Application of door sealing device

A sealing device is an element used to create a system for controlling access to the contents of a secure storage facility. The mechanisms, which are as simple as possible in daily use, are essentially reminiscent of the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle. In this material we will tell you in detail how to properly seal a safe: what types of sealing devices exist, the advantages and disadvantages of various seals.

  1. What is it for
  2. Using paper
  3. Printing for doors and safes using a sealer and wire
  4. Plastic fillings
  5. Plasticine method
  6. Hanging die
  7. Rod and plasticine
  8. Sealing tape - description of the method, pros/cons
  9. Efficient safe sealing devices: electronic opening counters
  10. Results: comparison of methods, choosing the more convenient one

What is it for

A safe cabinet allows you to securely place valuables and documents, perfectly blocking important items from the attention of others and unauthorized persons.

In an enterprise environment, the keys to the untouchable box are given to responsible persons: management, administration. However, as part of the work process, there is often a need to control the contents of that same locker. At the same time, there is no management team in the workplace who has the ability to easily interact with constipation.

It is for these purposes that all kinds of seals are used to seal safes - simple units that allow you to quickly understand whether the opening was carried out by strangers. The presence of violations in the area of ​​​​the regulations for opening and closing the lock will be indicated by torn prints. Today, there are all kinds of sealing methods, each of which will require its own equipment. In addition, to handle some devices you will need to take a short training course, or at least read a few specialized articles on the Internet.

The installation of specialized tags on a secret box can be carried out by organizations operating in the field, for example, of security activities. Storage facilities are blocked before being placed under protection: banks, archives, clinics that have cabinets with potent medications, private security companies, etc. operate in this format. Within the modern market, there are many sealing structures of various types and purposes.

Using paper

Before you seal a safe using ordinary paper tags, you should understand that this is a common, but actually not very convenient use case.

The technology is simple: on a strip of white printed sheet measuring 20x5 cm, 4–5 stamps are placed in a row, signed by the responsible person. If necessary, improved seals are used on the lock, which have the ability to quickly and hiddenly be removed and installed. Then the tape is glued so that on one side it touches the plane of the nearby surface, and on the other, the storage door.

If breaks appear in the structure of the leaf, it can be assumed that the contents of the box have become publicly available. In this case, there is no need to ask questions about how to properly seal a safe using paper - anyone can cope with the methodology for organizing such work, and to implement such a procedure in its simplest format, no specialized equipment is required.

Although this method of sealing a box for money and documents is simple and widespread, it stands out among other methods with many disadvantages:

  • the need to purchase indicator adhesive tape or adhesive sheets;
  • unreliability of the design: stamps often come off on their own;
  • inefficiency - truly experienced burglars will easily restore the appearance that everything is in order.

It was this series of reasons that became the main reason for the extreme prevalence of the “paper” sealing format. Unlike other technologies, the owner of a closed space or the person in charge of production will not have to worry about the need to purchase additional units.

Sealing device for safe

Safes are used today quite widely and not only in banks, but also in a variety of institutions and in everyday life. They allow you to securely store valuables and documents and limit access to them by unauthorized persons. Typically, the keys to a safe are kept in a specific location and are accessible to a limited number of people. And in enterprises there is often a need to control access to the safe in the absence of a manager or responsible person.

For these purposes, a variety of seals are used, which can easily demonstrate whether the safe was opened by unauthorized persons. It must be said that there are several ways to seal a safe, the choice of which depends on the type of safe lock and the goals pursued by the enterprise. Modern technologies allow you to reliably store the contents of the safe.

The safe is sealed using various devices. At first glance, these devices seem to be very simple. But they will always tell you whether the safe has been opened. All devices are easy to use and allow you to seal the safe in a matter of seconds. In case of unauthorized use, the seal impression or film will be damaged, depending on which sealing method was used.

Nowadays, in many companies, in many enterprises, it is expected that the existing safe will be sealed before it is handed over to security. These include archival organizations, medical organizations, and many others. Typically, when a safe is opened and closed, a specific journal entry is made. For sealing, devices are often used that cannot be reinstalled after removal.

All types of Sealing Devices

There are devices such as “Peephole”, as well as “Flag”, “Stem”, and stickers for sealing.
Special loops can be used into which devices resembling locks, which are of the padlock type, are threaded. Special dies are used into which twine is threaded, they are filled with plasticine, and a seal imprint is applied to it. If someone wants to remove the device, the impression is simply broken. Such devices can be located directly on the lock bore and attached with screws. Often the dies of such a device are made of steel or aluminum. Another effective way of reliable sealing is special stickers that act as seals. These seals are made with a logo; they may also contain empty fields into which any information can then be entered. The fact is that it will not be possible to peel off and re-glue the seal unnoticed. The design on the sticker is broken, and in some cases an inscription appears, indicating that the sticker has been peeled off. It is very important to check the integrity of any seals when opening a safe. So, you already understand that the sealing device for a safe can be of different types. Let's look at some of these devices.

Sealing device "Shtok"

  1. The rod extends in a special way for sealing; it closes the door.
  2. Plasticine is placed in the cup, and then an impression is made.
  3. To be able to insert the key, the seal must be removed.

It must be said that rod devices are advisable in cases where the door opens towards itself, or it is recessed into the opening. You must understand that when the rod moves, the imprint on the plasticine will lose its integrity. The product can be installed on any door.

Sealer and wire

The sealing device for the safe can be in the form of a wire and a seal. For this you will need:

  • wire;
  • lead seal;
  • the sealer itself.

This method will be ideal for everyday use. It can be used not only on safes, but also on cash registers and boxes in which documents are stored. The use of lead seals has proven itself to be excellent. Due to the fact that engraving is done on the cups of the sealer, the result is an image on the seal. It may include a logo, letters, symbols.

In this case, sealing occurs as follows. The wire is threaded through the ears on the door, which is previously closed, then it is threaded through the holes in the seal, and then clamped with a seal. If broken, the seal cannot be restored.

Sealing device "Peephole"

The keyhole itself is sealed using this device. The device is attached to the keyhole using screws. This eliminates the need to dismantle the device. The action algorithm is as follows.

  1. The safe closes.
  2. The curtain of the sealing device is lowered onto the well.
  3. The thread is laid;
  4. It is covered with plasticine, then an impression is made.

Sticker seals

Today there are special stickers that allow you to seal a safe very quickly, when you need to seal it quickly, and there are no other devices at hand. A special sticker, which is made to order, is affixed to the door where it adjoins the wall of the safe.

When making stickers to order, they can display a logo, company name, any inscriptions, a number that is unique and entered into the journal. It is impossible to tear off the sticker and stick it back on. When torn off, an inscription appears, indicating that the integrity has been violated.

This is only a partial list of sealing tools and devices that can be used to seal a safe. Their selection is quite large. And you can always choose the method that suits you best. If necessary, we will always advise you on any issue. We offer our clients a large selection of devices. And you can buy a sealing device for a safe from us at a good price. Contact us, we will always help you.

100% SECURITY OF TRANSACTIONS When purchasing, you always receive a package of accounting documents. Upon request, copies of certificates and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes a public offer as defined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Printing for doors and safes using a sealer and wire

Another option that also allows you to create a fairly reliable system for inspecting the integrity of the contents of a protected storage facility. It is ideal for everyday use, for example when working on doors or sealing cabinets. To use this method you need the following set of tools:

  • wire;
  • lead seals;
  • the compression device itself.

The steps to seal cash drawers or safe cabinets follow the steps of extremely simple instructions. Anyone can learn the technique of interacting with the desired device, even with no initial experience in this activity.

A wire thread of the required length is placed in the special ears of the pre-closed door, which is threaded into the corresponding hole. The structure is clamped with a sealer, thanks to which an engraving is created on it, which is almost impossible to restore if broken. Thus, a responsible employee who notices the poor condition of a lead stamp will easily understand the possible urgency of the current situation.

Plastic fillings

It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to seal a safe, cash cabinet or office using such a device. Small strips with a structure tapering towards the end are quite reliable filling systems. You can use them by following simple instructions:

  1. The drawer closes.
  2. The plastic line is threaded into special, pre-equipped “ears”.
  3. One side of the strip is directed into the loop, which must subsequently be closed until it stops.

The result is a structure whose tail cannot be pulled out of the loop without causing damage to the overall integrity. The removal of the tape is prevented by plastic stoppers that work only for the introductory movement. The use of physical force will lead to the destruction of the device, without the possibility of immediate restoration.

The main advantage of such seals is the presence of a serial number on each strip. The numbering system is used, for example, as a means of generally tightening control over the integrity of goods sold by an enterprise. The person responsible for the failure of the installation has no chance of safely restoring it, since each stamp has an individual set of numbers.

Plasticine method

Another good and fairly common option, used to protect safe deposit boxes from unauthorized entry. As in almost all other cases, to use it you will not need to perform any complex, specialized manipulations with high-tech equipment.

Before you start analyzing the question of how to seal a safe with plasticine, you can look at the instructions for interacting with the sealer. This method of overlap has a number of advantages. With its help you can work with such items as:

  • doors and doorways;
  • fireproof lockers;
  • bags used by collection service employees;
  • tubes for documents, etc.

An element in the form of twine or thread is placed in the same pre-prepared “ears”, and then tied with a classic knot. A piece of plasticine material of the required size is applied to the place of the connecting transition of the two ends. Then the structure is crimped using a special device.

A sample tag for a safe will be an ordinary seal in an “engraving” format. Using a sealer, an imprint with the serial number and legal name of the enterprise is placed on it. The main disadvantage of this method of work is the need to purchase the appropriate unit.

Hanging die

An installation also designed to control the opening of homes, cabinets and hiding places. Sealing technology consists of using plasticine and a metal product with the required parameters of the engraving print.

Dies made of wood or metal are also attached, for example, with twine. A piece of material is placed in the appropriate recess, with the ends of the fastening thread threaded into it. A seal is placed on top using a pre-prepared print.

Unfortunately, not all modern safes and entrance areas of offices are equipped with specialized “ears” for placement of such a design. In this case, the rope can be attached to the wall or door, also using plasticine. A company tag placed on top will help you understand whether the protected area has been opened or not.

The disadvantage of metal or wooden hanging dies is the inability to enter a numbering system. The fingerprint is placed on all fixed points, without the possibility of recording serial numbers. However, an attacker who has committed unauthorized entry will not be able to restore the original state of the mechanism without the necessary seal.

Attachments for hinges for sealing.

The principle of sealing a safe with loops for sealing: 1 - the sealing device is threaded through the eyes and closed 2 - the movable part of the mechanism is covered with plasticine and sealed using a metal seal - a seal. 3 - when the sealing device is opened, the imprint on the plasticine is lubricated by a movable mechanism.

There is even a national standard that defines the requirements for loops - GOST 18679-73 “Ears for sealing. Design and dimensions."

According to the installation method, sealing devices resemble padlocks - they are also hung on hinges and locked. The die for the impression is most often made of aluminum, the sliding mechanism with a jumper is made of steel.

Suspended sealing device of the “circle” type, made of aluminum. The position is “closed-sealed”. “Open-impression broken” position

Another version of a hanging sealing device, made according to the model used in the armory rooms of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Simpler options are also possible, for example, with twine or wire, which are sealed with sealing wax or plasticine on wooden or plastic dies. Solid twine is passed through the eyelets of the hinges and tightened so that the door cannot be opened without tearing the twine or breaking the print. Then the twine is passed through the holes on the die and sealed with a seal.

Another way to seal through loops is to use disposable numbered plastic seals. Each such seal has its own unique number, which is recorded in the accounting book when the safe is sealed, and then verified when opening.

These seals work on the principle of a plastic clamp, but are more reliable due to the presence of a metal mechanism inside the seal petal. After the seal is tightened, it can only be removed by cutting it with pliers. Plastic fillings cannot be reused.

Always tighten plastic seals completely:

Rod and plasticine

Rod devices for sealing keyholes and doors of safe deposit boxes also have extraordinary popularity and prevalence. It is worth noting that the use of such structures is advisable only when interacting with a surface, the outer part of which opens to the outside. The technology can also be used to create reliable protection for the leaves in the doorway:

  1. To begin with, the specialist must open the stem and extend its structural functional part.
  2. Then the locking element is attached to the surface that needs to be protected from foreign presence.
  3. A piece of plasticine of the appropriate size is placed in the designated hole.
  4. Next, a stamp is placed on the material using a classic engraving print.

The advantage of the rod is the ability to create a durable structure, the accidental breakdown of which is almost one hundred percent excluded. Among the disadvantages of the method is the need to purchase and use specialized tools. In addition, finding a safe for stock printing is extremely difficult. It is mainly used to work with doorways.

Sealing device for twine

Such devices are cups equipped with two mounting holes and a slot in the center for thread. The sealing device is secured using different methods depending on the door design. For example, if the door leaf opens outward, then one end of the thread is fixed on a hook or nail on the body of the entrance system indoors. When closing the door leaf, the other end of the thread is stretched and inserted into the sealing device. Then the device is sealed using sealing material and a stamp. If the door opens inward, the cup is fixed to the door frame.

Sealing tape - description of the method, pros/cons

A modern and high-quality alternative to stamped paper sheets. The adhesive-backed strip can be placed on door frames as well as drawer and cabinet doors. When mechanical damage or careful tearing is attempted, the structure begins to delaminate, preventing the penetration of visible visual consequences.

To understand how to properly seal a secure storage facility or enclosed space using this technique, you do not need to have any specialized knowledge. Even a person who is initially far from such activities can cope with this.

That is, it is easy to appoint people responsible for sealing at the enterprise. The employee will not need to use specialized equipment: a roll of thick tape is enough.

However, sealing keyholes using such technologies also entails some negative consequences. The adhesive base of the strips is simply not capable of supporting their weight for a long period of time. Having left the office or home, the owner, after a long absence, may return to find that all the fillings have simply fallen off.

Door sealing device: 5 types

A pressing issue for our time is the confidentiality of private life and property. One of the many ways to ensure the integrity of life and property are locks for doors and safes of various types and complexity.

How does a flag sealing device work?

One way to protect against burglary is a sealing device, the so-called die. It has a fairly simple but effective design with just a couple of parts - a cup (body) and a movable element that determines the type of sealing device - a rope, a rod, a flag.

They differ from each other in the installation method. Moreover, rope is considered less common. Preference is given to the flag type or rod type if the door and the casing are at different levels.

The principle of a sealing device with a rod like a latch, where the moving element moves along a horizontal axis. The cup can be made of metal - brass, steel, duralumin or other alloy, as well as plastic or even wood. The moving element takes on a greater load and is therefore often made of metal.

The most popular and widespread is the device with a flag. It is used if the door opens outward and is flush with the trim. The cup is made of metal, in rare cases of plastic.

Movable element - flag can be of several types:

  • Straight stripe;
  • Curved strip;
  • Round rod;
  • Cylinder;
  • Various complex wire shapes.

Depending on the type, the flag may have an offset along the vertical or diagonal axis. The sealing means provides an opening with an offset axis. Steel wire is placed in it. In this case, the diameter of the axis and the hole must match, otherwise the wire will fall out. When the sealing agent comes into position, the flag is placed in the groove of the cup. The dimensions of the flag die are approximately 25-30 mm in diameter, about a centimeter in height, and 50-70 mm in length. Larger pieces are usually made to order.

The flag-type device is reliable and easy to use. Typically, such devices are used to seal offices, warehouses or any other room, or safes, drawers and cabinets. The device with a flag is applicable to both regular doors and swing doors. Moreover, in the second case, both doors or the opening can be sealed at once.

Recommendations: how to seal a door

When sealing, metal stamps, wires (or threads), and filling material - plasticine or mastic - are used.

Sealing with a plate with a flag will not be difficult and proceeds according to the following algorithm:

  • The device is attached to the platband;
  • The door is closed
  • The moving element is lowered;
  • A seal is applied and plasticine (mastic) is sealed.

The sealing stamp is made of metal, although other types of sealing can also be used. Thanks to such a system, unauthorized entry or hacking will be immediately noticeable, since in any case, when trying to move the plate, the seal is damaged. So, if you try to break into it, the flag breaks the integrity of the seal.

Also, sealing is often carried out with keyhole protection. In this case, the device is fixed to the surface of the door with screws, and then a seal is applied and a seal is affixed.

When installing, it is important to correctly follow the following algorithm to avoid dismantling the die:

  • Screw the device to the lock hole with screws;
  • Close the door with the key and the hole with the lid of the sealing agent;
  • Place the wire or thread on the bottom of the device so that the ends of the wire (thread) are pulled through the holes;
  • Seal the device with plasticine (mastic);
  • To stamp.

If you need to control access to the premises for a short period of time, sealing with paper is possible. This method does not guarantee security, but is suitable for controlling access to the premises. This is the simplest sealing method. The responsible person puts 2-4 seals of the organization and a personal signature with a transcript on a strip of paper 20x5 cm. A paper strip is glued to the door and trim so that when the door is opened it breaks in half.

Features: How to use plasticine for sealing

Plasticine is often used to apply fillings. This is a soft material that easily takes the desired shape, made from high molecular weight polyethylene.

For the impression they use sculptural plasticine, and sometimes the most ordinary one from a set for children's creativity.

The bars in the creative set are about 20 g. The sculptural one is sold in briquettes of 100 g or more, it can be purchased in specialized ones. craft stores. Sculptural plasticine can come complete with a die. Plasticine is used for sealing various devices, for example, cash registers - in this case it is used as a material for a permanent seal. When sealing safes or doors, it is often used as a temporary sealing material.

Plasticine has a number of characteristics that make it convenient and practical.:

  • Non-toxic;
  • It wrinkles easily;
  • Keeps its shape well;
  • Does not dry out;
  • Sculptural plasticine tolerates temperature fluctuations well.

However, this material has its drawbacks: at low temperatures it is more difficult to knead and take the desired shape; may stain the surface. In cases where the use of plasticine is inappropriate, mastic is used. It can also be sold together with a die. It is also more resistant to temperature changes, does not stain and is denser in structure than plasticine and is suitable for hard fillings.

Efficient safe sealing devices: electronic opening counters

If plasticine and lead stamps are best suited for working with doors, drawers and tubes, then this type of protection shows its advantages precisely when interacting with various safes. The devices are mounted on the inside of the doors and are activated in accordance with the criteria of the algorithm embedded in them.

Every time the locking plane moves, a mechanism is triggered - a counter, increasing the current indicator by one. It is this parameter that can subsequently be removed by the operator or person in charge to obtain information about visits to, for example, a closed facility.

In accordance with the design features, electronic seals cannot be “reset”: their value does not change even with electrical equipment and programming experience. When attempting silent or forceful dismantling, the unit undergoes strong visual changes. The sufficient fragility of the installation also serves as an additional means of protection.

Safes with a sealed keyhole, closed using such devices, are under maximum protection from unauthorized break-ins. The installation body, as a rule, is numbered - this state of affairs excludes the possibility of complete replacement of the device by intruders. The only drawback of the electronic sealing option is the cost of such a product. However, many types of safe deposit boxes include such devices in the basic package.

Flag type sealing device

According to the principle of operation and design, it is very similar to the previous device, only the locking element does not extend, but folds back. The rest is all the same.

1 - lock the door 2 - lower the flag, for which there is a special groove in the cup 3 - cover the flag with plasticine and seal it with a seal

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