Specifics and features of certification of PVC windows in Moscow

Until certain times, window certification was a mandatory procedure, since windows and double-glazed windows were required to issue a certificate of conformity. This was the case previously, but in 2010 a number of changes were made, and today these products are declared in order to carry out an official verification of a series of basic standards adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. For those made of PVC profile - according to GOST 30674-99.
  2. Made of wood - according to GOST 24700-99.
  3. Blocks made of aluminum alloys - GOST 21519-2003.
  4. And finally, double-glazed windows - GOST 24866-99.

Declaration of this group of goods

The GOST R declaration (hereinafter referred to as DS) is required for legal sale. The validity period of the DS is up to 3 years.

In case of non-compliance with the requirements, the manufacturer will face a serious fine and confiscation of products. Penalties are also prescribed for the lack of protocols during inspection by regulatory authorities.

Today, manufacturers are more often choosing special packages for construction purposes rather than traditional sheet glazing, as was the case in the past. In turn, double-glazed windows are divided into 2 groups:

  • single-chamber.
  • two-chamber solutions.

They should also obtain permits. After a set of necessary tests has been carried out in the laboratory, the client will receive the DS. Upon request, a voluntary certificate of conformity for windows is also issued, which can help strengthen the applicant’s market position.

Information contained in the declaration or certificate of conformity

As mentioned above, the manufacturer's certificate indicates its name and contact information. If there is an importer, the certificate includes information about him, as well as delivery data (contract number, product name). GOST also regulates the names of products. The production profile must be indicated.

Thus, it is clear that the certification procedure is not only a check of the quality of the product and its compliance with certain standards, but also the identification of the production product.

Certification of PVC windows in Moscow: specifics and features

Certification of PVC windows in the center is a fairly simple procedure, but for its successful completion it is necessary to prepare a package of information. The electronic form of papers is sufficient. We help clients at every stage and make sure that all items on the list are filled out correctly to avoid delays:

  • OGRN and TIN - a copy certified by a signature/seal is sufficient.
  • Lease agreement/document confirming ownership – again a copy will be sufficient.
  • Application according to the established form.
  • Listing the current details of the client’s organization.
  • Regulatory and technical data (GOST, technical conditions), according to which the products are manufactured;
  • Invoice/delivery contract (for import).

All copies can be sent to us by e-mail, and the center’s specialists will begin work after clarifying all the details. We draw your attention to the fact that testing is an important and integral part of the work in confirming quality, which is enshrined in law. We always enter the number and date of the protocol of activities carried out by laboratory assistants in the DS at the end of the process.

We responsibly declare: in our center the certificate of conformity for PVC windows (hereinafter referred to as CC) you can get help in preparing the documentation, strictly within the legal framework, and this is in the interests of the customer.

Certificate of conformity for windows

With us you can get high-level advice, assistance in preparing a package of documents and obtain the necessary permits for windows and window products in the shortest possible time and at a favorable price.

Fill out the online application and receive free expert advice.

From 10,000 rub. Turnkey certificate price

3-6 weeks Processing time

Call +7 and our certified certification specialist will answer your questions about receiving a waiver letter for free, or contact us via email

Windows made of metal must also be declared. It is worth saying that this procedure is similar to the certification of door and window units, and for this reason it is also mandatory. Plastic windows have been certified in order to confirm that their characteristics comply with the mandatory requirements of GOST 30674-99, current for 2017. Now, instead of certification, a procedure called declaration takes place. In other words, the entire procedure will be based on the regulatory framework, that is, it will be directly regulated by law. The criteria that guided the competent authorities when testing the product for compliance must be set out in the declaration or certificate without fail.

Certification of wooden windows confirms compliance of all materials and characteristics of the object with the requirements of GOST 24700-99.

It is worth noting that for glazed wooden windows there is a separate GOST 11214-86 (2002). During the certification procedure, tests carried out in laboratory conditions are an integral part of it. Information from the protocols is necessarily stated in the declaration or certificate of conformity.

What types must be declared?

In our work we focus on legal acts that are valid. Thus, Resolution No. 982 contains a list for mandatory confirmation of compliance (this is carried out in the form of a DS). This should include:

  1. Window and door units for balconies made of aluminum alloys.
  2. Similar wood products, as well as wood-aluminum products, with the exception of blocks created for industrial segment facilities, as well as bindings for buildings in the field of livestock and poultry farming.
  3. Mandatory, as mentioned above, is SS for polymer blocks for balconies.
  4. Double-glazed windows.

Declaration for PVC window blocks

Despite the fact that most building materials are not subject to mandatory certification, these products are included in a small list of goods subject to strict declaration in accordance with RF PP982 (in addition to window units, this includes double-glazed windows).

If the mandatory permitting document in the form of a declaration for PVC window blocks is not issued in accordance with the established requirements of national legislation, its manufacture and sale in Russia is prohibited.

Ignoring this obligation on the part of the entrepreneur entails administrative sanctions (fines, confiscation and suspension of activities).

Certification of plastic windows

When declaring and certification, it is important to follow the established procedure for processing documents. The procedure includes several main steps:

  1. Consultation. Obtaining data about the applicant and the object of conformity confirmation.
  2. Assistance in the implementation of the established list of certification checks in a laboratory specially equipped for this purpose. We have a decent material base for solving such problems.
  3. Assistance in the preparation and registration of the DS, taking into account all the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. Sending the originals to the applicant using a reliable courier service.

Important: Registration is possible only if there is a regulatory and technical basis and protocols.

If the manufacturer has a desire, we help in obtaining a voluntary certificate in the GOST R system. Testing cannot be excluded from the general scheme. During the verification process, parameters such as:

  • sound insulation indicators;
  • level of thermal conductivity;
  • what is the coefficient of light transmission;
  • are hydro- and sound insulation sufficient;
  • Is the strength of the corner joints high?

Plus, CC includes the manufacturer's name, address. The full name of the product and indication of the type of double-glazed windows are required. It also happens that both types are used in production (single-chamber and double-chamber). In this case, our center employees carry out a series of separate control checks for each unit. As a result, the client receives 1 DS, but it includes 2 protocols at once. When a manufacturing client uses several types of profiles in the production process, the number of DS remains unchanged, since all data and parameters can be reflected in one document.

However, if there is a request to draw up protocols for blocks with a specific profile brand, then you can do this by listing all types of profiles, and for each of them draw up separate protocols, since products with certain types of profiles will have a set of their own unique indicators after all statutory tests have been carried out in an accredited laboratory.

Mandatory and voluntary certification of windows

Certification can only be carried out by an authorized body, that is, one that has passed special accreditation. A similar situation is with the laboratory that tests products. Certification can be either voluntary (when the manufacturer himself takes the initiative) or mandatory (the leading subject is the law; this type of certification does not depend on the will of the manufacturer). In two cases, the product evaluation criteria are the same and are subject to the same GOSTs.

Why do you need certification of window units/glazing units?

Certification of plastic windows is necessary to comply with all legal requirements and to work within the legal framework. This confirmation procedure allows you to obtain a quality guarantee. We are approached by those manufacturers who are interested in producing competitive products, receiving not only mandatory but also voluntary documents for them. After completing the procedure, the client receives a number of advantages:

  1. Confident promotion of goods on the market.
  2. Differentiation from competitors, which is especially important in a growing market.
  3. Confidence in the stability of the company and its prospects.
  4. Consumer loyalty.
  5. Possibility of marking with a quality mark and using this data in advertising campaigns.

Do not forget that when holding tenders for supplies to those organizations that work in the construction environment, one of the priority requirements is the presence of a declaration along with protocols and SS. Without them, cooperation is impossible in the vast majority of cases. This is how a modern and dynamically moving manufacturer shows and documents that the products they produce are of the required quality.

Moreover, CC is a powerful marketing tool, which is especially important in the future, since the consumer gives preference only to worthy products that have a document drawn up in accordance with all standards confirming the quality and compliance of all characteristics with current GOSTs.

The procedure for issuing certificates and declarations for windows in the Russian Federation

The certification procedure is a combination of two components: direct testing in laboratory conditions in accordance with regulatory operating principles, as well as issuing a declaration of conformity. If the manufacturer expresses a desire, he is issued a certificate confirming compliance with the system.

The testing procedure consists of the following: checking the ability to conduct and retain heat, the level of sound insulation, calculating the light transmittance coefficient, as well as some other factors that are emphasized by the specialists testing the product. The certificate must include the manufacturer's information (name of company or individual entrepreneur, contact information).

The products are named as follows: “Window and balcony door blocks made of PVC profiles (the profile brand is indicated here) with single- and double-chamber double-glazed windows.” If the manufacturer uses both types of double-glazed windows, then tests are carried out with each product separately. It is noteworthy that despite the presence of two test reports, only one certificate of conformity is issued. If the work involves several types of production profiles, but they are used by different manufacturers, then the number of certificates will be the same as the number of profiles. This pattern is explained by the fact that each of the profiles is endowed with certain unique characteristics and features. It follows from this that when testing, the features of the products will also be different.

Why can we be trusted with this task?

There are many centers operating on the market, so why should you entrust this important task to us? There are several objective reasons:

  1. High level of qualifications of all employees.
  2. Saving time - we do not artificially delay the process in order to increase the price tag.
  3. Rich practical experience in this environment.
  4. Providing guarantees and working with the conclusion of a contract.
  5. Loyal cost.

Yes, today the certification of double-glazed windows with window units has become a procedure carried out on a voluntary basis, but the presence of a DS is required. We will help you prepare a portfolio of documents at an affordable price and will do it in a short time, understanding how important such an invaluable resource as time is. Leave a request right now, and we will contact you in record time to discuss all the details and get to work.

Advantages of cooperation with MosEAC

Our company helps not only to understand the conformity assessment of your products, but also promotes its promotion on the market, providing legitimate documentary evidence of quality characteristics.

The MosEAC group of certification companies works only with accredited laboratories that have modern technical equipment. Specialists involved in assessing the technical and physical parameters of the condition of all glazing structures perform their work responsibly and professionally. By contacting our center, you will receive high-quality service - promptly and inexpensively.

What product characteristics are subject to mandatory verification?

A declaration for plastic windows in the GOST R system is drawn up based on the results of checking the following properties and characteristics of the product:

  • the presence of at least 2 rows of sealing gaskets in the vestibules;
  • the possibility of ventilating the premises (the design should include windows, transoms, flaps, etc.);
  • use of self-ventilation systems;
  • compliance with standards for the maximum mass of sashes;
  • ensuring the safety of structures, providing recommendations for their use in design documentation;
  • compliance with established standards for sagging of opening elements.

GOSTs contain standard indicators that must be observed when designing and manufacturing windows. This includes:

  • ability to retain heat;
  • degree of sound insulation;
  • light transmission coefficient;
  • breathability;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to static loads;
  • durability;
  • reliability of corner connections.

It has been established that the external appearance of the product (including color, gloss, and the presence of external defects) must correspond to standard samples approved by the manufacturer.

What is required to obtain a declaration, a certificate for plastic windows?

To complete the above documents, a number of information and papers from the applicant are required:

  • completed application;
  • charter, registration certificates;
  • regulatory and technical documentation for Russian manufacturers (GOST or TU);
  • supply agreement with shipping documents - for imported products;
  • product samples for testing.

An entrepreneur carrying out production that differs from the requirements of existing GOSTs must develop his own Technical Specifications (TU). If necessary, you can use those who have the knowledge and skills to compile technical documentation in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

Stages of completing a declaration and certificate for plastic windows

Assessment activities to confirm compliance consist of several stages:

  1. Contact us for detailed advice on the design of a specific product.
  2. Preparation and provision of the above set of documentation.
  3. Conducting expert studies of product samples with the subsequent formation of a protocol.
  4. Receipt of the finished document (if the verification results are positive).

Laboratory examination is an integral part of certification work. The number and date of the protocol are indicated in the declaration and entered into the appropriate register.

Nuances of assessment procedures

The need to certify window units and double-glazed windows is associated with confirmation of product safety for consumers. Regardless of the material from which such products are made, GOST R declaration is required. For products included in Resolution No. 241, compliance is assessed according to the fire regulations of Law No. 123-FZ. Features of obtaining mandatory permits are indicated in the table.

Document Design features
Declaration GOST R Registered on the basis of tests obtained in an accredited laboratory, or based on the evidence provided by the applicant. Safety standards are taken from current GOSTs or the manufacturer’s own technical specifications.
Fire certificate Issued after analyzing the documentation and conducting a set of tests in an accredited laboratory.
Test reports The protocols indicate conclusions about compliance, and fill out tables with the actual properties and standard indicators of the goods. The document is required for registration of DS GOST R and fire certificate.

All manufacturers or importers undergo mandatory conformity assessment. Documents will be checked during customs clearance of imports and during inspections in retail sales. Permits are also checked when approving projects for construction and reconstruction, and when putting objects into operation. If uncertified products are detected, the entrepreneur will be fined. In some situations, confiscation and suspension of the company's activities are provided.

Specialists of the information portal for certification “ALL TRTS” are ready to provide comprehensive assistance in preparing all the necessary papers for the legal sale of goods in the territory of the Customs Union.

What are the requirements for PVC windows?

The quality indicators of window blocks are specified in GOST 30674-99. The specified interstate standard contains requirements regarding:

  • designs;
  • overall dimensions;
  • heat transfer resistance;
  • sound insulation class;
  • durability;
  • breathability;
  • reliability of hinges and devices when opening and closing.

As for testing according to fire safety standards, in this case testing is performed in relation to such parameters as:

  • flammability;
  • flammability;
  • flame propagation speed;
  • release of toxic compounds during combustion;
  • smoke formation.

If desired, the manufacturer has the right to develop technical specifications (TS) for manufactured products and register them in the prescribed manner. Your own standard is drawn up if the production technology or individual characteristics differ, but do not contradict the norms of the profile standards.

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