Connecting the kitchen with the balcony: ideas, project, order of work. How to expand the kitchen with a balcony

A small kitchen causes a lot of inconvenience to housewives, as well as to all family members who do not have the opportunity to get together in a cozy room on weekends and in the evenings and discuss pressing issues. This is forcing homeowners to increasingly think about how to expand the kitchen with a balcony.

We must admit that such a reorganization of space gives excellent results, which sometimes exceed our wildest expectations. Kitchens with access to a balcony are quite often found not only in new houses, but also in old residential buildings. This is a very convenient layout option. A kitchen with a balcony, combined into a common space, creates a spacious, bright and attractive room.

The kitchen with access to the balcony has some hidden functionality. By getting rid of the partition and connecting the kitchen with the balcony, you can optimize the space.

Where to start reorganizing the premises?

First you need to find out whether dismantling the balcony block is possible in your case. If the wall in the opening is load-bearing, you will never get permission to remove it completely. In this case, you will only be allowed to remove the doors to the balcony and window, and use the window sill as a bar counter, shelf or table.

Permission or prohibition to convert a balcony into a kitchen can be obtained from the BTI. We do not recommend that you start doing this work without going through all the necessary approvals: at best, you will get off with a rather impressive fine, and at worst, at your own expense, by a court decision, you will have to restore the original layout. In addition, you will not be able to sell the apartment without all the proper documents.

If you receive a positive result from the BTI, you can order a kitchen project, which will later need to be agreed upon with the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, paperwork takes about six months. The process includes several stages:

  • Request for the issuance of a technical plan of an apartment from the BTI.
  • Order a kitchen project. To complete this, you should contact the city expert organization.
  • Its approval by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Obtaining permission for redevelopment from the housing office.

When the partition is dismantled, BTI employees draw up an act on changing the layout. After completion of the work, it is necessary to obtain a new apartment plan from the BTI.

Pros and cons of combination


  • increasing the area will solve the problem of shortage of squares;

  • the unusual design will lift the spirits of you and your guests, with whom it will be pleasant to spend time with a cup of tea in such an environment;

Rest zone

  • interior renovation. A boring environment can change beyond recognition;

Photos “before” and “after” joining the loggia

  • improving the degree of illumination by removing the partition.

This kitchen looks unusual. But all original solutions have their pitfalls.


  • it is necessary to legalize the redevelopment;
  • financially costly, because funds are needed for insulation, repairs, and preparation of new technical documentation;
  • paperwork may take an indefinite period of time;
  • if the loggia or balcony is narrow, then additional insulation will take up more space. You need to think about whether the game is worth the candle.

Types of redevelopment

Expanding the kitchen due to the balcony area can be done in two ways:

  • Without dismantling the wall. The easiest way is to just remove the window and threshold. The wall ledge remaining after dismantling is used as a bar counter or tabletop. Such redevelopment does not require permission from the relevant authorities.
  • Dismantling the wall. A more complex redevelopment option that requires approval. You can demolish the wall between the kitchen and the balcony only if it is not load-bearing.

Required documents. Part II

After collecting the first package, you should receive the following list of documents:

    The technical plan of your apartment, competently drawn up in the BTI and having all the necessary signatures and seals. Redevelopment cannot be done at random; for this purpose, a special project is drawn up, the right to create and approve which only those design organizations that have a valid appropriate license have the right to create and approve. Certified technical permit for the possibility of carrying out the work you need. It is based on permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. A copy of the certificate of ownership of housing is certified by a notary and is also attached to the package. The project of your redevelopment and the permit for it must be agreed upon with the organizations on whose balance sheet the building is listed, and with the organizations that will carry out technical control over the work.

Related article: Do-it-yourself loggia repair in a panel house

When permission to carry out the work is finally obtained, you can move on from the legal part to the technical part.

Connecting the kitchen with the balcony

Having fulfilled all legal requirements and prepared the necessary documentation, you can begin to implement the project. As a rule, work begins with the repair of the balcony fence. Reconstruction is necessary primarily in unglazed balconies. For the construction of a fence the following can be used:

  • Brick. Durable material with good thermal insulation characteristics and practicality. Its only drawback is that it is too heavy.
  • Tree. In order for a wooden fence to serve for a long time, the material must be treated with antiseptic compounds. Its advantage is environmental friendliness.
  • Foam blocks. The most convenient and financially profitable material for the construction of balcony fencing. It is distinguished by its affordable cost, excellent physical and technical characteristics, convenience and ease of installation.
  • When installing a balcony railing, it is necessary to properly install thermal insulation. To do this, as a rule, foam plastic or other types of insulation are used outside, and inside the floor, ceiling and walls of the balcony are insulated using basalt wool, covering it with a layer of vapor barrier film on top.

Required documents. Part I

    The first step is to fill out an application form for redevelopment of a residential premises in the form that was approved by the latest Government Decree. It is mandatory to provide documents confirming ownership of the apartment or a corresponding warrant. All capable family members must attach their written consent to the construction work. Written consent is required from all capable neighbors from the apartment that is located below you. Written consent from neighbors above is required only if you share a common balcony slab with them. If you live in municipal housing , then you must attach written permission for redevelopment from the chief engineer . If you are renting an apartment , the above permission must be provided by the owner of the building or its tenant . An important point is to obtain permission from the authorities involved in the protection of architectural monuments . They must confirm the admissibility of your redevelopment. This applies only to those apartments that are located in buildings that are registered in the list of architectural monuments.

Usually such issues can be resolved with a small monetary compensation for future inconvenience during construction work. Obtaining permission from a person who is too far away can be obtained with the help of a notary - consult an appropriate specialist for advice.

Materials for interior finishing

At the final stage of reconstruction, we visually connect the kitchen with the balcony so that these two rooms turn into a single whole. To do this, you will need to develop an original design, using finishing materials that combine well with each other in texture and color. Experts consider the following options to be successful combinations:

  • natural wallpaper and decorative plaster;
  • natural or artificial facing stone and liquid or glass wallpaper;
  • plaster and wood.

You can choose any other combination of materials. Their choice depends on your preferences and taste.

Color spectrum

The decoration of the balcony connected to the kitchen can be done in any color and style. In this case, some nuances should be taken into account. If you plan to visually separate the balcony area from the kitchen space, then this can be achieved using color, as well as wall and floor coverings of different textures.

If you want to increase the space of the kitchen due to the balcony, then it is better to decorate both rooms in the same color, giving preference to light and calm tones.

If this option seems too boring to you, then the balcony part of the room can be decorated in bright and contrasting colors, but they must resonate with the shade of the main room.

“We expanded the kitchen with a loggia: - history of kitchen renovation

Larisa shared her experience in kitchen design. The following story is given in her words.

A few years ago we managed to realize a long-standing dream of a cozy and functional kitchen. For us, the kitchen is not just a place for cooking, but a place where the whole family gathers.

I wanted to create a cozy home, so I chose the classic style. The apartment itself is located in a panel house built in 1978. The fact that my husband did everything himself helped to significantly reduce the cost of repairs.

The kitchen area was expanded with the help of a loggia and a utility room. The final area was 12 square meters. m.

The ceiling, walls and floor of the loggia were insulated, and an infrared heater was installed on the ceiling. This took a lot of effort and time, but it was worth it - the kitchen became much warmer.

Large-format Polish-made porcelain tiles were laid on the kitchen floor.

The ceiling in the kitchen is a white matte stretch ceiling with several spotlights built into it. For additional lighting, we use lamps above the dining area, an LED strip above the work surface, and even light from the hood.

Wallpaper of different shades was hung on the walls. On the central wall in the dining area, the wall was decorated using artificial stone.

We approached the choice of kitchen furniture with all responsibility and thought it through long and carefully. In the end, we settled on a light-colored set with facades made of solid ash. All cabinets are equipped with closers and limiters. To set off the light facades, the tabletop was installed in a rich chocolate color.

The apron is finished with Polish small-format tiles 10x10 cm (they were left over from the previous renovation).

The roof rails were chosen to match the color of the handles on the cabinets, and a brass faucet was purchased in the same color. The sink is made of artificial stone, round in shape. It has a water drainage blocking system.

We spent quite a lot of time searching for a suitable round table. In the end, we chose this option made from solid oak. Even when folded, it easily accommodates 6 people.

As decor in the kitchen, paintings embroidered by grandmother, souvenirs brought from travels.

Bar counter

The dining area on the balcony will look very interesting. Especially if you use part of the wall under the window as a bar counter or table. This interior looks especially elegant when there is a beautiful view from the windows. Such a partition can become a table intended not only for snacks and breakfasts, but also for storing kitchen utensils. This kitchen design with a balcony and a bar counter not only highlights zones in the space, but also unifies it.

The bar counter, for which a balcony window sill is used, looks interesting.


There are plenty of pros and cons to this idea. This is not a one-day job, but obtaining the appropriate permits takes about a year. Packages of documents and construction work require considerable costs. In addition, knowledge of technology is required. If you want to give this work to professionals, it will be done faster and better, but the final amount will be 20-30% more. However, all the costs of such an idea seem paltry compared to paying off a mortgage or loan for a new home, and besides, this is the cheapest way to painlessly expand your living space.

In the video you will get acquainted with various original ideas for remodeling a room with a balcony.

Work area on the balcony

You can create a work area on the freed and insulated space of the balcony. In this case, electrical appliances and kitchen utensils are brought here. As a result, only a comfortable dining area will remain in the kitchen itself. Such a kitchen remodel should be calculated very carefully: after all, it is necessary to take into account the permissible load on the balcony and carry out the necessary communications. For example, you can place a refrigerator on the balcony combined with the kitchen, but this is not always convenient from the point of view of the “work triangle.”

Theoretically, even a kitchen set with an electric stove, sink and hood can be installed on the balcony. But only residents of the first floors can obtain approval for such redevelopment. When moving the kitchen onto the balcony, it is necessary to move communications, so the work area is located on the same side where the sink and all the appliances were before the renovation.

Some tips from designers

  • The two zones of the updated kitchen should be decorated with similar finishing materials, in the same style and similar color scheme.
  • For zoning, use the small remaining partition or glass doors.
  • You don’t have to eliminate or hide differences in the floor level, but use them as a podium to highlight a recreation area or dining room.
  • To decorate the windows on the balcony, you can use roller, Roman, panel curtains and blinds. Their choice depends on the overall style of the interior. For a classic style, for example, drapes, light tulle curtains and even curtains with lambrequins would be appropriate.
  • Do not clutter up the small balcony space with large pieces of furniture. Replace closed cabinets with open shelves, the dining group with a compact folding table and light chairs.
  • Correctly chosen lighting can become a unifying factor for two zones. To do this, it is enough to install spotlights along the entire perimeter of the ceiling and place small sconces on the walls.
  • Choose accessories for decorating the updated space in accordance with the chosen interior style.
  • As a floor covering in the work area, it is better to give preference to tiles and porcelain stoneware. In the dining or relaxation area it is better to use laminate or linoleum.
  • Don't forget about flowers: they will decorate and enliven the interior in any style.

Combining a kitchen and a balcony, when the layout of the apartment allows, is an excellent and not too expensive way to reconstruct and improve the apartment. Using this method, you can rationally use limited space. This architectural and design solution will help you transform a small kitchen and use every centimeter of its space.

What should you not do?

If you decide to combine the kitchen and balcony, then remember that there are some restrictions that regulate indoor safety. If they are violated, the commission will not approve the redevelopment.

These restrictions include:

  • the use of heavy materials that can increase the load on the structure of the house;
  • planned demolition of the partition between the side wall of the balcony and the window or door, since these walls are necessary in case of fire and their demolition is prohibited;
  • planning the demolition of any part of the load-bearing wall or building frame;
  • planned relocation of central heating pipes from living rooms.

What are the risks of redevelopment without permission?

When planning to expand your kitchen to include a balcony, be prepared for the fact that obtaining permission is a very lengthy process.

But if you decide to remodel without permission, then be prepared for the following problems:

  1. the possibility of damage to the structure of the entire building due to the lack of accurate calculations and design;
  2. a huge fine and an order to return the apartment to its original condition if violations are discovered during an inspection (scheduled or based on complaints from neighbors);
  3. problems when selling an apartment, since illegal redevelopment will significantly reduce the market value of the apartment due to the fact that possible problems with the housing inspection will fall on the shoulders of the new owners;
  4. the apartment cannot be privatized, because this requires a conclusion from the housing inspectorate.
Obtaining permission for reconstruction

Reconstruction of the kitchen and balcony can be done without violations that threaten not only your budget, but the entire house.

You just need to contact any architectural and construction organization in your city, which will draw up a project for you with the necessary changes. The project must indicate all technical criteria for redevelopment, calculations and the purpose of the redevelopment.

Then the project must be approved by the fire inspectorate and SES, as well as by the DEZ. After these procedures, the project must be submitted to the housing inspectorate, where you will be issued a permit for reconstruction.

What else is needed to obtain a permit?

When combining a balcony with any of the rooms, it is better not to plan the following actions:

  1. transferring heating radiators and pipes to the balcony, it is better to install a warm floor;
  2. demolition of part of the wall under the window.
  3. To preserve heat in the apartment in winter, it is recommended to install a sliding partition between the balcony and the room.

After receiving all the necessary permits, you can finally begin redevelopment, but first do not forget to insulate, glaze and protect the balcony from sunlight.

Dividing space in a combined room

If you decide to combine a kitchen with a balcony, then try to use the new space to the maximum benefit.

Therefore, it is important to plan the location of the zones in advance, since before finishing the room it is necessary to prepare all the necessary communications.

There are many options for space planning after combining rooms. You can arrange a work or dining area on the territory of the former balcony or install household appliances there, which is very advantageous for kitchens with a small area.

Organization of work space on the balcony

The size of some balconies allows for the entire working kitchen surface to be transferred to it. And if there is such an opportunity, then the entire kitchen space can be allocated as a dining room, leaving large household appliances here.

Installing a kitchen set in a new location is quite simple. The situation is much more complicated with the removal of water supply and sewerage. In addition, do not forget that with this arrangement, the balcony must be well waterproofed to avoid leakage to the lower floors in the event of an accident.

If you are planning to install an electric stove, then there will be no problems here, since you only need to install an electrical outlet and comply with all safety regulations. Well, don’t forget that there should be several sockets, because there are a lot of electrical appliances in the kitchen.

If you plan to install a gas stove here, you will have to face some problems.

Firstly, you need to get permission to do this, which is very difficult.

Secondly, it is very expensive, since in addition to drawing up a project for combining premises, it is necessary to completely redo the installation plan for gas appliances, and specialists will have to be invited to install a new pipe distribution.

Thirdly, it is necessary to strictly follow safety rules (do not forget to install reliable ventilation, as well as high-quality finishing of the surfaces around the stove). Therefore, having assessed all the nuances, think about whether this is really necessary?

Arranging a dining area on the balcony

Even on a small balcony you can organize a cozy dining area, the main thing is to properly strengthen it and choose light finishing materials.

To arrange a dining area on the balcony, there is no need to install complex communications here, with the exception of an electrical cable.

Its location should be foreseen in advance - even at the stage of insulation and finishing.

If your balcony is large and its stove is securely reinforced, then you can move the refrigerator here, which takes up a lot of space in the kitchen. In addition, moving the dining area to the balcony will significantly expand the work space in the kitchen, which is important for every housewife.

Bar counter installations

Very often, after remodeling, apartment owners use part of the wall under the window as a base for a bar counter. It will come in handy if you have a large family that cannot fit at one table, or if you have a lot of guests.

The bar counter will be an excellent decoration for any kitchen, adding elegance and originality to it. And if you are planning an interior in a modern classic style, then the bar counter will fit into it perfectly.

What to do with the threshold?

When expanding the kitchen to include a balcony, the question arises of what to do with the threshold.

One of the options for solving this issue is to divide the premises into zones using a threshold, which is left after the door is dismantled. Then the balcony floor is raised to the level of the threshold due to thermal insulation and finishing coating. As a result, they get a kind of step that divides the room into zones.

Another option is to dismantle the threshold and level the floors of both rooms to the same level. But keep in mind that this is not always possible, since in brick houses this threshold is a load-bearing structure and cannot be demolished.

The third option is to expand the threshold from the side of the kitchen itself. This will slightly expand the area of ​​the balcony and combine the kitchen with it.

In each of the above options, you can organize both a dining and a work area on the balcony, the main thing is to correctly install all the necessary communications.

Design options for a combined room

After deciding on the distribution of zones in the combined room, as well as on the installation locations for furniture and household appliances, you can begin choosing the design of the new room. Let's consider several options.

Option #1

There is a spacious kitchen here, which can accommodate work and dining areas without expansion, and there is even room for a bar counter. But the decision was made to expand it even further, which added even more space to the kitchen.

On the balcony you can organize a seating area or install a refrigerator on it. In this interior, part of the wall under the window was preserved, and the heating radiator was also left in place. Only the window and door were dismantled, which are not load-bearing, and their demolition will not damage the building in any way.

The opening freed from the window and door can be refined with rounded corners and decorative trim. The remaining part of the wall can be used as a shelf for flowerpots with indoor flowers.

Option No. 2

Even if the balcony is small, its space can be used very rationally. The main thing is to follow all the rules during reconstruction. The combination of rooms can be carried out by removing the threshold, arranging the floors at an equal level.

On the wall under the window you can organize a comfortable work surface that unites two interior zones. In this case, it is better to move the work area completely to the balcony along with the sink to free up space for the dining table and chairs.

It is better to choose two different types of flooring to visually divide the room into zones.

But to organize such a reconstruction, it is necessary not only to carry out extensive work, but also to go through many authorities to obtain permission to transfer communications.

Option #3

One of the options for planning the arrangement of furniture is to install cabinets with a working surface along the balcony railing, if, of course, its width allows. Although this can be solved - you can make a set to order.

Therefore, if desired, this room can accommodate not only a work area, but also household appliances. The main thing is to use space rationally.

The wall under the window can also be used rationally and a tabletop can be mounted on it, which will save space but maintain comfort. Therefore, if the redevelopment is legal, then this option of combining these premises will be very successful.

Only three options for arranging a redesigned room are indicated here, but in fact there can be a great variety of them. It all depends on your desires and capabilities.

The procedure for combining the kitchen and balcony

In any case, the decorative finishing of the new room will be carried out only after the balcony is well insulated. Let's look at a simple project using the example of a series 137 balcony.

This reconstruction will simply be approved by the necessary authorities, since the planned changes will not affect the supporting structure of the house, and will not require the relocation of the heating system and other communications.

If you plan to carry out all the work yourself, then keep in mind that it will take you a lot of time, but you will save quite a large amount. But some processes are best left to professionals (installation of electrical wiring and glazing).

Now let’s look at the order of work:

1) First, you need to decide on the scope of the upcoming work and their order (dismantling old trim, windows and doors, removing debris, priming surfaces, waterproofing, glazing, installing heated floors, finishing the room).

2) The structure of the presented balcony makes it possible to divide it into two parts, dividing the rounded side with a wall with a door. You can make a small storage room in this room.

3) Part of the balcony, closed by a wall and a door, in this case without finishing, but some work will have to be done here. In addition, if this pantry is only partially insulated, then in winter it can be used as a refrigerator.

4) First, dismantle all cabinets and shelves, if any, in order to make high-quality thermal insulation, which will keep the room warm in cold weather.

5) Then remove the old flooring. If the balcony floor is finished with ceramic tiles, you don’t have to remove them if they hold tightly.

6) Remove all decorative trim from the walls. Of course, if the walls were painted with paint, then you should not remove it.

7) The next stage will be dismantling the sheathing. It is better to keep it intact - it will come in handy later.

Then remove the balcony window frames. To do this, first dismantle the opening doors, then the glass, and only then the remaining frames. Clear the balcony of debris and old foam.

9) Treat all surfaces with an antiseptic primer and wait for it to dry completely (this will take 2-3 hours). Repeat treatment if necessary.

10) Install window frames. To do this, it is better to use the services of professional craftsmen. But it is still worth mentioning the order of this process. The window system is attached using anchor plates, which are screwed with self-tapping screws to the balcony every 40-50 cm. The plates are installed with the protrusion inward in order to later fix the frames.

11) Brackets are also attached to the side ends of the frames adjacent to the walls (2-3 on each side).

12) Then the frame is lifted onto the balcony railing and leveled, leaving 2.5-3 cm gaps between it and the walls and ceiling, which are then filled with polyurethane foam. To make the task easier, blocks of the required thickness are placed under the lower end of the frame.

13) The lower part of the frame is fixed to the balcony railing with long dowels or anchors screwed through it.

14) Then the sides are fixed using dowels or anchors. After which the frame is finally leveled.

15) The next stage is the installation of low tide and canopy. After which the gaps are filled with foam and sealant. Now you need to wait for the foam to dry.

16) To avoid wasting time, spend it on installing waterproofing. It is better to choose a coating waterproofing designed for concrete surfaces. It is applied very easily, like paint - you simply pour it onto the floor and spread it in a thin layer using a roller. Then you need to let it dry.

17) The next stage will be the installation of thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling. Now there is a huge selection of materials for thermal insulation on the market - just choose the option that suits you and install it according to the instructions.

18) After this, you can begin installing double-glazed windows. This stage must be completed before dismantling the window and door separating the balcony and the kitchen.

19) Before dismantling the window and door, knock down the plaster around their perimeter using a hammer drill. This will make the job of demolishing them easier. It is better to remove glass in advance to avoid unpleasant consequences. Then remove the window and door from their hinges, and then dismantle the entire frame.

20) Using a hammer drill, remove the threshold to level the floors in both rooms.

21) After this, cover all surfaces with additional insulation - foil material is best suited. A wooden sheathing is installed on top of it, onto which decorative cladding will then be installed.

22) The next step is to lay the plywood covering on the floor. It is secured using self-tapping screws.

23) Now you can install the window sills. After which the gaps must also be filled with foam.

24) Prepare the structure for laying the threshold; if necessary, level the surface before doing so. Screw the plywood threshold flush with the balcony floor.

25) Line the wall projection under the window with plywood, securing it with dowels.

26) Also level the ends of the walls and trim them with timber, which will then serve as sheathing.

27) Now you can finish the walls with sandwich panels, which are fastened with liquid nails.

28) Finally, you can begin installing your chosen wall and ceiling cladding.

29) Then we return to the floor. A foil material is laid over the plywood covering, on which the heated floor is installed. Upon completion of this work, you can begin finishing the floors. It is important that the topcoat is compatible with the heated floor. Install baseboards.

30) Check the finish, filling gaps with sealant if necessary to avoid future damage to surfaces.

To decorate such a kitchen, you can use various decorative materials that you can choose to suit your taste. The main thing is to keep in mind that the design of the kitchen should be unified with the balcony combined with it.

In conclusion, let us remind you that before reconstruction it is necessary to obtain permission for it in order to avoid troubles. It is also important to consult with people experienced in this matter. And only then start redevelopment.

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