety, comfort and energy efficiency. The products are developed taking into account the characteristics of different climatic zones, due to which they have gained wide popularity in different countries of the world. The company's products are valued for their perfect execution, highest quality and record durability.

The Deceuninck Group

Another German company engaged in the production of PVC systems for windows. She is regularly included in world rankings of the best in her field . For more than 75 years of existence, the company has conquered more than 90 countries, its factories are located in 19 countries. The company has a wide network of representative offices in Russia. The manufacturer offers several types of profile systems with different widths and design features, which allows you to find the ideal solution for a home located in any climatic conditions.


This is a leading domestic manufacturer of plastic windows , which has been operating since 1999 and uses Austrian technologies. The company is constantly expanding production, introducing new technologies, introducing new models and designs. Since the manufacturer uses the best world experience and adapts designs to domestic conditions, plastic windows are reliable, durable, have excellent performance and are inexpensive. The network of representative offices throughout the country is very wide; there are special training centers where they teach the correct installation of structures, which is no less important than high-quality production.


A domestic manufacturer of plastic windows, on the market since 2000. Modern Austrian equipment was immediately purchased, thanks to which the company was able to produce high-quality products and sell them at low prices, since there were no transportation costs. Today there are 4 manufacturing plants across the country that produce a wide range of windows.

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