Ideas on how to hide a door, homemade and ready-made secret structures

Design options

Invisible doors are made from completely different materials - acrylic, glass, wood, PVC, metal, and can also be found in plasterboard - and each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.
So, for example, PVC doors are classically equipped with double-glazed windows or closed with a panel (perhaps you could see them on someone’s balcony). Perhaps their main drawback is their not particularly invisible appearance; hiding them can be very, very difficult. Aluminum is difficult to process and paint. Glass ones, by the way, are durable - due to professional processing they do not scratch and are easy to clean; this is no longer the fragile glass from which the glasses and wine glasses that stand on your shelves are made. Such doors are made of thick tempered glass and covered with impact-resistant film.

They are covered on top with acrylic, an amalgam mirror, and often simply varnished. Often such doors are covered with wallpaper or painted to match the color of the walls, which makes them completely invisible:

  • Doors with hidden frames are immediately puttied and matched directly to the interior, so they can be completely invisible in the wall - only a thin outline is visible. They are further divided into one-sided, invisible on one side, and double-sided, invisible on both sides. As a rule, the latter are used less often, because they take up more space (the partitions between rooms are from 75-100 mm) and are more difficult to install. And, as a rule, the door is hidden only from the entrance side.
  • Doors with hidden frames are only primed for finishing in production; in fact, they are a canvas that needs to be decorated, painted and puttied independently.

Hidden doors are also divided according to the system of mechanisms:

Swing design. The cheapest option is, in fact, an ordinary swing door, just less noticeable, less prominent from the wall. Only a handle, a lock, or a prominent thin outline can give it away.

Additionally, hidden doors are divided into single-leaf and multi-leaf. Multi-leaf doors can open in different directions, hide in one side or in different directions, and have from two to an infinitely large number of doors, while single-leaf doors turn only in one direction and with only one door.

Types of finished structures

Hidden doors differ in the material they are made of, but it is more advisable to use MDF or chipboard to create them. These slabs are inexpensive and easy to decorate. The main feature of the design is an invisible box, which is puttied simultaneously with the wall and covered with the same finishing material. As a result, the opening becomes invisible. The door leaf itself is finished in the same way. After installing it, only a rectangular outline remains on the wall.

There are one-way (hidden in only one room) and two-way doors. The second option is used extremely rarely. It involves installing a canvas with a thickness equal to the parameters of the wall.

According to the system of opening mechanisms, invisible door leaves are divided into:

  • Swing. Hidden door hinges suspended on special frames and panels mounted inside. They imply the presence of a handle or lock.
  • Roto doors. They are a structure that rotates around its axis thanks to a hinge mechanism. To open such a mechanism, you just need to push the blade from any side, which eliminates the use of handles. To ensure tightness, rotary systems are equipped with magnetic locks.
  • Pendulum. They have a similar design to the previous version, but they are fastened along the edge of the box to special canopies. They allow the canvas to open in both directions after a push. When installing hidden doors, it is recommended to equip them with canopies with closers that will automatically close the passage.
  • The sliding mechanism allows you to remove the door to the side by sliding it inside the pencil case located in the wall. This option is advisable to use in small rooms, so as not to leave free space for moving the canvas.

Why are hidden doors needed?

There are many reasons for installing a hidden passage in a room, the most popular of which are:

  1. The desire to exclude the possibility of detecting a room in which weapons, money, valuables, etc. are stored.
  2. An invisible door in the form of a picture or mirror is designed to hide hiding places in the cabinet. This design is often used to disguise the entrance to a dressing room or pantry in order to unload the interior. This is especially in demand if there are many doors in the room.
  3. Children will love the secret room setup. This will help them feel like heroes of fairy tales.
  4. Proponents of the minimalist style use hidden canvases solely for the purpose of implementing design solutions.


The main advantage of installing an invisible entrance group is limiting access to the selected room in the house. Hidden canvases are able to unobtrusively zone the space without loading the wall with a hotel structure

This is especially important in small rooms with several entrances and exits.

A completely flat door leaf eliminates the risk of hitting the handles if there is a hyperactive baby in the family.

DIY making

It may seem that secret hidden doors between rooms in the house are a difficult design. However, this is not true; it is quite easy to do.

To install everything according to the rules, you should listen to the recommendations of the masters:

  1. Choose a sliding system and hidden type hinges.
  2. Eliminate the use of traditional fittings (handles, locking mechanisms, etc.).
  3. You need to make a plinth from the bottom of the door.
  4. In order for the door leaf to disguise itself as a wall, you need to build it flush.
  5. The door frame must be hidden in the wall to make it “invisible”.

When choosing invisible door handles, it is correct to use a special in-depth hidden model. An excellent solution would be to use a sliding mechanism, which will function by pressing or turning.

If the house has hollow walls, then it would be good to install hidden sliding door structures.

This solution is suitable for small apartments. You can open hidden doors using a special automatic system or with your hands. You can hide personal items from prying eyes in a secret dressing room.

Key advantages of secret doors

Invisible doors have many advantages. We propose to analyze each in detail, which will help to create a complete picture of the advantages of these structures.

Minimalist aesthetics

This is perhaps the key advantage of invisible doors. When closed, they are completely hidden from view, do not stand out against the background of the wall, and when installed correctly, do not stick out, remaining flush with the surface. Designers use special hinges that make the installation of the canvas as hidden as possible, and the opening gaps are almost invisible.

Doors with hidden frame

Invisible doors are not equipped with a pronounced frame, platbands, massive handles and a latch. They are so hidden from view that an unaware person may pass by and not notice that there is a secret passage in the wall. Thanks to this, such doors are often installed in interiors designed in the spirit of minimalism.

Improving room proportions

A room with an invisible door looks more practical, comfortable, and freer. Visually, such solutions preserve the integrity of the wall, do not break it into several zones, making it pleasant and laconic to the eye. Hidden doors give the room space, as if filling it with air.

Maintaining the visual integrity of the wall

Possibility to hide the entrance to the bathroom or utility room

This is an important feature for those cases when it is necessary to hide a bathroom or an additional bathroom as much as possible without disturbing the aesthetics of the design project. Invisible doors are also suitable for small functional niches and utility rooms. If desired, you can arrange a dressing room or a small shower stall in a niche into which a hidden door leads. This solution is perfect for master bedrooms.

Secret door to the dressing room

More wall decor options

Hidden doors will appeal to people who want to use every free piece of wall. You can hang a picture or a mirror on the canvas, cover it with wallpaper, paint it, make an effective stencil, or paint it with airbrushing. In other words, invisible doors open up space for creativity and help transform the interior.

Additional functions

Such doors are ideal for shelving, bookshelves and any functional niches that can be equipped for storing souvenirs, magazines, and all sorts of useful little things. This solution saves free space in the room, and also makes the interior neat and cozy.

Everything has a price

In fact, this is the key idea. Imagine yourself in the shoes of an adventurer. You find yourself in a dungeon, where (in theory, anyway) you can find a secret door that leads to a room full of treasures.

Your actions? Yes, you will not leave there until you comb or tap every meter of the corridors!

The classic formula works here: the mysterious unknown, multiplied by an excess of free time.

We cannot remove the mysterious unknown from the formula, otherwise the player will not be interested. All that remains is to remove excess free time. Indeed, in fact, it is unlikely that the heroes exploring our dungeon have time to explore every corner of it. Stopping or delaying must have unpleasant consequences. faced with a choice every time - to receive (theoretically) a reward or (practically) trouble.

Pathfinder: I feel there must be something more here, let's take a closer look...

Warrior: last time, while we were digging through such trash, we were attacked by orc scouts!

Mage: maybe we can clear everything here first, and then we’ll see?

Warrior: yeah, and we'll wait for the next orc patrol. Or do you think they are idiots and didn’t ask themselves where their scouts went? They're probably following!

Thief: Quiet! Do you hear someone moving this way? We need to make a decision quickly!

In its simplest form, any check for a search, search, etc., must also be a check for a random collision. In case of success, the heroes will happily avoid danger, in case of failure there will be a collision and... in the heat of the moment they will forget about the failure. Everyone is happy.

Another variation of this method is based on urgency . If you search the surrounding area too often, then:

  • ...the spell will stop working
  • …magic effect based on time of day will stop working
  • ...enemies will torture an important character to death
  • …the rising lava is getting closer
  • ...the villain will fly away on balloons

And everything like that. The main thing is that players have a choice.

Installation of hidden doors step by step

As mentioned above, the installation of such a door, unlike the classic version with cash, must be carried out before finishing the walls. The work itself takes about 2-3 hours; if you have the necessary tools, you can do it yourself, thereby saving money. The price of such work varies between 1300–5000 rubles. or approximately 20-70 $.

How to choose the right canvas size for the opening. Everything is simple here, the width of the canvas should be 10 cm smaller, and the height should be 6 cm smaller from the opening.

Step 1. You need to prepare the box. To do this, we need an electric miter saw with the ability to set an angle of 45° with a disc for aluminum (if such a disc is not available, for 1-2 doors you can use any disc with soldering and a large number of teeth). In other ways, for example using a miter box, it will be difficult to achieve accurate trimming.

We calculate the required dimensions:

  • Crossbar - take the width of the canvas and add 3 mm to the gaps on both sides. Example: blade 800 mm + 3 mm + 3 mm = 806 mm. This should be the size from the inside corners of the quarter box. On the outside it will be larger by the thickness of the profile.
  • Racks - add 3 mm of clearance from the top to the height of the canvas. Next, if there is already a finished floor, add 3-4 mm to the gap; if there is no floor yet, you need to take into account how high it will rise and not forget about the gap. Example: 2000 mm panel +3 mm (gap at top) + 15 mm (margin for laminate and gap) = 2022 mm. This is again the size along the inside of the rack; from this mark it is necessary to cut the angle to increase it.

There is no threshold in this version of the door.

We get 3 parts that we connect with self-tapping screws. It is advisable to use some kind of flat surface for this operation. We try on the canvas in the midday box, screwing the loops. If everything is fine, there are gaps, we proceed to the next operation.

Step 2. The mounting has been completed and checked, now you can begin installing the box in the opening. To do this you need:

  • level,
  • mounting anchors,
  • drill or screwdriver,
  • polyurethane foam.

First it is better to put the box without canvas

We set the levels, paying special attention to the stand with hinges. We set the verticality as accurately as possible if we don’t want the door to open or open on its own

There are cases when the wall is curved and, in this plane, it is impossible to set the level. You may have to sacrifice level accuracy to get the maximum effect of merging with the wall.

We insert the stand, fasten it to the wall with anchors, check its reliability so that it does not go astray. Next, we hang the canvas and place the second stand along the porch. We check the uniformity of the gaps on all sides. You can level them using wedges, driving them between the frame and the opening, using anchors to tighten the frame. The upper gap can also be adjusted by placing any pads of the required thickness under the racks.

Consider the wall finishing material you plan to use. If you are sheathing it with any materials, extend the box to the thickness of this material. For example, if you plan to use drywall, extend the entire block by 12.5 mm.

After checking the gaps, the rebate, the level, and the plane with the wall, you can foam the gaps with polyurethane foam. It is better to do this in parts so that the foam does not compress the box. First foam all the corners, then every other day the remaining gaps. In this case, it is highly advisable to place spacers inside the box.

Stage 3. The block is finished on both sides using different technologies.

From the inside of the door, where the effect of merging with the wall is not provided, you can use ordinary additions and cash, which are sold in hardware stores. You can also make a slope from plasterboard. These options are already provided in the profile.

On the outside, that is, on the front part, cardboard is used, which is puttied precisely along the aluminum profile of the door frame. Next it is painted or wallpapered. The canvas itself is already ready for further operation.

Take the players' side

If finding your secret door requires you to perform an epic feat of rolling a 20 on a dice three times in a row, that's wrong. It’s even worse when your secrets appear “suddenly” and this “suddenly” is not conditioned by anything.

In the first case, you act for the players in the role of an “older, wise comrade”, they say - come on, fool, try again. Oh, didn't it work? Well, don't be upset, not everyone can BEAT ME, HO-HO! I never tire of repeating: you do not play against the players, but with them.

In the second case, you yourself provoke players to make search and detection checks, in inappropriate and absurd places, if you decide to hide your secret door in such a way that it can really only be found by randomly “clicking” the entire game area for detection.

If the rules require you to make a "spot check every 5 feet" and you want to speed up the process, use a "whole area" check, simply dividing your dungeon into a number of large sections.

If there is an opportunity to help players in their search, do not be greedy, give them a hint, a magic item or a knowledgeable NPC to help.

If it is possible to change the gameplay so that it is more interesting to play, do just that.

Design examples

As already mentioned in the last section, the easiest way to hide entrances in an apartment or house is by finishing the canvas to match the walls. For this, the same wallpaper, paint or other material is used.

Even laminate, slats or other wood trim are fixed to the interior fabric. The main rule in this case is to decorate the wall at the same time as the door in order to install it in a single contour.

Important! Experts usually do not recommend gluing heavy tiles or porcelain tiles onto the opening door - this will put additional stress on the hinges and can damage them

Additionally, you can use original decorative options: paint the wall with the door up to half the height, make chaotic strokes of paint, catching both surfaces.

Advice! It is not necessary to repeat the finishing of the walls - for high doors you can use materials for the ceiling on top and floor materials below.

The photo shows a decor option for a children's room

A convenient option for the corridor is mirrors. Secure several panels, one of which will be on the door. This way you will simultaneously hide the entrance and make the space visually larger.

If there are paintings or other decor hanging on the wall, attach it to the canvas as well. This technique will further disguise the opening and literally dissolve it in space.

Design secrets for designing “invisibility”

  • Design advice is important to create a positive aesthetic impression.
  • The texture and color scheme must match the wall option.
  • It is possible to decorate the door and wall with decorative panels.
  • It is convenient to camouflage doors before painting by using rectangular panels.
  • The radical difference between the two sides of the canvas is applied depending on the difference in the interior of adjacent rooms.
  • A special design technique is the complete opposite of the door decoration and wall material.

Types of secret doors

There are many ways to disguise a door. Therefore, there are several types of designs that will allow you to translate any idea into the interior space. Each option is easy to implement, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the features.

Different options for decorating a secret door

There are many options for designing secret entrances, one of them is decorating and masking the opening by installing mirrors. A secret room, the door of which is hidden under a curtain, a decorative and at the same time functional mirror or a work of art, will be hidden from unnecessary eyes. It’s worth deciding what the best option is for you.

Secret door with mirror

The door frame can be standard, as in a regular door. In the future, it will in any case be disguised as a mirror frame. The entire structure of the door moving part is decorated with a mirror. This solution looks very impressive. It serves not only as an entrance to another room, but also deserves the title of a wonderful decorative element of the room space.

Decorating with a painting

If for some reason you don’t want to install a large mirror in the room, a picture may be the best solution. If you are a connoisseur of art, then you can choose a real original masterpiece of your favorite painting writer as your canvas.

For this option, you will need to shell out a round sum of money, because decorating with a painting requires a large canvas. If you don’t plan to spend a lot of money to arrange a secret door, then ordinary photo wallpaper can serve as an alternative, of which there are hundreds of interesting options today.

Decorating a secret door with a painting

This option for masking a door in an apartment will look elegant and rich. The main thing in this option is to think about the framing so that it fits the overall picture of the interior. The handle for opening the structure should be selected to match the color scheme of the image. This disguise as a wall will decorate the space of the room and make it special. In addition, it will allow you to hide valuables or trash that is out of place in the room from third parties.

Design principles

Thanks to secret doors, people create extraordinary interior ideas in their homes. This design can be advantageously disguised in such a way that it will seem as if it is part of the wall decor. It’s easy to hide a door in the interior; you can order a ready-made design that will match the picture of the renovation.

An example of a secret door disguised as a brick wall

The basic principle of the design is to be invisible in the room design picture. This can be achieved by choosing colors to your advantage or by disguising the design of the secret door as some kind of interior detail.

Doors without trim and classic design

Contrary to the generally accepted opinion that such doors do not fit into the classics, designers are trying to offer options without platbands and show how organic they are in these variations. If you want to add some respectability and solemnity to the room, choose these door leaves. Columns, cornices and portals are often used as a replacement for platbands.

Doors without platbands in the interior. Modern design

Modern trends in interior design do not like special luxury or pretentiousness. The main thing is simplicity, clear lines, a minimum of decorative elements. To further simplify the overall appearance of the room, designers refuse to use door frames. You can achieve attractiveness in other ways, for example, by playing with a contrasting combination of colors. Interior doors without platbands are very often installed in office premises, houses and apartments, which are decorated in a modern style.

Choosing this type of door system will make the opening in your room invisible. This method is good for its ability to enlarge small spaces. A hidden door frame allows you to enclose space in the house, as well as visually expand the area if necessary.

Types of doors without platbands with a hidden frame

Such doors can be double-sided or single-sided. The difference is that doors without platbands on only one side are considered one-way. They are installed when there are goals to expand the space of one room, and platbands are attached on the side of the corridor. Such door leaf models are used most often in practice. In addition, an important nuance is that the one-sided version has a smaller thickness.

Double-sided doors without platbands are produced with orientation towards the interior partition. The most common width of the door frame is 7.5 - 10 cm. At first glance, it seems that double-sided structures are quite large, but in reality it is quite the opposite. The material from which the doors are made is very light, so the final result will be the total weight of the entire structure at the level of a solid door. In the production of hidden door panels, a variety of technological solutions are used, so choosing exactly your option will not be difficult.

Very often, canvases are created prepared for finishing, which allows them to blend in with the walls in the room as much as possible. In addition, there are ready-made decorated options for different styles.

Types of doors without trim depending on the opening method:

  • Swing classic awnings;
  • Pendulum;
  • Roto doors.

Swing structures are the most popular because they are more familiar in appearance and have a low cost. Such canvases are fastened on hidden hinges. Swing doors are easy to use, but they are more expensive and a little more difficult to install. A rotary door is the most convenient design option, but their installation requires a lot of effort, money and time.

Operation of doors without platbands

This design of door leaves has been used for a long time. Since time immemorial, such doors have been installed to hide secret rooms in castles and mansions. Modern style gives them slightly different functions. Often, doors without trim are installed if they want to visually hide the number of openings in the room. For example, in the pantry, dressing room, bathroom, dressing room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of hidden doors in the interior:

  • Stealth. This gives more options in wall decoration and allows you to hide insignificant spaces, such as storage rooms.
  • Variability of finishing. If ready-made factory doors from the manufacturer have a certain color that is not easy to match to the walls, then custom hidden doors can be painted in any shade or even covered with wallpaper.
  • Compactness. The inner box, hidden hinges and the absence of platbands allow the installation of a hidden door even in narrow passages.
  • Saving. Moldings are often more expensive than door panels, but in the case of hidden doors you won’t have to buy them.
  • Large selection of sizes. The height and width are practically unlimited - you can order a model with standard dimensions or a non-standard floor-to-ceiling canvas. Of course, its cost will be higher, but you will be able to implement any design solution.

Disadvantages of invisible openings:

  • High price. Although interior doors do not require a frame or trim, the door leaf itself can cost a pretty penny. The most budget option is the standard size (70*200, 80*200) without finishing.
  • Complicated installation. Since hidden interior doors in the interior still remain a curiosity, not every master is ready to take on such work and do it efficiently.
  • Lots of nuances. If conventional models can be installed during decorative finishing, then hidden solutions are installed at the stage of rough work.
  • Limited styles. Hidden canvases look ultra-modern, therefore they are suitable mainly for current styles: modern, minimalism, loft. At the same time, it is almost impossible to fit them into classics, Provence or Baroque.
  • One-sided beauty. Aesthetic fit and invisibility in standard openings will be only on one side: on the “wrong side” there will be a recess that will be clearly visible even when decorating the space with the same materials. This is due to the small thickness of the door, which makes hidden installation possible.

Material for making hidden doors

The use of invisible doors provides a great advantage in creating a modern, original interior design that differs from classic solutions. Jambs without platbands allow you to design the most unusual projects. This opportunity arose thanks to the use of hidden door frames. When placed flush with the wall, it becomes almost invisible.

In addition to hidden door frames, a number of elements are used, such as special hidden hinges, magnetic or hidden locks, magnetic seals, hidden handles. This fitting allows you to achieve maximum realism when simulating the surface.

There are many materials and styles of door trim available. The use of non-standard solutions will allow you to use canvases as wall decoration. Such panels are made from exotic woods and painted with acrylic paints in the colors of the general palette of the room. Acrylic paints are used both glossy and matte. It is also possible to use exclusive materials such as Swarovski crystals.

The most popular finishing materials:

  • acrylic paint coating;
  • ordinary and structural plaster;
  • panels with different textures;
  • veneer coating;
  • mosaic;
  • mirror coating;
  • leather covering;
  • wallpaper.

Installation and installation features

Arranging a secret passage in a room is easy to implement, the main thing is to adhere to a number of rules:

  • The box is installed before finishing work on the wall surfaces has been carried out.
  • On the side where the door is hidden, the canvas should be located at the same level as the wall.
  • Design features imply concealment of the opening mechanisms. You can only use special loops, pendulum or roto devices.
  • It is advisable to avoid the use of standard handles and locks.

To hide the absence of a lower corner due to the presence of a plinth in the decoration, a fragment of it is fixed to the door.

How to make a secret door with your own hands and hide it from prying eyes

We have already found out that this door should be camouflaged and not stand out in the interior. No one should know that there is a secret room behind that closet or curtain. To bring this idea to life, you will have to study a little about the design principle of such a door.

  • Hidden box - it comes without platbands, extensions and threshold. The door is decorated with the same decoration as the walls.
  • Hidden-mounted hinges - the hinges are also chosen to be hidden, so that not a single detail would reveal the presence of a hidden door.
  • Lack of handles - usually the door is equipped with an opening mechanism, so handles are not needed here.
  • Electromagnetic lock - based on the action of a magnet. It is secure and cannot be opened with a master key since there is no keyhole. Can be supplied with a key fob for remote control.
  • It is a continuation of the wall - if the door is built into a shelving unit or bookshelves, then shelves are located on it; if it is part of the wall, then it will have the same finish: moldings, baseboards, stucco.
  • There should be no protrusions - the entrance to the secret room is in the same plane as the wall.

DIY secret door photo

You install a secret door with your own hands in the same way as a regular one. There are no nuances here. The main thing is to carefully disguise it. Where and how to make a secret door?

  1. Closet. Shelves with books are the most popular place to “disguise” a secret door. Looking at the shelves filled with books, it is not so easy to suspect that there is a secret passage behind them. The cabinet can be used both real (functional) and its imitation (props). By the way, on sale you can find a cabinet with sliding shelves - when you press a button, they move apart, freeing up the passage. There are also cabinets with doors that swing open like doors.

Secret door to the room photo

How to make a secret door photo

Secret door under the stairs photo

As you can see, there are many options for how to make secret doors. The main thing is desire and a creative approach to business, which must be implemented not only at the stage of manufacturing the door, but also at the stage of planning the hiding place. It needs to be thought out in such a way that not a single living soul will guess that there is an opening in the wall. And if you do all the work yourself, then certainly no one will know about it.

Make secrets part of the story

I am convinced that the best position is to make “secret doors” mini-adventures. As with all areas on the game map, players appear because they do not know what to expect from the game.

They have experience in computer games, where, in order to lengthen the gameplay and “automatically” find hidden objects, hidden areas are placed in completely random places. In a tabletop role-playing game, players act out the same scenario that is already familiar to them. And you show that it doesn't work!

For each “secret room”, create a short story, a mini-encounter, and give it to the players.

  • A drunken gnome in a tavern said that the word “tugudum” was used in ancient times by craftsmen to “illuminate” secret signs indicating treasures. The main thing is to speak more confidently! (works in ancient "dwarven" ruins)
  • If you light three braziers and carefully look around, the secret will reveal itself (having found the required braziers in a random place, players can remember this rumor).
  • Among the things found in the backpack of the adventurer who long ago gave up his soul to God is a map, which, if desired, can be compared with the existing one and notice that it shows an “extra” corridor.

Another important advantage of this approach is that instead of checking the character’s abstract intelligence (which is simply difficult to model), they trigger the player’s very specific intelligence. This brings us one step closer to a "simulation" of what is happening in the game, where the character can use the "game mind" without fear of going beyond roleplaying.

Door rack and 5 more types of secret doors

Home page » Storage organization » Door rack and 5 more types of secret doors

A shelf door is one of the types of stationary doors known to us from the era of knights and castles. Behind them there was usually a secret passage through which one could escape unnoticed from the fortification or a secret room in which documents or treasures were kept. In those days, there was no problem of small areas and space optimization. Now such a shelving door can be used not only for secrecy, but also for more rational placement of furniture, increasing useful space for storing and managing the design of your home.

If you decide to make your home unique and functional, then the option of a secret door with shelves will be an interesting solution. And here on the market of ideas you will be able to see not one proposal, but several. How exactly will your shelves move? What will the configuration be?

The mobile rack has several types of movement:

– 1 hinged, with regular fittings; – 2 rotary – having a central axis; – 3 folding – the rack is divided into two parts, which fold and thereby open the passage. This option may be automatic. – 4 sliding – when the doors are on “rails” and work on the principle of a sliding wardrobe.

We will consider all these possible implementations below in more detail and with photographs. But it’s also worth noting that the shelving is not the only type of secret door. What do you think of the idea of ​​a door disguised as a mirror? Or a painting? Or maybe the door will be a staircase? Look at all the options for the secrets of moving to another room, each of them will have from decorative to practical applications.

Doors disguised by a cabinet or wall

If you want no one to be able to guess about the presence of doors, then they can be installed inside a wall or cabinet. This is an original and reliable idea for disguising a secret door leading to the pantry or treasury of the owner of a house or apartment.

Disguising doors as walls

There are several options for disguising a door as a wall; everyone can choose the one that is most attractive.

An example of masking a door under a wall

The following decisions can be taken into account:

  1. Painting doors.
  2. Pasting the doors with the same wallpaper as on the walls.
  3. Equipment for niches on the door.
  4. Decorating with tiles.

Door painting

If the walls in the apartment are painted in one shade, then the door of the room can be painted with paint of the same color. In this option, the presence of doors will not be noticeable to the naked eye. The main thing is that the structure does not have a door frame, because its presence will immediately reveal the location of the secret room.


This is the most common option for disguising doors as walls. It is enough to simply purchase more material that covers the surface so that there is enough for the door. But wallpaper with a pattern or print, if the picture does not match, can give away the location of the doors. Therefore, you should carefully consider the selection of images.

Equipment for door niches

Niches can help disguise secret doors. If you put books or decorative items on shelves, the door will be completely invisible. In addition, this option gives additional space for placing the necessary little things. This option does not require any great skills. After all, it’s enough to fix the desired number of shelves on a regular door without frames and that’s where the whole process ends. It is best if this element is in harmony with the overall picture of the interior.

Types of secret doors

Hidden doors are divided into several types - from simple to complex designs. It all depends on the design method. It can be made part of the wall, decorated with decorative details, or hidden behind a piece of furniture.

Secret door in the wall

Disguising a passage under a wall is one of the most popular, convenient, but not the easiest ways to design openings. This method is suitable for modern minimalist interiors, modern and high-tech styles.

Masking is done by covering the canvas with wallpaper or painting it to match the walls of the room. Decorating the wall with tiles or plaster will also help to hide the passage.

Visually, you can hide the rectangle of the door by painting the walls with a geometric pattern. Among similar shapes (squares and rectangles), it will simply become invisible. When installing a secret passage disguised as a wall, you need to use a plinth instead of a threshold to connect the flat surface together.

Of particular importance for the design of an inconspicuous design are hidden, invisible fittings, handles, and locks. These elements can give away the location of the passage. Sliding structures without handles or other elements are considered convenient and invisible.

Secret door-wardrobe

An easy way to hide a secret door is to install a cabinet in its place. You can make a custom cabinet equipped with a door frame or nail shelves to the installed structure.

Expert opinion Maria Vasilievna Mikhailova Manager of a furniture store. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

This method was common in ancient times in castles equipped with many secret passages. Now, installing this type of hidden door panel will help save space by creating additional storage cabinetry.

The imitation serves as a bookcase and wooden shelves where souvenirs are stored.

Secret door with mirror

Even the most inexperienced layman can hide a doorway on his own by disguising it with a mirror. Typically, a homogeneous large mirror is used, the size of which corresponds to the size of the surface to be hidden.

A decorative frame framing the reflective surface will help hide the box and replace the casing. The opening handle is located in this frame.

The structure is fixed to the MDF overlay, to the canvas.

The decorative element at the passage site is a full-fledged high mirror. This method of decoration is convenient to choose for dressing rooms, bathrooms or corridors. Also, a reflective surface can visually expand the space.

Decorating with a painting

Hiding a door behind a picture is as easy as hiding a door behind a mirror. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that it might break.

The image on the decorative canvas depends entirely on the taste and imagination of the owner, the style and direction of the interior. The choice is very wide - reproductions of classical paintings, contemporary art, just photo wallpaper or enlarged photographs.

You can do the installation work yourself, without the help of assistants. This solution will give the interior a special zest.

Masking the opening with a curtain

Using a curtain to disguise an invisible door is simple. You need to fix the window cornice over the opening and hang the selected curtain. The cornice can be hidden inside the suspended ceiling structure.

Curtains that replicate window curtains will fit into the overall picture and will not attract unnecessary attention. The material is selected so that it matches other interior details, sofa upholstery, wallpaper, and other fabrics.

It is worth covering the passages in the corner of the room with a curtain - this way they will be less noticeable. It is better to hide a safe or a room with jewelry under a secure door with a secret opening mechanism or lock.

The curtain is suitable for decorating passages to pantries, niches, and other living rooms.

Camouflage options

In order to hide the sheet, a variety of design elements should be used.

  • As a rule, this is painting or wallpapering.
  • A drawing will look no less impressive in this area.
  • Tiles can also be used.

Idea! It is not uncommon for doors to be disguised as other elements, most often these are cabinet doors, a mirror or something else.


The main feature of rooms with secret doors is to install it so that it does not stand out from the overall design. In other words, it is necessary to correctly fit such an element into the concept of the room. Today, there are a number of well-known companies that are developing these devices. They use imitation of a wide variety of means.

Disguised as a wall or cabinet

One of the most popular ways to make invisible doors is to disguise the panel with the frame as a wall. This option looks the most natural and minimalistic. If you want to create an interior in a minimalist, hi-tech or modern style, then this method is perfect for you.

How to disguise a door as a wall:

  1. The easiest way to disguise a door is to cover it with wallpaper. You must use the same wallpaper that you used to decorate the walls. If canvases with large patterns are used for such finishing, they must be matched to the pattern on the walls.
  2. You can hide the door by painting it. This technique is appropriate if paint was also used to decorate the walls.
  3. Interior doors can be disguised with panels decorated to match the color of the walls.
  4. If you use colored inserts in the interior, then the door can be decorated to match one of them. In this case, the junction of the door and the wall will be almost invisible.
  5. If you decorate the door with tiles, then thanks to the seams between the ceramic elements, the door leaf will be almost impossible to distinguish from a monolithic wall. This design is best suited for the bathroom. The tile must be chosen in such a way that it matches the style of the interior.

When disguising the door as a wall, you should think carefully about how it can be easily opened. Sliding doors can be installed even without a handle, and for opening doors, mortise handles or a special mechanism are suitable.

Another interesting option with which you can hide the door to the pantry or to any other room is to install a cabinet on the door leaf. This option was most often used in ancient locks, and in order to open such a mechanism, it was necessary to turn one of the books. Nowadays it is not necessary to complicate the design so much; you can order a standard opening door made in the shape of a cabinet.

All decorative elements located in such a cabinet must be attached to the shelves. For example, you can use mock-ups of books instead of actual literature.

A door decorated to look like a wall or cabinet is most invisible in the overall interior of the room. Such options are the most difficult to implement, but they look the same.

Exclusive invisible glass doors

In the interior of this bedroom, the doors are made of glass and repeat the design of other glass inserts in the wall decoration. They are quite distinguishable against the background of the wall and look very impressive thanks to this design move.

Our designers made two such doors in this interior (to the dressing room and to the corridor), which are almost indistinguishable from each other.

Hidden door to the dressing room from the bedroom

The modern style allows our designers to create invisible glossy doors that blend in with the glossy panels on the walls. Here the door to the dressing room, made in a colorful black gloss, is almost invisible!

Secret interior door with panels

A secret door like this one in a child's bedroom with a mural of a fairytale forest and waterfall seems like something magical. You can only find the door using the handle!

Hidden doors with transom

One of our specialties is creating unique, invisible doors for your stylish interiors. Most people order hidden doors to match the color of the walls to achieve the effect of absolute invisibility. This design solution has a lot of advantages: it helps to hide unnecessary openings, visually increases the space, and so on. In addition, “invisible” ones are perfect for any interior style.

This project is different in that we created stylish doors not to match the color of the walls, but, on the contrary, that stand out in contrast against the background of the walls. To enhance the effect, a transom was installed above each canvas, right up to the ceiling. Very impressive and stylish!

Let's look at photos from this project:

Please note that here some canvases are painted with black matte enamel on one side, and either white enamel or veneer on the other. For example, door blocks installed in bathrooms, in the dressing room, in the master bedroom.

Selecting the color of the walls of interior doors for painting

In this version, the doors are simply matched to the color of the walls and wardrobe facades. In addition, white color itself attracts less attention than all others.

Invisible glossy doors for the bedroom

In the interior of this children's bedroom for a girl, we found an amazingly beautiful and comprehensive approach to wall decoration. Here, behind glossy pale turquoise panels, there are wardrobe closets and doors to the bathroom and hallway. For a child's room, such a bright option will be very attractive. In addition, you, of course, can choose any shade and even the design of the panels with panels.

Hidden doors under tiles

The entrance to the bathroom or kitchen can be tiled. A similar solution is often used for niches with household chemicals and plumbing departments. But a hidden door in the bathroom can be tiled and even complemented with mosaics.

This unusual and visually attractive design idea will transform an ordinary bathroom into something unique. You can choose large or small tiles - it all depends on the design of the walls and the preferences of the owner.

Glass doors for dressing room

In this bedroom, glass doors are part of a wardrobe box that stands in the corner of the room. Translucent glass is beautifully illuminated in different colors and looks very modern.

Door in the rack

They look like regular shelves for books and a sound system, but one of the shelves is actually a door handle.

Decor with moldings

An interesting way to hide a door in a hallway is to decorate it with moldings. The door practically merges with the wall, only the trim is visible to match the baseboard.

Wood paneling

The owner of the apartment wanted to create a secret dressing room. The designers covered the wall and door in the bedroom with wooden panels with colored chamfers. Now the entrance to the dressing room is only given by the handle.

Hidden doors to the bathroom and toilet

A bathroom is rarely spacious, so a secret entrance will help eliminate the feeling of cramping and correct the disproportion of the walls. Moreover, hidden doors in the interior can be used usefully - for example, as a rack for storing towels or household chemicals. You can even decorate the shelves with indoor plants.

To protect the canvas from constant moisture, it should be treated with a primer. The finishing touch can be tiles, moisture-resistant lining, paint, plaster or even a mirror. It all depends on the preferences of the owner. It is only important to choose a material that is resistant to constant indoor humidity.

Using Large Mirrors

A good way to decorate hidden doors in the interior is with mirror overlays. This option is especially in demand in corridors or other rooms.

The implementation of the method is very simple: a full-length mirror is glued onto a base made of MDF or chipboard, and the structure is further strengthened with an aluminum frame. You can install a decorative frame along the contour of the canvas, which will simultaneously hide the alignment line with the wall and serve as a handle.

A mirror will visually increase the space, which is important for owners of small narrow corridors.

Let's use a picture

Another simple way to hide the entrance to another room is to hang a picture on it. However, we are not necessarily talking about a full-fledged work of art. You can use photo wallpaper, abstraction or any other image pasted onto the door leaf and framed. As with the mirror, the frame will hide the gap and serve as a handle.

Such an invisible door will look organic in the interior of a living room or office, especially if there are other paintings hanging nearby.

An original option would be to decorate the door leaf with many family photographs hung all over the wall, including on the surface of the door.

Door under wallpaper

To hide the door in the living room, the designer covered the entire wall with wallpaper with an active print - and the door itself too. A small pattern distracts attention not only from the outline of the door, but even from the door handle.

In the kitchen

In small kitchens, you want to unload as much as possible and leave the maximum amount of free space. A secret interior door will help to expand the space a little, even visually.

Tips: how to disguise a door in the interior

To hide a room behind a wall, you need to decorate the doors to the room with your own hands so that it does not stand out from the overall interior. It’s good to cover the door leaf with interesting plastic or wood panels, or you can paste it over with building materials to match the color of all the walls. In this case, you should not install platbands, but use special locking mechanisms and hidden hinges on hinges as accessories.

A secret cabinet design is also an excellent solution for camouflage.

A cabinet with ordinary shelves, on which there are various accessories, will hardly make anyone think that there is a room behind it. To prevent things from falling off the shelves when the secret door is unlocked, they must be lubricated with a special wax composition. You can find a ready-made cabinet system that has a door, but you can still save money if you build shelves for books on a pre-assembled door. Another great option for a secret room in homes is to build a closet with a room in the back wall. Using cabinets is the best way to make a room a secret.

But, a room in a closet will be appropriate if you have:

  • Study;
  • Home Office;
  • Library.

The most inexpensive and simplest way to create a hidden structure is a beautiful curtain. You can choose both standard fabrics and exclusive fabrics with drapery. To disguise the door in this way, you need to use a cornice (which is properly sewn into a tension structure on the ceiling or placed on special brackets) and a curtain or curtain. This solution is perfect for creating a secret wardrobe room in an inconspicuous corner of the room. If the residents of the house want to remove something dangerous from their eyes, then the correct way to build is not a curtain, but a reliable door with a strong locking mechanism.

Features of a mirrored closet door

Hidden rooms can be installed for different purposes. Designing a weapons room that will help ensure security and also hide the cache from strangers. Setting up a safe. If the owners have a safe, then using a secret room you can successfully hide it. Space for a dressing room, for storing food or other things. Room for storing valuables. A hidden room should be considered by people who want to hide jewelry and valuables.

A child will also like a secret room; children love to play in a place isolated from the eyes of adults.

A mirror overlay door or a regular mirror will be a great idea to hide a secret room. This way you can disguise your own pantry or any other room in the room where there are mirrored wardrobes. The work is not difficult.

You just need:

  • Mount the mirror sheet on the plywood;
  • Build a wood or metal frame;
  • Install invisible door handles.

You can also disguise the doors to a secret room using an original panel. As a result, instead of a door structure, you can get a real masterpiece, in which the structure will look like an independent picture in the interior, and the frame will act as platbands. To do this, properly stick photo wallpaper on the door leaf or paint the surface with acrylic. So, you can think of an exclusive design, and at the same time hide the selected room from prying eyes.

Outskirts of Ashina

  • Where to find: Headless Cave
  • Where to go: Demon Bell at Senpo Temple

Although all such passages are marked with silhouettes of people on the walls, finding them yourself can be problematic unless you carefully examine all the walls in the game. So, after killing the mini-boss named the Giant in the Stocks, head to the next courtyard, in which a hostile warlord and several ordinary opponents are wandering.

Now use the large doors located on the right side. You'll notice an ancient shrine with a note warning you about a headless warrior. Behind the temple you will see a tree that you can grapple to. Climb it and walk forward until you reach the Headless mini-boss.

It is unlikely that you will be able to kill this enemy when you first explore the region, so just go around him and go along the wall. This way you will find a small tunnel that leads to the required door. This route will allow you to reach Senpo Temple much earlier. However, this area is still closed from the main part of the location, in which you can unlock the pure white pinwheel that Kotaro needs.

Deal with the centipede and use the Carver's idol. There is also a Demon Bell here, which may be useful to you in the future.

Secret doors: what they are and their varieties

Secret doors are not found in every home. This is more the wishes of people who collect something rare and expensive. Here you cannot do without reliable safes and security systems. But even the largest safe will not be able to accommodate collections of rare paintings or numismatic collections. This is why collectors resort to such a technique as disguising another room in a residential or non-residential premises. Together with we will understand the concept of a secret door, consider their types and ways to implement them.

Why is this necessary?

Why do people create hidden spaces in their apartments? There are plenty of options. For example, this could be a weapons storage room. According to the requirements, it should be stored in such a way as to ensure maximum safety when third parties enter the apartment or house.

Also, a secret door can hide safes. Often, special places are provided for them. But quite often people hide it behind doors that are inaccessible to prying eyes.

You can also store valuables in hidden rooms, for example, a collection of paintings or jewelry. These solutions are also used simply for storage; additional storage space never hurts.

Sometimes a hidden door is installed not to hide something, but as intended by the designers. This can look very impressive - invisible doors are very popular today.

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