Which curtain rods are best to hang on suspended ceilings - mounting options and photos with curtains in the interior

Curtains on the ceiling cornice

Many people are interested in how to hang curtains on a ceiling cornice. The main purpose of the products is to protect a person’s internal space from the penetration of prying eyes, bright sunlight and cold air. The products also serve as decoration for windows and doors of rooms and create coziness in the home.

This article will tell you in detail how to choose and hang curtains for ceiling cornices.

Step-by-step installation instructions, guide to action

The complete set of ceiling cornice includes: a set of stoppers, a set of hooks, a supporting profile.
We drill holes in the cornice. The scheme of fastening the curtains to the suspended (suspended) ceiling depends on the location of the embedded elements of the base. For other types of ceilings, we mark as follows: a hole in the center, from which we evenly distribute the remaining holes along the entire length of the product (at a distance of 40 cm). If your cornice has multiple tracks, holes are needed in each of them.

Now we act depending on the type of overlap:

All that remains is to attach the structure to the suspended ceiling using dowels. For concrete and wooden ceilings, you need to choose a place for the curtain. The line along which the product will be attached should not be close to the window

Note the protruding window sill and radiator. If you hang a curtain on a row that is closer to the window, it should not catch it.

For a concrete floor, we apply the structure to the ceiling and mark the attachment points with a pencil. For the wooden ceiling, all that remains is to attach the cornice with self-tapping screws and hang the hooks. We use a hammer drill to make holes in the concrete ceiling. Length about 5 cm.

We insert the dowels into the holes, attach the product and fasten it with screws. When you have inserted the hooks for the curtain rod, all that remains is to secure them with special plugs. The complete set of ceiling cornices includes both elements.

Attaching curtains to the ceiling is not such a difficult matter. But the appearance of the room will depend on how correctly the calculations are made and how smoothly the structure is attached.

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What characteristics should curtain fabric have? First of all, you should pay attention to the wear resistance of the material. It should not fade quickly in the sun or fade when washed. Next, you should build on individual preferences. If you need to protect your bedroom from the sun, it is better to choose curtains made of thick fabrics or double curtains with lining. Curtains made of blackout fabric are very popular. And some, due to allergies, can only afford curtains made from natural materials - cotton and linen.

Related article: DIY London curtain: sewing technology, features

We offer the top 3 best fabrics for bedroom curtains.

  • Viscose. Externally, the material is very reminiscent of silk, but at the same time it has good wear resistance and is completely affordable. It is not afraid of humidity, sun and wind, but for strength, viscose requires a lining made of natural fabric.
  • Blackout. The fabric came to us from Finland - the land of white nights. Blackout does not allow sunlight to pass through and also protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation. A few years ago, the material was a rigid base covered with latex. It looked rather unpresentable, so it was more often used as a lining. But time does not stand still. Today, blackout is made using a different technology and is increasingly used for sewing curtains for the bedroom.
  • Linen. Natural fabrics are quite difficult to care for, but various modern impregnations and a small percentage of synthetics work wonders. Linen is especially popular. It fits perfectly into the urban chic style, giving the bedroom a special charm.

Wall installation

How to attach a ceiling cornice, installation technology, fastenings used

Scheme for attaching a ceiling cornice to a suspended ceiling.

To determine the location of the cornice in relation to the window opening, you will need to find the center of the window, measuring the same distance from it to the right and left (to the installation locations of the brackets). Curtains will be hung correctly if the location of the fasteners is initially marked. To do this, you will need to measure the length of the cornice, collecting it on the floor surface. The mark is made slightly above the window using a pencil. From this mark you will need to set aside the distance to the cornice in 2 directions. Similarly, 2 marks are applied in the horizontal direction. As a result of their intersection, there are points at which holes are made.

After determining the required length, the cornice is cut using a hacksaw. It is recommended to take all measurements using a tape measure. As for the consoles, they should be located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the ends of the curtains. It should be noted that all points are set aside from the ceiling, since the cornice is arranged parallel to the ceiling. Otherwise, on a sloping ceiling, the cornice installed horizontally will be uneven.

Wall cornice installation diagram.

If a weak material is used to fasten the curtains, then you will need to make a hole with a larger diameter. If the walls are made of gypsum concrete or foam concrete, then this figure is 12 mm. A hammer is used for this. Such fasteners have a big advantage, which consists in allowing for a significant error when drilling a hole.

Often you need to select the fasteners yourself. In this case, it is recommended to use anchors with internal threads. To attach them, you need to make a hole with the appropriate diameter. Then anchors are inserted into them. Since these elements provide strong fixation, their number, unlike screws, may be smaller.

As for the installation of a string cornice, it is usually installed on the ceiling. In this case, you will need to find out where to install it. Then the fastenings are applied to the ceiling. Using a pencil, make holes for fasteners. You can drive plastic dowels into the holes by screwing in the fastening screws. After installing the string, it is fixed and tensioned. To do this, it is recommended to use a tension device. It is on a mount.

Such a device is presented in the form of a simple tube that moves along the thread due to rotation. String curtains can easily be installed where designers do not recommend using large-sized structures presented in the form of baguette cornices.

Window decoration with curtains on the ceiling cornice

Why choose ceiling cornices? Firstly, with the help of curtains hanging on the ceiling cornice, you can beautifully drape the surface of a wall or window. Secondly, such curtains cover all defects of the window opening and the window itself. And finally, thirdly, floor-to-ceiling curtains cover the entire window, leaving no gaps. Therefore, the choice of curtains is very important - they should match the decoration of the room, the curtain rod and be beautiful enough to become another striking black room.

Ceiling cornice is becoming increasingly popular in the market of building materials for the home and this is not surprising, because thanks to the ceiling cornice you can greatly decorate any room.

The sequence of installing a plastic cornice with your own hands

How to attach a cornice to a suspended ceiling

Hanging a ceiling cornice is not difficult, but it is important to do everything correctly, in a certain sequence

  1. We decide on the location of the cornice. To do this, sketch out an approximate diagram on which the length of the main element will depend. For rotating elements, if any, it is necessary to take into account the required distance from the wall.
  2. If the cornice should be attached in a straight line along the window, everything is simple here - we saw off the profile of the required length with a hacksaw according to the diagram. If it is necessary to hang the curtain not near the window, but in the middle of the room and the cornice line will have turns and bends, then we draw up a diagram. Using it we cut individual elements to the required length, and then install each separately.
  3. To attach to the ceiling, we drill holes in the profile using a drill so that the screws firmly hold the profile together with the curtain. Sometimes the profile already has mounting holes for fastening. After complete installation of the product, these holes will become invisible, so do not make them too infrequently. The average distance between them is 0.5 m.

Accessories for ceiling plastic cornices

We apply the profile to the place of future fastening and mark with a marker the places that need to be drilled for screwing in the screws. We make holes in the ceiling in the marked places using an electric drill, insert plastic dowels inside. Next, we put the plastic profile back on the mounting location and screw in all the screws one by one. The profile is quite flexible, but it is better not to lower it suddenly during installation, holding it with your hand so that it does not burst or break. After fastening the main profile to the ceiling, the rotating elements are similarly attached, if they are provided for in the diagram. We pass hooks for future curtains through the internal holders, limiting their movement if necessary with special stops and plugs. We cover the plastic cornice with decorative tape, which can be made in any color to match the interior of the room. After installing the cornice, we hang the curtains to check whether everything is done correctly. Blinds and curtains are quite easily attached to the hooks of the ceiling cornice. The sliding of curtains should be smooth and easy.

Plastic cornice with bends and turns

How to attach a ceiling cornice to a wall?

Mounting on brackets to the wall

It is impossible to attach such a cornice to suspended plasterboard or suspended ceilings, so it is attached to the wall.

Manufacturers foresaw this problem and equipped the cornice with special brackets, which are also attached with screws and dowels, but to the wall.

The upper strips of the brackets can be of different lengths (10-30 cm), which allows you to adjust the distance of the cornice from the wall.

The cornice is attached to the top bar of the bracket with special plastic plates. The brackets are mounted at a distance of 1-1.5 m, and 0.5 m from each other if the cornice is two- or three-row with large massive curtains.

Plastic cornices are even easier to install on a wooden ceiling. Here you need to mark everything correctly and secure the structure with self-tapping screws. In wide cornices, the holes must be made in two rows.

If you plan to attach light curtains or curtains to a plasterboard ceiling, there will be no problems. But if you are hanging multi-layer, massive curtains, for reliability they are fastened to the wall using brackets, or you need to construct wooden anchors. Fix the timber embeds to the base ceiling at the location where the future cornice will be attached.

So, it is not difficult to hang the cornice correctly, following the necessary installation steps. A decorated plastic cornice along with matching curtains will decorate the entire room.

Useful tips

Before purchasing a cornice, take measurements of the window opening or other place where it will be mounted.

The main advantage of plastic curtain rods is their versatility

The fastening to the wall should not interfere with the opening of the windows, so we place it above 5 cm from the window opening. The removal of the cornice should be such that the curtains do not touch the ledge of the window sill, window handles, or radiators. Choose the length of the cornices so that the windows open completely and freely. The recommended distance from the window opening to the ends of the cornice is 30-40 cm. This value should be clarified depending on the density and width of the curtains and the location of the window. For heavy curtains, use durable plastic curtain rods secured through holes in the rail. The heavier the blade, the smaller the pitch between the mounting holes becomes.

More information on the topic: https://dachaprosto.com

Advantages and disadvantages of hidden cornices

As written above, in some cases, installing a hidden cornice is a common necessity. Consequently, the apartment owner simply has no other choice.


  • Automatic electric window blinds: review of the best models with photos and descriptions

  • Double-row curtain rod, all types: wall, ceiling, metal, plastic. Assembly and installation instructions

  • Wooden curtain rods: flexible, hidden, corner. Photos of new design and interior decoration

However, this does not mean at all that the structure is installed to a greater extent precisely when the need arises, and not because of its advantages over other products.

After all, a hidden curtain rod really has important advantages that force designers to pay attention to it. These important advantages include:

  • practicality and versatility - a hidden cornice will look appropriate in any design;
  • aesthetics - a beautiful appearance allows you to refuse additional decoration of the window opening;
  • functionality - in the niche in which the hidden cornice is installed, wiring can also be installed. This will hide the wires, so nothing will spoil the appearance of the interior;
  • wide price range - if the budget for purchasing curtain rods is very limited, this is an excellent solution. Because this design is not too expensive. There is always the opportunity to choose a budget model.

It is thanks to these advantages that the model is in such great demand. But this does not negate the fact that it also has some disadvantages that cannot be ignored:
  • additional expenses - a new expense item appears due to the need to prepare a niche in advance. If the buyer wants the cornice in the suspended ceiling to have a non-standard shape, then he will have to pay extra for its production;
  • difficulties with replacing the structure - if during the repair process there is a need to replace the cornice, you will have to resort to the help of a specialist. Since dismantling a structure is not an easy task;
  • minimalist design - not every person will like the fact that this design of a window opening does not involve the use of a large number of decorative elements.

It should also be noted that it is not always possible to make a niche invisible. For example, if the room has a very small square footage and low ceilings, then the niche will look like a hole in the ceiling. And there is no way to hide it.

The design still looks more harmonious in spacious rooms. But the decisive factor, of course, is the height of the ceiling.

Criteria for choosing ceiling curtains

Gifts and tips Attaching a chandelier to a suspended ceiling. Types of pendant lamps on cables

Ceiling curtains are a very good option for rooms of low height, because... visually increase their volume, make them more spacious and taller. Often they themselves become a stylish part of the interior of the room. The main thing when choosing curtain rods is to correctly select them according to their load-carrying capacity. Some can only withstand light fabrics, while others can support heavy materials, so the weight of the curtains is the main guideline here.

Materials for ceiling cornices

Different materials are used to make curtain mounts:

  1. Plastic. It produces cornices of various shapes and colors that easily fit into any design. They are practical and inexpensive. Models can be both simple and very luxurious, decorated with a baguette strip.

A simple plastic cornice is almost invisible and does not distract attention from the curtains

The plastic cornice can be selected for any configuration of the ceiling and walls, and the baguette strip makes it a bright detail of the interior

Plastic cornice follows the non-standard contours of the ceiling

2. Tree. Curtains made of wood usually have a round cross-section. Suitable for rooms decorated in a classic style. These products are environmentally friendly, sometimes decorated with carvings, and sometimes they are emphatically strict and very simple.

Ceiling curtains made of wood perfectly complement the classic interior - coziness, comfort and luxury

A wooden cornice with carvings successfully sets off the ceiling and harmonizes with the pattern of the curtains

3. Metal. A metal cornice can hold heavy curtains. Equally appropriate in rooms designed in vintage styles “Provence”, “Retro” and modern ones - “Modern”, “High-tech”.

Metal curtain rods hold curtains made of heavy materials

The metal ceiling cornice-string is the cheapest in this category, but quickly begins to sag

Types of curtains depending on application

You should know that there are curtains:

  • single-row - only one curtain is hung, most often tulle;
  • double-row - it is possible, in addition to tulle, to also place night curtains;
  • three-row - tulle and curtains are complemented by lambrequins;
  • four-row - chosen when it is planned to perform some complex draperies.

An interesting design move - zoning a room using a single-row curtain

Complex multi-layer window drapery, which requires 3 and 4 row curtains

Choosing curtain length

When the cornice is intended to be installed above a window, then to calculate its length, simply measure the width of the window and add 0.4 m to this parameter. If there are 2 narrow windows next to each other on the wall, then there are 2 options - one long curtain that combines both an opening or two above each window, then the length of the cornice will be equal to the width of the opening plus 0.2-0.3 m. With this approach, with the curtains drawn apart, the window will be completely open.

When using curtains to separate some part of the room, measure the width of the room and choose a curtain slightly shorter than this figure.

Curtains for suspended ceilings

Their installation must also be planned before installing the ceiling. And not only plan, but also buy the necessary curtain rod with all the necessary additional hooks, plugs, and so on. Let's look at two ways to attach curtains for suspended ceilings.

  • The first method is to attach it directly to the suspended ceiling.
  • The second method is to mount it under a suspended ceiling, that is, an invisible secret curtain hidden in a specially prepared niche.

For suspended ceilings, the material from which the curtain is made does not matter. When attaching it to a suspended ceiling covering, a special technology is used. Even before installing the stretch ceiling, the place where the curtains will be installed is marked. This work is quite delicate and neat, you need to measure everything carefully.

Then, special inserts are made at the curtain attachment points - from wooden beams or thick plywood. These blanks should not have sharp corners so as not to damage the ceiling covering. The thickness of the beams should be such that the beams do not protrude through the fabric of the tension material, but not less and the fabric does not sag. That is, the canvas should lie perfectly flat on the bottom of the beam.

Check the level of the beams by pulling the construction thread. And after installing the stretch ceiling, a ceiling curtain will be installed on these pre-prepared bars. Important advice is given by experienced specialists in the field of installation of suspended ceilings. You should not cut through the fastening points - this is dangerous, the stretch ceiling fabric may tear. They need to be prepared with a special device called an igniter. It is recommended to place thin plastic or reinforcing tape under the holes.

The curtain is attached through the ceiling panel with special self-tapping screws. How accurately the work was done will be visible immediately after its installation. The surface of the ceiling must be perfectly smooth. This method of attaching to a suspended ceiling is less aesthetically pleasing than the second method of installing an invisible curtain.

In order for the curtains to flow beautifully from the ceiling to the floor, you will need to slightly change the configuration of the stretch ceiling. To do this, you need to leave a niche for the curtain directly next to the window opening. So what we do:

  • We buy a curtain of the desired type (the appearance is not very important, since it will be hidden), functionality, size, strength.
  • We give an aesthetic appearance to that part of the main ceiling covering that will not be hidden by the suspended ceiling, that is, where we leave a niche for the cornice.
  • We attach the ceiling cornice to the main ceiling, observing the same requirement that the curtains do not lie on the window sill and the radiator.
  • We attach a strong wooden beam, onto which the tension fabric will be secured using a fixing profile. The beam is attached a few millimeters from the curtain rod.

As a result of this method of installing a ceiling cornice in a niche, a wonderful effect is obtained - your luxurious curtains flow from ceiling to floor, the height of the room visually increases - look at the photo. And if you also prudently make lighting in the niche along the window, then the interior of the room will be beautiful and harmonious, and wonderful photos perfectly demonstrate this beauty.

If you have some experience and the necessary skills, then the installation work is not difficult to complete, although you also need to have construction tools. In the future, it will be easier for you to install curtains on a suspended ceiling.

Curtain tape for fastening

As a rule, curtain tape is used to make gathers and folds on the top of the curtains. A cord is inserted into a strip made of textiles, at the ends of which there are knots or special fasteners.

It is important to consider that this type of braid not only has an attractive appearance and decorative effect, but also has some functionality. For example, such braids have loops with which you can attach the fabric to the cornice.

Today you can find on sale more than 70 variations of decorative fabric strips, they can be:

  • transparent - in this case thin tulle is used;
  • opaque - thick cotton fabric is used as a basis.

Thanks to such diversity, everyone will be able to choose the right option for themselves.

Important! With this accessory you can make any type of drapery on fabric.

How to attach a curtain to the ceiling step by step instructions

Attaching the ceiling curtain

  • What should you do before installing the curtain?
  • Installation instructions for ceiling cornice
  • Step-by-step installation instructions, guide to action

A ceiling cornice will allow you to visually make the room higher, hide uneven corners in the room, and it is also very easy to install.

But there is also a drawback: if you have already made a suspended or suspended ceiling without providing for the installation of such cornices, then installing a ceiling curtain will be impossible.

When doing renovations, we strive to do everything in the best possible way. When it comes to decor, our task is to decorate the room beautifully and comfortably. That is why it is better to choose ceiling cornices. This option will allow you to visually make the room higher, hide uneven corners in the room, and the convenience of their use is beyond any doubt.

Stage 3. Measurements

Perhaps the most important part of the work is the cut. You need to cut beautifully and correctly on a hard, flat surface - for example, on a table or on the floor. It is advisable to cut the fabric on the wrong side, but if it is more convenient for a beginner to make marks on the front side of the material, that’s okay. Individual pattern pieces are attached to the fabric with pins and then outlined with chalk. Be sure to leave a few centimeters for seam allowances. After finishing the drawing, you need to check the result and make sure that all the details have been drawn. Then you can cut them out of fabric, but only in one layer so that it turns out correctly and evenly.

How and what to hang curtains on

Types of cornices

Before answering the question “how to hang curtains”, you need to choose the right cornice; this is the main element for the correct functioning and fastening of curtains. The main materials from which cornices are made:

  1. tree;
  2. plastic;
  3. aluminum;
  4. Recently, forged steel models have appeared on the market.

On sale you can find string, rail cornices, with rods made of various materials. For non-standard fastening of curtains, including the installation of Roman curtains, profile curtain rods are used, which are made only to order. Depending on the type of fastening, the cornice can be mounted either to the ceiling or to the wall. The choice depends on what material the walls in the house are made of and on personal preferences.

Types of curtain fastenings

To understand how to hang curtains correctly, you need to become familiar with the various methods of attaching them. Retail stores offer a huge variety of fastenings for all kinds of fabrics:

  1. The simplest option is clips, which do not have special loops for fastening. Suitable for fairly light curtains. A significant advantage of this option is the ability to control the curtains using special cables, without touching the curtains themselves.
  2. A more outdated method is “crocodiles”. They are very similar in functionality to clips, but have special teeth, so they can withstand greater loads. The big disadvantage of this option is that even with a slight tug, the fabric can simply be pulled out of the fastening.

How to hang curtains on a cornice

  1. Rings and eyelets. This method is used for heavy and bulky fabrics. The eyelets are placed on the cornice, but must first be sewn into the curtain. To make drapery with such curtains look beautiful, it is desirable that the number of rings be even. Fastening with eyelets will allow you to make any beautiful folds on the fabric, but they are only suitable for tubular curtain rods. It is recommended to use this fastening for many types of fabrics, with the exception of light ones, such as tulle.
  2. The most convenient and modern method is loops, which can be used for absolutely all types of fabrics. They can be put on the cornice very quickly and conveniently. The material for sewing loops is selected in such a way that it is similar to curtains.
  3. “Drawstring” - allows you to completely hide the cornice. If you use a sufficiently large amount of fabric, the curtain can be gathered into beautiful folds.
  4. A very popular trend is roller curtains. This type has many advantages: excellent protection from sunlight, do not require special care, easy to use mechanism, protect furniture from fading, durable. There are various variations of their installation. You can install them like simple curtains and use them either as tulle or night curtains. However, they can also be attached to the window itself. In this case, they will act as blinds. This type of curtains is offered in a large assortment: a wide range of colors and designs to suit every taste.

How to hang curtains to give them a finished look

Not every woman knows how to hang curtains beautifully

In order for curtains to help decorate an apartment, you need to pay attention to the following factors: the size of the windows, the interior style of the room, the type of curtain rods used, the density of the fabric. Blinds will look good on a narrow window; it is better to hang ordinary curtains on standard and wide openings

Changing the size of windows visually is very simple: you just need to move the panels from the middle of the opening to the edges.

If the curtain is wide enough, then folds, which are created thanks to the braid to which hooks and loops are sewn, will help give it an unusual look and elegance. The size of the waves will depend on the distance from each other the hooks are located. Fabric holders are very popular, which can be a ribbon, chain, cord, braid, you can even use Chinese chopsticks to give the appearance of your windows individuality.

The best decoration for any curtains are lambrequins, which are drapery at the top of the curtains. Lambrequins can be soft or hard; most often they are made from the base material from which the curtains themselves are sewn.


Curtains with braid are very easy to hang. Sewn to the top of the fabric, the curtain tape is equipped with sewn-in threads along its entire length to create a beautiful gather and loops for hooks. This method saved the owners from the painful process of draping curtains by fixing them on the cornice. With the help of this tape, the finished canvas, with folds laid, with hooks or clips hung at the same distance, is attached to the holder. Figuring out how the curtains are attached with tape to the ceiling cornice is not difficult. To do this, you need to buy a ribbon that matches your fabric, sew it to the top of the fabric, pull it to the desired length, straighten the folds evenly, hang hooks with wheels or rings with hooks, the more often, the better for the fabric, and everything is ready, you can string it on the holder .

There is another way to hang curtains in even folds on the ceiling cornice, without tightening the tape. In this case, too, hooks are first put on, and then the curtain product is hung on the ceiling holder. The curtain material should be 1.5 times the length of the cornice, plus 10 cm on both sides to make technical folds, and 4 cm on the sides to bend the edges.

The need for technical hems lies in the fact that the product will look better if the side seams are not visible. But you don’t have to do the twists. Now, in detail, how to properly hang hooks for this method. We step back 10 cm from the side, insert a hook, it will be considered the outermost one. Next, we make a technical twist, wrapping the curtain along the hook, and put the next hook on two loops at the same time, connecting the outer one with the one opposite it. Using the next hook, we pick up a loop closer to the hem and a loop after 5 cm. As a result, we get a small fold. We do this across the entire width of the fabric, that is, we put the hooks on every 10 cm, and the distance between the loops on one hook corresponds to 5 cm. From the other edge of the product we again perform a technical fold.

As a result, we have small but evenly laid folds across the entire width, and if the canvases are moved apart, the folds become deeper.

This method is suitable for both curtains and tulle, because with a small width of the fabric you will always get evenly made folds.

How to hang different types of curtain rods

The first step, of course, is to decide on the type of cornice. They differ in the method of mounting and can be wall or ceiling. If we talk about the material of manufacture, they are made of wood, plastic, metal, steel, aluminum. In addition, these products may differ in shape:

Installation diagram for string cornice.

  1. Profile. Most are compact and easy to install. Made of aluminum or plastic, they are most often attached to the ceiling, but can also be fixed to the wall. There are three types of profiles: tire, flexible, rigid. The rail curtain rod is characterized by a flat rectangular shape and special grooves for fixing curtains. They can hang either one curtain (if the cornice is single-row) or several curtains, for example, a light daytime curtain and a thicker curtain for the dark. Flexible with an external rail is very interesting because it can take different shapes and create interesting effects in the interior. But you can only hang one type of curtain on it. There are also flexible types with an internal rail, the shape of which is given in production. They come in both single-row and double-row. The rigid one has only one row for attaching curtains; most often it comes complete with other curtain rods to fix the second curtain.
  2. Telescopic ones are characterized by their small size and the fact that the curtain completely hides them: the crossbar is threaded through a hole in the curtain. This type can be metal, wood or plastic, and is attached to the wall using brackets and screws, sometimes with special hooks.
  3. Rod cornices are a crossbar that has a round or rectangular shape. This view is not hidden behind a curtain. Curtains are fixed to it using special rings or ties sewn onto the curtain. This type can be fixed both on the wall and on the ceiling with special profiles included in the kit. Often has beautiful decorations - clamps at the ends of the crossbar. The rod can be made of materials such as plastic, wood, metal.
  4. String curtains consist of a thin steel cable on which the curtain is hung using special clips or hooks. This look is perfect for minimalist interiors. The length of such a product can vary from 2 to 5 m. The design of the fastenings allows you to pull the string in 1, 2 or 3 rows, which is very convenient for those who are going to hang 2 types of curtains. It can be attached to both walls and ceilings, in most cases using small brackets. This type is only suitable for light curtains, since over time the string may begin to sag from the weight.

The choice of cornice is determined by the material from which the walls and ceiling are made, and the curtains that will hang on it: you need to take into account their weight and design

Pleated curtains

They are corrugated fabric with special mechanisms. Used in the design of complex and unusual interiors. Can be applied to absolutely any shape and location of windows (horizontal/vertical).

Pleated curtains give the room a certain zest and fit organically into any interior.

How to hang tulle on a ribbon, bring comfort with your own hands

No matter how rich the selection of curtains in stores, openwork tulle was and remains the final stage of decor. But buying this airy lace is not enough; it needs to be hung beautifully. How to hang tulle on a ribbon in such a way as to bring exquisite coziness is a whole art, which we will share in the article.

How to hang tulle on a ribbon

How to hang tulle on a curtain tape

Among the many variations with curtain rods, special fastenings and clips for traditional tulle, it is worth choosing conservative methods, namely tapes and thin curtain threads made of acrylic or nylon. This method of decorating a window is simple and economical; moreover, it will not create a weighting effect, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the tenderness and airiness of the tulle.

Among the fastening options are rings, eyelets, hooks, secret pockets for hooks, seals for lambrequins and tapes (laces, threads) - we give preference to the latter, since they are most suitable for tulle.

Let's start choosing the tape. It happens:

· classic. Can create straight folds - “columns” of tulle;

· zigzag braid. Gives curtains an interesting zipper or zigzag effect;

· thick colored for heavy curtains;

· openwork transparent tape, ideal for tulle;

· Velcro, or “Velcro”, is a tape on which Velcro elements are located. Hanging tulle on it is convenient and quick, but careless movement or a gust of wind can tear off the delicate lace or damage it.

Before purchasing, measure your window opening; the size of the tulle must be purchased taking into account plus at least five centimeters at the edges.

After selecting the ribbon, pay attention to the threads threaded. They must be tied into knots on both sides, otherwise, instead of giving volume and shape to the tulle turns, they will simply get lost inside the ribbon, and getting them out will be problematic

Let's move on to decorating and draping the tulle with ribbon:

· tulle can be trimmed with ribbon on top, and then, by pulling the threads, it can be given shape and bends;

· second option: we sew the tape not on top, but at a distance of 10-20 centimeters from the edge. This method will make it possible to add lightness to a visually too heavy cornice;

· another way: we thread the ribbon into a pre-stitched “tunnel” made of tulle. Then we make an “accordion” and secure it with knots, which we hide behind the wrong side of the curtains. This method is suitable if you want to emphasize the thinness and lightness of the tulle, but if it has a pattern, then it is better to choose another method.

To the question of how to hang tulle on a curtain tape, the video will give the most accurate answer. However, you should not blindly follow decorating directions. Don’t forget that a little imagination and originality will only emphasize home comfort and style.

September 18, 2016

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Drawstring curtains are a type of straight curtains. A drawstring is a “sleeve” into which the ceiling holder pipe is threaded, and this method does not require additional hooks and fastenings or tightening of the curtain tape. If you are wondering how to hang tulle, then tailoring experts say that the drawstring can be used both on tulle and on curtains. The decoration is a “comb”, which is released from the top when sewing.

Hanging tulle correctly

To ensure that the curtains do not stand out from the interior of the room, but only gracefully complement it, you need to find out the designers’ opinion on how to hang curtains correctly. The main recommendations are:

  1. Firstly, the length of the tulle should be exactly 2 times the width of the cornice. It is this size that makes it possible to decorate the curtain with a beautiful gather, especially if it is on a curtain tape.
  2. Secondly, it is best to attach the curtain to the cornice using 10 cm increments. This will prevent sagging and large gaps from forming.
  3. Thirdly, the side cuts of the fabric must clearly coincide with the boundaries of the cornice. This way the composition will look like a single whole and not stand out from the overall interior of the room.
  4. Fourthly, the length of the tulle should be such that the fabric does not drag along the floor and is not too high above it. The maximum allowable gap is 2 cm. An exception is the kitchen, where the length of the curtains should not be lower than the window sill.

Following these recommendations, you can easily hang tulle correctly and give the room more comfort, warmth and harmony.

Stage 4. Sewing curtains

You cannot start sewing without first marking out the details if a beginner is taking on the job.

Note You need to sew curtains in this way: first make a basting, then iron the part, sew it on a machine, pull out the basted seams and iron it again. It is not recommended to leave basted seams in the finished product.

It is better to sew slowly so as not to make uneven seams. This is especially important if the fabric is delicate - it often cannot be ripped apart and re-stitched without leaving a trace.

The most convenient way to assemble curtains in parts is on a wall hanging, if you have one. You can also pin the pieces onto the back of the sofa. Looking at the product from afar will allow you to understand whether the result is satisfactory or whether the curtains need to be sewn again.

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