Forged balconies: features of creating fences and the best design options

Advantages of forged balconies

  • They are resistant to the negative effects of precipitation and high levels of humidity if the surface of the railing is protected with a special anti-corrosion compound before use;
  • Long service life. There is no need for regular cleaning and painting;
  • The forging material is resistant to exposure to active sun and temperature changes, its shape does not change;
  • Aesthetics. There are many design options for fencing. You can also order a unique design of these elements. These designs allow you to succinctly complete the balcony space;
  • The metal parapet goes well with other materials.
  • Forging elements will emphasize the shape and configuration, design features of the balcony, loggia, terrace;
  • Creation of a unique design of any complexity from the company’s masters;
  • The creation of original products according to customer sketches allows us to embody individual designs in metal and give life to bold design solutions;
  • Forged railings will protect and strengthen the structure of the balcony, provide illumination to the room, and improve visibility of the area;

The patination technique with the “aging” effect gives the products the flavor of centuries. And the polymer coating makes them even more wear-resistant and durable.

Types of forged balconies

Fences are divided depending on the shape of the balcony. The following types are distinguished:


Loggias perfectly complement the classic style and are necessary when decorating buildings with columns.

Forged railings on a straight base.

Custom metal railings.

Artistic forging in the design of a cottage.

The pattern is made in the Russian-Byzantine style. This direction is characterized by clear lines and ornaments in the form of plants.

Gothic artistic forging. Lancet oblong arches, trefoils or rosettes consisting of four petals are the defining features of the style.

Modern design.


They allow you to add variety to the restrained and straight facade of the building.

Balcony of radial shape.

Arched shape of the railing.

French balcony.


Used to design unusual architectural forms. The unique design organically complements the non-standard space.

Baroque style. Decorations include outlines of curls, voluminous baskets of flowers, and lush garlands.


Used to protect balconies of unusual shape.

"Renaissance" direction in the pattern of metal rods. Spiral details, grape clusters and leaves, flower buds. The design can be complemented by the outlines of figure eights, some elements are coated with a pearlescent tint.

Spectacular parapet in a multi-storey building.

Depending on the chosen fencing design, forged elements can be used to visually adjust the area.

For production, a flat vertical profile is used, which allows you to emphasize the elegant design of forged products. Also quite often they use a curved cut; the arcuate elements of the fence, as a rule, protrude forward. On balconies of this shape, tubs and flowerpots with flowers look great.

Without projection

A wrought-iron French balcony without a protrusion has a completely flat shape, is located parallel to the wall, and does not extend beyond the building.

French wrought iron balcony without overhang. Reiri

With ledge

A wrought-iron French balcony with a ledge has a narrow platform, the width of which is slightly greater than the length of the foot. Such a compact base allows you to “go out onto the balcony”.

French wrought iron balcony with overhang. Citadel-Forging

With glass

Designs supplemented with glass acquire a closed structure. An aesthetically pleasing option is an artistic balcony with the fence completely or partially filled with glass.

But there is one BUT! The volume of forged forms most often does not allow the use of flat glass. Therefore, French balconies with glass are often made in modern styles, such as high-tech.

With cold or hot forging

The variety of shapes and styles is not the only criteria for classifying wrought-iron balconies. There are two metal processing technologies: cold and hot forging.

French wrought iron balcony. ForgingElite

Cold forging is a method of metal processing performed without preheating it. The production process is automated; the required shape is given to the parts through machine bending and stamping. Then the blanks are assembled into a single composition by welding. Such equipment ensures the efficiency of project implementation, and, accordingly, their affordable cost. But there is one drawback - the lack of uniqueness in the product.

Hot forging is the manual processing of metal after its preheating to a plastic state. Designs created using this technology are distinguished by their unsurpassed design and completely individual execution, and are sold at very high prices.

Second light fencing

Several decades ago, the ultimate dream of the absolute majority was a modest country house. In the 90s, the architectural genie of private construction was released from the bottle. Very soon the motto “more air” became fashionable, and designs for private houses were full of galleries, bay windows, and balconies.

Partial elimination of interfloor ceilings (usually in the living room) is an architectural technique of “second light”. All these delights required fencing. In many cases, the logical, and in some the only possible, decision was to use forging. A second light balustrade is essentially a forged railing for indoor balconies.

Forging allows you to create a huge number of designs for fencing balconies and stairs, due to which it is widely used in the design of various architectural styles. Forged railings for balconies, external and internal, are in harmony with the decoration, and with their “transparency” support the idea of ​​large open spaces.

Sample sketches

Advantages and disadvantages

Forged railings for balconies have a wide range of advantages and a number of disadvantages. The pros and cons will be discussed further.


  • presentable, original and attractive appearance, aesthetics, grace;
  • variety of styles, trends, shapes and ornaments;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • safety;
  • multifunctionality;
  • resistance to wear, mechanical stress, weather conditions, significant high and low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation;
  • versatility;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Forged metal does not require special care, but it is quite difficult to care for non-standard shaped structures with many small parts.


  • high price;
  • significant weight;
  • ready-made structures are quite difficult to install on upper floors;
  • handmade balcony railings take a long time to produce;
  • the difficulty of operating the balcony area in winter due to the transparency and openness of the structure, there is no possibility of glazing;
  • The coating for forged fences should be high-quality paint.

Wrought iron balcony styles

The style in which the forged structure is made is another popular criterion for classification. Each direction has its own individual characteristics. We will look at how the historical and modern styles of the masters of our time are seen. Samples of completed projects are presented in photographs.


It is characterized by a large number of forged products for the balcony, splendor of patterns and curls. The style is characterized by a certain pomp and excess of decorative ornaments.


It features a clear geometric composition. This is not only a stylish decoration for your apartment, but also a great place to relax in the fresh air.


The decor of this style is distinguished by soft, streamlined shapes. Airy, slightly blurry compositions give the balcony a special charm and elegance.

Russian style

This balcony design uses a large number of plant elements. In the forged railings to the balcony, a significant place is given to traditional Russian patterns.


A large number of leaves, grape bunches, flower buds are the main patterns of forged grilles for a balcony in the Renaissance style. Compositions of pearl threads and stylized eights are widely used.


In this direction, a huge number of spirals, large buds and curls of various sizes are used. Another characteristic point is that the composition is distinguished by the asymmetricity of a number of decorative details.

Ready-made elements: how to make them cheaper and not to make them cheaper

Ready-made forged elements are used to decorate balcony railings, as well as to add functionality to them. The most popular forms are presented below:

  • balusters are used as an element for supporting and decorating balcony and stair railings, fences and gates;

  • volutes are universal decorative details with a spiral or S-shape;
  • rings can be part of a complex composition or act as a separate decorative element;
  • profiles are thin strips of round or square cross-section;
  • cones are decorative elements that give the design elegance and sophistication.

Other decorative details are presented and analyzed in the “Forged Elements” section.

Warning! When purchasing or ordering an original project, you should pay special attention to the product. Some unscrupulous companies offer designs from ready-made elements at the price of exclusive hand forging.

French balconies with wrought iron elements

The classic option is a window or doorway with a decorative metal parapet. Often the load-bearing slab does not exceed the length of a foot, but sometimes it reaches a maximum of half a meter. This design does not imply prolonged recreation in the fresh air.

Artistic forging is used for fencing. The design, as a rule, is elegant; floral patterns can often be seen.

Sometimes finished metal products are coated with gold leaf or their surface is patinated (aging effect). The use of these methods turns the fence into an original detail that primarily attracts attention.

The small base area does not allow organizing storage space. A French balcony adorns the facade of the house and the room that is hidden behind it. A lot of light enters a window or doorway.

Forged fencing in a private house. The chocolate shade of the forged metal and metal-plastic profile goes well with the color of the brick wall.

The classic version is not functional, it only serves a decorative role.

The doors can open partially or completely, outward or inward, or be blind. These details directly depend on your desires.

Artistic forging complements the exterior in an original way. In the workshop, designers can develop a unique pattern to order.

Radial forged fencing in a private house.

To create a unified ensemble, you can install forged grilles on the windows. They must be made in the same style as the fence.

What it is

French balconies are structures that have a small (narrow) or no base at all; Quite often such a structure is called a false balcony. A detailed description is presented in the Wikipedia encyclopedia.

French balcony (English: balconet or balconette, also often referred to as Juliet balconies[1]) is a type of balcony that does not have its own balcony platform - the fence is installed directly in the opening from the outside, right in front of the door. An option with a platform is also possible, but it is very narrow, only sufficient for you to put your foot (“go out onto the balcony”).

The main difference between French balconies and standard models is the absence of a platform, or its small size.

The width of the structure directly depends on the size of the opening. The dimensions of other types of balconies may vary and depend on safety precautions, wishes and financial capabilities of the customer.

In Khrushchev

View from inside an apartment in Khrushchev.

Metal-plastic profiles have significant weight. On the eve of installation in the Khrushchev building, you should check the condition of the concrete slab. If defects are found during inspection, the base must be carefully repaired.

Flower pots are mounted on a metal fence.

Doors to the balcony photo

Fencing with plant pattern.

For narrow windows

Narrow windows decorated with French balconies made of metal look neat and attractive.

French wrought iron balcony. Photo ForgingElite

Sketches of French balconies

French balcony structures are quite light, so you can install them even in small or narrow balconies. In addition, the installation of such balconies takes much less time than classic balconies, and is also cheaper because it does not require additional interior finishing.


The photo of forged balconies shows that they can be of the following shapes:

  • exaggerated;
  • arcuate;
  • radius;
  • straight;
  • combined.

A rectangular balcony is considered traditional. This model can be combined with any type of facade, is easy to install and easy to use.

A blown or semicircular balcony looks much more interesting. And combined structures are characterized by high labor intensity in creation and installation. But it's worth it. Balconies of mixed shapes have an amazingly beautiful appearance.

Additional decor

In addition to the main elements, balcony railings can be decorated with additional decorative elements that are not related to artistic forging. For example, you can insert metal elements, stained glass or full-fledged paintings into the railings on the balcony, hang bright indoor flowers in hanging pots on the railing, or even cover it with ivy. A staircase can also lead to the balcony.

An experienced designer will help you choose the optimal solution - he will evaluate the general style of the building, select the necessary decorative elements, and indicate the desired color scheme. Or you can start decorating yourself, embodying your original ideas and creative ideas.

Where are metal products from artistic forging appropriate and where are they inappropriate?

Forged products are characterized by a high level of functionality, which implies harmonious combinations of forging and various materials. Metal balcony structures look especially organic when combined with brick and stone masonry .

An excellent combination would be a set of forging with walls treated with facade paint or plaster , as well as lined with facade tiles . A wrought-iron balcony railing will be a beautiful additional element for a well-maintained building.

Balcony railings made of forged metal are most often not suitable for wooden and frame houses. This combination will look pretentious.

Photos of forged balconies

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