Disposal of old plastic and wooden windows: features and algorithm of actions

Prices for window removal

Contact the Barakhlovoz company when you need cheap disposal of old windows from your apartment, we can help you remove old things and construction waste.
How much to pay to have used plastic windows and wooden windows removed - see the company’s price list. Scroll down the page to find out below the final cost of removing old items for recycling and construction waste after renovation. The service for removing old windows for recycling includes the delivery of a car, the work of loaders who remove old things and construction waste. The conditions in which the loaders will have to work also affect the price of the service. If you do not insist on emergency removal of old windows and construction waste, you will receive a 20% discount. Pensioners and regular customers receive additional discounts on the removal of old window frames and old furniture.

Also get additional benefits by ordering removal of other items along with plastic windows.

How is recycling done?

Plastic structures are either left in landfills or melted into recycled plastic using pyrolysis.
Such plastic is used, for example, to make moldings for new windows, consumables, and fittings. Wooden frames are most often burned - to generate useful energy in large landfills (for heating boilers, in the process of producing biogas, etc.), or simply destroyed by fire.

Glass can also be stored at a landfill, or it can be melted down and serve as material for new window glass, bottles and other utensils.

The easiest option for getting rid of old frames is to transfer the hassle to an installer or recycler. If your conscience does not allow you to take an active part in littering the planet, recycle it; it will definitely not hurt anyone. It’s easiest for dacha owners; windows will always come in handy there.

Loaders' work

Owners of apartments and offices are concerned that when windows are removed after dismantling and replacement, a lot of garbage may remain. The company's movers work carefully, lay a special covering on the floor, and then clean it. Construction waste is collected in brought bags to avoid littering in the elevator or on the stairs. Discuss with the company manager the conditions for dismantling and removal of windows, indicate in what conditions the movers will have to work:

  • on what floor is the apartment;
  • the freight elevator is working or old things will have to be taken out manually;
  • How convenient is it to move with a load?

After the company's movers remove the old windows for disposal, the specialists will do the cleaning and the apartment will remain clean.

Why don't window installation companies remove old structures?

Often, a company cannot recycle old structures itself. There is no point in taking them out, since equipment and loaders are needed. Simply taking garbage to a landfill is not always possible and financially unprofitable. Companies that install windows leave this problem to the customer. Today there are companies where the cost of services includes a full set of works, starting from the dismantling of old structures and ending with their disposal. There are few such companies.

Recycling in Moscow and the Moscow region

At the dachas, they know how to use old wooden windows and old furniture; they assemble greenhouses, hotbeds and other structures. Over time, all this deteriorates, becomes unusable, and litters the site. The company removes old things, our clients know that they are protected from litter. For dachas closer to Moscow, the tariff is the same as for transportation within the city. You have decided to take out old things, get rid of construction waste, try to estimate how much space they will take up so that the company provides a suitable car. The company will help with recycling and take the old stuff to a landfill.

Where and how to dispose?

Disposing of old windows is not only a labor-intensive process, but also dirty. After each dismantled frame, at least 20 kilograms of waste remain. You can’t throw it into the garbage chute; it’s also inconvenient to take it out in a passenger car, especially if there is more than one frame to be replaced.

Note! Dismantled remains of window frames are considered construction waste and should not be left in the same place as regular household waste. How to properly dispose of construction waste and where to take it out so as not to receive a fine, read the link above.

If you and the management company do not have an agreement on the removal of construction waste, you cannot simply leave old windows near the trash bins.
You can always find out about the existence of an agreement from the management company. If the management company is not engaged in the removal of construction waste, it makes sense to enter into an agreement for removal with the company that will install new ones. Sometimes this service is provided at no additional cost. It is also possible to transport dismantled frames and garbage to a landfill on your own, but it is often impractical: in the process of dragging heavy objects, a person unaccustomed to such work can tear his back and injure himself.

There is also a high chance of damaging or dirtying a personal car, and searching for a landfill and getting to it can result in a long wandering or even result in nothing if it turns out that the found landfill works only under contracts with large companies, and there is no way to just “throw” your old windows at them it is forbidden.

Features of recycling wooden windows

The environmental friendliness and ability of wood to “breathe” remains one of the most significant advantages, which is why wooden frames continue to be installed today. But low-quality wooden structures deteriorate much earlier than plastic ones.

Dirt and dust get packed into the cracks that appear in the wood, old paint comes off, glass doesn’t fit tightly - all this means that it’s time for the old wooden window to go to the landfill.

Wooden frames can be used for firewood for a summer house, and window glass can be used to make a greenhouse. It is important not to overlook one point: frames affected by fungus or mold are not suitable for heating residential premises or cooking over an open fire. Therefore, disposal of wooden windows with suspicious black spots should take place away from commercial and residential buildings.

Features of recycling plastic (PVC) windows

The widespread replacement of wooden frames with windows made of metal-plastic profiles began relatively recently in our country, so most plastic windows have not yet reached their “expiration date”. Due to the greater homogeneity and inertness of plastic as a material, such windows last longer than wooden ones - their service life can reach half a century. The fittings, of course, deteriorate much faster, but that’s why they are consumables.

Disposal of plastic windows may be required due to mechanical damage to the frame or redevelopment of the premises. How, then, should we deal with the old? There are several options.

  1. "Lazy". Order the removal of garbage and old plastic windows from the company that will install new windows for you. A contract for the removal of construction waste concluded with the company will relieve you of responsibility for the future fate of window structures. Cons: Additional fees may apply.
  2. "Green". It will take more effort: you need to find collection points for PVC plastic in your city. You will have to bring the windows to the delivery point at your own expense, but you will be calmer, knowing that your frames will not be dumped as dead weight at the landfill, but will be recycled.
  3. "Fresh". It may happen that you need to replace an almost new window. Let’s say they installed it for you a month ago, but you suddenly realized that instead of a solid frame you want a sash frame. This can be solved by calling the company that installed the window: if there is no damage, they will simply take it away, and they can even give you a discount on another one.
  4. "Dachny". Call your gardening friends, neighbors and relatives to see if anyone needs frames and glass on their acres. They are suitable for both residential buildings, verandas and greenhouses. But you will have to dismantle it carefully - broken ones are unlikely to be used.

Stages of cooperation

In the process of recycling old items, the participation of their owner is limited to payment for the company’s services. You indicate on what day and at what time, at what address to deliver the car. You clarify the specifics of the loaders’ work, warn that you will pay by credit card or that you represent the interests of a legal entity (the company will provide an invoice with VAT for payment). When the company's movers complete the removal of old things and load construction waste into the car, pay the driver:

  • cash;
  • from a bank card through a terminal provided by the driver.

The company will provide official confirmation that it provided assistance in removing old items and construction waste. You receive a completed company form indicating what was exported and in what quantity. On the company's letterhead, which lists what old things and furniture were removed, its details are indicated.

Responsibility for violation of standards

Plastic windows are classified as construction waste, therefore they are subject to Article 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Violations. According to the provisions of the code, the following fines are provided for incorrect disposal of double-glazed windows:

  • 1-2 thousand rubles – for individuals;
  • 10-30 thousand rubles – for officials;
  • 30-50 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days - for individual entrepreneurs;
  • 100-200 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days - for legal entities.

Our advantages

The company has been transporting plastic windows, old things, and construction waste for recycling in Moscow for several years. There are many competitors, but the company has earned a reputation:

  • We promptly respond to requests to help with the disposal of old items and construction waste;
  • we comply with agreements;
  • we deliver cars on time;
  • movers quickly and carefully disassemble, stack and remove old things and construction waste;
  • We offer discounts.

Areas and limitations of secondary use of used plastic windows from Khrushchev-era buildings

If the windows were not damaged during operation and dismantling, then they can be used in any other place. They can be installed in another apartment, in a country house, in outbuildings, given to friends or relatives, sold, etc.

True, there is an important limitation - the used window must match the size of the new opening. If it is larger, you will need to expand the opening, which is not always possible and not everywhere. But if the window, on the contrary, is smaller than the opening, the problem is easier to solve. For adaptation, additional profiles (extensions) are used, which are available in the range of window companies. To do this, you just need to know the brand and article number of the PVC profile from which the used plastic window is made.

This information can be found by examining the surfaces of the frames and sashes. Profile manufacturers indicate factory markings there. It is not necessary to understand the markings yourself. All you need to do is take a photo and show it to a window company specialist.

How to order a service

We carried out major renovations in the office; we need recycling of old plastic windows, help in removing construction waste and old furniture:

  • call the number at 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and discuss with the manager how to do this;
  • leave a request on the main page of the company’s website, they will call you.

If you need to remove old things, furniture, or construction waste without delay, the company immediately delivers the car. In this case, the 20% discount is not provided.

When talking with the manager, check if anything important has been overlooked (lack of an elevator, presence of oversized items, removal of construction waste along with windows). We guarantee that the removal of old items for recycling will be carried out quickly, carefully, and at a low cost.

Is there a lift?

Removal of old plastic and wooden windows using a freight elevator is included in the total cost. If all items are included in a regular passenger elevator, the loader service is provided free of charge. If you have to carry loads up stairs without an elevator, a small surcharge will be charged (calculated individually). The cost of the loaders' work is influenced by the size of the item and its weight, the need for dismantling work, for example, dismantling a built-in closet or kitchen. All prices are low in Moscow, they can be calculated on the website or contact the manager. It's profitable with us!

Recycling plastic windows is a good chance for users and entrepreneurs

A new plastic window costs 10-15 thousand rubles (without installation). A used plastic window that has served for 10-15 years, after being installed in a new opening, can flawlessly serve for the same amount of time. Moreover, it has already paid for its cost in its old place, and with careful dismantling it will not require restoration costs.

If the owner of used windows has a place to use them, he will save a lot of money without buying new windows. Or he can sell them, but, of course, at a discount as used ones, returning part of the cost. The demand for plastic windows in the economy segment is still great. And the supply is for the most part limited to new, but low-quality designs with low performance. Used plastic windows can enrich this segment with a more diverse assortment with a wider range of characteristics and, surprisingly, good quality.

The OKNA MEDIA portal recommends: Prices for plastic windows in October 2017

Automated window recycling

Windows are fed into the shredding devices without glass units, which are first removed from the sashes and frames. This is one of the few manual operations. The subsequent disposal procedure is automated and consists of the following steps:

  1. Primary processing - structural elements are haphazardly loaded into a special mill. Inside this unit, the windows are crushed into small fractions.
  2. Automatic sorting - after crushing at a special station, the remains of rubber, plastic, metal and glass are separated by type into separate groups.
  3. Sorting plastic by size.
  4. PVC is ground into flour, after which extrusion additives are added to it.
  5. The mixture is pressed into granules.

How to remove a plastic window from its hinges: tilt windows

It's all about the limiters. They hold the window in the open position, and they also prevent it from being removed easily and quickly. However, getting rid of the limiters is quite simple. Spoiler: a screwdriver will help with this.

Getting rid of restrictions

In the case of a folding window, this stage should go before all the others (removing decorative plugs, working with the stem, and so on). Need to:

  1. Opening the window is the only way to get to the limiters.
  2. Take a closer look at the limiters. There are different options for the configuration and location of these limiters. But in the vast majority of cases, you will find a small lever at the edge of the stop (on the window side) on the sash. We need to find him.
  3. The lever must be turned clockwise. After this, you need to remove the bar by prying it with a screwdriver.

As soon as you have dealt with one limiter, it’s time to move on to the second. Carefully remove it.

After this, you need to follow the algorithm described above.

How to remove an old plastic window from its hinges: conventional design

There are five steps to take:

  1. We close the window.
  2. We remove the decorative plugs. This is exactly what you need a knife for. Insert the point into the gap between the edge of the plug and the frame and carefully remove. Try not to break or lose the plugs - they will need to be returned to their place later.
  3. He pulls out the pin (aka rod) from the top hinge - without this it will be simply impossible to remove the window. How to do it? First you need to find the stem. To do this, take a closer look at the loop - the top of the rod protrudes above the top edge. Our task is to lower it down and pull it out. You can use pliers for this. Gently press the rod; if it doesn’t give in, tap it. As soon as the rod appears at the bottom of the loop, pull it out with pliers.
  4. Right now the window is held on by the hasp and bottom hinge. Holding the window, carefully open the bolt.
  5. Lift the window up and remove it from the lower hinge.

All is ready. When the work on the window is completed, we return it back in the same order - first the lower hinge, then the bolt, then the upper hinge, the stem and the plugs.

Why is it important to properly dispose of old windows?

Their service life rarely exceeds forty years. Of course, if you take good care of your windows, they will last longer.

Disposal by placing it in a trash can or landfill is the wrong decision. Plastic takes 180-200 years to decompose. During this time, it will cause serious damage to the environment. Contact of plastic with soil and water releases toxic substances.

The next wrong way to get rid of plastic is to burn it. Burning harms the environment even more. During combustion, many highly toxic substances are released into the air.

Another common way to get rid of garbage is to leave it where it will not disturb the former owner. However, this approach should be changed, because plastic buried in the ground will not disappear anywhere. In order not to harm the environment, it is worth reusing it. For this purpose, recycling technologies are used.

Recycling helps tackle environmental issues. This technology has been used in the European Union for several years now, and recyclable materials are made from plastic and other materials such as glass, paper, metal, rubber, and so on.

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