Choosing a cornice for a bay window - types and principles of fastening

Choosing a cornice for a bay window is considered a rather difficult task that consumers have to face in the process of repair work. The bay window is an element that is so loved by many designers and architects. This element is a protrusion on one of the floors; its shape can be rounded or trapezoidal. As practice shows, windows of complex shapes are used for such projections, and curtains are attached using special cornices for bay windows. Thanks to the wide range of products, you can not only choose the appropriate option, but also quite easily get lost in such abundance. That is why it is recommended to first understand what features the cornices for bay windows have, what types exist and how installation is carried out.

Curtain rods for bay windows photo

There are many options for the architectural design of window openings.
Among them, the bay window deserves special attention, which allows you not only to decorate the facade of any building, but also to significantly increase the usable area inside the house. It is worth noting that among all the options for window openings, it is the bay window that looks especially attractive. However, in order to emphasize the expressiveness of the bay window, it is so important to choose the right curtain rod. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of different curtain options, among which you will in any case find those that will suit your room and the chosen style.

This article provides detailed instructions on what to look for when purchasing curtain fasteners and how to install them correctly with your own hands.

  1. Choosing a cornice
  2. Various models
  3. Features of fastening cornices
  4. In conclusion
  5. What are bay window curtain rods?
  6. Types of cornices for bay windows
  7. Design tips
  8. Sources


This method of fastening curtains will allow you to keep it within a small amount, which gives it certain advantages, however, it is not without some disadvantages. A metal string is attached to the brackets, which will be the supporting part on which the curtains are hung. They can only be moved within straight sections, up to the point of bending. In addition, there are other disadvantages:

  • The string will not withstand materials that are too heavy and will sag.
  • Over time, sagging still appears and adjustments become necessary.
  • Curtains do not move freely along the entire length of the structure
  • The string will not fit into classic interiors

There will be more disadvantages here than positive qualities, which practically excludes string mounts from being suitable. However, to save money or as a temporary option, they can be used.

Advantages of bay window cornices

Previously, bay windows were found only in old buildings or expensive mansions. Today, a similar architectural detail complements high-rise buildings, small cottages and remodeled panel houses.

There are many types of bay windows, each of which has its own design features. Before you start decorating such a space, you need to evaluate the advantages of bay window cornices:

  • Flexible designs allow you to organize a silhouette space of any complexity. Zigzag or rounded - each of these bay windows can be decorated with a cornice.
  • The structure of the cornices increases the usable space of the room and visually makes it larger.
  • Thanks to the scale of the design, you can create a textile ensemble that complements the interior of one or more rooms.
  • You will be able to create rooms of unusual shapes and avoid the notorious angular contours in the interior.
  • The structure of the bay window cornices does not interfere with the lighting of the room.

Operating rules

The operating rules for bay window cornices do not differ significantly from those that apply to cornices for ordinary windows.

  1. The correct distribution of brackets is every meter or one and a half. This will ensure the reliability of the design. They are fastened outside the window opening so that the curtains, when opened, provide full access to light.
  2. There should be at least 2 cm from the tip of the cornice to the wall - this way the room will not appear smaller than its actual size.
  3. The size of the curly tips is taken into account when selecting the size of the structure.
  4. For high windows (10-20 cm to the ceiling), it is better to choose ceiling retaining structures.
  5. Regular care of your curtain rods will help maintain their appearance for a long time. A vacuum cleaner and a wet rag will help!

Today you can choose cornices for a bay window that will ideally fit into any interior niche of any shape and size.
Bay windows are the highlight of the interior. With a competent approach to design, they will delight you with their beauty and originality.

Decorative cornices for bay windows

If in addition to curtains you want to use drapery, valances, lambrequins, etc., you will have to choose from several options. You can buy flexible ones, curved ones, or special ones with flexible connections. All of them can be bought in the store. Let's consider each type separately.

Curved bay windows

Today it is easy to buy curved bay windows or buy double-row cornices in the form of forged rods made of aluminum. They can be of different diameters. The diameter of the rod varies depending on the weight of the curtains that will be hung on it. Rods are ideal for heavy curtains or draperies. You can even hang curtains with valances and lambrequins. Forged rods themselves look very decorative. But if you hang colored or plain drapery on them, they will look even more attractive.

Flexible ceiling cornices

From the many options available for your bay window, you can choose a flexible ceiling cornice. This is ideal for a bay window. They, like the previous one, come in different sizes and are designed for different weights of curtains. You can buy both for light and heavy curtains. Flexible curtain rods can be bent in any way you like - even in a zigzag. Therefore, you will be able to do any bend, even a very complex one.


This is an innovative solution in modern design. These curtain rods appeared on the market only a couple of years ago. During this time, flexible products were able to prove themselves from the best side. They are quickly gaining popularity, so they are often used by professional designers.

This cornice is made of a material that is capable of any deformation. Because of this feature, it can take on absolutely any shape. It is sold rolled up. Sometimes the cost of a product is calculated based on the length purchased. Thanks to these features, this cornice is the most popular at the moment. The structure is most often mounted on the ceiling, but it is also designed for wall installation.

The flexible curtain rod is mounted on individual fastenings on which another curtain rod cannot be installed. Thanks to this, you can lengthen or shorten the product. The distance between fasteners is usually 50 centimeters. But these are conditional indicators, since the distance between them depends on the mass of the curtains that will hang on this cornice.

Corner curtain rod in the online store

In our online store
biz you can find many models of metal bay window cornices. A huge selection of pipes, tips and colors will allow you to realize your dream, as well as create a masterpiece in your home. On our website you will find a corner cornice for the room, a corner cornice for the kitchen, a corner wall cornice, a corner cornice for the bedroom, just select the model you like and ask the managers to equip it with a bay window according to your needs.


When installing bay window cornices, it is often necessary to purchase additional parts that are not included in the standard package:

  • The bay window connector is used when the connection of metal guide pipes must be made in a straight line.
  • The bay window adapter is used to connect pipes in corners, while it is possible to adjust the angle of the adapter itself and fix it with a screw.

The parts are presented in various color options and can be matched to any shade or coating of the cornice rod.

Properly selected cornices provide 50% of success when implementing the design of bay windows, masterfully coping with the complex geometry of openings, and the second 50% depend on the quality of the textile design.

Current options:

  • Blinds are the simplest of them. A variety of designs and colors makes it easy to choose the right model.
  • For a half-bay window in the living room, the ideal solution is a curtain composition with a lambrequin - this element always adds sophistication to the design.

It is interesting to beat the window space of a niche with the help of romantic Roman curtains, forming uniform folds on top.

  • A bay window in a classic bedroom is an excellent reason to decorate the windows with elegant and delicate Austrian curtains with spectacular scallops at the bottom of the curtains.
  • French cascade-type draperies are optimally suited for decorating openings with panoramic glazing. Since such curtains are distinguished by an abundance of folds, scallops and ruffles, with them the bay window takes on a truly luxurious look.

It is also necessary to take into account the functional purpose of the premises:

  1. For the kitchen, the length of the curtains is limited by the level of the window sills. Moisture-resistant models of roller blinds, day-night systems, and pleated curtains are appropriate here.
  2. For the living room, transparent curtains of organza, tulle and chiffon are suitable, which will keep the bay window area illuminated. If privacy is important, then the ensemble is complemented with fabric roller shutters or figured blinds.
  3. In bedrooms, it is best to combine blackout curtains with air curtains.
  4. If pieces of furniture are located in close proximity to the window, discard long panels in favor of Austrian or Roman curtains.

Round curtain rod

Round cornices can have one or two rows for hanging curtains. Structurally similar models are presented in the form of a round pipe, the sections of which are connected to each other by hinges. This approach allows you to adjust the angle of rotation of the rod using a clamping bolt.

Curtains are attached to eyelets, rings, and decorative loops.

The main advantages of round cornices for bay windows are: attractive appearance, no need to remove them behind a niche in the ceiling, the ability to hang tulle and curtains on one curtain.

At the same time, in order for the curtains to move freely along their entire length, it is necessary to additionally purchase rings with the appropriate connector. In addition, when using such cornices on a bay window, you can form only a broken line. The round option is well suited for bay windows if, in accordance with the intended design, you do not need to close the curtains all the way to the wall.


String cornices are the rarest cornices. They do not come in oval or round shapes. This happens because the curtains hang on a string that is stretched between two fasteners. Mostly such designs are used in rectangular bay windows. It is important to remember that this curtain rod is intended only for light curtains, like tulle.

Many people simply refused to use string cornices when creating bay windows. Such elements are very common in the design environment. They are used to highlight any part of the interior. Also, string cornices can be used if the house has more than two bay windows.

Installation of such a curtain rod is very simple. To do this, you need to visually mark the bay window, and then install two or more brackets. After this, you need to tighten the string itself. This should be done as tightly as possible so that the curtains do not sag.

Bay window shapes

You can create a structure that extends beyond the façade of any shape. However, there are established options:

  • Trapezoidal

The most popular type of bay window. One window is located on a straight wall, two more on the sides. The side walls can be adjacent to the main facade at any angle except straight.

Trapezoidal design option

  • Rectangular

The option when the side walls, in connection with the main facade of the building, form a right angle. This bay window doesn’t look that interesting.

Rectangular type

  • Semicircular

Sometimes semicircular structures are called Venetian. This type includes buildings like turrets at the corners of a building. The bay window looks interesting, but is difficult to create.

Semicircular type

  • Triangular

Triangular is the least common - probably due to the impracticality of such a window arrangement. Nevertheless, it looks interesting.

Triangular type

The listed forms are not all possible options for the location of the bay window. You can decorate any designs with cornices.

Which cornices are suitable for bay windows?

The bay window cornice can support both light tulle and heavy curtains. The following types of structures exist:

  • Tire. The structure is attached to the wall or ceiling. The absence of a gap between the tires and the ceiling visually enlarges the room. It has hidden fastenings and is made of plastic. This material has weight restrictions.
  • String. It consists of two cords stretched between the brackets. This system is not designed to hold heavy fabrics. Takes up little space and is easily transformed.
  • Profile. Most popular for bay windows. They are made of aluminum or plastic. They come with one row, two-row and three-row, fastened with a connector. The advantage is low cost.
  • Tubular. The base is a pipe. Its diameter can be any. The design is highly durable.
  • Flexible profile. New radius development. It consists of bent aluminum or plastic. Takes any form. Requires special mounting hardware for installation.



By their nature, they are steel and aluminum:

  1. Aluminum. The metal is lightweight and costs more than steel. What distinguishes aluminum is its neutrality to moisture. Even with constant humidity, they are not covered with oxides and plaque. As a rule, they are practically not decorated - the main emphasis is on the curtain. You can see a photo of the design of curtains in a bay window for the living room below.
  2. Steel. They have a high load-carrying capacity and are not prone to cracks and deformations. They can be decorated, so they are suitable for using bright curtains.


They are cheap, easy to attach and easy to set up. Rarely used for heavy curtains, as they are not able to withstand heavy loads. Plastic is often disguised as other materials, such as wood or metal.


The most expensive and beautiful types of cornices. They are made from rich wood species, which promotes a natural pattern. They have high strength, so they can withstand even thick curtains.

You can see a photo of the curtains for the bay window in the living room below.

Types of bay window cornices and their features

Bay windows are characterized by an unusual location and panoramic shape, which makes them inaccessible for decoration in the usual way. Bay window cornices can follow the shape of the protrusion, bending along the entire length of the niche in the desired way, or consist of several straight elements. Their use provides many advantages:

  • Harmonious design of a room with a bay window and the ability to hang curtains in such a way that they repeat and emphasize the shape of the protrusion.
  • Rational use of usable space.
  • Giving a finished look to the interior of the room.
  • Ensuring smooth transitions between spatial elements and getting rid of the feeling of “rectangularity” of the room.

The following types of cornices for bay windows are distinguished:

  • Strings.
  • Rod
  • Tire.

Hanging systems for curtains can be either straight or flexible, so you can get a design of any shape. A bay window cornice is usually made of aluminum, metal, or plastic. It can be mounted both on the wall and on the ceiling.

String cornice

It is a laconic structure made of string or thick wire, tightly stretched between special fasteners that are installed above the windows. The string can be located in one or several rows. Its maximum length reaches 6 m.

Due to its simple design solution, a string cornice can perfectly match the shape of any protrusion, and therefore is suitable for any bay window, regardless of its configuration. It also has such advantages as low cost, ease of installation, inconspicuousness, and minimal mounting space. But it also has disadvantages:

  • It is permissible to fasten only light curtains, since the string will not withstand heavy curtains and will break.
  • The need to periodically tighten the string, as over time, under the influence of the weight of the curtains, it begins to sag.
  • Does not fit with some interior styles.
  • You should move the curtains along the guides carefully, without sudden movements.
  • Not suitable for rooms with high humidity, as corrosion may occur along the metal string.

Pros and cons of plastic elements

Let's look at the benefits first. Plastic is one of the cheapest materials, since the components for its production are available in any country. From this we can conclude that plastic curtain rods are an ideal combination of price and quality. Also, plastic is a lightweight material that does not cause difficulties during transportation. The material is very flexible and can be deformed at any angle. Because of this ability, it is used in the production of cornices for complex walls.

Now about the cons. Do not forget that this material does not have any protection against breakage. That is, plastic is a very fragile material. Due to its low strength, it is not able to support much weight. Plastic cornices are used in budget design options. With expensive finishing, it was abandoned due to its inability to create beauty. These are the two most significant reasons why plastic curtain rods are used only in cheap finishing work.

What do the different types of such solutions look like?

To understand what ceiling cornices for curtains of different types look like - double-row, with one guide, flexible or rigid, after installation in a bay window, it is worth looking at the examples below.

The following photos show curtain rods for bay windows with ceiling mounts. This design will allow you to visually increase the height of the room, but in some cases the installation may be difficult, for example, to a ceiling decorated with tension fabric.

The bay window curtain rods shown in the following photos are a rail solution. This is a very popular and inexpensive design option for such a window.


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