How to attach roller blinds to plastic windows with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, video

What are roller blinds

Roller blinds are installed on plastic windows and have a design made of a movable roller, thanks to which the curtain twists and unwinds. The fastening system of many models does not involve the use of screws or perforation of the sash. The system works on the principle of Roman curtains, but adapts to modern fasteners.

Whoever decided to screw roller blinds to a plastic window made the right decision. This can be a separate decorative element, or an original set with traditional curtains. They will prevent more expensive fabrics from fading from the sun, and in a skillfully selected version, they will become a wonderful decoration for any interior.

The option of curtains is either one color or with an original color pattern. Translucent specimens, or those that serve as a reliable barrier to the sun's rays, are very popular.

Another significant advantage is the easy change from one canvas to another. For example, in summer there can be a denser sunscreen, and in winter it can be more variegated, which will create a mood on cloudy days.

You can compare roller blinds with the more familiar horizontal blinds, but they do not become a storage area for dust and do not create gaps. In addition, they can be easily cleaned using a soft cloth and water and detergent. The look of curtains is not so strict, so they are ideal for creating a cozy atmosphere. Such a large number of positive aspects is an excellent reason to find out how roller blinds are attached to plastic windows.

Terms of use

  • Raise and lower the canvas only with the help of a chain. In this case, the canvas will be fixed automatically at the desired level.
  • Installation is only permissible indoors. The installation site must have positive temperatures and humidity no more than 70%.
  • The canvas and other structural elements must not be subjected to intense mechanical stress. This may damage them.
  • Wet cleaning should be avoided. Only dry cleaning of the canvas with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush is allowed, which is not capable of causing damage to the curtain.
  • Do not suddenly lower or raise the curtain.
  • You should not repair the mechanism yourself.
  • The curtain must not be used unless chain limiters are installed on it.

Types of products

Installing roller blinds on plastic windows can be done without directly drilling the window frames. Among the main assortment, several models can be distinguished. And before you come to grips with the question of how to hang roller blinds on plastic windows, you should consider the main features of the options.

Product "Mini"

The most common option, with an affordable price, easy installation and use. The crossbar on which the material is wound is open, and it is stretched due to the weighting of the lower edge of the canvas.

An attractive price, the possibility of easy installation on any type of window and very simple maintenance fully explain the popularity of this type of decor.

Cassette view

This class of curtains is distinguished by the fact that the main roller with the canvas is sealed in a box. That is why, in the assembled version, the canvas is not visible to the eye, and is also absolutely protected from UV rays.

When selecting a product, you can use your imagination by choosing the color of the box, which can stand out, or, conversely, repeat the texture of the window.

Cassette mini version

A look that successfully combines compactness and aesthetic appeal due to the ability to hide the canvas in a neat box. It is possible to install roller blinds on plastic windows on each of the sashes separately; they will not interfere with their folding or unfolding.

In turn, this instance can be divided into 2 more subtypes:

  • UNI 1.Used when there are sufficiently wide glazing beads, on the inside of which guides are attached along the entire glass perimeter. The box is located at the top of the window, and the canvas is as close as possible to the double-glazed window;
  • UNI 2. Here the guides are fixed outside the bead, on both sides of the glass. A box is attached to the top of the window sash.

Possible installation errors

However, not everyone can hang roller blinds. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Geometric irregularities. Often people are in a hurry and try to finish their work faster. Because of this, the parallels are broken and the shaft cannot be installed straight. Be sure to check the slope with a level.
  2. Twisting the self-tapping screws of the brackets. Because of this, the platform cracks and can break completely.
  3. Violation during assembly of the shaft and blade. Because of this, the curtain may not lower at all.

Before assembling the roller blinds, make sure the markings and design are correct. This video describes the easiest installation method, with which you will not make common mistakes.

Nuances when choosing curtains

If you are seriously interested in the described option and are thinking about how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows, you should first familiarize yourself with some important points.

In addition to the previously mentioned classifications, roller blinds are divided into single and double. A specimen with a name that speaks for itself can be classified as double – it is “day-night”. The combination of product strips of different density and transparency allows, when regulated, to achieve the correct lighting of the room. You can get an ideal daytime curtain that allows light to pass through moderately. When the position of one of the canvases changes, denser stripes overlap and the curtain transforms into a night curtain.

This is a very convenient function that will allow you to create twilight at any time you need, which is ideal for daytime sleep or simple relaxation.

Blackout curtains can also be different and are divided into 3 types:

  • Transparent. Do not interfere with the passage of sunlight. The product can be compared to a curtain. In the daytime, visibility from the street is reduced;
  • Darkening, translucent. They increase the level of comfort by making the light softer and more diffused.

The last two classes of curtains can become a complete barrier to light. All that remains is to hang roller blinds on the plastic windows of the room or balcony from the south or southwest.

For most well-known models, the opening and closing process is manually adjusted. A special chain is used, connected to an auxiliary shaft mechanism. There are alternative options, more expensive, where the process is started from a remote control.

Where to hang roller curtains

There is nothing complicated in the process of installing the roll. But in order to do everything correctly, it is better to decide before ordering the product exactly where you are going to hang new curtains. There are several ways to hang roller blinds:

  • into the window opening to the upper slope;
  • on the wall above the window like a regular cornice;
  • to the frame or sashes;
  • to the ceiling.

If you bought blinds from a company with a good reputation, then you were given instructions along with the contract. It will help you understand how to carry out installation work correctly. Typically, this document is very detailed, containing illustrations describing the system you purchased and the necessary tools and components.

The instruction diagram is most often taken from the system developer’s catalog and clearly introduces in great detail every detail of the mechanism, explains what it is intended for and how exactly it affects the fastening of roller blinds.

What sizes are there?

Stores specializing in the sale of roller blinds offer a very wide range. However, manufacturers supply products in standard sizes. If the double-glazed windows are made according to an individual project, you will need to find an opportunity for a personal order in order to easily attach roller blinds to plastic windows. This is not a problem, since manufacturing companies are happy to undertake this type of work.

Most often, options are offered for sale with dimensions that correspond to the standard parameters of frames and sashes. Narrowed sashes lead to problems with width. Correct measurements are the basis for a successful purchase, and how you do this depends on the type of structure.

Classification by type of canvas

Interior with matte canvases

What other types of roller blinds are there? Depending on the complexity of the functionality, some models are able to control the amount of light that will get inside. Completely replace fashionable black out curtains, thanks to their dense structure and proximity to the window.

Double and single

Duplicate copies of “Day-Night”

Double canvases, which consist of alternating horizontal stripes, are very popular. The “day-night” principle is that transparent areas on it symmetrically replace dense ones. If you achieve the desired position of both materials, a completely dark side or a striped day side is created.

Moving the roll slightly up or down creates a small gap into which light enters. This is how you create twilight in the room. Their intensity can be easily adjusted by simply moving the shaft.

Well, if you are confused by the contrasting black and white stripes on the glass in the daytime, find a copy where the dense fabric is light. This way you won’t create complete darkness, but you will curb the direct rays of the sun. By the way, this type of curtains is the best technique for visually increasing space.

Transparency level

Blackout opaque fabrics

Did you know that roller blinds can control the level of shading?

  • There are completely transparent models - they perfectly imitate tulle, without blocking the view of everything that happens outside the window. At the same time, they do not allow passers-by on the street to look into your personal space. Of course, in the evening the windows should be curtained with thick curtains
  • Tinted, translucent options usually have a matte texture. They do not reduce illumination, but do not allow bright rays to penetrate into the room. They diffuse light comfortably and eliminate temperature rise
  • There are also light-proof sheets on sale made from a special material that does not transmit light at all. Thanks to such roller curtains you can easily create a night atmosphere even on a sunny day

Taking measurements for “mini” curtains

In order to attach roller blinds to a plastic window you must:

  • Measure the width of the glass and glazing beads, and then the length of the window sash;
  • Decide on the mechanism. It is usually located on the side of the window hinges;
  • Select the option to attach the curtain. Differences may arise and can be changed if the sash opens or is closed tightly.

Nuances of fastening

To install curtains on wooden windows, only screws or self-tapping screws are used, and on aluminum windows it is preferable to use metal screws and blind rivets.

On wooden windows you can install curtains with plastic or aluminum guides on double-sided tape. Before installation, the adhesive tape must be completely removed, and the guides must be secured with screws. On aluminum windows it is advisable to use curtains without guides.

Taking measurements for cassette curtains

This type requires careful measurements, since the canvas will be installed in the opening. Pay attention to the shape of the beads securing the glass unit:

  • Glazing beads with right angles indicate that you will need to measure the height and width of the glass between them;
  • The beveled version involves measuring a larger distance between the beads.

Taking measurements for mini-cassette curtains

For class UNI 1, the glass size is calculated without taking into account beads.

When taking measurements from type UNI 2, data is taken on the sum of measurements from the glass and the width of the beads.

How to cut a curtain to width

This is not difficult to do. Required tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • a simple pencil;
  • flat bar 2 meters long;
  • scissors;
  • a strip of double-sided tape equal to the length of the curtain tube;
  • a hacksaw or grinder with a cutting disc;
  • drill with a 1.5 mm drill bit if necessary.

Operating procedure:

  1. Measure the length of the edges of the weighting material protruding from the canvas. Remove the weight.
  2. Unwind the fabric to the tube and remove it from the tube, removing the old tape.
  3. Measure the required width of the canvas from above and below with a simple pencil.
  4. Place a level bar along the marked marks and draw a solid line with a simple pencil.
  5. Trim off excess fabric with scissors.
  6. Mark on the tube a size equal to the width of the fabric plus 10 mm.
  7. Cut the tube.
  8. Cut the tape to a length equal to the width of the canvas.
  9. Remove one protective strip and stick the tape to the tube so that 5 mm of tape remains free at the edges.
  10. Remove the second protective strip and glue the sheet to the tube.
  11. Cut the weighting material wider than the canvas by the amount of the previously measured outlets.
  12. Drill the missing hole in the weighting material to allow the guide line to pass through.
  13. Insert the weighting material into the canvas.

Installation without drilling frame

Installation of roller blinds on plastic windows has various technologies depending on the individual characteristics of the product. They are united by such a feature as the absence of the need to create holes for fixing the product.

Installation with an opening sash

So how to install roller blinds on plastic windows? Let’s first consider the “mini” class for an opening sash. The following parts will be required: a curtain with a roller, brackets, a device for manually lifting the curtain, clips, double-sided tape.

  • We prepare a platform for the brackets, which should be pressed to the window sash with tape. Degrease and dry the surface well, glue the elements with double-sided adhesive tape;
  • Using the fastening, we connect the brackets with the holders;
  • We put on the chain mechanism and attach the roller with brackets;
  • We check whether the structure is level relative to the window frame;
  • We apply markings to the locations of the brackets in order to securely attach them after careful surface treatment;
  • Next, it’s worth setting aside time for drying;
  • Remove the protective film from the tape on the brackets. They are located at the top of the sash and pressed tightly against it;
  • Snap the clamp onto the bracket;
  • The second element is established according to the same principle;
  • We attach the chain mechanism to the side where the gear is located;
  • We place the roller with the canvas in the firmly fixed brackets. This must be done very carefully so as not to harm the parts;
  • And the last thing you need is to check the full cycle of operation of the assembled structure.

Fixation without sash

It is not possible to attach roller blinds to a plastic window without a sash using the hooks of the brackets. Plates with grooves for fixing the holders are suitable here.

  • Place double-sided tape on the surface of the fat-free plates;
  • We attach the brackets to them;
  • install the chain gear mechanism and insert the brackets into the shaft;
  • We try on the resulting design to the window, noting the position suitable for it;
  • We also thoroughly wipe the areas under the holder brackets with the product;
  • Remove the film from the tape and press the brackets to the marked positions;
  • We put the chain mechanism on the roller with the canvas from the side of the gear mechanism. We mount the roller into ready-made brackets;
  • The last stage is to check the design for coordinated operation.

Which folding mechanism to choose

Manufacturers of window accessories typically offer standard systems that include manual chain mechanisms, or more innovative automated systems. The latter are somewhat burdensome for the pocket, so there is a “Solomon solution” - semi-automatic roller shutters.

Gradually, a spring mechanism is gaining more and more popularity, which allows you to adjust the level of installation of the canvas with one pull. This system is especially suitable for families with small children because it does not expose them to the risk of injury from the sudden lowering of the roller shutter or chain. The “smart” system is characterized by ease of installation in two stages. Installation of a self-folding mechanism allows you to quickly open the window towards the light without causing any noise.

Installation of cassette roller blinds

Now let's look at how to attach roller blinds to a plastic window if the type of construction is cassette.

Here, the product kit should include guides. It is not uncommon for the manufacturer to apply double-sided tape to all parts in advance. All that remains before placing the roller blinds on the plastic windows is to remove the layer of tape and arrange all the parts according to the pre-made markings.

This is the simplest type of design for those who do not know how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows. It is fully assembled, so installation is quite simple.

  • Let's start with degreasing and marking. This is necessary for high-quality fixation of the box, strictly in the middle of the glass;
  • Temporarily place a box on the area treated with the product. Remove the tape from the back side and press it against the window door;
  • Now you need to fix the guides. Regardless of what type the curtain is, all are mounted on the outside or inside of the glazing bead;
  • If the guides are already with tape, you need to align all the parts with the box;
  • Next, about 30 centimeters of the protective film is removed from the adhesive tape. This is only part of the work required before hanging roller blinds on plastic windows;
  • Now install the guides into the box and to the glazing bead. Remove the remaining film from the tape and press the guide firmly;
  • Install the second guide using the same principle, but on the other side of the window;
  • Place the canvas into the guides;
  • Place a locking ring on the chain mechanism and check the entire mechanism for smooth operation.

Now you know how to install roller blinds on plastic windows. Apparently, the easiest way to install the cassette type of roller blinds. And yet, all options are available for DIY installation. The main thing is attentiveness, lack of haste, correct measurements and markings, and then the assembly and installation process will be simple, and the result will continue to please you for a long time.

Components of roller blinds

In order to prepare the box, light wood species are used. The fabric must be environmentally friendly and non-toxic. The components of the cornice include:

  • canvas;
  • plugs on the sides;
  • inside – control mechanism;
  • on the side is the control chain.

Main parts of roller blinds

An example of an open type roller blind configuration

Unique blinds

The products are made of special fabric that does not fade or fade. The functional part of this product includes a smooth canvas that is easy to roll. The following types are available for sale:

    Transparent, which can be seen in offices (combined with tulle).

A transparent roller blind is an analogue of regular tulle

Burn-out - translucent roller blinds that block approximately half of the sun's rays

The light transmission of day-night curtains depends on the density of the fabrics used in the manufacture of the fabric

Thick Black-Out curtains completely block out sunlight, retain heat and reduce street noise

Detailed assembly sequence

  1. First, assemble the bracket and fix the parts until they click.
  2. Then double-sided tape is glued to the platform (if the installation takes place on it).
  3. The brackets are connected to the platform until there is a characteristic click.
  4. The structure is assembled on the windowsill first.
  5. Place it on the window sash and mark with a pencil the placement of the left and right landings. Then glue the pad into place under the markings.
  6. The right bracket is installed, and a shaft with fabric is put on it. Next, add the left one, make a note regarding the location of the left site. Then the left one is disconnected from the platform. The empty part must be glued to the marked place on the profile.
  7. You need to place the shaft in the right one and fix the left one.
  8. Then release the curtain and mark the position of the latch.

The process of assembling and installing curtains is quite simple, but requires precision and accuracy

Note! It is recommended to attach the curtain to the sash based on the width of the material. Double-sided tape can only be applied once. Although they are installed quickly in this way - in 10 minutes.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is advised to turn to specialists. It is recommended to call a surveyor by leaving a request on the appropriate website.

Aesthetic and practical

The use of plastic profiles has led to changes in the design of houses. Heavy curtains have been replaced by functional devices. They are easy to maintain. This should be taken into account.

Roller blinds, often used in modern interior design, are easy to care for and use.

The only disadvantages are that they cannot adjust the direction of light and look a little “laconic”. Although the entire space of the room is used as rationally as possible.

Let us add that plastic windows differ from their wooden counterparts. Ordinary curtains do not look very aesthetically pleasing with such glazing.

User manual

  1. Movements are made without jerking, smoothly.
  2. Do not touch the fabric with wet hands.
  3. Do not hang products near radiators or stoves.
  4. If the mechanism jams, experts advise lubricating it thoroughly.

You need to use roller blinds carefully, as they have plastic fasteners

A variety of colors will help you choose a product for almost any room. The window will look unusual. It's economical and practical! With their help, it is quite possible to create a unique apartment design.

The cost of the product depends on the following criteria:

  • presence or absence of guide elements;
  • required dimensions;
  • the fabric from which the canvas is made;
  • the presence of additional decorative elements and designs;
  • production for non-standard window sizes;
  • delivery;
  • installation and assembly.

Electric roller blinds will also cost the consumer more. It should be noted that you should not opt ​​for the most inexpensive option. After all, such products are not purchased for 1 year, and everyone wants them to retain their original appearance for a long period. In addition, the canvases of expensive models are treated with special components that have dust-repellent and antibacterial properties.

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