Pros and cons of English wooden windows

Elena Orlova
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Elena Orlova November 18, 2016

A real English window – comfort, proven over centuries.

I admire rooms designed in modern styles, but I prefer to live not on a spaceship or in an eccentric, but in a cozy classic house. Therefore, for the window openings in the kitchen, I chose sash windows. What are the features of such structures, what are their advantages, and are there any disadvantages? I'll explain everything now.

Adventures of English windows in Russia

According to historians, windows in the so-called English style appeared in the 17th century on the Chatsworth estate in Derbyshire. That is, where one of the most luxurious palaces in Great Britain is.

Fans of England from the time of Domostroy can find English windows in modern Russia. What does the phrase “window in English” mean? What is the price of this design, where can I order it?

Read and enlighten yourself.

How to distinguish a truly English window from a copy?

Real English-style windows cannot be confused with any others in appearance. They are usually narrow, elongated upward (see photo). Made of wood (there was no plastic in the 17th century!) and single glass. The latter is decorated with decorative sprockets (a pattern of squares), which are embedded in the glass or glued to it on both sides.

Traditional English windows are made of wood (pine, oak, meranti, etc.) and single glass

The design of English windows is vertical sliding and consists of two sashes. One of them (usually the upper one) is stationary, and the second one moves up or down parallel to the stationary one. In the open position, the “walking” sash is fixed at different heights thanks to special latches. Those. You will not find modern loops and scissors in this design.

It is not difficult to guess that an English wooden window is suitable for London fogs, but not for Russian frosts. It will allow cold to pass through, become overgrown with ice, etc. That is why windows similar to English ones were developed for harsher climates. Only warmer.

How do wooden windows from Sweden differ from other Scandinavian ones? Read what Swedish brands exist. And how much does this “curiosity” cost?

In the material at the link we give an assessment of wooden euro-windows from all supplier countries. We also provide figures for how much you can buy the products of one or another of them:

Installation Features

In order for the wooden window to be installed strictly horizontally, it is necessary to use mounting blocks. The window is first carefully adjusted, then fixed with wedges.

Experts recommend using mounting plates for final installation. They are mounted on the window block at a distance of 25 cm from each corner. The wedges can then be removed.

If your window is more than 1.5 m, then install an additional mounting plate in the middle of the structure.

Fake English windows are also good!

Analogues of English lifting windows are structures made of plastic or wood with double-glazed windows . In them, the sliding sash fits more tightly to the profile (slightly different fittings and seals are used). So there is not even a hint of blowing.

A fixed window with double-glazed windows and vents looks like an English one. And all thanks to decorative glass covers

Sometimes English windows (or fakes for them) are made completely blank (see photo). But at the same time, they can also stick sprats onto the double-glazed window. From a distance you can't tell it from the original! And one more plus - such an English window is easier to make with your own hands than any other.

Thermal efficiency of “fake” windows is much better. Therefore, they can be safely installed even in apartments. But since the openings there are not high, they are often used for dachas, balconies and country houses.

Finishing touches

The structure, completely prepared with your own hands, is installed in the grooves and fixed with self-tapping screws.

The screws must go through the box; a mounting gun will help you do this.

At the last stage, it is necessary to seal all the cracks with polyurethane foam, let it dry and plaster the surface of the walls.

After this, you can install the ebb and window sill.

As you can see, making wooden windows with your own hands is quite possible. Of course, for this it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of work and observe some technological subtleties.

If you doubt that you can make such structures yourself, seek help from professional craftsmen. They will manufacture and install wooden windows quickly and efficiently.

Who sells English windows in Russian lands? Price

It’s unlikely that anyone in Russia will install a purely English window for you (except perhaps in the southern part of the country). But “English style” windows with double-glazed windows can be bought in Moscow from the Russian “Windows on Kazakova”, “Toks”, etc. All of them either assemble windows from ready-made foreign materials. Or they buy the product already assembled.

There are also representatives of window companies from Latvia. Most of our fellow citizens prefer them.

The price of English windows is different for everyone . For example, Toks sells a 1000x1460 mm window with single pine glass for 5,000 rubles. In another company, a window of 800x1100 mm costs 42 thousand rubles. – this is more like the truth. Sometimes prices are even higher.


These windows are ideal for a loggia.

Classic windows are usually oak, pine and usually single glass. Fake versions are good too! These are modern products made of aluminum, plastic or wood, but with double-glazed windows.

So, from the article you learned what English windows are. I described in detail the design features, their advantages and disadvantages. I am confident that based on these data you will be able to make an informed choice. Visual information on the topic is in the video in this article, and you can discuss all the nuances of the design or share your thoughts in the comments.

Consumer reviews about English windows

We found reviews about wooden English windows only on one website - Forum House. And it’s not surprising, because in Russia they are not very popular.

Few Russians have dealt with such windows. The climate is not the same, and neither are the earnings

Among everyone who participated in the conversation, only one user lived next to such windows. “I had them in my old apartment, a convenient type of opening. That’s why I want these again ,” writes Matroso.

Window professionals, on the contrary, say that it is better not to install English windows: “They have leaky seals, a deep frame - the walls will freeze. And if you insert a double-glazed window, it will be difficult to open. I don’t see anything better than making an English fixed window with double-glazed windows. It’s warm and there’s no need to open it.”

Everyone - both consumers and installers - is outraged by the high price . For example, in the Nth company one of the users received a calculation. For a window 1900x1500 mm they asked for 3000 euros - 150 thousand in rubles (the window is made of Latvian pine).

Only some on the forum were relatively calm about the price. These are probably the few potential customers.

Related article: Is it possible to install a plastic window in a steam room?

How do English windows with vertical rise work?

One of the most attractive features of this type of glazing is that the sash is broken down into relatively small rectangular sections. Windows with this type of paneling have a strict, classic look, which corresponds to their name.

The design of a classic English window includes an external frame and two internal sashes. To open the window, you need to move one of the sashes in the vertical direction, and then secure it with special latches. As a rule, the lower part of the window is made movable, while the upper part does not open.

Movement is carried out through special grooves in the frame and corresponding guides in the moving part. Guides can be made either in the form of rollers or operate on the sliding principle.

To make opening easier, the blocks are equipped with special counterweights that compensate for part of the load when lifting the sash. The counterweights are located in the voids between the opening and the outer part of the frame, which makes them invisible to others and ensures a smooth ride.

The operation of such windows can be seen in our video:

How does it look in the interior of different rooms?

False windows are least needed in living rooms, but it is in these rooms that they are often found. With the usual layout, the hall has the largest real window as standard, but if you want to make the space freer, add a second, artificial one.

It is not necessary to glue wallpaper or paint false windows; mirrored models or frames with frosted glass will fit into the living room: you don’t have to hang them, but put them on a chest of drawers, a fireplace, or a shelf.

There is usually no urgent need for a false window in the kitchen either, but this is a great way to make a standard space wider. Choose a location in the dining area so that you can admire the views in the photo while you eat.

False windows with lighting are often installed in the bathroom. Since in ordinary apartments there are no real openings, a decorated false window will be an excellent replacement.

“Fake” can be incorporated into a functional design: for example, instead of a regular mirror above the sink, install a frame with beautifully shaped doors.

The photo shows a symmetrical arrangement of frames in the hall

False windows in the interior of a nursery differ from any others primarily in their plot: strict realistic landscapes replace interesting fairy-tale motifs.

A false window in the office increases productivity and improves mood. If the room is dark, choose a false window with lighting.

Manufacturing materials

For the manufacture of classic models, wood is mainly used. The most preferable in this regard is laminated veneer lumber of coniferous or hardwood (pine, larch, oak). To make the material resistant to environmental influences, it is treated with special impregnations and sealed with a protective varnish. Colored products are tinted with stains.

Modern designs are often made from metal-plastic or aluminum profiles. These products, as a rule, are more practical and allow the implementation of a variety of design solutions; in addition, profile models are more suitable for the construction of warm systems.

Positive sides

English type windows have the following advantages:

    Like any sliding systems, lifting windows significantly save free living space, making it possible to place flower pots or decorative elements on the windowsill, avoiding the need to remove everything to open the sashes.

Wood laminated vertical sliding windows

  • The internal arrangement of the fittings eliminates the possibility of opening from the outside and thereby reliably protects the room from unauthorized entry from the outside. In addition, the design provides the ability to enhance security by installing alarm sensors.
  • The lifting system of English windows allows you to ventilate rooms in any weather, as sliding sashes are not afraid of drafts, unlike swing models.
  • The gaps between the moving elements of the window are sealed with sealing rubber bands, and the fittings are protected with special gaskets, which minimizes the likelihood of drafts and blows;
  • Equipping small sashes with folding fittings allows you to easily wash frames and glass from the street side, even on the upper floors.
  • Classic curtains look great on English-type windows, especially in combination with roller shutters or Roman mechanisms.

Metal-plastic windows

Sliding sashes, which have a single layer of glass, are the simplest and easiest to install. Such metal-plastic windows easily open in the intended direction. Another plus to the fact that they perfectly protect against drafts, rain and wind is the low cost of installation. Anyone can afford to make glazing in this way.

  • The design of sliding metal-plastic windows with double glazing will not only provide excellent protection from bad weather, but will also allow you to use the room until the coldest weather. To be able to spend days and evenings in a glazed gazebo in winter, it is necessary to insulate the walls and floor, install additional heating devices, and place a fireplace.

    Sliding window designs can be developed individually. A project created specifically for a specific gazebo will be a little more expensive, but at the same time it will become a highlight of the suburban area and will add special charm and respectability. Among such original solutions, for example, is the use of semicircular windows, which create a semblance of a bay window structure.

  • Negative sides

    In addition to a large number of advantages, English windows have some negative qualities that cannot be ignored:

  • When installing a double-glazed window, the elegance characteristic of this type of glazing will be partially lost, which can be solved by using external jointing of the sashes with decorative overlays (shpros).

  • The shutters weigh a lot, especially large double-glazed windows, and the design of English windows involves lifting them manually when opening, which will require some effort, despite part of the weight being compensated by a lifting mechanism.
  • The sealing rubbers must be replaced annually, otherwise the tightness of the connection between the sashes and the frame will be lost.
  • An English window can only be opened half way, which means that in emergency cases it will be quite difficult for a large person to leave the room.
  • Compared to their swing counterparts, English windows are significantly more expensive.
  • Glass

    It is important to correctly calculate the size of the glass, this will avoid the formation of cold bridges. Measurements are taken with an accuracy of 1 mm. When cutting glass with a diamond screw, you must take safety precautions (use gloves to protect your hands, glasses to protect your eyes).

    The prepared pieces of glass are inserted into the frame for fitting, then they are removed. Sealant is applied to the grooves and the glass is reinserted. Then the entire structure is fixed with a glazing bead using small nails.

    Profile, fittings and design options

    The most common are two types of profiles: classic sliding vertical windows and the pseudo-English version.

    Classic profile. It is a two-section structure, the moving part of which slides onto the stationary one. Most often, classic windows are made of wood.

    This arrangement makes it possible to achieve maximum density of elements joining, which in turn excludes the ingress of precipitation, cold air and any debris from the street.

    Pseudo-English profile. The design of this type does not provide for the presence of a stationary section - both the upper and the lower ones are movable in it.

    Such windows are made mainly from metal-plastic, less often from aluminum profiles. During the operation of pseudo-English windows, you should not move both sections at the same time, as if the frame is small, one of the sashes may jam.

    The fittings have the following features:

    • No hanging loops;
    • Special handles or without them (secret);

    • The section moves relative to the frame along grooves or bridges;
    • Rollers rotate in the grooves or the lifting process is implemented by sliding;
    • The sash is fixed in the open position using a latch.

    Related article: When to install windows when building a house


    Pine is the most popular material for making boxes among middle-class consumers. It is affordable and practical to use.

    An oak window will be of better quality. But this material is quite expensive, so experts do not recommend making a window structure from it for the first time. Also, do not use soft wood.

    The pine boards that will be used for the box must be properly dried.

    When buying a board, choose a material without knots, cracks, and not deformed. The box experiences the greatest load, so it must be made of high-quality boards.

    If you have chosen laminated veneer lumber, then, subject to high-quality installation, you are guaranteed to receive a window of high strength; it will not change its parameters during operation.

    To avoid subsequent deformation, the window block should be a couple of centimeters smaller than the opening.

    Depending on the thickness of the window, a timber of a certain size is selected. The minimum value is 6*4 cm.

    Grooves in the timber can be made using a router or electric planer. Before carrying out this stage of work, it is best to practice on a separate piece of the board.

    First you need to take measurements, according to which the box can be made. In the blanks for it, grooves in the shape of the letter G should be made to a depth of 1.5 cm. The ends of the bars are sawed off at an angle of 45˚. After this, all the elements of the window frame must be connected with wood glue, holes must be made in them, through which wooden rods 3 cm long must be inserted.

    Don't forget to lubricate the holes for the wooden rods with glue.

    Thus, the resulting structure will become motionless and rigidly fixed at a right angle.

    The opening into which the box will be installed must first be prepared: cleaned of debris and dirt, leveled. Holes should be drilled in the walls (in increments of no more than 80 cm) into which dowels should be driven. The box is secured with self-tapping screws.

    After this, using polyurethane foam, you need to seal all the gaps between the walls and the box. The advantage of this fixation is the following: the design does not depend on temperature changes.

    It must be remembered that the geometry of the window must be strictly observed: angles - 90˚, difference in diagonals - no more than 10 mm, deviations in evenness - no more than 1 mm per 1 m of window block length.

    Experts advise inviting professional craftsmen to measure the frame, since the slightest error in calculations can lead to undesirable consequences. It is best to make a frame from timber with a cross-section of at least 6*4 cm. Euro-windows require timber whose humidity does not exceed 12%. Oak, hornbeam, and beech are ideal for such structures.

    It is worth using solid pieces of timber to make frames; it is better to make it from several boards in several layers, connecting each of them with wood glue; make sure that the fibers of each layer are perpendicular to the fibers of the previous one.

    The number and thickness of glass, bead parameters depend on the shape of the frame profile. The single-glass model has a pair of rectangular grooves. Double glass has an additional groove for the second glass.

    The profile is shaped using a router or electric planer. In this case, glass 4 mm thick and glazing bead 10 mm thick are used.

    The prepared boards are sawn, the cutting angle along the edges should be 45˚. They are connected in a tongue-and-groove manner and fixed with self-tapping screws so that their caps are recessed into the wood (if desired, they can be “hidden” under a mixture of glue and sawdust).

    Then the entire structure is assembled, the joints are carefully coated with wood glue. After the frame has dried, the joints are sanded.

    Window models with a sash require installation of fittings.

    Do not forget to treat all wooden components with an antiseptic compound before installing both the box and the frame.

    Glass can only be installed after the frames have been installed.

    Choosing a double-glazed window

    The glass unit is selected depending on the glazed room. If this is, for example, a dacha, single glass will be quite sufficient. For greater thermal insulation, you will have to use a single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window.

    The glazing must be light, so the package is made of low-emissivity glass, and the chambers are filled with inert gas.
    This design can reduce the heat transfer of the opening by 45% compared to single glass.

    Where is the best place to install

    The thermal insulation performance of English-type windows is somewhat lower than energy-saving casement windows, which somewhat limits their scope of application. The most convenient and elegant option, with single glass frames, will be relevant anywhere in the country house, summer kitchen and other buildings that are not heated in winter.

    If you plan to glaze a residential building or apartment, you should pay attention to structures with an insulated profile and double-glazed windows that are suitable for the weather in winter. However, in regions with extremely cold climates, it is better to refrain from using English windows, even the most energy-efficient ones. After all, their homeland is Britain, and there it mostly rains, not thirty-degree frosts.

    Types of decorative windows

    Studying the characteristics of the products will help you not to get confused when choosing an interior window and find a good option.

    The size and shape of the pattern imitating the external appearance must correspond to the specific room in order to avoid disharmony with the interior. The choice of image also depends on the style and color scheme in which the room is designed.

    Photo wallpaper

    Using paper photo wallpaper is the easiest option. You can choose an image from a catalog of ready-made themes or order a print of an exclusive author’s drawing. Next, the selected picture is framed in a frame, plexiglass, window sill, decorated with tulle and curtains. The borders are decorated with a wooden frame or PU profile.

    For such an imitation of a window on the wall, only a flat surface without flaws or irregularities is suitable.

    Artistic painting

    Using painting, you can create a unique landscape, as well as elements of a traditional design: frame, handles, window sill. Painting allows you to make the composition three-dimensional and more realistic, and hide imperfections in the wall or ceiling.

    The work should be entrusted to a trusted professional to avoid disappointment. Painting can be done on thin plywood or cardboard.

    False window with backlight

    A backlit false window will help create the effect of natural lighting in a darkened room.

    A window-shaped lamp can be equipped with energy-saving lamps, individual LEDs or solid strips and garlands.

    When choosing a backlit product, it is important to pay attention to the shade of the glow. White cold light is similar to daylight, warm - creates a feeling of home comfort and complements the main source of artificial lighting;

    Approximate prices

    Let's look at some examples:

    • The cost of a meter by one and a half window block, made of pine with single glazing - 5,000 rubles ;
    • Another organization offers a 1m x 0.9m window for 40 thousand rubles ;
    • In St. Petersburg you can find options with a minimum cost of 12,000 rubles. It will be the size of a meter by one and a half or a similar area, made of the simplest metal-plastic profile and equipped with the same double-glazed window.

    The cost of English windows depends on the degree of thermal insulation, construction material, sash frame and country of manufacture. Finding classic options in the regions of the country is quite difficult. Due to climatic conditions, they are not very popular. Pseudo-English variants are relatively common, the prices of which vary depending on the manufacturer.

    How to care?

    As mentioned above, sliding windows are quite unpretentious to use. Manufacturers claim that the mechanism and fittings are quite capable, subject to careful attention and regular maintenance of the locking mechanisms, to withstand long service life - on average, for 25-35 years. Of course, these times may vary under different conditions. It is possible that in your case they will last longer.

    Also, the useful life depends on the type of structure itself - such a window, regardless of operating conditions, will only require replacement of the lower edge of the seal and a device for the upper fixation of the movable sash. And even then, this will happen only after 15 years of window service.

    Horizontal windows will require much more attention from you over the same period of operation - adjustment of the blocking system will be required, and with a high degree of probability, due to wear, the rollers will need to be replaced. The rate of wear depends on the height of the frame: the higher it is, the faster the wear will occur.

    Adjusting locks, setting and lubricating movement limiters are the main types of work when servicing sliding windows. The sealing surface, made of silicone and equipped with brushes, needs to be cleaned from dust and lubricated with special protective agents.

    The most vulnerable to dirt and dust are the guide gutters. They need to be cleaned and blown regularly. It is not recommended to use detergents for this.

    Eurowindow - what is it and how is it done?

    Perimeter fittings are a prefabricated harness made up of several parts mounted along the entire perimeter of the profile. It provides locking of the sash at several points, using one handle, which allows you to achieve the tightest possible fit and eliminates blowing. Thanks to this fittings, a window with an opening sash can operate in two modes – tilt and turn. In the rotary mode, the window opens only by turning; in the combined mode, the window sash opens and tilts.

    The fundamental design difference between Euro windows and conventional windows is one frame, which can accommodate several double-glazed windows. The main technical characteristic of the “euro” is complete tightness, achieved through various seals. Thermal conductivity will depend on the number of air chambers, and on the type of glass in the double-glazed window, and on the correct installation of the window. Therefore, the material from which the profile is made does not play a role; what is important is the functionality of the structure and its characteristics.

    Operating principle and device

    American windows work by moving the lower sash, which moves up/down on a special slide, along the second, fixed part. Currently, frames made of plastic and wood are made in the classic style for one leaf, as well as for two and three, which allows them to be installed in any room. In Russia, due to climatic conditions, the pseudo-English type is more common.


    Plastic slider windows have the same design as classic wooden frames. They are equipped not with one large glass, but with a complex of smaller ones, which are connected by slats. Modern English-style window frames are made from PVC, equipped with single-glazed windows and decorative beads.

    During frame manufacturing, pieces of molded PVC are cut to specific dimensions and soldered together to form the frame. The profile may have several hollow internal sections. The number of cameras affects the characteristics of the window: the more there are, the better the sound insulation. To prevent curvature of the supporting structure due to mechanical damage or temperature changes, the frame is reinforced with steel liners, which makes the frame more rigid. To order it is possible to produce sliders from wood.

    The more cameras, the better the sound insulation

    Double-glazed window

    At the base of the window there is a double-glazed window made of several glasses. It is attached to the frame with special glazing beads. The design is completely sealed, which is ensured by precise sizing, a thick layer of sealant at the ends and rubber seals. To prevent condensation from accumulating in the bag, small holes for drainage are provided on the lower outer part of the frame.


    The opening and reliable closing of the sash, the ventilation mode, and the tightness of the closed window are ensured by the guides and locking parts of the structure. Their quality directly affects reliability, burglary protection, heat loss and sound insulation.

    The fittings include the following parts:

    • handles that differ from ordinary ones and are protrusions and recesses;
    • bridges along which the doors slide;
    • clamps holding the open sash in the desired position;
    • locking design (it not only secures the window in the closed position, but also protects against external break-in).

    Eurowindows: do-it-yourself made of wood

    The process of manufacturing a wooden euro-window will require certain financial investments - the cost of wood, components, equipment. It is also easier to order double-glazed windows from professionals, although some craftsmen manage to assemble this unit themselves. But even taking into account the impressive cost of the finished product, which is an elite and therefore quite expensive product, the savings will be significant. If we are talking about building a new house or completely glazing an old one, the difference can be tens of thousands.

    Do-it-yourself windows: step-by-step instructions

    Windows are constantly exposed to external influences and temperature differences between indoors and outdoors, which inevitably leads to changes in the geometry of the structure when it comes to wood. To minimize possible warping, frames and sashes are made not from solid timber, but from laminated veneer lumber. You can purchase a ready-made one if there are reliable suppliers, or you can glue it yourself. In the second case, a workpiece of at least three lamellas is assembled, so that the fibers are directed in opposite directions. If possible, choose radial sawn wood; tangential sawn wood “leads” more. For gluing, special, moisture-resistant compounds should be used.

    Related article: Adjusting metal-plastic windows yourself

    The section of the beam is chosen based on the number of double-glazed windows - for a window with one chamber, a 6 x 4 cm beam is usually used. In production conditions, grooves are selected in the frame not only for the double-glazed window and external seals, but also for internal ones. One of the former manufacturers of wooden European windows shared his drawings, by simplifying which you can get high-quality structures that are almost as good as ready-made ones. In order to make a window with your own hands, the drawings are quite suitable.

    Manufacturers of wooden windows

    German wooden windows

    This window production technology is aimed at obtaining an optimal price-quality ratio. For the manufacture of the profile, three-layer laminated veneer lumber is used.

    It is important here that during its production only workpieces obtained by radial and semi-radial sawing are used, and all defects are removed from them.

    When gluing timber, not only the angle of inclination of the wood fibers is taken into account, but also the same moisture content of adjacent lamellas, which should not differ by more than 2%. This guarantees high stability of the timber shape. The use of high-precision tools and software control guarantees the ideal geometry of the workpieces.

    To make the finished profile last longer and look more attractive, finishing is applied to it: sanding and painting. Eco-friendly water-soluble acrylic varnishes are used for painting. But not only the quality of the varnish is important when finishing timber, but also the features of its application. Experts most often use a four-layer application technique.

    Finnish windows

    These are always wood products, which in the best cases are combined with aluminum and are designed for use in northern conditions. Aluminum here helps preserve all the best qualities of classic wooden windows and gives them even greater durability. Construction companies from Russia have been successfully installing windows made according to Finnish patterns for many years.

    Finnish windows are made from low-resin Finnish pine, and only its strongest central part is used.

    The trunks themselves are taken from forests located in environmentally friendly places remote from industrial centers. For people who, wondering which wooden windows to buy, are especially sensitive to their environmental friendliness, this is especially valuable.

    Structurally, this is an ordinary window made of wood, which is protected from the street by aluminum. The wood is not impregnated with any compounds, due to which it completely retains its valuable natural qualities. Finnish windows are equipped with vents and are quite traditional in appearance.

    Swedish windows

    The Swedes, unlike their neighbors, bring the inner and outer bindings closer together, so that both doors can be hung on one box and opened at the same time. The internal binding with a width of 65 mm is load-bearing. A narrower outer binding is hung on hinges over the inner one and connected with ties. The total thickness of the box is less than 100 mm.

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