Features of concrete contact and calculation of its consumption per 1 m2

The parameter “ Concrete contact consumption ” significantly depends on the porosity of the surface on which it is applied.

Basically, Betonokontakt is used for priming concrete surfaces (hence its name), but can also be applied to other surfaces: brick, drywall, concrete and ceramic tiles, old paint, etc. But even for one type of surface (for example, concrete) the consumption concrete contact can vary significantly.

Price of concrete contact, properties and characteristics, application instructions: Concrete contact

Purpose of the primer composition

When combining two materials with different characteristics, problems arise in most cases. The use of primers can correct the situation even with the most problematic surfaces. Such compositions also include concrete contact. After its application, thanks to the special composition, the surface becomes rough, which significantly increases adhesion.

Manufacturers of concrete contacts use environmentally friendly materials. The mixtures do not have a pronounced odor and do not change the appearance of the walls.

The composition is applied after thorough stirring. The finished primer is used for the following purposes:

  • Avoiding damage to the paint structure after painting the walls.
  • Increased adhesion during plastering.
  • Ensuring reliable adhesion of tiles during gluing to a concrete surface.
  • Elimination of defects (small cracks, seams, etc.).
  • Preventing destruction and shedding of finishing materials.

For example, primer from the manufacturer Knauf contains acrylic, which provides moisture resistance and high adhesion.

Popular manufacturers

With the use of concrete contact primer, we’ve figured out its basic characteristics, and let’s get acquainted with the distinctive features of compositions from different manufacturers.

Knauf brand soil Source stpulscen.ru

Let’s take the original version of Betokontakt as an example: it dries in 3-4 hours, the consistency is a little thick, the condition is viscous, the filler is fine-grained. Below we consider individual properties of analogues:

  • Bolars is too thick, difficult to work with, takes more than a day to dry;
  • Olympus - expensive, but not inferior to the original composition;
  • Osnovit (Bettokont) - sand settles quickly, dries in up to 2 hours, the manufacturer limits its use only for gypsum solutions;
  • Plitonite – the filler is lightweight, so it settles slowly and does not require frequent mixing;
  • Pufas – marked by lower adhesion to concrete against the background of Betokontakt;
  • Prospectors - dries up to 4 hours, the sand fraction is coarse, which is important for rough leveling finishing and heavy cladding;
  • Ceresite is the most common object for counterfeiting.

The German brand Knauf produces relatively inexpensive soil. It has low moisture resistance, so applying liquid solutions is not recommended. In contrast, they put a moisture-resistant sample with marble chips under the Shtock brand.

Akrimax-Lux brand soil Source storg.ru

Consumption depending on surface

Concrete contact primer significantly simplifies working with different materials and allows you to reduce the consumption of finishing materials. Most often it is used for concrete surfaces, but good results have also been seen when applied to brick and drywall.

The consumption of concrete contact per m2 is calculated depending on the type of surface to which it is applied. Its porosity is of decisive importance - this will determine how quickly the composition will be absorbed. The higher the degree of absorption, the greater the consumption.

Surfaces have different absorbencies:

  • Low porosity - metal ceramics, painted walls, rubbed concrete. In the examples given, soil consumption per m2 is minimal - 0.15−0.25 kg. The composition is applied in an even layer; no additional leveling is required.
  • Average porosity. This is concrete of the highest grade, monoliths, cement screeds, bricks for cladding, concrete tiles. The consumption rate of concrete contact per 1 m2 is 0.2−0.35 kg.
  • High porosity. This includes wall bricks, sand concrete and similar materials. For them, per m2 you will need 0.3−0.5 kg. To save primer, experts recommend pre-treating the surface with impregnations that slightly reduce porosity.

The user cannot always determine the degree of surface porosity. To establish the consumption of concrete contact in such cases, a test treatment is carried out. In the experimental area, the boundaries of 1 m² are determined using tape. Take a fixed amount of soil, for example, 1 kg. Begin to apply a layer to the selected area until a uniform coating is obtained. The remainder is weighed, then the consumption of concrete contact per 1 m² of wall is calculated.

Description of the product

The primer involves treating the top layer of walls (ceiling/floor) in order to increase the adhesion of materials. With the help of a primer, they create an even layer on which paint, glue, etc. lie evenly. At the same time, the consumption of the same paint will decrease, that is, the primer saves building materials and improves the final result.

Thanks to the penetration of the product deep into the pores, a protective, durable layer is created that prevents the formation of corrosion, mold and mildew. By tightly hiding small cracks and defects, Knauf primer mixture promotes a smoother finish. But despite the density of the primer layer, the surface “breathes”.

Properties of Tiefengrund

This mixture does not have a specific odor - a clear advantage for the application procedure. It does not emit harmful substances into the air, which makes it harmless to the human body. Tiefengrund mixture is used for a wide range of surfaces: plaster, brick, concrete, etc.

Famous brands

The primer mixture from different manufacturers has its own characteristics. This also applies to consumption indicators:

  1. Knauf. The substance is classified as an economical option. The cost of 5 kg of container is 500 rubles. One of the components is quartz sand, which provides surface roughness. Use the mixture for concrete surfaces. Consumption of Knauf concrete contact per 1 m² as a primer is 0.2−0.35 kg.
  2. Ceresit - ct19. The substance is based on environmental components, which allows it to be used for interior work. Characterized by increased density. The sand included in the composition increases the degree of adhesion. The consumption rate per 1 m2 is 0.2−0.5 kg. The cost of 15 kg is 1 thousand rubles.
  3. Prospectors. Universal primer mixture. Used for various surfaces, including concrete, gas silicate, and plasterboard. Using this type of soil, you do not need to purchase additional materials. Costs depend on the type of surface. On average, the figures are 0.2−0.3 kg per square meter. m. Price for 20 kg - 1200 rubles.
  4. Bolars. It is developed on an acrylic basis, which allows the primer mixture to be used for both external and internal work. Thanks to its characteristics, it can be used even on uncleaned surfaces. Of all the options presented, Bolars is the cheapest primer. Concrete contact consumption per 1 m² of wall is 0.3 kg.

Positive properties and characteristics of concrete contact

The composition can be used in diluted or undiluted form on any building surface, if it is clean: it can be old concrete cladding, plasterboard, any paint and varnish compositions, tile cladding. If it is necessary to dilute the primer, it is better to do it with clean water.

The grain size in the liquid is 0.3 and 0.6 mm. I use the first composition before puttying, the second option - before plastering surfaces. Given that the liquid does not allow moisture to pass through, it is recommended to apply it as quickly as possible so that the surface to be painted does not have time to be moistened by natural moisture from the atmosphere. This is also required so that the surface under the primer does not become infected with fungal infections. To do this, antibacterial and antifungal substances are additionally introduced into the primer.

Features of working with universal material:

  1. To prevent the concrete contact from starting to fall off over time, swelling on old surfaces must first be eliminated;
  2. To get high-quality and long-term results, dilute the primer according to the instructions;
  3. Follow the application technology so that the walls are well saturated with the substance.

Features of application

The effectiveness of concrete contact depends on a number of conditions . First of all, it depends on the correct execution of several steps:

  1. Preparing the surface, removing dust and dirt, removing old finishes. If the defects are minor, then plastering is not necessary.
  2. Treating walls with impregnation or a simple primer mixture before using concrete contact.
  3. Waiting for complete drying.
  4. Prime the surface with a thin layer of concrete contact using a roller.
  5. Allow the mixture to dry within 2 hours.
  6. Applying the second layer (their number depends on the condition of the surface, and each subsequent layer must dry well).

The surface is ready for puttying or finishing work.

Compared to other primer mixtures, the consumption of concrete contact per 1 m² is about 0.25−0.3 kg. Calculating the required amount is not difficult at all: the consumption rate is multiplied by the quadrature of the surface being treated.

Applying primer

There is no need to use special tools to apply concrete contact. A brush, roller or spatula will do.

  • The surface to be treated is thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, etc. Concrete contact should not be applied to a wet surface, it will not stick!
  • The primer is applied in a thin, even layer.
  • After application, the primer must be left to dry. This usually takes several hours. At average room temperature and normal humidity, drying time takes 3-4 hours.

After just an hour, it may seem that the primer has dried, but there is no need to rush. It is best to treat the surface in the evening, and calmly proceed to the next stage of repair work in the morning.

The more time passes after applying the primer, the more dust will form, which will significantly reduce the bonding properties of the concrete contact.

If, for some reason, more than 2 days have passed, then the surface must be additionally opened with an ordinary deep penetration primer.

Online calculator for calculations

Online calculators are available on specialized websites, and their use is completely free. Qualified builders took part in the development, so the likelihood of error is reduced to zero. By going to the desired website and opening the online calculator, you just need to enter the necessary parameters:

  • type of primer mixture;
  • type of surface material;
  • planned number of applied layers.

Many consumers do not believe that priming with concrete contact is necessary, and in order to save money they refuse this procedure. But if quality and the elimination of further problems are a priority, then applying a primer is necessary. The savings are insignificant, and it is sometimes very difficult to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Betonokontakt: reviews

As you would expect, reviews of concrete contact are in most cases positive. There have still been no disputes about which mixture manufacturer is better. But occasionally there are negative reviews, but they are more likely about sellers, not about manufacturers.

On one of the forums, a man told a terrible story that after applying concrete contact to the ceiling and then whitewashing it, the result was not satisfactory. At first, pinkish reflections could be seen under the layer of white. And after a week, the whitewash began to chip off along with the primer.

Professional builders in this case explain that either the composition was purchased with an expired expiration date or after repeated freezing, or a fake was purchased.

Such cases, unfortunately, do occur. Therefore, if the purchase of concrete contact occurs not in a specialized store, but in the market, then it is better to open the container and check the homogeneity of the mixture. If the solution is not homogeneous, the purchase should be abandoned.


  1. When purchasing, check the authenticity of Betonokontakt. There is a risk of buying “water”. Ask the seller for documents. The inscriptions on the container must be visible and clear.
  2. Prepare the surface correctly - this will reduce consumption.
  3. Do not dilute Betonokontakt with water.
  4. Apply primer when all dusty work in the room is completed.
  5. If the soil is completely absorbed, go over again. Don't leave untreated spots.
  6. Always smile!

Reviews are different. But problems usually arise due to inattention or failure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Be careful when purchasing and read the instructions before use - then the consumption will be as expected and the quality will be high.

Main stages of work

Betonokontakt contains components that are absolutely safe for human health and the environment. The substance also does not have any specific odor, so you can work with this primer without any protective equipment.

The work usually takes place in two stages:

1. Preparing the surface to be processed. It is necessary to eliminate all existing contaminants - dust, water, grease, oil stains, smudges. At the same stage, it is necessary to remove defects such as chips and cracks from the surface. You can use putty for this. Be sure to remember a rule that should never be violated: before applying the primer, you must wait until the previously applied putty has completely dried. 2. Direct application of one or more layers of primer. This is done when the surface is prepared. Before application, the contents must be thoroughly stirred.

The consumption of concrete contact Knauf primer per 1 m2 should be calculated based on the instructions in the instructions. You may need to add some water. To more conveniently apply the primer to the surface, you can use a spray gun or get by with a regular brush and roller.

When carrying out work on applying the Betonokontakt primer, you need to ensure that the air temperature in the room is not too high. It is difficult to name a specific figure characterizing the maximum permissible temperature. The main thing is that the person doing the work should not be hot. However, you should remember the following norm - a minimum temperature of + 5 ° C. If the air in the room is colder, then applying this primer is not recommended.

The application work is greatly simplified by the fact that this substance has a pink color, making it easy to understand which areas of the surface have already been treated and which have not yet been primed

This is especially important in cases where the surface area being treated is large.

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