Frameless glazing of balconies and loggias, verandas and terraces


Frameless glazing is fully adapted to Russian winters!

The birthplace of frameless glazing technology is Finland, known for its harsh climate. Therefore, the “frameless” frame is fully adapted to Russian winters.

The use of special guides eliminates the risk of jamming and freezing of the system in severe frosts.

At the customer's request, glass up to 12 mm thick can be installed, which will provide reliable protection from wind and precipitation. Frameless glazing of a loggia or balcony may include additional insulation and installation of a convector.

Is there an alternative to such glazing?

As a rule, an on-site specialist studies the features of the glazing object, becomes familiar with the specifics of the use of the room and the heating features. Based on this information, along with the price of frameless glazing, you will be offered a choice of additional 4 systems

  • perfect noise protection;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • complete tightness;
  • ease of operation;
  • strength, safety.
  • increased strength, safety;
  • possibility of glazing very large openings;
  • high degree of security;
  • reliability;
  • practicality.
  • a light weight;
  • high strength;
  • high level of security;
  • affordable price;
  • durability
  • low cost;
  • good sound insulation qualities;
  • good ability to retain heat;
  • reliability;
  • ease of care.

Compare with frameless glazing

  • ultra-modern appearance;
  • maximum use of natural light;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • functionality;
  • ease of care.

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  • Made in Spain.
  • System using a lower guide profile. This allows you to install Todocristal frameless glazing with any ceiling structure.
  • The frameless design from Todocristal can be of any shape and size. There are practically no restrictions regarding the height and width of the panels. At the same time, this type of glazing ensures absolute tightness, which can significantly reduce energy costs.
16,000 rub.

Contact us to place an order and arrange measurements with a specialist.

Where are frameless windows used?

Such windows are used for shops, administrative buildings, in residential construction; loggias and balconies in multi-storey buildings, verandas, gazebos and terraces in private households are glazed. They are used to make partitions in offices and large display windows in shopping centers and stores. The terraces of restaurants and cafes are also glazed using panoramic glass structures.

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What types of "folding" systems are offered?

  • With this type of glazing there are vertical posts, crossbars and guides.
  • When closed, the frameless frame looks like a solid glass wall.
  • Open sashes can be moved parallel to each other or folded in the form of a “book”.
  • Frameless glazing uses tempered impact-resistant glass with a thickness of 6 mm to 12 mm. The thickness of the glass unit is selected individually - in accordance with the height of the loggia or balcony, the number of floors of the building, as well as the intensity of wind loads.
  • The width of the valves is 50-70 cm.
  • Individual structural elements can be easily moved along the profile on rollers. This glazing looks impressive and stylish, taking up minimal space.
  • It can be installed both on the lower and upper floors.
  • Thanks to the frameless design, the apartment offers an unparalleled view, and the façade stands out from its neighbors.

Most often, “book” glazing is chosen for frameless glazing of balconies , because the system allows the sashes to be folded in the corner.

For the loggia, a parallel-sliding frameless system is selected. There is no movement line provided in the “book” type design. This installation option saves internal space.

What to consider when choosing and inspecting a structure?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes on the frameless glazing market. To protect yourself from the disappointment of purchasing a low-quality system, pay attention to the following points:

  • The thickness of the glass is selected individually in each case, but for sashes over 2 m high it should not be less than 8 mm. For sashes up to 2 m high, glass with a thickness of 6 mm is suitable;
  • The glass must not have any damage, scratches or other defects. Its visible edges must be carefully processed;
  • There should be no damage to the profile; it should have ideal geometry;
  • cracks, bulges and other defects on the fittings are unacceptable.


Full transparency or partial tint?

Glass in frameless glazing:

  • Thick (up to 12 mm), hardened.
  • At the request of the client, the glass can be completely transparent, partially or fully tinted, sun-protective and mirrored.
  • The glass moves on roller supports and, if necessary, is securely fixed.
  • The effect of a continuous transparent wall is achieved through the use of glass sashes up to 0.9 m wide and up to 3 m high.

Pros and cons of frameless glazing

What about the Germans? And here it turns out that they, in turn, adopted an idea invented ten years ago by our craftsmen. Is it true? It's difficult to judge. But at least such rumors persist among specialists who professionally deal with balcony glazing. Nowadays everyone glazes balconies, and often as much as they can, depending on their money and imagination. But more and more often you can see light, airy structures on balconies without frames or vertical posts. This is exactly what a frameless glazing system looks like (from the outside). And many people praise him. But out of our habit of not taking anything at its word, we decided to figure it out: why is it good? Perhaps this is just a fashion fad, a pursuit of prestige, not supported by real benefits for the consumer?

And again, as usual, I first of all went to professionals - specialists from companies that provide services for installing frameless systems. Two Moscow companies readily agreed to provide detailed advice.

A barrel of honey. Advantages of frameless glazing

So, let's listen to the interested party.

    1. Frameless glazing is suitable for balconies of any type, shape and age, and the overall appearance of the building’s façade is not affected. 2. The glass in the structure moves freely on special plastic rollers. The balcony can be fully opened by moving the glass panels to the side, turning them towards the wall or folding them like a book (different companies offer different variations here). 3. As a standard, the frameless glazing system uses special tempered glass with a thickness of 6–8 mm. This glass is safe: if, God forbid, it breaks, it will not stick out with sharp edges, but will gently crumble, turning into small “cubes.” However, it can break if you only purposefully hit it with a hammer. After all, hardened means it has increased resistance to breaking. 4. The balcony with frameless glazing is reliably protected from noise, rain and dirt.

Window sashes take up little space and are securely fixed and do not break even in strong winds.
At the same time, opening and closing the glass on the balcony does not require effort. And since they fold, they are easy to wash both outside and inside. There are practically no complaints about frameless glazing. The glass does not break, the rollers do not break. At least that's what the sellers say.

Continuing the conversation about the advantages, it must be said that there are now two types of frameless glazing systems on the Russian market. The first is “from the Finns” - the imported “Elegant” system. In addition, there are two domestic systems - STS and Estel. That is, installation in any case is carried out using one of two technologies. What are the features of each system?

We will give the manufacturers themselves the opportunity to speak about their products. Let me clarify: the information that I will now give is exactly what manufacturers of frameless glazing systems report about themselves via the Internet, modules in information publications and advertising leaflets. So what do experts tell us?

The Elegant system is aesthetically pleasing and easy to operate: to open the glazed loggia, partially or completely, just set the rotary handle to the open position. Then, with a “light movement of the hand,” the glass sash moves to its extreme position against the wall and opens inward. This simple operation is repeated the required number of times with the required number of valves. The system installed in each specific case, depending on the wishes of the customer, can have one or two openings (that is, handles) and, accordingly, move and assemble on one or both sides of the loggia (balcony).

The design of the Elegant system uses safety tempered glass 6 or 8 mm thick, which can withstand high wind and dynamic loads. Aluminum profiles and stainless steel mechanisms ensure the structure’s resistance to atmospheric influences, which is especially important for the Russian climate with its capricious weather. In addition, the frameless designs of the Elegant system have a patented ventilation mechanism that allows you to fix the slightly open glass during ventilation (that is, no matter how strong the wind blows, the glass will not slam shut).

Installation of the system, according to manufacturers, can be carried out year-round. But, of course, you need to order the system from a reliable company. This is the only way you will receive a certified product with a guarantee. The genuine Elegant glazing system is tested for strength, wind and point loads at the Technical Research Center in Finland. If the operating and installation rules are followed, the manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty for its products. The price of imported frameless glazing on a turnkey basis is at least $300/sq.m.

The STS and Estel systems are even cooler - I’m not afraid of this word, at least that’s what installation specialists say about them. It is argued that domestically produced frameless glazing systems differ significantly from foreign analogues - not only in the profile design and fastening of glass sashes, but also in the quality of all elements, especially durable and reliable ones. The price also differs: 1 sq.m. of “turnkey” domestic frameless glazing is approximately $100–180.

Domestic frameless glazing in all its glory.

But the main difference is that in domestic frameless glazing systems, glass sashes are attached not only to the upper, but also to the lower guide aluminum profile using movable carriages, so that the sash acquires four support points at once - at the top and at the bottom. As a result, each leaf of the system rests on 4 hinge axles, which have 3 horizontal rollers. All metal parts of the system are stainless. The doors are locked with a rotary latch; upon request, a lock can be installed that a child cannot open.

As in the case of an imported system, domestic systems, at the request of the client, can be equipped with two handles for opening, which accordingly allows the doors to be moved and assembled on both sides of the loggia. However, the Estel and STS frameless glazing systems allow you not only to move the sashes in straight directions, but also, unlike foreign systems, to move them through any corners. So the glazed loggia can be fully opened regardless of the configuration (oval, round, with corners).

In addition, domestic frameless glazing systems are used to construct glass partitions for various purposes - with the installation, if necessary, of locking devices. These are frameless partitions in apartments, offices, conference rooms, shops, exhibition halls and other premises. To seal the system, transparent silicone seals are installed between the glass sashes.

Domestic systems use tempered non-perforated (without a pattern) glass with edges ground around the entire perimeter of standard thickness - 6 or 8 mm (for heights up to 2000 and 2900 mm, respectively). This ratio, according to manufacturers, ensures safe operation of the system. Modern technology for fastening glass to the frame profile makes it possible to avoid drilling any holes in the glass, which also helps to distribute the load evenly. The ventilation gap between the glasses is from 2 to 4 mm. The width of the glass is determined by the installation location; the standard width is from 500 to 800 mm. By additional order it is possible to install glass with particularly precise dimensions (gaps). The high test results of domestic systems are not inferior to the test results of foreign analogues.

From the outside, both systems look about the same stylish and attractive. And we can only hope that manufacturers provide reliable information about themselves. At least in general.

A spoon of tar. Disadvantages of frameless glazing

But in fairness, we note that not everyone who has had to deal with frameless glazing (either imported or native) is delighted with it. In addition to the undeniable advantages, there are also disadvantages, from the point of view of some buyers - very significant. This is what the happy owners of some “frameless glazed” balconies and loggias told us.

    1. The first and most important disadvantage is that frameless glazing is essentially just a fencing structure. That is, by glazing the balcony in this way, you do not get an additional warm room - the temperature in the cold season will be only 2-3°C higher than the street temperature. No artificial insulation of the loggia will help. So the use of your screened porch will only be seasonal. And this often does not suit our practical fellow citizens, who strive to increase living or usable space by improving the balcony. 2. The second drawback is “full transparency”, that is, everything that happens in your loggia will be perfectly visible from all sides - especially if you live on a low floor. It’s good if you hardly ever go on the balcony or you don’t really care about other people’s curiosity. But it is unlikely that if you order expensive frameless glazing for your balcony, you will simply dry your clothes there. You will probably want to use this elegant veranda for its intended purpose - at least in the warm season. Therefore, if you do not like it when your private life becomes a subject of study for strangers, it is better to think about blinds or curtains in advance. 3. Another “ambush”. In addition to prying eyes, insects - flies and mosquitoes - are sometimes quite annoying in the summer. But how to attach a mosquito net in the case of frameless glazing? Alas, you can’t nail a mosquito net to the glass. 4. The fourth minus is related to the Russian climate and ecology of the metropolis. What are we talking about? Dirt and dust accumulate on the glass in a short time, and stains form. And although dirt, according to experts, can be easily removed from the sashes, you will have to wash balcony glass very often, otherwise the very idea of ​​frameless glazing loses its meaning. Agree, when your loggia is surrounded around the entire perimeter by dirty, stained glass, the aesthetics of the spectacle are more than questionable. 5. And finally, the fifth “but” - frameless glazing does not provide complete tightness and in this indicator is inferior to a modern double-glazed window: it protects three times less from noise (frameless systems absorb up to 10 decibels, double-glazed windows - 30). As for moisture, according to Maxim Bredikhin, a specialist from , which produces profiles for windows, sometimes frameless glazing can allow moisture to pass through, and snow and temperature changes can damage the aluminum profile along which the rollers move, and the window will not open as well.

Let's face it.
Opinion of experts Professional specialists involved in the production and installation of frameless systems, as a rule, do not deny the above-mentioned shortcomings. Another thing is that the function of frameless glazing is primarily protective, and not insulating. This is an ideal option for those who are not chasing additional “square meters”, but at the same time do not want to be constrained by a stationary glazed loggia that cannot be properly ventilated. And in this sense, frameless glazing is at its best: I wanted it - I completely opened the doors, it was as if there was no glass; he wanted to - he closed it again, and here it is - a strong protective barrier: neither a thief will climb in, nor a cat will fall down.

Frameless glazing protects, but does not insulate. On such a loggia it is only 2-3 degrees warmer than outside

As for the question of dirt on the glass, the experts just shrugged their shoulders: “Then contact a company that cleans windows...” But he assured that folding frameless sashes are very convenient and easy to clean, and you can use the most common glass spray.

The most important thing in frameless glazing is high-quality installation.

It is errors during installation that can give rise to problems in operation: the rollers on which the sashes move will begin to creak, jam... According to him, everything depends on the quality of the fittings, since with frameless glazing the handles must turn absolutely freely, the wheels must also move freely, and the sash is easy to move and fold without effort.

The frameless system is installed very quickly - in none of them does it exceed 2-3 weeks. But in the case of a complex individual order, the terms can also be negotiated individually.

Traditional frames or modern rollers?

So, after talking with the “experts”, I realized: the declarative advantages of the frameless glazing method listed at the beginning of the article are approximately 70% true. But this, you see, is quite acceptable, so in principle, frameless glazing is a very good thing. And here, oddly enough, the moment of “psychological compatibility” is much more important: conservatives simply more often choose traditional “frame” glazing only because it is more familiar.

But let's summarize the information received.

    1. Frameless glazing is a stylish and fashionable thing, but it’s not for everyone. 2. An insulated loggia with frameless glazing will not work, but in the heat the house will be pleasantly cool. 3. If you decide on frameless glazing, then feel free to choose any of the two existing types of systems – ours and imported ones: their quality is equivalent, but ours costs 1.5–2 times more. One thing can be said in defense of the imported system: in our opinion, it looks a little more elegant than ours. But this, of course, is a matter of taste. 4. Another thing is much more important: when ordering frameless glazing, you need to choose a company that guarantees high-quality installation and provides certified products. 5. Domestic materials used in the installation of frameless systems are no worse than imported ones, and our specialists do the job no worse than the Finns. But please note: the glazing warranty must be at least 2 years, and the installation warranty must be at least 1 year.

And one last thing. As experts said, a lot when choosing the type of glazing depends on the type of house.
If you live in an old house and you don’t even have a loggia, but a small pot-bellied balcony with curved railings, then in the “frameless glazed” form it will look ridiculous and funny. No, of course, you can modernize it with frameless glazing, but... In many new buildings, on the contrary, all loggias are uniformly glazed after the fact, by the time the house is commissioned. One thing is for sure: frameless glazing systems perform well exactly the functions for which they are intended - aesthetic and protective. And there is no need to demand too much from them.


Why is it better to order a “frameless” frame for a balcony or loggia from us?

Frameless systems from the Moscow Glazing Company are high quality at affordable prices! We have implemented several dozen projects with Finnish glazing.

  • We know the features of all systems very well and can offer you the best option.
  • All designs we use are certified.
  • Installation is guaranteed!

Not so long ago, frameless glazing was classified as elite and only a few could afford it. Today, these systems have been mastered by many domestic manufacturers, due to which the cost of structures has noticeably decreased.

"Bezramka" - proven Finnish technologies, full adaptation to the Russian climate and the opportunity to enjoy an unsurpassed panoramic view!

The undeniable advantages of frameless glazing include:

  • panoramic view,
  • excellent illumination,
  • increasing the usable area of ​​a balcony or loggia,
  • visual lightness,
  • the ability to fully “open” the balcony by moving the sashes to the corner,
  • reliable protection from precipitation or street noise,
  • high reliability and safety,
  • accessibility of glass surfaces for washing.

Glasses with frameless glazing are joined together without the use of vertical mullions. Silicone plays the role of insulation. This allows the doors to be locked as tightly as possible, providing reliable protection from street sounds and a sufficient degree of thermal insulation.

With frameless glazing, the noise level in the room is reduced by 15-20 dB, and heat loss is reduced by 5-10%.

Origins of technology

When it comes to glazing a balcony or loggia, we choose between plastic and wooden frames. These options seem to us to be strong, reliable and durable, which is why they remain the most popular on the market. However, more and more often on balconies you can see a lighter and more elegant design without frames . This technology was developed in Finland, where the approach to using balconies is somewhat different. For Finns and other Europeans, a balcony is a place where you can relax, grow flowers or enjoy the view, and not store things that you would hate to throw away.

There is a version that Finnish manufacturers borrowed the idea of ​​frameless glazing from the Germans, and they, in turn, were guided by the discovery of Russian craftsmen. But all this is just a legend. According to the official version, the invention belongs to the Finns and has been in use for just over 20 years.

Frameless glazing began to be used in domestic spaces at the beginning of the 21st century. At first it was an exclusive product, and therefore was available only to wealthy people. When domestic manufacturers started producing their own frameless systems (even though they are not as reliable, they are several times cheaper), the service became more accessible , which served as the basis for the spread of the technology.

At first glance, frameless glazing may seem insufficiently reliable and durable, but this is a deceptive impression. For all its elegance, the system withstands strong gusts of wind and mechanical stress, and surprises with its high strength and durability. All this is thanks to a special design that requires special attention.

Country houses with panoramic glazing

When choosing glazing for a country house, you can use your imagination and make the building very interesting; You can glaze one of the walls, making windows from floor to ceiling - this will allow you to open the view and admire nature without leaving the room. Often at dachas the veranda or balcony is glazed in this way, making it more comfortable and the house original.

The panoramic glazing of the terrace will allow you to use it in any weather. Seamless glazing will not only make the room interesting, but will also protect it from rain and wind, which will allow you to relax in any weather, but if you want the terrace to become comfortable in winter, you will have to install a warm double-glazed window.

Panoramic double-glazed windows will make any room isolated. In winter it will be warm there, it will be possible to install heating and effectively maintain the set temperature. Heating with panoramic glazing has its own characteristics: since the wall is glass, it will be impossible to fix the heating device on it. If you intend to use batteries, they should be placed on any other wall. Most often, heated floors, electric heaters placed on the floor, and heated baseboards are used in conjunction with panoramic glazing.

Panoramic glazing , reviews of which can be found on the Internet, should be chosen based on the purpose of the glazed area.

Window device

Frameless glazing of balconies implies the absence of racks, crossbars, and frames. The design provides only transverse guide profiles at the top and bottom. The upper profile has special rollers on which the window sash can move, and the lower one acts as a guide. If desired, you can slide the window completely to the side to gain access to open space. No special maintenance is required; it is enough to lubricate all parts with silicone once a year.

Positive traits


  • The transparency of the structure implies full visibility on your balcony not only from the inside, but also from the outside. This problem can be solved by blinds, or an additional coating of glass that can be tinted, or order a mirrored window.
  • Lack of thermal insulation; balconies with frameless systems do not retain heat.
  • For balconies with such glazing, the installation of a mosquito net is not provided.
  • Difficult to install. The installation of frameless structures requires pinpoint precision so that later there are no problems in operation. Such glazing of balconies should be done by good professionals.
  • Price of work and materials. This is the case when you shouldn’t save money, giving preference to such glazing, rely on quality, then the structure will last a long time.
  • Trust the team of professionals and rest assured about your glazing!

    The company plasokna is an official partner of REHAU, which has existed for more than 15 years. From us you can order all types of glazing using any window designs: PVC, wooden, aluminum, frameless. We also provide professional window installation with a 5-year guarantee. Installation is carried out by professional specialists who strictly follow all requirements according to the type of window systems and buildings (wood, brick, timber). All products are covered by the manufacturer's original warranty.

    The cost of glazing verandas and terraces in Moscow and the Moscow region

    The price of frameless patio windows depends on several factors. The amount of work is considered decisive.

    In addition, the following components influence the order estimate:

    1. Geometry of the room. The more complex it is (corners, curved areas, niches), the higher the costs will be.
    2. Brand selection. Foreign components are more expensive because... purchased for foreign currency. The price increases due to transportation costs and customs duties.
    3. The quality of the material used. Thus, stainless steel is more expensive than aluminum, tempered glass is more expensive than laminated fabric, and nylon rollers are more expensive than their iron counterparts.
    4. Work completion time. For urgent glazing, price per sq. m will be 40-60% higher than a standard order. People resort to this solution when the need arises to arrange their property for receiving guests.

    The average order fulfillment time in the capital and region is 1 calendar month. Urgent orders are placed 7-10 calendar days in advance.

    The installation price for 1 m² , provided that 10 mm thick tempered glass is used, is:

    • “slide” type - 10,000 rub./m²;
    • “book” type - 12,000 rubles/m²;
    • type “parking” - 18,000 rub./m²;
    • accordion type - 20,000 rub./m²;
    • type “line” - 30,000 rub./m².

    When ordering over RUB 1,000,000. An additional discount of 20-30% is provided.

    Types of seamless glazing

    According to the opening method, seamless glazing can be:

    • deaf - the doors are motionless. This option is justified when there are other methods of ventilation in the room;
    • folding - the doors move and fold like an accordion or a book;
    • sliding (slide doors) - this design can be compared with the doors of popular sliding wardrobes, but it works a little differently: the doors move dependently, that is, when the first one is opened, all the others are pulled out.

    Frameless glazing can occupy the entire space from the balcony floor to the upper border. Sometimes an additional metal fence is installed in front of the glass. It performs a purely decorative function, since the glass itself is very durable. There are also options when only the sides of the balcony are made of impact-resistant glass, leaving the rest of the space open.

    Panoramic glazing of a country house

    It is best to plan panoramic glazing of a room while the house is still under construction: you can choose any of the walls that are not load-bearing. One entire wall or any part of it can be glazed. For residential premises, panoramic aluminum glazing is used . This technology involves the presence of a thin aluminum frame, which not only supports the structure, but also makes the room airtight. The profile can be of varying thickness, have special insulation or be empty. The choice of profile depends on the weather conditions in the area where the building is located.

    For glazing in cold regions, it is recommended to use a thick double-glazed window consisting of two or three sections. In the southern regions, you can get by with single-glazed windows.

    Warm panoramic glazing differs from the usual glass unit in thickness, its weight, and the presence of an insulated frame. The frame of an insulated double-glazed window is filled with argon: this gas prevents air movement and does not let warm air out of the room or let cold air in. The double-glazed windows themselves are distinguished by the presence of additional glass. For better heat retention, a special heat-retaining film can be applied to the glass.

    Security of this type of system

    Some buyers doubt whether frameless balcony glazing is reliable and safe. Are their concerns justified? Not really!

    1. The glass is made using a special method that makes it impact resistant. Even if such a sash breaks, it shatters into small pieces that cannot be cut on.
    2. The corners of the glass are specially made with rounded edges, which also reduces the likelihood of injury.
    3. The doors are equipped with a special system against burglars. Once they are locked, there is no way to get inside the apartment through them. This fixation also reliably protects children from accidentally falling out.

    From our company you can also order other double-glazed windows for glazing balconies and loggias, which will serve you for many years.

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