Technology for coating a wooden door, stages of work and recommendations for choosing paint color

It happens that the surface of an MDF door loses its presentability. Fortunately, it can be restored to its attractive appearance. To do this, the MDF interior door is painted. Many are accustomed to resorting to the services of a master for this. But sometimes you need to save money. Then many people ask whether it is possible to paint MDF doors a different color at home with your own hands. To answer this, you need to understand how and what is used to paint MDF doors, what are the pitfalls and difficulties in this process.

Color selection

When choosing a color for painting doors, you need to focus on the color scheme in the room. The shade should be combined with furniture, walls and floors.

Recommendations for choosing colors:

  • for a strict classic interior, the colors of dark and light wood species are suitable;
  • for a minimalist style - cool light shades;
  • Doors painted with glossy paints of different colors combine with modern style;
  • in the high-tech style, doors can be painted in any bright or metallic color;
  • The white color of the door will be combined with different interior styles. A light canvas helps to visually enlarge the room;
  • the shade of the door should be average between the color of the interior and the floor covering;
  • dark furniture is combined with a door several shades lighter;
  • each side of the door can be painted in different shades if the color scheme in the rooms is very different;
  • It is better to paint solid wood doors with clear varnish. It will emphasize the natural beauty of the wood pattern;
  • in a children's room, the canvas can be painted in bright shades or combined several colors;
  • Soft light colored doors are suitable for the bedroom.

Interior doors will look beautiful if they are painted cream, pale pink, or light green. Their shade can be emphasized with the help of accessories: curtains, sofa cushions, curtains.

Door materials and paint choice

The range of paints is varied, so when choosing, you need to take into account the color, composition and characteristics of the coloring agent. Depending on the door material, the surface is painted with paints of different compositions. The following types of paints exist:

  1. Acrylic. To update the color of the door, water-based paint is suitable. Its main advantages: lack of odor, fast drying and good adhesion to the surface. The canvas can be painted in several layers. To protect the surface from damage, it is recommended to apply varnish on top. Acrylic is suitable for painting doors made of the following materials: metal, wood, MDF. Products made from fiberboard are rarely painted with this type, since the paint does not hide surface roughness well.
  2. Alkyd. Enamel forms a film on the surface of the door that is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Alkyd enamels are made in a variety of colors and shades. The disadvantage of paint is a strong odor that dissipates within two to three days. Surfaces made of any material can be painted.
  3. Polyurethane. Paints are resistant to high humidity, temperature changes and chemicals. When painting, an unpleasant odor is released, which disappears after it dries and the room is ventilated. Polyurethane paint is best for painting doors in bathrooms, saunas, baths. It fits well on any material.
  4. Nitro paints. An inexpensive type of dye that is harmful if inhaled. Dries within a few hours. The painted coating is moisture-resistant and resistant to mechanical damage. This paint can be used to paint metal and wooden doors.
  5. Oily. The type of coating will last up to five years. After painting, a film forms on the canvas, which prevents the material from breathing. The disadvantages of enamel are long drying time and a strong odor. Suitable for metal doors.
  6. Hammer and powder. Types of paints are used only for painting metal doors.
  7. Lucky. The material can be used as a stand-alone product or to secure a painted surface with paint. Use clear and tinted varnishes. The first emphasize the texture of painted canvas made of different materials. The second ones add shade and shine to wooden doors.

For painting wooden interior doors, MDF and chipboard, it is recommended to use paints that have an average level of durability and no strong odor.

What conditions are considered optimal for working with door paint?

In order for the coloring agent to maintain its performance properties, and for you to feel comfortable when painting, the following conditions must be met.

  • Atmospheric temperature:

    the optimal range is limited to +5 to +30 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the paint does not evaporate, releasing toxic substances.

  • Relative Humidity:

    recommended value is 60%. This vapor content in the air prevents the coloring composition from drying out or, conversely, liquefying.

  • Door leaf temperature:

    the optimal indicator is +5 degrees Celsius and above. You should not apply paint to a cold door, otherwise it will not be absorbed well and will take a long time to dry.

  • Natural lighting:

    Direct sunlight should be avoided. Ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on paint pigments and contributes to premature color fading.

Composition of single and double leaf lacquered doors in the living room interior

Required Tools

After choosing the color and paint, you need to purchase tools. These include materials that will be needed to prepare the door for painting and directly for the painting procedure.

Necessary tools for work:

  • wide brushes;
  • thin brushes for hard-to-reach places;
  • rollers with a pile of at least 5 mm;
  • paint cuvette;
  • rubber and metal spatula;
  • screwdriver;
  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • construction hair dryer or blowtorch;
  • masking tape.

When working with new and old canvas, it is necessary to follow the correct sequence of actions and painting technology.

New canvas painting technology

The new canvas can be treated in two ways: paint or varnish (stain).

To properly paint a door with your own hands, perform the following steps:

  1. The canvas must be placed vertically on a prepared surface or some kind of stand.
  2. Treat the door with sandpaper or a grinding machine to remove factory roughness and burrs.
  3. Wipe products made from pine with acetone to remove resin.
  4. Treat the surface on both sides with a primer: first the recesses, then the remaining parts. After the product has been absorbed, apply a second layer.
  5. Pour the paint into the ditch and start painting the door. Paint the corners of the door with a brush, starting from the top. Smooth surfaces can be painted with a roller, with depressions and recesses - with a brush.
  6. Distribute the paint evenly without streaking. It should not be thick, so watch the consistency.
  7. Depending on the type of paint, apply two to four layers. Paint each new layer after the previous one has dried.
  8. Paint the door opening.
  9. Treat the surface with varnish - one or two layers. On a door that is treated only with varnish, it is necessary to apply at least three to seven layers.

Using stain, you can emphasize the texture of wood and change its shade. Apply it to the prepared canvas with a brush. Treat the surface with varnish or wax after the stain layer has dried.

How to paint a wooden door?

Painting a door to look like wood with your own hands, repainting a wooden panel, and also working with a previously unpainted product all need to be done using the same technology. You should start with the preparatory stage, which consists of the following actions:

  1. The fabric is removed from the hinges. You can paint without dismantling the door, but the quality of work will be worse, since there is a risk of drips forming.
  2. All fittings (hinges, handles, etc.) are dismantled. If this is not possible, then all elements are sealed with paper tape. The lock mechanism is jammed.
  3. The door leaf is placed on trestles or stools.

Removing old coating

If the door is old and has been in use for quite a long time, then it is necessary to remove the previous paint layers. The final result of painting largely depends on the quality of this work. Using a not too sharp spatula (so as not to damage the wood), all old cracked and peeling layers of paint, varnish, putty, etc. are scraped off the surface of the canvas.

This process can be simplified a little if you use:

  • Thermal cleaning method. The coating, preheated with a hair dryer or blowtorch, can be removed with a spatula much easier. But if there are fittings left in the door (especially plastic ones) or there is a glass insert, then it is recommended to remove all these elements, since they may suffer from exposure to high temperatures.
  • By washing (chemical method). Special compositions based on organic solvents are applied to the surface with a brush, roller or spray. After some time, the old paint coating swells and begins to peel off. It is removed with a scraper or spatula. If necessary, this procedure is repeated.

After removing the old paint layer, the door must be washed and carefully inspected. Defects (potholes, scratches, etc.) are repaired with wood putty mixture. After drying, the canvas is sanded. First, a medium-grain abrasive material is used, then the surface is sanded with finishing fine-grained sandpaper. To improve adhesion, wooden doors are coated with a primer.

Dyeing technology

The technology for painting unpainted and old doors is almost the same, only the preparatory stage differs. The paint composition can be applied with a roller, brush or spray gun. When painting with a brush, streaks and drips often remain. Therefore, during the work process, you need to move the tool along and across the door leaf to smooth out any defects that form. Before starting work, you need to fluff the brush and comb out loose fibers, otherwise they may fall out during painting. This will have an extremely negative impact on the final quality of the product.

When using a roller, it is recommended to roll out the paint well in the tray (tray) so that its layer on the roller is thin. The colorful composition is applied with light movements to the surface of the door and rolled out evenly. When doing this, try not to press too hard on the roller. The use of a spray gun is economically justified only when performing a large volume of painting work. This tool saves time, but greatly increases the consumption of paints and varnishes.

It will not be possible to achieve uniform coloring at once, since wood absorbs paint well. It will be necessary to re-apply the composition after the first layer of coating has completely dried.

Stages of work

Upon completion of the preparatory work, they begin directly to painting. The painting process consists of the following steps:

  1. Use a thin brush to paint the corners and small details of the door leaf.
  2. Using a roller, apply a thin layer of paint along the grain, from top to bottom, starting from the upper left corner. The doorway and paneling are painted.
  3. After waiting the necessary time for the coating to dry, the canvas is turned over (if the product was in a horizontal position) and painted on the other side.
  4. If the surface is not smooth enough and there are roughnesses, then sanding is carried out until the imperfections are eliminated.
  5. A second coat of paint is applied.
  6. After the coating has completely dried, the canvas is hung back.

To obtain a better result, interior doors are often coated with a coloring composition at least 3 times.

Wood imitation

Any material is suitable to imitate a wood pattern, including door leaves. The technology is like this:

  • a layer of paint of a light natural shade (beige, yellow, white, grayish, etc.) is applied to the prepared surface;
  • after the coating has dried, the door is treated with liquid soap using a brush;
  • The surface of the canvas is covered with a layer of paint in darker brown tones, then the soap is washed off with water.

Another option for applying wood patterns involves using a special elastic brush (grater) with teeth. First, 2-3 layers of a light coating are applied, then after it dries, the surface is treated with dark paint. Now the not dried composition is partially removed with a brush. In this case, stripes and curls are formed, similar to a woody structure. Then the door is varnished.

Alkyd enamel

The most popular option for painting doors is alkyd enamel. Such paints have good hiding power, apply beautifully and evenly, and also provide a durable coating. They are distinguished by their low price and extremely rich color palette. Alkyd materials have good water-repellent properties and can withstand temperature changes. Paint should only be applied to well-dried wood, otherwise the coating will be fragile and will peel off over time.

The main disadvantage of these compositions is considered to be a pungent and extremely unpleasant odor when drying, which lasts for at least 48 hours. Painting work should be carried out in the fresh air or in non-residential premises, since fumes negatively affect the health of people and animals. In residential areas, it is recommended to use safer paints and varnishes that are odorless and cannot cause allergic reactions.

How to remove old paint?

When painting a door that has already been in use, it is necessary to prepare its surface for the work. To distribute the paint evenly, it is important that the surface is cleaned of old paint and sanded.

Instructions on how to remove old paint:

  1. The door is removed from its hinges and laid on a flat surface. If it is impossible to remove it, seal the hinges with tape or masking tape. Remove fittings: handles, locks.
  2. Using a hair dryer, heat a layer of old paint, which will come off well from the surface. For the procedure, you can use a blowtorch.
  3. Use a spatula to clean the paint.
  4. Sand the cleaned surface to remove roughness and small paint residues.
  5. Cleaning the door of peeling paint is not difficult. In this case, it is enough to treat the surface of the canvas with a spatula and sandpaper.
  6. There is another way to remove old paint. For this, a special remover is used, which, due to its chemical composition, will corrode the layer of dye. You can purchase it at any hardware store. For the job you will also need a spatula and a sanding machine.
  7. The final stage: cleaning the surface from dust and applying white spirit or primer.

When cleaning the surface of a wooden door with a blowtorch, you must act carefully; there is a risk of burning through the door.

Painting technologies

When painting a door, you can use either a brush or a roller. The brush may leave drips and streaks. Therefore, before work, fluff it thoroughly to get rid of loose and loose hairs, and while painting, move the brush along and across the surface to smooth out unevenness.

If you use a roller, roll out the paint properly so that it lays in a thin layer. Do not press the roller too hard during the process, and roll it over the surface with light, even movements.

The surface of the door will not be painted evenly the first time; the wood will absorb most of the paint. Re-painting will be required, and perhaps more than one.

It is very important to first clean the white door from dirt and dust.

This method is great if you want to paint your door white. The main thing is to clean the surface with special care so that there is no dirt or dust left on it.

Simple door leaf

This is the simplest job, so we'll look at it first. However, you need to be careful not to leave noticeable stains or smudges on the door.

For such work, you can purchase a special sprayer: it will greatly facilitate the process. But for painting one or two doors, purchasing such a device will not be financially feasible. Therefore, you can easily get by with a roller and a filing brush.

The painting scheme depends on the type of door structure.

  1. The panel door is painted in 3 steps. The easiest way is to use a roller for this: it will apply the paint evenly and will not leave hairs. Start covering from the upper left corner of the door, moving to the right. When the canvas is finished painting, leave it to dry for as long as the instructions for the coloring agent require. The second stage of painting is carried out in the longitudinal direction, the third - in the opposite direction from the first step.
  2. For a paneled door, it is better to use a brush. Walk it along the recesses in the canvas, while trying to avoid excess paint. Finish painting with a roller, using the diagram for the panel door.

Painting with stain

If you decide to stain your door, prepare it and lightly dampen it. This way, moisture will not be absorbed into the wood, and the dye will lie evenly, despite its liquid consistency. Paint everything that is horizontal first along the grain, then across it, and at the end of the work again in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to paint the door in a vertical position and have not removed it from its hinges, start covering the jambs and door leaf from the bottom so that splashes do not fall on the unpainted surface. This is especially important if you plan to varnish the door.

The wood fibers straighten out by absorbing the water-soluble stain. After the first layer has dried, sand the surface with sandpaper, clean and re-stain.

After drying, the wooden surface will become lighter than when applying the stain. To make the color more vibrant, apply the dye several times.

Alcohol stain does not straighten wood fibers, so you won't have to sand the door after applying it. In addition, it dries in half an hour. But water-soluble stain is more popular because it is considered safer and non-toxic.

Wood imitation

This method is applicable on any surface. As for wood, on old doors that have been subject to deep restoration, it may also be necessary to apply a pattern that is as close as possible to a pronounced natural one.

  1. Cover the canvas with yellow, light beige or light gray paint. Dry according to the instructions for the coloring agent.
  2. Apply liquid soap to the surface to be treated using a brush.
  3. Apply a coat of your chosen dark paint and rinse off with liquid soap.

    Recommendations for applying a pattern imitating wood

There is another way to imitate a wood pattern on a door. To do this, you need a special brush, which you can buy at a hardware store. Soft wood fibers are processed with such a brush using movements similar to combing. Thanks to changes in the structure, curls will spontaneously appear, creating the illusion of wood. After the surface has dried, it needs to be sanded.

How to quickly putty?

The surface of the door is puttied if cracks, chips and other defects (pits from knots, etc.) appear on it. With the help of the material, the surface will acquire a smooth and even appearance. You can process the door completely or only certain places.

To complete the work you will need:

  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper.

The puttying procedure is quick and simple:

  • clean the sanded surface of the door and prime it;
  • mix the putty until the structure is homogeneous;
  • Use a spatula to take a small amount of material. Place it slightly above the defective area and move it down, carefully remove the excess;
  • If there is a deep crack, do not fill it at once. Apply the putty in two approaches, the second layer after the first has dried;
  • Treat the surface of the door with sandpaper after the material has completely dried.

For wooden surfaces, use acrylic or water-based putties.

Can the door surface be repainted?

Renewing the finishing coating returns the door's attractiveness. This is a worthy alternative to completely replacing the canvas.

But sometimes restoration of the external part may be impractical due to significant damage:

  • The presence of rot or mold on the material. If destructive processes have affected only the front covering, the sash is repainted, having previously cleaned the problem areas. If rotting is observed throughout the entire thickness of the material, updating the outer layer does not make sense.
  • The presence of significant damage: deep chips, unevenness, violation of the geometry of the sash, severe delamination of the canvas, dilapidation of the material. To restore the door, ordinary painting will not be enough: defects are eliminated by deep sanding followed by the use of leveling mixtures or the product is replaced with a new one.

Coloring with two colors

The door can be painted in two or more colors, combining different shades. This coloring is especially relevant for children's rooms when creating bright multi-colored doors.

To carry out the work, you will need a standard set of tools, as with regular painting.

Features of painting in two colors:

  1. To separate the border between shades, you need to stick masking tape or tape. Carefully run a spatula or other hard object over the tape so that no air bubbles remain underneath. If the fit is not tight, the paint may flow to the opposite side. Remove the tape while the paint is still wet, otherwise you may damage the painted edges.
  2. After painting one side, you need to wait for it to dry completely, after which the tape is glued to the opposite side and you can start painting the second side.

When painting a door with a glass insert, it is necessary to stick adhesive tape or masking tape on it to protect it from paint drops.

Aging of doors

By painting you can get the effect of an “aged” door. Interior doors with a patina effect are especially popular. To create an antique canvas, products made from wood, MDF and chipboard are suitable.

Instructions for patination:

  1. The surface of the canvas is brushed with a wire brush to give it a rough texture.
  2. Apply the first coat of paint using a spray gun to avoid smudges. Most often, dark paint or one close in tone to the “native” color of the door is used for the main tone.
  3. After the painted layer has dried, the surface is primed.
  4. The next layer is a gray patina.
  5. The surface is rubbed using sandpaper, paying special attention to individual areas. The worse the wear, the older the door looks.
  6. Apply varnish to the surface - two to three layers.

For the main color when creating an aged door, you can use gold, silver, and black enamels.

An antique effect can be given to the door using stain. To do this you need to do the following:

  • A water-based stain is applied to the canvas. The shade of the product is darker than what is planned to be obtained as a result of coloring;
  • immediately after application, use felt to wipe off areas of stain in places where they plan to create abrasions;
  • Apply white spirit-based stain to the dried layer;
  • Rub the surface with wax.

Before applying the stain, the canvas can be treated with an iron brush or a plane, in this way you can achieve a greater effect of aging the door.

Exclusive decor

Painted canvases can be given an original and unique design using exclusive decor. For this you can use:

  1. Wallpaper. Various types of wallpaper are used for decoration: fabric, vinyl, photo wallpaper and others. With their help, you can highlight individual areas.
  2. Fabrics: silk, velvet, cambric, voile, etc. Using drapery you can create original designs on the doors.
  3. Painting horizontal or vertical stripes and lines with paint.
  4. Baguettes and moldings made of wood, foam. With their help, you can highlight zones on the door, highlight its color and the design of the room.
  5. Glass and metal inserts.
  6. Application of original patterns and designs using stencils, which can be purchased in the store or come up with your own individual design.

You can decorate the door together with the children. To fix colorful patterns, apply a layer of varnish. The original decor is well suited for a children's room.

Design options

Depending on the style in which the room is decorated, the door leaves are painted:

  • Provence Doors in soft beige, cream or ivory will highlight the style of the room. Dark shades should be avoided;
  • loft. The style goes well with both dark shades and light doors;
  • classical. The door is painted depending on the color scheme in the room. A beige or milky colored canvas will go well with light tones. With brown furniture - chocolate-colored doors. You should not apply varnish to the canvas; you can only highlight individual elements;
  • A white door goes well with a variety of styles. This color cannot spoil the design of the room. Creating scuff marks will highlight the shabby chic and Provence style. The glossy white surface is combined with high-tech and modern design;
  • Empire, Renaissance. The style of the room will be emphasized by a classic-style door with gilding, aged doors;
  • black doors must be used carefully. They are matched to the interior of the room, which has dark accents on furniture and walls;
  • Gothic. For a room in this style, a dark wood-like canvas would be suitable. The interior should contain elements that will match the color of the door;
  • modern A room in this style goes well with doors in light and dark wood colors, which are decorated with various decorative patterns and stained glass;
  • bright doors can be used in a modern style or for children's rooms;
  • To create contrast, the room is decorated in light colors, and the door and furniture in dark colors and vice versa. A bold design decision must be carefully considered.

Painting doors with your own hands can transform the canvas and emphasize the individuality of the room. To paint, you need to decide on a stylistic solution, choose a color and a suitable paint. If you follow the technology, you can paint both new and old canvas. Various door designs will help you choose the paint method that suits your room.

Selecting the type of coloring composition

All paints can be divided into transparent and pigmenting compositions. The first include varnishes, which are more suitable if wooden doors do not have serious defects and they are simply planned to be refreshed without changing color. But, since these interior elements are functional structures that are in constant use, due to this, noticeable chips, cracks and other flaws very often appear on them, spoiling the appearance.

Therefore, often for high-quality restoration of a door leaf, a simple coating of varnish is not enough. For these purposes, it is advisable to use pigmenting paints that can mask and eliminate more serious defects.

In addition to color, paints also differ in their composition. The choice of their type according to this parameter will directly depend on what the interior doors are made of. By paying attention to the table below, you can understand in which cases it is better to use one or another type of coating composition.

Material of which the interior door is madeRecommended paint type
ArrayCompletely wooden products can be painted with almost any paint. For example, all oil-based products and alkyd enamel have worked well in this case. These materials come in a wide range of colors and, once dry, form a durable, durable coating. They have practically no drawbacks, except for the strong smell that is felt in the room for 3-4 days after painting the canvases. When you do a DIY restoration of interior doors in a house where there are children, it is, of course, better to use acrylic enamel. It is odorless, non-toxic, and dries quickly. But its main drawback is its fragile and short-lived surface.
MDFIt is advisable to paint MDF doors with compositions that simultaneously include tone and varnish (colored varnishes). Such paints help to preserve the texture of the material on such canvases and mask any existing defects.
VeneerIt is highly not recommended to use nitro paints for veneered interior doors, since this composite material does not tolerate moisture. After applying such compositions, unsightly stains may form on them. It is better to paint veneer doors with polyurethane or glypthal compounds. They do not have a strong odor, so it is comfortable to work with them. As for the choice of color, according to this parameter they can be selected to suit every taste.
According to inherent characteristicsAnti-corrosion, moisture-resistant, heat-protective, antiseptic.
By place of applicationUniversal or separately for external and internal work.

See our detailed review of odorless wood paints.

Whatever paint is chosen, in any case it should be intended for interior work. Moreover, if there is strong moisture in the room where the interior door is located (kitchen, bathroom), then the compositions are certainly selected with moisture-resistant properties.

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