Balcony in Khrushchev - glazing, decoration, design ideas

Balcony repair, photo examples will demonstrate the entire process step by step, and involves many technological features. And if in new houses it is enough to insulate, waterproof, glaze and decorate the inside of the premises, then in the old building, balconies are often in disrepair and pose a danger not only to the owners, but also to passers-by, so major repairs are required.

To avoid falling out of pieces of concrete or collapse of the structure, it is necessary to reinforce, strengthen, correct the tilt, seal the cracks or restore the slab again. Next, we will provide detailed instructions on how to conduct an examination, we will tell you at whose expense the examination and restoration work is being done, and we will examine in detail the question of how to repair a balcony with your own hands.

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Who should do the repairs?

The balcony slab is a common property of the house; the management company is responsible for its condition. Everything that is inside the balcony is the property of the apartment owners, so the burden of responsibility for the repair and maintenance of these useful areas lies on your shoulders.

Emergency balcony, what to do?

If you notice:

  • that the balcony was tilted, and the normal slope to ensure the natural outflow of precipitation is 3% from the outer wall to the inner one;
  • cracks appeared in the joint between the slab and the load-bearing wall;
  • pieces of concrete fall off the slab or reinforcement is exposed;
  • The parapet is rusty and wobbly.

You should urgently write an application to the housing and communal services department with a request for repairs, which will reflect in detail all the problems. If you do not do this, then all responsibility for accidents will lie with you. The response to your complaint must follow within 4 weeks: a commission is created, an examination of the balcony is carried out, and a report on the emergency condition of the slab is drawn up.

After the examination, a conclusion is issued, as a result of which you will simply be prohibited from using this structure. Although all costs for repairing the stove should be borne by the management company, they will notify you in writing that they do not have funds for these purposes, and you will simply lose part of your usable space. Therefore, repairs will have to be done on your own and at your own expense. To get back the money spent, you need to collect all the receipts and demand reimbursement of expenses through the court.

Attention: If after a written ban you continue to use the emergency balcony, then in this case you will be held responsible for accidents.

Balcony repair, photo of the slab before reconstruction

Who should repair the balcony?

According to paragraph “2c” of the document of the Russian Federation: “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building,” the balcony slab and railing are considered public property, for which, depending on the method of managing public utilities, the housing ownership partnership (HOA), housing construction cooperative (HCS) or other management organization. Therefore, for the restoration of balcony structures, it is necessary to contact only the organization that is directly responsible for the common property of the house. According to paragraph 12 of the above document, apartment owners are not prohibited from repairing public property on their own.

Where to start renovating a balcony

If you decide to do the balcony repair yourself, first of all you will need a project that can only be completed by a design organization that has permission for these types of work. Specialists go to the site, assess the condition of the extension, on the basis of which the necessary measures to restore the slab are determined and an estimate is drawn up. It is important to note here that work related to the reconstruction of the balcony is best carried out through an agreement with specialists. Only in this case will you delegate all responsibility to them, even if during the repair process something falls off and falls down, causing damage to property and health.

Of course, hiring professionals to carry out repairs entails significant costs, so many refuse the services and restore the stove themselves. And then we will analyze in detail how to repair a balcony with your own hands, step by step:

  • restore the slab;
  • strengthen the structure;
  • seal the cracks;
  • seal joints;
  • secure the parapet.

Repairing a balcony in a panel house by strengthening the console with a reinforced concrete beam

How to properly prepare a balcony slab for major repairs

Before making repairs on the balcony, you should clear the area and take out the trash. Then, with an ordinary hammer, with a handle about half a meter, we begin to knock on the concrete, the blows should be of medium strength. Such manipulations will allow you to remove all the weak solution. Listen to the sound of impacts, it should be dull, if there is a hum, it means there is a void inside, in this place we break the concrete in order to subsequently eliminate the defect.

When the entire surface of the slab is cleaned, we examine the cracks using a regular metal ruler. We push it into the joint; if it sticks, then the gap is superficial and does not pose a danger. And if, after increased pressure, it slips deeper, then a break is possible, so you will have to not only repair, but also strengthen the slab.

Advice: To make a major overhaul of all elements of the balcony, it is recommended to come to an agreement with the neighbors above and below, since the structures have common elements, and it is better to repair them together.

Repair of loggias and balconies, photo of how to increase the usable area when restoring the slab

Options for fastening balcony slabs, their characteristics and possible restoration methods

To ensure the effectiveness of reconstruction work on balconies, it is necessary to study their characteristics and methods of attachment to the building. Often, a balcony and a loggia are the same concepts for the average person. But in fact, these are two structures of different design. Balcony with (Old German balko - beam) - a slab with a railing protruding beyond the facade of an architectural building. Loggia (from Italian loggia - covered gallery) is an unheated niche in a building, with an open side (sides) and supporting elements such as columns, arches, slabs, etc. Since the design of the platforms discussed above differs significantly from each other, in The article does not cover loggia repairs.

Options for attaching balcony slabs.

By design, balconies are divided into:

  • Cantilever (a) - a reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 90 - 120 mm, placed outside the facade of the building and attached between the load-bearing walls. The method of installing such a structure is called pinching.

Balconies of beam and cantilever type.

The plate is installed at an angle of 10 degrees to the ground. In the absence of protection from precipitation, improper care, or improper installation, the slab quickly collapses. Often cantilever platforms can be seen in houses built by Khrushchev. In the part “Strengthening the balcony slab in Khrushchev” the option of a major restoration of all elements of the balcony will be considered in detail.

  • Beam (b) – beams made of different materials (reinforced concrete, metal, wood) are used as supports for the site.

During the construction of a house, supporting elements are laid in the load-bearing wall to a depth of at least 400 mm, or a niche is made in the installed wall, followed by the installation of beams. In older houses, the outer platforms are held in place by reinforced concrete modillions (decorative brackets). But since corrosive wear of the reinforcing layer occurs in the brackets, reducing its load-bearing capacity, balconies of this design quickly become unusable.

Photo of the restored beam-type balcony slab.

After reconstruction and protection of reinforced concrete supports from destruction, the slab was expanded and strengthened with channel No. 10, the entire balcony was additionally fixed with hangers from a profile pipe, combined with elements of the railing and roof supports.

  • Overhead (c) - a metal platform with a railing, connected to the facade of the building with anchor fasteners.

Overhead balcony.

The load-bearing capacity of such elements is not large, therefore, it is advisable to install the floor from wood and fill the free space with light things. Since the entire structure is held in place by anchors, they must be periodically inspected for cracks, changes in design position, and corrosive wear. To extend the service life of the structure, balcony elements must be periodically protected with an anti-corrosion coating. In cases of damage to the fastening, it is necessary to install a new anchor nearby, at a distance of 80 - 100 mm. In case of minor frame defects, worn elements are restored with additional stiffeners.

When the wear of the metal structure exceeds 50%, the balcony is considered emergency. The area where pedestrians can move underneath is fenced off until a new structure is erected or an emergency one is dismantled.

  • Suspended (d) - the balcony slab is held by overhead brackets, most often in the form of a right triangle, attached to the wall with anchor fasteners.

The support can be placed under the slab, in which case the hypotenuse will act as a support, or above the slab, with the hypotenuse acting as a suspension. In the first case, the structure will work in compression, in the second, in tension. More often, the strengthening of the balcony slab is carried out using hangers, since the neighbors of the lower floors do not allow supporting brackets to be installed in their space, which would disturb the interior of the balcony.

Maintenance and measures in case of wear are similar to those listed for overhead balconies.

  • Attached (e) - the platform rests on columns and walls placed on the foundation.

Structural elements are made of wood, iron, etc. The main load falls on the vertical supports and foundation; these elements are designed to hold the design load capacity, taking into account the safety factor. It is not advisable to attach the slab to the facade of the building, since when the supports shrink, overturning forces may occur in the load-bearing slab. With proper care, the structure is reliable and durable.

In the process of major repairs, supports and railings are replaced, the foundation and platform are strengthened.

Let's look in detail at how to strengthen a cantilever-type balcony slab using an example.

How to strengthen a balcony slab

If after the examination you are convinced that the slab does not have significant damage, it is enough to weld its perimeter with metal corners and strengthen the connection with the wall with anchors.

How to make repairs if the slab is tilted

If the slab is tilted by more than 3°, and most likely a crack has appeared at the wall/slab junction, reinforcement of the balconies is required:

  • Installation of supports is possible if the balcony is located on the lower floors. A concrete platform or columnar foundation is poured under the balcony. Metal pillars with a diameter of 100-150 mm are installed on it, a circular banding with a corner is made along the upper heads, this structure will support the slab.
  • If repairs to a balcony on the upper floors are required, you will have to install upper or lower brackets or mensols.
  • The upper reinforcement is a strand of metal cable with a diameter of 20-24 mm, which is attached using long anchors on the sides of the balcony. One end is fixed on the outside of the slab, and the other on the wall at a height of 900-1200 mm from the floor. The slab/wall joint is additionally tightened with a metal angle.
  • Lower reinforcing mensols are preferable, but they enter the neighbors' territory, so in order to install fastenings, you will need to obtain their consent. Rectangular corners are welded from a metal profile, which are secured to the wall with long anchors.

Ways to repair a balcony slab

How to repair a balcony if part of the slab is lost or completely destroyed

If it is necessary to restore a lost slab or in case of expanding the area of ​​the balcony, the best solution would be to introduce channels into the body of the wall, which will become the basis of the extension. For this work it is necessary to involve specialists, since the integrity of the supporting structure is affected. 2-4 deep holes are made in the wall, a channel or high-strength reinforcement is inserted into them, then it is concreted, and a steel sheet is usually welded on top, which serves as the basis and at the same time the formwork for pouring a new concrete slab.

How to make a new reinforcing frame to repair a balcony

Reasons for strengthening the balcony

Having set out to transform the balcony space, a person must first of all evaluate its current condition. Often it does not meet safety requirements. If you see corrosion of the metal frame, gaps between the slabs or slabs and the facade, or collapsed parts of the balcony, then you need to do repairs. In addition to carefully studying the balcony itself, you must not forget about the facade of the building. Changes in one apartment can affect the appearance of the entire building, so any changes must be approached thoughtfully and carefully. Let's consider the main reasons why residents decide to strengthen the balcony structure:

Danger of balcony slab collapse

Rice. 2. Dilapidated balcony.

There are a number of signs indicating that the balcony is in dilapidated condition and is unsafe. If cracks have appeared in the balcony slab fabric, if the reinforcement and iron frame have become visible, if cracks have formed at the junction of the balcony and the wall, if part of the wall or balcony has already collapsed, then it is urgent to carry out strengthening work and fix the dangerous balcony.

Preparation for glazing the balcony

Rice. 3. Preparation of glazing.

In this case, the current state of the slab is analyzed, and it is also assessed whether the existing frame will withstand additional load in the form of a metal or plastic structure. In old houses, in 90% of cases there is a need to strengthen the load-bearing frames.

Damage to the parapet on the balcony

Rice. 4. Repair of parapets.

This part of the balcony bears the main load in the form of glazing structures, while cracks, exposed reinforcement, and moisture are often observed on the parapet, which can lead to the fact that the fence simply cannot support the weight of the upper part.

Balcony extension

Rice. 5. Expansion of the balcony.

Since the structure has a small area, even for glazing it is sometimes necessary to increase it by increasing the size of the slab. This is done by installing a metal frame, which “increases” the missing or desired area. Often only the removal is done, that is, the upper part is expanded, without work on the lower part.

Balcony repair technology if reinforcement is exposed in the slab

The destruction of a concrete slab is inevitably associated with exposure of the reinforcing frame. After the surface is cleaned, all signs of rust are removed with a stiff brush, and can be additionally treated with vinegar. After which the rods are treated with an anti-corrosion primer and filled with concrete.

If some of the rods are lost, you should especially pay attention to the strength of the reinforcement at the wall/slab junction, then the metal frame will have to be welded. To repair, remove the layer of concrete down to the reinforcement with a hammer drill, cut off all metal parts damaged by rust. Drill several holes in the wall. Then insert new rods into them, concrete them and weld them to the remains of the frame. Next, a concrete screed is made on top, and for strength, you can additionally lay a reinforcing mesh.

To hide the reinforcement along the edges of the slab, it is recommended to weld the perimeter with a corner, make formwork and fill the structure with concrete.

Preparing the slab for screed

Reinforcing the parapet with foam blocks

Foam block, thanks to its undeniable advantages, is in great demand in the building materials market. It does a good job of strengthening the balcony parapet, while the material has increased strength and sound insulation, and the composition of the building foam block allows high-quality heat retention in the room. It is often used not only for strengthening, but also for additional thermal insulation of loggias in multi-story buildings. Another distinctive feature of the material is reasonable prices.

Laying a parapet from foam blocks. Strengthening the balcony parapet with building foam blocks (its advantages):

  1. Long service life.
  2. Low thermal conductivity.
  3. Increased resistance to high temperature.
  4. Installation using the material can be successfully performed by non-professionals.
  5. Safe for health.

Construction foam blocks also have disadvantages, for example, poor resistance to high humidity and natural precipitation (therefore, when installing the material, steam and waterproofing material are used).

Important! In this case, the foam block is laid first, then the waterproofing layer is applied, after which the finishing is done with galvanized metal.

The nature of work with foam blocks is as follows:

  • We measure and calculate the dimensions of the parapet taking into account future glazing.
  • We install the waterproofing layer on the supporting slab of the balcony.
  • We lay the outer perimeter of foam blocks using a building level.
  • We make the main plane of the structure “in a running start”, fixing it with special construction glue.
  • We drill the necessary holes in the external wall and drive in reinforced rods at the junction with the foam block brickwork.
  • We reinforce the masonry with galvanized mesh.
  • Apply primer.
  • We cover the structure with high-adhesive plaster.

Upon completion of work on the balcony parapet, we finish it with galvanized sheets.

How to seal cracks on a balcony

It is better to seal the gap between the slab and the wall in a comprehensive manner, together with the neighbors below. And if you are repairing a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, then the roof of your balcony is the floor of your neighbors above, so in this case you will have to use them too, so you can not only restore your own balcony, but also avoid leaks during precipitation.

The joint is well cleaned and embroidered in a V-shape, coated with liquid bitumen, onto which a fiberglass or roofing felt tape is glued, extending 100 mm onto the slab and wall. The patch is again coated with bitumen, a metal corner or a galvanized strip folded at an angle is placed on top, which is drilled onto the anchor for strength. Then you can do general waterproofing of the slab and further repairs.

Balcony repair, photo example of how to properly seal the cracks to ensure the structure is airtight

Determination of repair methodology and its implementation

The technology for such an event as repairing a balcony slab is ambiguous. Its stages, materials and techniques depend on the degree of destruction of the object. Having decided to insulate a balcony, it is worth checking the condition of the concrete body in order to understand what repairs it requires. Ideally, the diagnosis is carried out by an engineer authorized to provide an informed assessment.

But if reinforced concrete has turned into a collection of gravel and rusty reinforcements, even an amateur will notice it.


Prevention is needed when, apart from small cracks and lack of waterproofing, no flaws are visible. True, special attention should be paid to cracks. After all, as a rule, it is not the concrete that cracks, but its coating – plaster or paintwork. If their depth is at least 10 mm, this may become a problem requiring a qualified assessment.

Cracks and chips on the balcony slab

Preventive measures consist of creating a hydrophobic protective coating, for which coating or film waterproofing is used. After cleaning the surface from dust and loose particles, it is treated with a strengthening compound. Which, by the way, will be useful for further repairs of the balcony - for treating walls and ceilings. This can be a regular primer, “concrete contact”, liquid glass, etc.

Then a waterproofing membrane or a simple PVC film is laid. It is advisable not to make joints, because the floor dimensions here are usually small - 1 * 4 m or so. The coating composition is applied with a brush in 2–3 layers, not forgetting the ends and other elements.

Important: metal parts – embedded parts or protruding fittings – should preferably be cleaned of rust and treated, for example, with red lead.

Medium renovation

“Medium” repair includes, in addition to waterproofing, restoration of the partially destroyed surface of the reinforced concrete body. To do this, the surface is cleaned, trying to remove weakened particles as much as possible. A primer is also required here. The cement-sand mortar used will not bear a serious load; its task is to stop destruction and corrosion. Therefore, it must be “rich” and contain hydrophobic additives - liquid glass, for example.

Average repair of a balcony slab

However, exposed reinforcement is a reason to think about a major overhaul, when strengthening the balcony slab is a mandatory step. After all, once corrosion has gone deep, it is not easy to stop it. However, when only thin intermediate rods “stick out”, this is not so bad. They carry virtually no load and may not even be connected to the supporting rods.

Such fittings should be cleaned of rust and treated with a special agent (WD 40 or “brake” fluid). Then it is degreased with alcohol or white spirit and covered with a durable coating (red lead, enamel, varnish, etc.).

Please note: formwork is usually not needed for “medium” repairs. However, when the ends are significantly damaged, it may be necessary. It is built from boards or any moisture-resistant sheet materials, and secured with dowels or supports.

Major renovation

A balcony slab that has been destroyed by 5–10% or sagged by 5–10° clearly requires major repairs. To avoid difficulties associated with bureaucracy, it is advisable to document its condition by notifying a specialist from the management company. It would be best if he also conducts diagnostics and draws up an official report.

You should not entrust this work to a private master, because unprofessional execution can turn out to be a very expensive “pleasure.” A company, especially a large one, will at least give a guarantee and resolve the issue with an industrial climber or aerial platform.

Major repairs of balcony slabs

The repair procedure itself will most likely consist of the following steps:

  1. Cleaning concrete, removing damaged, weakened areas.
  2. Cleaning the fittings, removing rusty areas, welding on new rods.
  3. Treatment of all metal elements with an anti-corrosion compound.
  4. Treatment of balcony slabs with “concrete contact” or liquid glass.
  5. Installation of long-term load-bearing formwork.
  6. Pouring concrete of the appropriate grade of strength - M300 (B10) and frost resistance (F35).
  7. Waiting 28 - 30 days, dismantling the formwork.
  8. Qualified inspection, diagnostics.
  9. Waterproofing device.

Considering that new concrete does not always “tightly stick” to the old one, the reliability of the joint may be in doubt. To avoid a catastrophe, it is worth using, “to the heap,” other methods of strengthening reinforced concrete products. Despite the expense, it will still be cheaper and easier than replacing the entire base of the balcony.

Strengthening the base

An expensive and rarely used method is concrete injection. Special heavy-duty compounds (resins) are injected into the body of the structure using an injection pump. These resins penetrate into capillaries, cracks, microcracks, crystallizing there. All broken bonds are thus restored, destruction stops, and reinforced concrete becomes hydrophobic.

Strengthening the balcony slab

However, more often they use scalding of the balcony slab with a steel angle and fixing the resulting frame with “miters”. They are mounted along the edges of the balcony, secured to the wall. Ideally, it is necessary to “open” the reinforcement lying in the wall panel and weld the bevels to it. In practice, they make do with anchors or studs. Especially if the building is brick.

This method has a significant drawback - you will have to abandon the side windows on the balcony. At best, they will be minimal.


The parapet is one of the most important elements, the strength of which can save lives. Therefore, its restoration and strengthening is a necessary stage of major balcony repairs in most cases. The work is performed using two methods, depending on the material.

As a rule, a brick or block structure is completely dismantled. Considering the state of concrete products, the load should be reduced by all available means. For example, replace brick with a frame made of square pipes or aerated concrete blocks. They are placed in a steel corner welded to the reinforcement, or at least reinforced with anchors. By the way, the profile pipe is attached in the same way.

When the parapet is originally made of pipe or rod, this is also dismantled to prepare the “installation soles”. Ideally, they are welded to the balcony slab reinforcement, exposing it and cleaning it. The resulting surface flaws are then filled with cement mortar, protecting the entire metal from corrosion. And a new parapet grille is welded to the “soles”.

Important: do not forget to attach the parapet to the side fencing structures.

Parapet repair

If the parapet is dilapidated, and especially in front of the balcony glazing, it needs to be strengthened. As a rule, this is done using an equilateral metal angle:

  • scald around the perimeter of the stove;
  • attach several vertical posts to the bottom frame - be sure to secure 2 on the sides with anchors to the wall, and 2 on the outer corners of the slab;
  • scald the top of the vertical posts with the railings from the corner.

Balcony repair, option of parapet reconstruction with subsequent removal of glazing
To expand the balcony, the racks are welded not vertically, but at an angle. For glazing, it is recommended to make the top railings 100 mm or more wide. Below are instructions on how to repair a balcony; the video will help you understand the technology of strengthening the parapet.

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Metal reinforcement

Metal reinforcement looks like this:

  1. If the technical condition of the parapet is acceptable (does not require radical measures), then it can be strengthened by welding metal corners to the areas of old reinforcement necessary for this.
  2. In case of severe wear and tear, the old metal parapet is carefully separated and then replaced with a new one.

Options for strengthening the balcony parapet before glazing Also, a good option for strengthening the parapet is the use of building foam blocks, the qualities of which perfectly strengthen the balcony parapet.

Strengthening the balcony structure

How to landscape a balcony with your own hands

To turn an open balcony into useful and comfortable spaces, after restoring the slab, you should sew up the outside of the parapet with corrugated sheets or siding, and hang protective curtains.

If you plan to have a closed and warm balcony, after glazing the extension is insulated inside with stone wool or polystyrene slabs. To make cosmetic repairs, it is enough to cover the thermal insulation layer with a vapor barrier membrane, make lathing, install light if necessary, and then line the inside of the room with clapboard or moisture-resistant plywood for subsequent finishing.

The photo shows an example of internal insulation of a balcony

For the most interesting ideas for design and modern renovation, see the photo gallery accompanying the article; there are photos of a balcony after renovation, which you can do yourself.

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