Master class on glass engraving at home with step-by-step photos and training videos

A master class on engraving yourself quickly and easily on glass is quite a useful thing. Because, having mastered this subtle and elegant art, you can discover a whole world of airy and elegant inscriptions and drawings. Again, new opportunities open up - from the fact that you can delight your family and friends with original and interesting gifts, and ending with opening your own business. You can decorate wedding glasses with your own hands, make a memorable inscription on a vase, and much more.

Engraving on glass, how to do it?

The easiest way is to use a special etching paste. It contains acid, which leaves matte marks when it comes into contact with the treated areas. This will allow you to create unique designs on any glass surface. Let's try to consider the option with dishes.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • glass etching paste;
  • sponge brush;
  • self-adhesive film;
  • stationery knife;
  • computer drawing;
  • self-adhesive tape;
  • scissors;
  • glass with a smooth smooth surface.

The first thing to do is to stick a film that will protect the surface of the product from damage. Its edges should protrude a few centimeters beyond the drawing. Make sure that no bubbles form when gluing, because the design is applied on top of it. All unnecessary residues are removed along the contour of the selected stencil. Now it's time to apply the paste. To do this, take a brush, with which you carefully distribute the substance over the surface. The acid should not get into unprotected areas of the product; it will be impossible to correct the situation. You can remove the paste after 20 minutes, after which you need to rinse the product under running water. Then the stencil is removed and the residue is washed off.

As you understand, engraving on glass at home is not such a complicated process, which means that all you have to do is purchase the necessary tools and get to work.

How to engrave?

Let's look at how to make glass engraving at home. To do this you will need to prepare:

  • Paper adhesive tape;
  • Aerosol paint;
  • Non-writing fountain pen;
  • Silver beans in powder;
  • Engraving machine.

Important! To create an interesting glass engraving with your own hands, examples of work can always be found on specialized websites on the Internet.

Engraving technology:

  1. We are preparing the frame and the image that we will transfer. It can be printed.
  2. The glass needs to be cleaned.
  3. Apply the paint in two or three layers and leave to dry.
  4. Using tape, the design is secured to the unpainted side.
  5. You need to put a carbon copy underneath it.
  6. The drawing is translated with a pen, and you will need to mark all the light and dark places.
  7. The drawing must be removed and the glass must be sprinkled with silver. To spread it evenly, it is better to use a brush.
  8. The excess silver is brushed away, leaving only the one that stuck to the carbon marks.

Important! During work, be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory tract. If glass dust does get into your eye, you should not rub it. You need to use eye drops.

  1. We turn on the machine at high power and use it to process bright areas. For dark areas, the power needs to be reduced. You need to act carefully so as not to erase the line.
  2. The entire drawing is processed in this way.

Important! Choose the drill correctly. Some work is performed using carborundum grinding attachments, while fine and precise operations are performed using diamond-coated attachments.


Products can be polished, but it is better not to do this at home, as the process creates a lot of glass dust. For polishing small surfaces, drills with polishing attachments are used. For this, pastes based on crocus, polyrite or zirconium oxide are used.

Tips for Beginner Engravers

But engraving on glass using special tools is a very complex process that takes a lot of time and consists of various technological stages, however, if you want to try, here are some practical tips:

  1. Workplace lighting. It should be your main assistant, because only with the help of light can you constantly monitor the treated surface and ensure that the pattern is reproduced correctly. When engraving on glass, dust will constantly fly from under the bur, which settles on the product and interferes, so a simple lamp will not be very appropriate, because you will need to interrupt to clean its surface. The most successful option would be an LED strip that meets all the requirements.
  2. Engraver. Even if you are not planning to become a professional engraver, don’t overpay twice: it’s better to immediately buy a good tool and start creating with it. Among people who are engaged in this kind of work, engravers from German manufacturers are in great demand. They are considered the most suitable for quality work.
  3. Bors. To avoid wasting time and money, buy diamond options with a ball-shaped head of various diameters. They can be used to create any design.
  4. Workplace. Mechanical engraving is a noisy and dusty process. Remember this and try to protect others from unpleasant sounds and debris. Additionally, take care of the sound insulation of the table; place foam rubber between it and the object being processed, which will not allow the product to slide and reduce the sound.

DIY glass engraving

Mastering how to work with an engraver can be compared to learning to write at school. The first thing you need to do is learn to write words, then texts, and only after that start reproducing drawings. First, you need to get used to the device, understand how it works and what it can do. To begin with, it is better to exercise for up to 2 hours every day for a month. During this time, you should achieve certain skills and draw smooth lines with ease. You can gradually change the thickness of the strokes (to do this, go over it several times).

Let's move on to practice: how to decorate glasses?

Engraving on the glass of glasses is carried out using the following materials:

  • engraver;
  • champagne glasses;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • adhesive tape;
  • Swarovski crystals or beads for decoration.

Draw the desired pattern on paper or print a ready-made one. Secure with adhesive tape and use an engraver to mark the outline of the image. Using the side surface of the nozzle, paint over the outline and gradually get rid of the resulting dust. If you like a picture in a frame, you can make it using an oval stencil. Now you can stick on crystals or other beads of your choice. The gift is ready, you can present it.

How to prepare an image for engraving?

For computer modeling of images for engraving, programs such as CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, LibreCAD and others are used.

So how do you prepare an image?

  1. Create a workspace in a graphics program.
  2. Set the workspace resolution to 300 dpi.
  3. We import the image that we will prepare for engraving.
  4. Find the image in the folder and open it.
  5. Place it in the working area of ​​the screen and insert the image by clicking the mouse button.
  6. Convert the image to black and white with a color depth of 1 bit
  7. Select the conversion method. The best result is achieved using the Floyd-Steinberg half-toning method. And set the intensity to the maximum value. This is how a color image is converted to black and white.
  8. Remove the white margins using the Crop tool.
  9. Export the resulting image to BMP format.

Next, you need to open the resulting image to see the result. Now you can run the file in the control program and engrave with optimal power and speed parameters.

Laser engraving

As you know, glass is a fairly fragile material. It is not difficult to break it, the slightest effort - and a crack appears. In this regard, laser engraving on glass is the most suitable option for processing it. The laser beam will allow you to delicately apply the desired image to the surface and will not damage the product itself, and the process itself will not take much time. This type of engraving will most accurately convey the plot with a large number of small details. The process is fully automated, so any errors in the work itself are excluded. What is he? Essentially, this is spraying the outer surface layer of a product using special equipment. It is thanks to the laser system that you can capture the smallest and subtlest details of a sketch, which is inaccessible to other methods.

It is noteworthy that laser engraving can be done both on the outer layer and on the inner one. These methods are significantly different. When engraving internally, two beams are used at once, which heat the glass, forming bubbles, which create the pattern. The program allows you to adjust the direction of the rays, which gives free rein to your imagination. If you watch the creation of such a drawing, you might think that you are in a fairy tale. This engraving does not fade or wear off over time, which means it will please you for a long time.

How to choose a laser machine for glass engraving?

Any Wattsan CO2 machine with a laser tube power of up to 120 W will be suitable. At higher power the spot will be too bright.

The minimum ignition power of any machine is 10%. It turns out that the tube has 120 W, the ignition power is 12 W, and the 60 W tube has 6 W. Accordingly, a 60-watt tube will have a less bright spot than a 120-watt tube.

Any tube no more powerful than 120 W is suitable for glass. For example, Reci W4, Youngli R5 or Lasea F4.

In one of our videos, we conducted tests where we engraved a glass with a soap solution and on a dry one, through a napkin and without it. It is best to work with soapy water when the engraving is very thin and the lines are close together. Then the glass crumbles less.

When purchasing a machine or laser tube, it is advisable to test the equipment on a sample of the glass you will be working with. This way you can choose the laser tube power that suits you.

We decorate the decanter and glasses using glass engraving technique

1. Diamond tip engraver No. 9929-DREMEL ENGRAVER.

2. Drill (engraver) - I have this FIRSTPOWER.

3. 6 kinds of engraving diamond bits for drill.

a) cylindrical 1mm diameter fine fraction;

b) ball 1mm diameter fine fraction;

c) oval with a narrowed end 2.5 mm, tip 1 mm fine fraction;

d) ball 3.5 mm average fraction;

e) ball 2.5 mm average fraction;

e) ball 3 mm coarse fraction.

4. A sheet of paper, tracing paper, pencil, glass marker.

5. Alcohol, can be diluted 50%.

6. Cotton pads, napkins.

7. Glass decanter, cup (you can use any homogeneous glass object).

8. For safety while working, you need to use a dust mask and goggles.

We select a design that we want to engrave on the decanter (we come up with it ourselves or find a suitable one), create a sketch on paper (in this case, I simply traced the decanter with a pencil on A4 paper, then applied the design I liked and added something of my own).

We transfer the drawing to tracing paper and cut out the image of the decanter along the contour.

Then use tape to attach the tracing paper to the surface of the decanter. It is important that the tape does not touch the contours of the drawing!

Using DREMEL ENGRAVER we transfer the design to the surface of the decanter. We pass the engraver along all the contours of the drawing, without missing details. It is important to start tracing with the details that are inside the image of any object in the sketch, since after tracing this detail may fall out of the picture (it will be cut off with a cutter).

We remove the tracing paper from the bottle.

This is what happened - we have a clear outline of our drawing.

In order to clearly see the outline on the glass, take a dark soft cloth and cover the working surface of the table with it. Now it will be easier to continue working.

At the first stage we will need attachments for the drill:

d) ball 3.5 mm average fraction for large parts;

e) ball 2.5 mm average fraction for smaller parts.

Using a drill, we process the surface in the drawing in places where we think the image should be the lightest.

Master class on glass engraving at home with step-by-step photos and training videos

A master class on engraving yourself quickly and easily on glass is quite a useful thing. Because, having mastered this subtle and elegant art, you can discover a whole world of airy and elegant inscriptions and drawings. Again, new opportunities open up - from the fact that you can delight your family and friends with original and interesting gifts, and ending with opening your own business. You can decorate wedding glasses with your own hands, make a memorable inscription on a vase, and much more.

Consider a step-by-step master class on do-it-yourself glass engraving

Glass engraving at home can be done in two ways - mechanical and chemical. The mechanical method involves deforming the top layer of glass using a special engraving tool. As a rule, sets with an engraver include many attachments, changing which you can create real masterpieces on glass.

It is better to apply engraving lines in one direction - at least along the contour. If we are talking about a surface being shaded, then the completeness of the picture depends on the direction of the hatching. By changing the direction of shading and nozzles, you can achieve a play of shadows and light in the image.

For chemical engraving, a special etching paste is used, which also deforms the top layer of glass and leaves behind an even matte mark. This option is suitable in cases where you need to create a continuous pattern without transitions or thin lines.

When engraving on glass, you must wear a protective mask and safety glasses. The finest glass dust can cause serious injuries. If dust gets into your eyes, you should never rub it, you need to put in eye drops and immediately go to the doctor, otherwise there is a risk of losing your vision.

In addition, many masters recommend working “wet”. That is, after the drawing is transferred to the glass, it is moistened with water, and only after that they begin to draw lines with an engraver.

When working with etching paste, you also need to take care of your health. You need to work not only in a mask and glasses, but also in gloves. The room must be equipped with an exhaust hood or very well ventilated. You can remove remaining paste in stainless steel dishes, because porcelain or enameled cast-iron utensils will be irreparably damaged.

You can use any drawings you like as templates or stencils. However, for beginners, it is better to choose images that do not have small details or details that require complex shading. Simple, laconic drawings, monograms and geometric designs will be an excellent trainer and will allow you to quickly improve your skills.

Also, for the first works, you should not take thin glass, but experiment with thick-walled jars, old window glass and similar planes. It will be possible to handle thin-walled glasses when the hand itself knows and understands the force of pressing on the instrument.

To work you will need:

  • engraving paste
  • brush
  • stationery knife, scissors
  • glass
  • self-adhesive polypropylene film
  • drawing
  • masking tape
  • gloves, mask, glasses
  • alcohol and cotton wool

First step. Degrease the surface with alcohol. Cut a piece of film larger than the design by at least 3 cm on each side. Glue it onto the glass, smooth it carefully, it is important that there are no bubbles. Place the design on top of the film and secure it with masking tape. Using a utility knife, carefully and evenly press the blade to cut out the image so that it is cut into the film. Remove the paper, masking tape and cut out inner film. The stencil is ready.

Second step. Gently apply etching paste to the stencil with a brush and distribute it evenly. Leave for ten minutes, then remove the excess with the same brush (you can put it back in the jar, the paste will not lose its properties). After another ten minutes, wash off the rest of the paste and remove the stencil. The engraving is ready.

A wide range of stencils are available for sale, but this homemade option is also perfect for training. For beginning engravers, we can advise using large images, and only then moving on to more detailed ones.

To work you will need:

  • engraving kit
  • glass
  • drawing
  • water, sponge, mask, goggles
  • alcohol and cotton sponge

First step. Degrease the surface with a cotton sponge soaked in alcohol. After this, you need to apply the design to the glass. This can be done with a marker, or by attaching an image to the inside of the glass. Alternatively, the image can be applied to tracing paper and attached to the outside of the glass. After this, you need to wet it evenly.

How to engrave glass

There are several methods for engraving on materials such as glass.

Manual method

Manual glass engraving is performed using various mechanisms, including:

  • electrically driven engraving unit;
  • drill;
  • air gun;
  • Bulgarian;
  • special cutters - gravers.

This processing method is considered the most labor-intensive. For example, laser processing a glass takes half an hour, while manual processing will take several hours.

Hand engraving is most often used when making exclusive one-piece products, such as gifts.

Laser glass engraving

Using a laser, you can apply an ornament, text, or design to glass. Laser engraving technology has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • high performance;
  • processing speed;
  • durability of engraving: the image applied to glass by laser remains indefinitely due to the fact that part of the material is removed;
  • naturalness and images on the workpiece;
  • variability, the ability to process both large runs and small-scale work;
  • low cost, which significantly decreases with circulations of more than 50 units.

But the main advantage is versatility: the technology allows you to work with many materials, with the exception of certain types of glass.

What types of glass can be laser engraved?

Cast glass, which has a lower price, is better suited for laser engraving technology. This has a low concentration of lead, which ensures the homogeneity of the material. More expensive hand-blown glass, also crystal, may undergo deformation under the influence of heat during laser irradiation, and as a result, cracks may form.

The CO2 laser allows you to process window glass, glassware, bottles, and mirrors. The mirror surface can also be processed using a fiber laser, which removes the reflective layer on the back side. The action of the fiber laser is not reflected on the glass front surface of the mirror.

How to choose a laser glass engraving machine

Any Wattsan engraver equipped with a CO2 tube with a power of up to 120 W can achieve good results. Beyond these limits, the power will become excessive, the light spot will be excessively bright. The minimum power spent on ignition is 10% of the total value, respectively, the more powerful the tube, the brighter the spot. The optimal choice for glass would be any tube up to 120 W.

Engraving can be done on dry glass or moistened with soapy water, through a napkin or directly. Soap solution is effective for fine engraving with high line density. In this case, the glass crumbles to a much lesser extent.

Before purchasing equipment, it is advisable to carry out test processing on the material with which you intend to work in the future.

How to engrave on a laser machine and how much it costs

This requires a lifting table and a swivel axle, which are included as standard.

Before starting work, you must enter the dimensions of the design and set the engraving speed. The effective power to be used in the process should not exceed 80% of the maximum value.

To prepare the blank, you need to glue plywood to the bottom and wrap the neck with tape, secure the bottle to the rotating axis. Next, the focal length is adjusted and engraving begins.

The average cost per bottle is about 2 rubles. With a price in Moscow of 500 rubles, the profit will be 498 rubles.

How to process glass with rounded shapes and handles

If glasses with a handle are processed, circular engraving will be required. Precise localization is important so that the handle rotating around its axis does not fall into the work area. To do this, the vertical axis is moved to the position corresponding to the uppermost one. The glass is secured so that the handle is above the level of the beam. The image should not be too stretched in length. You can verify this in the control program.

Glass engraving - methods and subtleties of art: Review + Video

Engraving is the ancient art of applying patterns, ornaments and inscriptions to various materials.
Currently, it is a very common way of designing and decorating various products, giving them specialness, sophistication and uniqueness. Engraving can be applied to different materials, the most popular of which are metal, wood, plastic, stone and glass. Initially, engraving was considered a part of jewelry; now it is a separate decorative process.

It is used to decorate various products - from small souvenirs to large interior items.

Tips for Laser Engraving Mirror Glass

  1. When preparing the material, place a piece of anodized aluminum on the engraving site on the workbench.
  2. Laser settings for engraving: power 80%, speed 10%, frequency 1000 ppi.
  3. After engraving, it is necessary to clean it, as erosion and dust settle under the mirror.
  4. Finally, apply acrylic varnish to the back of the mirror.

As a result, the mirror layer is removed by laser engraving, part of the mirror is transparent, so the paint colors remain bright and saturated due to the transparency of the glass.

Basic methods of engraving on glass

  • — Manual engraving is a labor-intensive, time-consuming, but delicate process, performed exclusively by hand by a master engraver using special equipment - a hand pantograph. The basis of the process is the hands of the master, conveying the mood and character of the product. Hand engraving results in a unique piece of art. Of course, this type of engraving is the most expensive.

  • — Laser engraving is the most common type of engraving, in which an image is applied to an object using a special laser beam.

The process is actively used in production, it is fully automated and allows you to perform very complex and delicate work. It is this type of engraving that makes it possible to create a three-dimensional image inside a glass product (3D engraving), which is very popular nowadays.

  • — Sandblasting is a method of decorative treatment by exposing the glass surface to an abrasive material (a jet of air with sand under pressure). The sandblasting method allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image on a completely matte surface or apply a matte pattern of any complexity to glass. The technology is used mainly for application to flat surfaces, decorating products and interior structures.

How to achieve the best results from photoengraving on glass?

To do this, you need to use a grayscale matrix at 70% black. Thus, there is a lower thermal influence on the glass, and, as a result, the result is as clear as possible.

For photoengraving, an average resolution of 500 dpi and rasterization using the “ordered excitation” method are recommended. This allows the image to be optimally adapted to the material.

Engraving techniques are constantly improving

Modern technologies make it possible to simplify and speed up the process of applying an image to glass.

3D engraving is a new type of laser engraving in which a three-dimensional image is created inside the glass space, formed using many volumetric dots obtained by the intersection of two lasers. 3D engraving is actively used in the manufacture of souvenirs. Engraving a photo inside a glass figure has become especially popular.

Among glass souvenirs, bottles, glasses, cups and anything with a glass surface are common. When making an engraving, you can engrave both the entire product and part of it on glass. Glass souvenirs with engraving are interesting products that can become an original and creative gift for any celebration, helping to emphasize the attitude towards the recipient, or simply can be a beautiful thing in the interior of a home or office , giving the room a special style.

Engraved glass products do not require special care. When they become dirty, they should be wiped with a damp cloth using glass and mirror cleaners. No need to use abrasives!

Glass engraving can also be done at home, but it should be noted that high quality images in this case are extremely difficult to obtain, especially for beginners. Where should I start? First you need to choose the design for engraving, the item to be decorated and the method of work.

How to cut glass with an engraver?

Glass carving with an engraver for beginners is not an easy job. Due to its structure, glass can be cut, sawed, drilled, sanded, glued, engraved and even bent.

Tool for the job

To cut glass, use a glass cutter.

Important! The most popular are roller models. Alloy stainless steel is used to make the rollers.

Glass cutters may have different sharpening angles:

  • 130 degrees – glass 1-3 mm thick is cut;
  • 150 degrees – for thickness 4-10 mm;
  • 155-165 degrees - for glass with a thickness of over 10 mm.

Cutting surface

Cut glass on a flat and stable table. On its surface there should be thin insulation, carpet or felt. This way the process will be more convenient, the glass will not become scratched due to fragments.

There are two ways to engrave glass at home

  1. - chemical - a type of engraving in which the surface of the material is exposed to various reagents that destroy silicon compounds. It involves frosting the glass, or applying a matte image to the glass surface.
  2. - mechanical - performed using a drill with a diamond attachment. Depending on the strength and quality of the material being engraved, a dry or wet method is used, the difference being the presence of water in the process.

What is it for? When operating the device on a thin or fragile surface, there is a risk of glass breaking due to overheating. To avoid this, water is supplied dropwise to the engraved surface through a tube, which cools the material being processed.

The dry method is considered more common, but very dirty, as it leads to the formation of a large amount of glass dust, so it is especially important to protect your eyes and respiratory organs when working, using a transparent mask and a respirator.

How to engrave on glass with an engraver?

Engraving: where to start

Are you planning to get into engraving? Whether you want to spice up everyday items or give someone something special, engraving is the best choice: the result of decoration is a practical yet unique item. In this beginner's engraving guide, we'll walk you through everything from choosing the right materials to choosing the right Dremel attachments, so you can get started on your engraving project in no time.

Choose the right engraving attachment

There are three main types of engraving bits:

High Speed ​​Attachments – A variety of attachments that are well suited for engraving, machining, grooving and rabbeting. For engraving soft materials such as wood and leather.

Engraving cutters – also suitable for small jobs, especially on soft materials. Processing wood and plastics, as well as soft metals such as brass.

Diamond-coated circular bits are designed specifically for precision work. They are coated with diamond particles, making it easy to engrave hard materials such as glass.

Find the right attachment for your engraving project

Attachments will help your project run more smoothly. The flexible shaft attaches to your Dremel in seconds, and the 127mm cable adds convenience and flexibility to use. The tool is almost weightless - which is very convenient for engraving, for example, on a glass. The next attachment is a comfortable handle that fits any rotary tool with a threaded tip. It transfers the weight of the tool into your palm, improving the tool's balance and control—especially useful for precision work such as engraving, carving, etching, and polishing.

Choosing a material for teaching engraving

If you are just learning engraving, it is better to choose something softer. Why? These materials make Dremel tools easier to control, meaning they are better suited for beginners. Metals like brass and copper are the softest (put away that titanium watch until you get more experience!). Soft materials also include leather, plastics and wood.

When choosing an object to learn how to engrave, it is important to consider more than just the material. Consider not only the softness of the material (such as soft metals, leather or wood) but also the shape of the surface. Best form for beginners? Any flat. In this case, you don't have to think about angles or constantly move the object or tool. You just need to focus on the feel of the tool when engraving - as is usually the case with beginners. Glass coasters, metal plates, and wooden cheese boards are good places to start. Other? Leather phone case. See our step-by-step instructions here.

Follow relevant safety regulations

Now that you've selected your tools and engraving surface, you'll probably want to get started quickly. But before that, you should remember about safety precautions. Protect your hands with leather gloves; Not only will they prevent cuts and scratches, but they will also be more resistant to wear and tear. Goggles and a respirator are also necessary for engraving - you don't want glass or metal chips getting into your lungs or eyes. If your antique serving platter shows signs of rust, remove them with an engraving tool. Rust particles are harmful to health.

Urgent application

The product is protected with varnish and immersed in a chemical composition that dissolves metal and glass. You can protect a large surface and clean off the varnish according to the design - then the recesses on the product will be etched. Or vice versa, leave the varnish only on the place of the design and etch the remaining area - this will create a relief.

Etching is a long process. There are a lot of manual operations involved. The application is timeless, with artistic accents that make each piece a little unique.

The application is contrasting enough to read the inscription. Etching does not use color, but it is possible to fill in the etched areas with paint.

Chemical etching is only possible for all-metal or glass parts and products.

Chemical engraving (etching): application options

The following types of chemical engraving (etching) are possible in AB-craft. The list continues to grow!

  • Chemical etching on metal
  • Chemical etching on glass
  • Chemical etching on a plate (etching)
  • Chemical etching in relief
  • Chemical etching with indentation
  • Chemical etching on glasses
  • Chemical etching with painting
  • show all

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Minimum order: 5000 rubles.

If chemical engraving (etching) is not suitable.

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  • Embroidery (434)
  • Beads (80)
  • ribbon embroidery (41)
  • Cross stitch (24)
  • Satin embroidery (10)
  • All made of paper (291)
  • Papier mache (60)
  • Cardboard (36)
  • Corrugated cardboard (7)
  • Arte Francese (4)
  • Paper mosaic (4)
  • Weaving (227)
  • Macrame (36)
  • Wire (24)
  • Wicker furniture (8)
  • Notebook (217)
  • Painting (186)
  • Modeling (177)
  • Plaster (78)
  • Cold porcelain (20)
  • Salt dough (7)
  • Art history. Cultural studies (168)
  • Philosophy Stars (3)
  • Art (157)
  • Watercolor (32)
  • Health. (150)
  • Felt (140)
  • Cottage.Garden.Vegetable garden (100)
  • Stories from life. Life in France (46)
  • Plastic and everything made from it (43)
  • Introduction to Drawing (42)
  • Eggshell carving and embroidery (30)
  • Sculpture (30)
  • Metal. Working with it (18)
  • Candles (16)
  • Glass.Working with it (13)
  • Bone (8)

-I'm a photographer

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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