Windows without curtains - design and design according to new rules

For many years and to this day, it has been believed that it is more practical to decorate a window with curtains; they give the room a comfortable coziness and reliably protect against excessive ultraviolet radiation entering the room. Today, these fundamental statements are becoming a thing of the past. Creativity allows you to succinctly choose the most unimaginable options for windows instead of curtains. The ideas are so varied that it takes time to think before making a final choice.

Country version of a decorative window Source

There are two ways to decorate windows without curtains:

  1. Decor of the glass itself
  2. Replacing standard curtains with other curtain options

Windows without curtains provide more light

When there is no obstacle to the penetration of sunlight in the form of curtains, the room becomes lighter, which thereby optically makes it larger. Windows are especially relevant in the interior of the Scandinavian style or minimalism, because the ascetic component of such trends requires the absence of curtains in the interior.

Scandinavian style implies the presence of a lot of light and air in the apartment. The absence of curtains will allow for a more harmonious interior design of this style direction.

Garlands on the cornice

The simplest garland is made from paper figures, photographs, and cotton balls. They are attached to a thread or fishing line suspended on a cornice. Beautiful snowflakes for a garland are made from the bottoms of plastic bottles. After trimming, they are painted with gouache.

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A garland of multi-colored light bulbs takes on an original look if you put lampshades made of plastic or paper cups on them. Light bulbs are inserted through a cross-shaped cut on the bottoms; the sides are decorated with glued strips of colored paper or openwork napkins.

Panoramic windows

The use of panoramic glazing has become quite prestigious recently in our country. Panoramic windows have a number of advantages:

  • Nice view from the window. Such windows will allow you to appreciate the surrounding landscape. They look very beautiful when outside the window there is a surface of water and a charming natural landscape. Large cities provide the opportunity in this case to observe the life of a big city directly from a panoramic window.

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    In the photo: Interior of an office in an apartment in a modern style

  • Sunlight enters the room unhindered. This solution will allow you to fill the apartment with sunlight from dawn to dusk.
  • In private homes, panoramic windows will allow you to feel unity with nature. It is not only beautiful and convenient, but also good for human health.

Such windows do not need curtains, because the latter will spoil their appearance and do not fit well into the design of the room.

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In the photo: Living room interior in a minimalist house

Painted glass

Glass paints are used to decorate windows with designs. There are types that are easily washed off with water and can only be removed with a solvent. Both allow you to periodically change patterns.

For one-time painting, for example, for the New Year, it is better to use toothpaste diluted in water. Drawings are applied with a brush made of foam rubber or a toothbrush through a stencil. After the paste has dried, small parts are scratched with a toothpick.

Windows of non-standard sizes

Every owner of a country house strives to make his home unique, original and cozy. For these purposes, different methods are used, one of which is non-standard windows. They will give your home a beautiful appearance and make it stand out from the background of neighboring houses.

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Curtains for framing non-standard windows will be completely unnecessary. They will hide the beautiful design of the windows, block the way to sunlight and provide a lot of other inconveniences. Usually, non-standard windows are placed in apartments or houses not in order to hide them even behind the most beautiful curtains. They are the pride of the home owner and a significant decoration of the interior.

Unusual blinds

Ordinary blinds, used instead of curtains, will not surprise anyone. But if you apply an original design to them, the blinds when closed will become an interior decoration.

If you don’t have the ability to draw, you should use a stencil and regular paint.

Wide window sill

In small modern apartments there is not much free space, so their residents strive to use the space more efficiently. A window without curtains with a wide window sill will allow you to turn the latter into a work area or an additional storage system.

In a children's room on such a window sill, a child will be able to engage in creativity or study. In the office, a wide window sill can be turned into a mini-library, a place to store things that do not fit on the desktop, or put a house with a pet on it. The kitchen requires much more space than modern apartments can offer it, so the window sill can be turned into a work area by conveniently combining it with the countertop.

A wide window sill will make it possible to store food or dishes on it. It can be equipped as a relaxation area or made into a place for drinking tea. In any of these cases, you should not hang curtains on the window. They will interfere with the use of the window sill. In addition, in the kitchen, curtains collect all the fumes, quickly becoming dirty and spoiling the appearance of the interior. Curtains in living rooms collect all the dust, which is unsafe for human health.

Wide window sills provide maximum convenience for residents of small apartments. They make it possible to expand the usable area and give the room a more beautiful look. Wide window sills can even be used as a sleeping place. The main thing in this case is to take care of the correct placement of radiators. They are often placed on the sides of the window opening. Curtains with such placement will be completely inappropriate. They will not only reduce the usable area, but will also interfere with the use of the wide window sill for the required purposes.

What if not curtains? Alternative ideas and materials

Along with the decorative function, the main task of curtains is to protect the room from bright light, as well as the intrusive attention of neighbors and curious street onlookers.
Only curtaining windows, until recently, allowed people to hide from prying eyes, be alone with themselves, keep their personal lives secret and relax in a comfortable environment. But today everything has changed. Modern scientists have created many materials that can cope with this task, and they are successfully used for window decoration by designers all over the world.

The most popular options are:

  • Matte film - glued to the inner or outer surface of the glass unit, reducing its transparency and making it impossible to see from the outside;
  • Tinted glass - they are painted in the desired color and used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows;
  • Energy-saving coating - a thin layer of metal is applied to the surface of the glass, transmitting only a certain spectrum of light radiation;
  • Frosted glass - frosting scatters the sun's rays and reduces the transparency of the glass unit, protecting it from the gaze of prying eyes;
  • Mirror coating - hides the interior from outside observers, but maintains visibility from the inside;
  • Electrochromic glass is glass whose transparency changes depending on the wishes of the owner. In a passive state they do not differ from ordinary windows, but when activated they become completely impenetrable to light and prying eyes.

The listed methods vary in effect and implementation costs, so you need to select the optimal solution after thoughtfully studying all the nuances. Perhaps one of the options is suitable for decorating a window in the kitchen or living room, but for a child’s or adult’s bedroom you should use something else.

Minimalism in the interior

This style of apartment design implies the creation of a convenient and comfortable space with the maximum available amount of space, as well as the use of only the necessary interior items and decorative elements. In this case, multifunctional furniture is selected and the space is zoned.

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In the photo: Living room interior in a minimalist apartment

When decorating the interior, do not hang curtains, because they will not only contradict the minimalist style, but also take up useful space. In addition, they will interfere with the penetration of sunlight into the room, which will also contradict the basics of the style. In modern small-sized apartments, minimalism is the most appropriate style solution, as it allows you to decorate the room with maximum convenience, leaving quite a lot of free space.

Fabrics for tulle

Tulle is not necessarily a thin Soviet-style mesh. Modern production technologies have acquired such proportions that sometimes it is even difficult to navigate the choice.

For sewing use:

  • muslin;
  • tulle;
  • cotton;
  • organza;
  • silk;
  • linen;
  • nylon;
  • viscose.

Each variety has the right to decorate a window opening.

Colored profile for plastic windows

A laminated profile is obtained by applying a colored coating (special film) to the surface of the PVC material. Color film can come in a variety of shades and textures. The coating performs two functions: it creates aesthetic appeal and provides resistance to mechanical damage. The coating protects the profile from the negative effects of adverse weather conditions and temperature changes. The guaranteed service life of the film is up to 25 years.

There are several types of window lamination available for sale:

  • color film - allows you to paint white plastic in all the colors of the rainbow, there are matte, vinyl and gradient options;
  • film imitating wood or stone gives the window an original look by simulating natural materials;
  • texture lamination allows you to create a corrugated patterned surface on the surface of the profile.

The cost of a linear meter of laminate flooring starts from $20.

Rice. 3. Laminated profile

Snowflakes made from thermal glue

Such decorations look beautiful and are quickly made. You will need:

  • Stencils;
  • Tracing paper or baking paper;
  • Glue gun;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch.

Manufacturing stages:

  • Cover the stencil with paper.
  • Use a glue gun to trace the contours of a snowflake on tracing paper.
  • Detach the finished snowflake.
  • Secure it to the glass with tape.
  • The jewelry looks like crystal.

You can also look for unusual ideas on this portal

In addition to tape for fixation, you can use:

  • water (for napkins);
  • soap solution.

New Year's attributes

These elements include:

  • cones;
  • spruce paws;
  • wreaths;
  • balls;
  • Christmas decorations.

This list could go on for a long time, but everyone decorates their home in their own way, and there are also very original ideas.

PVA snowflakes

Even kids can make crafts this way. Need to:

  • put a clear drawing of a snowflake under the paper;
  • draw it with PVA glue;
  • Sprinkle glitter on fresh glue.

You will get a PVA snowflake. You can add acrylic-based paints to the glue in advance and immediately draw multi-colored snowflakes.

They stick to the glass themselves; if they come off, you just need to lightly moisten them with water.

Holiday scenes

An excellent option for families with small children. By involving children in the work, you can create a wonderful story. Draw, color and cut out characters and objects in the scene. Fix them on the glass in a certain order.

It can be:

  • New Year's holiday characters;
  • episodes from fairy tales;
  • scenes with birds, Christmas trees, gifts, stars, etc.

Paper balls

These products are made as follows:

  • Several sheets of tissue paper are placed on top of each other.
  • Bend the paper like an accordion. The width of the fold depends on the size of the ball and personal preference.
  • Tie a kind of accordion in the center with thread.
  • Using scissors, straighten and round the ends.
  • Spread all layers in different directions. The result should be a spherical craft.
  • Attach it to the glass.


A small element that lifts your spirits. Thin branches from a coniferous tree tied into a wreath and decorated with toys and ribbons really have some kind of magical effect.

If you also paste in images of popular characters that children love, this will become an excellent holiday decoration.

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