Environmental friendliness and safety of plastic windows: myths and reality

Despite the fact that the use of windows made of PVC profiles has been widely practiced for quite a long time (only in our country at least 20 years ago), discussions about their environmental safety do not subside to this day.

Today, unsubstantiated arguments and “authoritative” opinions about the poor environmental friendliness of plastic windows already look ridiculous and funny, but “experts” still instill fear in those who are faced with a choice. It is enough to take any topic on the portal devoted not just to the choice of windows: wood or plastic, but to the choice of a specific manufacturer of PVC products, and a commentator will immediately appear who will thoughtfully and knowledgeably ask: “Why do you need plastic in your house?” And then, according to tradition, excerpts from pseudoscientific articles under the general title “What are sellers of plastic windows hiding from us?” or “The whole truth about PVC windows.”

Let's look at this topic in detail once again to understand whether we should really be wary of PVC products, find out the whole truth and find out whether the sellers are hiding something from us. In this article we will turn to the experience of VEKA, one of the world leaders in the development and production of window and door systems made of high-quality plastic, and to the experience of the participants of our portal. To comprehensively study the issue, we will consider the problem from three points of view: from the point of view of organic chemistry, from the point of view of home ecology, and from the point of view of the ecology of the entire planet.

What are plastic windows made of?

A plastic window consists of 20-30% PVC - this is the frame and sashes of the structure, as well as auxiliary elements and PVC components.
The remaining 70-80% is occupied by double-glazed windows. PVC (polyvinyl chloride), from which the plastic elements of the window structure are made, is obtained industrially through the synthesis of salt and petroleum products, as well as a whole set of components responsible for strength, viscosity, stability of shape and color.

How dangerous is the mixture of components included in PVC for humans and the environment and how does it behave during operation?

The experience of using PVC in the production of windows, which is more than half a century old, has not revealed any contraindications or prohibitions: in all countries of the world, PVC windows are allowed and are actively used in glazing.

How to choose eco-friendly windows

What material is the window profile made of?

Made of wood, plastic, aluminum.
Wooden windows

beautiful, but they require special care and are expensive.

Plastic windows

durable, reliable, resistant to atmospheric influences, have high heat and sound insulation characteristics, easy to use, and have a wide range of colors. However, you need to make sure that the material from which the window profile is made is safe and will not release harmful substances indoors. To do this, you need to buy windows from trusted manufacturers and pay attention to eco-labels. In addition, plastic windows do not allow air to pass through, so you must always remember about ventilation.

Aluminum windows

durable, strong, resistant to stress, corrosion, and light in weight. Aluminum is easy to use, and the windows themselves can be of different colors and shapes. The main disadvantage of the material is low heat and sound insulation compared to other window profile options.

What types of double-glazed windows are there?

Double-glazed windows can be single-chamber, double-chamber and three-chamber.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

- these are two sheets of glass, which are fastened with a metal clip. The thickness of this design is only 24 mm. The space between the glasses is filled with compressed and dried air. Often carbon dioxide, argon or xenon is used instead of air, due to which the double-glazed window acquires noise-reducing properties. In addition, single-chamber double-glazed windows do not allow heat to pass through.

Double-glazed window

- a more complex design that consists of three or more sheets of glass. This type of double-glazed windows protects from noise, excess light and ultraviolet radiation, is resistant to frost and shock, to sunlight and has energy-saving properties. A double-chamber double-glazed window can be made in any shape, so it is better suited for implementing non-standard design solutions.

Three-chamber double-glazed window

- This is a thick and massive structure that has energy-saving and noise-insulating characteristics. The reasons for using such a double-glazed window are living in harsh climatic conditions and increased noise levels. The large weight of the structure entails difficulty in installation, increased load on the fittings, and also ensures a low level of visible light transmission due to the large number of glasses. It is most rational to use such double-glazed windows in solid glazing from floor to ceiling. If you decide to install a three-chamber double-glazed window, you must first make sure that a two-chamber one is really not enough. Three-chamber double-glazed windows are not common in Russia.

Double-glazed windows also differ in their functional characteristics: they are standard, energy-saving, sun-protective, multifunctional, safe - impact-resistant, vandal-proof, protective, impact-resistant, shatterproof and sound-proof.

What could be the consequences if you buy a low-quality double-glazed window?

Drafts will appear, the glass will begin to freeze in winter, dirt may accumulate inside the structure, and condensation may appear. Such windows also very quickly acquire an ugly appearance.

Why can heat escape through windows?

This can happen for several reasons.


— high thermal conductivity of glass. To solve this problem, contact professionals and ask to increase the number of glasses in the double-glazed window.


— violation of air convection. To solve this problem, you will have to replace the windows and install ones in which the space between the panes is filled with inert gases, such as argon.


— weak reflectivity of infrared radiation. To solve this problem, install energy-saving low-emissivity glass, on one side of which a thin coating of metal oxides is applied. Although this coating is invisible, it effectively reflects infrared radiation. This will reduce heat loss through the windows.

What kind of fittings should be on the windows?

Properly selected hinges, handles, seals and locks will minimize heat loss.

Depending on the method of opening the window, the fittings are:

  • Rotating with a vertical suspension that opens the window. Used for balcony doors and standard windows.
  • Tilt and turn fittings. One position opens the window, and the second provides ventilation and tilting of the sash. Used for standard windows and attic-type window openings.
  • Mid-hung fittings allow you to open the window sash 180°. Used for non-standard openings, for example round or oval.

Criteria for choosing high-quality fittings:

resistance to different types of loads and temperature changes, tightness and burglary resistance class, soundproofing characteristics, ease of use, ease of operation and environmental friendliness.

The service life of high-quality fittings should be at least 15,000 cycles or 10 years of service.

What to install on windows for the safety of a child?

To really be sure of the safety of your child, you need to install window blockers - this is a system for protecting windows from opening. A lock with a key is installed in the lock. If the lock is closed, you can set the window to ventilation mode only.

Why are plastic windows dangerous?

If we step back from the criticism of PVC windows from manufacturers of competing products, then we should really treat plastic windows with caution in the following cases:

  • Low quality PVC, which does not meet Russian and EU standards,
  • Limited functionality of windows, when it is not possible to ventilate the room in a timely manner or use automatic ventilation,
  • Intolerance to one of the components released into the air from the PVC profile,
  • Release of poisonous gases during a fire.

So, how to buy safe plastic windows and how to use them without harm to health and the environment.


Plastic windows are absolutely safe from an environmental point of view, they are reliable, durable and stable, and if you really care about your health, then installing PVC windows is the right decision. The main thing is to choose a manufacturer whose quality you can trust. For a more detailed study of the topic, we invite you to the relevant section of our forum, where various types of window structures, rules for their installation and useful life hacks are discussed.

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Cheap and soft plastic

According to research, the greatest harm to the environment and human health is caused by soft plastic, namely plastic bags and product packaging.

The hard plastic used to make plastic windows is not dangerous. PVC (uPVC) for windows has a long service life (more than 50 years) and does not decompose on its own (decomposition in the ground takes more than 200 years); the release of harmful substances during decomposition and recycling is not significant. The ability to recycle PVC window profiles makes it a product with a “green quality mark” - Recycled.

As the basis for the plastic windows we produce, we chose VEKA profiles with confirmed sanitary and hygienic safety and the highest quality class rating.

VEKA profiles, produced all over the world (USA, Europe, Russia), have no contraindications and have proven themselves when used in Russian conditions.

Point of view No. 3 The problem of global ecology

If the previous two points of view came from people who are mainly concerned with their conditional 33 square meters, and everything outside the window is no longer important, then the next problem really takes place on a global scale.

The fact is that PVC windows, like any other human-made items, have their own service life, which in this case is approximately 50 years, after which the window must be disposed of. But what to do in such a situation? After all, plastic does not decompose, and it cannot be disposed of by burning.

In the 90s of the last century, in Europe, the service life of the first PVC windows began to come to an end, and environmentalists sounded the alarm, demanding either to solve the problem of disposal in a “green way”, or to immediately limit the production of plastic products. By that time, technologies for processing various types of household waste were actively developing in developed countries, but a plastic window is a multi-component product consisting of glass, PVC profiles, metal reinforcement and rubber seals, and solving the problem of its complex recycling was not so easy.

An elegant solution was proposed by VEKA, which developed its own technology for deep recycling of used plastic windows.

At the initial stage, the window is freed from the glass unit, which is recycled in accordance with glass recycling technology. Then the PVC frame is fed to a shredder - a huge shredder that grinds it into small fragments. Next, the crumble is washed and sorted: the metal is extracted with a powerful magnet, and light fragments of the rubber seal and lamination are sifted on special sieves.

A peculiar problem is to decompose the resulting raw material into an exclusively white material and a material containing various inclusions. Here, VEKA took advantage of the technology used to sort coffee beans of different degrees of roasting. As a result, the plastic crumbs are separated by color and sent for granulation. The resulting regenerated granulate is the starting material for the production of new PVC profiles with the same basic physical and technical parameters as new plastic. As a result of such processing, no more than 2% of the waste sent for recycling is generated, the remaining 98% receives a new life.

Today, there are three such plants in Europe, covering the problem of recycling used PVC windows in full. There are no such factories in Russia yet, but the time has not yet come for this, because the domestic window industry is not much more than 20 years old. In any case, this technology has been tested and can be easily replicated in our country when the need arises.

Dangerous tightness of plastic windows

Despite the general safety of our homes, the air and emissions that accumulate in them, including from floor coverings, wallpaper, furniture, and household appliances, must be replaced with air from the street. This process is mandatory for normal human life.

The tightness of plastic windows can interfere with ventilation if the ventilation system is not thought out in them or if the apartment does not have another, alternative air supply system through air valves installed on the windows or a recovery system. Ventilation in modern plastic windows in more detail.

The easiest way to create an eco-comfortable climate is to ventilate the room 2-3 times a day in one burst: opening the windows for 10-15 minutes. Alternative ventilation options are also possible - consult with a company specialist to choose the best one for you.

Where to buy eco-windows?

Products from any of the profiles described above can be ordered from the company plasokna, which has been operating in the window market for decades. Main advantages in comparison with competitors:

  • providing an extended warranty for goods and services, 5 years instead of the standard 3;
  • affordable cost of structures, which is achieved due to the presence of our own production;
  • quality service;
  • professional installation.

At plasokna you can order the products themselves or their installation, as well as a full range of turnkey works.

What do plastic windows release into the atmosphere?

Did you know

that we ourselves emit substances dangerous to humans (carbon dioxide in the absence of oxygen and nitrogen will cause us to suffocate), and other objects around us. Seemingly harmless tree foliage, grass and soil can also be harmful.

What substances can be released from PVC windows into the atmosphere?

Under normal operating conditions, emissions from PVC profiles are minimal and safe for humans.

What types of double-glazed windows are there?

Double-glazed windows can be single-chamber, double-chamber and three-chamber.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

- these are two sheets of glass, which are fastened with a metal clip. The thickness of this design is only 24 mm. The space between the glasses is filled with compressed and dried air. Often carbon dioxide, argon or xenon is used instead of air, due to which the double-glazed window acquires noise-reducing properties. In addition, single-chamber double-glazed windows do not allow heat to pass through.

Double-glazed window

- a more complex design that consists of three or more sheets of glass. This type of double-glazed windows protects from noise, excess light and ultraviolet radiation, is resistant to frost and shock, to sunlight and has energy-saving properties. A double-chamber double-glazed window can be made in any shape, so it is better suited for implementing non-standard design solutions.

Three-chamber double-glazed window

- This is a thick and massive structure that has energy-saving and noise-insulating characteristics. The reasons for using such a double-glazed window are living in harsh climatic conditions and increased noise levels. The large weight of the structure entails difficulty in installation, increased load on the fittings, and also ensures a low level of visible light transmission due to the large number of glasses. It is most rational to use such double-glazed windows in solid glazing from floor to ceiling. If you decide to install a three-chamber double-glazed window, you must first make sure that a two-chamber one is really not enough. Three-chamber double-glazed windows are not common in Russia.

Double-glazed windows also differ in their functional characteristics: they are standard, energy-saving, sun-protective, multifunctional, safe - impact-resistant, vandal-proof, protective, impact-resistant, shatterproof and sound-proof.

Danger of PVC windows during combustion or fire

Fire is perhaps one of the most dangerous natural disasters. There may be many reasons for it, but the result is always the same: the raging elements burn out everything in its path. In aggressive environments, in particular during combustion, new substances are formed that can harm human health.

Ignition temperature of various materials

MaterialIgnition temperature, 0C
1Wood (pine)255
2Wood (oak)238
4Expanded polystyrene346

Plastic brought to combustion temperature, like any other material, poses a danger, primarily due to the gases formed during the combustion process. To avoid poisoning from combustion gases, it is important to leave the fire site as quickly as possible, before doing so, breathe through a wet cloth, protecting your respiratory organs.

How do plastic windows behave in a fire?

The behavior of windows in a fire deserves special attention. The tightness of plastic windows prevents the penetration of combustion-supporting oxygen from the street, and their ability to self-extinguish are important arguments in favor of choosing this particular glazing in places with a high risk of ignition.

“We wrote about the requirements for fire resistance of structures in the material Fireproof Plastic Windows.

Only aluminum structures can boast the highest degree of fire resistance. "

Aluminum windows and doors produced by Business-M

Wooden windows

The materials from which environmentally friendly wooden windows are made are of natural origin and not obtained as a result of chemical reactions. Naturalness is the main advantage of these designs.

Characterized by a high degree of flammability and susceptibility to the effects of bark beetles, they require special impregnation, and to be resistant to the influence of negative natural phenomena, they require painting. Modern manufacturers offer paints and impregnations that are safe for health, do not emit substances harmful to the body and the environment during use, and cope perfectly with the task.

Recommendations for window buyers

You and I, and the people around us, often become victims of advertising propaganda and imposed myths. In order not to regret your choice, rely on facts and documentary evidence.

  • Plastic windows meet a high class of environmental safety if they are made of high-quality materials,
  • You can check the quality of components, not only PVC profiles, by requesting declarations and certificates of conformity,
  • When saving on equipment, think about room ventilation options,
  • High-quality and environmentally friendly products are usually produced by world-famous companies with a long history.

A manager will help you select windows and calculate the cost over the phone.

— Prices for plastic windows

Comparison of profile characteristics

Options Plastic profile Wood profile Glass composite profile
Tightness ⚫ Excellent ⚫ There is microcirculation of air ⚫ Excellent
Thermal insulation ⚫ Good ⚫ High ⚫ High
Durability ⚫ 40-60 years ⚫ up to 90 years old ⚫ over 90 years
Price ⚫ Wide price range ⚫ High ⚫ High, 30% higher than elite class plastic
Resistance to negative influences ⚫ High ⚫ Requires additional impregnation and painting ⚫ High

Why can heat escape through windows?

This can happen for several reasons.


— high thermal conductivity of glass. To solve this problem, contact professionals and ask to increase the number of glasses in the double-glazed window.


— violation of air convection. To solve this problem, you will have to replace the windows and install ones in which the space between the panes is filled with inert gases, such as argon.


— weak reflectivity of infrared radiation. To solve this problem, install energy-saving low-emissivity glass, on one side of which a thin coating of metal oxides is applied. Although this coating is invisible, it effectively reflects infrared radiation. This will reduce heat loss through the windows.

What kind of fittings should be on the windows?

Properly selected hinges, handles, seals and locks will minimize heat loss.

Depending on the method of opening the window, the fittings are:

  • Rotating with a vertical suspension that opens the window. Used for balcony doors and standard windows.
  • Tilt and turn fittings. One position opens the window, and the second provides ventilation and tilting of the sash. Used for standard windows and attic-type window openings.
  • Mid-hung fittings allow you to open the window sash 180°. Used for non-standard openings, for example round or oval.

Criteria for choosing high-quality fittings:

resistance to different types of loads and temperature changes, tightness and burglary resistance class, soundproofing characteristics, ease of use, ease of operation and environmental friendliness.

The service life of high-quality fittings should be at least 15,000 cycles or 10 years of service.

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