Designation of doors on drawings according to GOST: marking example

I present to you 5 video lessons dedicated to the topic “How to draw a house plan yourself . The self-instruction manual “House Plan in AutoCAD” is a video tutorial for students and is published taking into account the fact that you know the course in AutoCAD (two-dimensional design).

In the drawing of the plan of the first floor of the house (the background), window openings are given without quarters.

What documents regulate

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In our time, manufacturers must produce standard wooden doors intended for installation in residential and office premises, guided primarily by the standards provided for by GOST 6629-88 and GOST 475-78. The exception in this case is structures assembled from valuable wood species. Such doors do not belong to the group of standard ones. Manufacturers also assemble special-purpose structures using other regulatory documents. These could be, for example, evacuation models, fire models, etc.

In our country, door designations on drawings are regulated according to GOST 21.201-2011. Moreover, according to the standards, such elements are usually not marked on diagrams made at a scale of 1:400 or less. Doors are indicated only on drawings 1:50 and larger. In this case, according to GOST, the diagram is supposed to indicate not only the design itself, but also the direction of opening of the leaf, as well as the presence of a threshold.

In addition, the door type is often marked on diagrams using special symbols. Of course, such door designations on drawings are also regulated according to GOST. All design organizations in our country must comply with such standards.

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Standards for designating doors and windows on drawings in accordance with GOST 11214-86 can also be used in Russia. This document specifies, among other things, the design requirements for such building elements. This GOST also regulates the dimensions and methods of joining standard windows and doors.

How can the doors open?

The types of opening plastic windows are quite varied, which allows you to use the window in any interior, making it the most practical and functional. Most plastic structures open indoors. In addition, their upper part can be pulled towards you and set to winter ventilation mode. However, this is the most familiar and standard method; opening plastic windows can also be done according to other schemes:

  • Blind sash. Most often they are installed in shops or residential premises as an additional window. Such a door does not open and does not allow ventilation of the room. In the diagram, such a window will be indicated by a rectangle with a cross in the center.
  • Rotary types of window openings are more popular. The window sash can rotate, usually inward, but on some designs it opens outward. Usually these are made to order, as they are quite rare. One side of such a window is held on hinges, the second is closed using a handle, when turned along its axis, the fittings change position, allowing you to open the sash or put it in the desired position. The designation for opening windows on the plan is quite simple: it is a rectangle with a triangle inside. Its base points to the side where the hinges are, and the top points to the side where the handle is. He can look left or right depending on which way the door opens.
  • Folding designs. The window opens by turning the handle, but the upper part of the sash is separated; completely folding options are quite rare. Usually this is the winter ventilation mode, and this method of opening is combined with a swing one. If the window opens only towards itself, then on the diagram it will be reflected in the form of an isosceles triangle located in a rectangle.
  • The hanging method is quite interesting. In this case, the lower part of the structure will open, and the hinges are on top, but such a window must be used carefully, as it is easy to pinch your fingers. Opening windows of this type in the drawings looks the same as in the previous version, but the triangle will be upside down.
  • If the window is rotary and moves along a vertical axis, it can move to the left or right, while becoming across the frame, so part of the sash will remain indoors, and part will look out onto the street. This is quite convenient if there is not enough space inside the room for a swing door, for example, there is furniture or there is a wall that it will cling to. In the diagram, such a window will be designated as a rectangle, in the center of which there is a checkmark with an arrow. The arrow shows in which direction the sash moves. However, such windows are not very convenient to open, so they are not common, and not all companies make such models.
  • Rotation along a horizontal axis. The system is similar to that discussed above, however, if in the first version the sash is placed across the wall, then in this version it lies parallel to the window sill. The designation for opening windows in the drawings is also similar, but the arrow is located vertically.
  • Sliding. Such a window is used quite often if there is no room in the room to open the sashes. In addition, this is a popular system for balcony glazing, so you can see it quite often. This window does not require additional fixation and can open to any width. You can make a fairly large window opening without partitions, which cannot be achieved with the swing method. These types of window openings are indicated extremely simply in the diagram - in the form of a rectangle with a horizontal arrow; in which direction it points, in that direction the sash moves.
  • Folding method; it can also be called an accordion. These options for opening windows are widely used in cases where the window opening is large enough, but it is required that it opens as much as possible and does not have partitions. When opened, the doors fit one after another, like accordion compartments, and become parallel or across the wall, depending on the design. This is a rather convenient method, since the sashes can not only be folded so that they take up a minimum of space, but also not all of them can be used at once, which allows you to open the window opening to the desired width. In the interior, this design looks quite original and modern. This type of opening of plastic windows will be indicated in the diagram by a wavy arrow, in the direction of which the structure moves.

Non-standard window opening symbols

Window opening symbol

Main types

Modern doors can have different designs. But on this basis, all of them can be classified into four main types:

  • Doors "G". Such structures are most often installed inside buildings. Door “G” may have one or two leaves. Lattice filling is used inside them. Such doors can be assembled with or without a frame, trims and threshold.
  • Type "O". These doors are structurally similar to the previous version, but have glass inserts.
  • Models "K". This is a pendulum type of door, the doors of which do not pretend to be, but swing. Such structures usually have two canvases and they do not pretend, but swing. A feature of models of this type is, among other things, the absence of a threshold.
  • Doors type "U". This group includes reinforced door structures. They are usually installed inside buildings at the entrance to isolated rooms, for example, apartments.
  • When designating a door on a drawing, all these 4 types of construction of similar products can be separately indicated.


As already mentioned, on drawings at a scale of 1:50 and larger, doors must be indicated. In this case, the symbol for opening a door in the drawings is an arc. An example of such a scheme can be seen below.

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In addition, when drawing up house designs, the conventional drawings can also show the type of doors that are supposed to be installed in the house. In this case, it is customary to use special icons. The same conditional elements can indicate the type of gate on the street.

These icons are standard designations and should be used on all official circuits. For example, in the table above you can see that the designation of sliding doors in the drawings according to GOST is represented by rectangles with lines parallel to them for the shutters. For swing doors, the latter are drawn at an angle, etc.

How to choose?

The systems for opening plastic windows are quite varied, so when choosing a plastic window you need to pay attention not only to the design features of the structure, but also to its functionality. Assess whether there is enough free space to open a window of one type or another, how wide the window opening is, and whether the room often needs to be ventilated. The manufacturer may offer different options for opening plastic windows; he can help you choose the most optimal option for your room, correctly calculate the load on the frame relative to the window opening, and take into account your requirements for the appearance of the structure.

When buying an apartment, you can always think in advance where the furniture will be. Knowing the symbol for opening windows , you can easily figure out how to make the room more functional.

The method of opening windows plays an important role during operation. It affects the usability of the systems and has certain features that must be taken into account before installing the selected design.

What other rules must be followed when drawing up diagrams?

Doors on conventional drawings, like, for example, windows, are supposed to be depicted as wall openings. In this case, such elements on the diagrams are not shaded, but are drawn in the form of perpendicular lines (sashes). Among other things, when depicting doors on drawings, the following rules are observed:

  • the main lines are set to 0.8 mm thick;
  • inscriptions above the designations are drawn in font No. 7;
  • For explanations, font No. 5 is used for symbols.
  • You can, among other things, determine the characteristics of a door - the opening side of the leaf, the presence of a threshold, the type of construction - by its markings. Such information, according to current regulations, must be present on interior and entrance structures. It can also be placed on design drawings next to the door icon.

    Symbol in AutoCAD for glazing window openings on a cottage plan

    Let us conventionally designate the glazing of window openings in AutoCAD by drawing a line at a distance of 120 mm from the outer boundary of the wall. For these purposes, it is convenient to use the “Similarity” command to construct similar objects with an offset of 120 mm, and then the “Trim” command with the “Select all” option to trim unnecessary lines in AutoCAD, where each object is a cutting edge and all objects can trim themselves .

    Marking of wooden structures

    The designation of the door on the drawing (according to GOST) makes it easy to find out the features of its design. Also, as we found out, similar information is provided to the consumer in the labeling of products of this type.

    Doors by modern companies can be manufactured in different sizes. This, of course, should also be displayed in the designations on the GOST drawings. And the dimensions of the doors are supposed to be indicated, of course, in the markings. According to the standard, manufacturers in this case indicate the width and height of the opening for which the model is intended. The same symbols may also be used on detailed drawings next to the door icon.

    Models of types “O” and “G”, among other things, may have doors that are unequal in width. In this case, the letters “P” and “L” (right and left blade) are additionally added to the marking. Manufacturers must also indicate that the door they produce has a threshold. This element is indicated in the marking by the letter “P”.

    What other designations can be used

    We have thus found out how interior doors installed directly in buildings can be marked. The second position for such models indicates the type of construction.

    However, in various types of buildings, of course, external doors are almost always used. In the marking of such products, the second position may contain, for example, the following designations:

    • “N” - entrance doors or tambour-type models.
    • "C" - service doors.
    • “L” - hatch doors or manhole models.

    If there are such letters in the marking, the letters indicating the actual type of construction “G”, “O”, etc., can be transferred further - behind the numbers.

    Unlike internal doors, entrance models are manufactured according to the standards provided for by GOST 24698-81. The same document also regulates their designations.

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    The numbers in the marking of internal doors, as already mentioned, usually appear in the third position. In the same place they are located for the entrance structures. For all types of doors, the numbers indicate the size of the openings in the house. Very often, after them in the door marking, in addition to the type, there are also additional letters displaying some secondary characteristics. In this place, GOST for doors may provide, for example, the following letters:

    • “P” - threshold or right wing;
    • “L” - left opening;
    • “N” - with influx;
    • “B” - moisture-resistant door;
    • “C” - continuous filling of the canvas;
    • “T” - fire-resistant door;
    • “Shch” - panel door;
    • “C” is a model with an internal solid filling made of wooden slats, equipped with a threshold and a cylinder lock, as well as a compacted rebate.

    The last position in the door marking is usually marked with the designation GOST 24698-81.

    Additional designations

    All symbols of doors for internal installation are described in the drawings in accordance with GOST, but as for external structures, the following symbols may be present:

    1. “C” – official;
    2. “N” – Tambour-type product or entrance;
    3. “L” − Manhole or hatch model.

    If one of the listed letters is indicated next to the doors in the drawing according to GOST, then the letters indicating the type of construction, for example, “G”, “O”, etc. are carried a little further.

    During marking, numbers are usually indicated in the third position both on the drawing of interior and entrance structures. In both cases, the numbers indicate the size of the openings. As already mentioned, they may be immediately followed by letters that indicate any secondary characteristics of the door model. In addition to the above, there may also be the following:

      • “T” – fire-resistant door;
    1. “C” – continuous filling of the model;
    2. “C” - has a continuous internal filling, is equipped with a cylinder lock and a threshold;
    3. “Shch” – panel model;
    4. “P” - right sash or threshold;
    5. “L” – left wing;
    6. “B” is a moisture-resistant fabric.

    If the door is metal, then in the section on the drawing it is hatched with straight parallel lines with a slope of 45 degrees, but the distance between the strokes will depend on the scale of the plan. If the product is wooden, then it is hatched with circular lines, that is, as the fibers go in the wood, thus showing the real arrangement of the layers of wood in the canvas.

    What are vestibule, hatch and manhole doors?

    Such structures belong to the class of external ones. According to GOST, standard symbols are used in the drawings of doors of this type. That is, this could be a model type icon or just an opening with a sash.

    Tambour doors are usually installed after the entrance doors and are intended to retain heat in the premises of an apartment or house. Such models are often not insulated, but are complemented by a dense vestibule. Structurally, they are something like a partition with doors installed between the walls of the corridor. There are only three main types of such doors: solid, lattice and with inserts. As already mentioned, in the marking, vestibule doors, like entrance doors, are designated by the letter “H” (external).

    Hatch models in buildings can be installed, for example, in attics. Such structures are manufactured at enterprises both on a metal frame and on a wooden one. In many cases, doors of this type are additionally insulated. Sometimes such models can be equipped with a folding ladder. Designs of this type are marked as “L”.

    Manhole doors are designated by the same letter and are used to access the roof or any technical premises. Like hatches, they can be made of either metal or wood. Very often such structures are additionally insulated.


    One of the most common elements of buildings and structures are doors. They can have a wide variety of designs, but the most common are:

    • Single-sex
    • Double-field
    • Swing
    • Recoil

    Based on the material they are made of, they are classified into:

    • Wooden
    • Metal
    • Glass

    To install doors, frames are installed in doorways. If wood is used for this purpose, then such structures are made from bars and then attached to the wall. Wooden panels are usually made from a material such as laminated boards. Often, chipboard is used for this purpose, which is finished with facing materials.

    Metal door frames and their frames are made from galvanized cold-formed steel profiles, which are subsequently painted to give the structure an aesthetic appearance and protection against corrosion. The door leaf of metal doors consists of one or two steel sheets, a frame and stiffeners.

    The structural elements of glass door leaves are a frame made of aluminum or steel profile, and a leaf made of so-called “stalinite” (that is, tempered glass, characterized by increased strength).

    According to current norms and standards, all entrance doors to buildings and apartments must open outward, that is, in the direction of movement to the street. This is necessary in order to facilitate the evacuation of people from buildings in the event of various emergencies (for example, fires).

    Wooden plugs treated with antiseptics are used to secure door frames in openings. They are installed directly into reinforced concrete panels at the manufacturing stage of these structures. If the doors are external, then they are installed together with thresholds, and if internal, then without them.

    To hang door panels on door frames, hinges are used. If the door is wide open, it is very easy and simple to remove it from its hinges. In order to avoid doors being open or slamming, special devices called “diplomat” are used. They serve to keep the door closed, and if they open, then return it smoothly, without blows. In addition, the doors are equipped with mortise locks, latches and handles. Entrance doors are often equipped with combination locks.


    In our country, the designations of windows and doors on drawings according to GOST must be used as prescribed by regulations. The same applies to the labeling of such products. How can such information be deciphered? For example, wooden doors may be marked by the manufacturer as follows:

  • DK 24-19. In this marking, the letter “D” actually means that the product is a door. "K" indicates the model type. That is, in this case the door is swinging. The number 24 in this marking indicates the height of the opening is 24 dm, and 19 - the width is 19 dm.
  • DG 24-15PP. In this case, the letter “G” indicates that the door “D” is a standard type. 24 in this marking is the height of the opening in decimeters, 15 is its width. The first letter “P” means that the door has only the right wing. The second “P” indicates that the model comes with a threshold.
  • UNTIL 24-15P. Such markings will be present on the double-leaf right glass door “O” with a threshold.
  • DG21-7LP. In this case, the door is of type “G”, is single-leaf, left-handed, has a threshold and is designed for an opening of 21x7 dm.
  • DS16-19GU. This marking displays information that the door is a service “C” door and is intended for an opening of 19x19 dm. Moreover, it is a blank “G” and belongs to the insulated type.
  • DN21-19PSCHO2. In this case, the door belongs to the external vestibule type “N”, is right “P” and panel “Shch”, has a threshold.
  • In some cases, the last positions in the door markings on the GOST drawings (as in example 6) may contain the letter O with a number. This designation indicates the type of door trim. In the marking, this characteristic may be indicated by the combinations “O1”, “O2” or “O3”.

    Example of designations in drawings

    It is worth showing an example of how information is deciphered on drawings of wooden structures:

      • DK 24-19. "D" indicates the product is a door, and "K" indicates the swing type. The first number 24 means the height of the opening is 24 dm, and 19, respectively, the width is 19 dm;
    1. UNTIL 24-15P. Double-leaf right door with a threshold, and the letter “O” means that the structure is glass, or with small glass inserts;
    2. DG21-7LP. The product consists of one left panel, with a threshold. Designed for an opening height of 21 dm and a width of 7 dm.

    A drawing is not just a drawing of a product, but also a diagram that contains all the data for production and operation. Its development will require extensive experience of an engineer in order to correctly designate sliding, swing or folding door models on the drawings, indicate all technical characteristics, etc.

    Marking for metal models

    Such doors in drawings according to GOST are therefore most often indicated with wings at an angle. After all, such structures in most cases are of the conventional swing type. Inside buildings, entrances to apartments, for example, are usually insulated today using steel structures. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to see wooden doors in entrances. Metal entrance structures for apartments belong to the group of internal ones and are manufactured and marked in accordance with the standards of GOST 51242 98. This document regulates the production of all those models on which protective mechanisms are installed. In addition to metal entrance doors, according to this GOST, for example, safes, blinds, shutters and windows are manufactured.

    This regulatory document only regulates the production of structures with protective mechanisms intended for installation in residential premises. It does not apply to doors for special purposes, for example, bulletproof ones.

    Measuring and determining the size (width) of window openings on a house plan in AutoCAD

    Use the “Distance” tool on the classic “Details” toolbar, or from the “Utilities” toolbar on the “Home” tab of the tool ribbon, thereby calling the “Dist” command in AutoCAD. Measure the width of the window opening. Its width was 932 mm.

    In the same way, we measure the width of the remaining window openings in the drawing of the plan of the first floor of the cottage. We obtain the width of window openings = 1190, 2080 mm.

    Below is a picture of “Width of window openings for residential premises for external walls”. According to GOST data, the sizes of window openings for the plan of our cottage are 910 mm, 1210 mm, 2110 mm.

    Designations for metal models

    Doors and windows in the drawings are therefore prescribed by GOST to be marked with standard icons. State standards and labeling of such structures regulate. The symbols for metal doors on the diagrams are usually the same as for wooden ones. However, the labeling of such products usually contains additional information. In this case, the letter “D” also comes first. The second shows the dimensions of the opening. However, for such doors they are marked in dm, and in mm. Also, the marking of metal entrance structures usually contains designations of strength and burglary resistance classes. In this case, the consumer thus has the opportunity, even in the store, to determine the degree of reliability of the product in terms of penetration of unwanted guests into the home.

    Fireproof steel doors are also marked in a special way at enterprises. Their designations contain, among other things, the letter “P”. Typically, such models are marked with the letters “DMP” or “DPM” (metal fire door).

    Strength classes

    This parameter for metal entrance structures is regulated by GOST 31173-2003 and GOST 31173-2016. These documents were published in different years, but they have the same name: “Steel door blocks. Technical conditions". In old door models, marking is therefore provided in accordance with GOST from 2003, in new ones - from 2016.

    In the first case, the strength class of the structure can be indicated by the letters:

    • "M1" - the most durable;
    • "M2" - medium strength;
    • "M3" - lightweight.

    The new GOST 2016 prescribes the determination of five strength classes of entrance doors - from M3 to M5.

    Types of finishing

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    The designation of doors in drawings according to GOST on the facade or in the entrance is usually used in the form of rectangles with the door at an angle. The marking of such structures, among other things, may also include the type of finish. Several types of the latter can be used for metal entrance doors:

  • Powder-polymer spraying. This is the cheapest type of coating, characterized by a fairly high degree of reliability. Its main advantages are durability and strength.
  • Hammer coating. In this case, the door is finished using special paint. A distinctive feature of this coating is its resistance to mechanical stress. Its advantages also include its attractive appearance.
  • Anti-vandal coating. This variety is usually used for finishing the doors of public and commercial buildings. This group of coatings includes, for example, lining and MDF panels.
  • Example of marking of metal structures

    Such doors, for example, can be designated as follows: DSV DKN 2100-1270 M3. This marking is deciphered as follows:

    • "D" - door;
    • “C” - steel;
    • “B” - internal entrance;
    • “DK” - double-field with a closed box;
    • "N" - opening outwards;
    • 2100-1270 - designed for an opening with a height of 2100 mm and a width of 1270 mm;
    • M3 - lightweight strength class.

    The symbols on the drawings of metal doors are the same as for wooden ones.

    Gate marking

    Such structures are indicated in the drawings using the same symbols as doors. The manufacture of gates and their markings are regulated by GOST 31174-2003. The following symbols are used by manufacturers for such structures:

    • letter designation of the product itself - VM (metal gate);
    • article according to technical documentation (type);
    • opening dimensions in mm;
    • canvas class.

    GOST 31174-2003 itself is affixed to the last position in the gate marking. According to the standards, the article number of such products, in addition to the type, must display information about the presence/absence of a gate, the type of finishing material, architectural design, etc. The full contents of the article number are disclosed in the order contract and the gate passport.

    How to make window openings on a house plan in AutoCAD (algorithm)

    To create window openings in AutoCAD, I used the following algorithm (you can use any convenient method for creating window openings on the plan):

    Call the Line command in AutoCAD and draw the first wall of the window opening.

    Select the segment and activate the handle. Select the “Move” option from the context menu for editing objects in AutoCAD using handles. Next, to make a copy of it when moving a segment a specified distance, select the “Copy” option. Copy the segment to a distance of 910 mm, i.e. the width of the window opening. To track perpendicular angles and polar angles in AutoCAD, you will need polar snapping or ORTO mode.

    Select two segments on the house plan in AutoCAD, indicating the window opening, and group them for ease of working with the window opening and placing it in positions according to the plan of the first floor of the cottage. You can group objects in AutoCAD from the context menu. Click the right mouse button and select the line “Group” - “Group” in the context menu.

    Using the “Copy” and “Rotate” commands in AutoCAD, copy the window openings and place them according to the drawing of the house plan.

    Requirements for the quality of wooden doors

    We found out what symbols are provided in the drawings according to GOST for doors. But what are the requirements for the manufacture of such structures? According to GOST 475-78 standards, such structures can be manufactured with minor deviations from standard dimensions. In this case, the document indicates maximum tolerances.

    Also, according to GOST 475-78, wooden doors can be produced using the following materials:

    • well-dried wood;
    • plywood;
    • rolled metal;
    • plastic assemblies;
    • glass and glue.

    At the same time, for those models that will subsequently be used in conditions of high humidity, it is recommended to use coniferous wood. For doors intended for installation in ordinary rooms, according to GOST, it is allowed to use deciduous material.

    Requirements for metal structures

    According to GOST, such models must be made of steel with a flat and smooth surface, free from cracks and chips. The permissible curvature of the material used to assemble the canvas is 0.5 mm.

    The sealing gaskets in such doors must be installed evenly, without gaps around the entire perimeter of the frame. Of course, metal doors produced by modern enterprises must, among other things, also be resistant to various types of adverse environmental factors. That is, during operation they should not appear rusty spots, fungus, scratches, chips, etc.

    Hinges on such doors can be secured using both welding and mechanical connections. At the final stage of production, doors of this type should be coated with an additional protective layer with a preliminary primer. GOST, among other things, allows the use of wood as a finishing material in the manufacture of such doors. At the same time, parts made of timber and boards used for this purpose, according to the standards, must have a roughness of no more than 60 microns and a humidity of no more than 8-12%.


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