DIY repair of plastic window sills on the balcony - restoration options

Reasons for restoring a plastic window sill

A wooden or concrete window sill is rare, so manufacturers of finishing and repair materials focus on identifying the most common causes of damage to plastic and how to eliminate them. The most common problems:

  • traces from indoor plants. The appearance of circles under the pots or yellowing of the place where the plants stand;
  • pet claw marks;
  • the appearance of small or deep scratches. Rough handling or mechanical damage;
  • formation of chips on the surface of the window sill, as well as on the outer corners;
  • surface deformation, subsidence in the center;
  • damage from caustic chemicals, hot water or detergents;
  • surface burnout. The appearance of spots. Damage to the integrity of the upper protective layer.

If the damage is minor, then the plastic window sill can be restored. You will have to install a new one only if the product bursts.

For the restoration of plastic window sills, special restorative methods are used. To correct minor damage, putty is used. In case of multiple damages - laminating film. For significant defects, use a special overlay.

Rice. 2. Scratches can come from pets' claws.

The appearance of cracks in the window sill

Cracks in plastic window sills appear infrequently, but it is possible. The reasons for their occurrence are due to violations of installation techniques, temperature changes or strong mechanical stress. Small scratches can be easily removed, for example, with Cosmofen polishing compound. Or sand the surface. You can also treat it with plastic putty:

  • Found Elisilk PP37 W - from 450 rubles;
  • Knauf Fugen – from 400 rub.

It is better to fix medium-depth cracks with white silicone sealant. First you need to clean the work area with water and degrease. To remove the crack between the wall and the window sill, you will need foam. After it hardens, you need to cut off the excess. A special sealant is applied over the foam. A suitable option is acrylic-based for white plastic.

There are scratches on the window sill

Scratches on the windowsill can be caused by animal claws. Mechanical damage from any object will leave a mark. Careless movement of indoor plants is also dangerous for plastic. If the window sill is laminated, then shallow scratches can be easily removed. Use a marker that matches the color of the surface. Either white or neutral. Obvious scratches can be smoothed out with white sandpaper. Then apply Cosmofen polish to the surface. It contains acetone. Cosmofen dissolves surface film. You need to distribute the product evenly over the entire area of ​​the scratch. After drying, you need to wipe the surface with a dry cloth. For deeper scratches, it is better to take solvent 646 (from 80 rubles). To level the surface, you should polish the treated area.

The appearance of traces from flower pots on the windowsill

Plastic is resistant to stress and moisture. But over time, it can turn yellow where houseplants are. Systematic watering may leave residual water under the pot. This will cause the window sill to turn yellow. To remove these marks, you need to treat the surface with a soap solution. Wipe dry. Or use another way:

  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia.

After treatment, be sure to wipe the area with a dry cloth. There is a good recipe for bleaching yellowness from plastic. Prepare a mixture of peroxide and powdered bleach. For 500 ml of cold water, 1 tbsp is enough. l. peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. bleach. Wipe the pot mark well. If necessary, repeat several times.

Window sill damaged by hot objects

An unextinguished cigarette or a hot mug can melt the plastic. Eliminating this defect is more difficult. You need to use pads. They are quite easy to install; you will need acetone or alcohol for degreasing and any acrylic-based glue. Removing the window sill is advisable in case of deep marks from hot objects. In this case, the surface cannot be restored.

Deformation of the window sill surface

In case of deformation, it is also worth using pads. When plastic is deformed due to gravity or temperature changes, it cannot always be restored. In this case, the strength of the plastic changes. The trim will give the window sill an attractive look. But its re-deformation is a matter of time. You will still need to replace the old window sill with a new one.

Mechanical damage to the plastic window sill

Mechanical damage includes scratches, chips, cracks. Depending on their depth, it is worth using putties for plastic:

  • APP. Flex Poli Plast – from 360 rubles;
  • Novol. Bumper Fix – from 260 rubles;
  • TOP.10. – from 415 rub.

You may also need to use overlays or laminate the surface. To restore multiple cracks, the application of liquid acrylic will be required.

Why is there a need for repairs?

The damage is based on the characteristics of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), from which the plastic parts of windows are made. The polymer changes shape when heated, is unstable to abrasive or chemically aggressive substances, and significant physical impacts, especially impact.

In the case of a window sill, the situation is aggravated by its horizontal position. They place pots of flowers on it, stand on it when washing a window, etc. This causes damage to the plastic surface. But even greater damage is caused by improper window sill care.

  1. Any housewife knows that you cannot place a hot iron or kettle on a plastic panel, as it will begin to melt. However, sometimes the plastic loses its shape due to the fact that a jar of water is left on the windowsill for a long time to germinate plant seeds. The can works like a lens, focusing the sun's rays, causing the plastic to heat up.
  2. Experts advise making window sills no more than three meters long. They tend to swell in the center due to heating by the sun's rays. People with significant body weight should not stand on them, as the panel may crack or break.
  3. During repairs near the MPO, you need to handle tools carefully. One careless movement can damage the plastic.
  4. In addition, paint, polyurethane foam, putty, or primer may get on the panel. You need to get rid of stains using special cleaning products.

There is no need to try to remove dirt using abrasive materials (sandpaper, steel brush). Plastic is easy to scratch, but even if the scratches are not visible, microscopic cracks form, into which dust gets clogged. The cracks gradually expand, destroying the coating.

A similar result will be achieved by using gasoline, acetone, strong acids, and alkalis.

Glossy window sills are especially susceptible to scratches and microcracks. It is difficult to protect the panel from damage. Defects on the surface can occur even when flower pots are moved carelessly.

Matte panels do not look as impressive as glossy ones, but they are more resistant to damage. If you want to combine reliability with a spectacular appearance, it is better to install an acrylic or wooden window sill instead of a plastic one. Such materials will cost more than plastic, but the money spent will be worth it.

Lamination of a plastic window sill with decorative film

Lamination is the easiest way to restore a plastic window sill. For this purpose, special decorative films are used. They stick to the surface. Pasting must be carried out in several stages:

  • pre-putty the surface (cracks, chips, scratches);
  • polish irregularities and bulges;
  • degrease the window sill with soapy water;
  • remove the edge of the protective layer and carefully spread the film over the surface.

Be sure to level the surface with a cloth. The resulting bubbles should be pierced with a needle. The corners need to be warmed up with a hairdryer. The size of the film should be 4 cm larger than the width of the window sill.

Rice. 3. Laminated window sill

Ways to solve the problem

Let's break down the options for restoring PVC window sills into categories depending on the use of the material used.

Important! Before you repair a plastic window sill with your own hands, the surface must be cleaned of dirt, degreased with alcohol and dried.

Chemical cleaners

It is known that the plastic surfaces of windows and window sills are covered with an invisible or decorative film that performs a protective function. If handled carelessly, it will become scuffed and yellowed. To eliminate such minor defects, you can completely restore the part using laminate wax or a special solvent-based Cosmofen cleaner.

Small stains and abrasions can be removed with a special cleaner Cosmofen

If the window sill is completely yellowed, it is better to apply the composition to its entire surface. It will dissolve the top yellowed layer and the plastic will become as good as new. This will complete the restoration of the window sill.

Special putty

The use of a specialized mixture such as Fenoplast or Reparaturset to seal small defects is a very popular method today. In stores it is sold in powder form complete with a spatula and measuring cup. Preparing the putty according to the instructions is not difficult. After use, this mixture acquires properties close to PVC and easily covers gaps, be it a crack or a scratch. To dilute the two-component mixture, experienced specialists use not water, but a primer for deeper penetration, which helps to obtain a fairly durable coating.

Immediately after preparing the composition you should:

  1. Apply putty to the surface.
  2. Carefully repair the scratch and smooth it out.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes. until completely dry.
  4. Sand with sandpaper.
  5. Polish with Fenosol S5 “UVA”.

To understand what it will look like to repair a plastic window sill with your own hands using putty, you need to start with more inconspicuous places.

Liquid plastic

If you don't know how to remove scratches from a plastic window sill, use liquid plastic. This material is absolutely indispensable for repairing deep scratches and large dents. It allows you to restore even the most advanced deformation.

To correct deep defects in the window sill, liquid plastic is used

With a ready-made composition such as Cosmofen Plus, all the recesses on the plastic window sill are sealed until a smooth surface is obtained. After this, you need to see how the cracks being repaired and the patch will differ from the overall texture of the plate. Therefore, it can additionally be covered with self-adhesive decorative film.

Laminated Film

This is a fairly simple and affordable option for restoring the surface of plastic windows with numerous defects. A wide variety of colors and a choice of assortments to imitate various textures (wood, stone, Russian pattern, etc.) make this product very popular even when restoration of the plastic window sill is not required.

Using laminated film you can update an old window sill

To use the film you should:

  1. Apply putty mixture.
  2. Use sandpaper to remove any bulges.
  3. Cut the film to the required size with a margin of 2-3 cm at the edges.
  4. Gently spread it over the surface with a towel.
  5. Remove any air bubbles that have formed by piercing them with a needle and level the surface.
  6. Glue the film in hard-to-reach places using a hairdryer, which will make it more elastic.

The easiest way to do the work is with two people, when one holds the edge of the glued film, and the other removes its inner layer.

Important! Before repairing window sills, it is better to disconnect this element from the window. This will allow you to deal with the problem more quickly and efficiently. .

PVC lining

Repairing a window sill using a special overlay is suitable for elements no more than 6 cm thick. This is a fairly economical and completely simple method in terms of labor costs, when you can simply close the problematic part. For example, when an element might swell or become severely cracked. The PVC window sill cover is made of pure polyvinyl chloride, which is durable and resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, and allows you to get an updated interior in a matter of hours.

To install it you need:

  1. Fill large damage with glue.
  2. Cut the trim to fit the size of the window sill.
  3. Degrease the surface and coat with glue.
  4. Place the trim on the window sill and press down with a weight.
  5. Leave until completely dry for 5-6 hours.
  6. Fill the voids between the window sill and the trim with silicone sealant.
  7. Place the end caps on the glue.

After the plastic covers on the window sills are glued, the protective film is removed. White plastic linings are considered the least problematic. After gluing to the old window sill, the edge of the plate is heated with a hair dryer and bent to its shape.

Plastic cover allows repairs to be carried out in a short time

Important! Heat treatment cannot be applied to laminated and glossy overlays, as they immediately lose their attractive appearance.

Use of plastic pads

Onlays – prompt assistance in restoration. This product allows you to quickly eliminate defects without leaving a trace. They come in white or imitate different types of wood. The most famous manufacturer of linings is Werzalit. Price from 50 rub./piece. The cover is attached with mounting adhesive (Acrifix, Weiss, Cosmofen). Before attaching it, you need to level the surface with putty, additionally clean and degrease.

Rice. 4. Overlays for plastic windows

Removing the plate

If all of the above methods for restoring window sills are not suitable or the plastic is very swollen, and you no longer know how to seal the plastic window sill, you can try to radically get rid of the problem by completely replacing the part.

Dismantling the element requires some effort:

  1. Cut off the mounting foam and carefully pull the element towards you, holding the slopes.
  2. We remove the vacated space from garbage.
  3. We place the new plate according to the dimensions of the old window sill.
  4. We supply support rails.
  5. Lubricate the side of the connection between the plate and the window with silicone sealant.
  6. We install the new window sill into the slot, checking it with a level.
  7. We fill the voids with polyurethane foam, and place a weight on top of the part.
  8. Remove the protective film after the foam has dried.

Related article: Soundproofing a window sill from rain
Important! Before giving preference to PVC windows, you should pay attention to the fact that some companies provide a guarantee for replacing the window sill if it is damaged .

If the window sill is severely damaged, it is recommended to replace it

Installing a PVC window sill is not such a complicated process, but it requires attention and perseverance. If you choose between replacing a plastic window sill and restoring it, then the second option, of course, is more attractive in terms of saving money, the absence of waste and the variety of color palettes. And if you use a plastic cover, then the list of materials from which the window sill can be made is not limited to plastic. It can be concrete, wood, brick and metal.

It turns out that dismantling and restoring window sills with your own hands generally depends on the deformation of structures, the availability of funds and free time. And in order for this interior detail to serve for many years, you should use it for its intended purpose and properly care for the plastic texture using products specifically intended for it.

Using liquid acrylic

Liquid acrylic perfectly hides all defects of a plastic window sill. It is difficult to carry out restoration using this method on your own. Installation requires skill in working with the material, but the effect is excellent. The window sill looks like new. For restoration, you can use bulk acrylic (price is per liter):

  • Art-eco – 2400 rub.;
  • Art-Array - from 3900 rubles;
  • Plastol – from 800 rub.

Rice. 5. Liquid acrylic on a plastic window sill

The material additionally strengthens the surface of the window sill. Acrylic can be used to change the color and texture of the window sill. Perfectly hides cracks, scratches and chips.

What are window sills with acrylic coating?

Those who want to save money usually go the other way, namely, they install not monolithic products made of artificial stone, but those made from cheaper materials, but with lamination. A thin acrylic film can cover both particle boards and a regular plastic window sill

. The thickness of the coating rarely exceeds 0.5 millimeters, although it consists of several layers: impregnated paper, acrylic and an outer thin glossy film that protects against impacts and accidental scratches. There is also another protective layer, which is removed after transportation and pasting of the surface.

What materials can be used

Today there is a wide variety of paints and varnishes on sale that can be used for PVC structures, including window sills.

Acrylic compositions can be distinguished, the basis of which is water. Their high level of technology is noted; many companies produce them. They are distinguished by their rapid drying rate, obtaining a layer that is resistant to mechanical stress, and quickly acquire hardness. Professionals have long rated these products as effective.

When painting a surface that is used in flammable areas, you can choose “Polistil” paint for window sills; its purpose is to paint metal objects, but it can also be used on plastic. Creates a fireproof layer and does not emit a pungent odor.

Their high level of technology is noted; many companies produce them.

Instructions for preparation and coloring

Preparation is an important stage; first of all, the old finish is removed. After removal, the surface is washed using detergents. To give a smooth surface, the window sill is sanded.

The clean surface is degreased with a suitable substance. When the coating dries, apply a primer solution. Painting can be carried out only after the primer has completely dried.

It is worth protecting the window and adjacent walls by applying masking tape to them.

To give a smooth surface, the window sill is sanded.

How to choose a degreaser and primer

The choice of degreasing and priming agent is important. They will ensure a high-quality result. Suitable for degreasing:

  • Acetone;
  • Vinegar;
  • Petrol.

You can resort to ready-made types, here they look at the constituent components so that they do not differ from the composition of the paint, this can lead to a reaction.

The degreaser is used on a matte finish; if the surface has a smooth structure, it must be sanded with sandpaper.

The degreaser is used on a matte finish.

Plastic has a low adhesion rate, for this reason the primer solution should be selected with a high degree of adhesion and elasticity.

Professionals note that acrylic primer works better with plastic materials.

Plastic has a low adhesion rate, for this reason the primer solution should be selected with a high degree of adhesion and elasticity.

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