Comparison of concealed and conventional PVC window fittings

To improve the performance and aesthetic parameters of their products, window manufacturers have developed hidden window hinges. Despite the fairly high cost of the service for installing hidden fittings, its popularity is high and continues to grow. If you look at the hidden mechanism for opening the doors from the perspective of long-term use, the price is entirely justified by the quality of operation and service life. Hence the high demand for premium designs, especially among discerning buyers.

In our review we will talk about windows with hidden fittings. Also on the website of the Velis Plast company you can arrange the production and installation of this product.

What is hidden fittings

The initial goal of developing hidden fittings was to integrate them into natural wood profiles without spoiling their appearance.

The hidden mechanism for opening the doors differs from the standard one in that it is located between the door and the frame, and not on the side. From the outside, hidden fittings for windows are invisible, although their functionality is almost the same as the classic one. It can be installed with hinged structures, the doors of which open outwards. Their installation is not very difficult.

The opening mechanisms consist of two parts, fastened together:

  • Regular harness;
  • Special scissors.

The opening kit includes hinges at the top and bottom. When hanging, the lower elements are connected first, then at the top of the structure the scissors on the frame are connected to the base of the sash. During installation, the sealing contour of the seal is not removed, which ensures an increased level of tightness.

Hidden hinges on windows trend No. 1

A plastic window has long ceased to be a means of natural light and protection from bad weather. Designers are actively interested in this part of the room; windows are no longer covered with tulle or curtains, but are turned into interior decoration.

Photo: ordinary hinges without overlays do not decorate the window - their surface does not have a decorative layer on the protective coating. All elements used in the window must match the style and color, just like on expensive furniture.

It is with the choice of color solutions for window hinges that designers most often have problems. The range of overlays often does not allow you to choose the required color and the appearance deteriorates.

Photo: most often, manufacturers offer dark brown hinge covers for colored windows. It doesn’t look good on all laminated windows.

Hidden hinges are an original engineering solution that made it possible to hide the hinges inside the window and at the same time significantly expand the decorating possibilities and durability of the windows.

European window manufacturers have adopted an ideal offer for designer windows from hardware manufacturers - hidden hinges. In the Russian window market, the share of hidden hinges is about 1%-2%, but the trend for their installation is only gaining momentum.

Advantages of hidden fittings

In addition to visual appeal and aesthetics, windows with opening mechanisms built inside have a number of other advantages.

The first and most important thing is the ability to increase the safety level of a PVC profile without unnecessary complications. Traditional burglary protection elements are compatible with hinges hidden inside the doors.

The second advantage of the design is its aesthetic appeal. Despite the invention of hidden hinges to give a neat appearance to the PVC profile, the design features provided other advantages.

Third, increased noise insulation and improved tightness thanks to sealing contours in the hinge integration area. There are no additional cold bridges.

Fourth, the design can withstand high operating loads. Hinges are less likely to sag and can be equipped with heavy sashes.

Fifth, the slopes are protected from unwanted impacts from the doors.

Comparison of concealed and conventional PVC window fittings

December 01, 2020

Recently, customers have begun to pay great attention not only to the functional features of their plastic windows, but also to its aesthetics. It is not surprising that when hidden fittings systems appeared on the market, people immediately showed interest in installing them. In this article, we would like to introduce you to this amazing know-how, talking about the features and advantages of hidden fittings in modern plastic windows, as well as making a small comparison with traditional fittings systems.

Conventional window fittings are based on a system of hinges, which migrated to PVC windows from old wooden structures. Of course, in new plastic windows the hinge group is much more advanced. It uses stainless steel attachments, special long-lasting lubricant, presentable plastic linings, etc. But the loops themselves, as well as the principle of their operation, have not disappeared anywhere. You can still see them on the side of the plastic sash, which is very disliked by perfectionists and people who actively care about the perfection of the style of their plastic window and the interior as a whole.

The way out of the situation is to install hidden or simply “hidden” fittings, which is the object of study in our article. Unlike conventional fittings, the hinges here are completely hidden from prying eyes, as a result of which the plastic window takes on an attractive and elegant appearance. Please note that the loops are hidden, and not completely absent. They are located between the window frame and the sash, in the rebate gap. This means that the principle of opening and closing a window sash remains unchanged, with a guarantee of convenience and durability of these processes. However, aesthetic superiority is far from the only advantage of plastic windows with hidden fittings.

Advantages of using hidden fittings

  1. Improved tightness. Traditional fittings slightly compress the internal sealing contour in the hinge area, especially if the window sashes are set to “winter” mode. In the first years of using a plastic window, this is not critical. But, if you accidentally forget to switch the sash to “summer” mode, or if a worn seal retains its clamping shape, problems with tightness may occur in these places. Hidden fittings that do not load the sealing contour do not have such problems. No potential blow-outs, reduced thermal insulation, etc.
  2. Improved sound insulation. This point also applies to pinching of the internal sealing contour. Without breaking the tightness, as well as without problems, which we will talk about a little below, the sound insulation of a plastic window will remain at the highest possible level throughout the entire service life of the window structure.
  3. No cold bridges. Traditional fittings use classic steel canopies, which can act as cold bridges. It is in the area of ​​the hinges that problems with freezing are often observed, which can be avoided by installing hidden fittings.
  4. No sagging problems. If a heavy sash of a plastic window is often in the open position, over time there may be problems with sagging hinges, and therefore with opening/closing of the sash, tightness, etc. Hidden fittings significantly reduce the likelihood of such troubles. It is not without reason that it is recommended for installation in plastic windows with heavy sashes, which is explained by the ability of hidden systems to withstand heavy physical loads.
  5. Improving burglar-resistant characteristics. If you knock down the hinges with a crowbar, the window sash will fall off by itself. Since the hinges in the hidden fittings are hidden, nothing can be knocked down here. Plus, the hidden system allows you to use standard anti-burglary mechanisms, which does not exclude the possibility of increasing the burglary protection class of your plastic window.
  6. Protection of window slopes. Hinged doors can swing open under the influence of strong winds so much that they damage the slope or even the double-glazed window. Hidden fittings limit the opening angle of the window sash to 100 degrees. This is quite enough to not deprive the window of the possibility of ventilation or access to external surfaces, but not enough to start worrying about possible damage during hurricanes.
  7. Ease of care. If you have ever washed a window, you probably know that it is quite difficult to do this in the area of ​​the hinges. You have to remove contaminants from under the loop, which takes energy, time and nerves. As you understand, with hidden fittings, the process of washing plastic surfaces will be easier and more enjoyable.

Where are hidden fittings used? For the most part, in private cottages, where high demands are placed on interior design, as well as on the issue of protection from third-party penetration. However, hidden fittings can be installed in any PVC window and door structures that require improved performance and increased aesthetics.

Among the negative features of using hidden fittings, one can highlight the already indicated opening of the sash only by 100 degrees. This is good in terms of protecting the slope and double-glazed windows, but may not seem entirely relevant when installing hidden systems within balcony glazing. A sash that does not have the ability to open completely can interfere with the limited space of a balcony or loggia. Also, it can be noted that it is impossible to install hidden hinges on the impost. This means that hidden fittings are not available for installation on a three-section window in which the middle sash is an opening one.

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Design Features

The hidden mechanism for opening PVC windows differs little from the standard one. And yet there are differences.

  • The maximum opening angle of the sash is 100°.
  • Minor gap in the open position at the top of the sash.
  • The sashes have been adjusted differently, the hanging and removal have been changed.

Such features made installation on an impost impossible. Hidden fittings are not built into structures whose transoms open downward, as well as in three-section windows with the middle sash opening.

Previously, a significant disadvantage of hidden hinges was their incompatibility with most profile systems. With the advancement of technology, manufacturers have eliminated this problem. Nowadays the mechanisms can even be built into frames with an 18-mm Euro fold.

Among the shortcomings that have not yet been eliminated are the high price and the entry of a small amount of dirt or construction debris into the mechanism. The latter is typical for all types of profiles.

Hidden hinges highlight good taste

The most obvious reason for the popularity of hidden hinges is their invisibility. The design of the hinges is such that they are completely located in the fitting groove and are completely invisible when the sash is closed. The need for any decorative covers automatically disappears, and the possibility of using such hinges on windows of any color becomes limitless.

Photo: it no longer matters how the window profile is decorated, whether it is laminated or painted - plastic hinged covers will not spoil the appearance

The absence of decorative overlays has several other advantages. They won’t forget to bring them along with the product, they won’t get lost, they won’t break, they won’t get dirty during repairs - in a word, they won’t create unnecessary problems.

Application area

In general, Roto fittings with hidden hinges are suitable for plastic windows in which it is technologically possible to install them. It significantly improves all operational parameters, as can be seen by looking at the previously listed advantages.

However, if you think that installing such a system in all profiles in a row is an unreasonable luxury, the scope of its application is determined by the features listed above.

Hidden mechanisms can be used on construction projects where break-in attempts are likely to occur. Accordingly, a high level of security is required. For example, in the area of ​​cottage or country construction, as well as on the lower floors of buildings, where intruders can easily reach.

No less relevant are hidden opening mechanisms for narrow frames/sashes, in structures with increased light clearance.

Hidden hinges ensure no air leaks

Hinges of the usual standard configuration have a significant drawback - a metal bracket connecting the frame and sash parts of the hinge. It presses the seal, which leads to blowing in the area of ​​the top hinge.

Photo: hidden hinges located in the fold do not come into contact with the seal and do not violate its perimeter, completely eliminating the passage of cold air

Hidden hinges last a long time

Replacing windows is usually associated with renovation or construction, and this is a very “dirty” job. Dust, dirt, plaster that gets into the rubbing parts of conventional hinges lead to their rapid failure. It is not always possible to completely clear protruding hinges from construction debris. Conventional hinges often require repair and even replacement after repair. Hidden hinges, due to their internal location, are completely protected from contamination and will last longer than usual.

Photo: hidden hinges do not require protection during construction and repair work; it is enough to keep the sash closed

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