Features of installing plastic windows in “Stalin” windows

An apartment in a Stalin-style building is not just very convenient and comfortable housing, it is also an extremely reliable structure, practically a fortress for residents. Houses built in the 50s have excellent performance properties and are very popular among those wishing to purchase a new home. However, windows and doors in houses built more than half a century ago have long ago not only lost their attractive appearance, but also do not perform their functions at the proper level.

Replacing old, unusable windows in Stalin-style houses is a rather labor-intensive task. This is explained by the design features of the building itself.

Features of installing plastic windows in a Stalinist house:

  • The thickness of the walls in such houses reaches 1 m. and more. This figure is achieved due to the fact that the wall in most cases consists of 2 layers of brick, between which there is a layer of sealant;
  • Dismantling an old wooden window takes longer than usual;
  • Installing a new window requires knowledge not only of the features of the building itself, but also experience in working in similar situations. Quite often, when designing such houses, a load-bearing beam above the window was not provided, so specialists have to install the beam themselves;
  • The internal slopes and window sills are quite wide;
  • The sizes of windows not only vary within different limits, but also differ in the number of opening blind sashes, as well as the direct shape of the window itself;
  • When installing a new window, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is in harmony with the external facade of the buildings. The brown profile is most often used, so it is necessary to use the lamination service.

When installing a plastic window in a steel frame, it is necessary to choose highly qualified specialists who have all the necessary skills, and most importantly, experience. By using the services of our company, you receive a whole range of services, the quality of which our clients do not have to worry about.

Which windows to choose?

Windows are installed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dismantling an old window, window sill;
  2. Preparing a window opening for installation of a new product;
  3. Installation of a new plastic window and all its components;
  4. Installation of a window sill from any material of your choice;
  5. Installation of ebb tides;
  6. Installation of slopes.

By choosing plastic windows for glazing, you will solve a whole range of problems that every resident of a big city faces. Among such problems are increased noise levels and heat retention in the apartment. By choosing a 1-chamber double-glazed window, you thereby reduce the noise level by 20 dB, and choosing a 3-chamber double-glazed window increases this figure to 35 dB. The tightness of a plastic window in a Stalin-style house will not only reduce heat loss, but will also help save on heating costs.

By choosing us you choose the quality, peace and quiet that you have dreamed of for so long!

Examples of installing plastic windows in Stalin buildings:

New windows for a new life in an old Stalinist house

December 16, 2015

The conversation with our new buyer began with the following monologue: “Buying an apartment in a “Stalin” building has been my long-time dream. Of course, modern houses are now being built where you can buy an apartment, as my friend says, “without any problems.” He gave enough reasons why you shouldn’t buy housing from an old stock: here you have the age of the house, the state of communications, and the need for large investments in major renovations of the apartment. I agreed. With your mind. But in my heart I still maintained my opinion: an apartment in a “Stalin” building is cool! And I also had arguments in their favor that warmed my soul:

  • Stalin's houses are not just buildings, they are now practically monuments to that bygone era, and, what is very important for me, they are working monuments. They have a special energy and a special status;
  • The appearance of the Stalins inspires respect. They stand out against the background of many modern residential buildings with their solidity and, if you like, aristocracy. Many houses built in subsequent periods are clearly no match for these architectural structures. Entire neighborhoods of Khrushchev buildings are being demolished, but these giants are standing and will continue to stand for a long time!
  • Personally, I am convinced that the definition of “Apartment” (with a capital letter) best suits housing in Stalinist houses: here you have the layout, the thickness of the walls (truly: my house is my fortress), and the height of the ceilings. What about the front doors? Not just any entrances, but the front entrances! Everything is thorough, reliable, and will last for many years.
  • Location. Such houses were built, as a rule, in the central part of the city to emphasize its greatness, and at the same time the special status of those who were lucky enough to receive the right to live in them.

I think now you understand why, when my dream came true, I was simply happy. My happiness was cloudless and complete exactly until that minute when my friend returned me from heaven to earth. Shaking his head disapprovingly, he asked: can I imagine how much trouble I will have with replacing windows and doors: the windows are all non-standard, and the balcony even more so, because the house, as he put it, has architectural excesses. And there was a reason for this. That's why I decided to immediately contact you. I trust your company - I ordered windows for the apartment where I still live until the renovations in the new apartment are completed. It's been 8 years now, no complaints. Tell me, is the problem solved?

“Of course, it can be solved,” we assured our visitor, “since there are houses that require window replacement, then even “architectural excesses” will not prevent real specialists from coping with this task.” The specialists must be real, because the final result will directly depend on how accurately both the features of the Stalin-type house itself and the features of a particular apartment are taken into account. In order not to overload our readers with special information, we will name only a few of the most obvious nuances:

  • Increased wall thickness compared to modern houses, reaching 1 m.
  • Two-layer brickwork and the presence of a sealant layer between the rows of bricks;
  • Design features in the design and construction of houses of this type: the very frequent absence of a load-bearing beam, which must certainly be corrected in the process of preparing for the installation of a new window;
  • The width of window sills (from 30-40 cm) and internal slopes (45-60 cm) - which for the most part exceeds the width of slopes and window sills in modern mass-produced houses;
  • The individuality of windows is both in size and shape (they can be rectangular or arched). Here you can also add a variety of options for the number of blind and opening doors;
  • The presence of those very “architectural excesses” that we have already discussed: balconies with balusters, intricate cornices, projections, beltons, etc., that is, elements that require a special approach both when measuring and when installing new windows.

Knowledge of these and many other important points for specialists helps to find the right tactics in organizing the window replacement process. And the movement towards a new window begins with a careful, painstaking measurement, during which only an experienced specialist will be able to take into account all the nuances. The subsequent result largely depends on the correctness of the actions of the manager-consultant.

The correct choice of window series is very important. Based on the fact that the windows of Stalinist houses, as a rule, face noisy avenues and highways, the main tasks that these windows should solve are preventing street noise from entering the apartment, and at the same time harmful emissions from cars tirelessly scurrying along the streets. Series 5 windows (Rehau Delight Design New) cope with this task perfectly. Thanks to the anti-resonance double-chamber glass unit 40 mm wide, equipped with special persistent two-leaf seals, the rumble and noise of cars, and with them harmful emissions, will forever remain outside the apartment.

The customer should know in advance that it will most likely take more time to replace windows in a Stalinist house than is usually needed to replace windows in other types of houses. We have already named some of the reasons; they rest on:

  • difficulty in dismantling old windows;
  • the possibility of damage to the brickwork of the window opening with its subsequent restoration;
  • the need to install (if not available) a load-bearing beam;
  • the complexity of the process of installing a new window, especially if it has a non-standard size or shape (for example, an arched shape);
  • The new window should fit perfectly into the window opening, eliminating future problems such as condensation on the glass and blowing out.

Another point that needs to be thought through in advance to avoid problems after installation is the view of the window from the street side. It should in no way disturb the harmony of the entire building as a whole, either in color or style. Our Company is able to cope with this task. This is solved by laminating the frame in the desired color using a special, environmentally resistant film coating. In this case, the color of the window frame on the inside of the window (from the room) may differ radically from the color of the frame on the facade side.

Based on all of the above, it becomes obvious that the cost of a window for an apartment in a Stalinist building will be slightly higher than the cost of a conventional plastic window. But, you see, the troubles that a window company undertakes to solve are worth it. In return, you get the apartment of your dreams, from the windows of which you can admire the beauty of your favorite city, watching its unbridled bustle, vainly trying to disturb the peace of your home.

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  • January 12, 2016

    Non-standard position of the plastic window handle

    The handles of plastic windows, as standard, are located strictly in the middle of the sash. Actually, where else should they be located? The center is the best option. Firstly, it does not violate the aesthetic appearance of the window unit. Secondly, the central location is the most common. But don’t think that the handle in the middle of the window sash is the only available option for its location. Thanks to the features of modern fittings, it becomes possible to significantly expand the variability of the placement of the handle relative to the plane of the PVC window. And it is precisely this opportunity that it offers to its highly respected customers. If necessary, the handle of a plastic window can be placed almost anywhere on the sash, focusing solely on issues of ease of working with the window unit. We will not dwell in detail on the technical side of the issue; we will only say that this is not a problem for the manufacturer.

  • December 25, 2015

    New from Window Continent - aesthetic Isotra HIT II blinds

    Blinds, which were very popular at the turn of the century, have not lost any of their relevance today. Yes, modern manufacturers are ready to offer their customers other solutions aimed at performing similar tasks. But blinds are still recognized as the most optimal, convenient and familiar option for protecting apartments from the sun and prying eyes. That is why, since December, Window Continent has been offering its customers a new Isotra HIT II blind system, which is supplied by the well-known company INTCOM. The new horizontal blinds, among other things, boast an improved cornice design and 16mm slats. At first glance at the new blinds you will understand that they look very beautiful, neat and aesthetically pleasing. Their appearance will perfectly complement the aesthetics of your already beautiful plastic window.

  • December 10, 2015

    Provedal - decent aluminum glazing for your home

    So, you have firmly decided for yourself that your balcony or loggia has had enough of being blown by seven winds, drenched in torrential rains and covered with a thick layer of dust flying in from the street. What protective measures to take? Right! The balcony or loggia needs to be glazed. Moreover, it is advisable to do this with the help of plastic glazing, which is warm and as reliable as possible in terms of tightness and comprehensive insulation. But two circumstances may stand in the way of your dream of glazing with PVC profiles and double-glazed windows. Firstly, plastic glazing is quite heavy, and if your balcony is on its last legs, it is unlikely that anyone will decide to take such a risky step as installing it. It's just not safe. Secondly, plastic glazing is not the cheapest pleasure, especially considering its scale. Does this mean that your balcony or loggia will have to remain unprotected? No. After all, warm PVC glazing has a worthy alternative - cold Provedal aluminum glazing. This option is able to fully satisfy the needs of those customers who want to protect themselves from weather troubles.

  • December 04, 2015

    How to properly care for REHAU plastic windows?

    For a long time, residents of our country do not consider plastic windows a luxury available only to the richest and most prosperous citizens. Every Russian of average income can afford to replace old wooden window blocks with new PVC windows. Moreover, this is not done every year, but once, after which you can enjoy the benefits of plastic windows for many decades. But there's one catch. By switching from “wood” to “plastic”, our citizens are adopting the old methods that they used to care for wooden windows in earlier times. Many of them do not even suspect that the care of plastic windows must be carried out according to certain rules. Yes, the maintenance process itself is significantly easier, which we will discuss in detail below, but not taking into account the subtleties of this very maintenance means acting to the detriment of your beautiful, stylish and attractive PVC windows. In this article, experts will give you some important tips on how to properly care for plastic windows so that the surface of the profile and glass always remains in a perfectly clean and unworn condition.

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Prices for installing plastic windows in a Stalinist house

How can you find out the cost of your plastic windows:

View prices for glazing of apartments in Stalinist buildings according to the current promotion on our website
Send a request for calculation (fill in the fields below).
You can find out how much it costs to install plastic windows in our company using the window calculator on the website. This will be an approximate price.
A more accurate calculation will be made by our managers by calling the hotline or at the company’s Moscow office (the address is listed on the website). They will help you choose a window design, take into account seasonal discounts and discounts related to the volume of your order.
Call a measurer for free who will tell you the cost of a plastic window on the spot after taking all measurements.
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