Types of sliding doors and their design features

Sliding interior doors are created using modern technologies. This device has the status of a new product, but if you look into history, you can find out that such a design appeared a long time ago, it was just modernized and popularized recently. The Japanese were the first to use this type of door leaf. The designers created moving elements on rails that can be opened and closed. Nowadays this type of door is used not only as interior doors, but also for furniture.

Types of sliding doors depending on the material of manufacture

The wealth of design solutions for modern sliding doors can amaze even the wildest imagination. They have different shapes (rectangular, arched, radius), designs (parallel-sliding and sliding-folding) and sizes (standard and non-standard), plus, they are made from completely different materials and their combinations.

Natural wood

Most often used for the production of doors in a luxurious classic style.


This high-tech material can be easily milled, which makes it possible to produce door structures of any shape and in various styles.

Shockproof glass

Glass doors are characterized by a variety of external finishes: transparent or matte, colored plain or with a pattern, glossy or structured. Glass is used not only to create sliding systems with a smooth flat surface, but also for complex radius-shaped structures.

Combination of materials

Combined types of sliding interior doors combine different materials in their design. The frame, for example, can be made of aluminum, steel, wood, MDF, plastic or fiberglass, and glass, mirrors, plexiglass, rattan, etc. are used as filler.

The choice of material for a particular type of sliding door is determined not only by its decorative qualities and style, but also by design features.

Radius option

Doors with a radius module are created using modern technologies and are very popular. Such an interesting solution does not save space, but creates a presentable appearance for the room. This type of door is suitable for large rooms. Can be decorated or glazed. Doors operating on the radius principle can be seen in shopping centers and offices. Manufacturers sell them with their own designs for home use.

Such canvases are not equipped with fittings in the form of handles. There are semicircular systems, which are exclusive.

Principles of sliding systems

Despite the huge variety of design options for sliding doors, there are only two structural and functional concepts of such systems - parallel-sliding and sliding-folding. They differ not only in design and method of movement, but also in withdrawable mechanisms, as well as installation technology.

1. The design of parallel sliding doors may include one or more leaves moving parallel to a vertical surface. Such doors are characterized by good sound insulation, reliability and durability.

2. Sliding-folding models consist of several sections and resemble an accordion. They cannot provide proper insulation from odors and sounds, so they are more often used to conditionally divide space into zones or as a decorative element of the interior.


It may or may not be included in a gentleman's door set. It all depends on your desire. But if you want the sliding door to go into the wall, experts advise using a metal frame (cassette). To understand what it is, remember the video cassette and the box in which it is inserted. Now imagine that the video cassette is a door leaf, and the paper box is a metal frame.

Suppose you decide not to save money and “pack” the door into a metal frame.

To do this, it will be necessary to destroy part of the wall, unfortunately, raising all the neighbors to their feet. But there is no other way. A cassette and a set of guides are installed in the gap. Then the “injured” area is usually covered with plasterboard. If everything is done correctly, the door will move like clockwork.

What happens if you don’t want to spend money on a cassette? The following will happen: they still break down your wall, install a mechanism on which the door will slide, and again cover it with plasterboard. A legitimate question arises: “So why do we need a cassette then?” We answer. Firstly, the cassette makes installation easier, and secondly, the door in the cassette is more difficult to knock out or damage.

Parallel sliding door options

Door structures of this type are classified according to the opening method and the number of leaves.

Sliding doors

They are single-leaf or double-leaf. Single-leaf models move along guides parallel to the wall. Double-leaf structures function similarly, with the only difference being that their leaves move in different directions from each other.

Cassette doors

They can also have one or two doors, and work on the same principle as sliding doors. The main feature of such models is the presence of special niches in the wall into which the door leaves are hidden when opened. A niche can be built from plasterboard or other building materials, or you can purchase a ready-made version along with a sliding door.

Radius doors

They are characterized by a regular rounded shape, spectacular and original appearance. The movement of the panels is carried out along special guides that follow the radius of the doors.

Cascade doors

They have one stationary and several moving canvases. All elements move along separate guides and can be assembled simultaneously from a certain side of the opening.

Internal doors

Double-leaf sliding structure located inside the opening. The doors move towards each other, while only half of the opening remains free for passage.

Sliding doors

The most popular sliding system is the coupe. The operating principle of such a product is to move vertically. They open with a slight movement of the hand, without effort. There is only one door here. It moves away from the closing mechanism in the other direction, while the double-leaf blades diverge in different directions. The main advantages of such models are that they significantly save space and look very unusual. Ideal for a kitchen or children's bedroom.

Sliding and folding door structures

Sliding and folding doors “accordion” and “book” are easy to use, compact and aesthetically attractive. There are single-leaf and double-leaf models. Each canvas consists of several vertical sections connected to each other by a hinge.

The main advantage of this design is its compactness. It does not require a free section of the wall to open, like sliding doors. By folding in one or opposite directions, the door leaves occupy part of the doorway, reducing its width. However, due to the small thickness of the canvases, the loss of space is insignificant. Such models are excellent for installation in narrow corridors and passages where it is not possible to use doors of other designs.


In fact, the foreign and obscure phrase “hardware for sliding doors” refers to door handles. But attention: handles for ordinary swing doors are not suitable here! The main difference is that they do not protrude beyond the edge of the canvas so that the door can slide freely into the wall.

Typically, such handles are sold along with the door leaf, but they can also be made to order from a catalog, especially if you need handles with a lock. But that is not all. The fittings include another interesting device, reminiscent of a cylinder hat in shape. It is mounted at the end of the door leaf. By hooking your finger on this hat, you will force the door to move out of the wall.

Differences in installation mechanisms for sliding interior doors

Certain types of sliding doors require the use of a specific hardware option. The method of fastening, the shape of the guides, the number of gutters and roller mechanisms - all this depends on the design, size and weight of the door. There are different designs of roll-out systems for moving the door leaf.

With two guides located below and above

The door moves on roller mechanisms along guides located on the floor or in the floor and above the door. This design reliably fixes the door in a vertical position and provides good sound and heat insulation.

The negative aspect of this option is the need to constantly clean the floor guide gutter, because... it gets clogged up pretty quickly.

With one guide on top

This mechanism allows the door to move on rollers along only one rail located above the door. Its installation should only be carried out on strong and reliable walls. The design of this sliding system includes an aluminum profile, a frame mounting kit, roller mechanisms and locking elements. The number of rollers is calculated according to the following scheme: for a door weighing up to 70 kg, one set will be enough; for a larger weight, it is necessary to increase the number of rollers accordingly.

To prevent the doors from accidentally sliding off the top rail, a stopper is used, and special flags are used to prevent play of the door leaves.

The advantages of door structures with such a roll-out mechanism include:

  • smooth and silent movement of the shutters, ensured by ball bearings and silicone-coated rollers;
  • safety and durability of the system, thanks to the increased rigidity and strength of the upper guide.

For sliding and folding doors

This option is used for installing accordion and book sliding-folding doors. Installation of the canvas is carried out along the vertical edge to the side profile attached to the wall. At the top of the door sections there are carriages with rollers that move along a guide attached at the top of the opening.

Types of sliding gate designs and the procedure for their installation

Sliding structures are also widely used in suburban construction, for example, in the manufacture of gates. Such products can be cantilevered or suspended.

Cantilever gates are a structure with a beam, which is fixed on one side and suspended on the other. This beam has a U-shaped profile, inside of which there are steps. It is this element that bears the entire load from the canvas. In cantilever gates, depending on their structure, the beam can be located at the top, bottom or in the middle.

Important! If the total weight of the gate does not exceed 400 kg, lightweight materials, for example, siding or corrugated sheeting, can be used to manufacture the structure. More massive products require a reliable and rigid frame.

All sliding gates are divided into hanging and cantilever

Suspended structures also have a beam, only in this case it is fixed on both sides. The guide is U-shaped, but its edges are curved inward. The canvas hangs on this beam, which moves using rollers.

Regardless of the type of structure, the gate includes the following elements:

  • carriages with rollers;
  • traps and holders;
  • guide profiles.

The procedure for installing a sliding gate structure with your own hands:

  1. Marking the territory.
  2. Construction of the foundation and installation of supports.
  3. Installation of roller carriages (trolleys) on a channel.
  4. Free play adjustment.
  5. Installation of plugs and roller (end).
  6. Covering the canvas with corrugated sheets.
  7. Installation of catchers.
  8. Installation of an automatic opening system.

Installation diagram for sliding gates with a suspended structure

Standard and non-standard door leaf sizes

Standard interior doors

Different countries have their own standards regarding the size of door leaves. In Russia, for example, the generally accepted height of doors is 2 meters, and the width of single-leaf models varies from 60 to 90 cm.

Manufacturing companies produce sliding interior doors in this particular size range, so choosing a design for standard openings will not be difficult. In addition, finished products have a lower cost compared to custom-made non-standard options.

Wide custom doors

Such models are made to individual orders. The most popular materials for door panels are glass or mirrors. The glass structure gives the room weightlessness and grace, and also helps to increase natural light in the space. A mirrored door visually doubles the volume of the room.

When ordering sliding doors of non-standard width, it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient space for normal opening of the door leaf. The width of the side wall should be at least equal to the width of the canvas.

Tall custom doors

Non-standard height structures are also manufactured individually, for example, arched doors, models with transoms, etc.

It should be noted that the cost of any non-standard door will be higher than the cost of products provided by the manufacturer’s warehouse program.

Installation rules and stages

Installing sliding doors is quite easy and simple yourself.
The main thing is to familiarize yourself in advance with the sequence of work being carried out, select the necessary tools and consumables. Regardless of the type of sliding systems, there are certain requirements that must be met before starting work:

  • Prepare the doorway. It should be smooth. If necessary, old trim, door frames, etc. are dismantled, the opening is sanded, and covered with wallpaper.
  • Check the load-bearing capacity of the sides of the door leaf. It must be tall.

Manual and automatic sliding doors

Opening and closing of interior sliding doors can be done manually or using a special automatic system. With manual models, everything is clear: by holding the handle, a person moves the door in the desired direction.

As for automatic door structures, they are activated by a special sensor with infrared radiation that reacts to the approach of a person. Automated doors are easy to use, practical and easy to adjust, but their cost is significantly higher than manual options.

Automation of an already installed manual interior door is quite possible, but for this you will have to purchase the appropriate set of equipment, the price of which is around $700. The high cost of automated doors explains the unpopularity of their use at home.

Glazing with sliding structures: photos of terraces, balconies, loggias and other objects

Sliding systems are so practical and easy to use that they are also used in window structures. Such products protect your home from negative weather conditions and street noise. At the same time, they do not prevent natural light from entering the room.

Sliding or sliding windows are structures consisting of glass and aluminum profiles with rollers. Most often, manufacturers produce blocks with two or three guides. In such products you can install from 1 to 5 glass sheets. Some designs combine sliding doors and blind elements. The cost of glazing depends on the number of panels, as well as the size of the window unit.

Price table for terrace glazing with sliding structures:

Block size, mm (height/width)Number of sashes, pcs.price, rub.
1700x15002from 8700
1700x24003from 14000
2200x15002from 17000
2200x24003from 27300
2300x18002from 66200
2300x28003from 116000
2300x36004from 135000

Glazing of terraces, verandas and other premises with sliding structures

You can often see sliding windows on loggias and balconies. In city apartments, space is quite limited, so installing a sliding structure in order to save space will be the best option. Sliding blocks are also suitable for glazing suburban buildings:

  • closed gazebos;
  • cottages;
  • verandas;
  • country houses;
  • indoor swimming pools;
  • closed (winter) barbecue areas.

Sliding structures are often used for glazing balconies and loggias

Note! High-quality sliding window blocks on rollers have a polymer coating. It prevents rapid wear of these parts. Therefore, when choosing products, you must pay attention to the presence of such protection.

In sliding aluminum veranda structures, the profiles are located very low, providing the widest possible view. In addition, such systems do not interfere with the flow of fresh air.

Horizontal sliding blocks are used for panoramic glazing. Such structures are installed in country houses, luxury apartments, as well as in office and commercial buildings. With panoramic glazing, you can control the space using sliding windows; for example, in the summer it’s easy to turn an ordinary living room into an open veranda. Sliding systems are also used for effective ventilation of large areas.

To darken a room with panoramic glazing, you can use roller blinds or install a convenient and stylish design of sliding shutters, for example, compartment type.

Sliding horizontal blocks are used for glazing verandas and terraces

Design of sliding door models

The modern design of sliding and sliding-folding doors no longer closely resembles those primitive plastic designs that first appeared on sale about 25 years ago. Today, such models demonstrate the flight of design thought: they are made in a variety of styles and from completely different materials.

Most often, lightweight materials are used for the production of sliding door frames - aluminum, plastic, MDF, etc., but sometimes solid natural wood or veneered chipboard can be used. Decorative inserts can be plain and colored fabrics, leather, frosted or tinted glass, glass with stained glass paintings or mirrors, etc.

The style of the door will be determined by the material used to make it. For example, doors made of glass in combination with metal or plastic will harmoniously fit into interiors made in ascetic, restrained styles (techno, hi-tech, etc.). Ecological styles involve the use of combinations of natural materials - bamboo, veneered parts, linen, leather, etc.

A door made of MDF with a bright coating, complemented by glass inserts decorated with eye-catching stained glass paintings, will look perfect in rooms with a Mediterranean design style. Below we have provided some of the most stylish photos of sliding interior doors, we hope this will help you choose your door.

Photos of stylish sliding doors

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Common mistakes

Common mistakes when installing sliding interior doors are:

  • incorrect choice of fittings - special mortise locks and handles are used for such structures;
  • incorrect measurements of the doorway;
  • improper fastening of the upper guide - not the slightest bend is allowed here, regardless of whether the walls in the house are curved or not;
  • the gap between the wall and the door leaf is too large or small (it should be no more than 5 mm).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is quite possible to install sliding doors in your house yourself if you know the sequence of work and have everything you need at hand. With the installation of such a design, you can not only emphasize the uniqueness and originality of the design, but also advantageously divide the free space into separate functional zones.

Array or what?

Let's digress slightly and briefly from the topic and find out whether this very array, beloved by our consumers, is really that good. In order to answer this question, we will consider doors made of solid and combined materials according to four indicators:

Solid wood doors Doors made of combined materials
1. Good appearance 2. Environmentally friendly (meaning the absence of fumes harmful to human health). See comment 3. Price $300 - $500 4. The probability of the door drying out and “moving” is 95% They don’t produce it because the equipment is expensive
1. Magnificent appearance 2. Relative environmental cleanliness (absolutely impossible) 3. Price 900 - 1500 $ 4. The probability of drying out and the door “moving” is 50% (half and half). Although in our climate it is very likely, it is a matter of time 1. Excellent appearance 2. Relative environmental friendliness (see comment) 3. Price 220 - 1200 $ (optimal price-quality ratio) 4. Minimum probability that the door will “drive”
Not represented on the Moscow market 1. The appearance is not bad (unlike Italian doors, the veneer is not of the highest quality, the frame and trim are made not of wood, but of MDF and chipboard, they use shiny, not matte varnish) 2. Relative environmental friendliness 3. Price 200 - 400 $ 4. There is a small probability that the door will “open”

Design and principle of operation of the sliding mechanism

Different variations of the sliding system in different models of door designs have similar devices and operating principles.

Any sliding mechanism for a door consists of:

  • Carriages with rollers.
  • Rail.
  • Latch or flag.

Design of a mechanism for moving doors

Carriages with rollers are attached to the door at two, three or more points, which depends on the size of the door leaf, material and weight of the structure. The rollers move along a special guide attached to the wall or installed inside it. In terms of design, the sliding door structure resembles a monorail.

Guide bars or rails are:

  • Open. In appearance, it is a pipe of round, square or rectangular cross-section. The carriage moves along the top of the bar.

Open guides

  • Closed. This is a metal profile, usually of square or rectangular cross-section, with a groove along its entire length. In such designs, the carriage with rollers moves inside the groove. For multi-leaf structures, a special strip is used, with several grooves for each leaf.

Closed guide

  • With a special stop at the ends of the rail, which prevents further movement of the door leaf.

Installing the retainer

In order not to damage the plastic and silicone rollers over time, the limiters are also made of dense rubber or a similar material. The latch is placed on the opposite side of the carriage with the guide, vertically. If it is located at the top, then the flag is attached to the floor.

This is a metal base with a vertical pin, sometimes it stands in bearings. When the sash moves, the pin with bearings moves inside the door, holding it in an upright position. For this purpose, a special channel is made at the bottom end of the sash.

In addition, if desired, an automatic opening system with a built-in sensor is installed, but the price of such a device is quite high.

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