Obtain a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to install fire doors

Regular tightening of fire safety requirements during construction and reconstruction work has significantly increased the demand for licenses from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the installation of fire doors. This type of installation work is part of any construction that requires the installation of similar door structures at the entrances and exits of basements and attics.

This explains the need for a license for almost all organizations conducting construction and reconstruction activities. They can receive the document:

  • on one's own;
  • with the help of authorized legal entities;
  • by hiring a specialized subcontractor company that has all the required permits.

Each of these options is often used in practice, since it is carried out within the framework of the law. You can check the availability and authenticity of a license in the relevant registry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

License for installation of fire doors: cost, stages of obtaining, registration rules, deadlines

The state has taken a course to ensure the safety of citizens.
Therefore, the requirements regarding standards for preventing fire or its spread have become more stringent. As a result, the need to obtain a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the installation of fire doors began to arise more often. The document is required by almost all organizations carrying out construction work. In order not to encounter difficulties in the process of obtaining a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the installation of fire doors, use the services of the MIP legal group.

Licensing stages

The first thing an applicant for a license to install fire doors needs to do is assess the degree of compliance of the planned activity with regulatory requirements. It is quite difficult to do this yourself without practical experience, so it is better to entrust this work to AP-Rial professionals.

Our specialists will conduct a thorough audit of your enterprise, build a scheme of sequential actions on the way to obtaining a license, organize staff training, prepare documents and an application to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Having successfully passed the documentary check, we will prepare you for on-site inspection control, the purpose of which is to verify by an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations the actual presence of buildings, structures, equipment and personnel for the professional and safe implementation of the requested work.

What documents are needed to obtain a license?

To obtain a permit from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, companies require certificates from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the Federal Tax Service, a lease agreement giving the right to use the premises, or papers confirming the fact that the company owns the property. Diplomas for all employees involved in the installation of fire doors and information about the devices and devices that the applicant has are presented. Contacts, legal address and company details, payment order for payment of state duty are also indicated.

Attention! If changes have been made to the company's charter, copies of the certificates must be presented.

Entrepreneurs present:

  • Passport;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • Confirmation of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Lease agreement or confirmation of ownership of premises, buildings, objects;
  • Information about employees’ education and completion of advanced training courses;
  • Information about the equipment and devices used;
  • Bank details and company contacts;
  • Payment of the mandatory fee.

Requirements for the applicant to obtain a license to install fire doors

The applicant must have his own or rented equipment, technical means, and measuring devices that allow, within the established requirements, the installation of doors in compliance with fire safety standards. The company must be staffed by qualified employees who meet the following requirements:

  • Employment based on a contract;
  • Professional education confirmed by a relevant diploma;
  • Half of the staff must have at least 3 years of door installation experience;
  • Completion of advanced training courses every 5 years.


The main legal documents regulating the installation of fire doors, gates and other barriers are the following:

  • Federal Law No. 99 “On licensing of certain types of activities”;
  • Government Decree No. 1225 “On licensing the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures” (together with the “Regulations on licensing the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures”);
  • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 291 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief for the provision of public services for licensing the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures.”

Why so much? Let's look briefly at each of them.

Legislative basis for licensing

A license to install fire doors is issued on the basis of a number of federal laws, regulations and orders. The main law is No. 99-FZ, which determines the procedure for granting permits for certain types of activities. Mention of measures relating to the installation, maintenance, restoration of means used to ensure fire safety in buildings is in Article 12.

The immediate procedure for issuing a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is indicated in government regulation No. 1225 of 2011. Mention of the installation, restoration and maintenance of filling openings in fire barriers is included in the appendix to this resolution.

A detailed description of the procedure for providing the Ministry of Emergency Situations services related to licensing is in Order No. 291, created by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2012. It contains a detailed list of documents that duplicates the information from Art. 13 No. 99-FZ.

Is a license required for production?

Regulations No. 99-FZ provide for the need for mandatory licensing of companies that install, maintain and repair fire doors. Their production activities are not licensed.

At the same time, it is also under strict control by government agencies. It is expressed in the requirement to issue a certificate for any such product. Obtaining it involves passing tests in a specially accredited laboratory.

Important. Despite the differences in the nature of the verification of the applicant, in terms of the level of requirements, certification is not much different from licensing.

Rules for issuing a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the installation of fire doors

After submitting a package of documents to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the licensing authority checks the received data within 45 days. The result of the activities carried out by the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees is the issuance of a permit or a reasoned refusal, which they must justify in the prescribed manner. A license to install doors may be refused for a number of justified reasons:

  • The applicant provided false information;
  • The applicant does not meet the requirements established by law;
  • The license previously issued to the applicant was revoked.

The issued permit will be valid for 5 years, after which it will need to be reissued.

Federal Law No. 99

This is the most general document. Here is a list of all goods and services that are subject to mandatory licensing in Russia, as well as a list of documents required to obtain the appropriate licenses.

Specifically in clause 15, part 1, art. 12 mentions the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures. However, this formulation is too general. The law does not define what specific actions to ensure fire safety are meant and, accordingly, are subject to licensing.

Why are fire doors needed?

What is a fire door and is it really effective? This question interests many who are trying to ensure maximum fire protection for a building.

This is a canvas that will reliably protect the room from flame penetration, both inside and outside. Of course, no door can completely stop the flame. But, depending on the type and classification, such products can hold back the flame for quite a long time. Enough to call the fire department.

Withstanding high temperatures for up to 60 minutes, it can be made not only of metal. A modern manufacturer today offers glass and wooden sheets filled with mineral wool with excellent fire-resistant properties. In addition to their intended purpose, they also provide good sound insulation.

Of course, the high price does not allow them to be installed in every room, so they usually cover the openings leading to the stairs, utility rooms, and warehouses.

What are they for?

How effective is a fire door? This question interests everyone who installs such a structure in their premises. The scope of such products is wide; they can be used on an industrial scale and installed in residential buildings.

The main purpose of such products is to protect the premises from the spread of fire. At the same time, such doors can protect the premises from fire for some time, both inside and outside the room. Stopping and preventing a fire is not their responsibility, but depending on the class of the door, they can contain its spread for some time. This time is quite enough if you need to evacuate people from the building and call the fire brigade.

Fire doors can be made from several types of materials: glass, wood or metal. Don't be surprised that wood can be used in manufacturing. It undergoes a number of treatments that increase fire-fighting properties. In addition to delaying the spread of a fire threat for up to 60 minutes, such structures have good soundproofing properties, which is also a big plus.

It is important! The high price of such a product does not allow it to be installed everywhere, but blocking the openings leading to the stairs is quite affordable if you think about how many lives can be saved in this way.

Fire doors

Installing doors is a delicate matter!

Don't even think about trying to install a fire door yourself. Firstly, this is a very difficult matter, and secondly, there are so many nuances and subtleties that only a specialist can understand.

Remember that choosing and purchasing the highest quality and most modern door is only 50% of success. If it is installed incorrectly and there is even the slightest joint or gap between the seams, its effectiveness can be reduced to almost zero.

Therefore, you should approach the choice of the organization that will handle the installation and installation responsibly, so as not to pay again later for the installation of the same door, but by other specialists. Remember the famous saying? About how many times does a stingy person pay?

In addition, imagine what will happen if something bad happens and the door does not last the required time and cannot withstand the fire as long as necessary.

It's a sad situation. Have you ever communicated with an investigator from the Ministry of Emergency Situations? What about the investigator from the prosecutor's office? I had to do this several times; let me tell you, it’s not a pleasant experience.

How to obtain permission to install doors

Permission to install a fire door can be obtained from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is an official form of a standard form, issued to a legal entity that organizes fire protection.

The validity period of such a document is 5 years, and in some situations the Ministry of Emergency Situations has the right to revoke a license based on signals of violation by a legal entity. A legal entity is subject to a number of requirements, compliance with which guarantees a positive result.

It is important! The issuance of a license is regulated by several laws: N 69 of December 21, 1994 and N 99 of May 4. gg. The first law contains recommendations regarding fire safety, the second law stipulates licensing of certain types of activities.

Based on these laws, requirements are imposed on employees and applicants.

The applicant must provide confirmation of:

  • that he has the equipment and tools necessary for this type of work. This also applies to other measuring instruments and measuring instruments.

It is important! The regulatory document does not contain a single list of equipment that the applicant must have, so this item refers to the standard set used for such work.

  • that there are qualified workers on staff who are ready to perform such tasks after obtaining a license.

The employee also has a number of responsibilities:

  • he is obliged to conclude an agreement with the head of the licensed enterprise;
  • he must have special professional education in the field of fire safety;
  • Experience in this field for at least three years.

If a license is needed by an individual entrepreneur, then other requirements are imposed on him:

  • compulsory specialized education in firefighting;
  • Minimum three years of work experience in this field;
  • An individual entrepreneur must necessarily improve his qualifications in this profile at least once every 5 years.

Permission to work with turnkey doors - your pass to the world of large orders

Customers have the opportunity to choose a contractor who will mount and install doors from a large number of companies. The larger and more important the order, the more picky they will be in choosing the company that will take on the work.

If your company is a member of an SRO and has the necessary permits, this significantly increases your chances of winning a tender or competition and gaining an advantage over your competitors. Whether the customer chooses you depends on many factors, but permits for turnkey work are the most important of them.

Contact the Unified Consult Center to obtain SRO approvals in a short time. You will see for yourself how effective this step is. The attention of customers to your company will increase, and among the many companies engaged in installation work, they will most likely choose yours.

Get a qualitative increase in your reputation, start fulfilling large orders for the installation of turnkey doors. Profits will increase to sizes that you could only dream of before.

Documents for obtaining a license

To obtain licenses from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the installation of fire-fighting structures, the applicant submits a package of documents to the authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on the basis of which decisions on issuance are made.

These documents include:

  • OGRN certificates,
  • TIN certificate,
  • charter of the enterprise;
  • constituent agreement of the organization (if any),
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities,
  • concluded lease agreements for the building used and equipment taken for the work.

Federal Law No. 99 of 05/04/2011

“On licensing of certain types of activities” (hereinafter in the text we will use the abbreviation “Federal Law No. 99”).

Federal Law No. 99 talks about the general requirements for licensing certain types of goods and services, as well as what types of goods and services are subject to mandatory licensing. The law also provides a list of documents required to apply for a license.

According to paragraph 15, part 1, article 12, Federal Law No. 99, installation (installation), repair and technical activities. Maintenance of fire doors (including gates, hatches, curtains, screens and curtains) is subject to mandatory licensing.

Strictly speaking, Federal Law No. 99 does not specifically talk about, it says “activities for installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures.”

But to find out what specific types of activities are meant, we need to refer to the following document.

Certificates for fire doors

  • Translucent fireproof single-sided door made of aluminum profile with a steel core with cavities filled with heat-resistant paste (1000*2200). DSOO 3-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, single-leaf door made of aluminum profile SCHUECO ADS 80 FR 30 (1000*2200). DSOO 4-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, single-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core (1000*2200). DSOO 5-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, single-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core (1000*2200). DSOO 4-45
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight doors made of aluminum profile with a steel core, filled with gypsum plasterboard (2500*1800). DSOO 4-60. DSOD 4-60
  • Fireproof metal door of single-leaf type, blind and with translucent glass filling of a grade not exceeding 25% of the area of ​​the door leaf (2200*1000). DPM-1-60
  • Fireproof metal double-leaf door of the blind type and with a translucent glass filling of a grade of no more than 25% of the area of ​​the door leaf (2300*1800). DPM-2-60
  • Fireproof double-sided translucent door based on a steel profile (1300-2100*1800*3000). DSSP 1-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile SCHUECO ADS 80 FR 30 (1800*2300). DSOD 3-15
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, single-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core (1000*2200). DSOO 3-45
  • Fireproof translucent double-sided door with a glazing area of ​​more than 25% of the area of ​​the door leaf. DZPS-5-60
  • Translucent fireproof single-sided doors, type DSOO 3-30, overall dimensions 2150(+15%,-30%)x1120(+15%,-30%) mm.
  • Translucent fireproof single-sided doors, type DSOO 3-30, overall dimensions 2150(+15%,-30%)x1120(+15%,-30%) mm
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-sided door made of aluminum profiles with a steel core with cavities filled with heat-resistant paste (1800*2300). DSOD 3-30/1
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile SCHUECO ADS 80 FR 30 (1800*2300). DSOD 4-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core (1800*2300). DSOD 5-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core (1800*2300). DSOD 6-30
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core (1800*2300). DSOD 4-45
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, smoke-gas-tight, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile SCHUECO ADS 80 FR 60 (1800*2300). DSOD 6-60
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile (1800*2300). DSOD 3-15
  • Translucent fireproof double-leaf door DSOD 5-45
  • Translucent, fire-resistant, double-leaf door made of aluminum profile with a steel core. DSOD 5-45
  • Transparent fireproof double-leaf door made of aluminum profile VSMPO-520 with a steel core (1800*2300). DSOD 3-45

Fire partitions

  • Fire-resistant translucent partition PSK 3 - 60
  • Fire-resistant translucent partition PSK 3 - 60/1
  • Fire-resistant translucent partition PSK 5 - 60
  • Fire-resistant translucent partition PSK 6 - 60
  • Fire-resistant translucent partition PSK 3 - 15
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 4 - 30
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 5-30
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSSP 1-45
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 4-45
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 5-45
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 1-120
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 3-15
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 4-60
  • Translucent fireproof partition EIW-30
  • Translucent fireproof partition EIW-45
  • Translucent fireproof partition PSK 1-90
  • Translucent fireproof partition EIW-15
  • Translucent fireproof partition EI-30
  • Translucent fireproof partition EI-30

Fireproof glass FIRESWISS FOAM

Fire-resistant laminated glass “FIRESWISS FOAM 15-7”Fire-resistant laminated glass “FIRESWISS FOAM 15-11”Fire-resistant laminated glass “FIRESWISS FOAM 30-11”Fire-resistant laminated glass “FIRESWISS FOAM 45-15”
Fire-resistant laminated glass “FIRESWISS FOAM 60-19”Fire-resistant laminated glass “FIRESWISS FOAM 60-23”
  • Fire windows and stained glass windows
  • Fire doors
  • Fire partitions
  • Fire sandwich
  • Fireproof glass
  • Fire safety glass Pyrobel
  • Fireproof glass FIRESWISS FOAM

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1225

The Appendix to this document provides a complete list of goods and works related to the activities specified in Federal Law No. 99.

Clause 8 of the Appendix: “Installation, maintenance and repair of filling openings in fire barriers.”

Filling openings in fire barriers is the installation of fire-resistant metal and glazed doors, multi-layer fire-resistant windows, fire-resistant hatches, and gates.

In addition, PP No. 1225 also establishes as licensed activities the repair, installation and maintenance of various systems related to fire safety. Namely: fire extinguishing systems; fire alarm; fire water supply; smoke removal and ventilation; notification and evacuation in case of fire (fire alarm); photoluminescent evacuation systems. As well as carrying out work on fire protection of structures, materials and products, installation and maintenance of chimneys, stoves and fireplaces, their thermal insulation and cleaning.

Responsibility for the lack of a license for the installation of fire doors

The organization that installs fire doors is responsible for its work. If a company operates without a license, it will be held administratively liable for violating the fire safety of buildings and structures. When an organization's actions result in harm, the severity of the punishment increases. The company will have to compensate for the damage caused. Additionally, a number of officials may be subject to criminal liability. To prevent this from happening, obtain permission in a timely manner. Representatives of the MIP legal group are ready to help you with this.

Decision of October 2, 2014 in case No. A28-9895/2014


610017 Kirov, st. K. Liebknecht, 102

In the name of the Russian Federation

Case No. A28-9895/2014 Kirov October 2, 2014

The operative part of the decision was announced on October 1, 2014

The solution was completed in full on October 2, 2014

Arbitration Court of the Kirov Region, composed of judge N.P. Khlyupina.

when keeping the minutes of the court session by assistant judge Glukhikh T.A.,

having considered the case in court at the request of the department of supervisory activities of the Malmyzh district of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kirov region (address: 612920 Kirov region, Malmyzh, Svobody St., 28)

on bringing individual entrepreneur Ildar Rafikovich Bekerov (TIN 431701987299, OGRN 310430718700042, registration address: 612927 Kirov region, Malmyzh district) to administrative liability under Part 2 of Article Section II. Special part > Chapter 14. Administrative offenses in the field of entrepreneurial activity and the activities of self-regulatory organizations > Article 14.1. Carrying out business activities without state registration or without special permission (license)' target='_blank'>14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences,

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