FINISHING A BALCONY WITH BARK BEETLE - how to do it quickly and easily?

To decorate a balcony with decorative bark beetle plaster, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations. We will answer which ones in this article.

Overhaul of a balcony means reconstruction, including, among other things, glazing of the balcony, its sealing, insulation and decorative finishing. Very rarely this set of construction activities is done separately. Repairing the entire balcony at once and “turnkey” (from A to Z) is the most correct choice, since if you divide such a balcony repair into stages, you get a huge amount of wasted time preparing each stage, accepting materials, intermediate cleaning, and so on.

Finishing work is carried out at the final stage of balcony repair and usually attracts increased attention. After covering the external fences (if any), and arranging the internal rough lining, it is time to finish the walls. Instead of boring wallpaper or PVC panels, you can apply a decorative plaster coating. Bark beetle plaster is one of the most recognizable among them.

This is far from a new type of finishing materials, but it began to be used on balconies relatively recently. The prerequisite was the emergence of new houses with relatively wide loggias, which are quite suitable for such improvement.

The Bark Beetle has characteristic features that cannot be confused with anything. Surely many have seen a coating on the facades of buildings that looks like a corroded surface of wood. Imitation of unidirectional wormholes and traces of shashel movements under the bark has received a rather aesthetic appearance, and has found application in the field of decorative finishing. Bark beetle is used for finishing both “residential” and cold balconies.

Advantages of decorative plaster for finishing a loggia (pros and cons)

The balcony is the most pleasant place to relax for the whole family, not only in summer, but also in other seasons. Therefore, it should have a truly cozy and aesthetically attractive appearance. A special role in its design belongs to the finishing.

The main advantages of decorative plaster are:

  • attractive appearance;
  • very long service life;
  • profitability of use;
  • abrasion resistance that balcony plaster has;
  • low degree of fire hazard;
  • solidity;
  • low sensitivity to external influences;
  • plaster on the balcony is perfectly combined with other materials;
  • no risk of subsequent deformation;
  • resistance even to increased ultraviolet radiation;
  • efficiency, etc.

Plastering a balcony also has its negative side. It is often associated with the complexity of applying the material and too many choices of decoration techniques. This can be difficult for an inexperienced person.

Preparing the bark beetle for application

Specialized dry mixtures need to be prepared, which must be diluted with water in a special proportion. Solutions based on acrylic and silicone are already in a ready-made state and to use them, it is enough to thoroughly mix the entire contents of the container with the material by hand or using an electric mixer.

The required proportion can be read on the packaging in the corresponding information block. It is impossible to use the same proportion for different mixture options, since they were created differently, and each manufacturer sets its own water norm for creating the finished substrate.

Strictly observe the specified proportion of water and dry material in order to obtain a quality product that can meet all quality requirements.

In order not to spoil a large amount of expensive material, it is better to prepare a small volume for the first time and try it out. If everything is normal, then you can continue to work using the same technology that you used.

It is better to conduct experiments in an area that is inconspicuous and not conspicuous, so that in case of failure it does not spoil the appearance of your home. Testing is also necessary to determine the period during which the mixture completely sets and the amount used.

To mix a high-quality solution, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  • Dry substrate is poured into water, but not vice versa.
  • The water temperature is not lower than fifteen degrees, and not higher than twenty.
  • The amount of water is strictly regulated in the instructions. Adding water to the prepared mixture is strictly prohibited.
  • Having prepared the solution, let it sit for about ten minutes, then it should be stirred again.
  • Calculate the volume that you will have time to apply during the setting period; it is indicated on the plaster packaging.

Types of decorative plaster - which is best for finishing a balcony

Construction stores offer a very large selection of different types of decorative plaster that are suitable for treating a balcony or loggia. But the materials differ in their chemical composition and the type of resulting decorative coating.

Not every person knows how to choose the right quality mixture. The manufacturer always includes detailed instructions in the packaging of the product. But before starting repair work, it is better to know the features of the material and the technique of its application. Moreover, any decorative plaster on the balcony has special properties inherent only to it.

The first thing to consider is the difference in external conditions (temperature, etc.) and in the room.

Therefore, when plastering a balcony, it is necessary to take into account the presence of:

  1. Rain.
  2. Droughts.
  3. Unfavorable environmental factors.
  4. Morozov.
  5. Temperature changes.
  6. High humidity.
  7. Risk of mechanical damage to the coating due to hail.
  8. Sun rays, etc.

Due to exposure to dust, moisture, light, etc., such structures require repairs.

Decorative plaster for balconies varies in the presence of binder components and can be:

  • acrylic;
  • mineral;
  • polymer;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

Mineral plasters on the loggia

Decorative plaster for loggias has been used for a long time. There are gypsum, lime, cement and other types of mortars. All of them have very high technical and operational data. Therefore, such materials are used more often than others. The mixtures are inexpensive and very convenient for any repair work.

If the winters are mild, the compositions will last a long time. But it is better to take them for finishing loggias. Such mixtures cannot tolerate thermometer readings that are too low.

Gypsum plaster on the balcony is applied to level surfaces or decorate interior spaces. It hardens quite quickly and becomes very durable. In addition, the finishing mixture adheres well to the walls and makes them breathable.

Gypsum is hypoallergenic, plastic, and easy to apply. With its help it is possible to create even complex decorative reliefs.

The disadvantage of the material is its high hygroscopicity, due to which it will not last too long. Therefore, before using it, it is advisable to introduce hydrophobic modifying additives into the composition. The top coating must be reliably protected with a waterproof agent. Therefore, gypsum is most often used for glazing a balcony, and not for decorating a loggia.

Lime for interior decoration imitates natural stone. The mixture is much more resistant to moisture, but it also needs additives. The material, like gypsum, does not cause allergies and has high plasticity. This composition has disinfectant properties. Therefore, you should not be afraid of contamination of walls and ceilings with rot, fungus or mold. But lime is not as reliable as other materials. Therefore, it is more often used for finishing loggias.

The white cement-sand composition with the addition of plasticizers is the most durable of all the others. Even high humidity will not spoil it. The mixture is not afraid of sudden temperature changes in the off-season. This material will last a long time.

Textured plaster is often used to decorate interior spaces, creating a unique effect. By applying it, the surface is given a special originality. The types and colors of the material allow you to choose the desired shade. It will last a very long time due to its high performance properties.

Acrylic for wall decoration

The composition is based on acrylic resins. When applied, the coating becomes moisture-resistant and durable. It is easily washed off from any contaminants, but at the same time quickly adsorbs them. The material is characterized by increased elasticity.

Simply apply it to surfaces such as:

  • gas block;
  • tree;
  • brick;
  • mineral wool;
  • OSB;
  • foam block;
  • polystyrene foam, etc.

The decoration looks beautiful and original. It does not crack under vibration. Before you learn how to plaster a balcony with acrylic, you need to take into account its significant drawback: the material is fire hazardous.

In addition, it quickly accumulates static electricity and fades quickly in summer. The composition does not allow steam to pass through well, so fungus or mold often appears on the walls.

Silicone balcony mixtures

The basis of the mixtures are silicone resins. They consist of rubber with reduced molecular weight or classic organosilicon polymers. This material is highly elastic. While the composition has not completely hardened, an attractive relief can be created on its surface.

The plaster is easy to apply and suitable for any type of base. They are very durable and will last a long time, up to several decades. They are easy to apply as they have high adhesive properties.

Silicone has high vapor permeability. It is resistant to moisture and other adverse external factors. The composition is a breathable material and does not disturb the general microclimate of the loggia. The disadvantage is that it is very expensive.

Dry and paint

The optimal temperature for drying plaster is 5-30. °C (1-3 days). On an unglazed balcony, cover it with polyethylene for the first couple of days to protect it from rain and sun.

After this, the decorative coating can be given the desired color using silicate or acrylic paint. However, in the latter case, the drying time of the walls increases to 14 days. To paint the surface, use a roller, a wide brush, or a special mitten - your choice. Apply paint along the furrows, and in no less than two layers.

Note. Experienced craftsmen advise that with each new “pass” of the roller, grab a couple of centimeters of the already painted surface - the tone will be more even. Excess paint flowing from the grooves is carefully “collected”. If you find unpainted areas at the finish, finish what you started with a brush.

If you are working with ready-made polymer (acrylic) plaster, then the pigment is added to it before application, and not after (the process is called tinting). It is virtually impossible to do this “manually” - it is difficult to get the same tone in different buckets. Typically, tinting is carried out on machines using computer technology.

To summarize, those who are constantly engaged in repair work speak well of the bark beetle. However, beginners can also cope with this task, provided they follow all the recommendations. Properly executed finishing will last a long time and will give the balcony a unique look.

Options for finishing a balcony with your own hands - how to plaster

Decorative plaster can be coarse-grained or fine-grained. Its relief is determined by the composition and size of the additives. Large-relief mixtures must be applied with a special tool in a not too even layer. If a loggia is being processed, the decorative plaster should have an additional texture. After it dries, the surface will resemble untreated stone in appearance.

Fine-grained compounds are applied to pre-leveled walls. Therefore, it is better to use them if you have extensive experience in finishing work.

The walls must first be thoroughly puttied. After they dry, they should be sanded. If desired, methods for creating small decorative details and various reliefs are used. After the material dries, even the slightest defect will be visible on it.

The surfaces will become smooth and then you can give them the required texture. The final coating is recommended to be painted or tinted. The use of rollers or brushes will make it more aesthetically pleasing.

If you use plaster on balcony walls with imitations, then it is better to choose wood, artificial stone on the floor or walls, or tiles.

Features of plaster for cold glazing

When finishing a cold balcony, special care is required. It is due to the fact that every time the door to the room is opened, a warm stream of air condenses on the surface. Therefore, it is better to first coat the walls and ceiling with a moisture-resistant compound or water-repellent primer.

You cannot leave the door to the room open with the windows closed unless the coating is protected with waterproofing plaster.

The walls on the balcony are decorated with decorative plaster at an outside temperature of +8°C. It is better not to choose a period of weather changes to start work. Then the applied layer of plaster will be more durable. At the same time, you should consider ways to insulate the outdoor space.

Warm plastering of the balcony with plaster

Insulated balcony options resemble an additional room. Therefore, the change of season is not scary for them. In order to insulate a glazed balcony, it is advisable to cover the walls with sheet material.

Polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or foil insulation are better suited for this. You should not use mineral wool, as it provokes the formation of condensation on the walls.

Any composition for interior decoration is suitable for treating a loggia with decorative plaster.

The coating application scheme should be presented as follows:

  1. First, the wall is carefully prepared.
  2. Grooves are made under the electrical wiring. Then the wiring is laid, sockets are installed, and switches are designed.
  3. The surface is primed at least 2 times. Wait for it to dry completely.
  4. External walls are sheathed with insulation. Vertical seams are laid in advance with an offset. To do this, you need to move the upper horizontal rows of slabs a little.
  5. The seams must be sealed.
  6. Using a special grater, protrusions are removed from the surfaces of the sheets.
  7. First, the sheets are mounted and secured on the external fence, then the side surfaces are covered with them.
  8. The wall of the house is insulated only in cases of special need, for example, if there are cracks. If the surface is curved, then special structures are installed on it. You should constantly check whether defects or holes have appeared in it over time.
  9. A leveling plaster solution is applied on top of the polystyrene foam. Putty is also used. Then a reinforcing fiberglass mesh is applied. It needs to be pressed into the layer of solution.
  10. After drying, the plaster is leveled again.
  11. Before the final stage, the rough finish must be thoroughly dried. If you plan to wallpaper or paint surfaces, additional sanding is also required.
  12. It is better to consult a specialist about what paint to paint your balcony.

External plastering of balconies and loggias

When performing external insulation from the street side, the room remains more spacious. The owner of the balcony will not be able to complete such finishing on his own. Most often it is carried out by industrial climbers. Coating the balcony with plaster is also done by repair specialists.

Decorating the walls of the balcony

This type of work is carried out after covering the balcony with thermal insulation materials. Only then will the finish be truly reliable and durable.

Old surfaces are completely cleaned and structures are updated. It is also necessary to inspect the joints and seams. Finishing a balcony with decorative plaster is often done with coarse-grained compounds. The most suitable material is a material with a large grain of “bark beetle” on the balcony.

Warm balconies are treated differently than cold ones. If there are frequent frosts in winter, it is better to use fine-grained mixtures for coating. An option with a small grass ornament or a wet silk effect is perfect.

Break - in the corners

Before you start finishing, decide which bark beetle you will be working with. Decorative plaster is produced in two types:

  • Acrylic is initially ready for finishing work, more expensive,
  • Gypsum is sold as a dry mixture, which must be diluted with water (t -15 – 20 °C). To mix the solution, use a drill with a “mixer” attachment. After this, the mixture is left to “ripen” for 5 minutes, then the procedure is repeated.

Note. The prepared solution should be used within an hour. It is no longer possible to add water during the work. To prevent the mixture from hardening, stir it occasionally.

Types of decorative facade plaster

Experienced craftsmen recommend applying the material with a stainless steel float, positioning it at an angle of 60 degrees to the working plane, or with a rigid metal spatula of a convenient size. Apply the finish in the same way as putty - stretching it over the surface.

The main thing to remember is that the thickness of the applied layer should be equal to the diameter of the grain. This can be determined this way: small grooves appear on the wall.

Note. If you need to take a break, do not abandon what you started in the middle of the surface - the joint will be noticeable later. Better get to the corner.

Grouting of the coating begins after about 15 minutes - by this time the plaster has already “set” (the solution has stopped sticking to the tool). It is important not to miss the moment. However, if you hesitate and the plaster has dried out, “revive” it with a spray.

Grout with a plastic or wooden float. Up and down movements, for example, form vertical stripes (they are often called “rain”), while circular movements produce a “lamb”.

Tools for decorating balcony walls

Before starting work, you should stock up on special tools.

These include:

  • roller;
  • bucket for plaster mortar;
  • rags;
  • sponge;
  • trowel;
  • brush;
  • means for applying a pattern for painting;
  • masking tape;
  • mixer;
  • plumb line;
  • rule;
  • cutter;
  • grater;
  • putty knife;
  • stamps, etc.

It is especially important to choose the right tools for decorating with bark beetle plaster.

Features of the material and its types

Finishing a balcony with bark beetle can be done using two types of mixtures:

  • acrylic , sold in ready-to-use form;
  • gypsum , in the form of a dry mixture.

In general, this material is a composite plaster with small granules - pebbles. Marble or other mineral chips can be used as granules, the size of which is in the range of 0.1-3.5 mm, and the base is always cement. Depending on the size of the crumb, the grain size of the material varies. The consumption of decorative plaster also depends on the size of the fraction - the larger the grain, the more mixture will be required to finish a square meter of surface.

The mixture is most often produced in white, but can be easily painted , and therefore its design possibilities are very, very extensive.

Technologies for applying decorative plaster to walls and ceilings on balconies

Those who have not yet acquired experience in applying decorative plaster should strictly follow the instructions that come with the packaging of the composition. You must first carefully study the description and characteristics of the material. You should not ignore them, otherwise the work will be done poorly.

It is very useful to know what weather to choose to start work. It is advisable to use the warm season for repairs. You cannot cover walls with plaster during cold spells at temperatures below +5 °C.

The hot summer season is also not the best time to apply the material. When the sun's rays fall directly on the finish, it must be constantly protected from them.

Autumn with frequent rains will not be very successful either. Both the solution and the finished surfaces will have to be protected from moisture until they harden.

When carrying out work, a number of stages are followed:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Bringing the solution to the required state.
  3. Applying plaster.
  4. Finishing layer.

Preparing the surface for decoration

First, you need to completely remove old coating, paint, mold, whitewash, wallpaper, and peeling plaster from the surfaces of the balcony or loggia.

If dust has accumulated on the wall, the adhesive properties of the solution are reduced. Therefore, everything must be thoroughly washed. Any grease stains or rust will quickly penetrate the new finish, ruining it. Therefore, there should not be any extra inclusions on the surface.

Basic steps:

  1. All metal parts are removed. If they are firmly strengthened, then they are coated with an insulating compound or oil paint.
  2. Doors, window frames, recesses for switches and sockets are sealed with masking tape.
  3. The current is turned off.
  4. The brick layer should be treated specially. The seams in it are deepened by 1 cm. Then the entire wall is sanded with a metal brush.
  5. Smooth concrete is covered with notches.
  6. The cracks are filled with cement. If they are large, then a reinforcing mesh is applied to them.
  7. Moisture-hazardous areas are waterproofed.

To improve the adhesion of the mortar to the base and strengthen the wall surface, a double deep penetration primer is required. Putty is used if necessary. Then the surface must be thoroughly dried.

Applying decorative elements to the wall - step by step

When the loggia is already fully prepared for repairs, decorative plaster is applied to the wall in succession.

For example, finishing a balcony with “bark beetle”:

  1. All work continues from bottom to top. The solution is transferred from the bucket to the trowel using a spatula. The tool is held at an angle to the wall.
  2. Then the entire composition is transferred with strokes. The thickness of the layer should correspond to the grain size of the filler.
  3. The remaining mortar on the trowel is removed into a bucket with a spatula.
  4. Then a new layer is placed. Carefully smooth it out, making sure that it does not compact. The composition is no longer scraped into the container, as it hardens quickly (after about 7 minutes). The verification test is hand sticking. If nothing like this happens, it means the material has set.
  5. Afterwards, a border ornament is formed using a grater. The tool is carried out in the required direction using circular or linear movements. Large grains fall between the base and the moving grater, leaving grooves.

What's the best way to finish interior walls?

The stage of applying the final coating is very important in order to plaster the walls on the balcony. Waxing, varnishing or painting are most often used here. This coating makes the surface more reliable and gives it a pleasant appearance.

If work is carried out on a cold balcony, painting will protect it from precipitation. The paint film will smooth out the sharpness of the protrusions.

The material is selected for the base of the plaster. If acrylic is used, then the dye should be the same. The work is completed in 1 or 2 passes. The dye and varnish are applied with a brush after the surfaces have completely dried. It is better to use clear or tinted varnish, as it is easier to match it to the base of the plaster.

Preliminary preparation

Before applying bark beetles, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of surfaces. It is necessary to clean them from dust, grease, remove old coating, and get rid of mold. The base is leveled using ordinary plaster or sand-cement mortar. In the case of interior decoration, the walls can be additionally plastered in one or two layers.

Before proceeding directly to finishing the balcony, the walls are primed with a special paint or acrylic primer to match the future finish (after which the surface should dry for 4-6 hours)

Decoration methods

There are several basic methods of finishing a room. For this purpose, compositions with large and small fractions are used.

Coarse grain

This type of plaster is much easier to work with. It is easy to apply yourself. This coating does not require perfect alignment of the walls. It can be applied over a brick or concrete wall. After drying, the surface resembles natural stone.

Depending on the application method, you can get many interesting solutions. This could be antique style plaster. The textured coating, which involves the use of different tools, looks good.

To create an interesting relief, improvised devices are often used. These include a sponge or crumpled paper. It is also possible to form the pattern manually.

Fine grain

The use of fine-grained plaster to decorate a balcony requires high-quality leveling of surfaces. As a result, the finishing layer is very smooth. To get interesting decorative effects, you should use special tools. An excellent option would be a roller, brush, or trowel. It is also permissible to use different stamps.

Rules for surface preparation and mixture preparation

Decorative bark beetle plaster requires special surface preparation. The base must be cleaned of dust and grease, oils, mold and other contaminants. An indispensable preparatory stage is leveling - differences in the plane should not exceed the size of the grain in the selected composition.

It is possible to apply bark beetle not only to walls, but also to ceilings

Before applying bark beetle to the balcony, the walls must be primed with a special paint selected to match the plaster mortar. As a result, excellent adhesion of surfaces is ensured, and in addition, a different shade of the base will not show through the plaster. The primer should dry for 4-6 hours, after which you can proceed to the main work.

If you have chosen a budget dry mixture for work, you must first prepare it - dilute it with water according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The sequence here is:

  1. Pour the volume of water corresponding to the recommendations into a dry and clean container. Water temperature is within 15-20°C.
  2. Dry ingredients are gradually introduced into the water, using a drill with an attachment or a special mixer for mixing.
  3. After the composition reaches the desired consistency, it is left to “infuse” (literally for a few minutes).
  4. The shelf life of the finished mixture can also be seen in the instructions (usually 1.5-3 hours). You cannot prepare more solution than you plan to use. After all, you cannot add water to the finished mixture to “revitalize” it - then the solution will separate and lose all its properties.

We make a high-quality drawing on putty

With “Bark Beetle” the walls on the balcony can be made different, i.e. lines of different slopes can be created. This is ensured by horizontal, vertical, diagonal or circular movements of the hands when applying. The result will correspond only to the imagination of the master.

Painting plaster

You can use a ready-made color scheme, pour the finished pigment into the composition in strict proportions and mix well (and directly when purchasing it in specialty stores). This is how a self-sufficient, homogeneous colored mass is obtained.

To paint the “bark beetle” of the balcony in 2 colors, you need to stock up on a paint roller with a small pile. Velor is ideal. The main thing is that the paint composition does not penetrate into the grooves. It is enough to lightly dip the roller into the thick paint and lightly, without pressing, move it over the surface. The result is a very aesthetic effect.

If you want to achieve a three-dimensional effect of painting the balcony, then before applying the “Bark Beetle” you should paint the base itself with some contrasting color. After the tinted composition has dried, use a short-nap roller to paint the surface so that the grooves remain intact. The result is a beautiful three-dimensional drawing.

How to apply

When the walls are prepared accordingly, we begin to give our balcony a new look. The application steps are as follows:

  • Cover the balcony door and baseboards with masking tape to prevent plaster from getting on them.
  • Next, the decorative mixtures are diluted according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer (if ready-made ones are not used), strictly observing the recommended proportions. They are usually mixed with a drill with a special “mixer” attachment. At the same stage, if necessary, color is added.
  • The finished composition is applied with a wide spatula or a smooth stainless grater, moving from corner to corner, from bottom to top. Make sure the layer is even. Craftsmen do not recommend taking breaks during work - then joints may be noticeable.
  • When plastering and subsequent drying, the finishing on the balconies must be protected from the sun, wind, and moisture. Complete drying time is about two days. If pigment was not previously added to the mixture (some types of plaster do not provide for this), you need to paint the surface with interior or facade paint. We do this using a roller, in one pass.

Note. In some cases (if finishing particles can crumble), it is better to pre-treat the surfaces with a colorless primer before painting (we also wait for it to dry completely).

At the final stage, the decorative plaster is coated with varnish and wax (glossy, matte, waterproof or dirt-repellent). This process is called glazing.

Rules of care

Caring for surfaces made with decorative plaster is very simple.

From time to time you just need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

In case of heavy soiling, you can add dishwashing detergent.

Do not rub the brush very hard on the surface of the plaster. The surface may not withstand such actions.

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