How to control the quality of installation of plastic windows?

We check the quality of installation during work

If the installation of plastic structures is carried out by invited craftsmen, it will be useful to monitor their work.

If the installation is carried out incorrectly, the frame may become skewed, the sashes may not function satisfactorily, condensation may appear on the glass, and the window will blow out. We advise you to pay attention to the following points:

It is allowed to place wooden or plastic plates under the frame, in certain places, thereby adjusting the position of the frame.


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Advantages of sliding balcony glazing


Glazing a loggia solves several problems at once: it provides comfort and cleanliness, protects from wind and snow, and allows you to use the space more practically.


Glazing of balconies and loggias with finishing


A cozy and clean balcony is a few extra meters of free space that can be decorated to your liking and used 100%. To improve the loggia, it is necessary to glaze it and finish it. The material for the interior and exterior decoration of the balcony is chosen depending on the type of glazing (warm, cold).


Glazing of the veranda


A veranda is an extension, either a semi-open part of the house, part of the entrance group or a separate room. Here you can install aluminum frames, make stained glass from floor to ceiling, or install a warm profile with triple glazing.


Checking the operation of the window after installation is completed

When the craftsmen have completed the installation of a plastic window, you need to make sure the quality of the work they have done. To do this, you can do the following:

  1. Check how the doors work. To do this, open and close them several times, check the operation of the folding mechanism, if equipped.
  2. The locks should function freely, without the slightest sign of jamming. If the window handle does not close completely, have the window hardware adjusted.

    There should also be no creaks or other extraneous sounds when the locks operate. At the same time, the handle should not move too freely. Some effort should be felt when turning it.

  3. The doors should swing freely without touching the frame.
  4. If there is a touch in some place, then there is a misalignment of some element of the frame. The position of the sashes can be adjusted if the frame is aligned correctly in all planes.

  5. Check the quality of fit of the valves. Place a strip of paper on the seal and then close the sash. The paper should not move.
  6. If in some place it is pressed tightly, but in another it can be removed freely, then it is necessary to adjust the fittings. The quality of the seal, in this case, usually does not cause any complaints, since it is new.

  7. Check the tightness of the window installation, whether there are any drafts, and whether the installation seams are properly sealed. To do this, run a strip of paper along the assembly seams.
  8. If there are blowing holes, the paper will be deflected by the air from the street. The seams must be completely filled with foam. Voids are not allowed.

  9. Make sure the window is level. The correct installation is indicated by the position of the open sash:
  • Open the sash to an angle of 45 degrees. It should not return to the closed position or open further.
  • If the sash is motionless, all levels are met.
  • Increase the opening angle to 90 degrees. And in this position she must remain motionless.
  • Do the same check for the second leaf, if available.
  • Make sure that the installers remember to install the external flashing and also insert protective plugs into the drainage holes on the outside of the frame.

How to avoid incorrect installation of windows?

Make sure that you will cooperate with a serious organization, already at the stage of selecting candidates. Sometimes, to carry out installation work, manufacturers enter into contracts with third-party subcontractors, rather than carry them out with their own teams. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately ask the selected window company who (from which legal entity) is carrying out the installation. If any claims arise, you will have to contact the contractor, and not the manufacturer or seller.

3 tips before installation begins:

  • Make sure that the company you contact manufactures and installs its products and is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Such companies bear full responsibility for their goods and services. We recommend that you study the contract with the company in advance to make sure that the installation conditions and guarantees are described in detail (there is a state standard in this regard - GOST 30971-2012). Also, some companies deliver structures on one day and installation on another. We recommend that you clarify this in advance so that you don’t have to “redraw” your plans twice.
  • Before signing the acceptance certificate for structures, conduct a thorough inspection of the window structures on the day of delivery to the site. Any chips, scratches or non-compliance with the agreements are grounds for signing a statement of disagreement.
  • Before starting installation, ask the installation team and make sure that the services are provided by the company with which you have an agreement. Also, read the text of the work completion certificate in advance (so that there are no misunderstandings at a later stage).

Pay attention to the window sill

  1. If a window sill was installed, make sure there are end caps on it.
  2. Check the installation of the window sill. It can be installed in 2 options:
  • Under the frame. Recessed by at least 1 cm.
  • Close to the frame. The method is used if it is impossible to install a window sill under the frame. In this case, the resulting seam is sealed with silicone sealant.
  • The window sill must be recessed into the wall on both sides.
  • The window sill should not sag when you press on it. Typically, such a deflection occurs if insufficient mounting foam is poured under it, and voids form.
  • Fake factor

    Fraudsters often cheat on your profile using two methods:

    1. Copying.
    2. Purchasing a cheaper product. Replacing the protective film. And the profile instantly becomes a product of a famous brand.

    For example, to imitate REHAU products, they buy products from Artec, Montblanc and Brusbox.

    To imitate KBE products, options from Novotex, Rigap and Proplex are used.

    I pay special attention to the object profile. It is installed in non-residential premises. In appearance, it is similar to a regular profile. Only in its production is low-grade plastic (after recycling). Its walls are 3 mm thinner than the normalized value. It is logical that its price is several times lower.

    Here are his examples:

    How to detect deception? Look at the protective film. If there are no words “object”, “tender” or similar in meaning, refuse such products.

    The structure has poor strength, rigidity and thermal conductivity. Plastic can have a nasty smell. It is prohibited to use such a profile in residential premises!

    Additional nuances

    Upon completion of work, the following is also checked:

    • Presence of mosquito nets on opening doors.
    • The protective film must also be removed from the inside.
    • Decorative caps must be installed on the hinges of the sashes.
    • Traces of polyurethane foam should not be present on the windows.

    Please note that you will have to order the production of slopes additionally. This item is not included in the list of mandatory work for installers.

    So, now you know what to look for when installing metal-plastic windows, we also recommend that you read the article How to find a good company for installing PVC windows in Surgut, what signs to look for.

    Since we ourselves install PVC windows in Surgut and the region, you can read about ours here[/anchor], we love our job and work with high quality, please contact us, call 46-94-32 .

    Free window diagnostics - scam in Russian

    Free window diagnostics is a key phrase in the arsenal of window scammers to attract new victims of their “activities.” It catches gullible citizens like a hook.

    Photo: free window diagnostics end for gullible people with the loss of significant money. A favorable environment for the “reproduction” of window scammers has become the low quality of windows offered by the window industry after the crisis, and the approach of the “second wave” of window reglazing. The first modern Euro-windows were installed in the early 90s. Today, more than 20 years have passed since the beginning of the active installation phase of new plastic or wooden windows.


    This is the easiest method. Instead of the declared product, a cheaper one is installed. For example, there is a weak Turkish version of “Vorne” and a decent German product “Roto”. The price difference between them is about 60%. Calculation - for one window.

    A company that installs windows with average parameters has a monthly circulation rate of 200–400 units. With the help of substitution, she can make a huge profit for herself. Clients then carry out window repairs at their own expense.

    If the contract does not specify the brand of fittings involved, the client can get anything. Therefore, insist that you be provided with accurate information about the fittings used.

    How to spot a fake? Turn the handle. The following signs will indicate a fake:

    1. The handle turns hard.
    2. The mechanism creaks or operates jerkily.

    This is the presence of plastic power components instead of metal analogues. You turn the handle and they immediately bend.

    Another reason for this is that the product is assembled incorrectly, or there are no screws in it.

    Pricing policy and discounts

    Each order is unique in its parameters. But often companies announce the cost of standard products

    Buyers need to know the standard window data:

    Type of design Width(cm) Height (cm) Length(cm) Peculiarities
    With two doors 140 130 There is a vertical impost in the center.

    The type of one sash is tilt-and-turn. Type two is deaf.

    Double-glazed window with one chamber 2.4 cm Working formula: 4-16-4
    Low tide 15 140
    Windowsill 25 140

    A mosquito net is also included in the package.

    Fraudsters try to simplify the packaging. Methods:

    1. There is no mosquito net in the price tag.
    2. The window sill is reduced in width.
    3. The glass formula is 4-10-4. They are generally not allowed to glaze residential premises in central Russia.

    As for discounts, this is only a loss for the company. So-called discounts are just a marketing tactic. Its goal is to lure a buyer.

    Discount parameters may appear in elements not specified in the estimate. For example, at low tides. Often discounts are offset by very high price tags for components.

    I recommend that clients contact companies that do not offer discounts. Most often, their orders are more profitable.

    About the assembly

    The assembly line of plastic windows must be fully equipped. Highly qualified personnel must work here. All this implies powerful investments and expenses. Only a reputable organization can allow this.

    Modest companies do not have the equipment for many tasks, such as adjusting fittings and analyzing build quality. Results:

    - the window has incorrect geometry,

    - the window is leaking,

    - rapid breakdown of fittings.

    It is very difficult to identify these violations visually. You need to ask the installer for information about the manufacturer. If it is a modest local company, the likelihood of these problems is high.

    You should also find out where the product is manufactured.

    Deception scheme

    Window scammers operate in stages. First, advertisements are posted, which often contain the words “mandatory”, “resolution”, “fine”. They encourage you to call and make an appointment, because time is limited and the offer is tempting. At the same time, residents receive intrusive calls, fake consultants negotiate an “absolutely free” visit.

    On the appointed day, the master scares the gullible owners with horror stories. If you don't change the seal, it will be cold all winter. Does the door close poorly? You have to tighten it, otherwise everything will sag and become deformed. Sometimes “specialists” insist on completely replacing fittings or even the entire window. Everything is seasoned with promises of special discounts - for pensioners, veterans, parents of many children.

    At best, you will simply pay an inflated amount for simple transactions. Fraudsters overestimate their own capabilities two to three times. At worst, you'll be left with a broken window. It is impossible to know whether this is a qualified master or a random person on the street. Then you will have to spend a significant amount to correct real defects.

    It happens that the purpose of the visit is not to inspect the window at all. Attackers evaluate the situation in the apartment, the residents, and the condition of the front door. During the conversation, they find out when the owners are not at home. So a service inspection turns into a banal theft.

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    About double-glazed windows

    Here scammers can:

    1. Use much less sealant than necessary.
    2. Replace it with a cheaper analogue.
    3. Instead of polyisobutylene, use double-sided adhesive tape. This occurs during the initial sealing and fastening of the glass unit.
    4. Replace polysulfide with silicone sealant. This is done during the second sealing.
    5. Instead of the required moisture absorber - phonosorb, use a cheap analogue, for example silica gel. It is possible to use phonosorb in very modest proportions.
    6. Do not use any moisture absorber.

    The glass unit must be sealed. If condensation forms on its chamber, it means it is of poor quality. You can make a claim against the installer.

    Examples of fakes:

    The sealing layers of a quality product can be clearly seen through the glass.

    If there is a deception in the initial sealing, instead of a black layer there is a transparent one. There are also white options. The service life of such a double-glazed window is very modest. And after 2-3 years its thermal insulation will decrease significantly.

    The second layer must have a density of at least 5 mm. If this parameter is less, the glass unit gradually loses its integrity.

    Both layers should not have differences in thickness along the entire contour inside the window.

    Also, scammers often replace double-glazed windows or do not include important components in them.

    The techniques here are as follows:

    1. M1 float glass is being replaced. Simple glass is installed. How to identify? Look through the glass at the nearest building or other straight object. Move your gaze from line to line. If they appear wavy or floating, it means the glass is plain.
    2. The inner glass is missing. This applies to double-glazed windows with two chambers. How to identify? Light your lighter. Bring it to the window. If there are two glasses in the design, you will get two reflections. If this is not the case, it costs one glass.
    3. A situation similar to point 1. Only replaceable types of glass: reinforced and energy-saving. Detection method: in plain glass the flame is reflected with a red tint. In the indicated types - with purple.
    4. There is no inert gas specified in the contract. Only a spectrum analyzer can calculate this. This is an expensive device. Few people have them in their apartment.
    5. Very cheap seals are used. It is impossible to visually calculate the substitution.
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