Five-chamber profile - description, features and types

Excellent technical characteristics, practicality and presentable appearance have allowed PVC window structures to become the most popular in both the domestic and foreign markets. Manufacturers are constantly improving their products, improving their sound and heat insulation capabilities.

One of the latest innovations is a five-chamber profile. Such systems have the highest characteristics and are superior to their two- and three-chamber counterparts. What are their features? Do such designs have any disadvantages? We will talk about this in our article.

Features of PVC windows with 5 chambers

Speaking about the five-chamber profile, you need to clearly understand what a camera is. In this case we are talking about empty sections located in the window structure. The air inside each chamber prevents cold from penetrating into the room, which means heat is retained much more efficiently.

The main difference between five-chamber systems is that the metal reinforcing strip is removed from the window hinges, which prevents the occurrence of cold air currents in the most vulnerable places of the structure.

If we look at the five-chamber profile in section, we will see that it consists of 5 sections. The central compartment is complemented by a metal profile, which is a reinforcing element. There are two more hollow sections on both sides. They do not allow heat to escape outside the room, and flows of cold air to penetrate inside.

Recommendations for purchasing a plastic window

The main recommendation for choosing a five-chamber profile is to pay attention to its metal base. The service life of the structure and its strength characteristics depend on the metal frame.

The metal frame must be square in shape to provide all-round reliable support for the metal-plastic profile. Some unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to save materials on the manufacture of products, install a U-shaped frame in their products, which over time becomes bent and becomes unusable.

It is best to ask a representative of a company that installs plastic windows for a cross-sectional sample of the window design. If the seller has nothing to hide, he will show the client a sample window and talk about its characteristics.

It is equally important to inspect the fittings that come with the five-chamber window. Not only the switching of the modes of use of the window unit, but also the opening and closing of the window sashes depends on the fittings.

It is also recommended to inspect the seal on the window structure, because the thermal insulation of the room depends on its quality. If the seal peels off or is too hard, then the effectiveness of the five-chamber profile will be significantly reduced and drafts will constantly be present in the room.

Design features

The high strength of plastic windows with 5 cameras allows the use of such systems in places where reliable protection against burglary is required. The profile is suitable for use in the temperature range from -60 to +60 degrees. At the same time, manufacturers guarantee an impeccable 40-year service life of their products.

The five-chamber profile of a plastic window is an opportunity to make your home quiet and warm, but before choosing such systems, pay attention to their parameters. Standard options are characterized by the following indicators:

  • number of air chambers - 5 pcs.;
  • thickness of internal partitions - 3 mm;
  • the thickness of the glass unit itself is 42 mm;
  • plastic profile thickness - 70 mm;
  • The block reinforcement system is of a closed type.

These values ​​are important in cases where you need to accurately calculate the load that the PVC system will exert on the opening. In most cases this concerns dilapidated buildings.

How does a 5-chamber profile differ from a 3-chamber profile?

When choosing between a three-chamber and a five-chamber PVC profile, you should understand that the main purpose of windows of the second type is maximum heat conservation. Such designs are excellent for installation in regions where low temperatures prevail most of the year. In the central part of Russia, systems with three cameras are quite sufficient.

You also need to take into account the increased parameters of the unit with 5 cameras. If a system with a triple profile has a width of 60 mm, then the option we are considering is 10 mm wider. If you decide to give preference to this particular design, pay attention to the parameters of your window opening. Sometimes installing wide systems is simply not possible.

Glazing thickness

Cross-section of a double-glazed window.

A double-glazed window, as mentioned above, occupies about 90% of the area of ​​the entire window. Today, there are three types of double-glazed windows, differing in the number of glasses installed in them:

  • Option with one glass . Not suitable for installation in residential buildings due to the presence of insufficient characteristics of such a double-glazed window. The main flaws in the design of single-glazed windows are poor heat retention, as well as the lack of protection against condensation forming on the glass. With the onset of the cold season, such disadvantages can contribute to the cooling of the room, as well as the formation of an impressive layer of ice on the glass.
  • Double glass design . It is the most optimal solution for installation in an apartment or private house due to its good price-performance ratio. The so-called crying of windows is practically eliminated, and heat in a glazed room is retained much better than when using a double-glazed window, which contains only one glass.
  • A solution that includes three glasses . With installed triple glazing, you can achieve not only the greatest heat savings, but also maximum protection of the apartment from all kinds of noise entering its territory from the street. Triple glazing has only two disadvantages - high cost and heavy weight.

From the above information it follows that for most buyers the best option would be to purchase double-glazed windows, which will contain three glasses. If you lack funds, you can opt for double-glazed windows, which have the best price/quality ratio.

Comparison of technical characteristics

When choosing a three-chamber or five-chamber profile, pay attention to the technical characteristics of both systems. Their main difference lies in the difference in heat retention coefficients. For blocks with three chambers, this figure varies from 0.6 to 0.65 m2/kW, and for similar systems with 5 chambers - from 0.75 to 0.8 m2/kW.

In addition, improved systems with an increased number of cameras provide reliable protection against the penetration of extraneous sounds into the room. For blocks with a three-chamber profile, this figure is 30% lower.

PVC systems also differ in strength. Five-chamber varieties are much more reliable; they can withstand significant physical impacts. However, it must be borne in mind that along with high strength, such structures have acquired additional weight. It is not recommended to install them in frame buildings.

Types of 5-camera systems

In PVC structures with a five-chamber profile, several types of double-glazed windows are used. Namely:

  • single-chamber varieties;
  • two-chamber options;
  • three-chamber types.

The chosen glazing option directly affects the heat and sound insulation capabilities of the system. The total weight of the block also changes.

Thus, the single-chamber version consists of two glasses 4 mm thick, between which there is a gas or air layer. The total width of this variety is 24 mm. This is the most budget option with low functional indicators.

A five-chamber profile with a two-chamber double-glazed window consists of three layers of glass of standard width (4 mm). This design can provide a high degree of protection from cold and noise. Such systems are widely installed in residential premises.

Options with three-chamber double-glazed windows consist of 4 layers. In this case, the thickness of the glass can be increased to 6 mm. Such varieties are ideal for use in harsh climates.

What to look for when choosing

The type of glass unit used . As already mentioned in the article entitled “All about double-glazed windows,” these products are an integral part of the design of a modern window. They can have one or several cameras. Let us remind you that each camera consists of two glasses located at a certain distance from each other. Single-chamber double-glazed windows have the lowest characteristics in terms of heat and noise insulation. The three-chamber double-glazed window model is the most acceptable from the point of view of sound insulation and heat retention in a glazed room. As mentioned above, installing such a solution only makes sense in those areas of the country where it is cold most of the time.

For fittings . In cheap window models, fitting mechanisms from little-known companies may be installed, which have a limited supply of opening/closing options. Therefore, before signing a contract for the supply of windows, it is necessary to select fittings from a well-known global manufacturer. If necessary, you can order anti-burglary fittings and/or child locks.

For the presence of metal reinforcement . There are two types of profile reinforcement - regular steel and “advanced” (extra). It is also necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the metal wall (sometimes from 1.2 to 1.5). The strength characteristics of the profile depend on the selected values.

To the energy efficiency class established by the manufacturer. The manufacturer assigns a specific energy efficiency class to each line of windows, which is responsible for the thermal insulation properties of a specific window model. The class is graded into several categories, usually designated by the letters A and B, where A is the window profile with the highest thermal insulation characteristics. Existing options for classes responsible for energy efficiency: E, D, C, B, A, A+, A++.

For the warranty period . As a rule, self-respecting manufacturers establish a warranty period for the customer of at least five years.

additional characteristics

A five-chamber window profile may have additional features. This includes a high degree of noise insulation, energy saving, protection against burglary and ultraviolet rays.

The systems acquire the ability to save energy through the use of special glasses. UV protection is achieved by applying a special tinting film to the glass, and resistance to mechanical stress is achieved through an anti-vandal coating.

There are varieties with curved and decorated glass, but they are rarely found on sale and are often made to order.

Which profile to choose: single-chamber or three-chamber?

Five-chamber systems are superior to analogues with three sections in all respects, but their installation is not always advisable. Firstly, such designs are quite heavy, and secondly, their price tag is 18-20% higher than the cost of standard products with three chambers. So which variety should you buy?

When choosing a window unit, rely on the natural conditions of your area and the specifics of the environment. If the climate is close to harsh, and there is a noisy highway outside the window, then options with 5 cameras are ideal for you.

Three-chamber systems are quite suitable for operation at average temperatures (up to -25 degrees). If there is no need for improved sound insulation of the block, standard options are preferable.

The right approach to choosing a profile

The five-chamber profile is better in all respects than the three-chamber design, but such windows are not always relevant for installation. It all depends on the weather conditions in which the windows will be used. If the room is located far from the roadway or any other sources of strong noise, and the climatic conditions are quite favorable for living, then a three-chamber window with a single or double-glazed window is suitable.

If the room is located close to the roadway, as well as not far from a field, where there may be strong winds and low temperatures, then the best option would be to install a five-chamber window with a two- or three-chamber double-glazed window.

Let's sum it up

When choosing window systems, cost always plays a big role. The price tag depends on the capabilities of the system and the manufacturer. For example, a five-chamber Rehau profile with basic characteristics will have a price tag of 6,000 rubles for a standard double-leaf window. At the same time, products with a triple profile can be purchased for 3000-4500 rubles.

If you want to install a unit with maximum energy efficiency and UV protection, expect to pay 20% more. The maximum price tag is for varieties with anti-vandal coating and decorative treatment. Designs with non-standard parameters can also cost an order of magnitude more.

You can also purchase cheaper options from Chinese manufacturers, but the quality and durability of such products remain in question.

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