What is the best child lock for windows and how to install it?

Young children are distinguished by great curiosity and restlessness; they are constantly interested in what is happening on the street outside the window of their house or apartment. Parents are very concerned about the possibility of their child accidentally falling out, especially if the home is located on a high floor. Our company offers an excellent way to solve this problem - installing special locks on windows.

To ensure the safety of children, a large selection of different clamps and limiters is offered. Reliable devices allow you to freely use the window in ventilation mode, but do not allow the child to open the doors completely on their own. The products can be installed on any window systems, including plastic, aluminum, wood and other types. The presence of such protection will help to avoid various unpleasant situations and accidents.

What it is?

The name “child lock” is a conventional name for a number of stops that are necessary to secure the rotary function of the sash .
The installation ensures daily ventilation of the premises, but does not allow children to fully open the window.

Such solutions exclude the child from going out onto the balcony or cornice. Fastening blockers is allowed on any type of frame, including wooden or plastic models. This also includes modern design options, such as eurobeams.

Note! Installation of special locks with child protection is possible not only on new windows, but also on previously installed structures.

Most of these structures include the following elements :

  1. Guide corner.
  2. A gasket under the main element that protects the external material from mechanical stress.
  3. Housing with locking mechanism.
  4. Key to unlock the locking device.

When choosing a lock, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular window design, the type of opening and the dimensions of the device. Manufacturers produce models from different materials that differ in color. This allows you to select suitable elements for different types of frames. The choice is also made taking into account the interior design.

Buy locks for plastic windows

Our company offers to buy children's locks on the most favorable terms. We offer the best prices for each item in the catalog and provide a guarantee for any purchased product. The advantages of cooperation with us are as follows:

  • a large selection of locks from popular European manufacturers;
  • availability of a portfolio with visual examples of installing different types of child locks;
  • qualified assistance in choosing a product in accordance with the material and type of profile:
  • high-quality installation using modern tools;
  • guarantee for work performed.

Ways to protect yourself from children

Manufacturers produce the following types of mechanisms:

Window handle locksThe simple device features easy installation directly onto the door handle. Fastening is carried out in only one position. As a result, the child cannot turn the handle independently in the absence of adults. The price starts from 600 rubles.
Bollards with sliding mechanismUsed to limit the opening width of the window sash. The device is designed for mounting simultaneously on the window sill and sash. Movement is limited by the length of the guide provided. The cost starts from 149 rubles.
Locking valvesSuitable for windows equipped with longitudinal or rotary fastening to the frame. Installation is allowed on either side of the sash. As a result, the window stops opening horizontally. The price starts from 690 rubles.
Flexible bollardsWhen installed correctly, the window opens no more than 2 cm. Costs range from 300 rubles.
Locks with keyIt is important not to leave the key in the lock so that the child cannot open it on his own. Available in models with mortise or rim lock. The window opens vertically for ventilation. This is a so-called BSL blocker costing from 188 rubles.
"Antidebaby"This is a handle that has a built-in lock. The price starts from 240 rubles.

You can also order a comb, which often comes with plastic windows. The window is opened in a folding manner, and the device determines the opening width. The device will cost 160 rubles apiece.

Components of the limiter

A typical blocker has a more common name - “comb”. Its external form suggests such a comparison. The limiter is a simple design with a simple operation scheme.

Together, the latch and the comb are the components of the window stop:

Comb. This is the name of the bar on which the grooves are located. It has an elongated appearance. The connecting elements are hinges that control the raising and lowering of the mechanism.

The width of the air gap when the doors swing open is noted using grooves (notches). They are located on the plate. The greatest popularity is attributed to four position models.

Latch. Placed on a moving frame sash. Its shape is similar to a metal pin

When focusing on the capabilities of a window opening limiter, special attention is paid to the pin. It determines how much spacing can be set using the comb compartments.


Since 2016, new rules regarding the manufacture and installation of windows have come into force on Russian territory. A condition is also introduced according to which child protection must be pre-installed.

Similar requirements apply to the following objects:

  • residential premises;
  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • children's hospitals.

Important! Legislation requires the installation of special locks that provide reliable protection against a child accidentally falling out of the window. This requirement has arisen because the number of such cases remains high every year.

According to experts, the situation can only be corrected by installing locks with a key and using other auxiliary means. The government has prepared amendments to GOST 23166-99, which applies to all manufacturers without exception.

What is all this for?

What does the information described above mean? Is it necessary to run out and buy and install security locks on all windows right now?

The Investigative Committee only recommended doing this, and first of all the recommendation concerns budgetary institutions: kindergartens, schools, hospitals. In apartment buildings, property owners will have to decide for themselves whether to leave the windows unprotected or install a lock. Failure to comply with a recommendation can have consequences only if a tragedy occurs.

“The owner has the right to ignore any requirements that do not threaten the safety of residence and other persons, since private property is inviolable, and he can live as he is comfortable. But if failure to comply with the recommendations that were established by the government at the suggestion of the Investigative Committee results in a child being harmed, then the owner of this premises will be prosecuted.” (Lawyer O. Frolov)

The final decision is yours...

Selection rules

When choosing devices to prevent opening by children, you need to pay attention to the strength of the structure. The ease of opening is also taken into account depending on your own preferences and parameters of the window units.

There are the following options for manufacturers of protective mechanisms::

  1. Maco . These are Austrian-made mechanisms. The specificity of the devices is additional treatment against the occurrence of corrosion processes. The average cost is 550 rubles.
  2. Roto . Products made in Germany can be ordered according to an individual project. As a result, the device fits perfectly into the existing design of windows and the surrounding space. The price is 400 rubles.
  3. Jackloc . The products are mainly represented by locks equipped with cables. Provides increased strength and safety. In addition, the device is complemented by a red key, which is difficult to forget in the well. The cost is 1500 rubles.

Note. It is important to choose models from reliable manufacturers who pay attention to quality control. This allows us to achieve a better control mechanism that will be used for a long time without damage.

Who needs to install child window locks and window blockers?

Such a reliable “accessory” will be most useful to: - families with babies who have just started walking - parents of young children - people who are concerned about the health and safety of their child - good owners who want to protect their apartment from thieves.

We recommend ordering window locks for parents of restless, active and curious children, as well as for those who leave their offspring in the care of nannies and governesses.

Interlocking locks are widely used in dormitories, hotels and public institutions such as clinics.


One of the most interesting to install are blockers.
They not only eliminate the possibility of injury to the child, but also provide protection against illegal entry into the territory of a house or city apartment.

Well-known manufacturers offer a wide selection of devices that undergo mandatory testing.

Among such companies we can highlight the Italian manufacturer Giesse, the Turkish – Elementis, and the German – ROTO.

Advantages of devices for installation on window sashes:

  1. Compact and aesthetically attractive appearance.
  2. Reliable protection against hacking.
  3. Complete safety from a child falling out of the window.
  4. Simple installation that does not lead to a violation of the seal of the sash.
  5. Convenient to use.
  6. Installation is carried out on sashes made of different materials, including plastic, aluminum or wood.

An excellent solution is a lock with a key and a cylinder. The key structure is mounted at the bottom of the sash, and the response is placed directly on the frame.

The device is used to block the window in ventilation mode, as a result of which the child is not able to open the sash completely. You can choose a model in various colors , which allows you to completely customize the part to the interior design and style of the window frames.

Cable and key locking models are among the most durable. They are presented with a plastic body, and a multi-strand durable cable is used as a key element. As a result, wide opening of the window is eliminated. The length of the cable is limited to 20 cm. To open the window you will need a special key

Important! Modern manufacturers offer original fittings that are not repeated in other companies. Ergonomic design and European quality are ensured.


As I noted above, it is important to prevent unauthorized movement in both directions through the window opening. Let me explain:

  1. Penetration into the apartment . This is protection against thieves. Here, I won’t even draw particular attention, since everyone, of course, wants to protect themselves as much as possible from the possible invasion of offenders who have coveted their private property. But most standard window systems can be hacked, so installing an additional barrier is never a bad idea;

If you live on the first or last floor, I also recommend installing bars with a lock on the windows. The fact is that these are the areas of the high-rise building that are most susceptible to intrusion attempts, and it is better to insure yourself with something more substantial than ordinary plastic double-glazed windows.

For owners living on the first floors, it is better to rely on window bars than on double-glazed window locks

  1. Falling out of the window . Children's hands are very nimble and inquisitive; it costs them nothing to learn how to open PVC windows. And then a tragedy may occur that the invasion of even a dozen robbers cannot compare with. Therefore, if you have a small child living with you, be sure to make sure that he does not have the opportunity to use the window transom uncontrollably.

A child's curiosity should not be detrimental to him.

In both situations, installing an additional lock helps, which is quite easy to do with your own hands. But before I move on to describing their types and specific examples, I’ll explain why you shouldn’t improvise and look for other ways to solve the problem:

Suspicious child safety alternatives

Parents can try to stop their child using the following methods:

  1. Mosquito net . The window opening is closed, what else do you need? And mosquitoes will not fly by and the baby will not fall out. Yes, such structures are not designed for the weight of a small person. Even for cats, special reinforced models are purchased, so the sense of security in this case is only imaginary;

A mosquito net won't stop an inquisitive child

  1. Placing pots of flowers or other similar paraphernalia on the windowsill. In this case, the theoretical calculation is simple: there is no space - there is nowhere to climb. But in reality, an inquisitive child can not only still get to the desired window, but also break all the vessels placed in front of him along the way, injuring himself and causing additional material damage to the family budget;

Not the best barrier for an energetic child

  1. Removing from the window all chairs and cabinets on which the cub can climb. This is only a temporary precaution until your child thinks of going into the next room to get a stool. But you won’t leave the apartment completely without furniture.

Bring a stool and stand on it? Easily!

As you can see, all this is either temporary or unreliable. As an option, of course, you can still consider constant supervision of the child, but it is completely fantastic and impossible. So it’s better to go to the store for a lock, the price of which is not so high, in order to postpone the purchase indefinitely, continuing to endanger the health and life of your child.

Is it possible to make a blocker with your own hands?

It is hardly advisable to manufacture such fasteners yourself, since they have a simple design and are offered by manufacturers in finished form.
The simplest models cost less than 200 rubles , and installing such a product is not difficult.

There are models that are mounted without drilling or directly on the plastic sash. Others need to be fixed to both the sash and the window sill. At the same time, they are rigidly fixed without the risk of damage from the child.


Comb functions:

  1. The position of the window sash is fixed in a position that occupies an intermediate value in the range of 5-80 mm.
  2. The window does not slam shut in any draft, which prolongs its service life.
  3. If there are plants on the windowsill or pets, the structures become safer.
  4. Effective micro-ventilation while maintaining temperature and humidity levels at optimal levels.

Required Tools

In most cases, installation takes up to 30 minutes to complete. Often the process is even faster, since it is easy to attach using a common set of tools.

The following parts may be required in different situations::

  • a 4 mm wrench, which is often included in a bicycle repair kit;
  • star-shaped nozzle;
  • pliers;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

In addition to tools, you can also use WD-40 aerosol or similar. This will help to achieve complete tightness of the window structure.

Where and when is it used?

There are times when you simply cannot do without a window lock. The most common cases:

  • to prevent drafts in the open position in ventilation mode;
  • if children live in the apartment, there are pets, or plants are placed on the windowsill, then preventing drafts and sudden slamming of the sashes will make the window safe;
  • micro-ventilation is required, which is important for those suffering from allergies, respiratory diseases and other diseases that require a high oxygen content in the air.

Step by step instructions

Let's look at the most popular options.

Installing a handle with a key

This is one of the most popular locks, which is installed on windows in apartments and country houses.
A locking mechanism is built into a special handle , to which a key is supplied. For any actions with the sash, you will need a key surface.

Replacement is carried out not only with professional help, but also independently.

To do this, execute the following instruction:

  1. The plug is turned to reveal hidden bolts for fastening elements.
  2. Take a suitable size screwdriver and remove the bolts, then remove the locking device.
  3. Install a new handle with a locking element.
  4. The plug is installed in its original position.

Important! The handle should be installed in the reverse order of how the individual elements are removed from it. This is especially important when doing independent work, as well as when there is a lack of experience.

Another similar type of device is a handle with a push-button lock. It can only be opened if you press the button. Young children practically cannot cope with this.

Invoice and bsl

Installation is carried out according to the following scheme (including from BSL):

  1. Marks are applied to the frame, which are necessary to connect the main block.
  2. Take a drill, thanks to which you create holes according to the markings.
  3. The main part is secured using the supplied bolts.
  4. Then the additional element is connected.

There are two main elements - the main and additional block. The first is attached directly to the window sash. The second element is mounted on the frame. The main difference is the simple opening of the window structure for ventilation. This completely prevents the sash from opening.


Fastening of such a product is carried out directly into the profile. The device is suitable for PVC windows with various design features. After proper installation, only the hole of the mechanism itself is visible on the surface.

Installation requires the following sequence of steps:

  1. The sash is milled, where the main part of the lock will be fixed (a milling machine is used, and the dimensions of the niche must correspond to the dimensions of the locking device).
  2. A part of the lock is fixed in the niche, after which it is fastened with bolts included in the package.
  3. A hole is made in the profile to fix the turnkey well.
  4. The keyhole is installed and securely fastened.

Important. It is important to carry out the work with extreme caution. Protection is provided not only for the frame made of plastic or wood, but also for the locking device itself.

Dummy lock

The cover lock is represented by a separate type of handle, which is removed after closing the window.
As a result, the child does not have the opportunity to open the window wide open or in another plane.

Installing a removable handle involves replacing conventional fittings that do not have a built-in locking element .

The main difference is the presence of a special fastening and a rotating mechanism.

On the sash with a cable

Such locks include three parts. The first is the main one and one end of the cable is connected to it. To remove the opening restriction, the manufacturer is developing a mechanism with a special key. An additional part is provided for fastening the limit cable. The latter is fixed to it during operation of the device.

Installation includes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Select a location for installation and take careful measurements and markings.
  2. The holes for the bolts are made using a drill (it is important not to use a hammer drill, as serious damage is possible).
  3. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, install the limiter, which is the first part of the device.
  4. Using a similar scheme, an additional block is fixed to the opening window sash.
  5. A cable supplied in the kit is connected to both components of the lock.

Important! Professional installers recommend using the bottom of the window for fixation. This ensures simple opening of the window structure, and the mechanism operates quite accurately.

More details on how to install a cable lock:

Normative documents

Clause 4.5. The classification feature “- according to the methods of opening the sashes” after the words “turn-and-tilt - with rotation of the sash around the vertical and lower extreme axes” should be supplemented with a new paragraph: “- with parallel-sliding - parallel extension of the sash from the plane of the window to a certain distance”; classification sign “- according to the design of devices for ventilation and regulation of the temperature and humidity conditions of the room” after the words “with flaps with a folding (turn-and-tilt)” add the words “and parallel-sliding”; The paragraph should be supplemented with a new paragraph: “- according to the availability of security systems.”

Clause 4.10 after the designation “PO – with tilt-and-turn opening” should be supplemented with the designation: “PV – with parallel-sliding opening”; The paragraph should be supplemented with the designation: “SB - with security system.”.

Clause 5.1.2. The third paragraph should be supplemented with the words: “The design of window units should provide for the possibility of ventilating rooms using parallel-retractable opening, which provides intensive ventilation due to the formation of a gap along the entire perimeter of the window unit.” .

Clause 5.1.8. state in a new edition: “Products must be safe to use and maintain. To ensure safety, in order to prevent injuries and the possibility of children falling out of windows in children's schools, preschool institutions, as well as in residential buildings, window units must be equipped with safety locks installed in the lower bar of the sash on the handle side and ensuring blocking of the rotary (hinged) ) opening the sash, but allowing the operation of the tilting position, or use a parallel retractable opening of the sash."

Clause 5.4.4. add a new paragraph: “security locks must comply with locks of classes 1-2 according to GOST 5089.”

Clause 5.5.3. The first paragraph should be supplemented with the words: “If products are supplied with a security system, the delivery package must include security locks.”

Clause 6.4 after the words “operation of window devices” should be supplemented with the words “and locks”.

Thus, fulfilling the government’s instructions on the need to comprehensively ensure the safety of children, the Ministry of Construction introduced changes to state standards regulating safety requirements for windows. At the same time, new requirements for the safety of windows in residential buildings, kindergartens and schools come into force.

Average installation cost

Cost depends on a number of factors:

  • complexity of the device;
  • number of mechanisms for installation at one customer;
  • urgency of work execution;
  • the need to purchase consumables;
  • use of special equipment and tools.

The cost largely depends on the region of residence . Thus, the cost of installing handles with a lock is at least 1000 rubles. If you need a mortise lock with installation in the sash, the payment is 2200 rubles.

Installation for BSL bollards starts from 200 rubles. Models with a cable are installed at a cost of 900 rubles. In this case, multi-strand steel cable and cast steel are used. When installed correctly, the device can handle a load of 550 kg.

Disadvantages of combs compared to valves

The plastic window opening regulator, in addition to its undeniable advantages, is not without some disadvantages. They must be taken into account in the decision-making process for installing a limiter if there is a choice between them and inlet window valves:

  • This device is not a barrier for small children. It can be easily opened, after which access to the open window will be unlocked;
  • If the home is on the ground floor, intruders can take advantage of the opportunity to enter through a half-open window. The comb is easily removed from the clamp, and the window sash opens from the outside;
  • If you forget about the slightly open window in the cold season, then there is a high probability of overcooling the room;
  • When attaching the sash to the clamp, the noise-proof properties of the plastic window will not be ensured;

Compared to combs, window supply valves do not have these disadvantages. Fresh air enters in moderate quantities, and the window itself remains closed.

If you decide to install a sash opening limiter on your window, then follow the recommendations listed above and take into account all the installation nuances. In this case, the stopper will serve you well for a long time, and you will not be disappointed.


Different types of child protection:

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