Which sealant to choose for secondary sealing of double-glazed windows


The main provisions and technical requirements for double-glazed windows and the methodology for working with them are fixed:

  • GOST 24866-2014 Glued double-glazed windows. Technical conditions.
  • GOST 30779-2014 Glued double-glazed windows. Durability assessment method.
  • GOST 32998.4-2014(EN 1279-4:2002) Glued double-glazed windows. Methods for determining the physical characteristics of sealing layers.
  • GOST 32998.6-2014(EN 1279-6:2002) Glued double-glazed windows. Rules and methods for ensuring product quality.

GOST 24866-2014 also describes 2 methods for testing the tightness of double-glazed windows.

==== Figure 1 - Scheme of the stand for leak testing ====


- upper load screw;
2 -
3 -
— dial indicator;
5 —
double-glazed window;
— sliding supports;
- lower load screw

Test procedure.

1. Rotate the lower indicator scale 4

the arrow is set to zero division.

2. Load screw 7

load the lower glass so that the size of its deflection corresponds to the size of the deflection of the upper glass.

3. The glass unit is kept for 3-4 minutes to stabilize the readings of the upper indicator.

4. Set the readings of the scales of the upper and lower indicators to zero division again.

5. The glass unit is kept under load (15±1) minutes and the readings of the upper indicator are determined.

If the glass unit is sealed, the reading of the top indicator should be no more than 0.02 mm.

When testing a two-chamber double-glazed window, the tightness of each chamber is determined separately. In this case, to test the second chamber, the glass unit is turned over on supports 6

180° around the longitudinal axis.

6. Evaluation of results. The samples are considered to have passed the test if the upper indicator readings for all samples do not exceed 0.02 mm.

Multifunctional Cosmofen

Among the variety of polymer sealants, this adhesive has the greatest advantages. Cosmofen is distinguished by the instant connection of two surfaces. The product does not react at all to fungi and mold, and is also resistant to corrosion. Even after years of use, the seam does not change its color.

The most popular today is Cosmofen 345. It is actively used for sealing seams on window profiles made of rigid polyvinyl chloride. The glue is resistant to aging and precipitation, as well as the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Even after 15 years, the surface of the seam does not crack.

If materials are glued or glued, for example, a foam plinth at the junction of the ceiling and wall, then Cosmofen is applied to one of the elements, after which the component parts are pressed for 3-5 minutes. Products can be subjected to load after welding after 16-20 hours.

The final applications of liquid plastic are impressive in their diversity. Using this product you can seal seams, as well as gaps between the parts of the window structure. If you take into account the basic recommendations and rules of use, you can end up with perfect gluing of structures made of different materials. Using ZhP to seal cracks and seal PVC window joints with slopes, you can get a monolithic structure that has one color shade.

Types of sealants

During application, the sealant resembles a paste-like dense mass that tightly fills the gap. Each species then manifests itself differently. To choose the right sealant, you need to consider how it behaves after application and during operation. If we classify according to this parameter, then there are three types:

  • Vulcanizing. Under the influence of atmospheric moisture, temperature or catalysts (for two-component compositions) they transform from a viscous to an elastic state that looks like rubber.
  • Drying out. They harden to the form of elastic rubber during the evaporation of the liquid phase. They are able to return to a paste-like state again after exposure to a solvent.
  • Non-drying. At high temperatures they remain viscous, when cooled they “thicken”, becoming elastic and elastic.

The “behavior” of the sealant and its adhesive properties with different materials depend on the composition.

What is the advantage of new adhesive for plastic windows?

Plastic structures are in great demand due to their affordable cost, simplicity and speed of installation. The main difficulty when installing PVC windows is sealing the joints of window blocks with slopes. When using classic sealants, the following problems arise:

  • have an unpleasant characteristic: they interact with the chemicals of flavorings and absorb cigarette smoke, after a couple of months acquiring a bright yellow color;
  • have low adhesion qualities, due to this they peel off over a period of time or are completely washed off;
  • at high humidity they turn black and become moldy;
  • When using silicone, after a couple of months the slopes may fall behind one another due to temperature fluctuations, and the material will begin to peel off;
  • MS polymers have a milky color from the very beginning and do not change it, but there is a very high probability of acquiring a fake, which usually leads to unpredictable results.

A new adhesive has emerged - liquid plastic (LP).

Its important advantages:

  • firmly glues the slopes to the window and to each other, this can be explained by diffusion welding of surfaces at the joining points, a single part will appear that has no signs of mating and no color differences;
  • the adhesive material matches the material from which the windows are made, which ensures the greatest compatibility of the parts being glued;
  • does not change color for 15 years;
  • will not absorb cigarette smoke;
  • fully seals joints and cracks;
  • moisture resistant;
  • does not turn yellow over time, does not fall apart, and therefore does not stand out against the background of the window;
  • resistant to temperature changes, ultraviolet rays and atmospheric phenomena;
  • fungus and mold do not appear on the surface;
  • resistant to mechanical and chemical influences;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable.

There is a drawback, the first of which is the high drying speed. When extruded onto the surface, there is only 60 seconds to apply and smooth the adhesive. If you spend more time, a film will appear on the surface of the plastic, which will prevent you from creating a regular seam. The second serious disadvantage is the toxicity of the material. It has a sudden chemical aroma that causes headaches when exhaled. Moreover, the instructions say that the glue causes cancer.

Take care of your own health: work in a respirator, rubber gloves and ensure the correct ventilation system.

How to apply sealants correctly

First of all, it is necessary to clean the gap from dust and dirt. If the contamination is increased, then it makes sense to rinse it with water and dry it immediately.

After cutting the tip, the cylinder is inserted into the gun and fixed. When the gap is prepared, the sealant is applied slowly into it in the form of a thin and uniform layer and, if possible, the process should be completed to the end and without interruption.

If it was not possible to stretch the layer without interruption, then you can get rid of the drips using a construction knife, naturally, when the silicone dries. Sometimes during operation, drops may fall on the window sill or glass, in which case you can wipe them off with a soft rag or a cotton swab dipped in gasoline.


You can carry out sealing yourself. When working, you will need a syringe, water and mounting tape. To prevent the slopes from getting dirty, you need to stick construction tape on them. Working areas should be thoroughly cleaned and degreased, but products containing acetone should not be used for PVC windows, otherwise unsightly stains will appear on the surface. Slowly squeeze the sealant into the seam using a syringe. The tool must be held at such an angle that its nose straightens the applied putty. Then everything is smoothed out with a finger dipped in water. The seams should be thoroughly filled with the product so that there are no voids left. Even before the material hardens, its excess is carefully removed from the surfaces, without disturbing the integrity of the sealant applied to the seams. The putty should not be applied to all the seams at once, but should be worked in stages.

Signs of the need to seal plastic windows

Installing plastic windows has many nuances. Violation or omission of PVC installation rules can cause deterioration in the quality of sealing. Almost always, installation of plastic windows and their repair are carried out in the warm season. It is almost impossible to detect blowing in the summer, but with the onset of cold weather the first signs of the need for sealing may appear:

  • condensation appeared on the windows;
  • cold air blows from the gaps;
  • Water accumulates on the windowsill;
  • there was mold in the corner;
  • the air temperature in the room has decreased.

Rice. 8. External sealing

Plastic windows provide additional insulation and maximum protection from the external environment, so the presence of blowing or condensation, with properly installed double-glazed windows, is excluded. They should not allow water or cold air to pass through. The seam should be tight. In any case, if there is a violation of the protective properties and sealing of the window, sealing and the use of sealant are necessary.

Waterproofing with sealing tape for windows

The window slope always has a through gap at the point where it adjoins the frame. Even if polyurethane foam was used, microvoids still remain through which moisture seeps.

You can find advice:

  • plaster the gap;
  • cement the joint;
  • cover with acrylic.

All these options are not effective in practice. The plaster will get wet and crumble due to moisture, cement allows moisture to pass through well, acrylic may not adhere well to the surface of the slope and microcracks will form.

The most correct option is to use waterproofing tape. The work includes the following items:

  • removing dust or large particles of construction debris from the slope and frame;
  • degreasing the surface;
  • sticking tape.

For the first work we use dry rags. It is enough to wipe the surfaces so that no visible particles of construction debris remain. Next, take acetone or alcohol and wipe the surface of the frame and slope. Then we carefully unwind the insulating tape, separate the protective film from the adhesive base and apply gluing. The width of the tape should be distributed in half, so that there are equal parts of insulation on the wall and frame.

This type of work is classified as finishing; it is used after the actual installation of the window, if during operation there are problems with moisture getting into the room.

Rice. 5. Waterproofing with sealing tape for windows

It should be noted that the adhesive base cannot be wet, otherwise adhesion to the frame and wall will not occur and the tape will soon fall off. There is no need to seal it additionally. This not only will not improve the effect, but on the contrary, it may lead to the tape starting to come off under the influence of plaster, acrylic or other material used to decorate the slope seam.

Specialized sealants and compounds

There are a number of sealants and compounds that are not widely used in everyday life, but can be used for their intended purpose - sealing cracks in windows and openings.

Butyl rubber

This type belongs to non-curing sealants, and is available in different forms - pastes in tubes, self-adhesive cords and tapes.

Tapes and cords are widely used for sealing roof windows at roof junctions. As an indicator of resistance to any weather conditions and high mechanical loads, we can cite the fact that they are used when “gluing in” new car windows and headlights.

Disadvantages include dark color (gray or black) and the impossibility of painting. Not suitable for sealing assembly joints with foam insulation - low vapor permeability prevents the evaporation of excess moisture. Purpose - external sealing of translucent structures when the seam is not visible or is covered with finishing.

There are also one-component butyl sealants for double-glazed windows.


This type is also known as thiokol sealants. The best type of sealant in its class when it comes to creating a vapor barrier. Refers to two-component types - with a hardener.


  • creation of a second sealing circuit in the production of double-glazed windows;
  • sealing of translucent structures, including roof windows and skylights;
  • sealing the junction of ebb tides.

Unlike two-component polyurethane sealants, it does not require a precise dosage of hardener when mixing - it can be prepared and applied manually.

Flaws. When working, you must use personal protective equipment. Not suitable for sealing installation joints with insulation. In addition, they have quite large packaging and mostly professionals work with them.

This sealant is used for external work when sealing concrete joints, seams of metal roofing, junctions of canopies and cornices (except non-ferrous metals), and passages of sleeves for communications.

PVC adhesive sealant

The second name for this type of sealant is liquid plastic for windows.

Already from the name, the scope of application is clear - sealing cracks between PVC windows, plastic slopes and window sills. Can be used as a repair composition for plastic parts and frame components.

Essentially, it is polyvinyl chloride in the form of glue (in the liquid phase), which, after evaporating the solvent and drying, creates a strong, even seam with a PVC base.

Windows are sealed using different sealants. The choice depends on the operating conditions and the location of the slots. For frames and double-glazed windows, gas-tight sealants are needed, and for sealing insulated seams they will only do harm. And a completely different approach is required for external sealing of roof windows, when complete and reliable waterproofing of the entire structure is important.

Pros and cons of use

The main advantages of using sealed compounds:

  • availability;
  • possibility of independent use;
  • the ability to choose the composition of the glue;
  • ensuring thermal insulation properties;
  • ease of use;
  • resistance to temperature conditions.

Among the disadvantages, we can note the high cost of some compositions , for example, liquid plastic, as well as the tendency to gradual loss of color and yellowing.

Advantages of tape materials

No need to wait for the foam to cure

There is no need to wait for the polyurethane foam to polymerize, since the self-adhesive vapor barrier butyl rubber tape and PSUL are glued before filling the seam with foam, and the vapor barrier after. In turn, sealants must be laid on top of the mounting foam when it becomes hard. Depending on temperature conditions, this can take from 20-30 minutes to 24 hours (in summer or at a minimum acceptable for work -20 ° C). For this reason, winter insulation with sealants may take 2 days.

Installation speed

All tapes are glued faster than sealants are applied, so for PSUL tape, fixation to the opening will take no more than 3 minutes. Vapor barrier and diffusion tapes take a little longer to glue - about 5 minutes. As for the sealant, due to the need to level it, the process takes 5 minutes or more.

Installation features

The tape is applied both before fixing the window block in the opening, and on already installed structures. The first option is more convenient in cases with the installation of external insulation.

Let's consider the algorithm for using tape insulation using the example of gluing pre-compressed sealing tape (PSUL) and internal GPL-S with an additional strip of double-sided tape:

  • We prepare the opening. If there is an old window unit, we dismantle it as carefully as possible, without causing unnecessary damage. After dismantling, we level the surfaces adjacent to the future structure and clean them of foreign contaminants.
  • We perform a test installation of the block in the opening, temporarily fixing it. This is necessary to mark the edge of contact between the walls and the window, so that when gluing the tape is hidden behind the outer slopes.
  • We measure the window block. In accordance with the obtained dimensions, we cut PSUL for gluing on the top and sides of the frame; we prepare diffuse tape to isolate the area where the molding profile is attached.
  • We do the same with GPL-S (internal slopes) and butyl rubber tape (for the window sill profile). The material is measured for each side with an allowance of 10 cm to form corner joints.
  • We apply the tape, gradually removing the protective layer from the adhesive surface of the PSUL. We glue GPL-S to the inside of the window profile using a strip of double-sided tape (we do not remove the protective film from the main adhesive surface at this stage).
  • We fix the window in the opening. We wedge it, and then fasten it with anchors or using mounting plates. We fill the seams with polyurethane foam.
  • After complete polymerization of the foam and rough preparation of the inner surface of the walls, we fix GPL-S on them (remove the protective paper and glue it to the slopes).

It should be remembered that the tape must be selected in accordance with weather conditions. When working in winter, it is possible to glue only material intended for use in low temperature conditions.

Useful tips

And finally, I would like to give some practical advice that will help you make the right choice and not regret it.

Efficiency and reliability are important parameters that you need to pay attention to first.

You may have to overpay for them, but you can’t save on this. The composition of the mixture and the recommendations provided by the manufacturer are information that must be carefully and carefully studied. When working with sealant, it is important to adhere to the instructions for use and not deviate from them. The conditions that are necessary for the composition to harden must be met. Otherwise, the composition will not harden well and will not fully gain its performance characteristics.

When you don't know what to choose, stop at silicone sealant. In many respects it is better than its competitors; the combination of price and performance characteristics is at the optimal level. Polyurethane material has similar properties. If you want to achieve a high sound insulation effect during the sealing process, then it is better to choose silicone compounds. Choosing a well-known manufacturer that has good reviews from consumers is the right decision. Don't be afraid to overpay for a trademark, brand or advertising. But you get a high-quality product that will cope with the tasks assigned to it. Shelf life of sealant

Rarely does anyone pay attention to this parameter. But in vain, because such materials, like many building compounds, have a limited shelf life

After its expiration, the sealant loses its properties, becomes unreliable and can ruin all the work done.

Instead of an epilogue

The sealant market today is simply oversaturated with all kinds of brands. However, construction professionals advise purchasing sealants in retail chains, even if you cannot save on associated costs. This circumstance is due to the fact that in the Russian Federation, cases have become more frequent when from abroad (especially from the Asian region), when purchasing in an online store, a consumer bought a completely non-working product with zero performance properties (often simply expired). It is worth noting that it is better to give preference to Western brands, although for rare jobs you can also use Russian universal silicone sealants, for example, “Stiz A” and “Stiz B”.

Cost of sealing work

Name of worksUnit change Price, rub.)
Sealing external seams with silicone sealantm.p.300
Sealing external seams with Stiz-A sealantm.p.800

Description of the sealing process for aluminum windows

When preparing the surface, it is necessary not only to remove from it all kinds of remnants of previously used materials, dust and dirt, and moisture. It is also necessary to eliminate all frame distortions.

The remnants of the applied foam must be removed, and two protective layers must be applied on top: a material with heat-insulating properties and a mastic-sealant.

It is also recommended to apply a decorative coating. As such, you can choose either paint or plaster.

How to seal plastic windows

This subtype is considered more reliable compared to its wooden counterparts, which are more familiar to many. Most often, the sealing process in this case comes down to blowing in the joint between the wall or window sill and the window profile.

The joint is filled with polyurethane foam, the excess of which is cut off and then treated with sealant. This approach allows you to increase the service life of the foam: it will not be destroyed by all kinds of weather and climatic manifestations, will not sag under the load of the profile and, as a result, will retain its properties longer.

Important: you cannot leave the foam “naked” - in this state it quickly loses its original volume, thereby devaluing the entire sealing procedure as a whole

What to do with old wooden windows

This category of windows is the most vulnerable. This fact is due to the lower wear resistance of wood than metal and plastic.

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove old paint or varnish.

In order to enhance the sealing of wooden windows, all cracks are filled with polyurethane foam, the remains of which must be removed.

Frames that are too old and damaged must be restored. In this case, the products are disassembled, the glass is removed, and individual parts are replaced. Upon completion of all actions, the structure is reassembled.

Sealing the assembly seam

Sealing the assembly seam is a responsible process. Double-glazed windows provide noise and sound insulation, protection from atmospheric manifestations only if sealed. If it is blowing from the windows, it is not the double glazing that is to blame, but the lack of sealing.

No matter how simple the process of sealing joint seams may seem, it is necessary to stop and consider it in more detail. In addition to sealing the outer seam, it is also necessary to process the inner one. In addition, after filling with polyurethane foam, you need to protect it from the effects of aggressive atmospheric agents. That is, filling the seams with foam is not enough. You need to cut off the excess and stick a protective film on top. First of all, the surface is treated, cleaned of dirt and degreased. In the case of a metal surface, it is treated with a solvent containing acetone.

It is preferable to fill the seam with closed-cell polyethylene foam cord. If the seams are small, then tape, rather than cord, is used. Closed cell polyethylene enhances protection against moisture penetration.

After the seams are filled, they need to be primed. Most fillers have minimal adhesion, and a primer improves this quality. After priming, a sealant is applied, and the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed, since sealants have different quality characteristics. In any case, excess material is removed before it hardens.

Thanks to the sealant treatment, the polyurethane foam is not exposed to the harmful effects of temperature and moisture. The sealant is not so affected by weather conditions because it is elastic.

Sealing of joining seams is carried out directly during the installation of windows. However, if double-glazed windows are installed by builders, unfortunately, it often happens that the seams are simply spilled with foam, and even the excess is not cut off. In such a situation, it would be right to immediately contact specialists and seal the windows, since in the future the process will be more labor-intensive and will require more materials for surface treatment, and, accordingly, will cost more.

What is glass sealing?

Processing of these products begins during the production process

Due to this feature, the buyer must pay attention to a number of parameters of the sealant. First of all, these are characteristics such as

  • adhesion;
  • viscosity;
  • thixotropy.

A layer of sealant, which must be at least three millimeters, is applied to a glass unit that is almost ready for use. Upon completion of the vulcanization period, you can begin installing the double-glazed window.

White facade adhesive sealant

CEMMIX Facade adhesive-sealant is a special sealant based on hybrid polymers for various joints.

More details


For polyurethane sealants on joints requiring elasticity, the third contact surface must be eliminated. To do this, a cord made of foamed polyethylene is installed at the mouth of the seam.

Watch the video : Plastic windows. Quick sealing of joints and seams

The choice of materials for sealing windows and balconies is very wide, but each sealant has its own characteristics. Cemmix facade sealant and Cemmix adhesive-sealant for seams are universal materials that can be used when installing window units. You can buy Cemmix sealants wholesale and retail in construction networks, as well as online.

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For interior and exterior work

According to their physical and chemical properties, all sealants are divided into two categories - those used for outdoor work and those used indoors.

Sealants used for external work are subject to certain requirements that facilitate their effective resistance to aggressive external environments.

Seal the external seam with sealant

Requirements for external sealants:

  • Chemical resistance. Expressed in successful resistance to mold, water and chemicals.
  • Successful resistance to mechanical stress. That is, such a sealant must be durable and not be destroyed by external forces.
  • Elasticity.
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • Have a dye in its composition or have an easily colored structure.
  • When applied, have a condition in which all hard-to-reach places are easily filled (have fluidity).
  • Easy to adhere to surfaces (high adhesion).
  • Wide range of application and use temperatures.

Requirements for internal sealants:

  • No toxins. This is the main requirement for sealants used in residential premises, preventing poisoning of people, animals and the development of allergic reactions.
  • Resistant to biological agents, mold and bacteria.
  • Moisture resistance.

Criterias of choice

In order to avoid problems with the operation of windows, you need to immediately select a high-quality product and apply it correctly. It is worth choosing a sealant from a well-known brand, without saving and without looking for the cheapest composition.

Here are the main criteria by which sealant should be purchased:

  1. Composition color. Selected according to the basic tone of the window. White is most often used. If the desired shade is not on sale, it is recommended to buy a transparent composition.
  2. Availability of antiseptic additives. It is better if such substances are present in the sealant, even if it is planned to be used only for external use.
  3. Elasticity. Low-elastic compounds should only be used in old houses that no longer shrink.
  4. Good adhesion. The sealant must reliably adhere to precisely those base materials on which it will be applied, as well as to PVC.
  5. UV resistance. If this property is absent, then the sealed seam will quickly turn yellow and take on an unaesthetic appearance.
  6. Thixotropy and viscosity. A good sealant is quite thick and does not run off vertical surfaces, because most often it is applied to such surfaces.
  7. Chemical neutrality. You need to make sure that the sealant does not contain substances that could damage the material of the glass unit or base.

When purchasing, be sure to take into account the time of year in which the cracks will be sealed or slopes secured. For autumn and winter, it is better to use polyurethane or thiokol sealants; in case of sudden temperature changes, you can buy a butyl composition. In order to save on sealing external seams, acrylic products are used, but for internal work it is worth choosing a different composition.

Sealants for external use – exploring offers

Silicone compounds have been and remain among the most affordable and most popular sealants for sealing joints outside. Most often you can find white window sealant on sale - this is due to the color of PVC windows, often also white. However, silicone is actually colorless, and clear versions can also be found commercially. The most important advantage of this sealant is its high elasticity, which is maintained even at very low temperatures. In addition, silicone sealant is not afraid of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, which makes it suitable for insulating windows for the winter.

The main component of such compounds is rubber, which feels great on any surface. Since it is completely safe, silicone sealant is often used for interior work. However, when purchasing it, you should either select the desired color in advance, or not paint the seams in the future, since the paint adheres very poorly to silicone and does not adhere well after drying. The highest quality is considered to be an acidic silicone seal, which is easily recognized by the smell of vinegar. However, such compositions are incompatible with metal surfaces.

Exterior sealant

Silicone sealant has a serious drawback - “musicality”. The point is that when the composition is applied to the seam between the glass and the frame, it forms a thin film. After some time, this film can peel off from the glass, and then the windows begin to whistle in unison with the gusts of wind, in the most literal sense of the word. Whistling can only be eliminated by sealing the seam with a new layer of sealant after removing the old one. By the way, it is sometimes removed completely by accident, you just have to pull the hanging threads of the thin film.

Silicone sealant for windows

Among the new products on the market are acrylic silicone sealants, which combine the qualities of acrylic and silicone. Such sealants are highly elastic and at the same time can be painted. However, they also cost more. If a high level of sealing of seams and surfaces is most important to you, then the best choice is thiokol sealant. They are based on polysulfide oligomers - a component that provides a high degree of fluidity and viscosity after hardening. The high cost of thiokol compounds is justified by very powerful sealing. Working with them is quite difficult, since you have to mix two components yourself, so they are often used only by professionals.

What materials are windows made from?

If the translucent filling of a window or balcony block is usually made of glass, the profile material may be different:

  1. PVC;
  2. metal with or without thermal bridge;
  3. tree.

PVC is most often used for windows. Balcony blocks can be plastic or metal. Wooden windows are now available in two versions:

  1. expensive wooden double-glazed windows;
  2. simple wooden frames (found in old houses, and can also be used in country houses and outbuildings as an inexpensive window option).

Thus, the sealant for window seams must have adhesion to glass, plastic, wood, metal, as well as to the materials from which the walls of buildings are made - concrete, brick, stone.


“Pure” acrylic sealants refer to water-soluble materials in the initial stage and before curing. When filling small cracks, it can be “diluted” with water. Then they harden to form stable structural bonds inside the seam and with the contacting materials. A waterproof film is formed on the surface.

Advantages. High adhesion to mineral materials, concrete, wood. They sand well, paint well, and are easy to restore. In combination with additives that increase elasticity, it is one of the best materials for sealing cracks in wood.

Flaws. Not suitable for outdoor use and sealing glass - they cannot withstand temperature changes, prolonged contact with water, vibrations and shock loads, and are prone to drying out. They do not “stick” on rubber and surfaces with bitumen waterproofing treatment.

For “difficult” operating conditions, modifications of acrylic sealants are produced in compositions with latex (rubber) and silicone resins. The choice of a specific type depends on the manufacturer’s recommendations and is selected individually in each case.

Instructions for using liquid plastic for windows

Rice. 2. Correct application of polymer glue along the seam line.

For proper use of polymer glue, instructions for use are included when purchasing it. The main actions when using the product should be the following:

  • The adhesive composition must be applied to the surfaces of the parts to be joined by directly squeezing it out of the tube. To do this, put a conical cap on the tube, from which the end is cut off.
  • Pre-glued surfaces must be cleaned of dirt and dust and degreased.
  • The glue should be applied in a thin continuous line along the joint line (photo below).
  • You can touch the surface after the polymer joint has completely dried.
  • After processing the joints, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the room.


There are many different sealants on the market, we have selected a list of the best for windows:

  • Ceresit CS 25;
  • Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate;
  • Moment Germent is neutral;
  • KRASS Universal;
  • S 400;
  • Dow Corning 709;
  • CIKI FIX Universal.

Let's move on to the description of each candidate from the rating.

Ceresit CS 25

The Ceresit series of silicone sealants offers the user one of the best offers for sealing seams and voids. Sealant CS 25 can be used not only as a sealant, but also as a grout. The main advantage of the sealant is its composition. In addition to silicone, an increased amount of antifungal additives was added to the base material.

Volume0.5 l
Drying time24 hours

Price: 150 rub.

sealant Ceresit CS 25

  • fits well;
  • resistant to mold and mildew;
  • easy to clean.

Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate

This sealant is the best product for windows, cracks, and voids. The material is a type of silicone, but has more antifungal additives, which allows it to last longer without the appearance of a black coating. During operation, the material is characterized by increased viscosity and a high adhesion rate.

Volume0.5 l
Drying time24 hours

Cost: 160 rubles.

sealant Belinka Belsil Sanitary Acetate

  • excellent adhesion;
  • due to its viscosity, it closes cracks well;
  • versatility.

Moment Germent neutral

“Germent” is the best sealant for problematic seams both indoors and outdoors. Does not cause corrosion of metals and does not react to alkaline surfaces.

Volume0.5 l
Drying time24 hours

Price tag: 200 rub.

sealant Moment Sealant neutral

  • neutral smell;
  • heat resistance (up to +30);
  • anti-corrosion.

KRASS Universal

A special feature of sealants from the KRASS company is the absence of shrinkage during operation. Differs in adhesion to the surface. The sealant does not spread, but ensures uniform filling of the seam. Suitable for creating not only stationary but also moving seams. The advantages are increased characteristics: fire safety, mold resistance, heat resistance.

Volume0.5 l
Time24 hours

Price: 150 rub.

sealant KRASS Universal

  • versatility;
  • resistant to fires (fire);
  • antifungal effect;
  • no shrinkage.

S 400

This sealant is more resistant to mold than its analogues. The presence of additives such as fungicides and acetates eliminates the formation of microorganisms on the surface of the seam. It has excellent adhesion to glossy surfaces, it is waterproof and durable. It comes in different colors; you can also order your own color option directly from the manufacturer.

Purposestation wagon
Time24 hours.
Volume0.5 l.

Price: 150 rubles.

sealant S 400

  • elasticity;
  • adhesion;
  • moisture resistance.

Dow Corning 7091

Non-corrosive, one-component, moisture curing. It has strong adhesion and does not form mold in rooms with high humidity.

Time24 hours
Volume0.5 l.

Price tag: 590 rub.

sealant Dow Corning 7091

  • strong adhesion;
  • one-component;
  • antifungal.

CIKI FIX Universal

This sealant has the property of tightly “fastening” most materials. The sealant has good elasticity. It does not wash out or crack, and no black plaque from bacteria forms on it. Recommended for use in rooms with strong ventilation - just right for windows!

Time24 hours
Volume500 ml

Cost: 70 rub.

sealant CIKI FIX Universal

  • high temperature resistance (up to +145);
  • strong adhesion;
  • does not emit odor.

Characteristic differences

Quite often in the domestic sphere, RP is used for high-quality sealing of seams in polyvinyl chloride windows. Flawless bonding of the slopes and the block itself is ensured due to the fact that such products are made of a solid substance. The plastic has the same structure and density. After the glue has completely hardened, the impression of a monolithic structure is created. The manufacturers themselves note that the sealant is ideal not only for plastic windows, but also for old wooden frames.

After many years of use, the wood may simply dry out, causing deep cracks to form. Larger ones can be sealed using non-expanding foam. The nose of a construction gun simply cannot fit into small cracks, and careless use of the material can provoke the development of deformations. That is why experts recommend using a universal hard drive.

Adhesive sealant can be safely used to seal gaps between the frame and glass. More recently, such areas were sealed everywhere with standard mastic, but this procedure had to be repeated several times, as the material simply dried out. In the case of liquid plastic, this problem is completely eliminated. Since reliable protection against gaps is observed for 15-20 years. The product will not affect the overall aesthetics of the window, and the product will not fade in the sun.

Don't forget about restrictions. Experts do not recommend gluing surfaces that are constantly in direct contact with a damp environment. The parts to be glued must not have a porous structure. The sealant is not intended for solving those problems when the craftsman needs to obtain a plastic seam. If you need to carefully glue aluminum parts, then they should be pre-treated with special compounds. Otherwise, the adhesive qualities of the glue will be reduced several times.


Window sealant can be created from a variety of materials, which determine its properties, features and the area in which it can be used. Based on their composition, hermetic compounds are divided into several types.

  • Silicone is the most affordable of all options. The most commonly chosen material is white, although some manufacturers offer a wide range of colors. This material is used to insulate structures and fill gaps. Silicone sealant must be applied to a well-cleaned surface, otherwise the adhesion characteristics will be very low. Wet surfaces are also not suitable. The silicone mixture fills small cracks well and shrinks a little when drying.
  • Acrylic can be applied to areas treated with foam. This is a good and affordable material that adheres well to many types of surfaces, even wet ones. Most often you can find white varieties of sealant, although transparent materials are also available. Acrylic sealant can be used as a putty for cracks and cracks that may appear after the window is installed. This is a vapor-permeable material, it is able to absorb moisture and therefore darken a little.

  • The polymer composition is often called liquid plastic. Such sealants have a short hardening time and demonstrate excellent adhesive properties. Such advantages pale somewhat in comparison with the high cost and ability to break under loads. Using polymer to seal windows is not always advisable.
  • Butyl is created on the basis of polyisobutylene, suitable for interior work. The filler is chalk, the amount of which determines the strength characteristics of the composition. Its amount should not exceed half of the total composition, otherwise the sealant will crumble and dry out. The material also contains paraffin and oily substances, which are responsible for high adhesive characteristics. This is a vapor barrier composition, which is an important advantage.

  • Polyurethane material has been on the market for a long time, is popular, and is a good option for sealing joints and filling cracks. After hardening, the mass increases in volume, which ensures good sealing. Using this installation tool, you can significantly increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the structure. The user is not afraid even of the high cost, since it is fully justified by the excellent characteristics and durability.
  • The thiokol composition has polysulfide components in its structure. To harden it, you do not need to create special conditions and adhere to certain rules. You can work with this material in any weather and at any time of the year. Performance characteristics are also maintained regardless of external conditions. This material is excellent for external work.
  • Polysulfide material is superior to its competitors in fluidity, density and viscosity. It fills all, even very small, cracks. The composition is two-component, which causes different drying times; in some cases, this process may even require several days. This sealant is not afraid of high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation; it is frost-resistant and durable. It is advisable to use it for low tides and for sealing double-glazed windows. The only drawback is the high cost, which is fully justified by the performance characteristics.
  • The cork composition is an absolute novelty, which, despite its short lifespan, has managed to win the favor of users. The main share of the composition is given to cork chips. Such compositions are used in many areas; maintenance of window structures is no exception. The features and characteristics of cork sealants are so high that many other materials are relegated to second place.

How effective is polyurethane foam against water ↑

Window waterproofing is a strip of material that is used for gluing between the opening and the plastic window before applying foam. Its main function is to protect the window from moisture and leaks. Polyurethane foam suffers the most from water. When wet, its structure is destroyed and its properties are lost. Since for some reason many people are sure that polyurethane foam is a reliable waterproofing material, let’s take a closer look at its properties.

Experts recommend calling it “polyurethane foam,” that is, based on the main material included in its composition. Its main purpose is not installation, but filling the existing joints between already installed structures, bridging voids, cracks, etc. It would be more logical to call it “overlapping foam”.

To protect against moisture and ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to provide several layers during installation: heat, vapor barrier and vapor permeable

Under the influence of moisture, the foam increases in volume from 50 to 200-250%, hardens within 24 hours in a temperature range of +5-35 ° C and air humidity of at least 60%. It also absorbs moisture well, so it itself needs waterproofing; in addition, it is destroyed under the influence of UV rays. But polyurethane foam has sound and heat insulating properties.

Thus, when waterproofing windows, you should pay attention to other materials rather than relying on polyurethane foam. Properly installed plastic windows protect the room from dust and noise, retain heat and last a long time

If any errors were made in the installation, then after a while a gap forms at the junction of the window and the wall, in which moisture collects and mold forms. Poor quality vapor barrier plays a role

Properly installed plastic windows protect the room from dust and noise, retain heat and last a long time. If any errors were made in the installation, then after a while a gap forms at the junction of the window and the wall, in which moisture collects and mold forms. Poor quality vapor barrier plays a role.

The installation seam needs to be carefully isolated from the ingress of water from the outside.

How to make a high-quality gap between the wall and the window, and not just plastic? It is important to prepare the opening, as well as the window structure. To do this, dirt, dust and other unnecessary elements are removed, oily areas are degreased

Cleaned surfaces should be sanded and, if necessary, cracks should be repaired. During periods of sub-zero temperatures, the surface must be cleared of snow and/or ice. As a result, it should turn out clean and smooth.

Often the installation seam of windows is made of foam plastic, and it can fail for the following reasons:

  • exposure to sunlight: polystyrene foam does not “like” them.
  • erosion of polyurethane foam due to water ingress.
  • Due to the expansion/contraction of windows, erosion can also occur, negatively affecting the window.

You can determine whether the seal is broken by the following signs: when the windows are closed, drafts appear, mold and mildew form on the walls and joints, and leaks form when it rains. They indicate that the window should be well taken care of.

Waterproofing window openings and joints can eliminate these unpleasant consequences. The most popular materials for such purposes are:

  • window sealant;
  • liquid sealant (or liquid “plastic”);
  • sealing tape that is applied to the mounting foam.

Polyurethane foam is an excellent sound and heat insulator

Types of sealants

All sealants are divided into the following:

  • Acrylic.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Thiokol.
  • Bitumen.
  • Silicone.

Let's take a closer look:


One of the cheapest sealants, intended only for indoor work. They do not tolerate precipitation, temperature changes, or mechanical stress so well.

With good adhesion, it has good adhesion to the surface. Acrylic sealant can be processed using sandpaper. It takes paint well.


It is an elastic viscous composition and has good adhesion. Used in external and internal works. He is not afraid of temperature changes or precipitation. Tolerates corrosion and staining.


One of the most durable sealants. It has a high tolerance to solvents, acids, alkalis, gasoline, kerosene, and various types of oil. It is not afraid of precipitation, high or low temperatures.


It is mainly used in the construction of garages, basements and houses. Works well when working with aerated concrete, foam concrete, brick, and metal. However, when high temperature or its source appears, it becomes fluid, and it is impossible to work with it in this state.


One of the most versatile and common types of sealants. Gained popularity because of its characteristics. Withstands aggressive environments (abnormal heat or cold), having high elasticity, durability and moisture resistance.


Liquid plastic has recently appeared on the market and has virtually no disadvantages. This sealant uses the principle of diffuse welding, that is, it has the property of ideally welding surfaces in places where parts come into contact. Consequently, after applying the glue, a single part is formed in the problem area, without any color or other modifications.

Butt window treatment using liquid plastic has the following positive properties:

  • joining seams are treated with the same material as is used for slopes and windows;
  • high density of parts bonding;
  • after complete hardening, a monolithic part is formed at the gluing (welding) site, where there will be absolutely no gaps between the slope part and the window;
  • the desired effect is achieved through the use of diffuse welding - a technology that provides for the mutual penetration of parts;
  • mold or mildew will never form in the place where the treatment was carried out, and the seam itself is characterized by sufficient strength;
  • the sealant is absolutely safe for health and does not harm the environment;
  • The manufacturer's stated warranty regarding the sealant indicates that the formed seam will not be subject to change for at least 15 years.


For a 200 g tube only 275 rubles. You can buy it at any hardware store.

Voltage in the edge zone of a glass unit

The glass unit is sealed under the conditions (air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure) prevailing at the time of production. As a result, any changes in temperature or atmospheric air pressure will lead to a change in pressure inside the glass unit and the occurrence of stress on the glass, especially in the edge zone where the glass is fixed with sealant. There is a “swelling” or “compression” of the glass unit. The problem is most acute for small-sized double-glazed windows with a narrow inter-glass space, because the relative expansion rates in this case increase significantly.

Voltage compensation

The main burden of compensating the stress in the edge zone of the glass unit falls on the sealing layer

It is very important that the depth of the sealing layer is sufficient to maintain the functionality of the system, since a thin sealing layer is practically unable to withstand such cyclic loads due to its small width

Effect of sealant during glass expansion

When expanding a glass unit, the secondary sealant must hold the glass in place, because otherwise, the butyl may rupture and moisture will penetrate into the glass unit. The thickness of the pressed butyl is less than a millimeter, while the width of the secondary sealant is tens of times greater. An expansion of a few millimeters for polysulfide will not be critical at all, but butyl will have to expand by hundreds of percent, which will lead to its rupture and, as a consequence, to further depressurization of the glass unit.

The action of the sealant when compressing the glass unit

And, conversely, when a double-glazed window is compressed, butyl may begin to be squeezed out into the inter-glass space, which will lead to a disruption in the aesthetic appearance of the inside of the double-glazed window, as well as a decrease in the primary sealing layer. In this case, the vapor permeability of the entire layer will decrease and the lifetime of the glass unit will be reduced.

In what cases will sealing tape help? ↑

To use sealing tape, the surface of the window opening must be perfectly clean and smooth. The distance between the window itself and the opening must be the same everywhere, only then will the waterproofing be reliable. Thanks to the sealing tape, moisture will not get into the seam and window opening, and steam will escape out.

Depending on the degree of compression of the tape, there may be one or another resistance to showers and wind loads. This parameter is usually equal to 20%.

The sealing tape is not attached to the window with fasteners, but is simply pressed tightly into a special groove in the profile

Types of sealants for plastic windows

Depending on the method of application, sealants are classified as vulcanizing, drying and non-drying. By composition: single-component and multi-component. According to the chemical composition, sealants are:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • thiokol;
  • polyurethane;
  • bitumen;
  • façade

Silicone sealants are most often used to seal PVC. Asphalt sealant is rarely used due to its black color, but it is used on exterior joints as a primer. Facade mastics are also rarely used for sealing plastic windows, but it is advisable to use them for sealing work.

Rice. 3. Types of PVC sealants

Acrylic sealants for windows

Acrylic sealants are viscous acrylic-based compounds used to seal window openings, seal small cracks and seams, and seal gaps between the opening and the frame. They are moisture resistant. No primer required. Usually they are white. Prone to fading. Applied using a special gun. Harden within 24 hours. Not suitable for surfaces constantly exposed to moisture as they may shrink. Not used for compaction. They have excellent adhesion. Can be applied to a wooden opening.

Rice. 4. Acrylic sealant

Thiokol sealants for windows

Thiokol or polysulfide sealants are a fluid mass based on thiokol with high density and viscosity, are very elastic and retain their properties for a long time. The sealant is not exposed to temperatures, is resistant to frost and is not subject to atmospheric aging. Used as a sealant for application to slopes. Depending on the additional components in the composition, it can dry from several hours to several days. Must be used with primers (subcoats). Thiokol sealants are superior in strength and durability to similar materials of other compositions.

Rice. 5. Thiokol sealant

Polyurethane sealants for windows

Polyurethane sealants for windows and seams are used to treat window joints with cold materials (concrete and brick) and are considered one of the most budget-friendly offers among sealants. They are resistant to precipitation, do not allow moisture to pass through, are durable and can withstand heavy loads. Retain their appearance for up to 20 years. Cracks can be sealed using polyurethane sealant. The material provides heat and sound insulation, and also retains its sealing properties even at -50 and +80 degrees.

Rice. 6. Polyurethane sealant

List of sources

  • balkon4life.ru
  • dekoriko.ru
  • www.sazi-group.ru
  • nadoremont.com
  • www.wikipro.ru
  • www.remontokon-msk.ru
  • remoskop.ru
  • okna-biz.ru
  • DerevoStroika.ru
  • stroyobzor.info

Installation of hydro and vapor barrier for windows

Sealing the space between the window block and the opening includes three main layers: central, external and internal.

The central layer is, in the vast majority of cases, polyurethane foam. It, together with fastening elements, fixes the structure in the opening, protects the room from drafts and heat loss, and also prevents moisture from entering. The polyurethane from which the foam is made quickly deteriorates under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation and other external influences, which is why it cannot be left open. Therefore, complete finishing implies the use of additional protection.

The outer layer is waterproofing. It is mainly necessary to prevent moisture from entering from the street; in addition, it insulates the opening and protects it from the negative influence of atmospheric factors, including UV radiation. One of the important features of external waterproofing is its one-sided vapor permeability, which ensures proper ventilation of the seam and prevents the accumulation of any liquid in it. The most common materials are specialized tape products, for example, PSUL and sealing liquid mastics.

The inner layer is a vapor barrier. Located on the side of the room, prevents moisture from entering the installation seam

This is especially important when glazing rooms in which there are relatively many vapor accumulations - kitchens or bathrooms. Vapor barriers are characterized by almost zero moisture permeability, have a hygroscopic outer surface, so water does not linger on it and dries quickly

There are also foil types of vapor barriers used for dry finishing of slopes (lining, panels). Most often, tape butyl rubber materials are used for installation; less often, acrylic or silicone sealants are used.

The choice of insulation products depends on the finish and the specific climatic conditions prevailing in the region

However, regardless of these factors, it is important to have all three layers and follow the technology for laying them. Only then can freezing of the seam, destruction of insulation, and the appearance of moisture accumulations on internal slopes be completely eliminated

Features of sealants used in the production of double-glazed windows

Over the past few years, the production of double-glazed windows has been accelerating. This is due to high demand among the population. The decisive role is played by the quality of the products, their functionality and relative cheapness. But the production of these products has its own subtleties, on which the performance of the product directly depends. The production of double-glazed windows requires large investments in the acquisition of the necessary equipment. But it is precisely the presence of their own facilities that allows many companies to be independent of suppliers, satisfy their own needs in a convenient manner and independently regulate their pricing policy.

There are no small details in the production of double-glazed windows. The standard design consists of glass, a spacer, a molecular sieve, an insulating sealant and decorative elements. The sealant is an important component that helps maintain the performance of the entire glass unit for a long time, and with its help, maximum sound and heat insulation of the room is achieved.

Properties and features of primary sealant

The most common design is with two sealing circuits, each of which performs its own functions.

The first contour ensures the tightness of the chamber and serves to outline the glass unit. For the primary sealant, a butyl-based composition is used. The application technology is simple:

  1. The composition in liquid form is applied along the edges of the spacer frame around the entire perimeter.
  2. The outline of the spacer is placed on a clean glass.
  3. Another glass is placed on the contour.
  4. The workpiece is compressed under a press and glued together thanks to the properties of the primary butyl sealant.

The special composition of the mixture is resistant to temperature and pressure changes, limits the penetration of vapors and gases, and has excellent durability results.

To comply with the technological process, it is necessary to apply the primary sealant using special equipment - a butyl extruder. The construction market offers a wide selection of models that vary in price, performance and volume. But since this is expensive equipment, not every company providing double-glazed window installation services can afford to purchase it. As a result of the use of various substitutes for butyl sealant - adhesive tapes, cords or spacers with an applied layer of sealant - labor productivity is significantly reduced, the cost of components increases, and therefore the final product, and, in addition, the quality of the product deteriorates. You can also apply the primary sealant by hand. The operation of applying the adhesive composition is an important component of the entire technological process for obtaining a high-quality result.

Types of secondary sealants

Secondary sealing gives strength to the glass unit. Since during operation the structure is subject to various loads, vibrations, and atmospheric phenomena, a second layer of sealant is required, which must have elasticity and strength. The following can be used as secondary compounds:

  • "hot melt"
  • silicone,
  • polyurethane
  • polysulfide.

After performing the operations of applying the primary sealant and crimping the glass unit, polymers are applied along the entire perimeter of the structure.

Features of hot melts

The synthetic hot melt composition could replace sealants based on polysulfide and polyurethane, as it has the same quality characteristics: insoluble in water, hardens quickly, and creates a reliable barrier to the penetration of moisture and steam.

To apply the sealant, you need special equipment - an extruder, which is a container from which molten sealant is supplied through a pipeline. The cost of such equipment is extremely high. This technology for manufacturing double-glazed windows was used back in the 70-80s.

But hot melt has some negative qualities. Its peculiarity is that when the temperature rises, the sealant softens and ceases to perform the function of ensuring the strength of the double-glazed window. This moves the soft sealant to the bottom of the window, where it then hardens as the temperature drops. As a result, cracks form in the structure, into which moisture penetrates, which ultimately leads to deformation and destruction of the entire glass unit. When using hot melt as a secondary sealant, the service life of the structure is halved.

Features of silicone sealant

Silicone sealants appeared on the building materials market relatively recently and are compositions based on low molecular weight silicone rubbers. They are used to fill cavities and cracks and glue surfaces together. The sealant has a number of positive performance qualities:

  • water resistance,
  • elasticity,
  • frost and heat resistance,
  • good adhesion to all materials.

But this also has its drawbacks - high cost, gas permeability and long hardening time. In order to improve the quality characteristics of silicone sealant, it must be applied in several layers. This leads to an increase in material consumption, which means an increase in the cost of the double-glazed window itself.

Features of polysulfide and polyurethane sealants

Polysulfide sealant is an elastic, durable material, without solvents. It is used in the production of block glass. It hardens by mixing two components - a base and a hardener. Polymerization occurs at room temperature within 2-3 hours after application, and final hardening occurs within a day. The material is resistant to temperature fluctuations: it can withstand temperatures from minus 50 to plus 100 degrees. In addition, it is vapor-proof and durable, has good adhesion to most materials: aluminum, steel, glass, etc. They work with sealant both manually and using extruders. Before using the composition, the surfaces to be bonded must be cleaned, degreased and dried. When storing the material, do not expose it to direct sunlight; the temperature can be from +10 to +30 degrees.

Plastic sealants based on polyurethane ensure the resistance of the glass unit to environmental influences. With their help, quick gluing and protection of the primary sealing contour is carried out during further processing of the glass unit. They are identical to polysulfide sealants and have the same properties: high elasticity, the ability to glue various materials, water resistance, ultraviolet resistance, durability. The composition of the material allows it to be worked at temperatures down to minus 10 degrees. When mixing components, their proportions must be strictly observed; they are not used in “manual” production.

To apply polyurethane sealants, special extruders designed specifically for this type of material are used. They produce self-expanding polyurethane mixtures that polymerize when interacting with water. The mass doubles in volume. This creates a rubber-like surface that has high chemical resistance. During polymerization, the sealant does not shrink and does not emit harmful substances. There are minor drawbacks that do not significantly affect the overall performance characteristics:

  • the composition does not withstand constant exposure to temperatures above 120 degrees;
  • It is not recommended to work at humidity levels above 10%.

Polyurethane and polysulfide sealants are most widely used when installing double-glazed windows. They have high strength characteristics. The hardening time of the material is two to three hours, complete hardening is 24 hours. You can work with polysulfides either manually or using special equipment, while polyurethane completely eliminates manual production.

As you can see, each sealant has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate composition for each type of double-glazed window. For example, when making frameless structures, it is better to use silicone sealants because they are resistant to sunlight. But for their hardening, high humidity and a temperature not lower than plus 12 are required. Applying butyl and polyurethane sealants requires expensive equipment. Silicone has very high gas and water permeability compared to other sealants.

An alternative to traditional sealing materials

Manufacturers are constantly working to create sealants for double-glazed windows that are alternative to those traditionally used. Not long ago, an expert in the field of insulation systems and a developer of innovative technologies launched the Swigle Strip spacer and sealing tape. The material is a continuous tape consisting of a sealant, a desiccant and an aluminum spacer (distance frame). The sealant is made from butyl rubber-based polymers. Inside it is a molecular sieve (special powder). A wavy aluminum tape serves as a spacer. Swigle Strip is flexible, so corner elements are not required for its use in double-glazed windows. The innovative material simultaneously performs several functions - sealant, moisture absorption, distance between glasses, corners.

The tape is applied to the glass unit along the perimeter, starting from the corner. The operation is performed manually using special tools, but you can do without them. A second sheet of glass is placed on top of the Swigle and pressed to the desired thickness. The tape ensures reliable bonding of the finished glass unit and water-vapour resistance. Due to the flexibility of the universal sealant, it can be used in the manufacture of structures of any configuration.

The main disadvantage of Swigle Strip is the high cost of the material itself and the equipment for its use. In addition, there are some difficulties with its delivery and storage. All these factors influence the sale of tape in the consumer market.

For manufacturers of double-glazed windows, it is extremely important to know all the positive and negative qualities of the sealants used, and to choose only products of excellent quality and well-known manufacturers. And it’s a good idea for consumers to inquire about the construction technology from the seller, since the quality of the double-glazed window directly depends on this.

Types of adhesives

The following compounds are most often used to seal balcony and window structures.

Cosmofen 345

Cosmofen 345 is an excellent product for sealing and sealing seams between window parts. The glue does not spread, is white in color, is not afraid of moisture and does not turn yellow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to the specific shape - a bottle with a tip, the composition is very easy to apply

Considering that a portion freezes in 60 seconds, this is an important advantage


CosmofenPlusHV is a version of “liquid nails”. Its main task is to fasten parts: strips, drains, window sills and other things. However, Plus also has the properties of sealant. The composition has increased viscosity

This is an important advantage, since such a seam has some elasticity and compensates for the difference in the thermal conductivity of different materials. The glue is produced in sealed packages of 200 g.

The photo shows the PlusHV composition, packaged in 200 g. CosmofenСа 12 is a universal option, suitable for gluing not only window parts, but also other products made of PVC, polypropylene, wood, metal, glass. The strength of the connection is in no way inferior to fastening with nails and screws.

The disadvantage of CA 12 is the small volume of packaging. For household needs, a bottle of 20 and 50 g is enough, but for gluing such large parts as platband or window sill, you have to use several packages of CA 12.

What is liquid plastic

Liquid plastic is a product that can be used for plastic windows; it consists of polymers that have a fluid consistency, quickly turning into a solid form after certain chemical processes occur, as well as exposure to certain temperature indicators.

The manufacturer produces a whole line of similar products, which differ in functionality, components, area of ​​influence, consistency, and color.

There are two types of liquid plastic:

  • with one component inside;
  • two or more components.

The first option is produced using special solvents; the fillers here are polyurethane and some types of resins based on alkyd and acrylic substances. In addition, there are plasticizers, pigments, modifiers, as well as other means that can enhance the effect of this product and endow it with special properties.

Important! The specific composition of the product allows it to be used for certain surfaces (wood, plastered surfaces, polymers, concrete coating, metal products)

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