Fasteners for plastic windows - main types of fasteners and features of their use (80 photos)

Installing plastic windows is not a very labor-intensive job. Therefore, each person can independently begin installing plastic windows. But anyone who decides to install windows themselves is faced with the problem of choosing fasteners. After all, there are many types of fasteners on the product market. And every novice builder wonders.

What fasteners are best to choose for window installation? To answer this question unambiguously, let's look at this issue thoroughly. And we will consider the types of fasteners for plastic windows, as well as installation rules and characteristics.

Types of fastening elements for windows

  • Anchor dowel
  • Anchor plates
  • Nog

Now let's pay attention to their features.

Pros and cons of use

Anchor plates are used in almost every standard installation of a plastic window in a stone or wooden wall. The use of these elements provides the owner of the premises with many advantages:

  • Increased strength of the pairing of the PVC window frame with the external wall structure.
  • When using anchor plates, no intervention in the frame structure is required, which ensures its original thermal characteristics.
  • Rotating plates allow you to select the most suitable section of the outer wall for fixing the window.
  • The master will have the opportunity to set the plane of the translucent structure with an accuracy of up to a millimeter, without any limbo deviations from the vertical or horizontal.
  • Mounting plates greatly simplify repair and restoration work and replacement of window structures after the operational period has expired and physical wear has reached.
  • Steel fasteners have a low retail price and do not increase the cost of the installation process.

At the same time, along with the advantages, experts highlight a number of disadvantages:

  • When choosing the thickness and number of anchoring elements, an accurate calculation of their load-bearing capacity is necessary. The plates must withstand the weight of the window for the period of operation, taking into account the increase in load from wind and other external influences.
  • Each time heavy sashes are opened, the plates are subjected to elastic deformation, which causes a slight movement of the frame and, as a result, the formation of cracks in the finishing elements of the slopes and junction points.
  • The plate requires careful masking under a thick layer of plaster or installation of strips, which can spoil the appearance of the interior of the room.
  • It is difficult to install plates in hollow bricks, since there is a risk of its destruction during the transmission of forces.

Thus, before deciding to install anchor plates, the owner of the premises must weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, and then purchase a material that meets his needs and the characteristics of the operation of the premises.

Anchor dowel

This type of fastening for plastic windows is very reliable. The principle of operation is designed in such a way that when the screw is tightened, the bushing expands the walls of the sleeve and the element is securely fastened.

Size. There are a huge number of dowel sizes from 100 to 200 mm, and their thickness is from 7-12 mm. To calculate your dowel length, you need to measure the thickness of the window and opening from the frame and slope.

Typically, the thickness of the frame varies about 4-6 cm, and the dowel should enter the wall at a distance of 4 cm. If your distance from the wall to the window is about 3-4 cm, then you need a 110 mm dowel, if 8-10, then 160- 190 mm.

Flaws. The disadvantage of any type of fastening is that once the dowel is installed, it can no longer be dismantled. Therefore, you need to take window alignment very seriously, because... correcting your mistakes will cost you a lot and take a lot of time.

Also, if you hit the reinforcement with a drill, you can break the drill and have to drill a new hole.

Important. Before installing a plastic window in an apartment panel building, you need to find out its type and wall structure. Because in many panel houses, builders install insulation inside the walls. Therefore, during installation you may get caught in the insulation and the dowel may fall out. Also, do not install the dowel in soft building materials.

The depth of drilling inward for the dowel depends on the material from which the wall is made. In a concrete wall the depth is 4 cm, and in a brick wall 7-8 cm.

Installation rules

A standard window requires at least five plates. One plate is fixed in the central part of the frame, and two on both sides: one on top and one on bottom . In this case, you should retreat 20 cm from the border of the frame.

To install a standard-shaped window, 5 plates are enough

Installing windows without unpacking involves fastening the frame with anchor plates from the outside of the window opening. In this case, there is no need to remove the glazing bead and glass unit. When unpacking, fasteners are provided through the frame with preliminary disassembly of the window system into its component elements: sashes, double-glazed windows.

Fastening with plates is appropriate for use on windows of medium and small size, most often these are standard windows of residential buildings and apartments . Large window systems (more than 4 square meters) are attached to anchor dowels through the frame, since the weight of such a structure is significant and the plates will not support it.

Large window systems are installed using anchor dowels

Door frames are also secured using anchor dowels. In professional circles among installers of metal-plastic structures, this installation method is considered the most reliable, but it has some disadvantages:

  • This type of installation is difficult even for professionals. There is a high risk of damage to the glass unit when removed from the frame;
  • This type of fixation by one person is often not possible;
  • This is a labor-intensive method that takes considerable time and requires appropriate skills.

When installing windows with dowels, there is a high risk of damage to the glass.
If you want to install the window yourself using this method, you will need to buy 10*132 mm dowels. Among the tools, you will need a powerful hammer drill - this device is professional and expensive equipment that is rarely used on the farm, so it is not advisable to purchase it for the installation of one or two windows. You can look for a company that rents out construction equipment; usually hammer drills are the most popular product.

By installing the window on plates, all these problems will not have to be solved. You just need to buy the plates themselves.


A dowel is a simple screw that is screwed into the wall to secure a window. This type of fastener is also very reliable. Unlike a dowel, the dowel can be easily unscrewed in any case.

Dimensions. There are a huge number of dowel sizes from 100 to 250 mm, and thickness from 5-12 mm. To calculate the length of the dowel, you need to measure the width of the window and opening from the frame and slope. If your distance from the wall to the window is about 3-4 cm, then you need a 110 mm dowel, if 8-10, then 170-200 mm.

Flaws. Before installing a plastic window in an apartment panel building, you need to find out its type and wall structure. Because in many panel houses, builders install insulation inside the walls. Therefore, during installation you may get caught in the insulation and the dowel may fall out.

You should also not install the dowel in soft building materials.

Important. The depth of drilling inwards under the dowel depends on the material from which the wall is made. In a concrete wall the depth is 6 cm, and in a brick wall 7-8 cm.

Optimal selection criteria

The modern market for building materials and accessories provides a wide range of products at various prices. There are a number of criteria to determine which fasteners are best to choose for window installation:

  1. Presence and degree of wind and shock loads. Calculating wind force is especially important for multi-apartment buildings.
  2. The degree of compensation for temperature changes. In regions with sharp fluctuations in climatic conditions, plastic profiles bend inward during the winter season. Therefore, when choosing a rigid mount, this factor must be taken into account.
  3. The material of the underlying base is of no small importance. Before purchasing a certain type of fastening, it is necessary to assess the condition of the window opening, the presence of defects, and the type of building material.
  4. Do-it-yourself assessment of the installation of window fasteners is required. The ability to carry out the work yourself will significantly reduce construction costs.

It is also important to consider the location of the window opening: on a balcony or loggia, in the entrance doorway, classic windows in a residential building. This factor determines the load on the fastenings and the plastic profile.

You should also evaluate the qualitative composition and technical characteristics of the fasteners themselves, the rating of the manufacturer’s company, and reviews of the corresponding product.

Anchor plates

This type of window fastening is suitable for panel houses that have insulation and the use of anchors and dowels is impossible. It is also perfect for wooden houses and baths, where fixing windows to the wall is not possible. By filling the free space with polyurethane foam, this design will be very reliable and warm.

Dimensions. The length of this fastening element varies from 150-200 cm. One edge of the plate is secured with a self-tapping screw to the frame from the outside, and the other is secured to any supporting structure with two self-tapping screws. The length of the second part should be around 10 cm.

Flaws. This type of fastening is not the most reliable.

Important. This method of fastening is the most common, because... it is the simplest. It is mainly used by beginning builders. The anchor plates should be located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the corners of the window opening and at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

I cannot say which type of fastening of plastic windows is the best. Each type has its own disadvantages and advantages. You must choose the type of fastening yourself, depending on the technical features of your home.

Window installation methods

Both methods have their own nuances, positive and negative qualities.

Unpacking or fastening through the frame using self-tapping screws

This fastening method is characterized by the fact that before installation, the frame must be completely disassembled: the blind and opening doors are removed, and only then installation is carried out through the profile with self-tapping screws.

The unpacking method is mainly used when installing large windows

After installing the profile, the system will have to be assembled and adjusted again. This option is used for large windows with an area of ​​4 square meters or more to ensure reliable fastening of such a large structure .

Straightening plates are installed between the glass unit and the profile

Here it would be appropriate to mention the straightening plates, which are installed to avoid contact between the edge of the glass unit and the window profile. Their presence will ensure uniform distribution of the weight of the glass unit and ventilation of the rebate space. The plates are made of plastic, the width of the element corresponds to the width of the glass unit.

Installation using plates

When installing PVC windows on plates, there is no need to remove the glass unit.
Installation of windows on plates begins with the purchase of these same plates. There are models for universal use and those made for use with a specific profile system. They are usually supplied with structures of complex shapes. Their peculiarity is that they have special “ears” and can be inserted into existing grooves on the surface of the frame.

Anchor plates with lugs are used with complex window structures

Plates without ears are fastened with bolts, and with ears - with self-tapping screws. Requirements for bolts: 4.5*25 and the presence of a metal drill.

Photos of fasteners for plastic windows

Stand profile: what is it?

Before deciding whether such a part is needed or not when installing a plastic window, you should understand its structure and purpose.

Structurally, the stand (window sill, bottom) profile is a profiled strip attached to the lower end of the window frame. Made from PVC with increased resistance to environmental influences. This material is more durable and successfully withstands low temperatures and high humidity.

How to determine which ones are needed?

The choice of high-quality self-tapping screws largely determines the safe, long-term and comfortable operation of the window opening filling element.

Before purchasing self-tapping screws, you need to pay special attention to the following nuances :

  • Preliminary measurements of the parts to be connected to select hardware of the optimal length and diameter.
  • Selecting a self-tapping screw head. For moving elements of the sash, fastening elements with hidden heads are required, which form a single plane with the metal surface of the fittings.
  • When attaching vertical and horizontal profile elements to each other, self-tapping screws with press washers or round heads are required to prevent pressing through the soft structure of the PVC product.
  • All hardware must be made of high-strength steel; the jaws on the head must not wear off when tightened.
  • The best solution would be to buy self-tapping screws with a galvanized coating, which prevents corrosion and destruction over time.
  • The thread on the surface of the product must be uniform, without scoring, the tip of each self-tapping screw must be sharp, without bends.

If a consumer has doubts about the quality of a self-tapping screw at a retail outlet, it is recommended to purchase a small quantity to check its strength, and then order the bulk.

It should be noted that a self-tapping screw cannot cost less than the steel itself from which it is made. If the price for 1 kg of products is too low, such hardware is most likely made of low-quality material.

Average prices in the Russian Federation

Self-tapping screws for PVC windows are sold in every construction market in the country in a wide range from different manufacturers. Average price for 1 kg of metal hardware , as of August 2022:

  • Fittings – 300-350 rubles.
  • Fittings and repairs – 280-350 rubles.
  • With a countersunk head and a drill tip - 500-550 rubles.
  • With semicircular heads - 450-500 rubles.
  • With a press washer – 500-700 rubles.
  • For window frames – 800-1200 rubles.

When purchasing products from 100 kg or more, the wholesale price offered by the manufacturer applies. Thus, for installation organizations, the hardware used in the manufacture and installation of PVC windows is much cheaper than for retail buyers.

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